The Australian Online Landscape Review

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STATE OF THE ONLINE LANDSCAPEJanuary 2015Welcome to the January 2015 edition of Nielsen’s Online Landscape Review.The online landscape in January saw Australians spend 36 hours online over 62sessions; with 39 billion minutes spent online with 28 billion pages viewed.Compared to December, the average consumer spent 1.5 more hours browsing and1 extra session as the new year commenced.In this months’ edition we investigate the following category:Copyright 2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Travel with a specific focus on multi-category travel.Also, please note the updates for this month: Nielsen Online Ratings – Monthly Update Report Online Campaign Ratings Interface Child’s Play: Connected Aussie Kids Spend Up To Equivalent Of Three School DaysOnline Every WeekIf you’d like to know more about any of the insights presented within this report,please contact your Nielsen Account Manager directly or email Nielsen Online Ratings – Hybrid, January 2015; Nielsen Market Intelligence, January 20152


AT A GLANCE: THE ONLINE LANDSCAPEJanuary 201528 billion viewed pages.Copyright 2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.39 billion minutes spent.36 hours spent online, across 62 sessionsper person.18,011,000 people were actively surfing online.Indicates growth or decline based on the previous monthSource: Nielsen Online Ratings – Hybrid, January 20154

TOP 10 BRANDS AND THEIR ENGAGEMENTCopyright 2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.January ge Views(000s)Active Reach(%)Sessions PerPersonTime Per 10:48Including web-based applications5Source: Nielsen Online Ratings – Hybrid, January 2015

TOP 10 BRANDS AND THEIR ENGAGEMENTJanuary 2015100Bubble Size Time ive Reach (%)706050Copyright 2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and !720Apple10PayPalSessions per Person005101520253035406 of the top 10 sites experienced significant increases in engagement since December.This is exemplified by Wikipedia, eBay and YouTube with growth in time per person of 16%, 14% and 13% respectively.This spurt in browsing time correlates with the end of vacation period.Source: Nielsen Online Ratings – Hybrid, January 20156

HYBRID SURFING: AGE DEMOGRAPHICS ONLINEThe 18 million active online audience in Australia during January 2015 can be brokendown as follows:2-17Percentage of OnlineAustralians8.6%18-2425-3435-4950 3740:0340:3438:391,64037:03Copyright 2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.Average Page Views PerPersonAverage Time Per Person*Accompanying the new year is growth in all age groups bar those 50 .Notably, teens and young adults have displayed marked increases in time per person.Those aged 2-17 browsed an extra 2 hours, whilst those aged 18-24 browsed an extra 4 hours on average.Indicates growth or decline based on the previous month*HH:MMSource: Nielsen Online – Hybrid, January 20157

GENDER BREAKDOWN – ACTIVE UNIVERSE9,274,000 UA50 50 8%Copyright 2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.35-4925-3418-248,738,000 %8


HYBRID STREAMING KEY ONLINE STATISTICSJanuary 20153.2 billion streams watched.Copyright 2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.5.9 billion minutes streamed.7 hours and 15 minutes spentstreaming per person.13,472,000 people were actively streaming online.Indicates growth or decline based on the previous monthSource: Nielsen Online Ratings – Hybrid, January 201510

HYBRID STREAMING: TOP 10 BRANDS BY AUDIENCECopyright 2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.January 2015UniqueAudienceRankBrandUnique Audience (000s)Total StreamsTime Per 4Vimeo 0:08:4369NEWS :08:108Yahoo!71,06810,85800:30:549ABC 601:34:38Including web-based applicationsSource: Nielsen Online Ratings – Hybrid, January 201511

TOP BRANDS COMPARISON – HYBRID STREAMINGJanuary 2015, Unique Audience (000)Copyright 2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.JanuaryDecember1 4%YouTube10,465YouTube2 au6-13%9NEWS Websites7-30%8-7%910Vimeo Websites3,0452,2395,962VEVO3,374Vimeo,1209NEWS % ABC Online Network995ABC Online NetworkDailymotion731Dailymotion-3%10,065As the holiday season wounddown, unique audience for thetop 10 sites decreased, withnotable falls experienced bynews and current affairs sites.This drop can be attributed toviewership normalising afterthe spike in news and currentaffairs in December.While not ranking in the top10, it is worth noting that SBSjumped in unique audiencefigures by 81%, pulling in541,000 people this month.75112

GENDER BREAKDOWN – HYBRID STREAMINGCopyright 2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.6,758,000Number of Streaming Australians6,714,0001,304,861Total Streams Viewed (000s)1,901,300193Streams per person28306:51:38Time Per Person (HH:MM:SS)07:40:09Australians streamed more video content this month compared to last month. Both genders reported increases with an additional67 million streams for females and 118 million streams more for males. Despite growth in the amount of total streams viewed,Australians spent less time watching video content with the average male dropping 20 minutes of viewing time and the averagefemale 50 minutes . This indicates that there may be more shorter videos being streamed.13

HYBRID STREAMING: AGE DEMOGRAPHICS ONLINEJanuary 20152-17Percentage of OnlineAustralians7.5%25-3435-4950 8.9%19.8%28.6%35.2%18-241,640Copyright 2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.37:03Average Streams PerPerson299415344185164Average Time Per Person*9:1710:349:137:025:04Further illustrating the proliferation of streaming media, Australians aged 2 to 34 experienced a rise in average streams per person.Specifically, those aged 2-17 streamed 21% more than last month, with the 18-24 and 25-34 age groups both streaming 11% more.Indicates growth or decline based on the previous month*HH:MMSource: Nielsen Online – Hybrid, January 201514


DEVICE TYPE COMPARISON (EXCLUDING APPLICATIONS)January 2015 – Market Domain – Domestic Traffic17%1%63% of total average dailyDESKTOPunique browsers came fromportable devices.36%SMARTPHONETotal Average DailyUnique BrowsersTABLET59% increase since AprilOTHER2014 in total average daily uniquebrowsers from portable LET2,000,000* Other is a sum of Console, Others and Unclassified UN-14MAY-140APR-14Copyright 2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.10,000,000Source: Nielsen Online Ratings - Market Intelligence January 201516

DEVICE TYPE COMPARISON (EXCLUDING APPLICATIONS)January 2014 – Market Domain – Domestic Traffic14%1%59% of total online sessionsDESKTOPcame from portable devices40%SMARTPHONETotal SessionsTABLET67% increase since AprilOTHER46%2014 in total online sessions fromportable TABLET100,000,000* Other is a sum of Console, Others and Unclassified UN-14MAY-140APR-14Copyright 2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.500,000,000Source: Nielsen Online Ratings - Market Intelligence January 201517


SNAPSHOT: MULTI-CATEGORY TRAVELSites in the travel category experienced a boost in numbers following on from December. 9 out of the top 10sites in this category reported significant growth in unique audience with 5 of these sites reporting markedincreases in time per person.Notably, Virgin Travel and Tourism and travel affiliate Priceline Network experienced growth in unique audienceof 48.20% and 33.96% respectfully.In terms of time per person, Expedia, Priceline Network and TripAdvisor reported increases of 45.22%, 26.39%and 23.05% respectfully.Copyright 2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.These figures indicate that during the month of January, more Australians browsed travel related sites forlonger periods of time in contrast to December.UA % changeTPP % changeTime Per PersonSessions ique Audience(000)TripAdvisorPriceline Network2,6891,783 21.29%Virgin Travel & Tourism 33.96%00:20:4900:20:02 23.05% 26.39%3.072.481,479 48.20%00:13:02 - TravelFlight CentreTraveller1,0851,0471,002768710 25.87% 23.05%00:16:4200:18:5900:07:3300:08:4700:08:07 45.22% el Ad Network461 0.22%00:06:38-32.77%1.84Orbitz Worldwide Network404 33.33%00:08:24-6.84%1.88Note: The data is representative of surfing only. 28.47%-11.48% 21.52%Source: Nielsen Online Ratings – Hybrid Surfing, December & January 201519

TREND: MULTI-CATEGORY TRAVELUnique Audience: August 2014 – January NE NETWORKVIRGIN TRAVEL & 2014AUG-2014Copyright 2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.0WEBJETAfter a seasonal Christmas decline, the travel category reached its highest audience levels since August last year.TripAdvisor increased significantly, with a boost of 37% month on month, followed closely by Expedia, withgrowth of 35% as Australians quickly resumed the search for their next holiday.Note: The data is representative of surfing only.Source: Nielsen Online Ratings – Hybrid Surfing, August & January 201520


NIELSEN ONLINE RATINGS –MONTHLY CLASSIFICATION UPDATE (FOR CLIENTS)Copyright 2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.The Nielsen Online Ratings – Update report is a monthly report which provides the IAB and clients anoutline of changes made to entities listed in Online Ratings each month.The report will be available in the Nielsen Answers portal under AUST Custom Reports Nielsen OnlineRatings – Updates on the 6th of each month.The excel report comprises of four spreadsheets: Parent Brand Channel Updates : includes changes/additions to parent/brand/channel names anddefinitions.Categorisation Updates : includes changes in categorisation or new brands/channels added to acategory.Custom Roll-up Updates : includes changes/additions to custom roll-upsNotices : includes notices of any significant issues or changes22

ONLINE CAMPAIGN RATINGS INTERFACECopyright 2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.On January 26, Nielsen released a refreshed interface for Online Campaign Ratings thatfeatures new functionalities and visualizations to make the user experience more intuitiveand insightful. The previous Online Campaign Ratings interface will be retired on March 31,2015.New features include: A homepage dashboard displaying an overview of all campaigns, including statusalerts on specific campaigns Dynamic charts and graphs in addition to exportable tables of campaign data (CSV orExcel formats) Enhanced search capabilities to easily find campaigns by ID or name Scheduled email reports with the new Report Builder Self-serve campaign setup!23

ONLINE CAMPAIGN RATINGS t 2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.REPORTFILTERSREPORTING24

CHILD’S PLAY: CONNECTED AUSSIE KIDS SPEND UPTO EQUIVALENT OF THREE SCHOOL DAYS ONLINEEVERY WEEKThe time Australian kids and teensspend online has increasedexponentially over the past seven years.Copyright 2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.Connected youths aged 2-15 years arespending an average of 11.5 hours withthe Internet each week, increasingthree-fold since 2007.And the older they become, the moretime they spend online.To read the rest of the article, click here.To learn more about the AustralianE-Generation Report, click here.25 8873 7000

Brand Unique Audience (000s) Total Streams Time Per Person (hh:mm:ss) 1 YouTube 10,465 1,647,909 04:51:53 . TRIPADVISOR PRICELINE NETWORK VIRGIN TRAVEL & TOURISM EXPEDIA WEBJET TREND: MULTI-CATEGORY TRAVEL Unique Audience: August 2014 - January 2015

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