College of Pharmacists of ManitobaAnnual ReportApril 26, 2014
College of Pharmacists of Manitoba2014 Annual ReportTable of ContentsOrder of Business and Annual General Meeting Agenda 1Rules of Procedure .2Reading of the Minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting 3Business Arising from the April 6, 2013, Annual General Meeting .9Report of the Executive Treasurer .102014 Budget 11Independent Auditors’ Report & Financial Statements to December 31, 2013 .12Registrar’s Report .32Deputy Registrar’s Report 48Professional Development Committee Report 57Standards of Practice Committee Report 66National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA) Report 68Board of Examiners Report. 71Awards & Nominating Committee Report .75Governance Committee Report 78Finance and Risk Management Committee Report .79The Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC) Liaison Report .80Faculty of Pharmacy Report .81
COLLEGE OF PHARMACISTS OF MANITOBAANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGSATURDAY, APRIL 26, 2014 – 11 A.M.Winnipeg Convention Centre2nd Floor Presentation Theatre375 York Avenue, Winnipeg, ManitobaThe Annual General Meeting of the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba is scheduled tocommence at 11:00 a.m. at The Winnipeg Convention Centre, in Winnipeg, at whichtime a series of annual reports will be presented.The reports will be presented for information and any issues arising from the reports willbe referred to the Issues Forum, which will occur in the afternoon.AGENDA-ORDER OF BUSINESSCHAIR – Kyle MacNair1. Reading of the minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting2. Business arising from the minutes3. Executive Treasurer’s Report4. Registrar’s Report5. Deputy Registrar’s Report6. President’s Address7. Report of the Elections Committee8. Committee and Liaison Reports (passed for information as a group)9. New Business10. Unfinished Business11. Faculty of Pharmacy Report and Notice of MotionNotice of Motion: Chris Louizos will move or cause to be moved, seconded bySheila Ng “that the College support the continuation of the 100.00 levy, permember’s annual license fee, to the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Manitoba,for the 2015 licensing year.”12. Omnibus Motion13. AdjournThe Order of Business is designed to allow the formal Annual General Meeting tocomplete its mandate of closing the dealings that have been completed for theprevious fiscal year. Reports are to encompass that fiscal year only. Those issuesrequiring detailed discussion or where resolution cannot be established will beforwarded to the Issues Forum to be held at the Manitoba Pharmacy Conference.Page 1 of 85
The College of Pharmacists of ManitobaAnnual General Meeting – Rules of Procedure1. A Notice of Meeting will be forwarded to the entire membership no less than twentyone (21) days prior to the scheduled meeting.2. A quorum is required to convene a meeting and to transact any business. A quorummust be at least 5% of the voting members in attendance.3. A Parliamentarian will assist with parliamentary procedure as the need arises.4.Robert’s Rules of Order will govern.5. The Chair of the general meeting may permit discussion of motions that are forinformation and do not require action by the College. Motions, either simple or byresolution, accepted at an annual general meeting, or a special general meeting,requiring action on behalf of the College shall be forwarded to Council forconsideration and decision.6. All voting members must sign the attendance sign-in sheet.7. Voting cards will be issued to all voting members.8. All members and Council members may speak only once to any given resolution anddebate may be limited, unless permission to the contrary is given by the assembly.9. All persons wishing to address the meeting are requested to speak at the microphoneand are further requested to identify themselves by name before speaking.10. The Mover and Seconder can speak first, followed by other speakers. The Mover hasthe option of being the last speaker to the motion.11. Speakers must address the chair.12. All members present are encouraged to engage in discussion, but only votingmembers and Council members may make motions and vote.13. The members of the College consist of the persons whose names are on the registerand who have paid the fees prescribed in the bylaws.14. Every member who is a licensed pharmacist and members of Council are entitled tovote at a meeting of the College.15. Non-members and observers are welcome to attend, but are unable to engage indiscussion or vote.16. Motion forms will be provided. Motions should be in writing on these forms and theappropriate copy given to the Chair at the time of making the motion.Clarification: Only licensed pharmacists and Council members have the right to vote; however, all members who are onthe College register and have paid a fee for the current year can speak, but not vote. Regarding the right to speak at meetings of the College, Robert’s Rules would apply and the voting members(licensed pharmacists with a vote) and Council members attending the meeting would decide in each incidentwhether or not an attendee at the meeting would have the right to speak.Page 2 of 85
The Manitoba Pharmaceutical Association200 Tache Avenue, Winnipeg, ManitobaTELEPHONE (204) 233-1411 FAX: (204) 237-3468 e-mail: info@mpha.mb.caApril 6, 2013Annual General MeetingMinutesPage 3 of 85
MINUTES OF THE 135TH ANNUAL MEETINGTHE MANITOBA PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATIONTHE WINNIPEG CONVENTION CENTRE, WINNIPEG, MANITOBASATURDAY, APRIL 6, 2013PRESIDENT KYLE MAC NAIR called the meeting to order at 11:20 a.m. with 93 members inattendance.QUORUM DECLARED.PRESIDENT MACNAIR welcomed attendees to the 135th Annual Meeting of M.Ph.A.PRESIDENT MACNAIR acknowledged the following guests in attendance: Dayle Acorn, Canadian Foundation of PharmacyDr. Brenna Shearer, Manitoba Society of PharmacistsPast Presidents of MPhAo Albert Eroso Lois Cantino Pat Trozzoo Ron Eroso Randall Stephanchewo Gary Cavanagho Shawn Bugdeno Charles McClureMr. David Marr was appointed parliamentarian for the meeting.THE REGISTRAR read the names of those members who had passed away since the last annualmeeting:“The names I read are the names of pharmacists registered in Manitoba that have passed awaysince the last Annual General Meeting. These pharmacists have devoted their career to providingpatient care and to keeping patients safe. Jean RoseJune 25, 2012 Patricia TaylorJuly 10, 2012 Charles NewburyJuly 11, 2012 Stuart DouglasOctober 11, 2012 Archie OrlikowDecember 6, 2012 Melville WaddellDecember 21, 2012 Sharon MoncekFebruary 6, 2013 Ronald ConnorsFebruary 21, 2013It is fitting to honour their passing with a moment of silence.”ONE MINUTE’S SILENCE WAS OBSERVED IN MEMORY OF THE ABOVE MEMBERS .INTRODUCTION BY PRESIDENT MACNAIR:The Order of Business is designed to allow the formal Annual General Meeting to complete itsmandate in closing the dealings that have been completed for the previous fiscal year. Reports havePage 4 of 85
been circulated and encompass that fiscal year only. By-laws or Regulation changes should be putforward as part of the Annual General Meeting or as part of a Special General Meeting. Those issuesrequiring detailed discussion or where resolution cannot be established will be forwarded to theIssues Forum to be held at the Manitoba Pharmacy Conference or at a Special General Meeting inaccordance with the Pharmaceutical Act.In accordance with By-Law 1.5 to the Pharmaceutical Act, members are reminded that:The chair of the general meeting may permit discussion and acceptance of motions that are forinformation and do not require action by the Association. Motions, either simple or by resolution,accepted at a general meeting requiring action on behalf of the Association shall be forwarded toCouncil for consideration and decision.ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA:PRESIDENT MACNAIR stated that the agenda for the meeting has been circulated and asked themembership if there was any new business they wished to add to the agenda.No Additions to the Agenda.1. READING OFMEETING:THEMINUTESOF THEAPRIL 21, 2012, ANNUAL GENERALMOTION #1: MOVED BY GEOFF NAMAKA, SECONDED BY KURTSCHROEDER THAT the reading of the April 21, 2012, Annual General MeetingMinutes be waived.CARRIEDMOTION #2: MOVED BY SHAWN BUGDEN, SECONDED BY JARRID McKITRICKTHAT the April 21, 2012, Annual General Meeting Minutes be approved.CARRIED2. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTESMOTION #3: MOVED BY DINAH SANTOS, SECONDED BY JENNIFERLUDWIG THAT the Business Arising from the Minutes be approved as published in the2013 Annual Reports.CARRIED3. EXECUTIVE TREASURER’S REPORTMOTION #4: MOVED BY GEOFF NAMAKA, SECONDED BY KRISTINEPETRASKO THAT the Executive Treasurer’s Report and the Auditor’s Report beapproved.CARRIED4. REGISTRAR’S REPORTMOTION #5: MOVED BY KRISTINE PETRASKO, SECONDED BY GLENDAMARSH THAT the Report of the Registrar be received by this Annual Meeting.Page 5 of 85
CARRIED5. DEPUTY REGISTRAR ’S REPORTMOTION #6: MOVED BY JENNIFER LUDWIG, SECONDED BY DINAH SANTOSTHAT the Report of the Deputy Registrar be received by this Annual Meeting.CARRIED6. PRESIDENT’S ADDRESSPRESIDENT MACNAIR yielded control of the chair to Vice-President Petrasko:The Chairman asked the President to present his address to the membership.President’s Address:It is my pleasure to welcome you all to the 135th Annual General Meeting of theManitoba Pharmaceutical Association. Thank-you for taking an active interest in theactivities of this Association through your participation in today’s meeting.Although it may seem cliché to say, it has been a big year for MPhA in a number ofareas.First, we have welcomed three individuals to the MPhA office staff over the past year.Ronda Eros, Pharmacy Practice Consultant; Lita Hnatiuk, Communications and QualityAssurance Coordinator; and finally Stacey Hjorleifson, Administrative Secretary. I wouldlike to provide a warm welcome to the new staff on behalf of council and the membership.With the many new faces, the office has operated efficiently and effectively over the lastyear thanks to the strong leadership provided by our Registrar Ronald Guse. I would liketo thank Ron and the team at the MPhA office for their tireless work and dedication to thepharmacy profession and protection of the public.Along with new staffing at Pharmacy House, we will also be seeing some substantialinfrastructure improvement with the beginning of our lower level renovations. Thisrenovation will see improvements in our board room, addition of staff locker room andcreation of the pharmacy museum. We look forward to welcoming you to tour the newlyrenovated space sometime in the coming year.Next, I would like to highlight a few of the major milestones that have occurred over thepast year. A lot of work has been put into the IT infrastructure of the association. Thishas included advancing and refining the electronic license renewal process as well asintroducing the on-line professional development log. In the area of quality assurance,Deputy Registrar Susan Lessard-Friesen and past president Shawn Bugdenquarterbacked an extensive review by the Office of the Fairness Commissioner ofMPhA’s licensing of international pharmacy graduates.I would also like to address the perennial topic of the enactment of the 2006Pharmaceutical Act. At the Annual Meeting last year the Code of Ethics was passed, asignificant milestone in this process. Since then, great effort has been invested on the restof the requirements for enactment. Assistant Registrar Kim McIntosh, in association withthe Faculty of Pharmacy and the Professional Development committee launched thePage 6 of 85
injection training program for our Province. The Standards of Practice Committee hasmade significant progress on the drafting of Practice Directions that provide guidanceand detail to support the Regulations. We have received, interpreted and circulated thefirst 11 Parts of the regulations in pen ultimate form. And since then we have begun tosee the bits and pieces of the rest of the document from the Legislative Drafting Unit.It would be my greatest pleasure to stand here today and tell you exactly when we willhave the final set of regulations for the membership to vote on. However, at this point it isimpossible to make firm predictions or statements about when this will occur. Every timewe try to put a stake in the ground it seems that some unforeseen complication or issuearises that unfortunately pushes it back a little bit. However, I can confidently say thatcouncil and the staff of MPhA have been working feverishly towards the completion ofthese documents. It is the first item on the agenda of almost every meeting we have;council, executive, joint stakeholder, joint executive, and especially every meeting withManitoba Health. As a result, progress is being made. Slowly but surely the ball keepsmoving forward.It has been my privilege to serve as president of MPhA council for the past year.Although there are also a lot of new faces around that table, we have come together as astrong team over the past year to accomplish a lot. We have enjoyed a collaborativeworking relationship with MSP, CSHP Manitoba Branch, Manitoba Health and our otherkey stakeholders. We have set forth a renewed strategic plan with new goals and keystrategies for success (which I encourage you all to visit on the MPhA website). And weare working hard to bring about the changes to the practice of pharmacy that themembership, the government and the people of Manitoba are looking for.Thank-you, and enjoy the rest of the conference.VICE-PRESIDENT PETRASKO returned control of the Chair to PRESIDENTMACNAIR.7. COMMITTEE REPORTS & LIAISON REPORTS:a) Professional Development Committee Report – Kristine Petraskob) Standards of Practice Committee – Pat Trozzoc) National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA) Report – KyleMacNaird) Board of Examiners – Neal Daviese) Awards and Nominating Committee – Shawn Bugdenf) Governance Committee – Shawn Bugdeng) Finance & Risk Management – Geoff Namakah) Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC) Report – Shawn Bugdeni) Faculty of Pharmacy – Student Liaison Report – Melissa GobinMOTION #7: MOVED BY GLENDA MARSH, SECONDED BY RANDALLSTEPHANCHEW THAT the Annual Committee and Liaison Reports above be approvedby the Annual Meeting for information.CARRIED8. NEW BUSINESSPage 7 of 85
No new business.9. UNFINISHED BUSINESSNo unfinished business.10. FACULTY OF PHARMACY REPORT & MOTIONMOTION #8: MOVED BY JARRID McKITRICK, SECONDED BY RANDALLSTEPHANCHEW THAT the Faculty of Pharmacy Report be accepted for information.CARRIEDDr. Neal Davies, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Manitoba, addressed themembers and extended gratitude for the support that the members provide with the annuallevy.It was acknowledged by Dr. Neal Davies, the passing of Irene Lewis, friend of the Faculty ofPharmacy.MOTION #9: MOVED BY PAT TROZZO, SECONDED BY RON EROS THATM.Ph.A. support the continuation of the 100.00 levy, per member’s annual licence fee, tothe Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Manitoba, for the 2014 licensing year.CARRIED (Opposed – two; Abstained – zero)11. OMNIBUS MOTIONMr. Ernest Stefanson presented the following motion:MOTION #10: MOVED BY ERNEST STEFANSON, SECONDED BY CLAIRE GILLISTHAT all acts, contracts, elections, appointments and payments made by Council of theMPhA since the last Annual Meeting in 2012 as set forth and referred to in the minutes ofcouncil or of statements submitted to this meeting be the same and are hereby ratified andconfirmed.CARRIED12. ADJOURNMOTION #11: MOVED BY GAYLE ROMANETZ, SECONDED BY LOIS CANTINTHAT the meeting be adjourned at 11:45 a.m.CARRIEDPage 8 of 85
Business Arising ReportFrom the April 6, 2013, Annual General Meetingto the April 26, 2014, Annual General MeetingMOTION #9: MOVED BY PAT TROZZO, SECONDED BY RON EROS THATM.Ph.A. support the continuation of the 100.00 levy, per member’s annual licence fee, tothe Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Manitoba, for the 2014 licensing year.CARRIEDThe Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Manitoba levy was collected with the 2014 pharmacistlicence fee and will be forwarded to the Faculty of Pharmacy.Page 9 of 85
Report of the Executive TreasurerThe year 2013 showed an operating surplus of 14,397 based on a total revenue of 1,911,839.The retained earnings of the College as at December 31, 2013, were 1,943,756.Respectfully submitted,Geoff Namaka, Executive TreasurerPage 10 of 85
College of Pharmacists of Manitoba2014 BudgetRevenuePracticing FeesPharmacy FeesRegistration FeesNon-Practicing FeesMailing/Notice SubscriptionPharmacy Transfer FeesMiscellaneous IncomeFines and CostsExtended Practice PharmacistsAcademic RegisterPharmacy Pre-Opening InspectionPharmacy TechniciansOther IncomeSale of SuppliesInterest IncomeLock and Leave ProgramRental IncomeProfessional Development RevenueDistance Care IPSExt. Dispensing & Secondary Hosp.Satellite PharmaciesTotal Other IncomeTotal RevenueOperational ExpensesAnnual Golf TournamentWelcome to the ProfessionField OperationsRegistrar’s ExpensesAssistant Registrar’s ExpensesDeputy Registrar’s ExpensesFaculty of Pharmacy LevyNAPRA DelegatesNAPRA LevyContributions – SundryPresident’s HonorariumCouncil MeetingsExecutive MeetingsDistrict MeetingsAnnual MeetingsGeneral/Special MeetingsOther MeetingsComplaints CommitteeDiscipline CommitteeDiscipline – LegalMedals & AwardsYoung Leaders AwardsOther Conferences & TravelTotal Operational 000450,600Professional DevelopmentP.D. Program Expenses27,500Administration ExpensesCPP ExpenseProfessional ServicesBuilding – HeatBuilding – Light & WaterBuilding – Maintenance & RepairsBuilding – TaxesBuilding – InsuranceStaff DevelopmentDelivery ExpenseDepreciation. - Office EquipmentDepreciation – BuildingDepreciation – SoftwareDepreciation – Computer HardwareDepreciation – Reno & Leasehold Imp.Depreciation – PhotocopierDues & SubscriptionsSalariesInsurance – Group & LiabilityCommunication ResourcesGeneral ResourceCommunication Plan ExpensesComputer Expenses & I/TEquipment MaintenanceProject Management ConsultantRegulation Implementation CostsPrinting & SuppliesPension PlanPostageSundryBank & Transaction ChargesTelephoneEI ExpenseExternal AffairsHuman Resource SupportTotal Administration EXPENSE SUMMARYTotal Operational ExpensesTotal P.D. Program ExpensesTotal Administration ExpensesTotal Expenses450,60027,5001,254,7361,732,836TOTAL INCOMETOTAL EXPENSESOPERATING SURPLUS (LOSS)Page 11 of 739,847(1,732,836)7,011
Non-Consolidated Financial StatementsCollege of Pharmacists of ManitobaDecember 31, 2013Page 12 of 85
The College of Pharmacists of ManitobaContentsPageIndependent Auditor’s Report1-2Non-Consolidated Statement of Revenues and Expenses3Non-Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Assets4Non-Consolidated Statement of Financial PositionNon-Consolidated Statement of Cash FlowsNotes to the Financial Statements5-678-16Non-Consolidated Schedule of Operations Expenses17Non-Consolidated Schedule of Administrative Expenses and Professional Development18Page 13 of 85
Independent auditor’s reportGrant Thornton LLP94 Commerce DriveWinnipeg, MBR3P 0Z3To the
COLLEGE OF PHARMACISTS OF MANITOBA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 2014 – 11 A.M. Winnipeg Convention Centre 2nd Floor Presentation Theatre 375 York Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba . The Annual General Meeting of the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba is scheduled to
The College would also like to recognize Dr. Lindy Lee, MD from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba for her many years of tireless dedication and compassion for patients struggling with opioid addiction. Dr. Lee worked closely with the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba to help educate pharmacists and improve patient safety. Dr.
The College of Pharmacists of Manitoba, Pharmacists Manitoba, and College of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba developed a proposal for a Manitoba pharmacist initiated smoking cessation project. In 2013, the project proposal was approved and financial support was provided by the Department of Healthy Living and Seniors,
Manitoba Education and Training Cataloguing in Publication Data Mental math : grade 12 essential mathematics ISBN: 978-0-7711-8029-3 (print) ISBN: 978-0-7711-8030-9 (pdf) 1. Mathematics—Study and teaching (Secondary)—Manitoba. 2. Mental arithmetic—Study and teaching (Secondary)—Manitoba. I. Manitoba. Manitoba Education and Training. 510.712
Repeal 3 The Manitoba Building Code, Manitoba Regulation 127/2006, is repealed. Abrogation 3 Le Code du bâtiment du Manitoba, R.M. 127/2006, est abrogé. Coming into force 4(1) Subject to subsection (2), this regulation comes into force on April 1, 2011. Entrée en vigueur 4(1) Sous réserve du paragraphe (2), le présent règlement entre en vigueur le 1 er avril 2011.
Registered pharmacists are permitted to purchase and dispense methadone without federal exemption. However, the College of Pharmacists of BC (CPBC) Professional Practice Policy (PPP-66) – Opioid Agonist Treatment requires that the pharmacy manager and all staff pharmacists employed in a
College of Pharmacists of Manitoba Mission: To protect the health and well being of the public by ensuring and promoting safe, patient-centered and progressive pharmacy practice. Member of the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities 2.4 After Administration:
The College appreciates the contributions of the following individuals and organisations: Peggy Yoston, University of Waterloo Pharmacy Co-Op student for drafting this document Saskatchewan College of Pharmacy Professionals Nova Scotia College of Pharmacists College of Pharmacists of Manitoba University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics
Public Administration: Concepts and Theories by Rumki Basu 18. Public Administration by Avasthi and Maheshwari 19. Public Administration: A New Paradigm by Ali Ashraf and S.N. Mishra 20. Public Administration in India by Padma Ramachandran 21. Fifty Years of Indian Administration: Retrospect and Prospects by T.N. Chaturvedi 22. Case Studies in Administrative Environment and Decision Making by .