Membrane Thickening Aerobic Digestion Processes - PNCWA

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Membrane Thickening AerobicDigestion Processes2012 PNCWA ConferenceBryen Woo, PE

DIGESTION EXPERTISE WEFTEC 1997-2001AEROBICDIGESTIONWORKSHOPVOL III 1999AEROBICDIGESTIONWORKSHOPFine Tuningthe ControlledAerobic DigestionProcessVOL I 1997The ChallengeOf MeetingClass BWhile DigestingThicker Sludges recognized as the industry leader in aerobicdigestion and thickening at high solidsconcentrationsCD-ROM

Membrane Thickening Digestion Aerobic digestion process using a Flat Plate Membrane UnitIdeal for:Facilities obligated to meetstringent nutrient dischargelimits, specifically totalnitrogen and phosphorusDecentralized facilities orReduced operations staffClass B Applications

How Does Membrane Thickening Work? How Does Sludge Get Thickened With a Membrane? A membrane thickening (MBT) submerged unit is used tocreate a physical barrier across which to extract clear waterfrom sludge. Air diffuser incorporated on the lower part of the cassette.

Air Scouring

Membrane Thickener Key Ingredients Key Ingredients Flux Rate of filtration per unit area of membrane material. Since thickeningis typically three times more than an MBR process, flux rates are significantlylower MBR flux @ 20 C 17.2 gfd vs MBT flux @ 20 C 5.1 gfd Transmembrane Pressure (TMP) The pressure across the membraneduring filtration. Typical TMP at design flux rates 0.5 to 0.75 psig Maximum TMP 3.0 psig Air Scour Air flow required to scour membranes to prevent fouling Biofilm Complex dynamic of microorganisms. The interdependencybetween biological process conditions and membrane filtration performancethrough a biofilm is termed BioHydraulics

The Importance of Biofilm Biofilm Basics YOU DON’T GET TO CHOOSE: All submerged membranes have a biofilm.As soon as filtration starts and biological solids are brought to themembrane surface, biofilm formation occurs. Benefits Biofilm serves as a secondary dynamic filter and represents a changing to filtrateflow. Create a dense secondary membrane that can allow for enhanced nutrient removaland degradation of refractory organics. Biofilm management is the key to operating a successful membranethickening system.

Biofilm gh TMPTMPIncreasedTMP

Biofilm ConditionsGOODBAD

Membrane Thickener Facts Membrane Thickener Flat Plate Membrane Thickener Facts PE membrane ultrasonically welded to ABS plate. Nominal pore size 0.4 micron, effective pore size 0.1 micron Effective air filtration area 8.6 ft2 per cartridge MBT Design flux 5 gfd @ 20 C MBT Cross flow velocity is 2.25 ft / sec

Minimum Maintenance Requirements Automated Diffuser Cleaning, approximately 30 min/day Membrane Relax, approximately 1 min/10 min Chemical Cleaning, in-situ cleaning every 6 months, approximately 2hour durationNO NEED TO DRAIN TANKS OR TAKE OUT OF SERVICE FORCHEMICAL CLEANING.

Why use a Membrane Thickening ProcessOperational Benefits of Membrane Thickening1. Improved and Reliable ThickeningPolymerandDecanting

Why use a Membrane Thickening ProcessOperational Benefits of Membrane ThickeningSO Polymer andDecantingReduced Operator Attention

Why use a Membrane Thickening ProcessEconomic Benefits of Membrane Thickening2. Reduced FootprintDigestion withMembrane ThickeningTraditional Digester Class B Stabilization in a Reduced volume Reduced Tanks Sizes and Ideal for Retrofits Less air requirements/energy usage.

Why use a Membrane Thickening ProcessProcess Benefits of Membrane Thickening3.Produces a High Quality Permeate that features: Minimal Total N and P without chemical addition Reuse quality that can be recycled to head of plant orsent to disinfection Protects effluent quality of BNR Process

Aerobic Digestion Processes vs Activatedsludge processesAerobic Digestion is a biological process similar toActivated Sludge.Activated Sludge GrowthAerobic Digestion Decay

Aerobic Digestion Processes vs Activatedsludge processesPractical Approach To Help Understand theDifference!Activated SludgeAerobic Digestion

Aerobic Digestion Chemistry1. Digestion:C5H7NO2 5O2 4CO2 H2O (NH4HCO3)BiomassAmmonium Carbonate2. Nitrification:NH4 2O2 H2O 2H NO3AmmoniaAcid Nitrate3. Digestion with Nitrification:C5H7NO2 7O2 5CO2 3H2O HNO3BiomassNitric Acid

Aerobic Digestion Chemistry4. Digestion with Nitrification:C5H7NO2 7O2 5CO2 3H2O HNO3BiomassNitric Acid5. Denitrification:C5H7NO2 4NO3- H2O NH4 5HCO3- 2N2Biomass NitrateAmmoniaN GasAlkalinity6. Complete Nitrification / Denitrification:C5H7NO2 5.75O2 5CO2 3.5H2O 0.5N2BiomassN Gas

Membrane Thickening Aerobic DigestionProcessDigestSludg eate

Case StudiesCase Studies Membrane Thickening AerobicDigestion Processes

Dundee WWTP, MichiganFirst U.S. Installation

Dundee WWTP, MichiganCommissioned:Liquid Process:MBT Size:Solid Conc.:Chemical Cleaning:2005MBR (1.2 MGD)800 plates3%-5.25%2-3 / year (scheduled)

Dundee WWTP, MichiganEngineer: ArcadisDigester#2"History:"Digester #1"MBTObjective was to reduce the haulingto 2 times per year. Tanks aredesigned to store 180 days at 3%solids.Operator friendly when comparedto other systems.

Dundee WWTP, MichiganThickening PerformanceSep & Oct 2005 Operation654WASMBT ThickenerDigester #1Digester #2% solids 3210Date

Dundee WWTP, MichiganSeptember 2005 to June 2008 DataSustainable Permeate mg/lmg/lmg/lmg/lmg/l

Dundee WWTP, MichiganSludge Hauling Cost SummaryYearsGallons HauledDry TonsYearly Cost2004 (0.6 MGD)248,885 – Belt943,200 – Truck1,192,100 - Total22.67 – Belt99.39 – Truck122.06 - Total 16,850 – Belt 30,088 – Truck 46,938 - Total2005 (1.2 MGD)MBT operational for2nd half of year only572,400 – Belt432,000 – MBT1,004,400 - Total55.62 – Belt47.55 – MBT103.17 - Total 39,135 – Belt 14,623 – MBT 53,758 – Total2006887,400 - MBT130.48 – MBT* 32,739 - MBTBelt press was needed for years 2003 -05 due to lack of storagespace.Sludge Hauling costs for first full year of operation of MBT in2006 was 32,739 which is cheaper than the last 5 years* Sludge Production minimized due to N/DN

McFarland Creek WWTP, OhioEngineer: CT ConsultantsTwo Stage Membrane Thickening AerobicDigestion Process

McFarland Creek WWTP, OhioMembrane Units Installed Directly Inside theDigesters

McFarland Creek WWTP, OhioCommissioned:Waste Type:Liquid Process:MBT Size:Solids Conc.:2005MunicipalMBR (1.8 MGD)400 plates3.5%-5.5%

McFarland Creek WWTP, Ohio60,00050,000TSS (mg/L)Thickening tank /2511/141/32/22DateThickening tank 2Membrane thickening at McFarland CreekWWTP was able to thicken up to 5% solids.

McFarland Creek WWTP, OhioMcFarland Creek WWTP Improved Dewatering OperationsAnnual BFP run time w/o PAD -K8,736 hoursAnnual BFP run time with PAD -K3,744 hoursReduction BFP run time57.14%MORE EFFICIENCY MEANS BETTER RESULTS .41% Reduction in CUBIC YARDS PRODUCED36.5% Reduction in DRY TONS PRODUCED41% Cost Reduction in POLYMER41% Cost Saving in SLUDGE DISPOSAL

Woodside WWTP, New YorkBiological Process: Concentric Circular PlantGOAL: Reduce Number of Sludge Hauling TripsLess gallons to haul per year:Sludge hauling reduction625,783 gal.Savings per year 59,449ROI of 2.57 years based solely on hauling

Cayce WWTP, South CarolinaEngineer: American Engineering ConsultantsMembrane Thickening Digestion Following a CarrouselBiological Process: Coming To A Theatre Near YouCurrent Site8 MGD Cap.To be expanded to25 MGDMembraneThickeningDigestion selectedto protect BioPCarrousel Ditch

Cayce WWTP, South CarolinaPlant Layout at 25 MGDBioP CarrouselSolids Handling

Cayce WWTP, South CarolinaCayce WWTP Carrousel MD ProcessStart-up Plant Flow Intermediate Plant Flow Design Influent Plant Flow WAS concentration Design digestion SRT Membranemodules inSeries8 MGD12 MGD25 MGD 10,000 mg/l20 days

Cayce WWTP, South Carolina"Benefits"Eliminated construction of thickener building."Reduced number and size of digesters by operating at 4% TS."Provided flexibility for a gradual flow increase."Reduced O&M costs by eliminating use of polymer for thickening."Reduced O&M costs due to less aeration / energy needs."Reduced O&M costs due to less supervision needs.SAFEGUARD HIGH QUALITY BIO-P CARROUSEL EFFLUENT

ConclusionsMEMBRANE THICKENING AEROBIC DIGESTION PROCESSES BRING:ECONOMIC VALUE: Reduced Tank Sizes and Ideal for RetrofitsSavings on Energy, Disposal, Chemical, and Concrete CostsPROCESS VALUE: Class B StabilizationReuse Quality Permeate with Low Total N and POdor ControlIncreased Solids Storage Capacity in existing or new tanksOPERATIONAL VALUE: Reduced Operator AttentionThickening Without PolymersNo Attention to Decanting

Any Questions?ANY QUESTIONS?

Thank YouTHAT’S ALL FOLKS!Bryen Woo, PEAerobic Digestion/Aeration

Aerobic Digestion is a biological process similar to Activated Sludge. Activated Sludge Growth Aerobic Digestion Decay. Aerobic Digestion Processes vs Activated sludge processes Practical Approach To Help Understand the Difference! Activated Sludge Aerobic Digestion . Aerobic Digestion Chemistry 1. Digestion: C 5H 7NO 2 5O

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