Reinforced-Concrete Structure - Indiana

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2012INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—2012 DESIGN MANUALCHAPTER 405Reinforced-ConcreteStructureNOTE: References to material in 2011 Design Manual have been highlighted in blue throughoutthis document.

2012TABLE OF CONTENTSTable of Contents . 2List of Figures . 5405-1A Material Properties of Concrete . 5405-1B Strut-and-Tie Model for Hammerhead Pier . 5405-1C Strut-and-Tie Model for Beam Ends. 5405-2A Reinforcing Bar Sizes . 5405-2B Reinforcing Bars, Areas (in2) Per One Foot Section . 5405-2C Minimum Concrete Cover for Design and Detailing . 5405-2D Minimum Center-to-Center Spacing of Bars . 5405-2E Development Lengths for Uncoated Bars in Tension, f c 3 ksi . 5405-2F Development Lengths for Uncoated Bars in Tension, f c 4 ksi . 5405-2G Development Lengths for Epoxy Coated Bars in Tension, f c 3 ksi . 5405-2H Development Lengths for Epoxy Coated Bars in Tension, f c 4 ksi . 5405-2 I Hooked Uncoated Bar Development Lengths, Tension, f c 3 ksi . 5405-2J Hooked Uncoated Bar Development Lengths, Tension, f c 4 ksi . 5405-2K Hooked Epoxy Coated Bar Development Lengths, Tension, f c 3 ksi . 5405-2L Hooked Epoxy Coated Bar Development Lengths, Tension, f c 4 ksi . 5405-2MClass A Splice Lengths for Uncoated Bars in Tension, f c 3 ksi . 5405-2N Class A Splice Lengths for Uncoated Bars in Tension, f c 4 ksi . 5405-2 OClass A Splice Lengths for Epoxy Coated Bars in Tension, f c 3 ksi . 5405-2P Class A Splice Lengths for Epoxy Coated Bars in Tension, f c 4 ksi . 5405-2Q Class B Splice Lengths for Uncoated Bars in Tension, f c 3 ksi . 5405-2R Class B Splice Lengths for Uncoated Bars in Tension, f c 4 ksi . 5405-2S Class B Splice Lengths for Epoxy Coated Bars in Tension, f c 3 ksi . 5405-2T Class B Splice Lengths for Epoxy Coated Bars in Tension, f c 4 ksi . 5405-2U Class C Splice Lengths for Uncoated Bars in Tension, f c 3 ksi . 5405-2V Class C Splice Lengths for Uncoated Bars in Tension, f c 4 ksi . 5405-2WClass C Splice Lengths for Epoxy Coated Bars in Tension, f c 3 ksi . 5405-2X Class C Splice Lengths for Epoxy Coated Bars in Tension, f c 4 ksi . 5405-2Y Hooks and Bends . 5405-2Z Bars in Section . 5405-2AA Bending Diagram Examples . 5405-2BB Cutting Diagram (Transverse Steel in Bridge Deck) . 5405-2CC Cutting Diagram (Hammerhead Stem Pier) . 5405-2DD Reinforced Concrete Bridge Approach Bill of Materials . 5405-3A Haunch Configurations for Reinforced Concrete Slab Superstructures . 5405-3B Typical Reinforced Concrete Slab Superstructure . 5405-3C Shrinkage and Temperature Reinforcement for Slab Superstructure . 5405-3D Integral Cap at Slab Superstructure (Typical Half-Section) . 5405-3E Integral Caps at Slab Superstructure (Half-Longitudinal Section) . 5

2012405-3F Integral Cap at Slab Superstructure (Section Through End Bent) . 6405-3G Integral Cap at Slab Superstructure (Section Through Interior Bent) . 6Chapter 405 . 7405-1.0 GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS . 7405-1.01 Material Properties . 7405-1.02 Flexure . 7405-1.03 Limits for Reinforcing Steel . 8405-1.04 Shear and Torsion . 8405-1.05 Strut-and-Tie Model . 10405-1.06 Fatigue . 11405-1.07 Crack Control . 12405-2.0 REINFORCING STEEL . 12405-2.01 Grade . 12405-2.02 Sizes . 12405-2.03 Concrete Cover . 12405-2.04 Spacing of Reinforcement . 12405-2.05 Fabrication Lengths . 13405-2.06 Development of Reinforcement . 13405-2.06(01) Development Length in Tension . 13405-2.06(02) Development Length in Compression . 14405-2.06(03) Standard End Hook Development Length in Tension . 14405-2.07 Splices. 14405-2.07(01) General . 14405-2.07(02) Lap Splices in Tension . 15405-2.07(03) Lap Splices in Compression. 15405-2.07(04) Mechanical Splices . 15405-2.07(05) Welded Splices. 16405-2.08 Hooks and Bends . 16405-2.09 Epoxy-Coated Reinforcement . 16405-2.10 Reinforcement Detailing . 16405-2.10(01) Standard Practice. 17405-2.10(02) Bars in Section . 18405-2.11 Bending Diagrams . 18405-2.12 Cutting Diagrams. 19405-2.13 Bill of Materials . 19405-3.0 REINFORCED CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE SLAB SUPERSTRUCTURE . 20405-3.01 General . 20405-3.01(01) Materials . 20405-3.01(02) Cover . 20405-3.01(03) Haunches . 20

2012405-3.01(04) Substructures . 21405-3.01(05) Minimum Reinforcement . 21405-3.02 Computation of Slab Dead-Load Deflections . 22405-3.03 Construction Joints . 23405-3.04 Longitudinal Edge-Beam Design . 23405-3.05 Shrinkage and Temperature Reinforcement . 23405-3.06 Reinforcing Steel and Constructibility . 23405-3.07 Drainage Outlets . 24405-3.08 Distribution of Concrete-Railing Dead Load . 24405-3.09 Shear Resistance . 24405-3.10 Minimum Thickness of Slab . 24405-3.11 Development of Flexural Reinforcement . 25405-3.12 Skewed Reinforced-Concrete Slab Bridge . 25405-3.13 Transverse Shrinkage and Temperature Reinforcement in the Top of the Slab at theBent Caps . 25405-3.14 Fatigue-Limit State . 26

2012LIST OF FIGURESFigure -2E405-2F405-2G405-2H405-2 I405-2J405-2K405-2L405-2M405-2N405-2 A405-3B405-3C405-3D405-3EMaterial Properties of ConcreteStrut-and-Tie Model for Hammerhead PierStrut-and-Tie Model for Beam EndsReinforcing Bar SizesReinforcing Bars, Areas (in2) Per One Foot SectionMinimum Concrete Cover for Design and DetailingMinimum Center-to-Center Spacing of BarsDevelopment Lengths for Uncoated Bars in Tension, f c′ 3 ksiDevelopment Lengths for Uncoated Bars in Tension, f c′ 4 ksiDevelopment Lengths for Epoxy Coated Bars in Tension, f c′ 3 ksiDevelopment Lengths for Epoxy Coated Bars in Tension, f c′ 4 ksiHooked Uncoated Bar Development Lengths, Tension, f c′ 3 ksiHooked Uncoated Bar Development Lengths, Tension, f c′ 4 ksiHooked Epoxy Coated Bar Development Lengths, Tension, f c′ 3 ksiHooked Epoxy Coated Bar Development Lengths, Tension, f c′ 4 ksiClass A Splice Lengths for Uncoated Bars in Tension, f c′ 3 ksiClass A Splice Lengths for Uncoated Bars in Tension, f c′ 4 ksiClass A Splice Lengths for Epoxy Coated Bars in Tension, f c′ 3 ksiClass A Splice Lengths for Epoxy Coated Bars in Tension, f c′ 4 ksiClass B Splice Lengths for Uncoated Bars in Tension, f c′ 3 ksiClass B Splice Lengths for Uncoated Bars in Tension, f c′ 4 ksiClass B Splice Lengths for Epoxy Coated Bars in Tension, f c′ 3 ksiClass B Splice Lengths for Epoxy Coated Bars in Tension, f c′ 4 ksiClass C Splice Lengths for Uncoated Bars in Tension, f c′ 3 ksiClass C Splice Lengths for Uncoated Bars in Tension, f c′ 4 ksiClass C Splice Lengths for Epoxy Coated Bars in Tension, f c′ 3 ksiClass C Splice Lengths for Epoxy Coated Bars in Tension, f c′ 4 ksiHooks and BendsBars in SectionBending Diagram ExamplesCutting Diagram (Transverse Steel in Bridge Deck)Cutting Diagram (Hammerhead Stem Pier)Reinforced Concrete Bridge Approach Bill of MaterialsHaunch Configurations for Reinforced Concrete Slab SuperstructuresTypical Reinforced Concrete Slab SuperstructureShrinkage and Temperature Reinforcement for Slab SuperstructureIntegral Cap at Slab Superstructure (Typical Half-Section)Integral Caps at Slab Superstructure (Half-Longitudinal Section)

2012405-3F405-3GIntegral Cap at Slab Superstructure (Section Through End Bent)Integral Cap at Slab Superstructure (Section Through Interior Bent)

2012CHAPTER 405REINFORCED CONCRETEThe LRFD Bridge Design Specifications Section 5 specifies the design requirements for concretein all structural elements. This Chapter provides supplementary information specificallyregarding the general properties of concrete and reinforcing steel and the design of reinforcedconcrete.References shown following section titles are to the AASHTO LRFD Bridge DesignSpecifications.405-1.0 GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS405-1.01 Material PropertiesThe minimum yield strength for reinforcing steel shall be taken as 60 ksi.Figure 405-1A provides criteria for concrete materials in structural elements.405-1.02 FlexureTo facilitate design, LRFD provides a simplified sectional stress distribution for theStrength Limit state, the application of which is limited to an under-reinforced rectangularsection. Stresses in both top and bottom steel mats are taken at yield, while the concrete stressblock is assumed to be rectangular with an intensity of 0.85fc and a height as described by theequation as follows:aAs f yAs f y0.85 f c bLocation of the neutral axis is calculated as follows:ca1The factor 1 shall be taken as 0.85 for concrete strength not exceeding 4 ksi. For concretestrength exceeding 4 ksi, 1 shall be reduced at a rate of 0.05 for each 1 ksi of strength in excessof 4 ksi. However, 1 shall not be taken to be less than 0.65, in accordance with LRFD,and the nominal flexural resistance as follows:Mn Asfy[ds – 0.5a] – As f y (d s0.5a )

2012405-1.03 Limits for Reinforcing SteelThe minimum reinforcement shall be checked in accordance with LRFD at a section tobe certain that the amount of prestressed and non-prestressed reinforcement is enough to developa factored flexural resistance, Mr, at least equal to the lesser of at least 1.2 times the crackingmoment, Mcr, or 1.33 times the factored moment required by the applicable strength loadcombinations. Most often, 1.2Mcr controls in the maximum positive-moment regions. In theregion located approximately within the end one-third of the beam or span, 1.33 times thefactored moment will control.The cracking moment is computed by means of LRFD Equation as follows:M crfr I gytWhereMcr cracking moment, modulus of rupture of concreteyt distance from the neutral axis to the extreme tension fiber, in.405-1.04 Shear and TorsionLRFD 5.8 allows two methods of shear design for prestressed concrete, the strut-and-tie modeland the sectional-design model. The sectional-design model is appropriate for the design of atypical bridge girder, slab, or other region of components where the assumptions of traditionalbeam theory are valid. This theory assumes that the response at a particular section depends onlyon the calculated values of the sectional force effects such as moment, shear, axial load, andtorsion, but it does not consider the specific details of how the force effects were introduced intothe member.In a region near a discontinuity, such as an abrupt change in cross-section, opening, coped, ordapped, end, deep beam, or corbel, the strut-and-tie model shall be used. See LRFD 5.6.3 and5.13.2.LRFD 5.8.3 discusses the sectional-design model. Subsections 1 and 2 describe the applicablegeometry required to use this technique to design web reinforcement.

2012The nominal resistance is taken as the lesser of the following:Vn Vc Vs VpLRFD Equation 0.25 f c bvdv VpLRFD Equation a non-prestressed section, Vp 0.LRFD Equation represents an upper limit of Vn to ensure that the concrete in the webwill not crush prior to yield of the transverse reinforcement.The nominal shear resistance provided by tension in the concrete is computed as follows:Vc 0.0316f c bv d vThe contribution of the web reinforcement is computed as follows:VsAv f y d v cotcotsinsLRFD Equation angle represents the inclination of the diagonal compressive forces measured from thehorizontal beam axis, and angle represents the web reinforcement relative to the horizontalbeam axis, respectively.For where the web shear reinforcement is vertical,VsAv f y d v cots 90 deg, Vs simplifies to the following:LRFD Equation and are functions of the longitudinal steel strain, x, which, in turn, is a function of .Therefore, the design process is an iterative one. A detailed methodology, along with the designtables, is provided in LRFD For a section including at least the minimum amount oftransverse reinforcement specified in LRFD, the values of and shall be taken fromLRFD Table For a section that does not include the minimum transversereinforcement requirements, LRFD Table shall be used to determine and .This process can be considered as an improvement in accounting for the interaction betweenshear and flexure and attempting to control cracking at the Strength Limit state.

2012For a non-prestressed concrete section not subjected to axial tension and including at least theminimum amount of transverse reinforcement specified in LRFD, or having an overalldepth of less than 16 in., a value of 2 may be taken for and a value of 45 deg may be taken for.Transverse shear reinforcement shall be provided if the following applies.Vu0.5VcVpLRFD Equation transverse reinforcement is required, the area of steel shall not be less than the following:Av0.0316fcbv sfyLRFD Equation the reaction introduces compression into the end of the member, the critical section for shear istaken as the larger of 0.5dvcot or dv, measured from the face of the support (see LRFD is most often not a major consideration. Where torsion effects are present, the membershall be designed in accordance with LRFD 5.8.2 and A situation that can require atorsion design includes the following:1.cantilever brackets connected perpendicular to a concrete beam, especially if a diaphragmis not located opposite the b

405-2DD Reinforced Concrete Bridge Approach Bill of Materials 405-3A Haunch Configurations for Reinforced Concrete Slab Superstructures 405-3B Typical Reinforced Concrete Slab Superstructure 405-3C Shrinkage and Temperature Reinforcement for Slab Superstructure 405-3D Integral Cap at Slab Superstructure (Typical Half-Section

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