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UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICOCOLEGIO DE CIENCIAS Y HUMANIDADESDEPARTAMENTO DE INGLÉSGUÍA DE ESTUDIO PARA ELEXAMEN EXTRAORDINARIOINGLÉS II CUATRO HABILIDADESCOORDINACIÓN:Elisa Araceli Albarrán LeónAUTORES:Profa: Gabriela Noemí Berkowitz GarcíaProfa: Verónica Vanessa Cassani GaribayProfa: Judith Padilla RodríguezProf: Carlos René Serrano MendozaProfa: Eva Minerva Vargas NietoProfa: Haydeé Venosa Figueroa2010

INDICEPresentación . . 5Cómo trabajar con ésta guía . . 6The Simple Present Tense . . 7Study: Present simple affirmativePractice: Present simple affirmativeStudy: Present simple negativePractice: Present simple negativeStudy: Present simple questionsPractice: Present simple questionsStudy: Frequency adverbsReading sectionListening sectionWriting sectionThe Simple present continuous tense . . . 16Study: present continuous affirmative and negativeStudy: Spelling rulesStudy: present continuous questionsPractice: present continuous questionsReading sectionListening sectionWriting sectionThe present continuous for future arrangements (activities). . 22Study: present continuous for future arrangements (activities)Practice: present continuous for future arrangements (activities)Reading sectionListening sectionWriting sectionThe present simple and present continuous . . 26Practice: present simple and present continuousReading sectionListening sectionWriting sectionGoing to . . 31Practice: going toReading sectionListening sectionWriting section2

First Conditional . . 35Practice: First conditionalReading sectionListening sectionWriting sectionCountable nouns and Non countable nouns . 40Practice: countable nounsStudy: non countable nounsPractice: non countable nounsReading sectionListening sectionWriting sectionThe Simple Past Tense: was/were & wasn’t/weren’t . 46Question FormPractice: was / wereReading sectionStudy: Past simple affirmativeStudy: Past simple of regular verbsStudy: Past simple, irregular verbsPractice: Past simple affirmativeStudy: Pronunciation of regular verbsPractice: Pronunciation of regular verbsStudy: Past simple negative and questionsPractice: Past simple negative and questionsReading sectionListening sectionWriting sectionShould / Shouldn’t to give and ask for advice . . 60Practice: Should / Shouldn‘tReading sectionListening sectionWriting sectionThe Imperative . . 64Practice: the imperativeReading sectionListening sectionWriting sectionCan / Can’t to express ability and possibility;to offer assistance and ask for help .71Practice: can / can‘tReading sectionListening sectionWould like . . . 77Practice: would likeListening section3

Directions, give and get . . . 79Practice: give and get directionsReading sectionListening sectionWriting sectionSubject and Object pronouns . . 83Practice: subject and Object pronounsReading sectionListening sectionWriting sectionMock Exam . . 87Should / shouldn‘t to give and ask for advicePast simple was / were & wasn‘t / weren‘tPast Simple verbs: regular and irregularGive and get directions: prepositions of placeReading section: Subject and object pronouns; possessive adjectives, yes/noquestions, information questions.Listening section: Food, countable and non countable nounsWriting section: Present simple tense, frequency adverbs, everyday activities,References . . 93Web Links .94Answer Key 954

PRESENTACIÓNRecientemente se llevó a cabo un cambio de orientación en la materia de inglés deCOMPRENSIÓN DE LECTURA a la implementación de INGLÉS CUATROHABILIDADES: LEER, ESCUCHAR, HABLAR y ESCRIBIR en la lengua extranjera.Este cambio tiene como punto de partida el MARCO COMUN EUROPEO DEREFERENCIA (MCER), es decir, alcanzar el nivel A1 al terminar el primer año deestudios de la materia de inglés en la Escuela Nacional Colegio de Ciencias yHumanidades.El MCER es elaborado por iniciativa del Consejo Europeo y tiene como objetivoconseguir mayor uniformidad y transparencia entre los países miembros de la UniónEuropea en el estudio de Lenguas Extranjeras.El MCER define niveles que determinan la capacidad lingüísticas en los campos decompetencia comunicativa, las destrezas activas y receptoras y la competencialingüísticas para fines específicas.En el caso del nivel A1 serás capaz de:a) comprender y utilizar expresiones cotidianas de uso muy frecuente así comofrases sencilla destinadas a satisfacer necesidades de tipo inmediato,b) presentarte a ti mismo y a otros,c) pedir y dar información personal básica sobre tu domicilio, tus pertenencias y elde las personas que conoces,d) relacionarte de forma elemental siempre que tu interlocutor hable despacio y conclaridad y esté dispuesto a cooperar.El objetivo de la presente guía es proporcionarte de una manera clara y concreta loscontenidos que te permitirán reforzar los conocimientos adquiridos en la materia deinglés II (dos) mediante explicaciones sencillas y ejercicios enfocados a una exitosasolución de tu examen extraordinario.Para el día del examen te sugerimos:a) llegar 15 minutos antes de la hora señaladab) portar identificación oficial (credencial vigente del plantel donde estudias, IFE opasaporte vigente)c) entregar esta guía resuelta a los sinodalesPor último, agradecemos al profesor Aníbal David Cambrón Ortíz su colaboración en larevisión y edición de la presente guía.¡ÉXITO!5

CÓMO TRABAJAR CON ÉSTA GUÍACómo pudiste observar en el índice, la guía está organizada por temas.Cada tema presenta la GRAMÁTICA DE LA LENGUA donde se ofrece unaexplicación sobre su USO y la FORMA en que ésta se presenta. Enseguida, encontrarásuna serie de ejercicios que te permitirán poner en práctica lo que acabas de revisar.Los temas están organizados para que puedas estudiar y practicar con las habilidades,:READING, LISTENING; WRITING y SPEAKING (en algunos temas) con ejemplosque te permiten estudiar los aspectos presentados en cada uno de los temas.En la sección de LISTENING, encontrarás que se te indica el número del audio quedebes escuchar en el CD para resolver el ejercicio correspondiente al tema que estéstrabajando.Go to CD track 1Te ofrecemos, así mismo, un MOCK EXAM o examen simulacro que te permitiráevaluar tu conocimiento y comprensión de los temas que has revisado.Resuelve los ejercicios con cuidado y atención, si requieres confirmar tus respuestaspuedes referirte al ANSWER KEY que encontrarás al final de ésta guía.Al final de la guía, se encuentra un listado o REFERENCES de las obras consultadaspara la elaboración de ésta guía de estudio. Así mismo encontrarás una serie de LINKSo ligas que te permitirán aclarar, practicar o profundizar en el estudio de los temas, si asílo deseas.Finalmente, no olvides que DEBES ENTREGAR esta GUÍA RESUELTA A LOSSINODALES, ya que es muestra de tu preparación para el examen extraordinario quehabrás de presentar.Te deseamos éxito.6

STUDY: PRESENT SIMPLE AFFIRMATIVEUSEWe use the simple present to talk about: repeated actions, facts and generalizations.1. Repeated actionsUse the present simple tense to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. Theaction can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that oftenhappens. It can also be something a person often forgets or usually does not do.She plays tennis.birthdayThe train leaves every morning at 8 am.John always forgets my2. Facts or GeneralizationsThe Simple Present can also indicate the speaker believes that a fact was true before, istrue now, and will be true in the future. It is not important if the speaker is correct aboutthe fact. It is also used to make generalizations about people or things.Cats like milk.Women drive terribly.FORM:Word Order:SubjectVerbcomplementILikeHarry Potter.ShePlayssoccer.WeDanceSalsa.Lions are dangerous.The verb form changes according to the person.I / you / we /theyhe / she / itreadhavelikewashlivewatchreads likes washes lives watcheshasWhat happens to the verbs which ending is ch, sh, x, y?dofixdoes fixesstudystudies7

PRACTICE: PRESENT SIMPLE AFFIRMATIVE1. Write these verbs with –s or –es.1. (read) she2.(think) it 3.(fly) it 4.(dance) he5. (finish) she 6.( go) he 7.(study) he 8.(have) she2. Complete the sentences. Use:boilopenclosecostlike1. The shops in the city center usuallyat 9:00 in themorning.2. The City Museum at5:00 in the evening.3. Tina is a teacher. SheMathematics to youngchildren.4. My job is very interesting.I a lot of people.5. Peter‘s car is always dirty. He neverit.meetteachwashhasstudy cry see6. Food is expensive. Ita lot of money.7. Water at 100 C .8. My sister is very active. Shejobs!9. Alice always whenshe romanticmovies.10. Sonia to readthe newspaper in the morning.3. Unscramble these words to form sentences. Use the right form of the verbs.1. ( always/ early / Sue / arrive )2. (to the cinema / never / I / go)3. (work / Martina / hard / always)4. (like / chocolate / children / usually)5. ( Julia / parties / enjoy / always)6. ( often/I/ people‘s names/forget)7. (Jenny/always/nice clothes/ wear)8. (fix/ every year/ John/ car/his)STUDY: PRESENT SIMPLE NEGATIVEStudy the following examples:I drink coffee, but I don’t drink tea.The weather is usually nice. It doesn’t rainvery often.She doesn’t watch TV every night.He doesn’t speak Spanish.Observe the following charts carefully. Now, focus your attention on the negative chart.8

What happens to the verb in third person?FORM:Word Order:SubjectISheWeAuxiliarydon’tdoesn’tdon tVerblikehavedoComplementvegetables.a dogexercise.PRACTICE: PRESENT SIMPLE NEGATIVE1. Write the negative.1. I play the piano very well.2. Jane plays the guitar very well.3. They know my phone number.4. We work very hard.5. He has a bath every day.6. You do the same thing every day.7. They go on vacation in December.8. We sing like angels.9. The police arrive on time.2. Complete the sentences. All of them are negative. Use don’t/doesn’t these verbs:costgoknowreadseeusewearcookspeakx21. I buy a newspaper every day, butsometimes I it.2. Paul has a car, but heit very often.3. Paul and his friends like films, butthey tothe cinema very often.4. Amanda is married, but shea ring.5. I muchabout Politics. I‘m not interested on it.6. The Regeant Hotel isn‘t expensive. Itmuch to stay there.7. Brian lives very near us, but wehim very often.8. Erick teaches English, but heEnglish with his friends.9. Nancy lives in Toronto, but sheFrench.She prefers to speak English.10. Josh knows how to cook, but shevery often.3. Put the verb in the correct form, positive or negative.1. Margaret four languages – English, French, German and Spanish.(speak)2. I my job. It‘s very boring. (like)3. Where‘s Martin? ‗I‘m sorry. ‗I .‘ (know)4. Sue is a very quiet person. She very much ( talk)5. Andy a lot of tea. It‘s his favorite drink. (drink)9

STUDY: PRESENT SIMPLE QUESTIONSWe can make two kinds of questions in the simple present: the open or informationquestions and the close, direct or yes/no questions.Study the following examples of yes/no questions:Do you go to school on Friday?Yes, I do. I go to school on Friday.No, I don‘t. I don‘t go to school on Friday.Do you always have lunch?Yes, I do. I always have lunch.No, I don‘t. I sometimes have lunch.USENotice that when the subject is third person (he, she, it), we use the auxiliary does andthe verb form of the main verb doesn’t change.Does Lucy always have lunch?Yes, she does. She always has lunch.No, she doesn‘t. She sometimes has lunch.The open questions provide us with information about:PersonActivityPlaceTimeHourOptionWay to do en?What time?Which?How?Why?How often?How much?How many?FORMTake a look at the following questions and identify the elements that form them.Underline each one.Where do your parents live?How often do you wash your hair?What does this word mean?How much does it cost to fly to Rome?Remember that the open questions are formed by a Wh- question, the auxiliary do/doeswhich changes according to the subject, the complement and the verb. Don t forget thequestion mark!10

PRACTICE: PRESENT SIMPLE QUESTIONS1. Yes/No QuestionsMake questions from the scrambled sentences below.1. she / collect / stickers / ?2. they / play / games / ?3. the cat / sleep / with you/ ?4. she / often / dream / ?5. he / play / streetball / ?6. you / visit/ your grandparents/?7. the pupils / wear / school uniforms / ?8. you / go / to the cinema / ?9. she / have / friends / ?he / read / books / ?10.2. Open Questions (What, where, when, why, etc)050Exercise on Questions with Interrogatives. Ask for thebold part of the sentence, using question words.1.Julia likes pop-music.2.Maria comes from Spain3.They play in the garden4.Rick rides his bike.5.I go to the cinema on Saturdays.6.We go to Mallorca because it’s warm there.7.Joe repairs his bike.8.Robin drives his car carefully.9.Peter runs with his dog every day.10.Eric goes to Italy for a holiday.11

STUDY: FREQUENCY ADVERBSUSEIn the simple present tense we also find the frequency adverbs or words. They tell ushow often we do activities.AlwaysOftenUsuallySometimesSeldomHardly everNeverSiempreA menudonormalmenteA vecesRara vez, pocas vecesCasi nuncaNuncaStudy the following sentences: mother always helps me with my homework.I sometimes eat too muchWe often go to restaurantsYou sometimes look unhappyThey usually have dinner at 7:00We never speak Spanish in class.¿What‘s the position of the adverb in sentences 2 y 3?Now, write the rule in the box so that you don‘t forget the position of frequencyadverbs in both sentences.3. Rewrite the following sentences use always/ usually / sometimes / never/seldom/often, etc.1) He listens to the radio. (often)2) They read a book. (sometimes)3) Pete gets angry. (never)4) Tom is very friendly. (usually)5) I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes)6) Ramon and Frank are hungry. (often)7) My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always)8) Christine smokes. (never)9) They watch TV in the afternoon. (never)10) Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually)12

READING SECTIONRead the following textTim’s dayTim works for a company in Sacramento, California. He's a customer service representative. Hegets up at six o'clock each workday. He drives to work and begins his job at eight o'clock. Hespeaks to people on the telephone to help them with their banking problems. People telephonethe bank to ask questions about their accounts. He doesn't give information about accounts untilpeople answer a few questions. Tim asks callers their birth date, the last four digits of theirsocial security number and their address. If a person gives incorrect information, Tim asks himto call back with the correct information. Tim is polite and friendly with everyone. He has lunchin a park next to his office. He returns home at five o'clock in the evening. After work, he goesto the gym to work out. He has dinner at seven o'clock. Tim likes watching TV after dinner.He goes to bed at eleven o'clock at night.Answer the questions below. Choose only one option.1. What’s the text about?a) My best friend‘s lifeb) A day in the life of Timc) Tim‘s routine from Monday to Friday2. Where does Tim work?a) In Europeb) In the USAc) In Asia3. What time does he get up?a) He gets up at seven o'clock in themorningb) He gets up at six o'clock in themorning.c) He gets up at six o'clock in theafternoon6. What does he do to checkinformation?a) He asks people some questionsb) He tells them to call laterc) He asks them to see their documents.7. What does he do if the information isincorrect?a) He gives banking account informationb) He asks the callers to call back withcorrect information.c) He asks to speak to the parents8. What is Tim like on the job?a) He is unfriendly and helpful.b) He is funny and helpfulc) He is polite and friendly4. How does he get to work?a) He walks to work.b) He drives to work.c) He takes the bus to work9. Where does he eat lunch?a) At homeb) In a park near his jobc) At work5. What does he do during the day?a) He helps costumers in a bankb) He helps costumer on the phonec) He helps costumers outside10. What does he do in the evening?a) He works out at the gym and watchesT.V.b) He works out at the gym and reads abookc) He watches T.V. and plays ping pong.13

LISTENING SECTION: GinaHOW TO WORK WITH THIS SECTION will measure your ability to understand conciselistening texts. For this reason, you will have to use the strategies you learned throughout thesemester. You will listen to the recording twice. The first time is for you to get the general idea. Thesecond time, is to understand specific information. If necessary, you will listen to the recording athird time to check your answers.Below, you will find an exercise for you to practice for your exam. Read the instructions and thecontent carefully. Now, predict what the recording is going to be about.A language school in the UK wants to know about the lives and habits of its students. Listen to aninterview with Gina, a student, and complete the questions in the survey. Complete the following chartas you listen.Survey of English Language StudentsMore informationStudy habits1. Do you study English at the weekend?2. Do you your dictionary to class?3. Do you a computer?4. Do you the library and study centre?yesNoYesNoWork, travel and home life5. Do you also a job?6. Do you to school by train, bus or car?7. Do you alone, with family or with friends?FamilyFree time8. Do you your classmates outside school?9. Do you sports?10. What other things do you in your free time?YesNoDoesn‘t like sportsGo to CD track 114

WRITING SECTIONWrite about your best friend‘s routine on a normal Sunday. You have to use verbs,connectors and time expressions. You can use the following connectors first, then, later,after, next, later on, after that y finally to make a coherent text.*Take the following text as an example.My best friend’s name is Fernando. He s 17 years old and he studies high school. He has a busySunday. First, he wakes up at 10:00. Then, he watches TV for about an hour. After that, at12:00, he gets up from bed and have breakfast, something light: a glass of milk and a piece ofbread. Then, at 1:15, he takes a shower. Next, he surfs the net and checks his Facebook. He alsochats with his girlfriend for two hours. Based on the previous text, write yours.Everyone has a best friend. So surely, you‘re not an exception! We all know what our best friend doeson a normal Sunday. Write about your best friend‘s routine. Don‘t miss a detail.* Recuerda que puedes utilizar los conectores anteriormente mencionados. Para empezarpuedes utilizar el conector First, que significa primero. Más adelante los conectores, then,later, after, next, later on, after that cuyo significado es después. Para terminar puedeshacerlo con los conectores in the end que significa al fina o bien, finally, finalmente(1) For further practice on Simple Present Tense check the web links page15

STUDY: PRESENT CONTINUOUS AFFIRMATIVE AND NEGATIVEUSEWe use the present continuous to talk about actions in progress happening at the moment ofspeaking and actions in progress happening around the moment of speaking.1. Actions happening now:Use the present continuous to express the idea that something is happening now, at thisvery moment. It can also be used to show that something is not happening now.Maria is running.She isn’t jumping.Sue and Tom are watching T.V.They aren’t dancing.Jim is reading a book.He isn’t playing ball.2. Actions happening around now:In English, "now" can mean: this second, today, this month, this year, this century, etc.Sometimes, we use the Present Continuous to say that we are in the process of doing a longeraction, which is in progress; however, we might not be doing it at this exact second.Study the following conversation between James and Susan in a restaurant:James: What are you studying?Susan: I‘m studying to be a doctor.James: Are you reading any good books?Susan: No. I‘m only reading medicine books. And you?James: I‘m reading Tom Sawyer. I love it!James and Susan are eating dinner in a restaurant. He is not reading ―Tom Sawyer‖ at themoment of speaking. But at this moment of his life, He is reading ―Tom Sawyer‖.Subject (S)ISheWeFORMWord Order:aux verb to beverbAmreadIseatArestudy-ingingingingComplement (C)Tom Sawyerchocolate ice cream.for the final exam16

STUDY:SPELLING RULES1. To make continuous verbs add -ing to the 4. w, x and ybase verb:For words that end w, x and y, do not double theDo-doinglast consonant; just add -ing:ask -----------------------------study- studying2. silent ---------When the verb ends with a silent e, drop the e5. –ie verbsand add -ing:For verbs that end in –ie, change the ie to yMake-makingbeforetake -takingadding ------------die–dying3. one-syllable verbsFor short, one-syllable verbs, that end withconsonant vowel consonant (CVC),we must double the last consonant and then add-ing:swim-swimmingrun- runningPractice: Present Continuous Affirmative and Negative Statements and Spelling Rules1. Write the –ing form of the following talkcleanwritewaitliveeatrunworkwalk2. What are they doing? Write a sentence for each picture. Use the present continuous.1 52 63 74 817

3. Change the statements into negative sentences.1. You‘re listening to me.2. Tim is studying English.3. We‘re playing football.4. You are drawing a portrait.5. It is raining.6. My mother is cooking lunch.7. They are doing their homework.8. Sue and Helen are watching a scary movie.STUDY: PRESENT CONTINUOUS QUESTIONSThere are two kinds of questions: close questions and information questions.1. Close QuestionsThe answer to these questions is yes or no.Study the following examples:Are they dancing?Yes, they are.Is he cooking?No, he isn‘t. (He‘s eating).Is he reading?Yes, he is.FORMWord Order:Verb to beAmIsAreSubjectIhesheittheyyouweShort Answers:Verb-ingstudyingwatchingcomplement isareNo,Ihesheitweyoutheyam notisn‘taren‘t2. Information QuestionsThe answer to these questions gives us information.Study the following examples:What is he doing?He‘s painting the wall.Where is he singing?He‘s singing in the shower.What are they eating?They are eating cheese.18

FORMWord OrderWh questionWhereVerb to beamWhatisWhenaresubjectIhesheitweyoutheyVerb -inggoingcomplementdoingin thekitchenstudyingfor the test?PRACTICE: PRESENT CONTINUOUS QUESTIONS.1. Change the statements into questions:1. Laura is reading.2. Mike and Tommy are eating.3. It is raining.4. We are waiting in the right place.5. Daniel is talking to Ann.6. You are waiting for Susan.7. She is sitting here.8. Sue and Helen are watching a movie.2. Make questions. Order the words.1. the children/in the garden? /doing/what/are2. is watching/ T.V.?/ who/3. you/crying?/are/why4. are/Meg and Sue/studying?/where5. cooking?/you/what/are/6. is/working/Paul/today?7. why/you/looking/ at me?/are8. your friends/ where/ going?/ are3. Match the two columns1. Are you Studying English?2. Where are you studying?3. When are you doing your test?4. Are you feeling well?5. What are you doing?6. Are you walking to school today?7. Yes, I am. I ‗m feeling great!8. No. My parents are driving me.9. Yes, I am.10. At CCH Sur.11. I m answering an English study guide12. On July.19

4. Look at the pictures and complete the questions. Use the present continuous and theverbs in the box:listen toWhat ?eatreadWhat ?What ?READING SECTIONRead the following text:I’m Emily. I live in an apartment on a busy street. At the moment, I’mlooking out of the window. Here are the things happening:A young woman is entering the florist. She is carrying a small bag. A man iswaiting at the bus stop. He is looking at his watch. A butcher is standing infront of his door and waiting for customers. A black cat is walking around the butcher andwaiting for some meat. A policeman is talking to a strange man. The man is wearing a longcoat, a black hat, and sun- glasses. The policeman is looking at him very carefully. Two littleboys are walking across the road. They are holding ice cream in their hands, but they aren’teating it. An old man is sitting on a bench. He is reading a newspaper. A woman is walkingher brown dog and at the same time talking on the cellphone. The dog is very big.Oh, who’s that? She is my Mum and Thomas is with her. She is parking the car in thegarage. There are shopping bags in the car. She is returning from shopping. Thomas isrunning to his room in order to do his homework.1. Fill in the blanks with the words in the circle1. is wearing sun glasses.2. is walking around thebutcher.3. is parking her car.4. is buying flowers.5. is reading newspaper.mumcatold manstrange manyoung womandogpoliceman20

2. Answer the questions in complete sentences.1. Are the boys eating the ice-cream? .2. Is the young woman going to the butcher? .3. Who is talking on the cellphone? .4. Where is the old man sitting? .5. Why is Thomas running to his room? .LISTENING SECTION1. Listen to two people talking about what they are doing. Read the sentences andcheck true or false. is shopping.Carolyn is shopping with Anna, Sylvia, and Rachel.Carolyn is having fun.Rosie is doing homework.Rosie is having fun.Go to CD track 2WRITING seWhat are the people doing?1. Look at the pictures. Compare them. and, write sentences.Example:In the first picture, Helen is sleeping, but in the second picture, she isn‘t sleeping, she‘sreading.21

STUDY: PRESENT CONTINUOUS FOR FUTURE ARRANGEMENTS (activities)USEWe can use the present continuous when we talk about arrangements for the future.Arrangements are plans, but we are sure they will happen. We often write them in ourdiaries. We use expressions like: this afternoon, this week, this month, and this year. Wecan also use expressions like: next Monday, next week, next month, next year, etc.Look at Monica‘s activities for next week:Monday 124 p.m. Study English for Friday test.Tuesday 135 p.m. Soccer game with TommyWednesday 142.30 p.m. washing upThursday 155 p.m. help my motherFriday 169 p.m. party at Jim’sSaturday 177 p.m. CinemaSunday 183 p.m. Lunch with parentsNotes:Complete the example:1) What is Monica doing next Monday?2) What is Monica doing next Thursday?She is studying English for her FridayShe her mothertest.Monica is not doing these activities right now. Monica is doing these activities next week.Remember the word order of the present continuous:FORMComplete the charts:Affirmative form:Negative form:Interrogative form:S verb to be verb - ing CS verb to be not verb - ing Cverb to be S verb - ing C ?I am watching T.V.You washing the dishesHe is clean the houseShe shoppingWe dancThey are playsoccer.I am not watching T.V.You washing thedishesHe is clean the houseShe shoppingWe dancThey are playsoccer.Am watching T.V?you wash thedishes?cleaning the house?Is shop ?we danc ?playsoccer?Wh- question form:Wh- verb to be S verb - ing C ?What are you doing?Where he go ?What she read ?When are we study ?Who they talk to?Short answers form:We use the short answer form to answeryes/no questionsYes, I am.Or No, Im notYes, you are. Or No, You aren‘t.Yes, he is.Or No, he isn‘t.Yes, she or No,Yes we or No,Yes they or No,22

PRACTICE: PRESENT CONTINUOUS FOR FUTURE ARRANGEMENTS1. Look at Pete’s diary. Write a sentence for each day. Use the verb in dayFridayBuy groceriesexercise in park with Dan 10 at homeEnglish classmeet James at the mallmovie at Laura’s houseParty1. (buy) He’s buying groceries.2. (do)3. (study)4. (taking)5. (meet)6. (watch)7. (going)2. Look at the pictures. What are these people doing nest Friday? Use the wordsbelow.studyplaygohave1. Tim and John basketball. 2. Helen to themovies.3. Linda and Sue lunch.math4. Max3. Write questions. All sentences are future arrangements.1. you/go/out/ tonight?2. you/work/next week?3. What/you/do/tomorrow evening?4. What time/ your friends/come?5. When/ Liz/ go/ on holiday?4. Change the sentences into negative.1. Sue is visiting her grandmother on Friday.2. I am having a surprise birthday party.3. Tom and I are going to the zoo this Sunday.4. Hugh is studying French.23


Study: Past simple affirmative Study: Past simple of regular verbs Study: Past simple, irregular verbs Practice: Past simple affirmative Study: Pronunciation of regular verbs Practice: Pronunciation of regular verbs Study: Past simple negative and questions Practice: Past simpl

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Describa qué método será utilizado para reclutar los sujetos. Es importante para el documento que el estudio sea factible y que no contenga problemas éticos. Ejemplos: 1. A los pacientes admitidos para la cirugía ortopédica, el cirujano que los atienda les preguntará acerca de su permiso para ser contactados para el estudio. Aquellos que

Las 7 claves para preparar un ultratrail Para carreras XXS, date 3-4 meses para prepararlas. Para carreras XS, date 4 meses para prepararlas. Para carreras S, date 5-6 meses para prepararlas Para carreras M y superiores, date al menos 6 meses para prepararlas. Hasta Categoría S, máximo 50% más duro. Para Categorías M y L, máximo 40% más duro.

Orgánica pretende ejecutar una penetración de mercado y volverse proveedor de tomate cherry orgánico de un mercado ya existente. Se recopiló y se analizó información para desarrollar un estudio técnico y un estudio financiero. Se necesita una inversión inicial de HNL 189,264.40 para el proyecto a

Estudio de alternativas para la viabilidad económica de la flota de txikiaundis Fecha 30/05/2014 Proyecto 04-2012-00417 - Estudio de alternativas para la viabilidad económica de la flota de txikiaundis - ALTERTXIKIS- Código IM12alter Cliente EUSKO JAURLARITZA - GOBI