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VOL. 2 ISSUE 3 NOVEMBER 2020HOT OFF THE PRESSOfficial Newsletter of Charlotte County 4-HWhat Are You Thankful For?Although we may see 2020 in a negative light, I hope thatyou take this month – the month of Thanksgiving to think abouteverything that you are thankful for this year. Gratitude,another word for being thankful, is one of the healthiest emotions thathumans can practice. When you show gratitude, you express yourappreciation and thanks for the good things in your life. Youcan be grateful for more than things that you have. You can begrateful for things that you receive, the people who surround us, andthe fun things we get to do each day.4-H ENROLLMENTBeing thankful or grateful is good for your body, mind and brain. Onepositive thought of being grateful can lead to another and opens uppossibilities for more positivity to happen in your life.Take a moment, stop and think, reflect and create a list ofwhat you are thankful for! Here are some of the things that I amthankful for this year:Family & FriendsMy HealthFood on my tableHot epWaking up each dayThe sunrise and sunsetMy homeHOT OFF THE PRESSPAGE 01

Between the Folds:Celebrating Wold Origami DayOrigami, the art of paper folding comes from the Japanesewords ori (to fold) and kami (paper). Paper was invented in 105AD and was brought to Japan by Monks in the sixth century.Although the first use of origami was merely for religiousceremonies, by 1603, origami began being used for recreation(decorative and artistic) as well.Traditional origami consisted of folding a single sheet of squarepaper into a sculpture without cutting, gluing, taping or markingthe paper. These traditional works often featured flowers, birdsand other nature based designs.On November 11th, World Origami Day will be celebrated.Originally celebrated in Japan, it is now celebrated around theworld. In celebration of this unique form of art, considercreating an Origami turkey to celebrate Thanksgiving or asimple origami heart, bird or hat.Scarecrow Veggie Tray Recipe1/2 Cup Sour Cream1/2 Cup Mayonaise8 oz Cream Cheese1 tbsp Fresh Dill2 tbsps Fresh Parsley1 tbsp Dried Minced Onion1 tsp SaltWheat Thin CrackersCarrots, Yellow Pepper, CeleryHOT OFF THE PRESSThe Youth Livestock Show Ethics andAnimal Care Workshop is designed toeducate students of the mandatoryprocedures and requirements that will bein effect for the Florida State Fair.Certifications are valid for three (3) Fairseasons, not 3 calendar years.The Charlotte County Fair believes thatevery youth exhibitor should receiveproper training and information forraising and showing a youth animalproject. With this in mind, the YouthLivestock Show Ethics and Animal CareTraining Program was developed by theFlorida State Fair and is required for allexhibitors 8 years old and older.Due to the COVID-19 situation, theexpiration date for the 2018 Certificationswill be extended until May 2021. For the2020/2021 Fair Season, CertificationNumbers starting with 18, 19, 20, and 21are valid.Ingredients2 slices - Cucumbers2 blueberries or Olive slicesEthics SeminarFind a workshop here: more information,visit livinglocurto.comfor the recipe byAmy LocurtoPAGE 02

PEANUT BUTTER LOVERS MONTHPEANUT BUTTER CHALLENGEPeanut Butter is a common staple in many Americanhouseholds. It is packed with nutrition and serves as anexcellent source of protein. It is a spread or a food pastethat is made from ground dry-roasted peanuts.There are many of ways to eat peanut butter. It can beeaten plain (straight from the jar) or can be paired withother foods to make a scrumptious meal or snack. Peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches seem to be a big hit for many.When I think of peanut butter, I think of peanut buttercookies. They are a favorite in my household. We have themoften, probably more often than we should. My kids love tomake and share them with others. They love to see the joythat others get when they receive some of their fresh bakedcookies.November is National Peanut Butter Lover’s month. It is alsothe month that we tend to reflect on the things that we aremost thankful for. For many of us, family and friends makethe top of the list. I suggest that we celebrate both of thesethings by baking and sharing some peanut butter cookieswith the ones that we love.t FactsunaePtingz jar ofo21aIntereseakuts to mnaep054utter. It takespeanut brder foroin,)ettaitUnited Sehtt butter,uinn(aweplad Bybe labeleotranuts.etetpub%t0u9stpeanain at leatnoctsmuPeanut Butter Cookie Recipe1 cup all- purpose flour (sifted)¾ teaspoon baking soda1/2 teaspoon baking powder1/2 cup butter, softened3/4 cup peanut butter (creamy or crunchy)1/2 cup white sugar1/2 cup packed light brown sugar1 egg1 ½ teaspoon vanilla extract1 ¼ cup quick oats (grind in blender or foodprocessor to chop finer)Directions:In a large bowl, cream together butter 3/4 cuppeanut butter, white sugar, brown sugar, andvanilla.Add egg and beat well.In another bowl, combine the flour, baking soda,baking powder, and oatmeal.Add to creamed mixture.Drop by teaspoons onto greased baking sheet.Bake at 350 degrees F for 10 minutes, or untilcookies are a light brown.After removing cookies from the oven, press flatwith a spatula, place cookie on wire rack to cool.*Recipe retrieved from nationalpeanutboard.orgHOT OFF THE PRESSPAGE 03

2020-2021 4-H ENROLLMENTEnrollment for the 2020-2021 4-H year has begun. Makesure to pay your 20.00 enrollment fee for all youth ages8 and older. Enroll using this link: http://v2.4honline.comYOU MUST BE ENROLLED IN 4HONLINE TO BE ELIGIBLETO SHOW AN ANIMAL AT THE CHARLOTTE COUNTY FAIR.POULTRY SEMINAR4-H SWINE CLUBThe swine club held their first inperson showmanship clinic recently.We had a great turn out and everyonelearned about how to drive their pigswith their heads up, how to enter theshow ring and show ring presence.Also went over daily skin care and wentover any concerns anyone was havingwith their pig. Now everyone is ready tostart hitting the show season thatstarts this month. The first show of theFlorida Jr. Swine Circuit is November21st and 22nd and will be broadcastedlive on Walton Webcasting so everyonecan go online and cheer on theCharlotte County 4H members fromhome.Registration & Masks are REQUIREDRegister at: OFF THE PRESSPAGE 04


2020-2021 4-H Club CalendarPREPARING FOR COLDWEATHERCitrus:Protect all young trees when thetemperature drops below 32degrees Fahrenheit by doing thefollowing:-Water 48 hours prior to thefreeze.-Cover the tree with cloth (sheet,blanket or burlap) from top tobottom including the trunk.-Move indoors or under cover.-Remove cover when thetemperature returns t are expenses?-Money coming in-Money going out-All money sources-A math problemSavings is the processof setting aside moneyuntil a future date ratherthan spending it today.True/FalseWnat to learn more? We are lookin for Middle School & High School AgedYouth to join the Lifesmarts club!Money Going OutHOT OFF THE PRESSTrue-Provide housing where theanimal can escape from the windwith walls on 3 sides and a roof.-Provide clean, dry bedding suchas straw or wood shavings.-Provide supplemental heat ifneeded such as a heat lamp orheater. Keep out of the pigsreach.PAGE 06

2020-2021 4-H Club CalendarIf you were not able topick up your awards,please emailkpopa@ufl.eduto arrange pickup.Contact us:Charlotte County 4-H514 E Grace StreetPunta Gorda, FL 33950Kristie Popa - 4-H Agent(941) 833-3836kpopa@ufl.eduCarrie Baucomclbaucom@ufl.eduThe University of Florida An Equal Opportunity InstitutionHOT OFF THE PRESSPAGE 07

Celebrating Wold Origami Day Origami, the art of paper folding comes from the Japanese words ori (to fold) and kami (paper). Paper was invented in 105 AD and was brought to Japan by Monks in the sixth century. Although the first use of origami was merely for religious ceremonies, by 1603,

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