La VozFreeGratissolamente el que carga el saco sabe lo que lleva adentroMontserrat GaribayVolume 16 Number 3A Bi-Cultural PublicationMarch, 2021Heads to Washington, a Senior Advisorin the Departmentof LaborInside ThisIssueDiana TrujilloNASA SpecialistPensamientosDon’t Let theSun Go Down . . . .Chicanas por la causaLa Raza en GeorgiaTom Flores Makesthe NFL Hall of FameColgio Chicanodel PuebloEn palabrashay poderSee Pages 6 and 7
Page 2La Voz Newspaper - March, 2021From Cleaning Lady To Director For NASA, ThisLatina Immigrant Just Put A Rover On Mars“Every single thing that I do, I’m representing my country, my culture,my heritage, my people, and I have to give my best every single time.”have for those kids to have la chispa,where they say, ‘I want to be that.’”Olivia Cristina Delgadoolivia@wearelatinlive.comWhich is why, last Thursday, Dianahosted “Juntos perseveramos,”“Together we persevere,” NASA’sfirst-ever Spanish language broadcastfor a planetary landing. It has beenviewed over 2.5 million times.“I remember just laying down on thegrass and looking at the sky andthinking, ‘Something has to be outthere that’s better than this,’” saysDiana Trujillo, who traveled to theUS with no English and just 300 inher pocket.“The abuelas, the moms or dads, theuncles, los primos, like everyone hasto see this,” she said. “And they haveto see a woman in there, too. So, thatthey can turn around to the youngergeneration and say she can do it, youcan do it.”“I saw everything coming my way asan opportunity. I didn’t see it as, ‘Ican’t believe that I’m cleaning abathroom right now.’ It was just morelike, ‘I’m glad that I have a job and Ican buy food and have a house tosleep.’ And so, I think that all of thosethings make me, and even today, helpsme see life differently.”father. When they divorced, Dianaand her mother were left with nothing.When NASA’s Perseverance Rover“We didn’t even have food. We’d boillanded on Mars last week, a Latinaimmigrant was at the egg and we’d cut it in half, andthat was our lunch that day. Iremember just laying down on thegrass and looking at the sky andthinking, ‘Something has to be outthere that’s better than this.’”“I was born and raised inColombia,” says Diana Trujillo.“There is a lot of violence going onin my country, so for me, looking upat the sky and looking at the stars wasmy safe place,” continues thetrailblazing NASA Flight Director,one of few Latinas in the field andeven fewer to hold the title.It took the Perseverance rover sevenmonths to reach Mars; Diana’sjourney is 30 years in the making.Diana was raised in a family that, likemany others across Latin America,believed a woman’s place was in thehome, taking care of her husband.Diana’s mother dropped out ofmedical school when she met Diana’sWhat’s next for Diana? Space, shehopes.So, when Diana was 17, she set outto find it. Diana landed in Miami withjust 300 in her pocket. She didn’tspeak any English. But, she wastenacious - and she had something toprove.“As a little girl, I saw the women inmy family give up a lot. It gave me thetenacity that I needed to say I’m notgoing to give up on my dream. I wantto be out there looking back in,showing my family that women havevalue, that women matter.”S he took any job she could get,And she’s been one of few ever since.working nights, housekeeping,cleaning bathrooms, to put herselfthrough community college.Latinos represent only 8% of thoseworking in STEM (Science,Technology,Engineering,Mathematics); Latinas, just 2%.“I saw everything coming my way asan opportunity. I didn’t see it as, ‘Ican’t believe I’m doing this job atnight,’ or ‘I can’t believe that I’mcleaning. I can’t believe that I’mcleaning a bathroom right now.’ It wasjust more like, ‘I’m glad that I have ajob and I can buy food and have ahouse to sleep.’ And so, I think thatall of those things make me, and eventoday, helps me see life differently.”Eventually, Diana transferred to theUniversity of Florida, where shemajored in aerospace engineering. Sheremembers standing in the long lineto declare her major noticing that shewas one of very few Latinos and evenfewer women, and thinking to herself,“You shouldn’t be here.why are youhere.”But, when Diana walks into NASA’sJet Propulsion Laboratory, whereshe is a Flight Director for NASA’sPerseverance Mars Rover, sheknows that she doesn’t walk alone.“I’ m walking in there and everysingle thing that I do, I’m representingmy country, my culture, my heritage,my people, and I have to give my bestevery single time.”And she has gladly shouldered thatresponsibility, believing that the wayto increase the representation ofLatinos and mujeres in STEM fieldsis through role models.“The more hers there are, the moreengineers and scientists that are Latinare out there, the more chances we“Something has to be out there that’sbetter than this. Some other speciesthat treats themselves better or valuespeople better.”D iana helped design the rover’srobotic arm, which will collect rocksamples to be analyzed, sampleswhich may help determine whetherthere is life on other planets.“Understanding if we’re alone in theuniverse is the ultimate question,” shesays.“I hope that within the one year ofsurface operations on Mars, we cananswer that question.”And a Latina immigrant will havehelped make it possible.Trujillo received her bachelorsdegree from the University ofMarylandin2007inAerospace Engineering.
PRODUCTIONPRODUCTIONLa Voz Newspaper - March, 2021PensamientosEditor & PublisherEditor& SantosPublisherAlfredoc/sAlfredo Santos c/sManaging EditorsAssociateEditorsYleana raphicsJuanGalloAlicia Perez-HodgeElizabeth ontributingWritersDistributionTom aValdezMarisa CanoEmail Address:Page 3What Business Am I In?EDITORIALI am asked often how is the newspaper business. My response nowadays haschanged. I now have to respond with, “I don’t know. I am not in the newspaperbusiness anymore.” Of course this draws a puzzled look because most people assumeif you are printing newspapers you should have an idea of how the newspaperbusiness is doing. And it is here where the assumption is in correct. Yes I buy ink bythe barrel. But I am not in the newspaper business. I am really in the inspirationbusiness.With the many changes going on today, I can’t compete with the 24 hour newscycle. The internet left me behind a long time ago. If someone wants to learn thelatest about whatever, all they have to do is look at their smart phone and hit a fewAlfredo R. Santos c/sEditor and Publisherbuttons. And that is great if that’s what you want.La-voz@sbcglobal.netPUBLISHER’SLa Voz de Austin is a monthlySTATEMENTpublication.The editorial andbusinessis P.O.BoxLaVoz isaddressa monthlypubli19457Austin,Texas78760.cation covering Bexar,The telephone numberCaldwell,Comal, is(512)944-4123.Theuse, reGuadalupe, Hays Williamproductionor distributionandTravis Counties.The ofanyorpartofthispublicationeditorial and business adis stronglyencouraged.But dodressis P.O.Box 19457callandletusknowwhatAustin, Texas 78760. Theyouare using. numberLetters tothe editelephoneis (512)toraremostwelcome.944-4123. The use, reproduction or distribution of anyor part of this publication isstrongly encouraged. Butdo call and let us know whatyou are using. Letters to theeditor are most welcome.But that’s not what I want. And that is not what a lot of my readers are looking forwith La Voz Newspapers. Depite all of our connections and network of friendsaround the world, what more and more people are looking for is set of reasons orthe motivation for doing what ever it is they are doing. And then there are somewho are seeking a reinforcement or validation for what they doing with the 168hours they are given each week.So what we try and do with La Voz Newspapers is bring our readers stories andinsight about people, places and events that may help them to maintain their driveand determination to accomplish their own personal goals and objectives. In ourpublication you will find stories that help you or remind you, to believe in yourself.Por cualquierpregunta,llamanos:(512) 944-4123What do you see? Doyou see one person ordo you see two persons?E-mail: info@workersdefense.orgPhone: (512) 391-2305Fax: (512) 391-2306Paid Political Announcement by the CandidateMailing Address:Workers DefenseProject5604 Manor RDAustin, TX 78723
Page 4La Voz Newspaper - March, 2021Holy FamilyCatholic ChurchAn inclusive &compassionateCATHOLIC communityRev. Dr. Jayme MathiasM.A., M.B.A., M.Div., M.S., Ph.D.Senior Pastor9:00 a.m. Dialogue on Scripture & Spirituality10:00 a.m. English Mariachi Mass10:45 a.m. Breakfast & Mariachi12:00 p.m. Spanish Mariachi Mass8613 Lava Hill Road, 78744From Highway 183 South, turn right on the first road afterFM 812. Look for the sign “Mass.”For more information: (512) 826-0280Welcome Home!Business Developmentin English and SpanishEconomic Growth Business Incubator(EGBI) provides training, coaching,and support to aspiring and existingbusiness owners to grow a successfulbusiness. All training, coaching, andsupport services are offered in bothEnglish and Spanish. Since the pandemic, struggling businesses haveneeded extra guidance to meet newchallenges.Monica PeñaMarketing ManagerMain: 512-928-2594Direct: 512-928-2516To ensure EGBI clients were not leftwithout services EGBI immediatelybegan holding its coaching and training classes online. During 2020, EGBIsaw an increase of 66% in coachinghours. Through these sessions, the EGBI team helped clients to stay on top of new regulations,develop new marketing and financial strategies, and assisted in grant/loan applications. Collectively,EGBI clients acquired more than 3 million in government and private assistance.TrainingBusinesses can learn the tools needed to implement their business plan and automate the business.MANAGE the ABCs of business is a series of 6 online workshops. These workshops will be held onTuesdays from April 20th to May 25th from 6 PM to 8 PM . There is no cost to attend the workshops, but attendees must register las herramientas y plataformas que existen para aplicar tu plan denegocios, y automatizar tu empresa. ADMINISTRA TU NEGOCIO esuna serie de 6 talleres. Estos talleres ahora se realizarán en línea todos losjueves. Empieza el 22 de abril y termina el 27 de mayo desde 6 PM a 8PM. El taller es gratis, debes registrarte a través de este link usiness coaches will respond to business owners' questions, connect themto outside resources, and make connections with different business tools,and help with time management skills.SupportSmall businesses now have friendly affordable bookkeeping services thatwill teach them how to manage the money they earn and understand theirfinancials. Our support services assist small business owners managebusiness receipts, connect bookkeeping to a payroll service and set upbusiness owners to Quickbooks.For more information, visit or call 512-790-3594 .
La Voz Newspaper - March, 2021Don’t Let the Sun Go DownChristopher Carmona Recalls:2/20/1874: Black legislator wins disputed electionOn this day in 1874, after considering a challenge from his Democratic opponents, the TexasSenate confirmed the election of Walter Moses Burton. Burton was brought to Texas as aslave from North Carolina in 1850 at the age of twenty-one. He belonged to a Fort Bendplanter, Thomas Burke Burton, who taught him how to read and write, skills that served himwell in later years. After the Civil War Burton became one of the wealthiest and most influential blacks in Fort Bend County.He became involved in politics as early as 1869, when he was elected sheriff and tax collectorof Fort Bend County, and served as the president of the Fort Bend County Union League. In1873 Burton campaigned for and won a seat in the Texas Senate, where he served for sevenyears, from 1874 to 1875 and from 1876 to 1882. In the Senate he championed the education ofblacks. Among the many bills that he helped push through was one that called for the establishment of Prairie View Normal School (now Prairie View A&M University). When he left theSenate in 1882 Burton was given an ebony and gold cane for his service in that chamber. Heremained active in state and local politics until his death in 1913.Travis County Democratic PartyPage 5Joe BecigneulItwas well recognized that MarthaRaye endured lesscomfort and moredanger than any otherVietnam entertainer.The most unforgivable oversight of TVis that MarthaRaye’s shows werenot taped.I was unaware of hercredentials or whereshe is buried. Somehow I just can't seeBrittany Spears,Paris Hilton, or Jessica Simpson doingwhat this woman(and the other USOwomen, includingAnn Margaret &Joey Heatherton)did for our troops in past wars.Most of the old time entertainers were made of a lot sterner stuff than today's crop of activistsbland whiners. The following is from an Army Aviator who takes a trip down memory lane:"It was just before Thanksgiving '67 and we were ferrying dead and wounded from a large GRFwest of Pleiku. We had run out of body bags by noon, so the Hook (CH-47 CHINOOK) waspretty rough in the back.All of a sudden, we heard a 'take-charge' woman's voice in the rear. There was the singer andSouthwest TexasOral History Centerwww.oralhistoryswt.orgTake a look and listen to the Middle RioGrande region of Texas through Oral History.Alfredo Santos c/s(512) 944-4123actress, Martha Raye, with a SF (Special Forces) beret and jungle fatigues, with subduedmarkings, helping the wounded into the Chinook, and carrying the dead aboard. ‘Maggie' hadbeen visiting her SF 'heroes' out 'west'.We took off, short of fuel, and headed to the USAF hospital pad at Pleiku. As we all startedunloading our sad pax's, a 'Smart Mouth' USAF Captain said to Martha, “Ms Ray,
Austin, TX 78723 Pensamientos Paid Political Announcement by the Candidate Editor & Publisher Alfredo Santos c/s Managing Editors Yleana Santos Kaitlyn Theiss Graphics Juan Gallo Distribution El Team Contributing Writers Wayne Hector Tijerina Marisa Cano La Voz de Austin is a monthly publication. The editorial and business address is P.O. Box 19457 Austin, Texas 78760. The telephone number is .
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situaciones de lectura y escritura en torno a la biblioteca del aula. Duración y carga horaria El curso propone una modalidad de trabajo intensiva y en servicio a realizarse en la segunda quincena de febrero de 2017. Carga horaria total: 20 horas reloj. Carga horaria presen
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Es bueno que Es malo que Es importante que Es raro que Es terrible que Es posible que Es mejor que Es imposible que Es lógico que Es probable que Es peligroso que Es lástima que Impersonal expression que subjunctive Es ma