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THE AUTHOR'S ADDRESS.As this work completes my labours in the propagation ofthe Divine things which thehighest and holiest angels havecommanded me to spread abroad to the inhabitants of thei&arth, declaring that it is the will of the Most High God,Sthat manldnd should be forewarned of the events which shall fall upon the earth, and the things which await them in the world in immortality, I must here beg of my readersSo calmly study over all the miraculous events which aredetailed in this and the preceding works, so that they may endeavour to follow out the principles therein taught, andajthus promote their happiness in this world, and decreasetheir sufferings in the world to come, and so speedily afterdeath pass through all the spheres and enter the eternalRealms of Glory, where they will henceforth dwell amidstthe glory of their merciful God, and sing His praises forever and for ever.And, as a further address, in assuring my readers that allmy endeavours have hitherto been, and shall still be, in thedevoting of the blessing with which I am gifted, to the wel fare and interest of all God’s creatures. That I am further

3commanded topublish to the world, that, all questions whichmay be of importance or interest to the well-being of man kind in general, I am open to give spiritual answers; sothat delusionsofany kind may no longer mystifythe ignorantand helpless people, who, for ages have'slumbered beneathoppression and superstitious ignorance. * And, with othermatters, I am commanded to declare, that all persons whoare suffering fromany external or internal disease, if curable,can obtain relief and cure for the same, by application tome, numbers of persons having already been cured, some ofwhose names are now in print, and may be seen on thewrappers of the “ Spiritual Message.” With these words Ibid adieu to my readers, trusting that all who read may re ceive instruction and everlasting benefit thereby.All correspondence must be addressed, by letter only,prepaid, and if for prescriptions, the name, age, and natureof disease, with a stamped directed envelope, and a plainsheet of paper for reply, to J. G. H. B rown, Walker Street,Sneinton, Nottingham.:

, REVELATIONS FROM THE SPIRITS OFEMANUEL SWEDENBORG,AND OFJOSEPH SMITH;SHEWING THE MIXTURE OF TRUTH AND FICTION SET FORTH IN THE DOCTRINES TAUGHT BYpTH EM WHILST ON EARTH. »' 53 §Qa------Tho time had not arrived when allshould know,When I was taken to my spirit home ;But still, I was commanded men to showThe time was near when Christ on earth should come.SriniTTJAt.The object of this work is to place before a discerningpublic an important subject, upon which the future happinessof thousands of my fellow creatures, of both sexes, rests;and, in compliance with the commands I have received fromthe highest celestial powers, I now proceed to lay before thereader the circumstances and objects forwhich this pamphletis sent forth. For, as before observed', there are thousandsof persons who have, up to a lata period of their existence,

6been taught and trained in the doetrines of Christianity,which now exist under the present dispensation of the protestant and dissenting churches. Until, finding the manyabsurdities as set forth in the doctrines taught them, theybegin to learn that whatever their endeavours may be inadhering to them, there is but a faint hope of salvation asthe result of theirlabours, and thus after years of study andpainful anxiety, and intentions to do good, and desirous tobe right, they find their hopes blighted, and relax in theirperseverance, and run to and fro, seeking consolation andcomfort for their minds but in vain, and ultimately, throughthe misguidance of their spiritual teachers, become atheists,infidels, or materialists ; believing in nothing but what theycan see or touch. This is the case at least with nine-tenthsof the population, no matter what their outward professionsmay have been. It will be seen in the pages of this work,and likewise in the “ Message” that our great and mercifulGod has seen this wickedness, on the part of the instructorsof the people, in all ages, and to enlighten the people, hassent prophets amongst them, who were gifted with thepower of making manifest His Divine will, and the doctrinesthe said prophets taught in the remotest ages are made thefoundation upon which the people are taught to build theirfaith, as their only guide to salvation. Notwithstandingthat it is almost universally acknowledged that the ancientprophets’ writings have been grossly corrupted, to suit theconvenience of those in power, yet the people, though theylook upon them with doubt and mistrust, externally holdthem in superstitious fear and reverence. For, from themthey are taught to look upon their rulers with fear and re spect, and for any act of disobedience which their laws, withscripture for their foundation, impose upon them, they shallsuffer eternal damnation, by being tortured with fire andbrimstone for ever and ever. Thus the people have beenkept in superstitious ignorance, by this fear, until many agesafter the establishment of their acknowledged church.When Almighty God' having seen their sufferings and heardtheir cries for help and succour, thought fit to send other

7'prophets amongst His people to teach them the Divinetruths which the ambitious rulers of the world had blottedout from the writings of His ancient prophets. So that,notwithstanding the attempts to stifleorput down the asser tions which God hath made respecting the manifestation ofHis will to the people in all ages, yet prophets really andtruly did re-appear, and whose writings, to this day, beartestimony of the fact. For instead of the doctrines taught in them being selfish, one-sided, and tyrannical, theybreatheforth a truthful and holy doctrine of charity, justice, andbrotherlylove. Amongst the several prophets ofthe modernages, whose writings are now reverenced by thousands inthe different nations of Europe and America, and whosewritings have for their foundation charity, unity, freedom,and love, is the Swedish prophet, Emanuel Swedberg, orSwedenborg, whose writings are largely distributed over theface of Europe, attracting many followers bn account of thecharitable doctrines therein taught, and I, having receivedcommands from the Highest Power, to make enquiriesrespecting his works, from his own spirit, for the guidanceand instruction of those who endeavour to carry out hisprinciples, was instructed to declare to the world thatSwedenborg was a good man, but that his works containederrors in connexion with the state of a spiritual existence,and the spheres of immortality, although such errors werenot wilful, his works being written partly from truthful ex perience, and partly from imagination. Still, the principaldoctrines taught as a guide to man, in mortal existence, arein accordance with the Divine will of God, whose truthfulservant he was; and, although there are errors in his de scriptions of the spiritual spheres, nevertheless, he fulfilledthe mission for which he was ordained, by proving to theworld the reality of an hereafter existence, and paving theway for a further development of God’s glory, which, at thattime, was all that was necessary, the time not having thenarrived when the great events, which are now near at hand,were necessary to be revealed. Therefore, that the peoplemay no longer be deluded by the erroneousstatements com-

8pounded by the fertile imagination, as to the state of manafter death, and the flight of their spirits from life toimmor tality, I have been commanded to insert the revelationswhich the spirit of the said Emanuel Swedenborg will give,respecting the statements given in his works, by permissionand command of the Highest Power. First describing inhis own words, his experience in the pangs of death, theflight of the spirit, its entrance and occupation in the firstsphere after death, and progress to that place which hisspirit now inhabits, with celestial revelations confirmingwhatever statements he may make. Having now shown thereal object for which this work is intended, I will here in troduce the spirit of Emanuel Swedenborg, as he appearedwhen called. I, therefore, at a meeting of friends, some ofwhom had been great readers of his works,, and diligentseekers after truth, and they having had much practice, andseen much imposition in the working or pretensions madethrough the Crystal, by persons whose whole study wasfraud and deception for the sake of gain, was requested bythe said persons, whose names can be given, if required,that they might be present when the spirit of. Swedenborgwas called; and, being utterly ignorant of the doctrineswhich he taught, having never seen orheard his works read,although I knew that there were thousands of persous whoendeavoured to follow out his doctrines, I deemed it neces sary that personswho were well versedinbis writings shouldbe present, more particularly as my instructions from thecelestial powers, were to compile this work to shew forththetruths and errors which are set. forth in his doctrines,; byrevelations from the spirit of the said Swedenborg himself,who would be commanded to give truthful declarations re specting the same. I accordingly, in the presence of theaforesaid persons, used the necessary, invocations for thesummoning of.aerial spirits, and, in due time, the visionmanifested itself unto me, as.follows:— : .After the intense darkness, which usually precedes .the,vision, had cleared off, I perceived the figure of, a-mandressed in a long loose grey garment, which entirely en-;

9veloped his person, from the head downwards; somethingbelow the middle height, but apparently broad set, so far.asoutlines could be observed; His head was uncovered, withlong silvery hair about his neck, hanging from his teiTiplesand back part of his head ; his forehead high and expansive .; ,his countenance frank and open, and, though cheerful look ing, was of dark hue; which, together with the stoop in hisgait, bore evident marks of old age. As he stooif, apparentlywithin a few yards, I had an opportunity of viewing everydelineation of his features, and was astonished at the ex pressive appearance upon them, as if anxious to communicate.From beneath his garment he held forth a scroll of con siderable magnitude, in the same way as other spirits havecommunicated with me, and upon which, when opened, thefollowing important but extraordinary revelation was re vealed :— Revelation.— “ I am the spirit of Emanuel Swedberg, known whilst onearth, as Swedenborg, and who departed this life, after a career of anxieties,difficulties, and disappointments, in my labours for the promotion of thecomfort and happiness of man, on the l th day of March, 1772. And,as writings concerning me have been left upon the earth, describing themanner of my life, the period aud circumstances connected with my death,I have now received commands from the highest powers to declare to theworld what my experience has been during the period of my sojourn iuthe spheres of immortality. And, as there are thousands of persons whobuild their faith and hope of salvation upon the doctrines which I haveleft, 1 have been commanded to declare to the world that they were writtenpartly from experience and partly from imagination ; ambition supersedingmy good intentions, and thereby causing me to insert unwarrantablethings to gain me a worldly name, such things will be hereafter explained.Therefore, I must now describe the sensations of my last moments, withmy entrance to the first immortal sphere. Knowing that the period of mydeath had come, I requested my frie,nds in life to approach me. Whilst Iexhorted them to refrain from their follies and vices, they disregarded me,and ridiculed many of my assertions, and with this distress of feeling, mymind grew heavy and sad with anxiety, my blood chilled iu my veins, my

10limbs became paralyzed, and muscular power had left them. After which,I lay motionless, though conscious of what was about to occur. At thisjuncture I felt a chilling sensation run through my whole frame, convulsivestruggles shook me violently; and, at the same time, my breast heaved with violent emotion, a giddy sensation filled my brain; my limbs con tracted, as with cramp; an exploding sensation occurred within my breast;my vision left.me, and with the most indescribable horror, all was mo mentarily still. The thought then passed over me that life was extinct;and, though I heard the assertions of my friends, yet I appeared to smile,and was cognisant of all that passed. My eyes 'appeared to see in everydirection ; I saw my friends bending over me with sorrowful countenances,and I endeavoured to assure them that pain had ceased, and that I felthappy, but the effort was in vain. At this moment darkness again veiledmy vision, and a noise, as if the howling of tempests was raging above me,seemed to shake the apartments in which I remained, when my eyes againopened, and I stood gazing upon the lifeless heap of clay, which I knewwas my own body. Dreadful thoughts crossed my mind as each successivemoment fled. When turning from the spectacle, I was seized roughly byan unseen hand; the apartment gave way and opened before m e; andimmediately I found myself whirling through the air with the quicknessof' thought, the world below displaying itself fully to my view. A t lengthI found myself enveloped in the most horrible darkness, the intensity ofwhich was loathsome and bewildering, and beyond which, the most horriblesounds of groans, yells, and shrieks, mingled together, of the most dis tressing uature, met my ears. Again my position recalled to my memorythe awfulness of what must shortly transpire, as the thoughts of hell andthe torments I had repudiated flashed across my mind, at hearing thesediscordant sounds I believed its reality certain. How long I continued in this distressing condition and loathsome darkness I am unable to describe.But I again found myself passing from thence through the air to the abodeI had left, where, in the apartment, my body still remained, the last officeshaving been performed upon it. I gazed upon it with wonder and astonish ment, and knew it was my own, and yet that I was a separate being. AsI gazed I endeavoured to raise its limbs, knowing that with my will theyhad been accustomed to obey its dictates; but the effort proved useless;and as the thoughts of my past life and present position flashed across my -

11mind, I wondered with horror at what experience would next reveal.Friends near and dear to me now-entered. I met their entrance with asmile, stretched out my hand, but they disregarded me, and passed meunnoticed and unheeded; and I wept with the bitterest anguish at know?ing myself to be in the spirit in that place invisible to all but myself. AsIstood weeping and gazing on the lifeless form, a gentle touch upon theshoulder called my attention; and as I turned I was confronted by a dearfemale relative, whom I knew had. departed nine years previously. She,with a smile, led me from the apartment, told me of her experience sinceleaving tho world, and the dread with which she anticipated a future state.After endeavouring to console me, I was once more left alone to bitter re flection, and I remained near the apartments till the interment of mybody; witnessed and regretted the useless ceremonies displayed upon theoccasion; after which I visited at will the different scenes in distant lands;met with several who had departed before me, and experienced severe an guish from the thoughts of those who were still living, whom I had injuredin many ways whilst living. In this manner months had elapsed; aud I,passing to and fro without rest, until my burden became wearisome, fromwhich, however, I could not release myself. After visiting the residencesof many friends, in different lands, I again, in a manner unable to be de scribed, found myself in the loathsome darkness where the horrors, andtorments,-and discordant sounds which I heard emanate, from the placewhich I supposed must be that hell, as. taught in worldly life, and whichagain reminded me of the awfulness of my condition. Being draggedthrough the darkness, I found myself in a glaring lighted space, which 'was filled with myriads of beings, whose whole occupation appeared toconsist in inflicting torments on each other. As they passed to and fro,yelling,' screaming, and groaning, in opposite directions, in the greatest- confusion, each one experiencing torments and reproaches from those whomthey injured whilst living, all giving torments and all receiving, withoutany being alleviated by retaliation; so that the horrors here experiencedcannot be adequately described. My time however, was here comparativelyBhort, as wilful injury had always been a terror to me from my boyhood.Still I too experienced sufferings from others, while I inflicted tortures,taunts, and reproaches on those who had injured me, under the directionof spirits whose countenances impress all with horror and amazement.I

12aext passed to th# sphere where I now inhabit, which is the first class, inthe eighth circle of the atmospheric regions, under the solar orb ofMercury, or fourth heaven ; and where all enjoy happiness, impossible tobe explained, in consequence of its imperfection ; and where the time isspent in singing praises, and instructing the young; and where all knowof what is passing in the material world, and the spheres below; andwhere all know of a future state, and dread the anticipation of its ex perience; and from which, both in this and the spheres below, we arepermitted to visit the scenes of life, and impart warnings, by visions, tofriends, though our visits add to our own mental torture. Here we remaindouble the period of our natural and material lives, though no one canspeak of tho future, or beyond the sphere which they inhabit.Havingnow reached this abode, I am commanded to declare to the world, that thepast and present generations of men have been deluded by their rulers andteachers, whose ambition has taught them to keep the people in ignorance,and that, by threats of everlasting fire, immediately after death, for thedisobedience of their laws,—the people, to evade this horrible end, havehitherto been obedient to their will. But the time is now come whenthese shackless shall be broken, and mankind shall know of that whichawaits them, both in this world and in that which is to come. Havingnow given the experience of my death, and progress in the spiritual spheresthrough which I have passed, I am commanded to instruct you, that I maybe called upon to give confirmation or contradiction to the truths or errorscontained in the paragraphs gone forth in my works, which I have leftupon the earth, and which worldly men have altered. As my first missionis complete, I must now leave you. Farewell for the present.”This singular and important revelation must, of itself,prove of the greatest interest to the numerous followers ofthis extraordinary man, and to mankind in general. For itis evident from the progress his spirit has made in the firstsphere of immortality, or atmospheric regions, that he was,whilst on earth, a good living man ; but, like all others, he,when gifted with great power, became ambitious; and, forthe sake of aggrandisement, and a worldlyname in posterity,outstepped t

after death, and the flight of their spirits from life to immor tality, I have been commanded to insert the revelations which the spirit of the said Emanuel Swedenborg will give, respecting the statements given in his works, by permission and command of the Highest Power. First describing in his own words,

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3 Emanuel Swedenborg—1688-1772 Lesson for ages 9-12 Teacher Background Emanuel Swedenborg 1688-1772—Brief Highlights Emanuel Swedenborg was a remarkable man. He was born on January 29, 1688. During his early life his thirst for philosophical, scientific, practical and religious knowledge led him to study with learned professors.

cal teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg, particularly as they relate to the 1 Swedenborg, Emanuel. Emanuel Swedenborg’s Journal of Dreams and Spiritual Experiences. Trans - lated by C. Th. Odhner. Bryn Athyn, PA: Academy Book Room, 1918. afterlife and communication with spirits. The title itself is a reference to Swedenborg’s most popular pub-

Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Swedenborg (3 Vols.) 1875-1877, R. L. Tafel, is the main collection of biograph ical material;. The Life and Mission of Emanuel Swedenborg, 1883, .Benjamin Worcester, and Emanuel Swedenborg, His Life, Teachings and Influence, 1907, George Trobridge, are two of the better known biographies.

which EMANUEL SWEDENBORG promulgated more than a hundred years ago. Somehow or other SWEDENBORG is becoming a factor in many of the problems of to-day. His influence per vades modem literature and dogma to a surprising extent. His writings exist in many languages, and circulate by thousands every year. Many of the leaders

7 Swedenborg, Answer to a Letter written to me by a friend, in R. L. Tafel (tr., ed. and comp.), Documents concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg (London: Swedenborg Society, 1875–7), vol. I, 7. The letter was

But it is a fact that Swedenborg is a Christian so that he knows and believes, as he wrote: † Professor Emeritus Edward F. Allen currently resides at 9870 E. Senan Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85260. 1 Emanuel Swedenborg, Principia. Trans. by Augustus Clissold. (London: W. Newbery, 1846. Reprinted by the Swedenborg Scientific Association, 1976, 1988).

Emanuel Swedenborg Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772) was a Swedish noble-man, polymath and mystic who conversed with God and Angels and made a number of substantial contributions to astronomy, geology, metallurgy, paleontology and physics (Jonsson 1971; Toksvig 1848; Tafel 1877; Swedenborg Society 1911). Theology was a major interest and soon