#1 OSAT For Automotive Packaging And Test

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Automotive Excellence#1 OSAT for AutomotivePackaging and Test

The Journey TowardsAutonomous Electric VehiclesEarly autos, though marvels ofengineering and design, werefairly simple compared to thevehicles we rely on today.Today's vehicles not onlyrequire advanced driver assistance (ADAS) for safety but alsoelectrification to reduce CO2 emission.The complexity inherent in automotive semiconductorsmeans that reliability is critical. To ensure the highest safetystandards, automotive technology must be high-quality,reliable and proven.As a result of continued innovation,today’s automobiles are able toleverage technology that enhancessafety, connectivity and fuel efficiency.The Complete Solution ForNext-GenerationAutomotive SystemsAutomotive semiconductors encompass a wide rangeof products – from electrification, body electronics andaccess systems to connectivity, ADAS and infotainmentcomponents. Unmatched in reliability and flexibility, thepackaging and technology solutions provided by Amkoraddress the most demanding technical challenges facingautomotive packaging manufacturers today.As the world’s largest OSAT for automotivesemiconductors, Amkor offers an industry-leadingportfolio of packaging technologies, such as:ᗮ Low-Cost Flip Chipᗮ MEMS & Sensorᗮ System in Packageᗮ Power Discreteᗮ Wafer Level Packages(laminate andwafer-based)ᗮ Leadframeᗮ BGAAmkor AEC-Q100Package QualificationsGrade 0Grade 1Grade 2CABGAFCBGAfpfcCSPMLF fcCSPStacked CSPPBGASiPSOICWLCSPTQFPWLFOTSSOP*AEC Grades may depend on package size, die size and bill of materials. All Amkorpower discrete packages are qualified to AEC-Q101.We Know AutomotiveAmkor designated automotive productassembly lineAmkor has extensive experience with automotiveprocess requirements shipping billions of units everyyear for automotive applications. Our packages meet orexceed automotive quality, reliability, burn-in and safelaunch plan criteria. Amkor also has failure analysis,tri-temp test and statistical process capability in allfactories. In addition to meeting automotive standards such as IATF16949, AIAG,VDA6.3, AEC-Q100, APQP, PPAP, etc., Amkor has automotive-trained personnel anddesignated production lines devoted to automotive products. Lastly, Amkor alsooffers die Unit Level Traceability (ULT) services for automotive customers.

Full TurnkeyWafer Bumpᗮ Solder bump and Cu pillar for flipchip and wafer level packagesFinal Testᗮ A/C and D/C data sheet tests under cold,room and hot conditionsWafer SortProduct Assemblyᗮ Tests for bare and bumped wafer,ᗮ Diverse package portfolioWLCSP, CoW, etc.addressing severalapplicationsBurn-inSystem Level Testᗮ Voltage and temperature stressesᗮ Improves performanceto reduce infant mortalityand functional yield in endapplicationAutomotive PackagesInfotainment & TelematicsCamera ModuleBody ElectronicsMLF (Overmolded)CABGAFCBGAOptical SensorMLF SOICLQFPSiPCABGAPQFNSafety SystemsMEMS & SensorsElectrification SystemWLFOFCBGACavityExposed DieLFPAKeD2PAKTOLLPQFNfcCSP

Industry-Leading TechnologiesADAS & SafetyEvent DataRecorderAdvanced Driver Assistance Systems(ADAS) automate several aspects ofthe driving process, such as parkingassistance, lane positioning and collisionavoidance. ADAS systems use inputs frommultiple sensors including cameras, radar,LIDAR and ultrasonic sensors to improvethe safety of the vehicle. Cameras providesurround, rear and machine vision thatis essential for higher ADAS levels. LIDARhelps in object ranging and detection.Newer radar sensors that are designed for77 GHz offer a smaller form factor and actas an antecedent technology that worksin all adverse environmental conditions.The fusion of these inputs is processedin a central compute element to enablenot only ADAS, but also autonomousdriving. These vehicle sensor and computesystems are enabled by advancedsemiconductor packaging technologies.Lane Keep &Parking AssistAirbagsAdaptive CruiseControlCollision Warningᗮ Optical sensors in cavity and moldedᗮ ADAS processors such as vision,ᗮ fcCSP and Wafer Level Fan-Outᗮ Emerging LIDAR functional blockscavity BGA/LGA form factor enablingCMOS image sensing for camerasand computer vision(WLFO) enables mmWave radarintegrating MMIC and signalprocessing blocksShort-MediumRange radar and LIDAR use advanced flipchip Chip Scale Packaging (fcCSP) andFlip Chip BGA (FCBGA)like emitter and detector areenabled in cavity and molded cavityBGA/LGASurround ViewComputerVisionRear ViewMicrocontrollers, powermanagement ICs andprotection devices thatenable mission criticalADAS applications are usedin leadframe, wirebondBGA (WBBGA) and powerdiscrete packages.LIDARRadarSurround ViewVisionShort-MediumRange Radar

Infotainment, Telematics & Body ElectronicsVehicles utilize a variety of hardware and software products that enhance the driver andpassenger experience. Consumers expect in-cabin experiences to be an extension of theirpersonal electronics. Innovation in infotainment has been centered around vehicle occupantentertainment and access to information from a variety of sources. Telematics connect the carto the cloud and help keep drivers and passengers safe, as well as optimize traffic flow. Vehiclegateways play a vital role in protecting the vehicle from cyberattacks and in enabling new IoTservices like car sharing, over-the-air software updates and predictive maintenance.Body and convenience systems are evolving to increase safety and comfort for occupants.Electronic control unit (ECU) modules are specialized to monitor and control vehicle bodyfunctions. By adding and connecting these ECUs, in-vehicle networking is set to evolvefrom distributed to zonal to central architectures. Consequently, Ethernet is used to reducewiring harnesses and increase required data bandwidths. To meet the demands of evolvingautomotive applications, Amkor is developing packaging solutions that offer seamlessintegration of chips with increased functionality.SecurityDoors/Seats &Entry/Exitᗮ In-vehicle infotainmentsystems are enabledby SiP with processor,memory, powermanagement andpassives integrated ona laminate substrateLightingᗮ RF connectivityDisplay & NavigationSystemsmodules enabletelematics andin-cabin connectivity(Wi-Fi, Bluetooth)by integrating ASIC,antenna and passivesin SiP form factorVehicle ToEverything (V2X)ᗮ Body control modulesmanage functions suchas power managementand diagnostics; discretesand ICs in power andleadframe packagescontrol seat positioning,climate control, headlampsand door locksClimate ControlAudioᗮ Ethernet switches and physical (PHY)layers enable reliable and high-speed( 100 Mbps) network connections thatare required to enable ADAS domainand central computing. Leadframeand wirebond BGA packages arepredominantly used for traditionalCAN, CAN FD, LIN and emergingEthernet solutions

Chassis Electronics &PowertrainThe chassis is the structural frameworkof a vehicle to which the body andrelated components are mounted.Chassis electronics are compact androbust to ensure passive and activesafety of drivers, passengers andcargo. Active safety applications suchas electric power steering (EPS) andanti-lock braking system (ABS) relyon several sensors and switches toimprove performance. Passive safetyincludes airbag sensors, tire pressuremonitoring system (TPMS) and seatbelt tensioners. Powertrain refersto primary components, such as theengine, transmission and drive shafts,tasked with generating and deliveringpower where needed where needed forsuccessful vehicle operation. Powertrainsemiconductors are used in managingand reducing fuel consumption andemissions. Partial electrification schemessuch as micro hybrid (start/stop) andmild hybrid (48V) are part of powertraininnovation to reduce tailpipe emissions.Engine Computer &Electric Motor ControlTire PressureMonitoring(TPMS)SteeringControlFuel Injection &Start-Stop SystemsAnti-Lock BrakingSystemSuspensionᗮ Active safety use cases such as EPS areenabled with position, angle sensors,controllers and power discretes usingleadframe and wirebond packagesᗮ Passive safety applications such as airbagand TPMS sensors are enabled by SiPMEMS packages that integrate sensors,ASIC die and passive componentsᗮ To improve the efficiency of internalcombustion engines, enginemanagement systems use componentssuch as angular sensors, pressuresensors, wheel speed detectors,microcontrollers and power discretes inleadframe and power packagesᗮ 48V mild hybrid systems improve fuelefficiency by capturing regenerative brakeenergy and with an integrated startergenerator. Power discrete packages enableboth silicon and GaN power devices toimprove powertrain performance

xEVxEV solutions are power components that aid in power conversionfrom DC battery to electric drive motors, on-board charging ofbatteries and voltage conversion from high voltage to traditional12V/24V systems. Traction inverter is the critical subsystem thatpropels the vehicle by transforming the direct current from battery tothe alternating current that drives the electric motor. The on-boardcharger (OBC) system in a vehicle recharges the high voltage battery inbattery powered electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. Complementingthe OBC is the battery management system (BMS) that keeps trackof state of health (SOH) and state of charge (SOC) to ensure batteriesperform as expected. The high to low voltage DC-DC converter enablesbidirectional energy flow between these two electrical subnets.MHEV(Mild Hybrid Electric Vehicle)HEVPHEV(Hybrid Electric Vehicle)(Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle)BEV(Battery Electric Vehicle)ᗮ Traction inverters are enabled bypower modules that offer highpower/temperature operation.These modules can be transfermolded or frame based supportingeither single side or dual sidecooling optionsDC-DC Converterᗮ On-board charger and DC-DCconverters systems requiremodularity. Flexibility in designand scalability in wattage areaddressed with power discretepackages using variousinterconnect technologiesOn-board Charger &Battery ManagementSystemsᗮ Battery management systemsrequire ICs that not only monitorbut also balance the currentrequired to charge battery packs.Transceiver ICs are required totransmit state of charge data to ahost controller. These componentsuse leadframe form factorsTraction Inverter

Amkor Automotive by the NumbersØ Defect40 Different#1 OSAT 1B Net SalesQuality Focusfor Automotive11AutomotiveProductionLocationsPackage Families40 YearsEngagedin AutomotiveVISIT AMKOR TECHNOLOGY ONLINE FOR LOCATIONS AND TO VIEW CURRENT PRODUCT INFORMATIONwww.amkor.comQuestions? Contact us: sales@amkor.comWith respect to the information in this document, Amkor makes no guarantee or warranty of its accuracy or that the use of such information will not infringe upon the intellectual rightsof third parties. Amkor shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of whatever nature resulting from the use of, or reliance upon it and no patent or other license is implied hereby.This document does not in any way extend or modify Amkor’s warranty on any product beyond that set forth in its standard terms and conditions of sale. Amkor reserves the right tomake changes in its product and specifications at any time and without notice. The Amkor name and logo are registered trademarks of Amkor Technology, Inc. All other trademarksmentioned are property of their respective companies. 2021 Amkor Technology, Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. BR202G-EN Rev Date: 04/21

We Know Automotive Amkor has extensive experience with automotive process requirements shipping billions of units every year for automotive applications. Our packages meet or exceed automotive quality, reliability, burn-in and safe launch plan criteria. Amkor also has failure analysis, tri-temp test and statistical process capability in all .

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