COGNOS Multiple Queries - Kent State University

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Multiple QueriesCOGNOSMultiple QueriesIn Cognos Report Studio, it is possible to include multiple queries on a report. In the Applicants reportbelow, we will add a query for Admissions information.Page 1 of 21RevisedJuly 2012

Multiple QueriesFollow these steps to create a report with multiple queries:1. Open the reportPage 2 of 21RevisedJuly 2012

Multiple Queries1. the report body areaSelect the Table menu itemSelect InsertSelect TableChange the table size to three (3) columns and four (4) rows6. Click OKPage 3 of 21RevisedJuly 2012

Multiple Queries7.8.9.Highlight the College columnSelect the List Column Body link at the top of the Properties PaneSelect ListPage 4 of 21RevisedJuly 2012

Multiple Queries10.11.Drag the columns to the bottom left cellClick inside the cell12.Select the CenterPage 5 of 21iconRevisedJuly 2012

Multiple Queries13.14.15.Click the Toolbox tabfrom the Insertable Objects PaneSelect List itemDrag the List item to the bottom right space of the tablePage 6 of 21RevisedJuly 2012

Multiple Queries16.17.Select the Source tab from the Insertable Objects PaneDrag the data items COLLEGE DESC and PERSON UID into the NEW list report framePage 7 of 21RevisedJuly 2012

Multiple Queries18. click inside the PERSON UID columnThe Data Item Expression dialogue box will openClick before the Query Item DefinitionEnter the word count space open parenthesis (Click at the end of the Query Item DefinitionEnter close parenthesis )Click OKPage 8 of 21RevisedJuly 2012

Multiple Queries25.Click inside the COLLEGE DESC column26.Click the GroupPage 9 of 21iconRevisedJuly 2012

Multiple Queries27.Highlight the PERSON UID column28.29.Click the AggregateSelect TotalPage 10 of 21iconRevisedJuly 2012

Multiple Queries30.31.Click inside the subtotal lineClick the Delete key on your keyboardPage 11 of 21RevisedJuly 2012

Multiple Queries32.33.34.Mouse over the Explorer BarMouse over Query ExplorerSelect Query 1Page 12 of 21RevisedJuly 2012

Multiple Queries35.36.37.38.Select the second filter in the Detail Filters windowThe Detail Filter Expression dialogue box will openHighlight and copy the contents in the Expression Definition windowClick the Cancel buttonPage 13 of 21RevisedJuly 2012

Multiple Queries39.40.Mouse over the Query ExplorerSelect Query2Page 14 of 21RevisedJuly 2012

Multiple Queries41.42.43.Click the Toolbox tab from the Insertable Objects paneDrag and drop the Filter item to the Detail Filters windowPaste the copied statement into the Expression Definition windowPage 15 of 21RevisedJuly 2012

Multiple Queries44.45.46.47.Click the Source tab from the Insertable Objects paneScroll through the tree hierarchy until you find the Filters folderOpen the Filters folderDrag and drop the Admit Select filter to the Detail Filters windowPage 16 of 21RevisedJuly 2012

Multiple Queries48.49.Open Page 1 by opening the Page Explorer from the Explorer BarClick inside the right side of the report to highlight it50.Select the CenterPage 17 of 21iconRevisedJuly 2012

Multiple Queries51.52.53.Highlight the column heading for COLLEGE DESCSelect Source Type from the Properties PaneSelect TextPage 18 of 21RevisedJuly 2012

Multiple Queries54. click inside the column headingThe Text box will openType the word CollegeClick OKRepeat steps 56 - 62 for the PERSON UID column, except change the word to AdmissionsPage 19 of 21RevisedJuly 2012

Multiple Queries59.Select the PERSON UID column60.Select the right justifyicon61. Run the report to view the resultsPage 20 of 21RevisedJuly 2012

Multiple QueriesFor additional information regarding Cognos, policies and access, or modifications to the ODS, contactthe Business Intelligence Team at For technical assistance, contact the IS Help Deskat 672-HELP (4357) 2012 This information is provided by the Division of Information Services, Kent State University and is proprietary and confidential. Thesematerials are made available for the exclusive use of Kent State University employees, and shall not be duplicated, published or disclosed forother purposes without written permission.Page 21 of 21RevisedJuly 2012

In Cognos Report Studio, it is possible to include multiple queries on a report. In the Applicants report below, we will add a query for Admissions information. Multiple Queries Page 2 of 21 Revised July 2012 Follow these steps to create a report with multiple queries: 1. Open the report . Multiple Queries

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