BACHELOR OFAPPLIED SCIENCESCHOOL OF ESBachelor of ACCOUNTINGSCIENCESBachelor of Health Science andBachelor of COMMUNICATIONSBachelor of MANAGEMENTScienceBachelor of Pharmacy2020/
Bachelor ofApplied Science2020/2021 Academic Session
USM VisionTransforming Higher Education for a Sustainable TomorrowUSM MissionUSM is a pioneering, transdisciplinary research intensive universitythat empowers future talents and enables the bottom billionsto transform their socio-economic well-beingii
CONTENTSSECTION AACADEMIC INFORMATIONVISION AND MISSIONCONTENTSACADEMIC CALENDAR1.02.03.0iiiiiivBACHELOR OF APPLIED SCIENCE1.1General Information1.2Areas of Specialization1.3Programme Structure1.4Courses Offering* Core Courses* Minor Courses* Elective Courses* Optional Courses* Audit Courses1.5Course Codes1.6Classification of year equivalent1.7Graduation Requirements112222233444ACADEMIC SYSTEM AND GENERAL INFORMATION2.1Course Registration Activity2.2Interpretation of Unit/Credit/Course2.3Examination System2.4Unit Exemption2.5Credit Transfer2.6Academic Intergrity2.7USM Mentor Programme2.8Student Exchange Programme2.9Ownership of Students’ Dissertation/Research Project/Theses and University’s Intellectual Property51112171921262627UNIVERSITY REQUIREMENTS3.1Summary of University Requirements3.2General Studies Components (MPU) (14 credits)3.3Options (1-8 credits)282938SECTION BDEGREE PROGRAMME INFORMATION****School of PhysicsSchool of Mathematical SciencesSchool of Biological SciencesSchool of Chemical Science41 - 100101 - 137138 - 198199 - 242iii
1.0 BACHELOR OF APPLIED SCIENCE1.1 General InformationThe Bachelor of Applied Science programme with Honours is offered by the School ofPure Sciences (Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics) to increase the intake ofApplied Science students as well as to instill the aspects of Applied Science in the offeredcourses.In line with the government’s aspiration and emphasis to expand heavy industries and thetransfer of technology, a strong training in all fields of applied science and industrialtechnology is needed. Due to increasing demand, a Bachelor of Applied Scienceprogramme is offered by the School of Pure Sciences to produce graduates who are capableof carrying out research and development works in industries. All efforts are carried out tofulfil and to provide manpower needs at the degree level in all fields of applied science andindustrial technology.1.2 Areas of SpecializationType of CourseApplied PhysicsEngineering PhysicsMedical c BiologyEnvironmental BiologyBiotechnologyAgrobiologyEntomology and ParasitologyPhysicsBiological SciencesBiological SciencesBiological SciencesBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAnalytical ChemistryIndustrial ChemistryApplied StatisticsOperations ResearchMathematics and EconomicsChemical SciencesChemical SciencesMathematical SciencesMathematical SciencesMathematical Sciences1
1.3 Programme StructureStudents from the School of Physics, Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, andMathematical Sciences can choose a Major-Minor or a Major-Elective specializationprograms. Both specialization programs require specific minimum credit units forgraduation, to be accumulated in the duration of 8 – 14 semesters. Courses are divided intoseveral parts as follows:Type of CourseBasicCoreMinorElectiveUniversityCode TypeTMEU1.4 Courses OfferingStudents are required to register for the undergraduate courses in two semesters, that isSemester 1 and Semester 2. Courses are offered and examined in the same semester.Courses offered are categorized into four levels, viz levels 100, 200, 300, and 400 suitableto the requirements of a four-year study program.Courses offered according to the needs of the degree program structure of the Pure ScienceSchools are grouped as Basic course, Core course, Minor/Elective course,University/Optional course and Audit course.Core CoursesCore course is a compulsory course package which aims at giving a deeper understandingof an area of specialization /major. Students need to accumulate certain units of the corecourses which have been identified by each School.Minor CoursesStudents are allowed to take a Minor in any of the area of Minors offered by the University.Examples of Minor packages include Management, Computer Sciences, English Languageand Journalism. Please refer to the Minor Program Guide Book for a complete list andfurther details.Elective CoursesStudents need to accumulate certain units of the Elective courses which have beenidentified by each school. Students who do not choose a Minor area are also required totake Elective courses. In this case, students need to accumulate units from other courseswhich are acknowledged by the School.2
Optional CoursesOptional Courses are courses chosen by students from among those that are outside theirprogram of study. For Science students, an Optional course is a course that is outside thosethat are offered by the Pure Science Schools.The main objective of an Optional Course is as a substitute course for students who do nottake Cocurriculum courses, and Skill/Analysis courses.Audit CoursesIn principle, the university allows students to register for any courses on an audit basis forthe purpose of enhancing the students’ knowledge in specific fields during the duration oftheir study. However, the units of any such audit courses will not be taken intoconsideration for graduation purposes.The registration procedures for courses on an audit basis are as follows: [a]Students can register for courses on an audit basis for the purpose of augmentinghis/her knowledge in specific fields. Registration for the said course must be donewithin the course registration week.[b]Only students of active status are allowed to register for courses on an audit basis.[c]Courses registered for on an audit basis are designated as code ‘Y’ courses. Thisdesignation will be indicated on the relevant academic transcript. A space at thebottom of the academic transcript will be reserved for listing the courses registeredfor on an audit basis.[d]Courses registered for on an audit basis will not be taken into consideration indetermining the minimum and maximum units of courses registered for.[e]Students must fulfil all course requirements. Students who register for courses onan audit basis, are not obligated to sit for any examinations pertaining to that course.A grade ‘R’ will be awarded irrespective as to whether the student had or had notsat for the examination.3
1.5 Course CodesEvery course offered in USM is given a code in the form XYZ klm/n whereX-represent each school of sciences as follows:BKMZY&Zkl&mn-School of Biological SciencesSchool of Chemical SciencesSchool of Mathematical SciencesSchool of Physicsrepresent classification of courses in each schooldigit that signify the course leveldigits according to the course series in that levelnumber of units for the course1.6 Classification of year equivalentStudents [according to their respective Programme of study] are classified by the yearequivalent to first, second, third or fourth year based on the number of credits accumulated,as follows: Year EquivalentFirstSecondThirdFourthTotal Credits Accumulated0 - 3031 - 6162 - 92 921.7 Graduation RequirementsStudents must fulfil the following requirements to graduate:[a][b][c][d][e][f]Fulfil the minimum required residential requirements during the course of studies.Fulfil all the credit requirements of the course and required units for eachcomponent [Core, Elective/Minor, Option and University Courses].Obtain a CGPA of 2.00 and above for Core Components.Obtain a CGPA of 2.00 and above for the programme.Achieve a minimum grade C or a grade point of 2.00 for Bahasa Malaysia, EnglishLanguage, Philosophy and Current Issues (HFF225/2) and Appreciation of Ethicsand Civilization (HFE224/2) course.Achieve a minimum grade C or a grade point of 2.00 for certain courses [ifrequired]4
2.0ACADEMIC SYSTEM AND GENERAL INFORMATION2.1 Course Registration ActivityRegistration of courses is an important activity during the period of study at theuniversity. It is the first step for the students to sit for the examination at theend of each semester. Signing up for the right courses each semester will helpto facilitate the graduation process based on the stipulated duration of study.2.1.1Course Registration Secretariat for the Bachelor’s Degree andDiploma ProgrammesStudent Data and Records UnitAcademic Management DivisionRegistryLevel 1, Chancellory BuildingTel. No.Fax No.E-MailWebsite2.1.2::::04-653 2925/2924/292304-657 se Registration Platform1.E-RegistrationE-Registration is a platform for online course registration. Theregistration is done directly through the Campus Online portal.Course registration exercise for both semesters begins after therelease of Official examination results of every semester 2.The online registration for Long Vacation Semester (KSCP)begins officially after the release of the 2nd semester examinationresult.The date of the E-Registration will be announced to the studentsvia email during the revision week of every semester and detailsof the activity will be displayed in the USM’s official website.All courses are allowed to be registered through E-Registration,except for co-curriculum courses. The registration of cocurriculum courses is managed by the Director of the Centre forCo-Curriculum Programme at the Main Campus or theCoordinator of the Co-Curriculum Programme at the EngineeringCampus and the Coordinator of the Co-Curriculum Programme atthe Health Campus.5
Students are required to preregister their co-curriculum coursesbefore the actual E-Registration activity. They are allowed tofollow the respective course once the preregistration is approved.The list of the co-curriculum courses taken will be included intheir course registration data.Access to E-Daftar System2.a.E-Daftar System can be accessed through the Campus Onlineportal ( need to use their USM E-mail ID and password toaccess their profile page, which includes the E-Daftar menu.c.Students need to print the course registration confirmationslip upon completion of the registration process or afterupdating the course registration list (add/ drop) within the EDaftar period.Course Registration Activity at the SchoolRegistration activities conducted at the Schools/Centres areapplicable to students who are academically active and underProbation (P1/P2) status. Students who encounter difficulties inregistering their courses during the E-Registration period areallowed to register the courses at their respective school/centreduring the official period of course registration.The official period for registration begins on the first day of thenew semester until 3rd week. Registration during 4th - 6th week ofthe official academic calendar is considered as late registration.Hence, a penalty of RM50.00 per registration will be imposedunless justifications for the late registration are provided by thestudents. The Examination and Graduation Unit, AcademicManagement Section (Registrar Department) will managestudents late registration.2.1.3Course Registration General Information1.Several information/document can be referred by the studentspertaining to the registration activity:a.The website of the respective School, for the updatedinformation of the courses offered or course registrationprocedure.6
b.List the courses to be registered and number of units (unitvalue) for each course (refer to Students Handbook for StudyProgramme).Academic StatusPNGMinimum UnitsMaximum UnitsP11.99 & Below912910P22.Type of course codes during registration:T Core coursesE Elective coursesM Minor coursesU University coursesGrade and number of unitsobtained from these coursesare considered for graduationTwo (2) other course codes are:Y audit coursesGrade and number of unitsZ prerequisite coursesobtained are not consideredfor graduation2.1.43.Academic Advisor’s advice and approval are necessary.4.Students are not allowed to register or resit any course with grade'C' and above.5.Medical, Dentistry and Pharmacy students are not allowed toregister or resit any course with grade ’B-’ and above.Information/Document Given to All Students through CampusOnline Portal ( information of Academic Advisor.2.Academic information such as academic status, GPA value,CGPA value and year of study.3.Cangred and Course Registration Form.4.List of courses offered by all Schools/Centres.5.Teaching and Learning Timetable for all Schools/Centres/Unitsfrom the three campuses.6.List of pre-registered courses which have been added into thestudents’ course registration record (if any).7 about thepolicies/general n of Language and Co-Curricular Courses1.Registration of Language courses through E-Daftar is allowed.a.However, if any problem arises, registration for languagecourses can still be carried out/updated during the officialperiod of OCR at the office of the School of Languages,Literacies and Translation.b.All approval/registration/dropping/adding of languagecourses is under the responsibility and administration of theSchool of Languages, Literacies and Translation.c.Any problems related to the registration of language coursescan be referred to the School of Languages, Literacies andTranslation. The contact details are as follows:General OfficeMalay Language Programme ChairpersonEnglish Language Programme ChairpersonForeign Language Programme Chairperson: 04-653 4542/5243/ 5248: 04-653 3974: 04-653 3406: 04-653 3396for MainCampusstudentsEngineering Campus Programme Chairperson : 04-599 5407: 04-599 6385Health Campus Programme Chairperson: 09-767 12522.Registration of co-curricular courses through E-Daftar is notallowed.a.Registration for co-curricular courses is either done throughpre-registration before the semester begins or during thefirst/second week of the semester. Co-curricular courses willbe included in the students’ course registration account priorto the E-Daftar activity, if their pre-registration application issuccessful.b.All approval/registration/dropping/adding of co-curricularcourses is under the responsibility and administration of:Director of the Centre for Co-Curricular Programme, MainCampus (04-653 5242/5243/5248)Coordinator of the Centre for Co-Curricular Programme,Engineering Campus (04-599 5097/6385)8
Coordinator of the Centre for Co-Curricular Programme,Health Campus (09-767 7547) of Language and Co-Curricular courses, ifnecessary, must be made within the first week. After the firstweek, a fine of RM50.00 will be imposed for each course.Registration of ‘Audit’ Courses (Y code)Registration for the ‘Audit’ course (Y code) is not allowed on the EDaftar. It can be done during the official period of OCR at the Schoolor Centre involved.Students who are interested must complete the course registrationform which can be printed from the Campus Online Portal or obtaineddirectly from the School. Approval from the lecturers of the coursesand the Dean/ Deputy Dean (Academic) of the respective school isrequired.Registration of ‘Audit’ courses (Y code) is not included in thecalculation of the total registered workload units. Grades obtainedfrom ‘Audit’ course are not considered in the calculation of CGPA andtotal units for graduation.2.1.7Registration of Prerequisite Courses (Z code)Registration of Prerequisite courses (Z code) is included in the totalregistered workload (units). Grades obtained from the Prerequisitecourses are not considered in the calculation of CGPA and units forgraduation.2.1.8Late Course Registration and Late Course AdditionLate course registration and addition are only allowed during the firstand up to the third week with the approval from the Dean. Applicationto add a course after the third week will not be considered, except forspecial cases approved by the University. RM50.00 fine will beimposed on students if reasons given for late registration are notaccepted by the University or School.2.1.9Dropping of CoursesDropping of courses is allowed until the end of the sixth week.For this purpose, students must meet the requirements set by theUniversity as follows:9
2.1.101.Students who intend to drop any course are required to fill in thedropping of course form. The form needs to be signed by thelecturer of the course involved and the Dean/Deputy Dean(Academic, Career International Affairs) of the School. The formhas to be submitted to the general office of the School/Centrewhich offers that particular course.2.Students who wish to drop language course must obtain thesignature and stamp of the Dean/Deputy Dean (Academic, Careerand International Affairs) of the School of Languages, Literaciesand Translation.3.Students who wish to drop the Co-Curricular courses must obtainthe approval of the Director/Co-ordinator of the Co-CurricularProgramme.4.The option for dropping courses cannot be misused. Lecturershave the right not to approve the course that the student wishes todrop if the student is not serious, such as poor attendance recordat lectures, tutorials and practical, as well as poor performance incoursework. The student will be barred from sitting for theexamination and will be given grade 'X' and is not allowed torepeat the course during the Courses during the Long Vacation(KSCP) period.Course Registration Confirmation SlipThe course registration confirmation slip that has beenprinted/obtained after registering the course should be checkedcarefully to ensure there are no errors, especially the code type of theregistered courses.Any data errors for course registration must be corrected immediatelywhether during the period of E-Daftar (for students with active statusonly) or during the registration period at the Schools.2.1.11Revising and Updating Data/Information/ of Students’ Personaland Academic RecordsStudents may check their personal and academic information throughthe Campus Online portal.Students are advised to regularly check the information displayed onthis website.10
2.1.121.Student may update their correspondence address, telephonenumber and personal email through Campus Online portal.2.The office of the Student Data and Records Unit must be notifiedof any application for updating the personal data such as thespelling of names, identification card number, passport numberand address (permanent address and correspondence address).3.The office of the Student Data and Records Unit must be notifiedof any application for correction of academic data such asinformation on major, minor, MUET result and the course code(besides data on the examination results).Academic AdvisorEach School will appoint an Academic Advisor for each student.Academic Advisors will advise their students under theirresponsibility on academic matters.2.2Interpretation of Unit/Credit/Course2.2.1UnitEach course is given a value, which is called a UNIT. The unit isdetermined by the scope of its syllabus and the workload for thestudents. In general, a unit is defined as follows:Type of CourseDefinition of UnitTheory1 unit is equivalent to 1 contact hour perweek for 13 – 14 weeks in one semesterPractical/Laboratory/Language Proficiency1 unit is equivalent to 1.5 contact hours perweek for 13 – 14 hours in one semesterIndustrial Training/Teaching Practice1 unit is equivalent to 2 weeks of trainingBased on the requirements of Malaysian QualificationsFramework (MQF):One unit is equivalent to 40 hours of student learning time[1 unit 40 hours of Student Learning Time (SLT)]11
2.2.2Accumulated Credit UnitUnits registered and passed are known as credits. To graduate,students must accumulate the total number of credits stipulated for theprogramme concerned.2.3Examination SystemExaminations are held at the end of every semester. Students have to sit for theexamination of the courses they have registered for except for courses with 100%coursework. Students are required to settle all due fees and fulfil the standingrequirements for lectures/tutorials/practical and other requirements before beingallowed to sit for the examination of the courses they have registered for. Courseevaluation will be based on the two components of coursework and finalexaminations. Coursework evaluation includes tests, essays, projects,assignments and participation in tutorials.2.3.1Duration of ExaminationEvaluated Courses2.3.2Examination Duration2 units1 hour for coursework of more than 40%2 units2 hours for coursework of 40% and below3 units or more2 hours for coursework of more than 40%3 units or more3 hours for coursework of 40% and belowBarring from ExaminationStudents will be barred from sitting for the final examination if they donot fulfil at least 70% of the course requirements, such as absence fromlectures and tutorials, and have not completed/fulfilled the requiredcomponents of coursework. A grade 'X' would be awarded for a coursefor which a student is barred. Students will not be allowed to repeat thecourse during the Courses During the Long Vacation (KSCP) period.2.3.3Grade Point Average SystemStudents’ academic achievement for registered courses will be gradedas follows:AlphabeticGradeAA-B BB-C CC-D 31.000.67012
Students who obtained a grade 'C-' and below for a particular coursewould be given a chance to improve their grades by repeating thecourse during the KSCP (see below) or normal semester. Studentswho obtained a grade 'C' and above for a particular course are notallowed to repeat the course whether during KSCP or normal semester.The achievement of students in any semester is based on Grade PointAverage (GPA) achieved from all the registered courses in aparticular semester. GPA is the indicator to determine the academicperformance of students in any semester.CGPA is the Cumulative Grade Point Average accumulated by astudent from one semester to another during the years of study.The formula to compute GPA and CGPA is as follows:n Ui M iGrade Point Average i 1n Uii 1where:nUiMi Number of courses takenCourse units for course iGrade point for course iExample of calculation for GPA and CGPA:Semester ICourseUnitGrade Point (GP)Grade (G )Total GPABC XX143.00B12.00ABC XX242.33C 9.32BCD XX331.67C-5.01CDE XX442.00C8.00EFG XX531.33D 3.99EFG XX622.67B-5.342043.66GPA 43.66 2.182013
Semester IICourseUnitGrade Point (GP)Grade (G )Total GPABC XX731.00D3.00ABB XX842.33C 9.32BBC XX942.00C8.00BCB X1042.67B-10.6833.33B XYZ XX1189.9940.99GPA 40.99 2.2818CGPA Total Accumulated GP 43.66 40.99 84.65 2.23Total Accumulated Unit20 1838From the above examples, the CGPA is calculated as the totalgrade point accumulated for all the registered courses and divided bythe total number of the registered units.2.3.4Courses During the Long Vacation (Kursus Semasa Cuti Panjang)(KSCP)KSCP is offered to students who have taken a course earlier andobtained a grade of 'C-', 'D ', 'D', 'D-', 'F' and 'DK' only. Students whoobtained a grade 'X' or 'F*' are not allowed to take the course duringKSCP.The purpose of KSCP is to:1.Give an opportunity to students who are facing time constraints forgraduation.2.Assist students who need to accumulate a few more credits forgraduation.3.Assist probationary students to enhance their academic status.4.Assist students who need to repeat a prerequisite course,which is not offered in the following semester.However, this opportunity is only given to students who are takingcourses that they have attempted before and achieved a grade asstipulated above, provided that the course is being offered. Priority isgiven to final year students. Usually, formal lectures are not held, andteaching is via tutorials.14
The duration of KSCP is 3 weeks, i.e. 2 weeks of tutorial and 1 weekof examination, all held during the long vacation. The KSCP scheduleis available on the University's Academic Calendar.The Implementation of KSCP1.Students are allowed to register for a maximum of 3 coursesand the total number of units registered must not exceed 10.2.Marks/grades for coursework are taken from the highest marks/thebest grades obtained in a particular course in the normal semesterbefore KSCP. The final overall grade is determined as follows:Final Grade The best coursework marks or grade Marks or grade for KSCP examination2.3.53.GPA calculation involves the LATEST grades (obtained inKSCP) and also involves courses taken in the second semester andthose repeated in KSCP. If the GPA during KSCP as calculatedabove is 2.00 or better, the academic status will be active, eventhough the academic status for the second semester wasprobation status. However, if the GPA for KSCP (as calculatedabove) is 1.99 or below, the academic status will remain asprobation status for the second semester.4.Graduating students (those who have fulfilled the graduationrequirements) in the second semester are not allowed to register forKSCP.Academic StatusActive Status: Any student who achieves a GPA of 2.00 and above forany examination in a semester will be recognised as ACTIVE and beallowed to pursue his/her studies for the following semester.Probation Status: A probation status is given to any student whoachieves a GPA of 1.99 and below. A student who is under probationstatus for three consecutive semesters (P1, P2, FO) will not be allowedto pursue his/her studies at the university. On the other hand, if theCGPA is 2.00 and above, the student concerned will be allowed topursue his/her studies and will remain at P2 status.2.3.6Penalty for not attending the examinationStudents who do not attend the examination for any of the courses theyhave registered for must provide their reasons in writing to thePrincipal Assistant Registrar, Examination and Graduation Unit,15
Academic Management Division within 48 hours (for full timestudents) and 48 hours (for Distance Learning Education programmestudents) after the examination being held. The reasons provided willbe considered by the Examination Board of the School/Centre andendorsed by the University Examination Board as below:2.3.71.For reasons accepted by the University Examination Board,student will be granted DK grade (with permission). DK gradewill be granted to the students if they submit Medical Certificates(from hospital/government clinic or panel clinic/USM clinic) orsubmit any reason that can be accepted by the UniversityExamination Board. DK grade will be exempted from theGPA/CGPA calculations of the student.2.Candidate who fail to sit for the examination without any reasonwill be granted F* grade.Termination of CandidatureWithout any prejudice to the above regulations, the UniversityExamination Council has the absolute right to terminate anystudent's studies if he/she does not fulfil the accumulatedminimum credits.The University Examination Council has the right to terminate anystudent's studies due to certain reasons (a student who has notregistered for the courses, has not attended the examination withoutvalid reasons), as well as medical reasons can be disqualified frompursuing his/her studies.2.3.8Examination ResultsFull results (with grade) will be announced by the University throughthe Campus Online portal ( after the SchoolExamination Council meeting which is approximately one month afterthe final examination.Students can print their official semester results document on the same day/date of the resultsannouncement.2.3.9Re-checking of Examination ResultStudents can apply for the rechecking of their examination result forthe course/s taken during the semester. The application form can beobtained from USM official website or at the Academic Management16
Division, Registry Department of each campus. The appeal form mustbe submitted along with a copy of the official receipt / e-paymentstatement amounting to RM25.00 for each examination paper. Theappeal period is two (2) weeks after the official result is announced.Rechecking process is only to ensure that all answers in the scriptshave been marked and consistently graded and the calculation ofmarks awarded are correct. The answer script of the course will not bereevaluated.The school will confirm any changes in the students' examinationresults. If there is any changes in the grades or marks, students canrequest for a refund of RM25.00. The Examination and GraduationUnit will make amendments to the results of the course and studentscan check their updated status in the respective Campusonline portals.2.4Unit Exemption2.4.1Unit ExemptionUnit exemption is defined as the total number of units given to studentswho are pursuing their studies in USM that are exempted from thegraduation requirements. Students only need to accumulate theremaining units for graduation purposes. Only passes or course gradesaccumulated or acquired in USM will be included in the calculation ofthe Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) for graduationpurposes.2.4.2Regulations and Implementation of Unit Exemption1.Diploma holders from recognised Public and Private Institutionsof Higher Learning:a.Unit exemption can only be given to courses taken at diplomalevel. However, unit exemption are not permitted for MataPelajaran Umum (MPU) courses such as Language, EthnicRelations and TITAS courses taken at the diploma level.b.Courses for unit exemption may be combined (in two or morecombinations) in order to obtain exemption of one course atdegree level. However if the School would like to approveonly one course at the diploma level for unit exemption ofone course at degree level, the course at diploma level mustbe equivalent to the degree course and have the same
Emily Kate Johnson: Bachelor of Science, Exercise and Movement Science . Bachelor of Science in Education, Elementary Education, Summa Cum Laude Joseph Polak: Bachelor of Science, Recreation, Sport, and Park Administration IL-Bond City: Pocahontas Megan Marie Frey: Bachelor of Science, Exercise and Movement Science, Cum Laude IL-Clinton
Bachelor of Science (Human Geography, Environment and Heritage Management) 6 S1 & S2 16,200 97,200 Bachelor of Science Education 8 S1 13,824 110,592 Bachelor of Social Change and Advocacy* 6 S1 13,296 79,776 Bachelor of Social Science 6 S1 & S2 13,296 79,776 Bachelor of Social Work
Bachelor of Science Degree (also applies to Bachelor of Science in Atmospheric Sciences and . Bachelor of Science in Geographic Information Science) Spring Semester 2021 The following degree requirements apply if you began your career as a regularly enrolled college student at Ohio State summer term 2012 or later.
Missouri State University Spring 2020 Graduates (Sorted Alphabetically) Alia Faith Aaron: Bachelor of General Studies . Brandon C. Albright: Bachelor of Science, Finance Breanna Leigh Alder: Doctor of Physical Therapy . Corinna Nicole Austin: Bachelor of Science, Anthropology Patrick Michael Ayres: Bachelor of Science, Computer Science .
Bachelor of Science, Forensic Accounting Bachelor of Science, Human Resource Management Bachelor of Science, Management and Leadership . received the designation for the Bachelor of Science degree in Cybersecurity. . Franklin University holds a Certificate of Authorization from the Ohio Department of Higher Education, 25 South Front Street .
degree completers in 1992-93 and 1.6 million in 2007-08. This brief is based on first-time bachelor's degree recipients only. 2 2 Because estimates are for first-time bachelor's degree recipients only, the 11.3 percent of 1992-93 bachelor's degree recipients and 7.0 percent of 2007-08 bachelor's degree recipients who had earned
2. Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Hons.) in Business Management U15 3. Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Hons.) in Manufacturing Systems U17 4. Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Honours) in Railway System U21 5. Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Hons.) in Precision Engineering U22 6.
BCS Essentials Certificate in Artificial Intelligence Syllabus V1.0 BCS 2018 Page 10 of 16 Recommended Reading List Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness Title Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach, 3rd Edition Author Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Publication Date 2016, ISBN 10 1292153962