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CLASSICAL GUITAR83CLASSICAL GUITARCLASSICAL INSTRUCTIONMATTEOCARCASSI –25 MELODICAND PROGRESSIVESTUDIES, OP. 60One of Carcassi’s (1792-1853)most famous collections ofclassical guitar music – indispensable for the modern guitarist’s musical and technicaldevelopment. Available with CD or cassette, performed byPaul Henry. 49-minute audio accompaniment.00696506 Book/CD Pack . 17.95CLASSICAL & FINGERSTYLEGUITAR TECHNIQUESINCLUDESTABPlease see page 144 for a complete description.00695171 Book/CD Pack. 14.95CLASSICAL GUITAR ANSWER BOOKby Sharon IsbinPlease see page 152 for a complete description.00330443 . 14.95THE CLASSICAL GUITAR– FIFTH EDITIONby Maurice J. Summerfieldforeword by David RussellWe proudly present the fifthedition of Maurice J. Summerfield’s highly acclaimed ultimate reference book on theclassical guitar. This brand newbook features all the originalbiographical entries updated with new photographswhere applicable, plus 100 new biographical entries inthe players, composers and makers section – for a totalof over 485. This new edition gives the reader a full andclear picture of the classical guitar’s development sincethe beginning of the nineteenth century. Also included areinformative sections on composers, scholars, flamencoguitarists and guitar makers. The book’s collection ofseveral hundred photographs is the most complete to bepublished in one volume. There are extensive listings ofthe most important classical guitar recordings. The finalsection, Sources of Supply, guides readers to where theycan obtain the books, recordings, music and magazineslisted in the book.00330785 . 39.95CLASSICAL STUDIES FORPICK-STYLE GUITARINCLUDESTABAn outstanding collection of solos and duets for intermediate to advanced pick-style guitarists. Includes 21 piecesby Carcassi, Carulli, Sor, Bach, Paganini, Kreutzer andClementi.50449440 . 9.95To order, callCLASSICSILLUSTRATEDWhere Bach Meets Rockby Robert PhillipsClassics Illustrated is designedto demonstrate for readers andplayers the links between rockand classical music. This coolbook lets you study movingbass lines over stationarychords in the music of Bach and Guns N’ Roses, learn thesimilarities between "Leyenda" and "Diary of a Madman,"and much more!02500101 . 9.95A MODERNAPPROACHTO CLASSICAL GUITARby Charles DuncanNow Available with CDs!This method was developed toallow students to study classicalguitar within a new, morecontemporary framework. Thebook incorporates chord framesand symbols, as well as a recording to assist in tuning andprovide accompaniments. It also introduces beginningfingerboard technique and music theory.00695114 Book One . 6.9500695113 Book 1 Book/CD Pack . 10.9500695116 Book Two . 6.9500695115 Book 2 Book/CD Pack . 10.9500699202 Book Three. 7.9500695117 Book 3 Book/CD Pack . 10.9500695119 Composite Book/CD Pack . 24.95A MODERN APPROACHTO CLASSICALREPERTOIREby Charles DuncanA graded anthology of solopieces (easy to intermediate)that serves as a supplement toBooks Two and Three of AModern Approach to ClassicalGuitar.00699204 Part One . 7.9500699208 Part Two . 7.95A MODERN APPROACHTO FINGER STYLEPOP CLASSICSPLAY CLASSICALGUITARA COMPLETE GUIDE FORMASTERING CLASSICAL GUITARby David BraidFrom playing the classicalguitar, to buying one, to simplyenjoying its unique beauty,repertoire and heritage, thiscolorful all-in-one primer reveals the riches of one ofhistory’s finest stringed instruments. It presents more than90 exercises composed by the author that clarifytechniques and concepts, as well as transcriptions ofessential classical guitar repertoire. Fully illustrated withdiagrams and charts, this book for beginning to advancedplayers covers reading music notation, theory, keysignatures, musical terms, memorization, chords,arpeggios, melody, advanced techniques, playing by ear,general musicianship, and improvisation. Includes a colorshowcase of the finest models, players and composers; anhistorical overview of the classical guitar; and a companionCD that allows players to hear exactly how the exercises inthe book should sound. Hardcover, spiral-bound.00330862 160 Pages. 29.95JULIO S. SAGRERAS –FIRST LESSONS FORGUITAROne of the world’s mostpopular beginning classicalguitar methods by SouthAmerican guitar virtuoso JulioSagreras and translated byBernard Moore. Featurescarefully sequenced studiescovering technique and theory through music etudes andpieces.50010310 Volume 1 . 6.9550010320 Volume 2 . 6.95TWENTYSTUDIESFOR GUITARSor/SegoviaWe’ve added a demonstrationrecording to this renownedSegovia edition. Completemasterful recordings by PaulHenry make this indispensableto teachers and students.00006363 Book Only. 6.9500695012 Book/CD Pack . 17.95A cross-referenced supplement to Method Book One of AModern Approach to ClassicalGuitar. As students progressin Book One, pop classics like“Yesterday” and “You NeededMe” are available to encouragestudents and to reinforce learning.00699075 . 5.951-800-637-2852 or visit

CLASSICAL GUITAR8439 PROGRESSIVE INCLUDESTABSOLOS FORCLASSICALGUITARby Ben Bolt39 outstanding classical guitarsolos arranged with tablaturefor the first time. Includes:Bouree Lagrima Six Pavanes Canarios Tarelton’s Resurrection Bach’s B Minor Sarabande and more.Book 102506915 Book/CD Pack . 17.95Book 202506916 Book/CD Pack . 17.95CLASSICAL SONGBOOKSALL TIME CLASSICALGUITARA fine collection of over 60classical guitar masterpieces,including: Adelita (Tarrega) AllegrettoScherzando(Carcassi) Andantino (Sor) Bagatelle (Schumann, R.) Bourree (Bach, J.S.) Caprice(Carcassi) Leyenda(Albeniz) Menuetto Scherzando (Scarlatti) Minuetin A (Sor) Spanish Dance No. 5 (Granados) Study inD (Tarrega) and many more.00315160 Classical Guitar. 10.95APPALACHIAN DREAMSSUITE FOR SOLO GUITARby Sharon IsbinJohn Duarte’s sparkling suiteof American folk songs, commissioned for and premieredin New York in 1999 bySharon Isbin, is the centerpiece of her recent Grammywinning album Dreams of aWorld. Includes a program note by the composer.50483599 Guitar Solo . 7.95BEATLES FORCLASSICAL GUITARArranged by Larry BeekmanMore than 25 of the Beatlesgreatest hits arranged forclassical guitar, including: HereComes the Sun In My Life The Long and Winding Road Things We Said Today Yesterday more.00699073 . 14.95THE BEATLES FORCLASSICAL GUITARIncludes 20 solos from bigBeatles hits arranged forclassical guitar. Songs include:All My Loving And I Love Her Can’t Buy Me Love Fool onthe Hill From a Window Hey Jude If I Fell Let It Be Michelle Norwegian Wood Obla Di Ticket to Ride Yesterday and more.Features arrangements and an introduction by JoeWashington, as well as his helpful hints on classicaltechnique and detailed notes on how to play each song.00699237 Classical Guitar. 16.95THE BAROQUEGUITARISTarr. by Leon BlockExcellent selection of easy toplay music from the baroqueperiod. Included are Scarlatti,Purcell, Handel, Couperin,Bach, Vivaldi, Telemann, andothers.00006330 . 3.95CLAUDE BOLLING –CONCERTOTranscriptions to the Concertofeaturing the jazz piano ofClaude Bolling and theclassical guitar of AlexandreLagoya. Also includes parts forbass and drums.00673211 Classical Guitar andJazz Piano. 45.00CLAUDE BOLLING –SONATE POUR GUITARE(for Solo Guitar)Enchanting Versailles –Strictly ClassicalThis piece by the great jazzmusician Claude Bolling wasinspired by and dedicated toguitarist Alexandre Lagoya.00699000 . 9.95LIONA BOYD – A GUITAR FOR CHRISTMASThis terrific collection features 20 Christmas favoritesarranged for classical guitar by Liona Boyd: Angels WeHave Heard on High Away in a Manger Deck the Hall The First Noel Joy to the World O Come All YeFaithful O Holy Night Silent Night We Three Kingsof Orient Are more.00699070 . 9.95LIONA BOYD –MINIATURESFOR GUITARA charming collection ofshorter compositions for theclassical guitar arranged andfingered by one of today’soutstanding artists.00699386 Book/CD Pack . 17.95CELTIC HARP MUSICOF CAROLAN ANDOTHERS FORSOLO GUITARby Glenn WeiserFeatures 45 Irish and Scottishharp tunes (28 tunes are byTurlough O’Carolan) arrangedat the intermediate level for sologuitar. Standard tunings areused throughout for classical guitarists, as well as steelstring fingerstylists.00000100 . 14.95ERIC CLAPTONFOR THECLASSICAL GUITAR10 popular Clapton songs, withsolo adaptations for classicalguitar: Better Make It ThroughToday Hello Old Friend IShot the Sheriff Lay DownSally Layla Let It Grow Sunshine of Your Love Wonderful Tonight more.00699108 . 10.95CLASSICAL GUITAR CHRISTMASCOLLECTIONINCLUDESTABPlease see page 81 for a complete description.00699493 Guitar Solo . 9.95LIONA BOYD –FAVORITE SOLOS FORCLASSICAL GUITARA collection of 11 songs written,arranged and/or inspired bywell-known classical guitaristLiona Boyd.00699076 . 9.95To order, call1-800-637-2852 or visit

CLASSICAL GUITARCLASSICALGUITARINCLUDESTABArrangements in notes andtablature for classical orfingerstyle guitar of 29 favoritepieces, including: Air on the GString Bouree in E Minor Canon in D Clair De Lune Für Elise Greensleeves Intermezzo Jesu, Joy of Man’sDesiring Ode to Joy Panis Angelicus Pomp andCircumstance Sheep May Safely Graze Spring Winter and more.02500115 Classical Guitar with Tab . 9.95CLASSICAL GUITARDUETS: VIRTUOSOSOUTH AMERICAN –VOLUME 14Contents: Allegretto a 2 toOdair & Sergio Assad Scherzando to Evangelos &Liza.00699230 Guitar Duet. 10.95INCLUDESCLASSICALGUITAR FROM TABTHE 17TH CENTURYarranged byRobert BancalariThe pieces compiled in thisedition have been edited for theguitar in a manner thatpreserves the poignant beautyof the music of this wonderfulera never available before in tablature. Includes 18 piecesby Pachelbel, Gaultier, Gallot, Fischer, Reusner, Dufault,Forberger, Conradi, and more.00315162 Classical Guitar. 9.95CLASSICAL GUITAR WEDDING20 beloved classical themesarranged for easy guitar inlarge-size notes (with the notenames in the note heads) andtablature. Includes: Air on theG String (Bach) Ave Maria(Schubert) Für Elise(Beethoven) In the Hall ofthe Mountain King (Grieg) Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring(Bach) Largo (Handel) Ode to Joy (Beethoven) Pomp and Circumstance (Elgar) and more. Ideal forbeginning or vision-impaired players.00699272 E-Z Play Guitar . 8.95CLASSICALTHEMES FORSOLO GUITARINCLUDESCLASSICALMASTERPIECES TABFOR GUITAR27 works by Bach, Beethoven,Handel, Mendelssohn, Mozartand more transcribed withstandard notation and tablature. Now anyone can enjoyclassical material regardless oftheir guitar background. Alsofeatures stay-open binding.00699312 . 12.95FAMOUSCLASSICALTHEMES FOREASY GUITARINCLUDESTABFAMOUSCOMPOSER SERIESTABPopular classical themes bysuch composers as Bach,Beethoven, Debussy andTchaikovsky, arranged forfingerstyle guitar withtablature. This exciting folioincludes such standards as:Fur Elise Clair de Lune Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy and 17 other favorites.02506930 Solo Guitar. 9.95INCLUDESCREATIVETABCLASSICALGUITAR PIECESarr. Joseph Harris22 virtuoso performancepieces arranged by JosephHarris in standard notation andtablature complete withcomposer notes. Composersinclude Narvaez, Pisador,Dowland, Losy, Dix, Bach, Coste, Scarlatti, Ponce, more.00315161 Classical Guitar. 10.95EASYCLASSICALDUETSA Supplement toA Modern ApproachTo Classical GuitarArranged, edited andperformed byCharles DuncanThis book contains 32 classical guitar duet arrangements.The sequence of pieces is based on the difficulty of the firstguitar part. However, the level of difficulty is indicated atthe beginning of each piece for both parts. 45-minuteaudio accompaniment.00697243 Book/Cassette Pack. 14.9500697244 Book/CD Pack . 17.95INCLUDESTABarranged & performedby Lisle CrowleyThis book/CD pack featureseasy guitar arrangements withtab for 24 favorite classicalthemes, including: BlueDanube Waltz Bridal Chorus Canon in D Clair DeLune Moonlight Sonata Surprise Symphony To a WildRose William Tell more.00315167 Book/CD Pack. 12.95INCLUDESINCLUDESTAB16 favorites arranged for solo guitar instandard notation and tablature, including: Ave Maria Canon in D Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring WeddingMarch and more.00699563 Solo Guitar . 10.95To order, callCLASSICALTHEMES85by Leon BlockA marvelous collection of musicfor guitar arranged at the easy tointermediate level of difficulty.All pieces are arranged for flatpicked style 06364Bach for Guitar . 4.95Bach Again for Guitar. 4.95Beethoven for Guitar . 4.95Chopin for Guitar . 4.95Mozart for Guitar .

Dowland, Losy, Dix, Bach, Coste, Scarlatti, Ponce, more. _00315161 Classical Guitar. 10.95 EASY CLASSICAL DUETS A Supplement to A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar Arranged, edited and performed by Charles Duncan This book contains 32 classical guitar duet arrangements.

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