GUIDEFebruary 6, 2022Wedding Guide is published by The Republic.EDITORKeely SpitlerWRITERSGreg Seiter, Jon Shoulders,Lyndsey WolfeFor editorial content,contact Keely Spitlerin The Republic specialpublications department at812-379-5624 or by emailat kspitler@therepublic.com.For advertising content,contact The Republicadvertising department at812-379-5652.Wedding Guide, c/o TheRepublic, 2980 N. NationalRoad, Suite A, Columbus,IN 47201 2022 by AIM MediaIndiana, LLC. All RightsReserved.Reproduction of stories,photographs andadvertisements withoutpermission is prohibited.Stock images provided byAdobe Stock.WEDDING CHECKLIST4Wedding party roles6Countdown to the big day7Wedding budget10FEATURES8121822Wedding ring trendsTrends in cateringPandemic honeymoonsDecoration tipsTHE REPUBLIC3
CHECKLISTwedding party rolesA wedding can be a wonderfuland memorable experience forall of those involved. That’s whyyou ask friends or relatives toshare in the event and serve inyour wedding party. Your offeris a wonderful honor, one thatcarries with it varying degreesof responsibility depending onthe role each person will beplaying. To help you decidewhom to ask to be in yourwedding party, here is a listof titles and responsibilitiesfor each participant’s role.4Maid of HonorBest ManThe maid of honor is a role typically filled by a sister or a veryclose friend. It is the equivalent of the groom’s best man. Themaid of honor’s role, therefore, is typically very involved.Among her many responsibilities, the maid of honor accompanies the bride on shopping trips for her wedding dress whilealso planning the bridal shower, bachelorette party and coordinating the bridal party gift for the bride. Also, the maid ofhonor helps the bride get dressed on her wedding day, holds thegroom’s wedding ring during the wedding and may also help inthe writing of invitations. The maid of honor will also typicallyact as a witness to the wedding and dance with the best man atthe reception. If the woman you’re asking is married, her titlewill be matron of honor.Perhaps the most well-known responsibilities of the best manare organizing the bachelor party and giving the toast at thereception. But the best man, who is typically a brother or bestfriend of the groom, also has a slew of other responsibilities.In addition to helping the groom choose his tuxedo and getdressed before the wedding, the best man coordinates the couple’s gift from the groomsmen and takes care of the newlyweds’transportation to the airport after the reception or the nextmorning. The best man may also hold onto any payment that’sdue to the reception site or the donation for the house of worship, and take care of any final financial details. He also holdsthe bride’s wedding ring during the ceremony.GUIDE
BridesmaidsWe have want you need to createthe perfect day.Along with walking in the wedding procession, bridesmaids attend the shower and contribute to the bridal gifts.Bridesmaids, who are typically sisters or friends of thebride or groom, also dance with the groomsmen during thereception. To be further involved, each can be given specificroles, like reading a religious passage at the ceremony, providing assistance with choosing wedding vendors or helpingto address wedding invitations.14’x14’ to 30’x90’ TentsRound or Banquet TablesTan or White ChairsTable and Chair LinensFlower GirlIf the bride has a sister who is especially young, that sistertypically fills the role of flower girl. Since most flower girlsare very young, their responsibilities are generally limitedto carrying a basket of flowers during the processional and,depending on the bride’s preference, tossing flower petalson the ground to mark the bride’s entrance.Parents of the BrideThe bride’s parents may be responsible for hosting thewedding, if they will be completely financially responsiblefor the event. In some cases, the father of the bride escortshis daughter down the aisle alone, but in other instancesor in religious ceremonies, both parents may accompanythe bride. In all cases, it’s her preference. The mother of thebride may help fund or contribute to the planning of thebridal shower if the maid of honor needs assistance. Theseparents may also foot the cost of an engagement party ordinner to meet the groom’s family.GroomsmenGroomsmen are the male equivalent of the bridesmaids,typically having nearly identical responsibilities. Sometimes, groomsmen can act as ushers for guests arriving atthe ceremony. Groomsmen walk in the wedding processional and attend and help organize the bachelor party, aswell.Ring BearerLike the flower girl, the ring bearer is a very young memberof the family, only the ring bearer is a male. The ring bearer’s role is to carry a pillow with the rings sewn on it duringthe processional. Some couples choose to have the ringbearer and the flower girl walk next to one another duringthe processional.Parents of the Groom1800 S. WALNUT ST. SEYMOUR 812-522-41812885 N. HWY. 3 NORTH VERNON 812-346-3627IN-35094407The groom’s parents should host a rehearsal dinner priorto the wedding. They may also choose to contribute to thewedding if they desire. In most cases, the groom’s parentshave limited responsibilities, but can be involved as much asthe wedding couple would like. Traditionally, the groom’smother confers with the bride’s mother on what color gownshe is wearing, so as not to go with the same shade. Thegroom’s parents may walk down the aisle in advance of therest of the wedding processional and take their seats.GOECKERS.COMTHE REPUBLIC5
COUNTDOWN TO THE BIG DAYCHECKLISTTo help you get a better understanding of how to plan a wedding and whenyou should be making certain decisions, here’s a time frame you can followthat should ensure that your wedding goes off as smoothly as possible.10 to 12 Months Before4 to 5 Months Before1 to 2 Months BeforeIf you haven’t done it already, this is agood time to announce your engagementand introduce your respective families.Since most reception halls and churcheshave busy wedding schedules, it is alsoimportant to book both as early as possible, preferably at least a year in advance ofyour wedding day. It’s also a good idea tostart putting together a guest list aroundthis time and ask your parents whomthey’d like to invite as well. Also, sinceyour budget will determine just about every aspect of your wedding, sitting downand determining what you can spend anddeveloping a savings plan should be firstand foremost.This is a good time to decide on weddinginvitations, of which there are manystyles to choose from. Also, now is idealto start hunting for a wedding cake bysampling a number of different bakeries’cakes before ultimately making a decision.Just to be sure, confirm that all of thebridesmaids have ordered their gowns andstart looking for a tuxedo for the groomas well as the groomsmen. If you haven’tdone so already, purchase your weddingrings and let any other people you’d liketo participate in your wedding (ushers,readers during the ceremony, etc.) knowof your intentions.Schedule the first bridal-gown fitting.Also finalize the readings you’d preferduring the ceremony and mail them outto anyone who has agreed to do a reading.If your family prefers to host a smallgathering for close family and friendsafter the wedding rehearsal, the nightbefore the wedding, this is a good time toorder any food or drinks you might wantto serve that night, or make a restaurantreservation.2 to 3 Months Before6 to 9 Months BeforeThis is the time when you want to startbooking some services, such as a florist,caterer, a DJ/band and a photographer.However, some of the more experiencedDJs and bands, as well as photographers,might have their schedules booked a yearin advance, so this might be somethingyou’ll want to consider doing shortly afteryou get engaged and choose a date. Also,this is a good time to inform any guestswho will be traveling significant distancesof the date of your wedding. The earlieryour guests can book a flight, the lessexpensive that flight will be.This is also a good time to order gowns forboth the bride and bridesmaids, as somemanufacturers require a few months toship to bridal shops. You might want toask someone, such as your priest or rabbi,to be the officiant of your wedding. Andmuch like out-of-town guests will savetravel dollars the earlier they learn of yourwedding date, you will likely save money,too, if you book your honeymoon aroundthis time.6GUIDEFinalize your guest list and mail out yourinvitations. If your guest list includesa considerable amount of people whoare spread out geographically, mail theinvitations as close to 12 weeks in advanceas possible. This is also a good time to finalize your menu choices for your guests,and find all your wedding accessoriessuch as the ring pillow, candles, etc. Also,since it is tradition to provide gifts forthose in the wedding party as well as theparents of the bride and groom, this isa good time to decide on and purchasethose gifts. Just to be safe, confirm that allgroomsmen have ordered their tuxedosand finalize all transportation, both to andfrom the wedding and to the airport foryour honeymoon.3 to 4 Weeks BeforeConfirm your honeymoon arrangementsand see if your wedding rings are ready.This is also when you should get yourmarriage license and check the guest listto see who has and hasn’t RSVP’d. Forthose who have yet to RSVP, you mightwant to contact them so you can get acloser idea of what the head count will be.You should also prepare and order yourwedding program around this time.1 to 2 Weeks BeforeGet a final attendance count and submitit to the caterer as soon as you know of it,while also providing a final seating chart.Pick up the wedding gown and tuxedo.Make sure the wedding party picks uptheir attire. Also, finalize your vows andconfirm all wedding-day details such astransportation, photo schedules and addresses. And don’t forget to pack for yourhoneymoon.The Day BeforeThis is mainly when you rehearse for theceremony and make any final confirmations you might have to make. Also, makesure to get some sleep so you’ll look goodin all of your wedding-day photos.
CHECKLISTweddingbudgettotal wedding budget CeremonyFlowersLocation feeCeremonyOfficiant feeBride’s bouquetMarriage licenseBridesmaids’ bouquetsRingsCorsages & boutonnieresPillowReception centerpiecesTotal CeremonyFlower girl basketReceptionBathroom arrangementsTotal flowersReception siteFoodPhotographyDrinksPhotographer’s feesRentalsVideographer’s feesCakeTotal photographyFavorsTotal yMakeupHairTuxedoShoesCuff linksMen’s groomingTotal attireBuses/transport for guestsTotal ageThank-you cardsTotal stationeryGiftsWedding partyParentsOtherTotal giftsMusicCeremony musiciansBand/DJExtra musiciansHoneymoonAccommodationsFoodTotal honeymoonTotal musicTHE REPUBLIC7
sensationstory By Jon ShouldersLocal jewelers offerpersonal toucheswith customringsTHE REPUBLIC9
The moment of your engagement,the period leading up to yourwedding day, and of course thebig day itself, all comprise a trulyspecial time of life. It followsthat you and your loved onemight want custom weddingrings to reflect such a uniquetime, and signify yourcompanionship moving forward.But where to start? With so manystyle, size, shape, carat weight,metal and texture options outthere, what’s the best approachfor a custom ring?10GUIDEF“First, let the internet be your friendif you’re right in the early stages,”suggests Jeff Johnson, owner of Greenwood-based J.L. Johnson Fine Jewelers.“A lot of the time people will walk inwith a deer-in-headlights look, andthe first thing we do is ask if their significant other has a Pinterest page orsomething like that. It’s a good placeto go to be reminded of the person’sinterests and passions, and find a common theme.”For those with an original idea thatthey’ve never seen on a website, in amagazine or elsewhere, simply sketching the rough concept on paper for ajeweler can get the process rolling.“Drawing a picture can really helpus start getting a design together, soit doesn’t have to be a design you’venecessarily seen anywhere,” says DianaJacobs, owner of J&W Fine Jewelry inColumbus. “It does help though if youhave some kind of picture, whetherthat’s something from the internet orsomewhere else, representing someform of style that you like.”Johnson says that even after decidingon an idea, it can be tempting to keepresearching to make improvementsand enhancements to your concept —but once you have a gut feeling, stickwith it.“You could go on adjusting whatyou want over and over, but wetell customers that once they havea general theme, pull the triggerand let us move forward,” he says.Many jewelers including J.L.Johnson are able to incorporatea client’s ideas into a computer-aided software designprogram, to render a rotatableimage for client review. Customers having trouble formulating aspecific custom idea can provideseveral examples of existingrings they like, and the jewelercan often combine those ideasinto a visual rendering to help theprocess along.“Typically after that, we cando 3D printing and print a waxmodel, then lay the center stonein, and the customer can reallysee if it’s what they envisioned,”Johnson says. “They can try it outon the finger, although they are abit fragile because it’s wax resin.”Johnson adds that it’s commonfor jewelers to work consistently with designers, whetherin-house or outsourced, asthe popularity for customjewelry has steadily increasedthroughout the years.“We have a lot of bridal designers we work with, and mostof them will modify just aboutany ring they have because theyrealize we can’t throw chocolate,vanilla and strawberry shakes onthe table as the only options, so tospeak,” he says.Doug Corbin, sales managerat McGee and Company Fine Jewelers in Greenwood, says couplesoften have specific reasons theyare taking the custom route,such as a diamond that has beenpassed down as an heirloom.“If there’s something special orsignificant about why they wantto make a ring from scratch, thena good conversation about thatreason can get things going forus,” Corbin says. “Many times,ideas about what the ring shouldlook like will come from thoseconversations.”Current trendsWhat about current trends inboth custom and non-custom
“For the last 20 years there’sbeen an urge to throw as manydiamonds into a ring as possible,with as much sparkle as possible. Almost overnight, with helpfrom things like Instagram, thescene changed to a much moreconservative solitaire, and thenalso cool, creative, stackablebands. This year should bevery cool to see what folks dowith that.”On the men’s side, wood-inlay bands and whiskey-barrelbands have started to share thelimelight, although traditional,simple bands, whether in gold oralternative metals like titaniumor tungsten, remain desirable.“In the old days everybodygot a plain gold band like theirdad wore, and then the alternative metals came out,” Johnsonsays. “We carry a metal calledtantalum, and we’ve seen ahuge f lux to that.”Ultimately, it’s usually bestto let your creativity — andyour heart — guide you towardsthat perfect ring, and communicate as much as possible withyour jeweler along the way inorder to arrive at the desiredresult.“It’s really about listening tothe customer, and them listening to us,” Corbin says. “Get asmuch information to the jeweleras you can and we’ll figure it outtogether.”Now Booking for2022 & 2023Weddings Reunions& Corporate EventsCall Today:(812) 302-3838Or visit us online:MillRaceEvents.comLocated in beautiful Mill Race ParkColumbus, IndianaWedding photography courtesy jackiesantanaphotography.comTHE REPUBLICIN-35094293rings? Although streamlined,vintage-style pieces remain indemand and likely always willbe, local professionals are alsoseeing clients branch out fromtraditional styles.“Recently everyone’s goingfor funky styles, and peoplelike different geometric-shapeddiamonds a lot,” Jacobs says,adding that colored gemstoneshave also become popular, inlieu of diamond center stones(à la Kate Middleton). “Vintageis the most popular right nowthough. Also, a lot of peopleare setting their diamondseast to west, so the stone is sethorizontally on the ring. That’sa beautiful look.”Johnson has seen an increased push towards rose goldin recent years, and says demand for halo styles has startedto wane somewhat.“Trends like the rose gold aregreat, but I always tell people,when it comes to the trends, thatyour rings will be there in 10years, 20 years and 30 years, sokeep that in mind,” he says.Practicality has played a rolein what Corbin has seen in thepast two years as a shift towardstyles that are simple yet distinctive.“You’ve got people who arenurses or teachers and they wantsomething they can work all dayin comfortably,” Corbin says.11
VarietyLocal cateringcompanies offerspecialized/personalizedexperiencesstory By Lyndsey wolfeOne of the most enjoyable and simultaneously stressful parts of a wedding to planis the food. With so many different guestpreferences and dietary restrictions, it’shard to make everyone happy and still staywithin budget. Local catering specialistsare familiar with recent trends and canprovide delicious dining options that meetall your culinary needs.Chef Chip Huckaby, executive chefand operations manager at SmokehouseCatering Company, said a popular choicefor providing a variety of snacks to pleasemany guests is a charcuterie board.“The charcuterie board puts a lot ofoptions out there. They can pick oneappetizer and there’s something in it foreveryone,” he said.When it comes to accommodating afew guests with specific dietary needs,THE REPUBLIC13
"I have been in business for 31 yearsand can book travel anywhere in the world."Kelly Kent, Travel Agent/OwnerAn Independent Home-Based Full-Service Travel Agencyjctravelunlimited@hotmail.comFacebook: J.C. Travel Unlimited - Kelly’s DealJ.C. Travel Unlimited Inc.5815 W County Road 275 SNorth Vernon, IN 47265IN-35096111Huckaby says it’s as simple as determining how manypeople have specific restrictions and offering a differententrée or side for those that need it.Some of Smokehouse Catering Company’s most popular entrée options are, of course, barbecue meats, butthey also offer more upscale options such as chickenwith a lemon and herb sauce, chicken marsala, beefmedallion, roast, and numerous others. Their cateringoptions normally consist of two meats, two sides and asalad.Huckaby said the most popular side is either roastedredskin potatoes or au gratin potatoes and the mostpopular vegetable is their roast vegetable medley. Headded that sliders are really popular for weddings asappetizers or late night snacks. They even offer breadedtenderloin sliders.Since dessert is such an integral part of a wedding,Smokehouse Catering Company has options for that,too. Huckaby says with desserts mini is still big.“They like the minis because they get multipleoptions that way. Shooters aren’t as popular as beforeCOVID, but we’re getting a lot of mini pies, mini cakes,petit fours and cookies,” he said.Jason West, of Grafton Peek Catering, added that alot of people are opting for a smaller cake for the special cutting event and then offering three or four different cupcake varieties for guests to enjoy. Occasionally,he said they will do something like cheesecake.Grafton Peek Catering also offers a variety of entrées,though West said barbecue chicken and pork remainvery popular in Indiana, as well as barbecue-relatedsides.“The most popular items continue to be the oldstandbys which are roast beef and chicken. We dothose two items very well and people have an opportunity to try those at the tastings we offer,” West said.One trend that seems to have changed a bit, according to West, is drink interests.“We’re seeing people go back to more traditionaldomestic beers and not be as fired up about craft beers.Vodka and seltzers continue to be popular, but we areseeing more groups encourage signature drinks whichare unique to the party,” he said.West and Huckaby both said demand is starting topick back up again after the past few years of eventplanning struggles due to COVID-19.“I would say the average group size is almost back tonormal,” West said. “Maybe it isn’t there yet but it seemsto me, at least with the people that I talk with, that peopleare trying to have a pre-March 2020 wedding day.”He added that they are, of course, continuing certainsafety precautions such as keeping sanitizer available and812-592-1755THE REPUBLIC15
“I think the turnaroundon weddings is notwhat it used to be. Mostpeople used to plan ayear or two years out,and now the bulk of myweddings are normallyabout six to eightmonths out.”Jason West16GUIDEmaking sure offsite locations have sanitizer onthe buffet and drink stations.“Staff still wear masks and gloves to makepeople feel comfortable, but beyond that thingshave gotten pretty well back to normal, at leastfrom what I can see,” he said.West said planning trends have changedbecause of worries about last-minute changes.“I think the turnaround on weddings is notwhat it used to be. Most people used to plana year or two years out, and now the bulk ofmy weddings are normally about six to eightmonths out. We saw a bit of that going intoCOVID, and now with COVID we’re seeing iteven more because they’re trying to adjust forhealth and safety requirements,” West said.Huckaby agreed and said, “I would saythat people are still concerned about whathappens if there is some kind of majorCOVID outbreak that would require themto move their date. We let them know inadvance that in the event of somethinghappening, we’re going to work with themto make sure that their outcome is a goodone. Sometimes we return the deposit andsometimes we move the date forward, butas a caterer we want to make the client feelthat we’re in it with them regardless of whathappens.”Julia Stevenson, event coordinator atGarment Factory Events, said they haven’texperienced much change in demandlately. Though she echoed the popularity ofchicken dishes.
“The three most popular are the searedchicken demi, the cilantro lime grilledchicken and the orange and garlic searedchicken breast with fig and balsamic glaze,”Stevenson said. Garment Factory also offersan open beer and wine bar, which Stevensonsaid is most popular in weddings.Chicken remains a common choice atweddings catered by Purely Paula Catering,as well, according to owner Paula Watson.“Chicken dishes are very popular for abuffet, especially lemon chicken or chickenpiccata. Roasted potatoes or roasted vegetables are very popular, too, and I offer a saladbar with a lot of options which is also verypopular,” Watson said.Watson said one thing that makes hermenu unique is that it is very large andwide-reaching with a lot of variety. Sheeven offers specialty cakes.“I offer many different f lavor optionsand you can have a different f lavor oneach tier,” she said. I offer lemon ricotta,honey lavender, chocolate and others. I’vedone pies, cakes, cobblers, and there’s justlots of different varieties when you go thatroute.”Watson said it seems like smaller weddings are getting a little more common,which she’s okay with because she focuseson catering events with up to 50 people.One more thing Watson wanted to add,“Congratulations to all the brides andgrooms out there.”THE REPUBLIC17
Hdon’t Give Up onstory By Greg Seiter18GUIDEPandemic poses challenges,honeymoons still possible
Honeymoon planning can be achallenge even in non-pandemictimes but now that masks,vaccinations and social distancingare part of the equation, soonto-be newlyweds have much toconsider as they prepare for a postwedding getaway. However, despiteCOVID-related hurdles, localindustry experts say honeymoontravel is on the rise.20GUIDEI“In the beginning of all this, COVID postponedeverything,” said Sandra Wick, owner of FourSeasons Travel Agency in Franklin. “Travel hasdefinitely changed but I think most everybody hasa feel for what they have to do concerning masksand testing.”Elaine Pesto, owner of Sapphire Seas Travel inWhiteland, agrees. “People are more educated nowand they’re making better decisions,” she said. “Alot are relying on travel advisors because especiallynow, with so much to consider, it can be overwhelming to try to book something on your own.”Typically popular destinations like Antigua,Jamaica and Mexico are perfect examples.“Antigua requires a vaccination for entry whileMexico doesn’t have any requirements,” Pestosaid. “Jamaica, on the other hand, requires you totake a COVID test and you have to fill out a travelauthorization form.”While interest in classic destinations such asMaldives and Tahiti continues to grow, Wick andPesto said resort destinations such as Sandalsproperties are very popular with honeymooners.“Some offer free insurance, COVID tests whileyou’re there, quarantining and arrangements forguests to stay up to two weeks if they test positive,”Wick said.
But according to Pesto, securing reservations at many Sandals resorts takesadvance planning.“Several Sandals properties are alreadybooked for the next several months,” shesaid.“In the past, couples would often plantheir honeymoons at the last minute butnow, it should be one of the first things youdo. We’re seeing popular hotels get bookedvery quickly. The earlier you book, the better chance you’ll have of being able to getthe property and destination you want.”According to Lori Smith, office managerat Destinations – A Travel Corp. in Columbus, many honeymooners are optingfor domestic destinations.“Key West has been hugely popular, andGatlinburg is up there, too,” she said. “Thispast summer, we did a couple of honeymoons to Yellowstone as well as GrandCanyon/Las Vegas combinations. I justthink that in many cases, people want todrive rather than fly.”Flight cancellations are undoubtedlycontributing to that trend.“We’ve had some situations where flightshave been rebooked or delayed severaltimes and now, airlines are cancellingflights because they don’t have enoughstaffing due to sickness. It has definitelybeen a lot harder to book air travel the lastyear-and-a-half.”To combat potential flight cancellations,Smith suggests honeymoon plannerssearch for airlines that offer multipleflights to a given destination ratherthan primarily focusing on the cheapestoptions.Honeymoon cruising is also on the rise.“It definitely bottomed out for a while,but several are coming back,” Smith said.“The advantage with cruising is thatyou’re sailing out of a U.S. port, so youdon’t have to go elsewhere for (COVID)testing,” she said. “However, if you’re notvaccinated, you’re not going to be able togo unless you have a medical exemption.”Vaccination requirements are certainlya concern for anyone planning a honeymoon.“One of the first questions I get fromhoneymooners now has to do withwhether they have to be vaccinated forwherever they’re hoping to go,” Pesto said.“With those types of questions in mind,providers are generally being very flexiblein trying to help clients.”However, Smith believes that honeymoon travelers who plan to leave thecontinental U.S. are more concernedabout being able to get back into thecountry than they are with vaccinationrequirements.“Since people are testing positive eventhough they’ve been vaccinated, manyare worried they could get stuck outsidethe country. That means having to payextra money for longer stays and havingto take additional time off work that theyweren’t planning on using,” she said.But Wick, Smith and Pesto agree thatCOVID-related challenges shouldn’tdiscourage couples from planning ahoneymoon.“Everybody needs to have a honeymoon, even if it’s just a three-day cartrip,” Wick said. “But both need to beinvolved in the planning process andif budget is important, set somethingrealistic.”Smith said travelers should considertesting requirements for the destinationsthey’re looking at and whether or notthose destinations have a quarantinepolicy in place.“Last year, we didn’t book any resortsthat didn’t offer COVID testing on property,” she said.She also emphasized the importanceof travel insurance.“Don’t book anything without travelinsurance and make sure there’s aCOVID policy in place,” she said. “Also,be patient with agents. Many things areout of their control. Everybody realizesyou have to be a little more flexible now.Things aren’t always set in stone.”Pesto agrees.“Right now, it’s important to be aninformed traveler,” she said. “Make decisions off real facts.“There is so much regulation now thatin many ways, I feel safer traveling nowthan I did before COVID and honeymooners should feel that way, too.”
enhance yourMake your wedding shinewith these decoration tipsStory by Family Features22GUIDEWedding days are meantto be filled with love andcelebration, and whatbetter way to ring inthe new stage of life asnewlyweds than with awell-decorated venue tomatch the joyous occasion. Whether a coupleis on a tight budget orpicky when it comes totheme ideas, these decorating tips can help addmore flair for the big day.
Use a natural venueMany couples choose wedding venues that require immense amounts ofdecorations, but a venue with organicscenery or a beautiful view can helpalleviate the stress. Consider having theceremony near a garden or beach withenough natural surroundings to keepguests in awe.Make the cake a centerpieceWedding cakes are almost guaranteedto be filled with flavor, but they can alsoserve as a decorative centerpiece forthe reception. Choosing a cake toppedwith flowers, highlighting bright colorsand placing it in a prominent spot atthe reception can grab guests’ attention while also keeping them eager fora bite.Choose tableaccessories that popLeave guests in
maids attend the shower and contribute to the bridal gifts. Bridesmaids, who are typically sisters or friends of the bride or groom, also dance with the groomsmen during the
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Chính Văn.- Còn đức Thế tôn thì tuệ giác cực kỳ trong sạch 8: hiện hành bất nhị 9, đạt đến vô tướng 10, đứng vào chỗ đứng của các đức Thế tôn 11, thể hiện tính bình đẳng của các Ngài, đến chỗ không còn chướng ngại 12, giáo pháp không thể khuynh đảo, tâm thức không bị cản trở, cái được
Le genou de Lucy. Odile Jacob. 1999. Coppens Y. Pré-textes. L’homme préhistorique en morceaux. Eds Odile Jacob. 2011. Costentin J., Delaveau P. Café, thé, chocolat, les bons effets sur le cerveau et pour le corps. Editions Odile Jacob. 2010. Crawford M., Marsh D. The driving force : food in human evolution and the future.
Le genou de Lucy. Odile Jacob. 1999. Coppens Y. Pré-textes. L’homme préhistorique en morceaux. Eds Odile Jacob. 2011. Costentin J., Delaveau P. Café, thé, chocolat, les bons effets sur le cerveau et pour le corps. Editions Odile Jacob. 2010. 3 Crawford M., Marsh D. The driving force : food in human evolution and the future.