State Indoor 2009 Results

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State Indoor 2009 ResultsPlaceArcher StateOpen Mens RecurveSteven1 PeterVICMitchell2 JamesVICOwen3 Bristow VICDavid4 WalshVICPaul5 BowenVICTrevor6 FilmerVICRobert7 WelshVICWayne8 ParrVICRussell9 CaddyVICRichard10 GuiseVICLeigh11 GoldVICLeighRobertso12 nVICMark13 Mitchell VICScottPankhurs14 tVICPeter15 FurnellVICMark16 PerryVICCarl17 MurrayVICOpen Womens RecurveErika1 AnearVICHeather2 SymesVICDawn3 NelsonVICDebbieTremellin4gVICLeanne5 Strahan VICMichelle6 LittleVICClubRound1/4Round1/2RoundSubtotal 91

Jo7 Lawrence VICMelinda8 PiesseVICPatricia9 Mennie VICKathryn10 Garnier VICOpen Mens CompoundMarcelVerstege1nVICDerek2 556277275552Rick21 Dalgarno rland

Colin22 CarterMichael23 WoodJohn24 73545VICDva267270537278281559Wayne25 O'donnell 36293Aim14813828616014930926 Ty YoungFrankCastelluc27 ciaNick28 GrahamShaunSomervill29 eMichael30 AnthonyGrayScott35 Thornton VICOpen Womens CompoundErika1 AnearVICRenae2 Farrugia VICDiane3 CarterVICFiona4 GuestVICKim5 Watson VICLindaPesudov6sVICKaren7 Bickerton VICOpen Mens LongbowGavin1 DownsVICSimon2 Hitchon VICJohn3 WoodsVIC

Robert4 BrutonVICYvaIanSimmond5sVICYvaJeff6 PhelanVICSaPeter7 FurnellVICFacOpen Female Recurve 77282559Seta281277558276273549Samantha1 Crawford VICTcagLeanne2 Strahan VICAimOpen Male Recurve BarebowNigel1 D'souza VICAimLuke2 Norman VICWaRussell3 CaddyVICSaDaniel4 CostaVICCbOpen Womens LongbowDawn1 NelsonVICFacRosalyn2 GreigVICYvaMasters Mens RecurveIan1 BoslerVICAimRob2 Mcewan VICSaJeanlouis3 Sagliocco VICRobinSideboth4 amVICMario5 ViganoVICMasters Mens CompoundJames1 ParkVICChris2 WoodVIC3 Lee Pettit VICGuy4 Mercier VICJohn5 Migiliosi VIC

Wayne6 O'donnell 625257 Eric Nigol VICDvaMark8 Harrison VICDvaRob9 Mcewan VICSaMasters Womens CompoundAnnette1 CouttsVICDvaMasters Women Barebow RecurveRosalyn1 GreigVICYvaMasters Mens LongbowIanSimmond1sVICYvaGeorge2 SznekVICTcagMasters Mens Compound BarebowTrevor1 FilmerVICSaVeterans Mens RecurveRon1 HardyVICCb2 Rod Neil VICSaLeo3 Geuder VICAimVeterans Mens CompoundLeigh1 Cornish VICDvaRay2 Bickerton VICChris3 WestVICMervGrinstea4dVICVeteran Men CrossbowMervGrinstea1dVICJunior Boys CompoundAdam1 AshleyVICCameron2 WalkerVICGeoff3 Harrison VICRichard4 CarterVICJunior Boys Recurve

Mitchell1 JamesVICSetaJunior Girls RecurveEloise1 Birchall VICYdaCadet Boys Barebow nde1 r D'souza VICQuinton2 Crawford VICCadet Boys CompoundMitchell1 Rogers VICMichaelCastelluc2 ciaVICHayden3 ReidVICJakeLangenb4 ergVICNick5 Reynolds VICHarleyCavanag6hVICMatthew7 PurcellVICSam8 Weedon VICGraham9 Bennett VICCadet Girls CompoundRenae1 Farrugia VICRuby2 JonesVICCadet Boys RecurveRobert1 CarterVICEdward2 CookVIC345678RubenSchopferTobySonkaTin TranStuartMoreyHaydenReidNickBosler

Corey9 TreloarVICCadet Girls RecurveMollySpauldin1gVICKateWattcho2wVICCadet Boys 01425173208381George1 Ouranios VICAimBrandan2 FraserVICTcagIntermediate Boys RecurveAlec1 PottsVICPacTynanCunningh2 amVICPacIntermediate Girls CompoundTaylahSomervill1eVICTcagNatasha2 BeierVICTcagIntermediate Boys CompoundEdwin1 DilnuttVICMacGusLangenb2 ergVICMacRadley3 CoxVICFac4 Matt Ling VICBrandonBraithwai5 teVICDylan6 SopkoVICDaryl7 Schulze VICJackson8 Rowney VICLuckyCommiss9oVICIntermediate Girls RecurveNatachaWonnebe1 rgerVICLuana2 GengVICIntermediate Boys Longbow

Christopher1 Ouranios VICAimIntermediate Boys Recurve BarebowAlec1 PottsVICPacBenjamin2 2362675033 Matt Rich VICWaIntermediate Girls Recurve BarebowLuana1 GengVICSaIntermediate Girls Barebow CompoundElizabeth1 FraserVICPacCub Girls RecurveJessica1 PerryVICFacAbbey2 Widdison VICIsabelRobertso3 n (u10)VICCub Boys RecurveJacobBlackbur1nVICNicholasCastelluc2 ciaVICBenRobertso3nVICMartin4 GengVICDanteOysten5 (u10)VICStuartPesudov6sVICCub Girls CompoundAlishaSomervill1eVICAlly Reid2 (u10)VICAmberRowney3 (u10)VICCub Boys CompoundJacobBlackbur1nVICMac

Simon2 BoldLuke3 SammutNicholasCastelluc4 ciaMatt5 an6 d (u10)VICWyattThornton7 (u10)VICLachlan8 CarlowVICTristan9 Thornby VICCub Boys Recurve BarebowMartin1 GengVICTcagSa










Cave VIC Mac 285 287 572 284 289 573 7 Jarrad Alston VIC Yda 288 286 574 286 285 571 8 Marcus Anear VIC Dva 284 286 570 288 286 574 9 Bryce Lee VIC Dva 290 282 572 288 278 566 10 Larry Kelly VIC Wac 277 285 562 286 289 575 11 Ryan Bickerton VIC Mac 284 280 564 287 283 570 . Rowney VIC Sa 0 0 0 175 195

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used on certificates, plaques, or other items related . specifically to home certification. Indoor airPLUS Features. Home Energy Rater. was verified by to meet Indoor airPLUS construction specifications as established Indoor airPLUS qualified homes are designed to contribute to improved indoor air quality. November 1, 2016 This home built at .