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ACOUSTIC EMISSIONA symposiumpresented at theDecember Committee WeekAMERICAN SOCIETY FORTESTING AND MATERIALSBel Harbour, Florida, 7-8 December 1971ASTM SPECIAL TECHNICAL PUBLICATION 505R. G. Liptai, general chairmanD. O. Harris and C. A. Tatro, co-chairmenList price 22.5004-505000-225H AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALSJSraS 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103

by American Society for Testing and Materials 1972Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 72—75896NOTEThe Society is not responsible, as a body,for the statements and opinionsadvanced in this publication.Printed in Baltimore, Md.May 1972

ForewordThe Symposium on Acoustic Emission was presented at the DecemberCommittee Week of ASTM held in Bal Harbour, Florida, 7-8 December 1971.The ASTM Publications Committee sponsored the symposium. R. G. Liptai,Lawrence Radiation Lab., presided as symposium chairman, and D. 0 . Harrisand C. A. Tatro, also of Lawrence Radiation Lab., served as co-chairmen.

RelatedASTM PublicationsEffects of Environment and Complex Load Historyon Fatigue Life, STP 462 (1970), 22.00Achievement of High Fatigue Resistance in Metalsand Alloys, STP 467 (1970), 28.75Fracture Toughness Testing at Cryogenic Temperatures, STP 496 (1970), 5.00

ContentsIntroductionAn Introduction to Acoustic Emission—/?. B. Liptai, D. O. Harris, andC. A. TatroResearch on the Sources and Characteristics of Acoustic Emission—fi. H.SchofieldDislocation Motions and Acoustic Emissions—P. P. GillisAcoustic Emission Testing and Microcracking Processes—y4. S. Tetelmanand R. ChowApplication of Acoustic Emission Techniques to Rock MechanicsResearch-ff. R. Hardy, Jr.Design Criteria for Acoustic Emission Experimentation—C. A. TatroFactors Affecting Acoustic Emission Response From Materials—//. L.Dunegan and A. T. GreenAcoustic Emission Applied Outside of the Laboratory—P. H. HuttonDislocation Motion as a Source of Acoustic Emission—/. R. Frederick andD. K. FelbeckAcoustic Emission During Martensite Formation—G. R. Speich and R. M.FisherApplication of Correlation Analysis to Acoustic Emission—/Tan// Ono,Richard Stern, and Marshall Long, Jr.Amplitude Distribution of Acoustic Emission Signals—Voi/o Nakamura,C. L. Veach, and B. O. McCauleyAcoustic Emission for the Detection of Weld and Stress-CorrosionCracking-C. E. Hartbower, W. G. Renter, C. F. Morals, and P. O.CrimminsObservation and Analysis of Simulated Ultrasonic Acoustic EmissionWaves in Plates and Complex Structures- . A. Fowler and E. P.PapadakisDetection of Fiber Cracking by Acoustic Emission-/). O. Harris, A. S.Tetelman, and F. A. I. DarwishDetecting Acoustic Emission in Large Liquid Metal Cooled Fast BreederReactors-r. T. Anderson, A. P. Gavin, J. R. Karvinen, C. C.Price, and K. J. ReimannAcoustic Emission Testing of Pressure Vessels for Petroleum Refineriesand Chemical Plants—/V. O. Cross, L. L. Loushin, and J. L.ThompsonThe Broad Range Detection of Incipient Failure Using the AcousticEmission Phenomena—//. L. BalderstonRound-Robin Testing of Acoustic Emission Source-/4. E. Brown and R.G. 40152164187222238250270297318332335

Introduction 1 An Introduction to Acoustic Emission—/?. B. Liptai, D. O. Harris, and C. A. Tatro 3 Research on the Sources and Characteristics of Acoustic Emission—fi. H. Schofield 11 Dislocation Motions and Acoustic Emissions—P. P. Gillis 20 Acoustic Emission Testing and Microcracking Processes—y4. S. Tetelman and R. Chow 30

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