High School OrchestraMonday 5/18/2020History- Read Classical Packet- Complete listenings and quizMonday 5/25/2020MEMORIAL DAYMonday 6/1/2020History- Read 20th Century Packet- Complete listenings and quizScale Review - Practice the Bflat Major scale.Learning in Place 4:Tuesday 5/19/2020Scale Review - Practice the GMajor Scale. StringEnsemble/Concert Orchestra 2 octaves. Chamber Orchestra- 3 octavesTuesday 5/26/2020History- Read Romantic Packet- Complete listenings and quizTuesday 6/2/2020Scale Review - Practice the gmelodic minor scale.May 18-June 5, 2020Wednesday 5/20/2020Scale Review - Practice the DMajor Scale.Suggested Pacing Guide:Thursday 4/21/2020Scale Review - Practice the AMajor Scale.Wednesday 5/27/2020 Thursday 5/28/2020Scale Review - Review the Eflat scale.Sight ReadingWednesday 6/3/2020Scale Review - Practice the FMajor scaleSight ReadingScale Review- Practice the G, D, and AMajor Scales.Sight ReadingSight Reading - Complete sightreading example based onyour levelScale Review - Practice the Aflat Major Scale.Friday 5/22/2020Friday 5/29/2020Scale Review - Review the cminor scale.Sight ReadingThursday 6/4/2020Scale Review - Practice the dmelodic minor scale.Friday 6/5/2020Review and practice allpreviously assigned scales.Sight Reading
TheCLASSICALClassical Era ERATHE1775175018201800MUSICThe l'lassica/ era, from about I 7'i0 to the c-tLrly 18()(J's, w:L'i a time of great con trasts. \Vhile pa11ioL-; fought for tl1e rights of the conunon people in the Amelicm1 andFrench revolutions, composers were employed to l'11tc11:tin wealthy nobles :u1d aristo crat-;. Music beaune simpler and more cleg:ull, with melodics often flowing overaccompaniment patterns in reguhu· 4-h:u· plmL'ies. Like the m·chitecture of ,u1cicntClassical Greece, music w,L'i llt togetlwr in ''huikting block.-;" hy bahu1ciJ1g one phnL'ieag,linst ,motl1e1; or one entire section ag.tinst :u1otl1er.11ie pim10 replaced tlw hmvsichord m1d b1·L.une the most popuhu· insu·umelll forthe coucerto (solo) with orchestra accompm1imen1. The string qu:u1et becune thefavorite fonn of chamber (small group) music, ,utd orchestra concc11s featured - ')'lll J;houies (longer compositions with 4 cont11L'iting pa11s or 111011eme11ts). 'lhward theend of this era, Beethoven's ch.mging musical style led tl1e ,my tow.ml UH.' more emo tional ,md personal expression of l{omm1lic music. (' . -.-.- ,,' Franz Josef Haydn (1732-1809), Gloria from Heilegmesse*, Achieved is Thy Glorious Work* Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791), Ave Verum Corpus*, Gloria in Excelsis* from Twelfm Mass f;J ,a Angelorum* Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), Ode To Joy, theme from Violin Co"ce·:o 5r Symphony, 9th Symphony ,uusicfe,1111111/ ilt Esst'11li1d lle/nlu/r, 177517S018201800ART&LITERATUREWm. Wordsworth, author ( Lyrcial Ballads) Samuel Johnson, author (Dictionary) Voltaire, author (Candide) Gainsborough, artist (The Blue Boy) Goya, artist (Witch's Sabbath) Encyclopedia Britannica, first edition17S0177SJane Austin, author( Pride and Prejudice)18001820WORLD EVENTS Ben Franklin discovers electricity (1751) American Revolution (1775-1783) French Revolution (1789-17?4) Napoleon cro'.'.ned mperor of France (1804) Lewis and Clark explore northwest (1804) Metronome invented (1815) First steamship crossesAtlantic (1819)
CLASSICAL ERA1750-1820Typical Characteristics of Classical MusicNAMEDATE Balanced phrases (phrases usually the same length)Obvious cadences (stopping points in the music/musical punctuation)Tuneful, singable melodiesAccompaniments underneath the melodies had regularly recurring accents.Sy mphony, solo concerto, string quartet and sonata were popular instrumental forms.All were works with multiple movements.Dynamic contrasts became subtler, not as sudde
Scale Review - Review the E - flat scale. Friday 5/29/2020. Scale Review - Review the c minor scale. Sight Reading. Monday 6/1/2020. History - Read 20th Century Packet - Complete listenings and quiz. Scale Review - Practice the B - flat Major scale. Tuesday 6/2/2020. Scale Review - Practice the g melodic minor scale. Wednes
Chin Lily Monday, July 23, 2018 4:30 PM Chinta Manasa Tuesday, July 24, 2018 8:00 AM Chowdhury Nayeli Tuesday, July 24, 2018 8:00 AM Ciani Olivia Tuesday, July 24, 2018 8:00 AM Cini Charles Tuesday, July 24, 2018 8:00 AM Clark Lucy Tuesday, July 24, 2018 8:15 AM Clarke Brandon Tuesday, July 2
6:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 15, 2020– Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 5, 2020 – Council Chambers Work sessions 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, December 8, 2020 – Council Chambers 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, January 12, 2020– Council Chambers ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS FC Major Flood Chann
The Giver by Lois Lowry READING SCHEDULE: Due Monday, October 29th Ch. 1-2 Due Monday, November 5th Ch 3-4 Due Monday, November 12th Ch. 5-8 Due Monday, November 19th Ch. 9-12 Due Monday, November 26th Ch. 13-16 Due Monday, December 3rd Ch. 17-20 Due Monday, December 10th Ch. 21-23 Final Exams: December 17-19
9-12am & 1.30-4pm 8am & 2pm 8am & 2pm 2-6pm MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 20-1-2020 21-1-2020 22-1-2020 23-1-2020 24-1-2020 25-1-2020 Aircraft systems Business Management and Entrepreneurship T. DE TROYER M. GOLDCHSTEIN Oral Written USQ.G.2.D G13 D 002 D 008 8am-5pm 1pm-5pm MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY
Barrington Blvd. Tuesday Red Barsha Fields Ln. Tuesday Yellow . Everett Pointe Ln. Tuesday Yellow Excellence Way Tuesday Blue Exeter Court Friday Red Fairlawn Circle Tuesday Blue . Magnolia St., N Tuesday Blue Magnolia St., S Thursd
Highland Park General meetings: 2008 Tuesday, January 22 Tuesday, February 26 Tuesday, March 25 Tuesday, April 22 Tuesday, May 27 Tuesday, June 24 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: It Takes a Village 2 Landmark Tour 2 Halloween Party 3 Georgie’s Bakery 4 New Logo 5 New Board Officers 7 NBN Conference 8 The Highland Park Buzz December, 2007
EU Tracker Questions (GB) Total Well Total Badly DK NET Start of Fieldwork End of Fieldwork 2020 15/12/2020 16/12/2020 40 51 9-11 08/12/2020 09/12/2020 41 47 12-6 02/12/2020 03/12/2020 27 57 15-30 26/11/2020 27/11/2020 28 59 13-31 17/11/2020 18/11/2020 28 60 12-32 11/11/2020 12/11/2020 28 59 12-31 4/11/2020 05/11/2020 30 56 13-26 28/10/2020 29/10/2020 29 60 11-31
and Materials, ASTM; and by the Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE. These groups are summarized as follows: 100 Series (C10000) Coppers This group comprises the pure coppers, those with a designated mini-mum copper content of 99.3%, for high electrical conductivity. Also included within this group are the high copper alloys, those with