AnnexAnnexe 11MEMBERS OF THE P ERMANENT COURT OF ARBITRATIONLISTE DES MEMBRES DE LA COUR PERMANENTE D’ARBIT RAGECurrent ListAlbaniaListe actuelleAlbanieDate ofappointmentDate oflatest renewalDate de lanominationDate du dernierrenouvellementMs. Suela JANINA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Head of theMission for the Republic of Albania to the European Union.10 - 05 - 2022Mr. ARMAND SKAPI, Secretary-General of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs ofthe Republic of Albania. Director of the Treaties and International Department, Ministry ofForeign Affairs of Albania; May–December 2013, Director of NATO Department; June 2012Apri1 2013, Chief of Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Albania; February 2012–June 2012, Adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Albania; February 2011–February2012, Minister Counselor, Embassy of Albania, Rome, Italy; January 2009–February 2011,Director of Middle East and Africa Department; September 2006-December 2008, Head ofUnit, Asia and Africa Department; July 2005-August 2006, Director of Press and PublicDiplomacy Department; January 2001-June 2005, Director of UN and InternationalOrganizations Department; March 1999-December 2000, Desk officer at the UN andInternational Organizations Department; January 1997-March 1999, Desk Officer at theLegal and Consular Department. Other activities: May 2013 Arbitrator, OSCE Court ofConciliation and Arbitration; 2002–2005 Head of Governmental Expert Group for theDrafting of Albanian National Reports to the UN Treaty Bodies for Human Rights; 2003–2005, Member of the Albanian Commission for Refugees. 2009–2011, Guest lecturer ofInternational Law, Tirana European University. Bui. Gjergj Fishta, No. 6, Tirana, Albania;e-mail: – 05 - 201610-05-2022Dr. GENTIAN ZYBERI, Professor of International Law and Human Rights, NorwegianCentre for Human Rights; University of Oslo/ Norway; 2012 2012 Assistant professor,Faculty of Law/ Amsterdam Centre for International Law, University of Amsterdam/ TheNetherlands; 2008- Legal Counsel (pro bono), International Criminal Tribunal for theformer Yugoslavia, The Hague, The Netherlands.; 2009 Legal advisor and coordinator ofthe Albanian legal team in the Kosovo Declaration of Independence case before theInternational Court of Justice (ICJ). Special Advisor to the Albanian Minister of ForeignAffairs on Kosovo, Tirana, Albania; 2008-2011 Assistant professor, Faculty of Law/Netherlands Institute for Human Rights, University of Utrecht/ the Netherlands; 20042012 Legal Assistant and Interpreter, International Criminal Tribunal for the formerYugoslavia, The Hague, The Netherlands; 2003-2007 PhD Candidate, Faculty of Law/Netherlands Institute for Human Rights, University of Utrecht/ the Netherlands. OtherNational and International Professional Involvements: Member of the International LawAssociation (ILA) International Committee on International Human Rights Law; Memberof the ILA Study Group on ‘The Conduct of Hostilities under International HumanitarianLaw - Challenges of 21st Century Warfare’; Member of the European Society ofInternational Law (member of several interest groups); Member of the NorwegianAssociation of International Law (Norwegian branch of the ILA); Member of the Norskmilitræjuridisk forening (Norwegian National Group of the International Society forMilitary Law and the Law of War).10 – 05 - 201610-05-202226 - 04 - 199510 – 09 - 2019ArgentinaArgentineMs. SUSANA MYRTA RUIZ CERUTTI, Lawyer and career diplomat; Member of the Panelof Conciliators and Arbitrators of ICSID; former Ambassador to Switzerland; Agent ofArgentina to the International Arbitral Tribunal dealing with a border dispute betweenArgentina and Chile; former member or head of delegations to several arbitral
Annex 1 - PCA MembersMembres de la CPA - Annexe edings; twice Legal Adviser of the Argentine Foreign Ministry; former Vice-Ministerand Minister of Foreign Affairs; former Ambassador to Canada; Agent of Argentina tothe International Court of Justice and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.Avda. Libertador Gral. San Martín 4408, Piso 13 , Buenos Aires (1424), Argentina; RAÚL EMILIO VINUESA, Law degree from the University of Buenos Aires, TheFletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Harvard Law School, University of Cambridge,University of Amsterdam; Professor of International Law at the Faculty ofLaw, University of Buenos Aires, and at the Argentine Foreign ServiceInstitute; Arbitrator at MERCOSUR, ICSID, CAR, ICC, SIECA; Judge ad hoc at theInternational Court of Justice; Member of the Institut de Droit International. Alsina 2360,SanIsidro(B1642FOV),Argentina;tel.:/fax: 54(11)4723-6664/6780;, - 11 - 2007Mr. MARIO J. A. OYARZÁBAL, Law degree from the University of La Plata, LL.M. HarvardUniversity; The Legal Adviser of the Argentine Foreign Ministry; Member of the Panel ofConciliators and Arbitrators of ICSID; Professor of International Law at theUniversity of Law Plata; Arbitrator and Conciliator under Art. 2 of Annexes V and VII ofUNCLOS; Member of the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission; Agent ofArgentina to the International Court of Justice. Arenales 1212 Of. 1501, Buenos Aires(C1007ABR),Argentina;tel.: – 09 - 2019Prof. DIEGO P. FERNÁNDEZ ARROYO, Professor at Sciences Po Law School in Paris;Director of the Sciences Po LLM in Transnational Arbitration & Dispute Settlement;Member of the Panel of Conciliators and Arbitrators of ICSID; Arbitrator underUNCITRAL, ICSID, ICC, ICSID, Milan Arbitration Chamber, Bogota Chamber ofCommerce, Brazilian Center of Mediation and Arbitration, etc.; Member of the Curatoriumof the Hague Academy of International Law, Associé of the Institut de Droit International.Sciences Po – École de Droit, 13, rue de l’Université, 75007 Paris, France; tel.: 33(0)1 45495339;, – 09 - 2019AustraliaAustralieThe Hon. SUSAN KIEFEL AC, Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia since 30 January2017; formerly justice of the High Court of Australia (2007-2017); formerly a Judge of theFederal Court of Australia and the Supreme Court of N0rfolk Island since 1994; and theSupreme Court of Queensland (1993-94). Formerly part-time Commissioner of theAustralian Law Reform Commission (2003-2007). Admitted to the Queensland Bar (1975);appointed Queen's Counsel (1987). Educated at Cambridge University. Appointed aCompanion in the General Division of the Order of Australia (2011). Elected a titularmember of the International Academy of Comparative Law (2013). Elected an HonoraryBencher of the Honourable Society of Gray's Inn (2014). High Court of Australia, P.O. Box6309, Kingston, ACT, 2604; fax: 61 (0)2 6270 6947.22 – 06 - 2017Dr. STEPHEN DONAGHUE QC, Solicitor General of the Commonwealth of Australia since2017. Former Barrister at the Victorian Bar (2001); appointed Senior Counsel (2011);appointed Queen's Counsel (2014). Former Chair of the Public Law Section of theCommercial Bar Association; former member of the Constitutional Law Committee of theLaw Council of Australia. Educated at the University of Melbourne and the University ofOxford. Senior Fellow at the University of Melbourne Law School. Attorney-General'sDepartment, 3-5 National Circuit, Barton, ACT, 2600, Australia; fax: 61 2 6141 4149;email: – 06 - 2017Mr. HENRY BURMESTER AO QC, Honorary Professor in the Australian NationalUniversity College of Law (2016). Formerly Consultant Counsel at the AustralianGovernment Solicitor (2009-2017). Formerly Chief General Counsel at the AustralianGovernment Solicitor (1995-2009). Appeared as counsel before the International Court ofJustice and other tribunals, served as arbitrator under Law of the Sea Convention. Formerlyhead of the Office of International Law in the Attorney-General's Department (1990-1995).Educated at the Australian National University and University of Virginia. Formerlymember of the Australian National University College of Law (1981-1985). Barrister at theNew South Wales Bar and the Australian Capital Territory Bar. Appointed Queen's Counsel(1998). E-mail: – 06 - 201710 – 09 - 2019
Annex 1 - PCA MembersMembres de la CPA - Annexe ntAutricheProf. Dr. GERHARD HAFNER, Professor at the Vienna Law Faculty since 1990; formerDirector of the Department of European, International and Comparative Law (University ofVienna); former Lecturer at the Austrian Diplomatic Academy Vienna, M.A.I.S.; Universityof Krems; former Deputy Chairman of the German Society of International Law; formerChairman of the Austrian Branch of the International Law Association; former Member ofthe Governing Board of the European Studies Institute in Moscow, former DeputyChairman of German Society of International Law; Visiting Professor in Stanford (1996),Bratislava since 1992, Visiting Professor at the Institut des Hautes Etudes Internationalesof the University Paris 2 (1997), Member of the International Law Commission (1997-2001)- First Vice-president of the ILC during the 2001 session; Conciliator at the OSCE Courtand former Member of its Bureau; Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration; LegalConsultant to the Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs; Member or Chairman of numerousAustrian delegations to international Conferences; Arbitrators in the MOX case (Ireland v.United Kingdom), arbitrator in the Abyei Case, arbitrator in the case Faroe Islands vEuropean Union, Counsel for Liechtenstein in the case Certain Property (Liechtenstein v.Germany) before the International Court of Justice; counsel on behalf of Argentina in thecase ARA Libertad (2012; ITLOS). Memberships: Member of the Institute of InternationalLaw (IIL); former President, Austrian Branch, International Law Association; Chairman,ILA-Committee on Succession of States; former Member of the Council of the GermanSociety for International Law; Member of the Academic Commission of the DiplomaticAcademy in Vienna; Member, American Society of International Law; Member, Sociétéfrançaise pour le droit international; Member, Austrian Society for European Law; Memberof the Committee of Publishers, Austrian Review of International and European Law;former Member of the International Law Commission of the United Nations (ILC); Memberof the Governing Board and of the Executive Committee of the European Studies Institute(Moscow). Fields of specific expertise: International Law for the prevention oftransboundary damage and liability; Peaceful settlement of disputes; Codification ofInternational Law; European Law; Law of Neutrality; Territorial aspects of InternationalLaw; Succession of States; International Criminal Law, Law of the Sea, State Immunity,Use of Force. Braungasse 38, A-1170 Wien (Austria); E-mail: - 05 - 200209 - 11 - 2020Prof. MMag Dr. AUGUST REINISCH LL.M., Head of the Section of International Law andInternational Relations, University of Vienna; Deputy Head of the Department ofEuropean, International and Comparative Law at the University of Vienna; Professor ofInternational and European Law at the University of Vienna (since 1998); Member of theInternational Law Commission of the United Nations for the quinquennium 2017-2021;Member of the Panels of Conciliators and of Arbitrators maintained by the InternationalCentre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID); Adjunct Professor at the BolognaCenter of The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies/Johns HopkinsUniversity in Bologna, Italy (1999 to 2010); Visiting Professorships among others at theUniversity of Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne (2018); the Institut des Hautes EtudesInternationales at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas, France (2008); University ofBologna in Bologna/Italy (2016); the University of Sydney, Australia (2009, 2011, 2012,2013, 2015). Memberships: Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS);American Bar Association (ABA); American Society of International Law (ASIL); DeutscheGesellschaft für Internationales Recht (German Society of International Law), member ofthe Governing Council since 2005, of the Executive Board (2013-2019), President (20172019); European Communities Studies Association (ECSA); European Society ofInternational Law (ESIL), member of the Executive Board (2008-2014); Member of theInstitute of International Law (IIL); International Law Association (ILA, member of theformer Committees on Accountability of International Organizations and on InternationalLaw on Foreign Investment, member of the Study Group on State Insolvency undRapporteur of the Study Group on the Role of Soft-Law Instruments in InternationalInvestment Law), President of the Austrian Branch since 2008; ÖsterreichischerVölkerrechtstag (Austrian International Lawyers’ Association); State of Connecticut Bar,State of New York Bar; Member of the Austrian delegation to the Sixth Committee (Legal)of the General Assembly of the United Nations (2012-2016); Arbitrator on the In RemRestitution Panel according to the Austrian General Settlement Fund Law, Vienna (since2001). Fields of specific expertise: Investment Law (indirect expropriation, fair andequitable treatment and other standards of investment protection); InternationalEconomic Law (Extraterritoriality, economic sanctions, WTO dispute settlement); The Lawof International Organizations (Responsibility of International Organizations); StateResponsibility (State of Necessity); Arbitration (Investment Arbitration); European Law09 - 09 - 201409 - 11 - 2020
Annex 1 - PCA MembersMembres de la CPA - Annexe rnal Trade, EC and WTO); International Economic Law; The Law of InternationalOrganizations; State Responsibility; Arbitration. Department of European, Internationaland Comparative Law; Section of International Law and International Relations, Universityof Vienna, Schottenbastei 10-16, A-1010 Wien (Austria), Tel.: 43 1 4277 35307, Fax: 431 4277/9353; E-mail: Dr. DDr. h.c. WOLFGANG BENEDEK, Professor for International Law andInternational Relations at the University of Graz (1990- 2017); 2000-2016 (Co-)Director ofthe European Training and Research Centre for Human Rights and Democracy ofUniversity of Graz (UNI-ETC); long-time Lecturer at Diplomatic Academy Vienna and atthe European MA Programme on Human Rights and Democratization in Venice andSarajevo; 1989-92 Advisor to the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights inBanjul, Gambia; since 1993 Chair (of Board) of World University Service (WUS) Austriawith large programmes for the reconstruction of universities and the establishment ofhuman rights centres at universities in the Balkans. Leader of several research andcooperation projects in the field of internet governance, human security, migration andhuman rights. Expert services for Council of Europe, European Union and OSCE.Memberships: 2000-2012, Member of the Human Rights Advisory Board of the AustrianFederal Ministry of the Interior; since 2007 Chair/Member of the Human Rights AdvisoryBoard of the city of Graz (Austria); Chair of Media Appeals Board of Independent MediaCommission of Kosovo (2005-2011); Member of the Enforcement Panel of CommunicationRegulation Agency in Sarajevo (1999-2004). Member of the Council of the German Societyof International Law. Fields of specific expertise: International and regional human rights,women and human rights, terrorism and human rights, globalisation and human rights,human rights education, international economic organisations and global governance,human security, asylum and migration, information society and human rights.Department of International Law, University of Graz, Universitätsstraße 15 A/4, A-8010Graz (Austria), Tel.: 43 316 380 – 3418; E-mail: - 09 - 201409 - 11 - 2020Prof. Dr. URSULA KRIEBAUM, Professor of International Law at the University of Vienna(since 2011); Professorial Lecturer at the Loyola University New Orleans College of LawSummer Legal Studies Program (since 2008); Lecturer at the Sommerhochschule of theUniversity of Vienna in Strobl (International Investment Law and Arbitration); VisitingProfessor at the University Paris II Panthéon-Assas in Paris (« Le droit de l’investissementcontemporain. ») (2017); Legal expert in various investment arbitrations and human rightscases; Alternate Member of the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration within the OSCE(since 2013); Consultant of the National Fund for Victims of National Socialism of theRepublic of Austria (since 2001); Member of the Austrian Human Rights Advisory Boardnominated by Amnesty International (July 1999 – June 2002); Legal Advisor’s Office at theAustrian Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs (2000 – 2001); Member of the team of theSpecial envoy for restitution issues for the Austrian Holocaust Restitution Negotiations2000/2001; Austrian Delegate to the Preparatory Commission for the InternationalCriminal Court (July 2002 Session). Memberships: Member, International Law Association(ILA, former Secretary and Treasurer of the Austrian Branch, member of the Committee onthe Rule of Law and International Investment Law, member of the executive board of theAustrian Branch since 2007); Member, European Society of International Law; Member,Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationales Recht (German Society of International Law)Member, Ö sterreichischer Völkerrechtstag (Austrian International Lawyers’ Association);Austrian Arbitration Association. Fields of specific expertise: international protection ofhuman rights; international investment law (expropriation, standards of investmentprotection, human rights and foreign investments); Arbitration (Investment Arbitration,business and human rights arbitration); expropriation in international law; restitution ofproperty dispossessed during the Nazi-Regime; implementation of international humanrights obligations in domestic law. Department of European Law, International andComparative Law, Section of International Law and International Relations, University ofVienna, Schottenbastei 10-16, A-1010 Wien (Austria), Tel.: 43 1 4277 35308, Fax: 43 14277 835308, E-mail: - 09 - 201409 - 11 - 2020Prof. JAN PAULSSON, Partner, Three Crowns LLC07 – 07 - 200810 – 05 - 2017Prof. NASSIB G. ZIADÉ is the Chief Executive Officer of the Bahrain Chamber for DisputeResolution (BCDR-AAA) and the General Editor of the BCDR International ArbitrationReview. Previously, he served as Director of the Dubai International Arbitration Centre07 – 07 - 200810 – 05 - 2017BahrainBahreïn
Annex 1 - PCA MembersMembres de la CPA - Annexe 1appointment/nomination(DIAC), as Deputy Secretary-General (and Acting Secretary-General) of the InternationalCentre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) and Editor-in-Chief of the ICSIDReview – Foreign Investment Law Journal, and as Executive Secretary of the World BankAdministrative Tribunal. He has also acted as co-arbitrator or chair in numerous ad hocand institutional arbitrations in commercial, construction and investment matters. He is aVice-Chairman of the Advisory Committee of the Cairo Regional Centre for InternationalCommercial Arbitration (CRCICA), a member of the International Advisory Committee ofthe International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR/AAA), and a former member of theCourt of the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA). He is a member of thePermanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), a member of the Panels of Arbitrators andConciliators of ICSID, and a Council member of the International Federation ofCommercial Arbitration Institutions (IFCAI). He has published extensively in the fields ofinternational law and arbitration law and is a frequent speaker at international conferenceson a wide range of legal topics. He has taught at the University of Miami School of Law, atthe Law Faculty of the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, at the Law Faculty of theSaint-Joseph University in Lebanon and Dubai, at the Hague Academy of InternationalLaw, and at the Paris Academy for International Law. He is a member of the AdvisoryCommittee of the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law at the University of Cambridge,a member of the Executive Council of the American Society of International Law, and amember of the editorial advisory committees of several law journals.Mr. DEVASHISH KRISHAN, Legal Advisor, Court of HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad AlKhalifa, Crown Prince, Deputy Commander of the Bahrain Defense Forces and First DeputyPrime Minister.10 – 05 - 2017Ms. NAJAH ALI RASHID, Counselor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Bahrain.10 – 05 - 2017BangladeshBangladeshProf. Dr. PAYAM AKHAVAN LL.M., S.J.D. (Harvard), Professor of International Law,McGill University, Montreal, Canada; member of the Law Society of Upper Canada;member of the New York State Bar; member of the American Society of International Law;member of the Honourary Council of the International Law Students Association; counseland advocate before the International Court of Justice, the Permanent Court of Arbitration,the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, the International Criminal Court, theEuropean Court of Human Rights, the Supreme Court of Canada, and the Supreme Courtof the USA. Academic appointments: Associate Professor, McGill University, 2006present; Visiting Fellow, Oxford University, 2014-16; Visiting Professor, Université de ParisOuest (Nanterre la Défense), 2015; Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow, European UniversityInstitute, 2013-14; Visiting Professor, Institut d’études politiques de Paris, 2012; BoultonSenior Fellow, McGill University, 2005-2006; Senior Fellow, Yale Law School, 2003-2005;Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Toronto, 2002; Senior Fellow, LeidenUniversity, 2000-2001; Visiting Lecturer, Yale Law School, 1998. ProfessionalAppointments: Associate, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, New York, 2001-2002; LegalAdvisor, Office of the Prosecutor, International Criminal Tribunals for the formerYugoslavia and Rwanda, The Hague, 1994-2000; Human Rights Officer, UN Centre forHuman Rights, Geneva, 1993-1994. Contact details: McGill University, Faculty of Law, NewChancellor Day Hall, 3644 Peel Street, Room 614, Montreal Quebec; Canada H3A 1W9;Tel: 1-514-398-8232; e-mail: payam.akhavan@mcgill.ca24 – 06 – 2016Justice MOHAMMAD ABDUR RASHID. Enrolled at the Mymensingh District Bar in 1969and then in 1976 at the Supreme Court Bar Association, Bangladesh; Former Judge of theSupreme Court of Bangladesh (1999-2009); Former Chairman of the Bangladesh LawCommission (2009-October 2010); Former Chairman, the Disciplinary Panel, BangladeshCricket Board (2013-2018). Conducted many arbitrations since. Author of variouspublications. Tel.: 8802 9359071; 8801711 529307; e-mail: – 01 - 2020BelarusBélarusMr. IGOR V. FISSENKO, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the FrenchRepublic (resident) and the Kingdom of Spain (nonresident); Director General of theDirectorate General for Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic ofBelarus (2013 – 2019), Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic ofBelarus to the Arab Republic of Egypt (resident), the Republic of the Sudan, the Sultanateof Oman and the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria (nonresident) and PermanentRepresentative to the League of Arab States (2008-2013). Obtained his degree in Law from10 – 02 – 2017renewal/renouvellement
Annex 1 - PCA MembersMembres de la CPA - Annexe 1appointment/nominationrenewal/renouvellementthe Moscow State Institute of International Relations (1993) and his Ph.D. in Law from theBelarusian State University (1996). 38, Boulevard Suchet, 75016 Paris, France, Tel.: 33 144 14 69 79, 44 14 69 75; E-mail: MIKHAIL M. KHVOSTOV, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Belarus to theUnited Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva, former Ministerfor Foreign Affairs, former Ambassador to the United States of America, formerAmbassador to Canada, former Representative to ICAO. Specializations: international law,international economic law, international organizations, diplomatic and consular law,treaty law. Contact details : Avenue de la Paix, 15, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland ; tel. : 41 22748 24 50 ; fax : 41 22 748 24 51 ; e-mail : – 06 – 199511 – 04 – 2019Ms. OLGA G. SERGEEVA, Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus(2008-2012; 2017-present), Deputy Chairperson of the Constitutional Court of the Republicof Belarus (2012-2017), Head of the Legal and Governance Directorate-General of theAdministration of the President of the Republic of Belarus (2001-2008), Deputy Ministerof Justice of the Republic of Belarus (1998-2001). Specializes in international law,constitutional law and international commercial law. 4 Krasnoarmeyskaya str., 220016,Minsk, Republic of Belarus; Tel.: 375 17 327 80 12; 375 17 327 52 09; – 05 – 201311 – 04 – 2019Mr. YURI KOBETS, Deputy Chairperson of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus(2018-present); Chairperson of Minsk Commercial Court (2015-2018); Judge (2009-2010)and Deputy Chairperson (2010-2015) of Minsk Regional Court; Chairperson of BorisovRegional Court (2007-2009); Deputy Chairperson of Borisov Regional Court (2002-2007);Judge (1997-2001) and Deputy Chairperson of Borisov Court (2001-2002). Contact details:28 Lenina street, 220030 Minsk, Republic of Belarus; tel.: 375 17 226 12 06; 375 173271225; email: – 04 – 2019BoliviaBolivieMr. ROGELIO MAYTA MAYTA, appointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs on 8 November2020, He studied law at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés in La Paz. He is a legalpractitioner and a university professor. In his career as lawyer, he has focused on defendinghuman rights provide legal assistance to organizations such as the Federation ofHousehold Workers of Bolivia (Federación de Trabajadoras del Hogar de Bolivia) and theNational Organization of Activists for the Emancipation of Women (Organización Nacionalde Activistas por la Emancipación de la Mujer).His figure has become relevant for having provided legal assistance to the victims of humanrights violations that occurred as a result of the political crisis in 2003 in Bolivia. In hisacademic activity has focused on research about investor-state international arbitrationand civil procedural law, he is also the author of the books: "", in which hecarried an exhaustive analysis and diagnosis on the justice system in Bolivia sets forthproposed solutions, and "Do justice", which contains the arguments of the civil defense inthe trial brought by the victims of the events of 2003 against the main perpetrator, a formerBolivian president. Address: Avenida Eduardo Avaroa No. 1564. La Paz, Bolivia. E-mail :rmayta@rree.gob.bo10 – 11 - 2021Mr. WILFREDO CHÁVEZ SERRANO, Attorney General, studied law at the UniversidadMayor de San Andrés in La Paz. He holds Postgraduate studies in Public Management andDecentralization, Diploma in Teaching Planning and Higher Education, Diploma andSpecialty in Civil Law, Diploma in Criminal Law, Master in Constitutional Law andConstitutional Procedures and a Doctorate in Constitutional Law and Administrative Law.He served as Vice Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Vice Minister of GovernmentCoordination, Vice Minister of Citizen Security and Minister of Interior. He is a tenuredprofessor of Organic Procedural Law at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, and avisiting professor of Civil Procedural Law, Criminal Procedural Law, Constitutional Lawand Criminal Law in different Universities in Bolivia. Address: Calle Martín Cárdenas, Calle11 de Junio, Zona Ferropetrol. El Alto, Bolivia. E-mail : wchavez@procuraduria.gob.bo10 – 11 – 2021Mr. ROBERTO CALZADILLA SARMIENTO, Ambassador, studied at the UniversidadMayor de San Andrés in La Paz, at the Université Libre de Bruselles and holds a MasterDegree in International Relations from the Saint Louis University in Vienna. Previous tohis appointment as Ambassador of Bolivia to the Netherlands (2021), he served asAmbassador to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. He also served10 – 11 – 2021
Annex 1 - PCA MembersMembres de la CPA - Annexe 1appointment/nominationrenewal/renouvellementas Ambassador to the Republic of Portugal, the Republic of Ireland and to the Netherlands.He is a former member of the Bolivian delegation to the ICJ for the case concerningObligation to Negotiate Access to the Pacific Ocean (Bolivia v. Chile) and to several arbitralproceedings. During his diplomatic career, he served as General Director for BilateralRelations; General Director of Trade Negotiations; Deputy Director of InvestmentPromotion; Head of the European Economic Union Division; Head of Department ofMultilateral Affairs, Head of the Department of Multilateral Policy, Head of the Division ofRegional Integration. He served as Charge D’Affaires to the concurrent Embassies ofFinland, Norway, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary and he was appointedas Permanent Representative to several UN bodies and organizations including UNIDO,IMO, UNDC and the ICC among others. He worked at the United Nations as Officer andConsultant (UNDCP/ INCB Secretariat). Address: Nassauplein 2, 2585 EA, The Hague,Netherlands. E-mail:ésilProf. M. CELSO LAFER, Minister of Foreign Relations; graduate of Political Science atCornell University, New York; post-doctoral
10th and 11th April 2006 at the Peace Palace in The Hague. She is a barrister -at-law and is a member of Gray's Inn, London, United Kingdom. Ms. SITPAH SELVARATNAM, Bachelor of Laws (University of Wales, United Kingdom); Master of Law (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom); Barrister -at-law (Lincoln's Inn,
List of participants / Lista de participantes / Liste des participants (Total: 1563) Party, Representative (Head of delegation) / Parte, Representante (Jefe de delegación) / Partie, Représentant (Chef de délégation) Albania ELVANA Ramaj (*) Rruga e Durresit, no. 27 Tirana 1010 Albania / Albania / Albanie T: 355 4 2233855 F: 355 4 2270624
- Berat, ville-musée aux maisons suspendues. Journée 1 Vol Paris / Tirana Envol pour Tirana sur compagnie régulière. Transfert en ville. Capitale de l'Albanie depuis 1920, Tirana a été fondée en 1614 par l
4 oing Business and Investing in Albania oing Business and Investing in Albania 5 Content 6 22 26 28 42 44 46
LAW Nr. 7850, date 29.07.1994 ON THE CIVIL CODE OF THE REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA On the Basis of Article 16, Law No. 7491, date 29.04.1991 "On the main constitutional provisions", upon the proposal of the Council of Ministers, THE PEOPLE'S ASSEMBLY OF THE REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA D E C I D E D: PART I GENERAL PART TITLE I SUBJECTS OF CIVIL LAW CHAPTER I
English Language is a vital part of our work in British Council; we deliver it through-out different initiatives and collaborations with local and international partners. Vocational Education and Training, ICT and Languages remain the main priorities of Ministry of Education and Science in Albania and also British Council Albania. Each
Albania, Macedonia, Poland and Romania. In Albania and Macedonia, freedom of information requests were filed regarding the detention, interrogation and rendition of Khaled El‐Masri. Requests in Poland focused on the use of Polish airspace for transfers and the existence of secret detention facilities.
Compared to the 2012–2013 action plan cycle, the development process of the 2014–2016 cycle has improved significantly. The CSO Coalition for OGP Albania, formed in December 2013, assumed a leading role in holding participatory consultations for the design of 2014–2016 action plan. However,
AAT Advanced Diploma in Accounting Synoptic Assessment – SAMS – Assessment book 2 Notes for students and training providers This is a sample assessment and mark scheme which is reflective of the question types, depth of content coverage, the level of demand, duration and mark allocation of tasks that will be in the live assessment It is not designed to be used on its own to determine .