Ancient EgyptNicknamed “The Gift of the Nile” Egypt was first settled about 5000 B.C.(7000 years ago) by nomads Egyptian Civilization developed becauseof the Nile River
EgyptianGeography located in thenortheast corner ofAfrica surrounded by naturalbarriers: desert mountains Mediterranean SeaPROVIDEDPROTECTION
The Nile RiverFlooded every yearProvided fertile soil for crops when the “silt”, from thebottom of the river bed, full of vitamins and mineralswould flood the earthWas the “Lifeline” for EgyptTransportation RouteUsed for IrrigationFlows south to north (opposite of every other river) Mouth “Delta”
The Important Uses of the NileUses: Drinking & Bathing, Agriculture, &TransportationThe Egyptians had 3 seasons, based on the river. Inundation: June - October - SHAITtime of rising flood waters farmers had time to build (pyramids and otherprojects) Emergence: November - February- PIRUITthe return of the water to the river planted crops & trapped water for irrigation Drought: March - June - SHEMU Harvest time (picking the crops)
Food Irrigation systems watered crops Main crops were barley, wheat and flax Main food was bread, fish, vegetables and fruit. Only the wealthy ate meat.
Clothing Egypt’s weather is very warm People wore linen robes Women wore make-up and jewelry People shaved their heads and wore wigs forspecial occasions.
Egyptian Social PyramidEgyptian SocialClasses werebased on wealth,job andeducation Egypt’s lowest class wereslaves.SLAVERY - the practice of oneperson owning another person.Slavery was the lowest level inAncient Egyptian society.Slaves came from the conqueredlands & did the hardest work: Mined gold Planted crops Dug canals Worked as houseservants
Homes People built homes from mud bricks More important people had better houses. Only the wealthy had “bathrooms”
Language Egyptians developed aform of picture or symbolwriting known ashieroglyphics. They developed thislanguage in order to keeptrack of governmentrecords, taxes, and thepassage of time This Egyptian “alphabet”was made up of about 800picture-symbols calledhieroglyphs. The word hieroglyphicsmeans “sacred writing”Had Scribes like theMesopotamians
Language/Writing Continued Writings carved in woodor stoneLater, painted with inkon papyrusPAPYRUS: The earliest form ofpaperMade from thepapyrus reed thatgrew in the NileThe reeds would becriss-crossed andpounded down to apaper-like thickness.
The Rosetta Stone Slab of black rock carved in threelanguages Hieroglyphics Greek included Allowed hieroglyphics to be translated 1799: found a stone with a messagewritten in 3 languages Hieroglyphics Aramaic Greek 1822: Jean Francois Champollion finallybroke the code
Pharaohs The king or ruler of Egypt wascalled a Pharaoh. The Pharaoh was seen as a god. Everyone worked for the pharaoh. When he died, the pharaoh wasmummified and buried in a beautifulchamber along with his belongings. Like all civilizations, Egyptians hadthe need for laws. The Pharaohwas the supreme judge of what wasright and wrong under the law.
Pharaohs Rule As Gods Pharaohs were in charge of: Economy- Pharaoh collected a portion of crops for taxes, Trade wasthe way in which Egyptians were paid for their services Government- Pharaoh appointed powerful local leaders calledgovernors, then the Governors collected taxes and served as localjudges, And made sure local flood waters were shared equally Religion- believed that the Pharaoh was the child of Ra, the sun-god,that Pharaoh gave life to Egypt & its people, worshipped the Pharaoh Pharaohs cause sun to rise, Nile to flood, crops to grow Pharaohs you may have heard of King Menes: United Upper and Lower Egypt King Tut: Much of what we know today is due to the discovery of hiselaborate tomb!
King Tutankhamen’s TombThe Boy Pharaoh King Tutankhamen was 9 years old when hewas chosen to replace Akhenaton. The priests of Egypt controlled King Tut, whodied when he was only 19 years old. His tomb was discovered in 1922. The tombcontained everything Tut would need in theafterlife. We know about the Egyptian belief in theAfterlife mainly through the discoveriesmade by archeologists, like Carter. Tombswhich contained riches, food, and otherworldly provisions told us that the AncientEgyptians expected their dead to need thesethings in the "next life".
An Important Pharaoh- King MenesWas known for uniting Upper and Lower EgyptMenes’s UpperEgypt armyinvades andconquersLower Egypt
Some Famous Egyptian PharaohsKhufuHatshepsut-Hatshepsut was oneThutmose of Egypt’s few femalepharaohsIII-She expanded trade1504-1450 B. C. further than any otherpharaohRamses II1279-1212 B. C.Brain Pop VideoBuilt the greatpyramids (Giza)
Religion The Egyptians believed in manygods. (Polytheistic)Egyptians prayed to differentgods who controlled differentthings.They built temples and shrines tohonor their gods.The Egyptians believed in an“afterlife.”-Most of their gods were parthuman, part animal
Anubis –God ofPreservingthe DeadHorus –God ofthe SkyOsiris –God of theDead andtheUnderworldRa – Godof the Sun
Mummification Egyptians believed that when people die, theymove on to another world. Since people needed their body in the afterlife, itwould need to be “preserved.” The process of mummification was developed.MummificationProcess
The Process of Mummification First they would remove the organs.These would go into canopic jars. They would take the brain outthrough the nose. They packed the body with natron(a salt mixture) that would removeall the moisture. After several weeks, they wouldapply oil, wrap the body inbandages and place the body in asarcophagus. They would put adecorated mask on the body. The body would be put in achamber with all the things neededfor the afterlife food, riches, etc.
Contributions of Egypt Language: Hieroglyphics Architecture: Pyramids Inventions: 365 day calendar, papyrus (paper),irrigation system, mathematics, weapons, chariots Medicine/surgery Medical discoveries Magic heavily used Developed surgery Greeks & Romans based much of their medical knowledge on that of the EgyptiansArt: statues, paintings, jewelry
Egyptian Pyramid
The Great Pyramid & Sphinx
Inside The Great Pyramid
Ancient Egyptian TimeAn ExplanationFirst, the Egyptians developed a lunar calendar of 354 days.In time, the Egyptians created a more accurate 360-day solar calendarBC - Means "Before Christ" (a.k.a. B.C.E – before commonera)AD - Means "Anno Domini" (The Year of Our Lord)(Also can be shown as C.E. Common era)Both of these terms were adopted during the earlyformation of the Roman/Christian calendar.BC counts backward (kind of like a negative number) until itgets to year 0, then you are in AD time period and countgoing up.
Ancient Egyptian TimelineArchaic Era6000 bcEarly Dynastic3200 bc - 2780 bcOld Kingdom2780 bc - 2258bcMiddle Kingdom2134 bc - 1786 bcNew Kingdom1570 bc - 1085 bcPtolemaic Dynasty304 bc - 30 bcRoman Period30 bc - 640 adEgypt was a grassland. Nomads traveled insearch of foodKing Menes united Upper & Lower Egypt.Established capital at Memphis.Age of Pyramids. First man made mummiesRise of the Middle Class – trade becomesthe center of the economy.Major trading expeditions. Akhenaten andQueen HatshepsutAlexander the Great conquers Egypt.Cleopatra is the last PharaohRomans take control of Egypt. Egypt neverrises to greatness again.
Other Symbols of EgyptKing TutQueenHatputshutamuletsScarab BeetleEye of HorusThe SphinxCartoucheAncient Egypt Song
Quiz Next to what river did Egypt develop?In what direction does the Nile River flow?Name three ways is a river important to acivilization?What is the fan-shaped mouth of a river called?What was the main food eaten by Egyptians?What did most Egyptians live in?What was Egyptian language called?What is an Egyptian king called?What was the “afterlife?”Describe the mummification process.Name four contributions of Ancient Egypt.
Egypt was a grassland. Nomads traveled in search of food King Menes united Upper & Lower Egypt. Established capital at Memphis. Age of Pyramids. First man made mummies Romans take control of Egypt. Egypt never rises to greatness again. Alexander the Great conquers Egypt. Cleopatra is the last Phar
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zoning maps of Cabarrus County. Section 4-2 How to use this Chapter Overlay zones in Cabarrus County are organized as follows: PART I. Watershed Overlay Zone (WOZ)- Regulations on property developed in close proximity to water supplies. Required by the State of N.C. Sections 4-3 to 4-7 PART II. Waterbody Buffer Zone (WBZ)- This overlay protects all
demand for single-family and multi-family housing continues to remain strong within Cabarrus County as builders work to increase available inventory. The unemployment rate was 4.40% at June 2021. This was heavily impacted by the global COVID pandemic. Cabarrus County's economy has benefitted from the close proximity to Charlotte and access to .
Ahmed Abdel Ahad Donia Egypt Samer Moustafa Mohamed El Sayed Egypt Ahmed Mohammed Ibrahim Obaid Egypt Yasser Elsaadawy Egypt Ahmed Salah Behiry Dr. Egypt Zakaria Ahmed Rashad Mohamed Eqypt Amira Salah Hassan Said Egypt Aleykutty Shaji India Ayman Ibrahim Alnwehi Egypt Annamma Anandamadam Othman India
This is the third paper in a series of research papers exploring the history of mechanical engineering during the Ancient Egypt era. The industry of necklaces in Ancient Egypt is investigated over seven periods of Ancient Egypt History from Predynastic to Late Period. The paper presents samples of necklaces from the seven periods and tries to .
The first pharaoh of Egypt was Narmer, who united Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt. Egypt was once divided into two kingdoms. The kingdom in Lower Egypt was called the red crown and the one in Upper Egypt was known as the white crown. Around 3100 B.C. Narmer, the pharaoh of the north, conquered the south a
Around 3100 BC, there were two separate kingdoms in Egypt, Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. Soon aerwards, King Narmer (from Upper Egypt) united the t wo kingdoms. When the unificaon happened, it became the world ’s first ever na†on -state. King Narmer was the first king of Egypt ’s
IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 Activity – teacher’s notes Description An activity to introduce Academic Writing task 2, involving task analysis, idea generation, essay planning and language activation. Students are then asked to write an essay and to analyse two sample scripts. Time required: 130 minutes (90–100 minutes for procedure 1-12. Follow up text analysis another 30–40 mins .