Est Ab L I Sh E D 1981 OI - Atecorp

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E stablished 1981Advanced Test Equipment 800-404-ATEC (2832)OI.YMPUSBHS/BHTSvstemN/icroscoDes

BH2SeriesSystemMicroscopeTheBH2 Seriesof top-qualitymicroscopestacilitatesthe use ol a widerangeof on the choiceol sperformanceol the highestot the LB Se es obiectives,the tullquality.This se es ot micrcscopesls sultabletot a very wide rangeof applications,frcmroutinelaboratorywo* to educationaland researchinvestigations.F*

OulsiandingEqonomelrythrolghlhe bnocularllbe n pholomcrcThedesgnoftheenlresyslem-microscope nlubes,stales,eic.-bea6wiinesslo crealiveandinventivelhinking. lmprov dlllumlnatlngS)sl6mOneexamplemaybe seenn the desgnA 8H2 Seriesmicroscop sempoylheoi the coarsestageadjuslmenl,in wlrchw dey accepledLB Seriesobjectivesandrnovemenlis limiledin the upwadd reclion WHK10X(asstandardeyeprecesequipmenl),in orderlo prevenlconlactbelveenobleclive prcvidingF.N.20 wdeiiedobservalion.andspecimenThecoarseandIne focusing BH2Seriesmicroscopesprovde Koehlerknobsare ol coaxialdesign,andihe mini.ilumnalionio expoil lhe lullbeneiiisol lhemumincremenlon lhe fineadjr.rstmenlknob LBSeriesobjectives.A widechoiceolrepresentsa stagemovemenlof jlsi coarialstagecontrolknobslromultralowlo hgh magnificalions.are localedcloselo raleow enoughto permiioperaiiorlwiihouihaogenlamps,asphercaco eclorsandhavingto raisethe armoll the arm rest.lllly 30lrifocularobserva'ton tub featuresconslanttlbe englhadjustmenlvlhlchallowscameraiocus

BHSSystemMicroscopeThis top qualitynicroscope featuresa longJife12V,100Whalogenlamp whichprovidesbtight illuminationlor a wide rangeof is ideallysuitedfor advancedrcsearchwotk and investigationsrcqui ng high precision.

BHSF Microscopesland.The BHS.Fsland s ol a fobusland slabledesgn unaiJecledby vibralonor shakingH ghy felable, I s idea lor photomicrogfaphc purposes.The sland ncorporalesa h gh perJormancelransiormerwhich s unallecledby luclua.lions ri lhe ne vo tage and so alwaysprovideslghl ol uniorm brghhess and.The bal bearingsexlupe revolvng nose.pieceaccepts ow 10 h 9h magnlcalonobjecuveswilh 45mm parloca dislanceT h s i e a l L r rceo n l r b u l e s g n l c a n l y 1 0grealeretl ciencyin microscopy.BH LSH Halogon Lamp HouslngThe 12V 100Whalogenamp provdesabfghl lighl sourcesulable lor rnanytypesThe precentefedamp hasoj averagelle ol around2,000hours.reducingsigniiicanlythe I me lost wthtroubLesomebub change.S c h i s i o s o m i a5sJ a p o n i c (a ! e r , H . E s r a B Its112BHS-FBH2-8t30BH2.TTI3OBH26B BH2.5REBH2'SVRoooaBH2ArcBH2.SC8H idelied, HEPooooooo3r3ooooooola

BHTSystemMicroscopeEmployingthe ' as the ModelBHS,the Model BHT microscopeusesa difterenttype of illuminationsystemand elect calcomponents.A compactmicroscope,it otlers exce ent cost-pertormance.

BHT.FMlcroscop Sland.Smallerllranlh lremelylunctonal.Theduslprooi uminatngsystemkeepslhe lghl palhc eanLS20HLampHousingEncosesa precenlered6v 20w oooooooooo111BHT.FBH2'5FEBH2.Br30T.hocular,30" Inclined LOoaoaooooocoooooo

LB(LongBarre\Qb5ectlvesTheLB o top qualityand ablesthe user to choosethe ideal lensfor theputposeintended.In the designol LBobjeclives,OLYtvtPUShasdrawnuponits exlensiveandrenownedexperlseinopticaltechnoogylhe oblectivesollerthe fo lowifg iealures:1. Highresolulion2. Slperiorconlrast3. ExcelleflI eldflatness4. F.N.20 widelie(wilhd observationWHK10Xeyepece)5. agnificationtenses.S Plan Apochtlmal Obioctlv sTheseobjeclvesareof lhe h ghestqualilydesign.Chromaticaberalionis lhorolghlycompensated,lleldI alnessis fesolulion.S Plan Achromat Obl ctlvoslle S Planobjectivesare themostpoputarhighquaity obieclivesn lhe enssurfacesmakeslhemidealysuiledior usein diflerenlalnterferenceconlrastmicroscopyafd ior SuperwdeiiedS PlenFL ObJoctlY6sThelllfa owmagnlications(1X,2X)oi theseobjectivesmakelhem dea lor exarninationol la.gespecimenareas.Theyare tullyparfocawith olher LB objectives.TheSPIaiFL2Xobjecliveis sulablelor superied observations.widefNoro Th6seobjeclvos penorm besl wlh the BH2.ULCD Pbn Achromat ObJ ctlvosWlh D Planoblectives,leld tlahesssglaranreedup 10F.N20.tdeatior photopurposes,micrographiclheyarewidelyusediri research,educalionaandroulne work.D Achrcmat OblecllvssThesearelhe mosteconomicalyprcedoblectivesn lhe LBse.ies.Resoutioriandilalnessin lhe cenierponionoI lhe liedol viewareexcelenlandlheyareparlicularlysuitablefor rolUnework,educationalpurposesor rrarnng.No CoverObi ctlv sThs lypeoi objeclve is idealfor examina onof specimenswlh no coverglass,such'A vaaeryor olherrypesol as -conrasr,refecledrighlluor scenc ,orpoarize! isrrl mlcroscopy

EyepiecesandCondensersTocomplementthe pertomanceof out LB obiectives,an extensiverangeof eyepiecesandsix typesot condensercarc available.Toexploit the lu pertotmanceof obiectiveswithmagniticationsfrom 1Xto 100Xrequiresthe choiceof the propercondenser.LB S des Eyopl6c6sDesgnedfor usewilh LBSeriesobieclives,wHK eyepiecesafe easyandcomlorlableto useandare oi widelelddesgn(F.N.20wilhthe WHK10Xeyepece).Thehigheyepointmakesthem easylo useby lon over longperiodsof lhe seres FK s de3 Pholo Eyepl c 3Thesephotoeyepiecesare specificalydesignedlor pholomicrography.Theyareavaihbbin 1.67x,25x,3.3x,5x and6.7xmagnilcalions.NFK1.67Xs recommendedto be angeot condensersobserva'coveing b ghll eld and darklieLdTheBH2-AqCis a lop erwhlchfullcompensationlor al aberrallons.Theforcondenseris suilableswingoulBH2-SCa widerangeoi re available,genera.plposeBH2CDandlhe BH2-ULCfor u lra'lowmagnilcation.

TubesObservationAll BH2 se es observationtubes haveconstanttube length adiustment.This featureautomaticallymaintainsthe s.BH2-Blm Einocular ObseNalion TubeT h B H 2B l 3 0 s d e s g n e de x c u s v e yi o rn c i n a t o n :3 0 " l o l h e h o r i z o n t anlerpLrpary dsianc 53-75mm (w1rrconslanrrube enllh adllshenl)M a xm u m F N . 2 lBH2.TR30Trinocular ObssrvalionTubeTh s lube ncreasesthe ejiclency oi pholographicworksince t permilscameralocLrsingthroughlhe brnoc!ar seclon. The lhreeslepghl palh seleclora ows pholomcrographyand obs rvalonal lhe same tmen c i n a t o n :3 0 " t o l h e h o r z o n l anlerplp ary dslancer 53-75mm (wilhconslanl lub engllr adl!slnrenl)BH2.SWSuper Wldeli ld Attachm nlTheBH2SWallachmenlpresenlslhe observl i c el h e s z ee r w l h a i e d o l v e w a b o L rl wol rhal obla ned wlh ordinaryobservalionrubes and lhus reduces10a mlnmum lheneed lo movethe specimenaround Thsresuts in a sgnificanlincreasein workeilciency.The 3 slep ight pallr seeclorand constanllube lenglhadlushent alowcameraloct]sng lhrolgh llre bnocularsecton ior photomc rography.lnc nalion 30" to the horizontalnlerplp ary drslance:56 75mm (wilhconslanl lube enqlh adl!slmenl)MaxmLrmF N. 26.5BH2SW2BH2 WTF30NFK33XLDSPranl0XSPan20xoo caooBH2.PTV rtical PhololubeThisiube presenlsthe mosl economca wayThe bno'oi conductng pholomicrographycu ar obsetualiontlbe musl be removedinorderlo altaclrthe vei(ca pholollbe and soobservalon s nol possibe al lhe samet rne as phoiom c rography.LohrParhs6r6cnon[ ;hrcasropgN2SWTF)(8N2.TF30., l1lcv20%c

StagesA selection of stagesis available,including thosesuitable fot diflerential intederence contrastand fluorcscence microscopy,BH2.SVBMechanlcalSlag wllhRlghtHandLow DdveConltolsThis s the mostpopulafstageior manyareasof onbyduslandglasschips.Scannngareais76mm00x 50mmC4.A 270' rolalon capabillymakeslhs slagehlghyslitabe lor pholographc frcmingandpurposesfordlferentialnle erenceconlraslNoro:Rangoot roraion s reducedio 65" whena d'r{ere arinlerre,enc6conlraslcondons rsalrachedBH2.SVLMochanlcalSlag wlthL ft.HendLow DdveConlrolsHaslhe samefeauresas lhe BH2-SVR,excepllhallheconvos a.e ocaledonthelefl.BH2.SHM chanlcalStaggwlthHorlzonlal DdveControlsThestagecontrolsare hofizontatytocatedon lhe lefl- and r ghl-harids des Theslagecanbe rolaledlhrough40qwhenthestagecontrolknobsareon lhe laf side,and180'whenon thenearsde.lhroughBH2.SRGClrcularRotalableStag Ths islheideaslageforNomarskid .mechanism,scopy.ll ieaUresa centeringandgGduationsat 1' is142mm.t acceplsslageciipsor KM andFM altachablemechanicalslages.BH2SVFRGroov dMechanlcalslage \rlthRightHandLow DdveConlrolsThellut ddesgnpreventssidesslickinglo lhestagesurlacedle lo spilledimmersonoil,ihuseliminalinginlerruptionsin mcrcscopicwork TheX-axisexcursionis 52mm,andY.axisexcursons 76mm.Theslageroiaieslhrough270'.10

ntrastAttachmentBH2-KPCPhasecontrastis one of the most commonlyusedtechniquesin microscopy'lt is employedcel/s,etc.,pemitting obseNationot thein the examinationof living mictaoryanr'stns,underdiftercntdegreesot contrast.internalstructurcsol l.Fealuresan Abbelypelurretcondenserol 1.25.wilh a numercalaperlure.lncorporalesannularphasepale lor 10x,20xr,40xand 100xphaseobjectve. ncorporatesforusedaphragman apertureisaulomalicalyinbrghliied Ths diaphragmon.n e escopewth higheyepointpermlssimpleandaccuraleannulLrs.The BH2-SWallachemenlsuperwdeJ eldwlh S Pan Phase.use n conluncUonenablesobservalionolcont aslobjeclivessuperwdeleldphaseconlraslirnages.Four lypesoi conlrasl PL PLL NH andNM-are avaable.Twolypesoi objeclvesareavaiabelorphase.conlraslm crosocpy:S PlanAchroTheycome nmalsandD Achromats.magnlcalonsol 10x,2oX*40Xand100x,and n bolhposlve (10X,20x",,10X,. x',40x 1@xNH 1 0 xmNM rox,20x',40x,lmx'PL Pos'lve L@N H N e q a r v oH q hPLL Fos lNe Low LowBHz'KPC Simple Phase ContraslUsedin conjunclionwth a BH2.CDbr ghliiedcondenserand phaseconlraslobleclves,llr s altachmenlpresenlsphaseconlraslmageseas y and y Availablen 10X,20X and 40X magnlcalions


BH2-UCDUniversalCondenserTheBH2-UCDis a powertulunivercalcondenserthat is compatiblewith diversemicroscopictechniques.Sinply by changingthe opticalelements,a speedychangeoverls posslb/ebetween the brightfield, darkfield, phase contrcsL Nomarski differential inteierence contrast(DlC) and pola zing obseNation methods. lts flexibility for combining difterent obseNationseslab/lshesthe BH2-UCDas optimumlor advancedresearchapplicationsthat rcquireacombinationof variousmicroscopymethods.Speca y desgnediof usewiththe BH-2Seriesol Sysleml\,{croscopestheBH2.UCDallowsfor yby replacinglhe oplicaLelement,permlsa smoolhandlhe hniques,lhus perlormlngthe combinedm croscopythat meelsyourparllcularappicalionSlandad ConfigurationsIEPn@ @iEer Rrnian*hmd ol mr obl6.usFri@ cqiEr Rrn!Arl.chmd ror4or o6F.riFriorurdd P.kmldrlomExr P.rm ldtlodEl( PrIm rdMfl'8N P'10 ld and r0l obl.crl6sFre 20r obr.orlE5r4s 4or oblerlEsFi{ rpo 60r {orDobi*lhrNomdl Prlm td DPhi eoPr m lor DA.i l@6 Noddlr.rodE*r P fl ld DPhnaeibmE*r Pdm rd oPi.nrea10r uv obLclr 2& W Obhcnw40r uv {d/t obierrs40r uv. lollJor DA@or uv (oiDohl*lrv.NoNdd Dr hbm.dLLoIll! (o' Tdsmhr.d lohilrrdp' (r.r tbn*r.d lthr Fr6E*@ Ai1.chm. r)Nd.6ril srld.rriorFclr.cLd Lh an4hm.n0Optlcal ElemsntsandiblePCSPranld, rcDAch16, DolaiA0ororuNPLLwocoPrrcsPe 20r,PCoA.h2ox,Ae2oruv FL,LWDCDPdnloIpL.lLWoCOqf4o PlrcsP44or. rc0A.h.6. DPran(oru,PC5Pelmx @l),PCDtuhr0or (or),ophn Apo4orxmxuv.F[(oD oAPo4tu/roorLrvPl.The BH2.LJCDmaybe combinedwilhreilecledlighlthe BH2-RFCAflorescenceI lminalor,lhe poarizng inlermedaleprovidedtubeandolheraltachmenlswilh lhe aH.2seres m croscopes.The BH2-UCDemploysa lop lensswing'oLrlsyslem,enabng useol 2x lhroughI00x magnlicalon objecrives.Whencombnedwlh a orescencemicroscopyand phaseconlraslor NomarskiDICobservalionsimulaneously.can be perlormedsPrlD1oor{orn DPrs a@ r(l0rlolDDFrdna!.2oluv oPrs apo2oiuv(ol)sPer0x,2orl40r,sA.n a@rormr, NcsP/ai4GoA.h s,a&r0r/20rrjvLWDCOFai2Ox/1orA.n'marlcraddndrlc'.top r m st ourtyp.ou ntF6'@llca . oftnl.Eyboan&hodTsli'a06nul6nsdi.9h60m, th36."lolai.b opda' z l105i'urs' o)\5e 0 ioh m

1 Felal I brcblast.Phase-contrasl.2. A ral o@vle at melaDhaseot cell divisionfof meioss. Noma6ki Dlc.3. a ral pacenta at lsrh day olg sration. (3-a)aightti ld,l3-b)oaAlield.

ed tight tluorescence attachment expands scope of rcsearch through flexiblecombinationsand simple switchoverol multiple observationmethodslllumlnatot.Threelevelsoi excllinglighlinlensit100%,25%and0oloarc availabler.An aperturediaphragmallowslhe preciseandol excitinqllghtinlensityregulationimagecontrasl.I uorcscence.Fealuresa micenleringnaie6straylightwhichcaus silaresandrcdLrcesmageclarily,Cub unll System.Six clbic unitsaro availablelor U, V BVB, G and 18excilations.Oplimumcubicunit can be selectedtor each pupose olobsorvalion,Thfeeoi lhese unls may bemounledsimullaneously.A I raadbarier I ltersbarrierfiler andaacceptsan additionalslpplemenlaryexcllsrliller.ThisalLowslor excilalion.the bandlo bs the usergrcaterflexibilily.roplaced,.ThelB excilalionacomblnalion0mploysnewlydeveop rescenlbarrierllterimages,andan inlerferenceThis specimenscombinatlon,doesthe B excilallonmeaninglhal il is possiblelo observeweaklylluorescingmalerilals.The newlydevelopedBH2-HMIGSunilenablesIGSobservationlo be madewith Dwhenit is usedin lighliluorescenceallachmentA rellectedgnedlor Bwiih halogenlightsourcedesD Plan Apo UV S rl6s.ThisSeiesobjeclivestealuleandesignlo cor.ectchromalrcapochromallcaberrationsover a Wde wavelenglhrange.Ilis designguannieesa sharpin anyimageandbrighlilLuminationD PlanApo UVPLS rl 3Ol!,rnpusalso oilers a lineupol 4 \pes oiiluorescentphaseconlrastobieclives.Whenrellecled ighl lionare performedsimultaneously,image,includingthean entirespecimenarea,canbe obtained.non-lluorescent15

Excilation2Fluorcscancellluminalol includinoUV PolmlivoShield. lmfrersion oil soac aid Dlirst Coer Bo71a oc ooF uorescenceLamoHalsinoa oo ooUSH1O2DoTH3o c olc oBH2.DMUBN2'OMV3H2,DMSVBH2.DMASH2.OMGBH2.DMIBcolV Excitationooolo c)lo o o co ollBV Excitationooloaoooc oaoolB Excitationoo o cl(or @lr6ct6dighllluoresc. c.)o or , L.fG Excitationao'.liilB Setr6

for GroupObservationAttachmentsHerc is a group ol very usefulaccessorleswhich allow simultaneousviewingby severulobservers.This is a patticularlyconvenientleaturelor discussionsbetweenrcsearchers,and is indispensablefor ermilss mu laneols obsetualon ol thesamespecmen mageIn rne samearental0n by !p lo Jv persons.The arrowponler can be rnovedlo ndcalea n y a r e a0 1l h e s p e c . f e n P o n t e rc o l o r{gr enor orange)can be changed andotutt po.lefl!mnal0n

BH2.OODualviewing Atlachm nl.Th feallres ar exacly lhe same as theBH2N'lDO.etcepl llral il permls obs rvalof. T h r es a m p d s l a n c eb e l w e e nl h eobserv rposilons.a ow ng reax dver, ng.Trre secondobserve.may manpuale thep o n l e rb y m e a n so i a n a d d l o n a e v e rocaled on lhe ooposilesde irom lh-.1BH2.OODuaivewnsbody lBttDo.BEinoc!arrubeBH2Bl30ro'ponGif,"ir,amro'me'" rumnaro.ILWHKIOX.woeieoeyepiecesiw H Fl o t iH e a sr c r e e n lBi2 DorPsiA H . S P S WH i g h R e s o l u l i o nE y os l r r r i s r i r f m l l e v e . a l l . r ro n ! p c ro ! 50 1l r e t f 9 l l r a n k s1 0t h e h ! h r c s o u l i : r .presefrc.rtry urs scrcerrL l l ! c 1 r v dc d l ] r e l e rr 5 5 n n rSc,eef fr.!. ,nr!. r cil oi Obi.r!cnrL!)frcif ori !: NFK plrok).rycooc.

icSystemsThesefully automaticPhotomictogtaphicsystemsaredesigned tot exclusive use with microscopes.A builtin micrccompulerassureseasyand tailurc-treeoperation. They can also be operatedmanually,and crogmphicSyslem.Fealuresbolhspot(1%)and alicallycompensateslor a films recprocly ia enduringlongexposures.An exposureadllslmenllealureallowsthepreciseconlrool exposurelrmeto malchthe specmens characlerstics.lncorporalesan AE ockrnechanism,useiuwhenvmm ag willrspotmeleringor lo keepdensty uniformin contnuouspanoramc pnorcgrapny.Manlalexposurecontrolis aso avalabe.Acceptslhe followinglypesol I m: 35mm;4" x5' sheet;and3r/1"x4rl" Polarod.ThemulliplemeclransTnexposureenabesa nurnberof imageslo be recordedon lhesameliameoi sameieaturesas lhe PM.I0ADSexcepllhal il provdesony 60% melerngwth 35mmllmNole Ths sysrem a.ceph praclca y a lhe accessonesavalabe ro,lhe PM r0A0SPM-CTRColor Temperetur Moduleme PMTTRmeasurescolorlemperaluresfrom2,500Kto 10,m0K.lprovdesgrealeraccuracyln meThs v e ,'lnders optonallyavaibbblor lheSyslemsO ympls PholomicrographicPM'lOADSandPM10AD.Foclsingon thedoublecrossinesandtheflmng darkiormallrameswhenphotographisspecmensagainsta darkbackgroundgreatyiac taiedby lhe lacl thalllre irameretce s uminatedandlhe coLoroi tlreiramecanbevarediromblacklo redor yelowEI

PM 1oADSSlandardOullilsPMlO.35ADS-2Alromatc ExposureBodyaulomarc ExposureConlrolUnitPMCBSPAdaplo.lor aplerlor Laqo Fomal CameEBackc-35AD4o4"x5' InlemedialeAdaplero3l/4" x4.1/4" Poa.od Came.a BackoooC.)ocaa3540.1PMtoADStandardoull lsAuromal(ExposureConrollJnilPdaprerlor 35mmCameraBackadapterlor Lae FormalCamelaBackLlAD'1L2ADIPM.PBS)oaPM 8ADoooPM,D354oooooc.35AD-4oo4' xs' Inlgmedial AdaplerBack3'1/4" x4r14" PolaroidoPM.FT'36ooooooac)Adaplerlor NFK Phoroeyepiecec. or TomperarueModule'rimeLapseConlrolUnilPM TBo2a

BH2.KPSlmplePolarlzlngAttachmentpoarizedlghlThs es.A lnt plateandolhercompensatorscanbe usedwilh BH.POLPoledzlngFllterSetConsislngol a poarizerandan uselllllor .CAMagnltlcatlonChang rwlhoulMagnI calonpowercanbe ncreasedchangingN A by usnglh s unilThsleaturewi greatyenh

Olympus BHS/BHT System Microscopes (BH-2) brochure Author: Olympus Optical Co., Ltd. Subject: Scanned copy of the brochure for the BHS and BHT versions of the Olympus BH-2 compound microscope. Keywords: Olympus, microscope, microscopes, BHS, BHT, BH-2, BH2, catalogue, catalogues, catalog, catalogs, brochure, brochures Created Date

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