I ACCENT: Holy Cross Associates In Chile Balmy

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IACCENT: Holy Cross Associates in ChileBalmyMostly sunny, high in the mid70's.IVIEWPOINT: Don't overlook povertyMONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1987VOL. XXI, NO. 43the independent newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's·Former hostageto speak at NODamascus, Syria, in Nov. 1984."They met with Syrian officials, Palestinian Agroups andA former Beirut hostage will almost anyone they could find,be speaking tonight at Galvin including representatives ofSyrian prime-minister Assad,"Life Science at 8 in room 283.A Beirut bureau chief for the said Gaffney. He added it is unCable News Network and pres- clear whether Levin escapedently a Woodrow Wilson Fellow because of his own ingenuity orat Princeton University, Jerry his wife's efforts.Levin was abducted by the Is"The mystery is whether helamic Jihad on March 7, 1984 escaped or was released inwhile walking to work in directly," said Gaffney. "MostBeirut. The militant Shi'ite observers feel that it was spegroup held him prisoner for 343 cial that he got away as opdays until February 1985.posed to a disguised release."Notre Dame had· a secret Anyway it is clear that Lucilleconnection in Levin's escape," Levin met her husband's capsaid Father Patrick Gaffney, tors."an assistant professor and aIslamic Jihad, a radicalMiddle East specialist.Shi'ite Muslim group issued aThatconnectionwas statement the week after theyLandrum Bolling, director of released Levin saying theythe Notre Dame Institute of decided to do so because theyEcumenical Studies in Israel, determined he was not a subwho was contacted by Levin's versive.wife and aided in Levin'sLevin's wife, who is very active in a church group in Washrelease.Frustrated with the State De- ington D.C., knew Landrumpartment efforts, Mrs. Levin Bolling, the former president ofbecame the first relative of a Earlham College (in Centralhostage to speak out publicly Indiana) and former executivein the news media, according of the Lilly Foundation, whichto Gaffney. Through her is an educationa}1 hilandropicchurch, she contacted Bollingsee LEVIN, page 4and flew with Bolling toBy SEAN S. HICKEYStaff ReporterStranger in the nightThe Observer I Jim CarrollIn the garb of a hobo, Joe Alfanso wields a stick toguard Sorin Hall Halloween night. The sinister sentinel was one of the many students who stalked thecampus Friday and Saturday nights in an adult reenactment of trick-or-treat.ND raises 2nd highest development amount everByKIMBERLYTRENNERSenior Staff ReporterNotre Dame's Department ofDevelopment raised 45.8 million dollars in fiscal 1987, thesecond highest amount ofmoney in the institution's history.The figure is only topped bythe 48.3 million raised in fiscal1986 and is almost double the 24.2 million received in fiscal1984. All of the money includedin these figures are cash contributions, not pledges."Notre Dame continues torank high on the list of privateuniversities in most fund-raising categories," JosephSandman, Director of Development for Notre Dame. Recentrankings place us first in support from parents, tenth in corporate matching gifts andseventeenth in total dollarsraised, according to Sandman.Sandman attributes the success of the fund-raising to newdevelopment programs. "Inthe last four years since Dr.Sexton,- the Vice President ofUniversity Relations, · hastaken over, we have implemented a number of new development programs which for thefirst time have given NotreDame a comprehensive developmentprogram,"saidSandman. "Some of the programs used for developmentare a strong annual fund program, a campaign once a decade and strong plannedgiving," added Sandman.Notre Dame is currentlyraising money for its 300 million campaign, 'Notre Dame:A Stategic Moment,' which wasannounced in May. It is thelargest fund-raising effort everundertaken by a Catholic university. At the end of fiscal1987, a total of 216 million, or72 percent, had been given orcommitted to the five yearcampaign. The money raised inthis campaign will go towardsbuildings, fellowships, scholarships and libraries.Regarding this year's fundraising, Sandman said, "Weexpect to increase the amountof cash we are going tosecure . We are shooting fora goal of 48 million.""We are definitely ahead oflast year's rate,'' he added.Sandman cited severalreasons for Notre Dame'stradition of generous supportfrom alumnae, parents, corporations and friends. "Our constituency endorses the missionof the university,'' he said."What we do is not beingpursued by other universities.We have a very strong under-graduate program which wewill not let suffer, unlike Harvard, Yale and other great research universities."Sandman said that peoplealso give to Notre Dame in order to help the Universityachieve its aim of being able tocompete with other great universities in the area of research. "We are strivingtowards excellence in graduateeducation and research,'' hesaid. "We know we have got toimprove.""The university is committed to the preservation of itsstrong Catholic character,''see FUNDS, page 54th district council race to revive old rivalryBy ERIC M. BERGAMOSenior Staff ReporterThe upcoming election forSouth Bend's 4th District citycouncil seat will be round 2 ina political rivalry that began in1983.Democratic incumbent AnnPuzzello seeks to return to thecouncil for a second term, running in opposition to Republican nominee Richard Heyde,whom she defeated in the lastrace four years ago. Puzzellowon 62 percent of the vote inthe 1983 election, surpassing South Bend and also has experience in managing a smallHeyde by 1,400 votes.This year in the Democratic business.primary, Puzzello won a closerace against challenger AlfredKirstis by 86 votes.The 4th District comprisesmost of the Northeast Neighborhood. The district is alsohome to Democratic mayoralnominee Joe Kernan.Puzzello, 46, is an elementary school teacher and agraduate of Illinois College.She obtained a master's degreePuzzello serves as chairmanfrom Indiana University at of the Public Safety Committeet987Voteon the council. She is also chairman of the Committee of theWhole.Heyde, 42, is employed as aregional marketing director. Agraduate of Indiana Universityat South Bend, Heyde worked10 years as a detective sergeantfor the county police.Puzzello is stressing effortsto relieve traffic flow problemson major streets that cross thedistrict in her campaign.Puzzello also lists efforts toalleviate crime and parties ofNotre Dame students in the"Five Points" area.Heyde is running on opposition to the Comm'unity OrientedPolice (COP) Program and isseeking to abolish the program.The COP program has established neighborhood police sectors. Heyde says the programhas been a failure in preventingan increase in criminal anddrug activity and a waste ofmoney.Puzzello has warned that theprogram would be costly to dissee RACE, page 5

r-------------------------------------- -In BriefAir Force Academy studentleaders and an Academyadministrator apologized to Leprechaun Brian Stark lastweek for incidents that occurred during the Oct. 17 gamein Colorado Springs. Academy cadets gave Stark a bloodynose and later blind-sided Stark, sending him into an aluminum bench. Stark said, however, he has no hard feelingstowards the cadets. "It was all in fun," he said, "I don'tresent that." -The ObserverOf InterestThe Grace Hall Debate topic for tonight is "Bigtime school athletics do not contribute significantly to theoverall education mission of American colleges." Thedebate is the second in the series of the debates. It willbe held tonight at 9 in the Grace hall pit and will be judgedby Athletic Director Richard Rosenthal. -The ObserverJunior Dogbook makeup pictures will be takentonight only from 6 to 10 in 307 LaFortune Student Center.This will be the last chance for juniors to get their picturetaken for the book. -The ObserverAmnesty International will be meeting at 6 p.m.at the Center for Social Concerns. The primary focus willbe Amnesty's annual write-a-thon. Anyone interested iswelcome to attend. Please note the time change. -TheObserverRock Over London tonight features Sting's newversion of the Jimi Hendrix song "Little Wing" as well asan interview and two new songs from The Alarm. This,along with other music from Supertramp, John Martyn,and the Style Council can be heard at midnight on 88.9WSND-FM. -The ObserverThe Finance Club will have a presentation on thechartered financial analysis program at 7 p.m. in 120Hayes-Healy. Professor Frank Reilly will lead thepresentation. -The ObserverTwo thousand students will be receiving the firstannual survey of the student body this week. All studentswho receive a survey are urged to complete it and returnit via campus mail before Friday, Nov. 13. The resultswill be released after Thanksgiving. -The ObserverNotre Dame chess club will meet tonight from 8to 10 in the Annapolis Room of the LaFortune StudentCenter. New members are welcome. -The Observer"How to Conduct an Effective Mail Campaign" isthe title of a presentation to be given by Paul Reynoldsof the Career and Placement Services office tonight at6:30 in 123 Nieuwland. Students of all majors and classesare invited to attend. This presentation will be repeatedtomorrow at 6:30p.m. in 122 Hayes-Healy. -The Observer ating Awareness Training Session I, entitled "What1 problema iceating? " will be held tomorrow night from6. 30 t? 7:30 m the Hab1g Lounge, 222 Moreau Hall at SaintMarys. The speaker will be Nancy Schoeneman, M.A.-The ObserverCAPP PMA Club presents Katherine Harbke fromElectromc Data Services. Harbke will discuss what EDScan offer you in a career. The presentation will be Tuesdayat 7 p.m. in 210 O'Shaughnessy. -The ObserverThe Baptist Student Union will sponser a prayergroup tomght at 7 in the Bulla House. For further information call Carla at 283-4380 or Nancy at 283-2841. nD.C. will be discussed by Nazih Daher at the end of theArabian History and Civilization class today in room 217O'Shaugnessy. -The Observer. Michael BucNews Editor. . Chris JulkaCopy Editor . Rachael JaroshSports Copy Editor . Rick RietbrockBusiness Page Editor . Steve ClaeysBuainess Page Layout . Heidi TraxlerViewpoint Copy Editor . Brian ConwayViewpoint Layout . Heidi TraxlerAccent Copy Editor . Kathy ScarbeckAccent Layout. . Katy KronenbergTypists. Jenn ConlonND Day Editor. . Beth CornwellAd Design . Mary Bridget Silk. Mary Ann RiordanPhotographer. Jim Carroll'ne OMener (USPS 599 2.COOO) is published Monday throush Friday exceptdurina cum and vacation periods. 'ne Oblenet' is published by the students of theUnivenity of Notre Dame and Saint Mary's Collqe. Subscriptions may be purchased for .40 per year ( 25 per semestet') by writins Tile OMinet', P.O. Box Q, NotreDame, Indiana 46556.'ne OMener is a member of 'ne Aaoclaled Praa. All reproduction rishts arereserved.------------Monday, November 2, 1987The Observerpage 2Design Editor . Jane Anne RiedfordDesign Assistant . Joe ZadroznyTypesetters . Becky Gunderman---- --Many tourists seem to beblinded by cameraflashesA friend of mine loves taking snapshots. Butshe pulls out her camera at the most awkwardtimes.Restaurant employees in at least three statesfear our approach because she always handsher camera to a waitress and insists she takea picture of the five or six of us gathered aroundone side of our dinner table. And the flash andcommotion bring stares from all over the room.Though the whole process annoys everyoneinvolved at least a little, she does accomplishsomething important. She captures a memory,and that's the whole point of snapshot photography. But some people let flash photographyblind them to the things they should be seeing.While in Washington, D.C., recently, Iwatched a bunch of tourists pile off a bus. Theyimmediately began scurrying around takingsnapshots. The scattered, lighted memorials ofthe mall in Washington, D.C., looked beautiful,but the pitch-black night guaranteed that noneof the tourists' photos would come out.At the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, a husband and wife stood in front of the statue of thethree soldiers. The couple complained about thepoor lighting on the statue. As the husbandfocused his camera, his wife told him to holdthe camera vertically because the statues weretall. Neither commented on the realism of thefigures or the deadness in their eyes. Neitherwalked behind the statue to see why the figureswere looking off to the side rather than straightahead.The figures were looking at the wall.No veterans wept at the wall that day. A family from the tour bus scrambled around with alist of six names a friend had given them. Theydidn't know anything about the people on thelist. Their goal was to find the six among thecolumns of names etched into the wall and makepencil and paper rubbings of them. Theyworked as fast as they could. No one in thefamily paused to think about why the nameswere on the wall. Neither parent bothered toexplain that those thousands of names were thenames of dead people.The family members did try to take closeupphotographs of the six names, something theymight look at later when they had time. But noone took a picture of the whole memorial. Infact, the beauty of the Vietnam VeteransMemorial is that it defies people who try to takeits picture.JimRileyNews EditorAs another visitor wandered toward thememorial, he found that trees and ropesprevented him from approaching the wall headon. If he'd had a camera, he couldn't have takena picture of the whole thing if he'd wanted to.He was forced to start at one end of the walland walk close to it where he could read thenames.The wall started as a small triangle at hisfeet. But as we walked along the wall, the sidewalk sloped downward and the wall becametaller as the triangle of black marble widened.The handful of names at his feet became anoverwhelming wall of names, and soon he haddescended so low that he could no longer seeover it. As he quickened his pace, the growingwall peaked and began to get smaller again.I watched him turn around as he reached theend of the wall. He gazed back in the directionof those thousands of names. And he saw dozensof nameless tourists, wasting film in the dark,taking pictures of things they had never reallyseen.Wish yQur friends a Happy Birthdaythrqugh Observer advertising.Call 239·5303fQr details.What happenswhen the worldof high financeA world of high success develops.Merrill Lynch is looking for candidateswith majors in Business, Lberal Arts andTedmical Subjects to join ourCorporate Systems ProgramWe Will Be On CampusTo Hold lnformatioo SessionsNovember 3,1987, 7:00to 9:00p.m.Morris Inn Alumni Roommeets the worldof high technology? Merrill LynchYour world should knowno boundaries.

page 3The ObserverMonday, November 2, 1987Radiation poisoningraises questionsAssociated PressANGRA DOS REIS, Brazil The radiation poisoning ofmore than 200 people has raisedserious questions about thegovernment's ability to controlits ambitious nuclear program,which includes the technologyfor atomic weapons.This vast nation of 138 millionpeople has one atomic powerplant on line -in the quiet fishing community of Angra dosReis -and two more planned.But it has no site for safely disposing of nuclear waste.The navy minister has announced plans to make fuel foratomic submarines, eventhough Brazil doesn't have anynuclear-powered subs.Last month's poisoning of 243people in the central city ofGoiania occurred just onemonth after President Jose Sarney proudly announced thatBrazil had mastered the technique of enriching uranium, anecessary step in building anatomic bomb.A scavenger took a capsule of the isotope cesium-137 froma partly demolished cancertreatment clinic. A junk dealerbroke open the 500-pound leadcasing and found about 3ounces of a phosphorescentpowder which he and othersconfused with catnival glitter.By late October, four peoplewho had rubbed the cesium ontheir bodies, including a 6-yearold girl, were dead. Sevenothers remain hospitalizedwith little chance of survival.It was considered the world'smost serious nuclear radiationincident since the 1986 disasterat the Chernobyl reactor in theSoviet Union that took morethan 30 lives.Rex Nazare, the president ofthe national Nuclear EnergyCommission, said on nationwide television the Goiania incident would not affect Brazil'snuclear program, which hedeclared safe."Our conscience is clear," hesaid.But many people say Brazil'sthrust into the atomic age isdownright dangerous.Open House: Thursday, November 5, 1987Senior Alwnni Club6:00 p.m - 8:00 p.mIIThe ObserveP'Jim CarrollThe Great PumpkinA iack-o-lantern grins at the North Quad from atoptain Saturday.the globe In the middle of the Clarke Memorial Foun-French 'lrangate' reportedAssociated PressPARIS -A scandal that somereports are calling the FrenchIrangate is brewing over thesale of munitions to Iran by aFrench arms manufacturerwith the alleged complicity ofhigh Defense Ministry officials.According to articles published over the weekend in thelocal press, an investigatingmagistrate in Paris is seekingto have a Defense Ministryreport on the sales declassifiedso charges can be broughtagainst several people.What is known as the "Luchaire Affair" involves the clandestine delivery of 450,000 artillery shells to Iran between1983 and 1986 under theofSocialistgovernmentPremier Laurent Fabius.Reports in two weeklynewsmagazinesimplicatehigh-ranking officials in the of-fice of former Defense MinisterCharles Hernu and say thateven President Francois Mitterrand knew about the sales,which contravened a government embargo on shipments toIran.In addition, a leftist newspaper reported Sunday in Beirutthat the Paris government under Fabius tried unsuccessfully to negotiate with Iran forthe release of French hostagesin Lebanon in exchange for a 3 million ransom.As-Safir quoted unidentifieddiplomatic sources as sayingFrance also agreed to provideIran with 500,000 heavy artillery shells, "but the deal collapsed at the last minute."Six Frenchmen are among 22foreigners missing in Lebanonand believed held hostage bypro-Iranian Shiite Moslem extremists.In addition, Anglican Churchenvoy Terry Waite of BritainCome on in . take a look at(y)our Future.As the percentage of personal computers on desktopsin businesses and homes escalates, more doors openfor you at CompuServe. FORTUNE 500 companies,government agencies, leading investment bankingfirms and forward-thinking individuals depend onus for computer-to-computer communications andInformation delivery. CompuServe is leading theinformation age, pioneering technology and itsapplication in business and home environments.vanished in January whileseeking the release of American hostages.A south Korean diplomat, DoChae Sung, was released lastweek after 21 months in captivity, reportedly for a 1 million ransom. The Seoul government, however, has deniedpaying any money to win Do'srelease.The French press articleswere based on a report titled"Confidential Defense" byJean-FrancoisBarba,comptroller-general of thearmies. According to thereport, cited by the weekly LePoint, "There is no doubt thatmembers of the office of theminister of defense covered upthis illegal export."Hernu, in a television interview, denied having been involved in illegal arms sales andsaid the news articles werepart of a smear campaign bythe governing conservativesThe Luchaire Affair, whichtakes its name from the armscompany involved, broke inFebruary 1986 when the Cherbourg newspaper La Presse dela Manche revealed that in 1985two Bahamas-registered cargoships mane voyages with morethan 140,000 155mm and 203mmshells to the Iranian port ofBandar Abbas. NIORS Photograp rs neededIlMarketing Trainee Program.Marketing Trainees attend a summer program atCompuServe's corporate headquarters before joiningone of 30 branch offices in major cities across thecountry. CompuServe's Marketing Trainee Programprovides extensive instruction in the informationindustry, product applications, sales and marketingstrategy. 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----- - - - - - - ----- ---------Monday, November 2, 1987The Observerpage 4NSC advisor expectstreaty to be passedAssociated Presstake on the treaty directly, andI think there are others whomight take it on by indirection . They might well suggest various reservations oramendments that would, ineffect, kill it," Cranston said onNBC-TV's "Meet the Press."Sen. Richard Lugar, aleading Republican and amember of the Senate ForeignRelations Committee, alsopredicted some tough sailing inthe Senate for an INF treaty.WASHINGTON -National security adviser Frank Carluccisaid Sunday that a U.S.-Sovietaccord on intermediate-rangenuclear missiles is "98 percentof the way there" and predictedSenate ratification.However, a leading SenateDemocrat warned that the superpower pact could bedoomedifconservativeRepublicans tamper with it byattaching amendments on issues like the Soviet occupation"I think there are a numberof Afghanistan.of Republican senators and"I do think that there could they'll be a few Democrats whobe problems," said Sen. Alan · are not in favor of any treatyCranston, D-Calif., the Senate with the Soviet Union, feel it'sDemocratic whip who is also a unverifiable, unenforceable,"member of the Senate Foreign the Indiana Republican said onRelations Committee and the ABC-TV's "This Week withSelect Committee on Intelli- David Brinkley."gence.Lugar said he is "inclined to"There are 15-20 very conser- favor the treaty," but is holdingvative Republican senators off a final decision until he seeswho I think are very likely to the finished version.The Observer I Jim CarrollMasked hordesMany students show their true colors via their costumes at a party on Taylor street Saturday evening.Large groups of masked figures loomed on and offcampus te celebrate Halloween.Ginsburg may have had conflict of interest in case"It is a First Amendmentrights case that had economicconsequences to it. . ," said aformer federal ethics officialWASHINGTON - SupremeCourtnomineeDouglasfamiliar with the cable case butGinsburg had almost 140,000not with Ginsburg's role in it.invested in a cable television"If I'm holding cable stock,corporation when he "perthat is a good thing for me."sonally handled" a Justice DeGinsburg, nominated bypartment effort to have theThe Supreme Court, on June President Reagan to succeedhigh court extend First Amend- 2, 1986, adopted Ginsburg's retired Justice Lewis Powell onment protection to cable arguments in a decision that the court, apparently did not vioperators.willreducegovernment olate criminal conflict of interAn administration source regulation of cable operators. est laws because the companyAssocaited Pressclose to Ginsburg said Sundaythat Ginsburg did not raise thepossibility of staying out of thecase with Justice Departmentsuperiors or with agency ethicsofficers. He said Ginsburg discussed the situation with subordinates.in which he invested was not adirect party to the case eventhough it could benefit from theruling.But ethics experts saidGinsburg's actions could beviewed as skirting a presidential executive order forbiddingactions that create an appearance of a conflict or offavoritism. Violation of that order carries administrativepenalties, such as a letter ofreprimand or suspnsion.Ginsburg himself declinedcomment. But speaking on hisbehalf Sunday night, JusticeDepartment spokesman TerryEastland said Ginsburg "considered at the time the possibility of staying out of the .case.""Mr. Ginsburg decided thathe could properly participatebecause the case before thecourt did not involve the company in which he had a financial interest," Eastland said.''WHY A CAREERIN PUBLIC ACCOU-NTING?''Speaker:Peter R. Scanlon,Chairman of Coopers & Lybrandan international Big Eightpublic accounting firmDate: November 2, 1987Time: 4:15p.m.Place: Hayes-Healy AuditoriumRoom 122Everyone is welcome andencouraged TO ATTEND!!!

Monday, November 2, 1987Levincontinued from page 1foundation in Indianapolis, according to Levin.Father Gaffneyadded: "Lucille Levin's persistence and beliefs in reconciliation and peace were probablyinstrumental in saving her husband's life. But we'll neverknow. It is a human story:her's as well a his."Bolling currently is directorof the Institute of EcumenicalRacecontinued from page 1mantle and a better solutionwould be to change the operation of the program.Puzzello also supports councilman redistricting after the1990 census that preservesneighborhood boundaries.In the race for at-large citycouncilman is Democraticnominee Sean Coleman, whohas proposed an eight-pointplan for better relations be-The Observerpage 5Studies which is run by NotreDame in a suburb of Jerusalemcalled Tantur. Said Gaffney,"His expertise is the MiddleEast so he's active in peacework and similar reconciliatory efforts. He is a wellknown figure with lots of contacts in that complex world."Levin will also discuss theCNN (Cable News Network) internship. "It's a hands-on fellowship with the opportunity towork at CNN headquarters inWashington D.C.," said FatherGaffney.tween off-campus students andSouth Bend residents.The plan includes establishment of an off-campus centerfor coordinating student programs, designation of an offcampus housing coordinatorand the assignment of a councilman to the university's taskforce on community relations.Creation of a "weekend warriors" group of student volunteers is also proposed by Coleman. The group would promoteresponsible socializing andhelp with trash and publicsafety problems.BUY OBSERVER CLASSIFIEDS-'The Observer I ZoltanUryGod, Country, Notre Dame footballIs anything sacred anymore? Well, at least footballis. Members of the Notre Dame cheerleading squadORDER EARLY FORFORMAL DANCESdress as nuns while entertaining the crowd at theNavy game Saturday.Fundscontinued from page 1Corsages and Boutonnieres have to be:·?:·}.:·:::.:·:::.:· :·:· :·:·:::.:·.:::·:.:.:· :·:·:::.::::.:· :·:·:::.::::.:· :·::::.:·:.:.:· :·:· :·:·:::.::::.:·.::.:· :·:· :·:·:::.:·:::.:· :·:·:::.:· :·:· :·:·::::·::: eportFrum '\umhl·r Om· Wall Stn l'lMeet The People WhoAre Meeting Today'sBanking Challenges.Hne at In Ill!! Tru t. indi\ idual idea hecome real it throu!!h teamwork. Our approad1 i toutilileL'\·eryone \ pL'cial trL"ngth to mL"et the di\'l'r efmancial nL"L"d of our L'LI\tlllner worldwide. We otTer achallenging working em· ironment whne teamwork i the corner tone of our hu ine philo ophy.In ing Tru t i headquartered at One Wall Street in theheart of j\;ew York Cit)\ financial di tril'l. Think ahouthegi ming your career in the world\ mn t CXL'iting L'ity said Sandman. He said hebelieves that people supportthis committment. "We thinkthat Notre Dame is the OI).lyCatholic university that has theendowment and national constituency that we do and whocan really compete with thegreat research universities,"he said.Sandman also noted the importance of the effect whichstrong leadership at NotreDame has had on the traditionof giving. "Father . Hesburghand Father Beauchamp wereleaders,"saidstrongSandman. "Father Malloy is astrong leader," he added."Under his leadership for thefirst time a campaign was hetawhich brought people tocampus to talk about raisingmoney," Sandman said.Last year's heavy donationsare also due in part to theretirements of Father Resburgh and FatherJoycesaid Sandman. "The retirements drew lots of attentionand caused us to receive increased gifts," he said.The success of the footballteam indirectly affects theamount of funds raised. "Onthe short term, there is no significant relationship betweenthe success of the football teamand the amount of fundsraised,"saidSandman."However," he added, "on thelong term it has got to helpyou . The athletic programkeeps the university in thepublic's eye," said Sandman.UNITED WAYDRIVEAn equal opportunity cmplo) cr ml f/ h/ \.Mel't withu .We'll he oncampu :Date: Wednesday,November 4, 1987Time: 8:00-10:00 pmPlace: University ClubUpper LoungeSUPPORT THE UNITED WAY!Irving TrustSPONSORED BY - 1-

.------ ---.-Monday, November 2, 1987The Observerpage 6Campaign launched Security Beatagainst pornographyAssociated PressKANSAS CITY, Mo. -Theopening shots in a war againsthard-core pornography -a 300,000 campaign includingbillboards, a newspaper insertand a TV program -have beenfired in Kansas City by activists who say tHeir target isdehumanizing and dangerous.Their critics, however, saythe group is using scare tacticsand exaggerating the problemto arouse the public, and theyraise the specter of censorshipdown the road.The anti-porn drive was atest, organizers said. A nationa! group may take the campaign throughout the country,depending on its evaluation ofthe Kansas City effort.The campaign launched overthe past month by the NationalCoalition Against Pornographyand its local affiliate urgedpeople to Stand Together Opposing Pornography, or STOP.It featured 80 billboards, a twohour television program, dir

be speaking tonight at Galvin Life Science at 8 in room 283. A Beirut bureau chief for the Cable News Network and pres ently a Woodrow Wilson Fellow at Princeton University, Jerry Levin was abducted by the Is lamic Jihad on March 7, 1984 while walking to work in Beirut. The militant Shi'ite group held him prisoner for 343

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Page 1 of 32 References KJV NIV, NASB, et al. 2 Peter 1:21 holy men men Matthew 25:31 holy angels angels 1 Thessalonians 5:27holy brethren brethren Revelation 22:6 holy prophets prophets Revelation 18:20 holy apostles and prophets apostles and prophets John 7:39 Holy Ghost Spirit 1 Corinthians 2:13 Holy Ghost Spirit Matthew 12:31 Holy Ghost Spirit Acts 6:3 Holy Ghost SpiritFile Size: 336KBPage Count: 32