Adeng Pustikaningsih, M.Si.Dosen Jurusan Pendidikan AkuntansiFakultas EkonomiUniversitas Negeri YogyakartaCP: 08 222 180 1695Email :
PREVIEW OF CHAPTER23Intermediate AccountingIFRS 2nd EditionKieso, Weygandt, and Warfield23-3
23Statement of Cash FlowsLEARNING OBJECTIVESAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to:1. Describe the purpose of thestatement of cash flows.6. Identify sources of information for astatement of cash flows.2. Identify the major classifications of cashflows.7. Contrast the direct and indirectmethods of calculating net cash flowfrom operating activities.3. Prepare a statement of cash flows.4. Differentiate between net income andnet cash flow from operating activities.5. Determine net cash flows frominvesting and financing activities.23-48. Discuss special problems in preparing astatement of cash flows.9. Explain the use of a worksheet inpreparing a statement of cash flows.
PREPARATION OF STATEMENT OFCASH FLOWSPrimary purpose:To provide information about a company’s cash receipts andcash payments during a period.Secondary objective:To provide cash-basis information about the company’soperating, investing, and financing activities.23-5LO 1
PREPARATION OF STATEMENT OFCASH FLOWSUsefulness of the Statement of Cash FlowsProvides information to help assess:1. Entity’s ability to generate future cash flows.2. Entity’s ability to pay dividends and meet obligations.3. Reasons for the difference between net income and netcash flow from operating activities.4. Cash and noncash investing and financing transactionsduring the period.23-6LO 1
23Statement of Cash FlowsLEARNING OBJECTIVESAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to:1. Describe the purpose of the statementof cash flows.6. Identify sources of information for astatement of cash flows.2. Identify the major classificationsof cash flows.7. Contrast the direct and indirectmethods of calculating net cash flowfrom operating activities.3. Prepare a statement of cash flows.4. Differentiate between net income andnet cash flow from operating activities.5. Determine net cash flows frominvesting and financing activities.23-78. Discuss special problems in preparing astatement of cash flows.9. Explain the use of a worksheet inpreparing a statement of cash flows.
PREPARATION OF STATEMENTClassification of Cash ngActivitiesIncomeChanges inInvestments andNon-CurrentAsset ItemsChanges inEquity and NonCurrent LiabilityItemsStatement Items23-8LO 2
Classification of Cash FlowsIncomeStatementItemsILLUSTRATION 23-1Classification of TypicalCash Inflows andOutflows23-9LO 2
Classification of Cash FlowsGenerallyInvestmentsand NonCurrent AssetItemsGenerallyEquity andNon-CurrentLiability ItemsILLUSTRATION 23-1Classification of Typical CashInflows and Outflows23-10LO 2
Cash and Cash EquivalentsThe basis recommended by the IASB for the statement ofcash flows is actually “cash and cash equivalents.” Cashequivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments that areboth: Readily convertible to known amounts of cash, and So near their maturity that they present insignificant risk ofchanges value in (e.g., due to changes in interest rates).Generally, only investments with original maturities of threemonths or less qualify under this definition.23-11LO 2
Format of the Statement of Cash FlowsPresentation:1. Operating activities.Direct Method2. Investing activities.Indirect Method3. Financing activities.Report inflows and outflows from investing and financingactivities separately.23-13LO 2
Format of the Statement of Cash FlowsILLUSTRATION 23-223-14LO 2
Steps in PreparationThree Sources of Information:1. Comparative statements of financial position.2. Current income statement data.3. Selected transaction data.Three Major Steps:23-15Step 1.Determine change in cash.Step 2.Determine net cash flow from operating activities.Step 3.Determine net cash flows from investing and financingactivities.LO 2
23Statement of Cash FlowsLEARNING OBJECTIVESAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to:1. Describe the purpose of the statementof cash flows.6. Identify sources of information for astatement of cash flows.2. Identify the major classifications of cashflows.7. Contrast the direct and indirectmethods of calculating net cash flowfrom operating activities.3. Prepare a statement of cash flows.4. Differentiate between net income andnet cash flow from operating activities.5. Determine net cash flows frominvesting and financing activities.23-168. Discuss special problems in preparing astatement of cash flows.9. Explain the use of a worksheet inpreparing a statement of cash flows.
ILLUSTRATIONS— Tax Consultants Inc.Illustration: Tax Consultants Inc. started on January 1, 2015,when it issued 60,000 shares of 1 par value common stockfor 60,000 cash. The company rented its office space,furniture, and equipment, and performed tax consultingservices throughout the first year.The comparative statements of financial position at thebeginning and end of the year 2015 appear in Illustration 23-3.Illustration 23-4 shows the income statement and additionalinformation for Tax Consultants.23-17LO 3
ILLUSTRATIONS— Tax Consultants Inc.ILLUSTRATION 23-3Comparative statements of financialposition, Tax Consultants Inc., Year 123-18LO 3
ILLUSTRATIONS— Tax Consultants Inc.ILLUSTRATION 23-4Income Statement, TaxConsultants Inc., Year 123-19Additional Information: Examination of selecteddata indicates that a dividend of 14,000 wasdeclared and paid during the year.LO 3
ILLUSTRATIONS— Tax Consultants Inc.Step 1: Determine the Change in CashILLUSTRATION 23-3Comparative statements of financialposition, Tax Consultants Inc., Year 123-20LO 3
23Statement of Cash FlowsLEARNING OBJECTIVESAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to:1. Describe the purpose of the statementof cash flows.6. Identify sources of information for astatement of cash flows.2. Identify the major classifications of cashflows.7. Contrast the direct and indirectmethods of calculating net cash flowfrom operating activities.3. Prepare a statement of cash flows.4. Differentiate between net incomeand net cash flow from operatingactivities.5. Determine net cash flows frominvesting and financing activities.23-218. Discuss special problems in preparing astatement of cash flows.9. Explain the use of a worksheet inpreparing a statement of cash flows.
ILLUSTRATIONS— Tax Consultants Inc.Step 2: Determine the Net Cash Flow fromOperating Activities Company must determine revenues and expenses on acash basis. Eliminate the effects of income statement transactionsdo not result in an increase or decrease in cash. Convert net income to net cash flow from operatingactivities through either a direct method or an indirectmethod.23-22LO 4
ILLUSTRATIONS— Tax Consultants Inc.Step 2: Determine the Net Cash Flow fromOperating Activities23-23ILLUSTRATION 23-5Net Income versus Net Cash Flow from Operating ActivitiesLO 4
ILLUSTRATIONS— Tax Consultants Inc.Increase in Accounts Receivable—Indirect MethodAccounts receivable increased by 36,000 (from 0 to 36,000)during the year.Accounts USTRATION 23-6Receipts from customers89,000125,00036,000When the Accounts Receivable balance increases, cash receiptsare lower than revenue earned under the accrual basis.23-24LO 4
ILLUSTRATIONS— Tax Consultants Inc.Increase in Accounts Receivable—Indirect MethodAccounts USTRATION 23-6Receipts from customers89,000125,00036,000The increase in accounts receivable is subtracted from net income toarrive at net cash provided by operating activities.ILLUSTRATION 23-723-25LO 4
ILLUSTRATIONS— Tax Consultants Inc.Increase in Accounts Payable—Indirect MethodAccounts payable increased by 5,000 during the year.When accounts payable increase during the year, expenses on anaccrual basis exceed those on a cash basis.ILLUSTRATION 23-723-26LO 4
23Statement of Cash FlowsLEARNING OBJECTIVESAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to:1. Describe the purpose of the statementof cash flows.6. Identify sources of information for astatement of cash flows.2. Identify the major classifications of cashflows.7. Contrast the direct and indirectmethods of calculating net cash flowfrom operating activities.3. Prepare a statement of cash flows.4. Differentiate between net income andnet cash flow from operating activities.5. Determine net cash flows frominvesting and financing activities.23-278. Discuss special problems in preparing astatement of cash flows.9. Explain the use of a worksheet inpreparing a statement of cash flows.
Step 3:DetermineNet CashFlows fromInvestingandFinancingActivitiesTAX CONSULTANTS INC.Statement Of Cash FlowsFor The Year EndedDecember 31, 2015Increase (Decrease) In CashILLUSTRATION 23-823-28ILLUSTRATION 23-3
Step 3:DetermineNet CashFlows fromInvestingandFinancingActivitiesTAX CONSULTANTS INC.Statement Of Cash FlowsFor The Year EndedDecember 31, 2015Increase (Decrease) In CashILLUSTRATION 23-823-29ILLUSTRATION 23-3
Step 3:DetermineNet CashFlows fromInvestingandFinancingActivitiesTAX CONSULTANTS INC.Statement Of Cash FlowsFor The Year EndedDecember 31, 2015Increase (Decrease) In CashILLUSTRATION 23-823-30ILLUSTRATION 23-3
Step 3:DetermineNet CashFlows fromInvestingandFinancingActivitiesTAX CONSULTANTS INC.Statement Of Cash FlowsFor The Year EndedDecember 31, 2015Increase (Decrease) In CashILLUSTRATION 23-823-31ILLUSTRATION 23-3
Statement of Cash Flows—2015ILLUSTRATION 23-823-32
Illustration—201623-33ILLUSTRATION 23-9Comparative Statementsof Financial Position, TaxConsultants Inc., Year 2LO 5
Illustration—2016ILLUSTRATION 23-10Income Statement, TaxConsultants Inc., Year 223-34LO 5
Step 1: Determine the Change in CashILLUSTRATION 23-923-35LO 5
Step 2: Determine Net Cash Flow fromOperating Activities—Indirect MethodILLUSTRATION 23-923-36Accounts receivable decreased during the period because cashreceipts (cash-basis revenues) are higher than revenuesreported on an accrual basis.LO 5
Step 2: Determine Net Cash Flow fromOperating Activities—Indirect MethodTo convert net income to net cash flow from operating activities,the decrease of 10,000 in accounts receivable must be added tonet income.ILLUSTRATION 23-11Computation of Net Cash Flow fromOperating Activities, Year 2—Indirect Method23-37LO 5
Step 2: Determine Net Cash Flow fromOperating Activities—Indirect MethodILLUSTRATION 23-923-38When prepaid expenses (assets) increase during a period,expenses on an accrual-basis income statement are lower thanthey are on a cash-basis income statement.LO 5
Step 2: Determine Net Cash Flow fromOperating Activities—Indirect MethodTo convert net income to net cash flow from operating activities,the increase of 6,000 must be deduct from net income.ILLUSTRATION 23-11Computation of Net Cash Flow fromOperating Activities, Year 2—Indirect Method23-39LO 5
Step 2: Determine Net Cash Flow fromOperating Activities—Indirect MethodILLUSTRATION 23-9When accounts payable increase, the company incurred a greateramount of expense than the amount of cash it disbursed.23-40LO 5
Step 2: Determine Net Cash Flow fromOperating Activities—Indirect MethodTax Consultants must add the 2016 increase of 35,000 inaccounts payable to net income, to convert to net cash flow fromoperating activities.ILLUSTRATION 23-11Computation of Net Cash Flow fromOperating Activities, Year 2—Indirect Method23-41LO 5
Step 2: Determine Net Cash Flow fromOperating Activities—Indirect n expense of 21,000 (also represented by the increasein accumulated depreciation) is a non-cash charge.23-42LO 5
Step 2: Determine Net Cash Flow fromOperating Activities—Indirect MethodTax Consultants adds depreciation expense back to net income,to arrive at net cash flow from operating activities.ILLUSTRATION 23-11Computation of Net Cash Flow fromOperating Activities, Year 2—Indirect Method23-43LO 5
Step 3: Determine Net Cash Flow fromInvesting and Financing ActivitiesILLUSTRATION 23-9The company purchased land of 70,000 during the period.23-44LO 5
Step 3: Determine Net Cash Flow fromInvesting and Financing ActivitiesThe purchase of land for cash is an investing activity, reported asa use of cash.ILLUSTRATION 23-12Statement of Cash Flows, Tax Consultants Inc., Year 223-45LO 5
Step 3: Determine Net Cash Flow fromInvesting and Financing ActivitiesILLUSTRATION 23-9Tax Consultants acquired an office building using 200,000 cash.23-46LO 5
Step 3: Determine Net Cash Flow fromInvesting and Financing ActivitiesThe purchase of a building for cash is an investing activity,reported as a use of cash.ILLUSTRATION 23-12Statement of Cash Flows, Tax Consultants Inc., Year 223-47LO 5
Step 3: Determine Net Cash Flow fromInvesting and Financing ActivitiesILLUSTRATION 23-9Tax Consultants acquired equipment using 68,000 cash.23-48LO 5
Step 3: Determine Net Cash Flow fromInvesting and Financing ActivitiesThe purchase of equipment for cash is an investing activity,reported as a use of cash.ILLUSTRATION 23-12Statement of Cash Flows, Tax Consultants Inc., Year 223-49LO 5
Step 3: Determine Net Cash Flow fromInvesting and Financing ActivitiesILLUSTRATION 23-9Tax Consultants acquired received 150,000 from the issuance ofbonds.23-50LO 5
Step 3: Determine Net Cash Flow fromInvesting and Financing ActivitiesThe cash received from the issuance of these bonds representsan inflow of cash from a financing activity.ILLUSTRATION 23-12Statement of Cash Flows, Tax Consultants Inc., Year 223-51LO 5
Step 3: Determine Net Cash Flow fromInvesting and Financing ActivitiesILLUSTRATION 23-9Two factors explain the increase in retained earnings: (1) net incomeof 134,000 increased retained earnings, and (2) dividends of 18,000 decreased retained earnings.23-52LO 5
Step 3: Determine Net Cash Flow fromInvesting and Financing ActivitiesPayment of the dividends is a financing activity that involves acash outflow.ILLUSTRATION 23-12Statement of Cash Flows, Tax Consultants Inc., Year 223-53LO 5
23Statement of Cash FlowsLEARNING OBJECTIVESAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to:1. Describe the purpose of the statementof cash flows.6. Identify sources of information for astatement of cash flows.2. Identify the major classifications of cashflows.3. Prepare a statement of cash flows.7. Contrast the direct and indirectmethods of calculating net cash flowfrom operating activities.4. Differentiate between net income andnet cash flow from operating activities.8. Discuss special problems in preparing astatement of cash flows.5. Determine net cash flows frominvesting and financing activities.9. Explain the use of a worksheet inpreparing a statement of cash flows.23-55
Sources of Information for theStatement of Cash Flows1. Comparative statements of financial position.2. An analysis of the Retained Earnings account.3. Write-downs, amortization charges, and similar “book”entries, such as depreciation, because they have noeffect on cash.23-56LO 6
Indirect Method—Additional AdjustmentsILLUSTRATION 23-17Adjustments Needed to Determine Net CashFlow from Operating Activities—Indirect Method23-57LO 6
23Statement of Cash FlowsLEARNING OBJECTIVESAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to:1. Describe the purpose of the statementof cash flows.6. Identify sources of information for astatement of cash flows.2. Identify the major classifications of cashflows.3. Prepare a statement of cash flows.7. Contrast the direct and indirectmethods of calculating net cashfrom operating activities.4. Differentiate between net income andnet cash flow from operating activities.8. Discuss special problems in preparing astatement of cash flows.5. Determine net cash flows frominvesting and financing activities.9. Explain the use of a worksheet inpreparing a statement of cash flows.23-58
Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities—Direct MethodILLUSTRATION 23-21Major Classes of Cash Receipts and Payments23-59LO 7
Direct Method ExampleDrogba Company, which began business on January 1, 2015, hasthe following selected statement of financial position information.ILLUSTRATION 23-19Statement of Financial PositionAccounts, Drogba Co.23-60LO 7
Direct Method ExampleDrogba’s December 31, 2015, income statement and additionalinformation are as follows.ILLUSTRATION 23-20Income Statement, Drogba Co.23-61Additional Information(a) Dividends of 70,000 were declared and paid in cash.(b) The accounts payable increase resulted from the purchase of merchandise.(c) Prepaid expenses and accrued expenses payable relate to operating expenses. LO 7
Operating Activities — Direct MethodAccounts receivable increased 15,000. Thus, cash receipts fromcustomers are computed as follows.Illustration 23-22Accounts Receivable1/1/15BalanceSales revenue12/31/1523-62Balance59,000Receipts from customers765,000780,00015,000LO 7
Operating Activities — Direct MethodDrogba Company reported cost of goods sold on its incomestatement of 450,000. In 2015, Drogba Company’s inventoryincreased 160,000. The company computes purchases as follows. 450,000160,000 610,000Cost of goods soldAdd: Increase in inventoryPurchasesAccounts Balance60,000LO 7
Operating Activities — Direct MethodDrogba determines cash payments to suppliers by adjustingpurchases for the change in accounts payable.Accounts Payable1/1/15Payments to lance60,000ILLUSTRATION 23-23Formula to Compute Cash Payments to Suppliers23-64LO 7
Operating Activities — Direct MethodDrogba reported operating expenses of 160,000 on its incomestatement. To determine the cash paid for operating expenses, itmust adjust this amount for any changes in prepaid expenses and accrued expenses payable.ILLUSTRATION 23-24Formula to Compute Cash Paymentsfor Operating Expenses23-65LO 7
Operating Activities — Direct MethodPrepaid Expenses1/1/15Balance012/31/15Balance8,000Accrued Expenses g expensesAdd: Increase in prepaid expensesDeduct: Increase in accrued expenses payableCash payments for operating expenses23-66 160,0008,00020,000 148,000LO 7
Operating Activities — Direct MethodThe income statement for Drogba shows income tax expense of 48,000. Cash paid for income taxes is computed by taking theexpense and adjusting by the change in the payable.Income Tax Payable1/1/15Payments for income tax48,000Balance0Income tax expense48,00012/31/1523-67Balance0LO 7
Operating Activities — Direct MethodPresentation of the direct method for reporting net cash flow fromoperating activities.ILLUSTRATION 23-26Operating Activities Section—Direct Method, 201623-68LO 7
Operating Activities — Direct MethodWhen companies use the direct method they are required toprovide in a separate schedule the reconciliation of net income tonet cash provided by operating activities.ILLUSTRATION 23-26Operating Activities Section—Direct Method, 201623-69LO 7
Operating Activities — Direct MethodA separate schedule reconciling net income to net cash providedby operating activities is required when using the direct method.23-70ILLUSTRATION 23-27Reconciliation of Net Income to Net CashProvided by Operating Activities, 2016LO 7
23Statement of Cash FlowsLEARNING OBJECTIVESAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to:1. Describe the purpose of the statementof cash flows.6. Identify sources of information for astatement of cash flows.2. Identify the major classifications of cashflows.7. Contrast the direct and indirect
Dosen Jurusan Pendidikan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta CP: 08 222 180 1695 Email : 23-2. 23-3 PREVIEW OF CHAPTER Intermediate Accounting IFRS 2nd Edition Kieso, Weygandt, and Warfield 23. 23-4 6. Identify sources of information for a statement of cash flows. 7. Contrast the direct and indirect methods of calculating net cash flow from .
Beginning inventory, purchases, and sales for Item ER27 are as follows: Nov. 1 Inventory 40 units at Rp5,000 5 Sale 32 units 11 Purchase 60 units at Rp7,000 21 Sale 45 units 36 Assuming a perpetual inventory system and the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method, determine (a) the cost of the merchandise sold for the November 21 sale and (b) the
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penyelesaian tugas akhir. b. Usulan penggantian dosen pembimbing harus diajukan kepada ketua program studi berikut alasan-alasan disertai usulan dosen pembimbing baru. c. Penggantian dosen pembimbing harus disahkan oleh Ketua Program Studi Teknik Kimia. 1.6 Penyerahan Tugas Akhir 1. Tugas akhir diserahkan setelah disetujui oleh dosen pembimbing.
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Hal : Pembuatan Silabus dan RPS Kepada Yth: Bapak/Ibu Dosen di Lingkungan STAI-Miftahul Ulum Tanjungpinang di- Tempat Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Dengan Hormat Sehubungan akan berakhirnya Perkuliahan Semester Ganjil Tahun Akademik 2018/2019, untuk menyusun Kurikulum Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) serta persiapan dokumen Akreditasi dimohon kepada bapak/Ibu Dosen Pengampu Mata Kuliah untuk .
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