Es Devlin Fraser TS Mith Carlo Rovelli

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Es DevlinFraserTSmithCarlo Rovelli

ES DEVLIN with FRASER T SMITHAre We Human? with words byBEATRIZ COLOMINA & MARK WIGLEYChildren of the Internetfeaturing DAVEDo We Really Care? Part 1featuring TOM GRENNAN & TIA CARYSDo We Really Care? Part 2featuring SIMON ARMITAGEWhat’s The Cost of Freedom?featuring ALBERT WOODFOXFreedomfeaturing KANO & ALBERT WOODFOX

Roundtablemoderated by ZOE WHITLEY withFRASER T SMITH, ES DEVLIN,SIMON ARMITAGE, CARLO ROVELLIES DEVLIN with CARLO ROVELLIThe Order of Timefeaturing BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH& POLYPHONIAVery special thanks to:Dave Parsons, Senior Acoustician, VanguardiaWayne Powell and Jack Page, d&b audiotechnikMatt Knapp, Sound EngineerAll the teams at Diagon, Technical Solutions,Blue-i Theatre Technology,Ants Production Services, Luke Halls StudioAll at Es Devlin Studio and Fraser T Smith,Future Utopia/70 Hz

Es Devlin is known for creatinglarge-scale sculptures andperformance spaces that combinelight, music and languageincluding Memory Palacein 2019 which mapped shiftsin human perspective overlabyrinthine self-portraitMirrorMaze in 2016. Her workin collective, AI-generated poetryhas been seen at the SerpentineGallery, V&A and Barbican andis now informing her design forthe UK Pavilion for the WorldExpo 2021. She has conceivedstage sculptures with Beyoncéand Billie Eilish as well asOlympic Ceremonies and twodecades of opera, drama anddance worldwide. Her new large

scale maze work will form partof the inaugural SUPERBLUEarts centre in Miami in 2020.Fraser T Smith worksas a producer for some ofcontemporary music’s mostAdele, for whom he co-wrote andproduced the Grammy winningsingle Set Fire To The Rain(2011), Stormzy, whose BRITAward winning debut albumGang Signs & Prayer (2018)he wrote on and producedand Dave, co-producing hisMercury Prize winning debutalbum Psychodrama (2019)and accompanying him for theperformance of his track Blackat this year’s BRIT Awards.

His album 12 Questions willbe released on 23 October.Dave is a British rapper, singer,songwriter and record producer.In 2018, his track Question Time— which directed criticismtowards the UK Government— won an Ivor Novello Award.His debut album Psychodramawas met with widespread criticalacclaim. It went on to win theMercury Prize in 2019 andAlbum of the Year at the 2020Brit Awards.Simon Armitage lives inYorkshire and is the UK PoetLaureate. He is also a playwright,librettist, novelist and broadcaster.Armitage has written extensively

for radio and television;giving voice to the lost and themarginalised, his credits includeBlack Roses, The Killing of SophieLancaster, and Feltham Sings, theBAFTA-winning documentary forwhich he received an Ivor NovelloAward for song writing. Armitagewrites and performs with the bandLYR whose debut album Call InThe Crash Team was releasedearlier this year.Albert Woodfox is a formerBlack Panther who spent 45years unjustly incarcerated in aLouisiana State Penitentiary.He was released in 2016, havingserved more than 43 years in

in American prison history.Kano is a British rapper,songwriter and actor. Kanois one of the pioneers of grimemusic and culture. In 2004,Kano released his debut singleP’s and Q’s. His sixth studioalbum Hoodies All Summeris nominated for the 2020Mercury Prize.Zoe Whitley is Directorof Chisenhale Gallery, London.She was formerly Senior Curatorat the Hayward Gallery andCurator for International Artat Tate Modern where she cocurated Soul of a Nation: Art inthe Age of Black Power in 2017.Currently she has co-curated

Elijah Pierce’s America, on viewat the Barnes Foundation inPhiladelphia, USA.Carlo Rovelli is a theoreticalphysicist who has madeto the physics of space andtime. He is currently directingthe quantum gravity researchgroup of the Centre de physiquethéorique in Marseille. His booksSeven Brief Lessons on Physics,Reality Is Not What It Seemsand The Order of Time areinternational bestsellers translatedinto forty-one languages.Beatriz Colomina is Professor ofHistory and Theory in the Schoolof Architecture and founding

director of the programmein Media and Modernity atPrinceton University andMark Wigley is a Professor ofArchitecture and Dean Emeritusof Columbia University’sGraduate School of Architecture,Planning and Preservation. Theywrote Are We Human? - Notes onan Archaeology of Design and cocurated the third Istanbul DesignBiennial on the theme Are WeHuman? - The Design of theSpecies - 2 seconds, 2 days, 2years, 200 Years, 200,000 years.Tom Grennan is a Britishmusician. Tia Carys is a UKrapper and freestyler giftedin story telling and wordplay.

UPCOMING2020 LIVEPERFORMANCESThursday 10 August at 7pmBrian Dillon, Katharina Volckmer,Frank WynneFriday 18 September at 7pmIsata Kanneh-MasonBeethoven, Gershwin, BarberFriday 18 September at 9.15pmIsata Kanneh-MasonBeethoven, Gershwin, Chopin, BarberSaturday 19 September at 7pmSamson TsoySchubert, BrahmsSaturday 19 September at 9.15pmPavel Kolesnikov, Elina Buksha,Aurelien PascalBeethoven, Pärt

HUGE THANKS TOEVERYONE WHO HASSUPPORTED THEBOLD TENDENCIES2020 PROGRAMMESouthwark CouncilSelfridgesPaul Hamlyn FoundationBloomberg PhilanthropiesBig Issue Invest AccessArt FundPhillipsLisson GalleryDiceVanguardiad&b audiotechnikSteinway & SonsCMS-CMNOHallett Independent Art InsuranceAll those individuals who have generouslydonated to Bold Tendencies

WHERE AM I?Since 2007 these rooftop spaces atPeckham Multi-Storey Car Park havebeen home to not-for-profit organisationBold Tendencies which is unique interms of the rich mix of what it does,and where and how it does it.We commission site-specific art (107works have been shown here since 2007)and new architecture (Frank’s Cafe in2009, the Straw Auditorium in 2010 andthe Peckham Observatory in 2017) andwe produce an ambitious live eventsprogramme of orchestral music, opera,dance and literature.

Bold Tendencies is for everyone.We animate the programme andthe site for schools, families and theneighbourhood through standaloneeducation and community initiatives thattake culture and civic values seriously.We have a wide and growing audienceand we have welcomed more than2 million people in our 13 summerseasons since 2007. With immersivepublic spaces and spectacular viewsacross London, the project celebratesthe free enjoyment of public spacein the city.

Albert Woodfox is a former Black Panther who spent 45 years unjustly incarcerated in a Louisiana State Penitentiary. He was released in 2016, having served more than 43 years in VROLWDU\ FRQ¿QHPHQW WKH ORQJHVW SHULRG RI VROLWDU\ FRQ¿QHPHQW in American prison history. Kano is a British rapper, songwriter and actor. Kano is one of the pioneers of grime music and culture. In 2004, Kano released .

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