S T R AT E GY A N D L E A D E R S H I P I N C R I T I C A L T I M E SSummerr 2017A PUBLICATION OF e.REPUBLIC ISSUE 3 VOLUME 12 EMERGENCYMGMT.COMEM07 cov.indd 26/20/17 3:25 PMDesigner CreativeDir.100 Blue Ravine RoadFolsom, CA 95630916-932-1300www.erepublic.com5255075BLACKCMY grey95 1005T125T25075Editorial PrepressT395 100YELLOW525507595 1005255075MAGENTACYAN95 100Page #Other OK to go
80% of elected and appointedofficials and their staff say they do not knowif their state has a cyber-emergency incidentplan in place.Learn more by downloading a complimentary copyof the cybersecurity policy guide at:governing.com/cyberguideProduced by:Designer CreativeDir.100 Blue Ravine RoadFolsom, CA 95630916-932-1300www.erepublic.com5255075BLACKCMY grey95 1005T125T25075Editorial PrepressT395 100YELLOW525507595 1005255075MAGENTACYAN95 100Page #Other OK to go
melandSecurityA flu pandemic is coming, butwhen, and how bad will it be?Proposed budget cuts wouldhurt security and could curbmitigation efforts.20Survivingthe Tsunami30A tsunami striking the U.S.mainland might seem far-fetched,but scientists say preparation iscrucial because it will happen —it’s just a matter of when.The search for solutions asvolunteer firefighter recruitmentsputters and 911 calls OMEM07 03.indd 36/20/17 3:51 PMDesigner CreativeDir.100 Blue Ravine RoadFolsom, CA 95630916-932-1300www.erepublic.com5255075BLACK3CMY grey95 1005T125T25075Editorial PrepressT395 100YELLOW525507595 1005255075MAGENTACYAN95 100Page #Other OK to go
PublisherAlan Cox alanc@erepublic.comEditorialEditor:Managing Editor:GT Editor:Copy Editor:Staff Writers:Jim McKay jmckay@govtech.comMiriam Jones mjones@govtech.comNoelle Knell nknell@govtech.comLauren Harrison lharrison@govtech.comTheo Douglas tdouglas@govtech.comRyan McCauley rmccauley@govtech.comEyragon Eidam eeidam@govtech.comJanine Fastenau jfastenau@govtech.comEditorial Assistant:DesignChief Design Officer:Graphic Designer Pubs:Senior Designer Custom:Production Director:Production Manager:Kelly Martinelli kmartinelli@govtech.comKale Mendonca kmendonca@govtech.comCrystal Hopson chopson@govtech.comStephan Widmaier enior VP StrategicAccounts:Stacy Ward-Probst sward@govtech.comVPs of Strategic Accounts:Kim Frame kframe@govtech.comArlene Boeger aboeger@govtech.comShelley Ballard sballard@govtech.comSales Directors:Tracy Meisler tmeisler@govtech.comMelissa Sellers msellers@govtech.comKaren Hardison khardison@govtech.comLara Roebbelen lroebbelen@govtech.comCarmen Besirevic cbesirevic@govtech.comLynn Gallagher lgallagher@govtech.comKelly Schieding kschieding@govtech.comAccount Executives:Paul Dangberg pauld@govtech.comRebecca Regrut rregrut@govtech.comKathryn Nichols knichols@govtech.comJoelle Tell jtell@govtech.comBus. Dev. Manager:Inside Sales:Maggie Ransier mransier@govtech.comLisa Blackie lblackie@govtech.comLinda Clarke lclarke@govtech.comSr. Sales Administrator:Sales Administrators:Kelly Kashuba kkashuba@govtech.comJane Mandel jmandel@govtech.comMorgan Rothenbaum mrothenbaum@govtech.comDanielle Murphy dmurphy@govtech.comSr. Dir. of Sales Operations:Content StudioManaging Editor:Dir. of Web Marketing:Web Advertising Mgr.:Subscription Coord.:Andrea Kleinbardt akleinbardt@govtech.com36Major PlayerLori Peek, director,Natural HazardsCenter, University ofColorado-BoulderGLENN J. ASAKAWA, UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO BOULDERDepartmentRest of the BookPUBLIC SAFETY634 Stepping UpPSAPs are moving ahead withnext-generation 911 as carriers lag.8TECHNOLOGY AND TRENDS42 Ahead of ScheduleThe FirstNet nationwide broadbandnetwork for public safety agencies,announced plans for rapid statedeployment.Point of ViewThe Public as a ResourceCorporateCEO:President:CAO:CFO:Executive VP:Chief Content Officer:Deputy Chief Content Officer:VP Research:In the News10Bulletin40Disaster Zone41Product Spotlight43Last WordJeana Bigham jbigham@govtech.comZach Presnall zpresnall@govtech.comAdam Fowler afowler@govtech.comEenie Yang subscriptions@govtech.comDennis McKenna dmckenna@govtech.comCathilea Robinett crobinett@govtech.comLisa Harney lharney@govtech.comPaul Harney pharney@govtech.comAlan Cox alanc@govtech.comPaul W. Taylor ptaylor@govtech.comSteve Towns stowns@govtech.comTodd Sander tsander@govtech.comCivil Defense ReincarnatedEmergency Management (ISSN 2156-2490) is published quarterly bye.Republic Inc. 100 Blue Ravine Road, Folsom, CA 95630. PeriodicalsPostage paid at Folsom, CA and additional offices. Postmaster: Send addresschanges to Emergency Management 100 Blue Ravine Road, Folsom, CA95630. 2017 by e.Republic Inc. All rights reserved. Opinions expressedby writers are not necessarily those of the publisher or editors.Know Your EnvironmentArticle submissions should be sent to the attention of the Managing Editor.Reprints of all articles in this issue and past issues are available (500 minimum).Please direct inquiries for reprints and licensing to Wright’s Media:(877) 652-5295, sales@wrightsmedia.com.Subscription Information: Requests for subscriptions may be directed tosubscription coordinator by phone or fax to the numbers below. You canalso subscribe online at www.emergencymgmt.com100 Blue Ravine Road, Folsom, CA 95630Phone: (916)932-1300 Fax: (916)932-1470www.emergencymgmt.comA publication of4SUMMER 2017EM07 03.indd 46/23/17 10:02 AMDesigner CreativeDir.100 Blue Ravine RoadFolsom, CA 95630916-932-1300www.erepublic.com5255075BLACKCMY grey95 1005T125T25075Editorial PrepressT395 100YELLOW525507595 1005255075MAGENTACYAN95 100Page #Other OK to go
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Point of VIewBy W. Craig FugateThe Public as a Resourcear too often, organizations considerthe public a liability — something tobe rescued in an emergency situation. The opposite is true. The public is oneof our greatest resources in times of crisisand should be included as an important partof your resilience planning and training.The reality of emergency management isthis: The bigger the disaster, the less likely thegovernment can provide the best response.For smaller disasters, there are multipleorganizations that can respond, from the RedCross to the Salvation Army to our own NationalGuard. For larger disasters, there is so muchdemand for assistance that we invariably fallshort. We cannot get to people fast enough. Inthose situations, the tendency is to tell the publicto be passive and wait. That is not the best solution and increases the number of lives lost.In the case of almost any disaster, thefastest response will be from your neighbor.There are countless examples of this:them. The government does not know wholives where and who has air conditioning;neighbors do, and can be proactive.FAn award-winningpublicationMAGGIE AWARDS2015 / BESTOVERALLPUBLICATIONEmergency ManagementMagazine In tornadoes, people who are dug out fromunder debris within the first hour are rescuedby neighbors. After the Joplin, Mo., tornadoin 2011, I walked through neighborhoods withPresident Obama. We came upon a gentlemanwhose house had only the front half remaining.The president asked him what he did oncethe storm passed. He said, “I heard peoplehollering, so I started digging them out.”ASBPE AWARDS2016 / MAGAZINEOF THE YEAREmergency ManagementMagazineW. Craig Fugate is senior advisor to the CEO at The CadmusGroup Inc. Fugate served as theadministrator of FEMA from May2008 to January 2017. Prior tohis tenure at FEMA, he served asFlorida’s emergency managementdirector from 2001 through 2009.In 2016, Fugate received theNational Emergency ManagementAssociation Lacy E. Suiter Awardfor lifetime achievements and contributions in the field of emergencymanagement.6Changing the message In shooting situations, high mortalityrates come from victims bleeding todeath. In the Aurora, Colo., shooting,one of the victims was saved by a friendapplying pressure to the wound. During heat waves, countless people aresaved because their neighbors check onHistorically, we have marginalized the public.We’ve called them victims. Yes, there will alwaysbe victims of disaster. But the ones who make itthrough should not be called victims. We needto change our message. Instead, we should becalling them survivors. We should be includingthe public — the survivors — as part of the team.Just as important, we should broaden ourdefinition of “the public.” The business community is part of the public and can provide criticalonsite assistance at a capacity that the governmentcannot. For example, historically, the amount offood and water the government ships in does notmeet the demand. Private businesses, however— grocery stores, fast food restaurants, etc. — arefar more effective at providing amenities forentire cities’ worth of people. They can often getup and running faster than the government.We don’t want to compete with the privatesector; we want to work with the privatesector as a team. As we prepare for emergency events, we should include the publicand specifically private businesses with a planthat includes asking them: “What can we doto help you get up and running again?”We should put a higher priority ongetting the private sector operational aftera disaster. If these businesses get up andrunning, it takes tremendous stress off thegovernment and government resources.In a nutshell, we must include giving the peopleback a sense of control in our preparedness planning. We need to give people the OK to help oneanother, and give businesses the OK — and theresources — to get back on track so they can helpthose people who cannot help themselves. kSUMMER 2017EM07 06.indd 66/20/17 3:29 PMDesigner CreativeDir.100 Blue Ravine RoadFolsom, CA 95630916-932-1300www.erepublic.com5255075BLACKCMY grey95 1005T125T25075Editorial PrepressT395 100YELLOW525507595 1005255075MAGENTACYAN95 100Page #Other OK to go
Get disasterpreparednessnews deliveredto your inbox.Sign up today atwww.emergencymgmt.com/subscribeDesigner CreativeDir.100 Blue Ravine RoadFolsom, CA 95630916-932-1300www.erepublic.com5255075BLACKCMY grey95 1005T125T25075Editorial PrepressT395 100YELLOW525507595 1005255075MAGENTACYAN95 100Page #Other OK to go
NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATIONIn the News8SUMMER 2017EM07 08.indd 86/20/17 3:27 PMDesigner CreativeDir.100 Blue Ravine RoadFolsom, CA 95630916-932-1300www.erepublic.com5255075BLACKCMY grey95 1005T125T25075Editorial PrepressT395 100YELLOW525507595 1005255075MAGENTACYAN95 100Page #Other OK to go
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)and Climate Central, a nonprofit environmental research group,demonstrated with graphics like this one of San Francisco Giants’ AT&TPark what sea-level rise could look like by 2100. NOAA has forecast anextreme sea-level rise of 10 to 12 feet in the United States by 2100.EMERGENCYMGMT.COMEM07 08.indd 96/23/17 3:15 PMDesigner CreativeDir.100 Blue Ravine RoadFolsom, CA 95630916-932-1300www.erepublic.com5255075BLACK9CMY grey95 1005T125T25075Editorial PrepressT395 100YELLOW525507595 1005255075MAGENTACYAN95 100Page #Other OK to go
SHUTTERSTOCK.COMBulletinprofessor of HomelandSecurity at Eastern KentuckyUniversity and a former majorwith the Kentucky State Police.He said it’s true in terrorismand in law enforcement thatpeople may be hesitant to tell oneach other for cultural or otherreasons, such as a fear of retaliation or just general mistrust.There are things that canbe done to protect againstnew threats like vehicles.Sullivan said constructingbarriers, such as giant plantersor trees that can protectpedestrians is a strategy.One key is identifying whatthe threats are and taking theenvironment into consideration,he said. “What are you tryingto protect against, a personwith a gun or maybe someonerunning amok with a vehicle?”Another point that needs tobe discussed is the personalresponsibility of having situational awareness. Sullivan‘Mental Rehearsal’Could Save Your LifeThe usual suspects, like thedifficulty that law enforcementagencies still have in sharingcritical homeland security dataand the mistrust of some communities, along with the ease withwhich terror groups can recruit,continues to make stopping “lowtech” terror a difficult proposition.A new wave of terror, a morelow-tech version such as guns,knives and vehicles, has becomethe common threat and sodifficult to prevent. There isoften no network of affiliates and the perpetrator isoften acting alone, havingbeen radicalized locally,perhaps via the Internet.Collection of intelligence isthe best way to try to preventthis type of attack, which isthe most likely in the UnitedStates, but it is still fraughtwith difficulties, accordingto Bill Sullivan, assistantsaid hesitation or lack of awareness, such as being glued to aphone, can get people killed.People should be aware oftheir surroundings, what thepossible dangers could beand do a “mental rehearsal”of a plan in case of the worstcase scenario like being in amovie theater and confrontingan active shooter situation.“If I’m in a theater and ashooter comes in, where aremy primary and secondaryexits? If getting out of thereis not an effective solution, what am I going to do?Am I willing to fight, can Iseek cover somewhere?“Having that situationalawareness and that mentalplan of what my actionsare going to be is going todecrease or eliminate thehesitation, and the hesitationis quite often what ends upgetting you killed.” — JIM MCKAYWyoming Prepsfor Solar EclipseCrowdsEmergency response agencies inLaramie County, Wyo., are preparing for aninflux of visitors who want to experiencea total solar eclipse this August in centralWyoming.The rare chance to view a total solareclipse from the U.S. is expected to drawthousands to hundreds of thousands ofpeople to the state.The path of this year’s eclipse will cut awide arc across much of the U.S., movingwest to east from coast to coast. The totalphase of the eclipse, the path of totality,will cross the middle section of Wyoming.The Laramie County EmergencyManagement Agency is coordinating localresponse efforts to deal with the surgeof visitors expected here. It’s sponsoredseveral meetings with representativesfrom an ambulance service, firefighters,law enforcement agencies and otherfirst responders. — TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE10sion of key data quickly.Multi-Node Label Routingprotocol is a new networkprotocol that offers theability to transport data indesperate times when currentInternet protocols mightget bogged down and fail.Researchers at the Rochester Institute of Technology(RIT) are developing a “highspeed Internet lane” theyhope will ease the flow ofinformation during disastersand prevent the congestionthat can delay transmis-6/20/17 3:53 PMDesigner CreativeDir.100 Blue Ravine RoadFolsom, CA 95630916-932-13005255075BLACKMulti-Node Label Routingprotocol boasts a failovermechanism that chooses analternate path if a failure of alink or node is detected. Thenew protocol can run belowexisting protocols and runwithout disruption. — JIM MCKAYSUMMER 2017EM07 10.indd 10www.erepublic.comSHUTTERSTOCK.COMNew ‘High-SpeedInternet Lane’?CMY grey95 1005T125T25075Editorial PrepressT395 100YELLOW525507595 1005255075MAGENTACYAN95 100Page #Other OK to go
100 Blue Ravine RoadFolsom, CA gner CreativeDir.CMY grey95 1005T125T25075T395 100YELLOWEditorial Prepress525507595 1005255075MAGENTACYAN95 100Page #Other OK to goCS256096CAFTER ACTION REPORT: anevaluation conducted after everyCDC emergency response thatidentifies what was done well andwhat can be improved.AFTERCOMMUNICATION: CDC’s emergencyrisk communication for all-hazardspreparedness and response involvesensuring timely, consistent, targeted,and actionable information reachesthe public and stakeholders duringemergencies.LOGISTICS: works 24/7/365 duringCDC’s emergency response to apublic health threat by purchasing andshipping needed supplies and equipment;shipping specimens; and making travelarrangements for CDC personneldeploying to the site of the emergency.DURINGEXERCISE: practice responding todifferent public health threats rangingfrom natural disasters to pandemicemergencies.TRAINING: CDC prepares itsresponders by improving their technicalskills and getting them ready to deployto the site of the emergency.BEFORERESPONSE TO PUBLIC HEALTHTHREATSCoordinates deliveryof supplies andequipment duringan emergencyOperates 24/7/365,providing around-the-clockhealth monitoring andemergency responsepublic health threats50 Has supported CDC’sresponse to1,906 calls from city, county,or state health departments25,188callsclinicians/hospitals2,883 calls fromIn 2015, the EOC Watch desk received:Doctors, public health agencies, and the general public report publichealth threats to CDC through the EOC Watch Desk.CDC WATCH DESKThe command center for monitoring and coordinatingCDC’s emergency response to public health threats in theUnited States and around the world.Deploys scientific expertsto the site ofthe emergency tocollaborate on a response8-hour shiftsat a time for230 peopleCan seat up toEstablished in 2003 asa state-of-the-art facilityat CDC headquartersin Atlanta1LEVEL2LEVEL3LEVELThe highest level of response reservedfor critical emergencies, which oftenrequire substantial agency-wide effortand response needs are beyond thelead CIO’s capacity because of themagnitude of the event.A mid-level response, CDC experts onthe specific type of emergency with alarge number of staff from their programarea lead the response with significantassistance from the Division ofEmergency Operations to meet the timesensitive tasks/needs of the responsebeyond CDC’s core business hours.Lowest activation level, CDC expertson the specific type of emergencywith staff from their program arealead the response with minimalassistance from the Division ofEmergency Operations to address theprimary needs of the response.EMERGENCY RESPONSEACTIVATION LEVELSA standardized emergency responseoperating system used to manage CDC’sresponse by coordinating the roles of CDCand state public health officials.INCIDENT MANAGEMENTSYSTEM (IMS)Oversees CDC’s Emergency Management Program, which isresponsible for the overall coordination of the agency’s preparednessfor, response to, and recovery from public health emergencies,including operating CDC’s Emergency Operations Center.CDC’S EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER(EOC)COORDINATING CDC’S RESPONSE TO PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCIESDIVISION OF EMERGENCY OPERATIONS
Artificial Intelligence: A GameChanger for Emergency ResponsePhoto Credit: Martin Luff, EMENTFuturistic machine learning helps emergency planners andresponders save lives and boost the resiliency of communitiesImagine you’re in charge of an emergencyoperations center when a magnitude 8 eart
A PUBLICATION OF e.REPUBLIC strong ISSUE /strong 3 strong VOLUME /strong 12 EMERGENCYMGMT.COM strong STRATEGY AND LEADERSHIP IN CRITICAL TIMES Summer /strong 2017 A PUBLIC ATIO N OF e.REPUBLIC strong ISSUE /strong 3 strong VOLUME /strong 12 EMERGENCYMGMT.COM strong Summer /strong r 2017 EM07_cov.indd strong 2 6 /strong /20/17 3:25 PM 100 Blue Ravine Road Folsom, CA 95630 916-932-1300 www.erepublic.com Page #
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