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Holy Trinity Catholic ChurchWashington, DCANNUAL REPORT 2021Holy Trinity Catholic Church3513 N Street, NWWashington, DC 20007(202) 337-2840www.trinity.orgRev. C. Kevin Gillespie, S.J.Pastor(202) 903-2800kgillespie@trinity.orgHoly Trinity School1325 36th Street, NWWashington, DC 20007(202) 337-2339www.htsdc.orgKevin McShanePrincipal(202) 337-2339kmcshane@htsdc.org

A Message from the PastorHistory may be described as an accumulation of stories about how people respond to challenging circumstancesand events. We as a faith community have been living through history as we continue to respond to the realities andrestrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic. We certainly have many stories, some of which are recorded in the followingpages of the 2021 Annual Report. Throughout much of the year, I have been amazed by how the parishioners andpersonnel of Holy Trinity have been able to adapt and adjust to the challenges of the pandemic. Two operative wordsduring this time period are sustaining and creating. In reading and reviewing this report, I am struck with the manyways the parish has pivoted in sustaining our programs and creating new ones.For example: the many ways our Holy Trinity School teachers created novel ways for their students to learn whilemaintaining the demanding health and safety restrictions. Would you believe that as a way of keeping in touch,many teachers visited the homes of their students? Their generous efforts in responding to the needs of their studentsand their parents were nothing less than heroic. The same sense of sustaining and creating was true for the otherministries mentioned in this report. I invite to have this sense as you read the reports from our ministries in IgnatianSpirituality and Prayer, Social Justice, Faith Formation and Religious Education, Parish Life, Youth Ministry, YoungAdult Community, and LGBTQIA Ministry. How blessed we are — and how grateful I am. And the successes of allthese ministries are revealed in our strong stewardship programs of donations resulting in a healthy financial balance.On behalf of all of our ministerial teams allow me to say that we are very grateful for your generosity.Turning to some of the numbers found this report’s Ministry Highlights, you will see further evidence of our parish’sway sustaining and creating during COVID. For example, our daily audio and video homilies have reached on averagemore than 250 listeners per day. What’s more, our Sunday Mass livestream — prior to our opening up last spring— averaged more than 1,000 views and continue to average around 500. Moreover, through 15 Zooms per week wewere able to perform consistent collegial, ministerial and spiritual outreach to hundreds of parishioners. Some othernumbers to note are the 211 families who prepared for Baptism, the 19 adults fully initiated into the Church at theEaster Vigil, the 464 Sunday Religious Education students, the 240 individuals who engaged in seven retreats, and themore than 388,000 distributed through our annual tithing.In the Financial and the Stewardship sections, you will find the following bottom lines: a slight decrease in totalparish revenues, from 4.813 million to 4.671 million; a decrease in total parish expenditures from 4.685 millionto 4.286 million; a decrease in school revenues from 6.010 million to 5.956 million; an increase in total schoolexpenditures from 6.010 million to 6.775 million.Finally, let me reiterate that we are going through a pandemic of historic proportions — but as we do so the parishionersand staff of Holy Trinity Catholic Church and Holy Trinity School are quite engaged in sustaining our major programs,creating meaningful new ones and sharing stories through which we are truly forming a new history of evangelizingthe mission of Jesus the Christ.Rev. C. Kevin Gillespie, S.J.

Ministry HighlightsParish Community5,937 Registered Households101 Ministries, Groups, Programs & CommitteesParish Staff5 Priests (2 full-time / 3 part-time)4 Pastoral Associates2 Music Staff Members5 Operations/Administrative Staff Members14 Support Staff Members (8 full-time / 6 part-time)Liturgy and Sacraments*1,000 Faithful Gather for Sunday Eucharist5 Sunday Masses and 2 Daily Masses543 Liturgical Ministers62 Students prepared for Reconciliation/Eucharist54 Couples prepared for Marriage211 Families prepared for Baptism19 Adults fully initiated into the Church at Easter Vigil14 Baptized Christians receied into full communion*Numbers have decreased due to pandemic restrictionsReligious Education/Faith FormationIgnatian Spirituality & Prayer240 Individuals engaged in 7 retreats in daily life42 Individuals engaged in young adult retreats22 Individuals made the Spiritual Exercises in the 19thAnnotation format15 Member Ecumenical Retreat Team74 Inquiries about the Ignatian Training Programs12 Women Engaged in ISP Monthly Meetings21 Women participated in the Gonzaga Mothers’ IgnatianDay of Reflection44 Individuals participated in the Spiritual ExercisesInformation SessionsSocial Justice 388,612 in Tithe Distributions 46,879 donated to COVID-19 Relief Fund40 Organizations Supporting the Poor & VulnerableHoly Trinity School332 Enrolled Students28% Students of Color 621,000 in Need-Based Financial Aid10 Years Average Teacher Tenure65% of Teachers Hold Advanced Degree464 Religious Education Students84 Catechists & Substitute CatechistsHoly Trinity Annual Report 20214

Liturgy & MusicThe liturgical life at Holy Trinity is the heart of our parishcommunity. From the tables of Word and Sacrament,our parish is fed, strengthened and transformed toaccompany our brothers and sisters, especially the poorand vulnerable.While Sunday has remained the primary day forthe community to gather, our normal courseof sacramental celebrations includinginfant Baptisms, First Communions,Confirmation, Reconciliation, adultinitiation through the parish’srobust RCIA process, funeralsand even weddings have continuedto be disrupted due to the COVID-19pandemic. This virus has disturbed ourliturgical life in a very particular way this year.As we know, we are never more the Church thanwhen we gather for the Eucharist, but the virus hasprevented our gathering. How can we be the incarnatebody of Christ, gathered around the tables of Wordand Sacrament if we cannot gather to eat and drink, layhands, anoint with oil, or wash in the waters of rebirth?We boldly proclaim we continue to encounter the livingGod in our bodies and communities, through the signand symbol of God’s creation, celebrated in the gatheringof God’s holy people. And so, our liturgical communitycontinues to adapt to changing health requirementswhile attempting to reengage our regular rhythm of dailyand weekly worship.It feels like we are getting back to some semblanceof normalcy. In the spring and summer of 2021, wecelebrated the Sacraments of Initiation as best wecould. Children were baptized individually and, now,communally either in the East Garden, the Chapel ofSt. Ignatius, or the Main Church. Our parish youthcelebrated their First Eucharist at Sunday Masses andwere Confirmed in groups of 10-12 with our Jesuitstaff anointing them with Sacred Chrism. Smaller (andHoly Trinity Annual Report 2021some larger) weddings and funerals were celebratedthroughout the year. The Paschal Triduum was celebratedin person this year, albeit with limited attendance, andalso livestreamed and prerecorded. Virtual Morningand Evening Prayer on Zoom continued this year withrobust interest and participation. In July, this became aparishioner-driven ministry because of the fondness ofthe parishioners who gather to see one another, pray,and share their faith with one another at the startand end of the day.We celebrate Sunday Eucharist at5:30pm on Saturdays and at7:30am, 9:00am, 11:30am, and5:30pm. A Mass at Holy RoodCemetery has been a mainstay throughthe spring and into the fall, which affordsan opportunity to celebrate the Eucharistoutdoors. Two daily Masses have resumed inthe Chapel of St. Ignatius. Attendance at SundayEucharist is still lagging compared to a normal year, butthe rise of the Delta variant and the accessibility of avaccine for children means that many of our parishionerscannot gather for Eucharist in person. We look forwardto the day when we can all gather again safely at the tableof God’s love.Ignatian Spirituality & PrayerAs the pandemic continued to restrict our ability togather in person, the Ignatian Spirituality and Prayerministry pivoted seamlessly to offering established andnewly created retreats, prayer gatherings, parish-wideoutreach and training programs online. Our 15-memberecumenical Ignatian retreat team offered the SpiritualExercises over nine months to 20 retreatants, individuallydirected seven Ignatian retreats in daily life, and met with160 individuals for spiritual direction. In response to thepandemic and the election, we offered for the first time,the “God Our Refuge and Our Strength” and “Speak theTruth in Love” retreats. Having publicized our Ignatian5

Training Programs online, we responded to seventy fourinquiries for application packets from individuals in theU.S., Malaysia, Canada, and South Korea.Individuals who wanted to explore Ignatian Spiritualityparticipated in our weekend young adult retreats, weeklyPraying in Sacred Space Groups, young adult faithsharing, and joined women in recovery for monthlyreflection through the Ignatian Spirituality Project.Attendance at our Movie Moments of Grace film series,with small group discussion, continued to flourish evenonline, and the series expanded into the summer months.The Ignatian Spirituality and Jesuit Identity Committeecontinued to promote the use of the Presupposition.Members of the committee offered workshops, leadingseveral parish committees and ministry groups, thefaculty at Holy Trinity School, and school parents ina reflection and discussion of assuming good intent inothers. The committee also began preparations for theIgnatian Year, which began on May 20, 2021. TheYoung Adult and Education Committees engagedin prayerful reflection on the Jesuit UniversalApostolic Preferences and explored how toapply them to ministry at Holy Trinity.These same committees, along withthe Social Justice Committee,the Migrant Team, andIgnatian Retreat Team, engagedwith Ignatian principles of spiritualconsolation and spiritual desolation asthey discerned their next programmaticsteps. The Religious Education Advisory Board,new catechists, and Young Adults welcomedcontinuing formation in Ignatian spirituality.The reality of the pandemic led to new and creativeapproaches to praying together. Collaborations withthe Liturgy & Music ministry resulted in online prayerservices for the Feast of St. Ignatius and Election Day. TheYoung Adult Community offered online ContemplativeHoly Trinity Annual Report 2021Faith Sharing quarterly. Parishioners gathered to prayin an Ignatian way and reflect on social justice themesthrough the Contemplating Justice Series. A newguided Examen for Transition from the Pandemic Yearwas offered in written, recorded audio, and live onlineformats in the spring and summer. And guided audioIgnatian prayer based on each Sunday’s gospel continuesto be offered.We continue to train women and men to serve God’sPeople as spiritual directors and givers of the SpiritualExercises.Thirteen individuals participated in the Exploreand Discern seminar. Eight individuals completed theIgnatian Training Program to become a spiritual directorand five individuals completed their first year of theFaber Training Program.Social JusticeSocial Justice has focused efforts on the followingareas: caring for creation, migrants and refugees,poverty and homelessness, and restorative/racial justice. All speakers and eventswere virtual and the committee tookthe opportunity to host bookdiscussions and to invitespeakers from all over the worldto speak on issues of faith, racialjustice, feminist theology/women inthe diaconate, and social justice. Due tothe success of these efforts, many programswill continue virtually at this time. A newcommittee focused on advocacy was established andis in partnership with Washington Interfaith Networkto address affordable housing.The Holy Trinity Migrant Team continued to grow andnow accompanies 11 individuals/families from sevencountries. The pandemic had a severe impact on ourmigrant familia. Thanks to donations, we were able to6

provide stability for all of our families, and to welcomenew members. Our partnerships with parishioners andother organizations provided opportunities for membersto focus on healthcare (dental and mental health),strengthen their English speaking skills and secureadditional job training during this time. We are gratefulfor the donations of food, time, transportation, andmoney from the community. The highlight of the yearwas gathering together on the grounds of GeorgetownVisitation to picnic together in person.Members of the ministry provided a number ofopportunities for parishioners and other communitymembers to explore racism and racial justice. The HTHistory Committee published nine carefully researched,easily accessed articles on the story of African Americansat Holy Trinity in the 19th and 20th centuries. TheRestorative Justice Committee hosted four circle groupswith some three dozen members. One is an entirelyBIPOC group, another is a joint effort with membersof the John Wesley A.M.E. Zion Church. Otherhighlighted efforts include: a virtual eight-week JustFaith program, focusing on race and equity, includingan immersion experience with St. Augustine’s parish; adiscussion group on race with Pastor Selena Johnson ofMt. Zion United Methodist Church; a presentation byDr. Diana Hayes on the history of slavery and the Jesuits;CommuniTea events focused on race led by Peter Gyves,S.J., Pastor Selena Johnson, and Dr. Ansel Augustine;and Women Who Stay events on race. Many of theseefforts continue.The HT Green Team met virtually over the year, invitingspeakers to join monthly meetings. Members also workedwith advocacy groups to highlight issues in Virginia andMaryland. The team hosted an inspiring Earth Day prayerservice with Gary Gardener of GreenFaith. Membersof the team worked with the Facilities Committee andDevelopment Committee to push for solar panels oncampus. Fundraising for this effort will begin in thecoming months, with a goal of installation in August2022. The committee will continue to identify projectsHoly Trinity Annual Report 2021on campus, including an effort to become a zero-wastecampus.We are in constant contact with parishioners at our sisterparishes in Haiti and El Salvador. The St. Jean Bapstistecommittee continues to cultivate their collaboration withFood for the Poor for food security, and the committeewill once again partner with Food for the Poor foradditional construction of housing. The scholarshipprogram is strong, and 2021 saw our first graduates.Our friends in El Salvador continued to struggle withfood insecurity and violence. We continue to providefinancial assistance for the operation of the school andaccompany children through the Godparent program.During the fiscal year and due to the overwhelminggenerosity of parishioners, Holy Trinity School families,and community partners, Holy Trinity CatholicChurch made financial contributions to the followingorganizations: A Faith that Does Justice, CatholicCharities, Catholic Charities- RGV, Christ House, EqualJustice Initiative, Food for the Poor, GRM- Matamoros,Institute for Black Catholic Studies, Jesuit RefugeeServices (JRS), Kino Border Initiative, Little Sisters ofthe Poor, Martha’s Table, N Street Village, Sacred Heart(Richmond), So Others Might Eat, the Spanish CatholicCenter, St. Bernard of Clairvaux and Ward 3 Mutual Aid.Our Thanksgiving Food Drive supported 261 families atthe Fr. McKenna Center, Housing Up, Hope and a Homeand our HT Migrant Team and covered the expense forthe SOME Thanksgiving Day meal. More than 2,000presents were delivered to families at Christ House,Spanish Catholic Center, St. Ann’s Center, Mary House,Hope and a Home, Fr. McKenna Center, GeorgetownMinistry Center, and Northwest Center through yoursupport of the annual Giving Tree project. Your supportalso funded requests from organizations addressing foodinsecurity and individuals facing food insecurity andother financial challenges during the pandemic. Fundswere used to purchase desks, Wi-Fi boosters, and otheritems for children in our community. Parishioners7

worked with Hope and a Home on food insecurity andeducation. A virtual tutoring program was establishedand was so popular that families have asked for it tocontinue. Volunteers continued to provide hospitality“curbside” through the weekend Saturday and SundaySuppers. In September of last year, the Sunday Supperwas moved to Holy Trinity and continues at this time.Both events average 40 guests each weekend.Tithe GrantsSince the 1980s, Holy Trinity has committed 10% ofparishioners’ regular collections — the tithe — to itsministry of Social Justice. The tithe program seeks toaddress the root causes of social justice issues both locallyand within the global community. We accomplish this incollaboration with members of the parish through prayerand discernment and by giving our time, talents andresources to vulnerable communities. This concrete andongoing commitment to social justice distinguishes HolyTrinity, and the careful and transparent distribution oftithe monies is an important responsibility of the SocialJustice Committee.Our large grant theme addresses the educationachievement gap, and we evaluated programs that seekto address in a concrete and measurable manner thepersistent education achievement disparities affectinglow-income communities and communities of color,which have been exacerbated by the pandemic of 2020.The achievement gap is not a new problem to education.However, recent reports suggest that due to COVID-19,students are at risk for significant learning loss. In total,the Social Justice Tithe Committee distributed 388,612to 40 organizations addressing education, food insecurity,environmental justice, housing insecurity, health,advocacy and immigration due to the generous pledgesand regular offertory contributions of our parishioners.Please visit www.trinity.org/tithe for the full 2020-2021Tithe Grants report.Holy Trinity Annual Report 2021Faith Formation and ReligiousEducationThe Faith Formation ministries are orientated to assistparishioners in building an intimate relationshipwith Christ, through offering lifelong faith formationand sacramental preparation. The ministries offerparishioners the means to deepen their understandingand practice of our faith, regardless of where they areon their faith journey. Through the collaboration withIgnatian Spirituality we continue to offer catechists,parents, and those who participate in sacramentalpreparation opportunities to grow in their understandingand practice of Ignatian Spirituality and prayer.This past year we continued to hold our programsvirtually. Almost 75 catechists engaged over 450students in learning about their faith through creativelesson planning on Sunday mornings. Returningcatechists relied on their experience from last year andoffered support to new catechists on using technologyto teach about our Catholic faith. We continued toprovide online resources to families through a monthlynewsletter on ways to celebrate faith at home as afamily. The Marriage Preparation volunteer facilitators,Baptismal Preparation leaders, and Adult Confirmationalso had a year’s experience to ensure the continuedsuccess of sacramental preparation online. We scheduledFirst Reconciliation and First Eucharist beginning inMay and throughout the summer in order to ensuregatherings remained within set guidelines.The REAP (Religious Education Advisory Parent)Board, Adult Faith Formation Committee, and over100 volunteers assisted our staff by preparing materials,supporting classroom activities and programmingrequired for all Faith Formation programs. The generousgift of our volunteers’ talent and time enabled the “goodnews” to be shared with many in our parish community.8

Holy Trinity SchoolParish LifeThe current Holy Trinity School (HTS) buildings werebuilt in 1918 and before HTS ever used it, the LowerSchool building was used as an overflow ward for SpanishFlu patients from neighboring Georgetown Hospital(now the University’s Walsh Building). From thatpandemic to the current COVID-19 pandemic, HTShas continued to form young people for others, livingour mission of service of faith, promotion of justice, andacademic excellence.This past year, Parish Life welcomed all to activelyparticipate in spiritual and social activities with fellowparishioners. The ministry encompasses a variety ofgroups for all ages and interests, including the weeklyBook Discussion Group, Seminar Group, GardenMinistry, Trinity Adult Singles and 50 Plus Group.For those in need of support, our groups include GriefSupport and Separated, Divorced and Widowed Groups,as well as a Prayer Ministry.Despite the many challenges before us over the last year,HTS students, teachers, and families responded with gritand generosity. We operated in distance learning modefor parts of the year, and the majority of the year wehad a hybrid model where our Pre-Kindergartento 2nd grade students came to school everyday, 3rd-5th graders four days a week, and6th-8th graders three days a week. Inlarge part, this successful hybridprogram was due to the generosityof the school community, which gaveto our annual fund in record numbersand supported our teachers both financiallyand emotionally.New Parishioners are welcomed through our AmbassadorProgram with welcome letters, follow-up calls and threeyearly New Parishioner Orientation with representativesfrom the parish ministries and Fr. Gillespie on handto provide information. During the shutdown,the Hospitality Committee hosted virtualcoffee and donuts each Sunday onZoom, providing an opportunity forfellowship.With over 1,000 students, parents, and teachers engagedevery day, HTS is thriving as a ministry of the parish.We are happy to support and collaborate with otherministries and with the parish generally. Our studentscontinue to devote many hours to social justice projects,we continue to worship together in school masses and toattend daily parish masses, and we continue to prepareour graduates for academic success in high school andbeyond.Holy Trinity Annual Report 2021Many of the other Parish Lifegroups have continued to meet virtually,providing encouragement and support duringthis challenging time. Virtual Christmas Carolingbrought families together via Zoom, with familiesdressed in red and green, singing and playing theirfavorite songs. For St. Patrick’s Day, we were led in theIrish tradition by parishioners and the Irish Ambassador.Fr. Gillespie was online leading a series of discussionson “The Life of the Jesuits” as well as connecting withparishioners on “Resilience During the Pandemic” anda session on “Continuing to Remember of Lost Ones.”Finally, a Time Capsule committee spent the yeargathering artifacts from the parish and buried thecapsule in the Chapel Garden to be opened on our 250thAnniversary in 2044. Included was a book of homiliesdescribing these challenging times at Holy Trinity,published by the committee.9

Youth MinistryOur growing youth ministry program celebrates God’slove all around us through engagement with spirituality,community building and involvement in parish life, anddeveloping an awareness of social justice concerns andhow best to serve our neighbors.During the season of the pandemic, our youth ministryprogram remained on a virtual platform and hosted ahandful of high school students once per month onSunday evenings for a youth group gathering. This spacewas open to all high school students of the parish andincluded opportunities to be in faithful community,learn, discuss, and pray. Also, a peer ministryleadership team was established for highschool students who were interested inaccompanying our Confirmationcandidates in preparation toreceive the sacrament and whohad a desire to help build upthe youth ministry program in theparish. The team met once per monthusing a similar platform as the open youthgroup, but with attention focused more onbrainstorming, developing leadership skills, andspending time in prayer. The circumstances of thepandemic presented an opportunity to pour into thedomestic Church. Therefore, youth and their familieswere regularly invited into deeper formation throughour weekly eLetter communications and our Instagramplatform. These platforms promoted opportunities tolearn, pray, serve, advocate, and be in community withHoly Trinity and in the DMV. We continue to inviteyouth and families to engage with the service and socialjustice efforts of the parish and to reflect on their call asmembers of the Church.9th grade met once per month on a virtual platformfrom November through March to reflect on the roleof the Holy Spirit in their lives and their call to live asbaptized Catholics and contemplatives in action. Threeadult volunteers, as well as eight high school students,graciously gave of their time and talent to accompanythe candidates and to offer support throughout theprocess. The candidates attended a virtual Confirmationretreat in March, rooted in Ignatian spirituality andconducted by the Jesuit Spiritual Center of Milford,OH. Additionally, candidates received surprise packagesof letters in the mail from friends and family as a way toshare love and encouragement in their life of faith. Thesepackages of letters included notes of encouragementfrom Holy Trinity parishioners, an initiative titledthe Parish Pen Pal Project. This project wasan effort to connect our youth with theparish community during a time whenseeking out community may havebeen more difficult. Due tothe pandemic, ConfirmationMasses for the Class of 2020 hadbeen postponed from their originaldates in spring 2020. From August toNovember 2020, we celebrated the sacramentof Confirmation in small, weekly Masses for theClass of 2020 and their families. We took a break toprepare the Class of 2021 for their reception of thesacrament, and we proceeded to celebrate the sacramentfor this class from April to June 2021 using a similarformat. In total, from June 2020 to June 2021, 200youth celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation at HolyTrinity.This ministry will continue to foster transformativeexperiences for youth in order to provide them with thetools needed for a life of faith and action in the universalChurch.Our youth Confirmation program prepared just over100 young people (the Class of 2021) this past yearto receive the sacrament. Students from the 8th andHoly Trinity Annual Report 202110

Young Adult CommunityThis year, the Young Adult Community (YACs)continued its ministry online and outdoors. YAC Massbecame an online Liturgy of the Word, and then anoutdoor Mass at Holy Rood Cemetery when the weatherallowed. YAC weekly Faith Sharing continued online,and those gathered participated in a guided Ignatian wayof praying four times during the year. Once a month,young adults joined other members of the parish tomake and distribute meals at Mt. Zion United MethodistChurch in Georgetown. They also participated in parishclothing and food drives for individuals and families inneed. YAC members gathered online for a Mardi Grascelebration and led an Ignatian Way of the Cross for theparish during Lent. Social events included virtual happyhours and outdoor picnics. A book club focused onsocial justice issues met for several months.LGBTQIA MinistryThe parish’s LGBTQIA Ministry was just getting offthe ground when the pandemic struck. Nevertheless,the ministry flourished this past year. Monthly meetingscontinued online, and leadership formed three discussiongroups that met separately on a monthly basis — one formen, one for women, and one for parents and families.Members of the ministry gathered at the 5:30pm Masson December 1 to commemorate World AIDS Day. Inresponse to statement from the Vatican banning blessingsfor same-sex couples, the ministry collaborated with theRestorative Justice Ministry to offer the Sharing ourStories: Conversations with LGBTQIA Parishionersevent in May. And in June, the ministry was pleased tocelebrate the first annual Pride Mass and reception.Holy Trinity Annual Report 202111

Financial HighlightsFiscal Year 2021 Overview (July 01, 2020—June 30, 2021)This was a transitional year for our finances as longtimefinance director Chris Kehoe moved on in January.The pastor, in consultation with others, established amanaging director position to oversee finance and otherareas to provide more support to parish staff. It also wasan unusual year that, due to the COVID-19 pandemic,started with great uncertainty over revenue and resultedin some extraordinary expenses. We give thanks toGod for the generosity of so many in this period ofuncertainty that enabled our parish to end the year on asolid financial footing. This included a special COVIDHealth and Safety Fund that raised 191,000 in FY 21to cover the increased cost of cleaning and sanitizing tokeep our children and our employees safe.As both a “thank you” and the interest of transparencyand accountability, we provide this summary financialinformation to you. Parishioners may always ask toreview our audited financial statements during normalbusiness hours. Call Thomas Favret, Managing Director,at (202) 903-2847 or e-mail him at tfavret@trinity.orgfor more information.Holy Trinity Annual Report 2021Total parish operating revenue for the fiscal year was 4,671,000. Contributions toward the annual ParishPledge program were 2,814,000. Other offertory andholiday collections amounted to 1,084,000. Othersources of revenue; including Religious Education,Sacramental gifts, bequests and other

Washington, DC Holy Trinity Catholic Church 3513 N Street, NW Washington, DC 20007 (202) 337-2840 www.trinity.org Holy Trinity School 1325 36th Street, NW Washington, DC 20007 (202) 337-2339 www.htsdc.org Rev. C. Kevin Gillespie, S.J. Pastor (202) 903-2800 kgillespie@trinity.org Kevin McS

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