Mobile Check Deposit Frequently Asked Questions

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Mobile Check Deposit – Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat isMobile CheckDeposit?Mobile Check Deposit is a service that allows members to electronicallytransmit an image of their check using an iPhone , iPad , Android phone, orAndroid Tablet for deposit to their VyStar savings or checking account(s).How do Iaccess MobileCheckDeposit?Mobile Check Deposit is a feature within VyStar’s Mobile Banking App.Do I have to be Yes, you must be a member in good standing with an open and active savingsa member ofor checking account.VyStar to usethis service?Who can useMobile CheckDeposit andhow do Ienroll?Any member with VyStar’s Internet Banking access and a valid email addressmay use Mobile Check Deposit. You must accept the Mobile Check DepositServices Agreement (“Services Agreement”) when presented the first timethe application is accessed.How do I know You can use the Mobile Check Deposit service immediately after acceptingwhen I canthe Services Agreement.begin usingthe service?Is specialequipmentneeded forthis service,hardware orsoftware?VyStar’s Mobile Banking App is certified for use with the Apple iPhone, AppleiPad, Android phone, and Android Tablet. The software version required touse this service is specific to the device you are using.What accounts Deposits may be made to a your savings, checking, money market checkingare availableand money market savings accounts, as applicable. If you cannot see all offor deposityour savings and/or checking accounts make sure the accounts have notRev. 8/2015

within MobileCheckDeposit?been “hidden” within Internet Banking. If you would like to unhide anaccount; click Settings/Service. Then under Other Settings section, clickManage Account. Check/Uncheck the Display Online checkbox todisplay/hide your accounts. Finally, click Update Preferences to save yourchanges.What kind ofitems can bescanned?Items that can be scanned and accepted through Mobile Check Deposit are: Personal checks Government checks Business checks Money orders Traveler’s checks Cashier’s or certified checksAll checks must be drawn on a U.S. financial institution and in U.S. funds.Are there anyitems thatcannot bescanned?Yes. Unacceptable items include but are not limited to the following: Checks payable to any person or entity other than member, i.e., thirdparty checks Checks containing altered fields on the front of the check or item, orchecks that are fraudulent or otherwise not authorized by the ownerof the account on which the check or item is drawn; Checks payable jointly, unless deposited into an account in the nameof all payees and endorsed by all payees; Checks previously converted to a substitute check, as defined inRegulation CC Checks that require an authorization code or number Checks drawn or payable through any foreign bank or a financialinstitution located outside the United States; Checks not payable in U.S. currency; Checks dated more than 6 months prior to the date of deposit (staledated checks); Checks that are post-dated Checks that are in any way incomplete, i.e. missing or incompleteendorsementAre there anyspecialendorsementYes. All checks deposited through the service must be endorsed by any andall payees with a restrictive endorsement “For Mobile Deposit”.Rev. 8/2015

requirementsfor checksdepositedthroughMobile CheckDeposit?Are therelimitations tothe amountthe check canbe?Yes. The maximum amount that can be scanned is 5,000 per item and 5,000 per day. The application does not allow a dollar amount to be keyedabove the maximum limit. VyStar may establish limits on the dollar amountand/or number of items or deposits from time to time.How manychecks can beincluded inone deposit?One check per deposit is allowed at this time.How do I make After you log into VyStar’s Mobile Banking App you will:a deposit with 1. Select “Deposit Icon”Mobile Check2. Select the savings or checking account for the item to be deposited toDeposit?3. Enter the amount of the deposit4. Take a picture of the front of the check5. Take a picture of the back of the check6. Confirm the deposit information and submit deposit.How do I know The item submitted for deposit will show in your Deposit History.the depositwas received?How do I know Within the Deposit History Tab, each deposit will have a status iconthe status ofdisplayed; identifying if a deposit was accepted, rejected, or is in pendingthe deposit?review status.How long doesit take for aMembers can scan 24 hours a day/7 days a week. Mobile Check Deposittransactions will post in batch files periodically throughout the day Monday –Rev. 8/2015

deposit topost?Friday, excluding Saturday, Sunday and Federal holidays. All depositsreceived and reviewed by 5:00 pm Eastern Time will be posted the samebusiness day. Deposits received after 5:00 pm Eastern Time will be reviewedand posted the following business day. Text/email alerts can be set up tonotify you when the deposit has posted.I can see thatthe depositwas acceptedbut do not seeit posted tothe account.Where is thedeposit?The batch posting file may not have been posted or the account selectedmay not have been a valid account. When selecting the deposit account aclosed or restricted account could have been selected. Any deposit(s) thatreject will be reviewed the following business day.What happensif the samecheck isscannedtwice?The application will detect duplicate items scanned within the credit uniontherefore the duplicate transaction will not be processed.My depositwas rejectedafter beingsubmitted.Why wouldthis happen?The deposit could be rejected for any of the following reasons (this is not anall-inclusive list): Front and/or back image is not legible including but not limited toMICR information (routing and account information on the bottom ofthe check), payee, maker information Written and numerical amounts do not match The endorsement or authorized signature is missing or incomplete Duplicate item The payee is not on the deposit account (third party).What should Ido with acheck after ithas beenscanned?You should securely store each original check(s) at least 14 calendar daysfrom the date the image was submitted and accepted. Please note that youare solely responsible and liable for the security and storage of the originalchecks and for any loss or misappropriation of these checks. After the 14days, you may dispose of the check in a manner which will ensure the checkwill not be presented again such has shredding, mark the check as“Electronically Presented” or “VOID” or you may continue to securely storeto ensure that it is not presented again for payment.Rev. 8/2015

Are depositsplaced onhold?All transactions are subject to VyStar’s Funds Availability Policy (inserthyperlink) and will be reviewed accordingly. Please refer to the ServicesAgreement for Funds Availability for additional information.If a check isreturnedagainst myaccount can itbe redeposited?A returned check may be re-deposited via mail or taken to a branch locationprovided it is not stamped “DO NOT REDEPOSIT.” VyStar will provide youwith an Image Replacement Document (IRD) or Photo in Lieu.What if I donot have avalid emailaddress?You must have a valid email address to use this service as stated in theServices Agreement. You could be notified via electronic mail (email) throughvarious steps of processing.What happensif my mobiledevice isstolen or lost?VyStar’s mobile banking security features include Multifactor Authentication(MFA) which is designed to ensure a more secure method of accessing youraccounts. You should contact your carrier for further instructions for a lost orstolen device.If I havequestions orencounter aproblem,where can Ireceive help?Mobile check deposit service is designed as an easy-to-use, self-serviceproduct; however, should you encounter any problems or have questions onthe process, please contact VyStar’s Call Center at 904-777-6000 or 800-4456289.Rev. 8/2015

notify you when the deposit has posted. I can see that the deposit was accepted but do not see it posted to the account. Where is the deposit? The batch posting file may not have been posted or the account selected may not have been a valid account. When selecting the deposit account a closed or restricted account could have been selected.

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