Recurring Decimals GCSE Mark Score (%) Edexcel Mathematics

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Name:Date:Recurring DecimalsGCSEEdexcelMathematicsGrade (9-1)MarkScore (%)58MaterialsFor this paper you must have:RulerPencil, Rubber, Protractor and CompassScientific calculator, which you are expected to use when appropriateInstructionsAnswer all questionsAnswer questions in the space providedAll working must be shownDo all rough work in this book. Cross out any rough work you don't want to be markedInformationThe marks for the questions are shown in brackets

1LeaveblankConvert the following recurring decimals to fractions.Give each answer in its simplest form.(a) 0.1111 (2)(b) 0.204204 (2)(Total for question 1 is 4 marks)2Write 0. ̇ 8̇ as a fraction in its simplest form. (Total for question 2 is 2 marks)

3LeaveblankConvert 6̇ into a fraction.Give your answer as fraction in its lowest form.(Total for question 3 is 2 marks)4̇ into a fraction.ConvertGive your answer as fraction in its lowest form.(Total for question 4 is 2 marks)

Leaveblank6 Convert2̇5̇ into a fraction.5 Robert, John and Peter were given 3 equal lengths of rods. RobertGive your answer as fraction in its lowest form.cut his rod into pieces 42 cm long, John cut his rod into pieces 24cm long and Peter cut his rod into pieces 60 cm long. If there wasno remainder in each case, what was the shortest length of rodgiven to each of them? (Total for question 5 is 3 marks)76Convert 2̇25̇ into a fraction.Give your answer as fraction in its lowest form.Complete the table below.FractionDecimalPercentage42.50.8767/9.(Total for question 6 is 3 marks)

7LeaveblankProve algebraically that the recurring decimal 0.2̇ 6̇ can be written as 837(Total for question 7 is 3 marks)̇ intowith108 Janeuses somealphabets written on them to spell out the word BANANAConvert4̇5tilesa fraction.Give your answer as fraction in its lowest form.B A N A N AShe removes all ‘N’ tiles.What percentage of original tiles are left? (Total for question 8 is 2 marks)

9Convert 5̇ into a fraction.Give your answer as mixed fraction.Leaveblank.(Total for question 9 is 2 marks)10thinkstwoa numbers.̇ into10 OliviaConvert2 6offraction. TheGive your answer as a mixed fraction. (Total for question 10 is 3 marks)

Write5 5̇ asa fractionin its lowest form.1111Thediagramshowsa fair spinner.Leaveblank.(Total for question 11 is 2 marks)12 Write 0.6451451451 . as a fraction in its simplest form.(Total for question 12 is 3 marks)

13 x is an integer such that 1 x 913 TThe LCM of two numbersis 130. The HCF of the same𝑥Provethat 0.0𝑥̇ 90twonumbersis 13.Both numbers are less than 100. Writedown two possible numbers.Leaveblank.(Total for question 13 is 3 marks)14 Convert 0 2̇9̇ into a fraction.(Total for question 14 is 2 marks)

Leaveblank15 Find the fraction, in its lowest terms, equal to the recurring decimal 0.05̇2̇ 4̇.(Total for question 15 is 3 marks)̇.(Total for question 16 is 4 marks)

17LeaveblankWork out: 0.07̇ 0. ̇ 85̇ (Total for question 17 is 4 marks)18 Arrange the numbers below in ascending order:1123̇ ̇,, 0.472511.(Total for question 18 is 3 marks)

Leaveblank19 Work out the followingGive your answer as a simplified fraction.0. ̇ 2̇0. ̇0 6̇.(Total for question 19 is 3 marks)20 Arrange the following in descending order: (Total for question 20 is 5 marks)

Grade (9-1) _ 58 (Total for question 1 is 4 marks) 2. Write ̇8̇ as a fraction in its simplest form. . 90. 15 blank Find the fraction, in its

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