NIMS EOC How-To Quick Reference GuideFEMA-NIMS@fema.dhs.govNational Engagement for DraftEmergency Operations Center (EOC) How-To Quick Reference GuideAttached for your review is a working draft of the National Incident Management System(NIMS) EOC How-To Quick Reference Guide. The purpose of this guide is to introduce theconsiderations related to EOC setup, operational activities, and deactivation. This document willcontribute to developing an EOC that can successfully meet a jurisdiction’s needs. It coverstopics such as hazard vulnerability assessments, physical site selection, mitigation and designconsiderations, EOC capabilities and requirements, information management systems, training,and exercises.FEMA developed the EOC How-To Quick Reference Guide in collaboration with a range ofstakeholders. To further expand our engagement efforts, we are seeking your ideas and input onthis working draft.Though we welcome all ideas and comments, we are specifically seeking input on: Any areas of the guide that are difficult to understand Potential gaps in EOC content on setup, operational activities, and deactivation Any additional EOC tools, guidance, or information that would be useful for yourorganizationPlease use the Feedback Comment Form at comment. Please use the Feedback Comment Form to provide comments. Please submit thisform to by 5:00 p.m. EST on the last day of the engagementperiod.We look forward to receiving your feedback. If you have questions or need more informationabout the EOC How-To Quick Reference Guide, send an e-mail to WORKING DRAFT/NOT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION
NIMS EOC How-To Quick Reference GuideFEMA-NIMS@fema.dhs.govThis page intentionally left blank2PRE-DECISIONAL WORKING DRAFT/NOT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION
NIMS EOC How-To Quick Reference GuideFEMA-NIMS@fema.dhs.govContentsI.Introduction . 7Purpose . 7NIMS Compliance and Integration . 7II.What Is an EOC? . 8Hallmarks of an EOC . 8III. Preliminary Assessments . 10Hazard and Vulnerability Assessment . 10Resilience Analysis and Planning Tool . 10Capability Assessment . 10Interagency Coordination . 11Private Sector . 11EOC Staffing Requirements and Structure Type . 12EOC Facility Support . 16Plans and Procedures . 16Lifelines . 17IV.Site Selection . 18General Considerations . 18Vulnerability . 18Central Location and Proximity to Key Personnel . 18Traffic Flow and Congestion . 19Accessibility . 19Parking . 19Communications . 19Security . 20Expandability . 20Community-Based Design . 20Alternate Sites. 20Existing EOC Sites . 21Mitigation Considerations. 21Natural Hazards . 21Technological and Human-Caused Hazards . 21V.EOC Capabilities and Requirements . 22Determining Personnel Space Requirements . 22EOC Functions . 22Space Requirements. 22Additional Personnel Space Requirements . 23Sustained Operations . 23Communications Requirements . 23Interoperability . 23PRE-DECISIONAL WORKING DRAFT/NOT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION3
NIMS EOC How-To Quick Reference GuideFEMA-NIMS@fema.dhs.govTelecommunications (Including Teleconferencing, Videoconferencing, Text Messaging andFax) . 23Public Safety Radio . 24Information Technology (IT) Requirements . 24Internet Connectivity . 24Computer Systems . 25Audiovisual Support . 25Supplies and Equipment Requirements . 25Furniture and Office Equipment . 25Food Supply . 25Medical and Sanitary Supplies . 26Status and Situation Boards . 26Administrative Supplies. 26Support Services . 26VI.Room Design Features . 27Design Considerations . 27Basic Room Designs . 27Emergency Power . 28Uninterruptible Power Supply . 29Physical Access . 29Considerations for Multiuse Facilities . 29Ancillary Space and Storage Areas . 29Operations Room . 30Classroom and Training Areas . 30Floor Plans. 30VII. Information Management Systems . 31Information/Data Management Tools . 31Geospatial Data and Analysis Capability . 31Crowdsourcing in Emergency Management. 3232Hazard Prediction and Monitoring Capability . 33Automated Emergency Management System . 33Personnel Qualification and Certification System . 33Infrastructure for Communications and Data Management. 33Adequate Numbers of Phones, Fax Machines, Copiers, Computers . 34Secure Communications . 34Cybersecurity . 34VIII. EOC Management. 35Standard Operating Procedures . 35Authority . 35Elected Officials and Senior Leaders. 35Conditions for Activation . 36Notice Events . 36Alerting . 364PRE-DECISIONAL WORKING DRAFT/NOT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION
NIMS EOC How-To Quick Reference GuideFEMA-NIMS@fema.dhs.govSetup . 36Deactivation . 37Annual Review . 37Testing and Exercising Activation Procedures . 37IX.Planning, Training and Exercises . 38Planning . 38NIMS Training and EOCs . 39EOC Training Progression . 39Exercises and EOCs . 41X.Resource Management During an Incident . 44Identifying Requirements . 45Ordering and Acquiring. 45Resource Requests . 45Incident Assignments. 46XI.Abbreviations . 47XII. Glossary . 49XIII. Reference Resources . 62COVID-19 Pandemic Operational Guidance Document . 62COVID-19 Best Practice Information: Emergency Operations Centers . 62National Incident Management System (NIMS) . 62National Qualification System (NQS) . 62ICS Resource Center. 62Incident Action Planning Guidance . 63Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) . 63Vulnerability Assessment . 63NQS EOC Skillsets and EOC Skillsets User Guide . 63Emergency Support Function (ESF) . 63Lifelines . 63OneResponder . 63NIMS Training Program . 64XIV. Annex . 65EOC Self-Assessment Tool. 65Tips for Using This Tool. 65More Information . 66Facility Features. 67Survivability . 69Security . 70Facility . 70Communications/Networks . 70Personnel . 71PRE-DECISIONAL WORKING DRAFT/NOT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION5
NIMS EOC How-To Quick Reference GuideFEMA-NIMS@fema.dhs.govSustainability . 72Facility . 72Communications/Networks . 72Interoperability . 74Communications . 74Procedures . 75Training . 75Flexibility . 76Facility . 76Communications/Networks . 77Other Considerations . 79Geographic data and analysis capability . 79Hazard prediction and monitoring capability .
OC How-To Quick Reference Guide. . National Engagement for Draft Emergency Operations Center (EOC) How-To Quick Reference Guide . Attached for your review is a working draft of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) EOC How-To Quick Reference Guide. The purpose of this guide is to introduce the
Algebra 1 EOC, Geometry EOC, Biology EOC, US HistoryEOC NGSSS. 2013-2014; FCAT 2.0 NGSSS. Civics EOC NGSSS; FCAT 2.0 NGSSS. Algebra 1 EOC, Geometry EOC, Biology EOC, US HistoryEOC NGSSS; 2014-2015. PARCC CCSS (M ELA) FCAT 2.0 Science. Civics EOC NGSSS. PARCC CCSS (ELA) Algebra 1 EOC, Geometry EOC CCSS; Biology EOC, US .
Dec 08, 2020 · English 1 EOC – December 8th Algebra 1 EOC, Biology EOC, US History EOC – December 9th English II EOC – December 10th Make up EOC testing for all approved absences – December 11th The fourth six weeks (Dec. 14th – Jan. 29th) survey is now open and will remai
between Algebra 1 EOC scores and ACT Math Subset scores. The independent variable was the Algebra 1 EOC scores and the dependent variable was the ACT Math Subset scores. The Algebra 1 EOC test was chosen because all students graduating high school must take the Algebra 1 EOC te
Jun 28, 2019 · FSA Algebra 1 EOC 7–12 14087 FSA Geometry EOC 8–12 12962 Biology EOC 8–12 13477 Civics EOC 6–8 15081 U.S. History EOC 9–12 13885 . Tables 2 through 9 report the percentage of students scoring level
course with a failing grade on the EOC. Conversely, passing an EOC does not mean a student passes the course. The impact of the EOC is that it counts for 20% of the semester grade. If a student fails an EOC course, they have to re-take the EOC for that course again, when they re-take the course. Subject Grade Usually Taken EOC Required
2013-14 MSP/HSPE Results (Administration Info) Grade Level Reading Math Writing Science 5th Grade 54.9% 8th Grade 52.3% 10th Grade 80.9% See EOC below 83.6% See EOC below Grade Level * EOC Math Year 1 EOC Math Year 2 ALL Grades 33.0% 15.0% Grade Level * EOC Biology ALL Grades 64.5%
North Carolina Home Base 2014-15 EOC/EOG/NCFE Test Items How to Search in Item Central Current as of November 2016 1 Purpose of Document: To provide instructions on how to search for 2014-15 EOG/EOC/NCFE test items in Schoolnet Primary Audience: Teachers, Staff, School and District Leadership EOG/EOC/NCFE Items loaded into Schoolnet in May 2016 (EOG/EOC), August 2016 (NCFE) and September
Contractors may use a Government employee's Government Purchase Card as long as the Contracting Office authorizes its use and the contractor notifies the Contracting Officer of all purchases made by the contractor during the billing period. Unauthorized Use of the GPC Page 7 of 29 Knowledge Review Computer supplies from a GSA schedule. Food, drinks, clothing, lodging or travel related expenses .