VIRGINIA HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE, INC.2019-20 ACTIVITIES CALENDARThis calendar lists major events only. Consult the League Wall Calendar for details and datesof other activities. The date listed below for each event is the deadline date in each group.All classifications share the same conference, regional and state deadline dates, exceptTheatre.GOLFRegionalStateGOLF (Girls Individual Championship)Zone QualifiersStateGROUP BOARD MEETINGSMEMBERSHIP MEETINGCHEERRegionalStateCROSS COUNTRYRegionalStateFIELD HOCKEY (6A, 5A and 4A-1A combined)RegionalStateTHEATRE FESTIVAL (1A, 2A, 3A and 4A)Super alStateGYMNASTICS (6A, 5A-1A combined)RegionalStateWRESTLINGRegionalStateINDOOR TRACK (6A, 5A, 4A, 3A, 2A-1A combined)RegionalStateBASKETBALLRegionalState (Semis & Finals)SWIMMING (6A, 5A, 4A, 3A, 2A-1A combined)RegionalState-2-Oct. 8Oct. 14-15Oct. 21-24Oct. 28-29Oct. 17Oct. 17Nov. 2Nov. 9Nov. 9Nov. 15-16Nov. 9Nov. 15-16Nov. 16Dec. 2-3Nov. 13Nov. 22-23Nov. 30Dec. 14Feb. 15Feb. 21-22Feb. 15Feb. 21-22Feb. 22Feb. 28-29Mar. 3Mar. 9-10, 12-14Feb. 15Feb. 20-22
SCHOLASTIC BOWLSuper RegionalStateTHEATRE FESTIVAL (6A and 5A)Super RegionalStateFORENSICSSuper RegionalStateDEBATESuper RegionalStateGROUP BOARD MEETINGSMEMBERSHIP MEETINGCREATIVE WRITING: STATEFILM FESTIVALSubmission DeadlineStateLACROSSERegionalStateOUTDOOR BLICATIONS: STATERegistration and Receipt of Broadcast,Magazines, Newsmagazines,NewspapersRegistration and Receipt of YearbooksSpring DeliveryFall DeliveryFeb. 15Feb. 29Feb. 22Mar. 7Mar. 7Mar. 28Apr. 11Apr. 24-25Mar. 12Mar. 13Mar. 15Apr. 1May 30May 31June 12-13May 30June 5-6June 6June 12-13June 6June 12-13June 6June 12-13June 3June 13June 15Registration and Book, June 15Registration, June 15;Book, Sept. 30Oct. 15Oct. 19Registration and Receipt of Online NewsVHSL MEDIA CHAMPIONSHIPS-3-
DIRECTIONS FOR CONTACTING THE VHSL OFFICEThe following guidelines have been prepared to assist member schools and the VHSL office to expedite matters by telephone. Each of our staff members handles certain generalresponsibilities, and you will save time by asking for that person when placing a call whichinvolves any of the areas listed below.STAFF MEMBERS, POSITIONS, AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY434-977-8475 (main) 434-977-5943 (fax) www.vhsl.orgBILLY HAUN (bhaun@vhsl.org)EXECUTIVE DIRECTOROver-all VHSL AdministrationFinances, VHSL FoundationCHRIS ROBINSON(crobinson@vhsl.org)ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR ATHLETICSOfficials Program (Lacrosse, Indoor/Outdoor Track, Volleyball, Wrestling)Sports MedicineSportsmanship Violations/ProgramsSportsmanship CommitteeWrestling Weight ControlrSchool TodayCoaches PassSTATE EVENTS RESPONSIBLE FOR:Cross Country, Indoor Track, Lacrosse,Outdoor Track, Volleyball, WrestlingLORA BICKLEY (lbickley@vhsl.org)OFFICE MANAGER/ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO DR.HAUNExecutive Committee Agenda & MinutesSanctions, Certificates of InsuranceFootball Rating System, ADM FiguresMeeting ArrangementsTOM DOLAN (tdolan@vhsl.org)ASSOCIATE DIRECTORInterpretations of VHSL Rules andRegulationsEligibility Cases and AppealsProtests Against SchoolsVIAAA LiaisonSTATE EVENTS RESPONSIBLE FOR:Basketball, TennisFAUSTINA LEE (flee@vhsl.org)ATHLETIC PROGRAM ASSISTANTMaster Eligibility ListsOfficials’ Registration and Clinics for:Basketball, Cheer, Field Hockey,Gymnastics, Indoor/Outdoor Track,Soccer)Mailings and Assistance with Sports Aboveand Cross Country and TennisSports MedicineSports Participation SurveyNew Athletic Director’s WorkshopRegional and State AwardsDirectory of District, Regional & StateEventsSHAWN KNIGHT (sknight@vhsl.org)ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR ATHLETICSOfficials Program (Baseball, Cheer,Football, Softball, Swim & Dive)Coaches Education, VHSCA LiaisonOpportunities for Disabled StudentsFootball Rating SystemSTATE EVENTS RESPONSIBLE FOR:Baseball, Cheer, Football, Softball, Swim& DiveCARRIE LITTLE (clittle@vhsl.org)ATHLETIC PROGRAM ASSISTANTOfficials Registration and Clinics for:Baseball, Football, Lacrosse, Swim &Dive, Softball, Volleyball, WrestlingMailings and Assistance with Sports Aboveand GolfCoaches EducationCoaches, Assistant Principal and StateEvent PassesSportsmanship/Incident ReportsWrestling Weight ControlKELLEY HANEY (khaney@vhsl.org)ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR ATHLETICSOfficials Program (General Oversight)Officials HandbookOfficials Program (Field Hockey,Gymnastics, Soccer)Arbiter (Officials Registration)Officials Association GuideOnline Sports Rules ClinicsCalendar CommitteeSTATE EVENTS RESPONSIBLE FOR:Field Hockey, Golf, Gymnastics, Soccer,Technology-4-
STAFF MEMBERS, POSITIONS, AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY434-977-8475 (main) 434-977-5943 (fax) www.vhsl.orgDARRELL WILSON (dwilson@vhsl.org)ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FORACTIVITIESStudent Publications Evaluations &WorkshopsAcademic Activities, Student ServicesSTATE EVENTS RESPONSIBLE FOR:Forensics, Debate, Drama, Film Festival,Creative Writing, Scholastic BowlDAVID HOPKINS (dhopkins@vhsl.org)FINANCE DIRECTOROverall Financial AdministrationHuman ResourcesInsurance AdministratorRANDI HENRY (rhenry@vhsl.org)BOOKKEEPERAccounts Receivable, Accounts Payable,LLC, Team Travel and 1099 ProcessingBenefit Game AdministrationMembershipSHARON CONDOULIS(scondoulis@vhsl.org)ACTIVITIES PROGRAM ASSISTANTStudent Publications Activities, Evaluations& WorkshopsInformation on Forensics, Drama & DebateInformation on Creative Writing,Film Festival & Scholastic BowlInformation on Technology ChampionshipsLeague PublicationsVirginia High School Hall of FameWells Fargo CupInformation on rSchoolWebmasterHANNAH CATHERINE MUNRO(hcmunro@vhsl.org)DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENTCorporate SponsorshipMarketing and Special PromotionsFundraising, Endowment,VHSL FoundationMIKE MCCALL (mmccall@vhsl.org)DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONSVHSL Publications, Information and Communication Services, Media and PublicRelationsNFHS Network, All-State SelectionVirginia High School Hall of FameSpecial Events and ProgramsAwards and Recognition ProgramsWebmasterProperty Management-5-
DIRECTIONS FOR VISITING THE VHSL OFFICEFrom the north: Take 29 south into Charlottesville tothe 250-East Bypass toward Richmond. It is about fourmiles, over a river, past the Pantops shopping center andover Pantops mountain to State Farm Blvd. There is anBP gas station at the top of the mountain, pass the stationand take the second right at a large white Union Bank.VHSL is the fourth building on the right.From the east: Take the first Charlottesville exit off I-64(Exit 124), the Shadwell exit, and turn right on 250 aboutthree-quarters of a mile to State Farm Blvd. (a large whiteUnion Bank on the corner). Turn left and VHSL is thefourth building on the right.From the west or south: Take I-64 east to last Charlottesville exit off I-64 (Exit 124), the Shadwell exit, and turnleft on 250 about three-quarters of a mile to State FarmBlvd. (a large white Union Bank on the corner). Turn leftand VHSL is the fourth building on the right.-6-
PrefaceThe Virginia High School League, Inc. is an organization of the public and non-boardinghigh schools in the Commonwealth of Virginia which join with the expressed written approvalof their local school boards. Its organizational home is located in Charlottesville, Virginia. TheLeague seeks to encourage student participation in desirable school activities by conductingor supporting programs of interscholastic activities in all fields.This Handbook is the current League story. It is intended primarily for the use of memberhigh school principals, coaches and sponsors in the administration of the school activitiesprograms, but it should also prove valuable as a reference for all those concerned directlyor indirectly with interscholastic activities relationships in Virginia.The Handbook contains official information concerning League officers and administration,organization and membership, rules and regulations, and activities programs. It is distributedto all public and private secondary schools in the state, to all division superintendents andto many allied organizations and interested individuals and posted on the League's website(www.vhsl.org). Supplements to the Handbook are published regularly throughout the schoolyear.The League originated as a student activity of the Washington and Jefferson Societies atthe University of Virginia. In 1913 debating was sponsored in some 20 nearby schools. Thefollowing year oral reading was added to the literary program. Thereafter, baseball, basketballand track competitions were undertaken, and a code of uniform rules was developed.Membership in the League increased so rapidly that the Extension Division of the University of Virginia, and later the Division of Continuing Education, had to be assigned greaterresponsibility for the conduct of League affairs.By 1926, the League realized that, in the interest of democracy, the legislative responsibilities of the League should be vested in representatives of member high schools. All activitieswere coordinated under one organization. Control of the composite program was chargedto a body of principals known as the Legislative Council, assisted by a smaller ExecutiveCommittee. Governance was restructured in 1995 to make the Executive Committee thechief legislative body with its action subject to review by the membership.In March 1946, the League was reorganized as the first step in a significant postwarprogram. Its name was changed from “The Virginia High School Literary and Athletic League”to “Virginia High School League” to suggest a wider field of League interests. Member schoolswere classified in three groups rather than four, and an all-inclusive district organization withingroups was established. The reorganization attracted the membership of 350 of the 393high schools in the state in 1946-47. In 1960, the League classifications were restructuredwith the district organization within each group extended to regional programs in each of fourareas of the state.-7-
During the 1951-52 school year, and continuing since, the League initiated a revisedtraining program for football and basketball game officials which required registration andexamination of all such officials, and has subsequently added similar programs for girlsbasketball, baseball, cheer, field hockey, soccer, softball, swim, track, volleyball, gymnasticsand wrestling officials.The growth of athletic programs for girls prompted the League, in 1968, to begin coordinating those activities. This control was further enhanced in 1972 by the League's adoptionof a Girls' Sports Committee, the function of which was to assist in the leadership of the girlsathletic programs.Further enlargement of the League occurred in 1973, when the League realized its needfor both an increase in its public relations program and more effective control of its programin publications. Each of these concerns was solidified into a League information programdesigned to increase the League’s services to its member schools.A desire for greater legislative autonomy and an increased awareness for fiscal independence convinced the League to seek further refinement of its program and on July 1,1981, VHSL was incorporated, thus becoming the Virginia High School League, Inc.In the Spring of 1989, the League staff moved into new headquarters. After vacatingspaces it had long occupied in the University of Virginia's Zehmer Hall, the staff now operates out of an impressive 8,000-square-foot building on a scenic 1.97-acre lot on PantopsMountain overlooking Charlottesville. These offices are a symbol of the VHSL's proud pastand promising future.-8-
Table of ContentsPagesPreface .7Officers and League Officers . 11League Staff . 11League Office . 11Supplies and Services . 14:15:16:17:18:21:22:23:Name .13Mission.13Board of Directors .13Membership .13Finances .14Classification.16Meetings .18Executive Committee .19Sportsmanship Violation Committees .24Parliamentary Authority.25Executive Director.25Assistant Directors .26Group Boards .26Regional Councils .28District Councils .29District Committees.32Amendments.32Rules and ion .35School Regulations .35Individual Eligibility Regulations.69A. General Rules Applicable to All Students .69B. Regulations Governing Athletes Only.82C. Special Rules Applicable to All Students .87Reporting Violations.90Penalties .90Rules Interpretations.95Protests.95Appeals .97Athletic Introduction .101National Federation of State High School Associations.102Athletic Program .103State Events . 113Baseball .121Basketball .123Cheerleading .124Cross Country .125Field Hockey .126Football .129Golf .135Gymnastics .141Lacrosse .142Soccer.143-9-
:84:86:88:Softball .144Swimming and Diving .145Tennis .146Track and Field .149Volleyball.154Wrestling .155Dramatic ActivitiesSectionSection100:101:Introduction .160Theatre Festivals .161Speech onSection110:111:112:113:114:115:116:Introduction .165Forensic Meets .166Extemporaneous Speaking.169Original Oratory .171Impromptu Speaking.173Oral Interpretation .174Debate .177Literary ction .187Creative Writing Contests .187Publications Evaluation Services .189Academic tic Bowl.192Film Festival.196Robotics on130:131:132:133:134:135:Recognition of Achievement .203School Awards .203Individual Awards .203Academic Excellence Awards .204Special Recognition .204District and Regional Awards .206Appendix AAgreement with Professional Baseball .207Appendix BRegulations Governing Non-public Schools When Engaging in Contests WithMember Schools.209IndexIndex . 211Policy ManualPreface .224Philosophy and Mission Statement .225Section200: Corporate Sponsors.226Section210: Legal .226Section220; Regional Events.227Section300: State Events .228Appendix 1:Eighth Grade Insurance/Eligibility Interpretations .229-10-
Officers and AdministrationSECTION 1: LEAGUE OFFICERS.1-1-1 The Executive Committee, Group Boards, Regional Councils and District Councilsare the key legislative and executive organs of the League. The purpose and duties of eachare given in Sections 12, 13, 14, 17, 18 and 19. All officers are listed in the League Directory,available in October of each year.SECTION 2: LEAGUE STAFF.2-1-1 League staff includes an Executive Director; five Assistant Directors, one ofwhom shall be the Chief Financial Officer; a Director of Development; an Information andCommunications Specialist; an Office Manager; and support staff as needed.PM 2-1-2 Officiating Permitted (5-76)-VHSL staff members are permitted to serve asVHSL game officials.SECTION 3: LEAGUE OFFICE.3-1-1 League Office-A central League office, which serves as the organization's administrative headquarters, is located at 1642 State Farm Boulevard, CharlottesvilIe, Virginia,with the Executive Director in charge. Superintendents, principals and members of schoolfaculties are cordially invited to visit the office whenever opportunity permits.3-1-2 Office hours - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily except weekends.3-1-3 Telephone-Charlottesville Area Code 434-977-8475. Fax - 434-977-5943.3-1-4 Mail and Special Delivery Address-Virginia High School League, Inc., 1642 StateFarm Boulevard, Charlottesville, Virginia 22911.3-1-5 Internet-www.vhsl.org.SECTION 4: SUPPLIES AND SERVICES.4-1-1 A number of supplies and services are offered to member schools through theLeague Office, many of them without charge. As indicated in the summary below, some supplies are distributed automatically as needed; others should be ordered on forms providedon the VHSL website. Among the services and supplies provided are:4-2-1 Publications:4-2-2 Handbook: Published annually. To access this document refer to the VHSL website.4-2-3 The Leaguer: An annual publication of the League which chronicles major eventsand state championships and recognizes outstanding achievements. Its contents are official.To access this document refer to the VHSL website.-11-
VIRGINIA HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE HANDBOOK4-2-4 Directory: A complete Directory of member schools, including non-public schoolsthat are ineligible for League membership, and a list of commissioners of the various localofficials organizations. The publication includes all League officers. To access this documentrefer to the VHSL website.4-3-1 Activities Supplies:4-3-2 League Athletic Forms: Required by League rules in the administration of the athletic program. Refer to VHSL website to obtain required forms (http://www.vhsl.org/forms).4-3-3 National Federation Athletic Forms: Refer to VHSL website to obtain requiredforms:a.b.Interscholastic Record Application.Application for Sanction of Multiple Interstate Meet.4-3-4 Official Sports Rule Books: One copy of the rule book governing each major sportin which the school plans to engage is supplied automatically. Limited additional supplies forsale at list prices.4-3-5 Creative Writing Contest Selections: Booklet of winning selections in last year’scontests, with critical appraisals by the contest judges, is supplied to all schools entering andupon request.4-3-6 State Event Guides: These materials are posted on the VHSL website in the applicable sport's section.4-3-7 Speech and Drama Manual: These materials are provided on the VHSL websiteunder the Speech and Drama section.-12-
By-LawsSECTION 5: NAME.5-1-1 The name of this organization shall be Virginia High School League, Inc.SECTION 6: MISSION.6-1-1 The Virginia High School League is an alliance of Virginia's public and approvednon-boarding, non-public high schools that promotes education, leadership, sportsmanship,character and citizenship for students by establishing and maintaining high standards forschool activities and competitions.SECTION 7: BOARD OF DIRECTORS.7-1-1 Membership-The Board of Directors shall be composed of the membership ofthe Executive Committee.SECTION 8: MEMBERSHIP.8-1-1 Eligibility-State public high schools in Virginia with the expressed written authorityof their respective school boards, and non-boarding, non-public high schools which agreeto follow VHSL By-Laws, Rules and Regulations as amended for them, shall be eligible formembership in the League.PM 8-1-1 APPLICATION For VHSL Membership (5-92)-Shall require the school boardchairman’s signature.8-1-2 Formation of Private and Public School Divisions-VHSL will seek from theVirginia Independent Schools Athletic Association ("VISAA") an agreement to incorporateand include VISAA in VHSL as a private school division, which will have its own autonomousrules, governance, finances, and management, but will have VHSL member status (hereafter, the "private school division"). The private school division will exist alongside the currentVHSL membership (hereafter, the "public school division"). In interscholastic sports, theprivate school division may have regular season and post-season playoff schedules that areseparate from those of the public school division, but shall be treated equally for competitivepurposes as provided in the VHSL Football Rating Scale.8-1-3 Combined School-Subject to district, region, group board and Executive Committee approval, two accredited state public high schools in Virginia may combine their programsfor competitive purposes under the following conditions:(1) The two schools involved must be in the same school division with a combinedenrollment (ADM) of 300 or less in grades 9-12;(2) The schools must have written consent of their school board;(3) The combined school status would be for a four-year period only, subject torenewal upon filing written application with the League office prior to September 1 in aneven-numbered year;-13-
VIRGINIA HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE HANDBOOK(4) The combined schools would have only one vote in district, region and statematters.8-1-4 Charter School-Virginia charter schools that field interscholastic athletic or academicteams for VHSL competition are eligible to become members of the League. Students whoattend Virginia charter schools that do not field teams for VHSL interscholastic competitionmay participate at the VHSL member school of the attendance zone where their parentsreside if they meet all other eligibility requirements; the ADM of the receiving school must beadjusted for all students attending the charter. Students who attend a Virginia charter schoolthat does not field teams for VHSL interscholastic competition, where the charter campus ishoused within a member school's facility and authorized by the same local education agency,shall participate for that member school. The ADM of the member school must be adjustedfor all students attending the charter.8-2-1 Structure-The League shall be organized by the principals of the member schools.The organization shall consist of the membership, an Executive Committee, a Group 1, aGroup 2, a Group 3, a Group 4, a Group 5, and a Group 6 Board, a Group Committee foreach group, a Regional Council for each region and a District Council and a District Committee for each district.8-3-1 Application-Service fees are payable upon receipt of the membership applicationform in the League office. Payment of service fees and proper completion of the membershipapplication form are required each year in order for members to maintain active membership.8-4-1 Admission-Admission to membership and renewal shall be effective upon acceptance of application form and fee by the League Office.SECTION 9: FINANCES.9-1-1 Revenue - The League shall be financed by membership fees, admissions andentry fees, interest on savings accounts and revenue received or derived from other sources.Monies shall be deposited in the name of the League in such checking and savings accountsas shall be approved by the Executive Committee. Funds in such accounts shall be used tomeet such expenses as may be incurred by the League. Funds equal to the League's currentannual operating budget may be held as reserve funds and placed in savings accounts.PM 9-1-1 Finance Committee-The Finance Committee is the agent for administering theLeague’s finances. It shall meet prior to the Executive Committee meetings for the purposeof reviewing various functional reports. It reports to the Executive Committee its findings andrecommendations on reports. It refers the budget to the Executive Committee for adoption.Expenditures from the Contingency Fund, short of designated funds authorized by the Executive Director to disburse, shall come to the attention of this committee.PM 9-1-1 Audit (3-93)-Effective with FY93 the Finance Committee plans an externalaudit yearly. Audits will be conducted between July
State Nov. 15-16 FIELD HOCKEY (6A, 5A and 4A-1A combined) Regional Nov. 9 State Nov. 15-16 THEATRE FESTIVAL (1A, 2A, 3A and 4A) Super Regional Nov. 16 State Dec. 2-3 VOLLEYBALL Regional Nov. 13 State Nov. 22-23 FOOTBALL Regional Nov. 30 State Dec. 14 GYMNASTICS (6A, 5A-1A combined) Regional Feb. 15 State Feb. 21-22 WRESTLING Regional Feb. 15
Texts of Wow Rosh Hashana II 5780 - Congregation Shearith Israel, Atlanta Georgia Wow ׳ג ׳א:׳א תישארב (א) ׃ץרֶָֽאָּהָּ תאֵֵ֥וְּ םִימִַׁ֖שַָּה תאֵֵ֥ םיקִִ֑לֹאֱ ארָָּ֣ Îָּ תישִִׁ֖ארֵ Îְּ(ב) חַורְָּ֣ו ם
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