Jobscentral BrightMinds – Employer GuideThank you for your interest in posting with Jobscentral BrightMinds. This guide serves to brief you onthe following.Content3 Types of Job Postings on Jobscentral and BrightMinds . 2Employer Registration. 4Employer Module – Dashboard . 6Employer Module – Job Posting . 6Employer Job Posting Module . 7Employer Job Posting Module – View All Job Advertisements. 14Employer Job Posting Module – View Applications . 15CareerBuilder (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 78 Shenton Way, #09-01, Singapore 079120
3 Types of Job Postings on Jobscentral and BrightMindsBrightMinds ( is a fresh graduate portal that is specially cateredfor graduates from local and selected overseas institutions, under the Careerbuilder umbrella. Theportal serves to help employers reach the graduating cohorts from Singapore’s tertiary institutions.You can post your jobs on Jobscentral or BrightMinds under one of the following credit type.a. BrightMinds Premium Jobb. Jobscentral Paid Jobc. Jobscentral (BrightMinds) Free JobThis table is a quick summary of the different type of packages/postings and entitlements.BrightMindsPremiumEntitlementsJob posting feesYJobcentral PaidPackageJobscentral FreePackage(BrightMinds)FreeCustomised EmailerYApplication Filtering EngineJob Posting TemplateApplication redirection to externalURLBranding via campus collateralsYYYDepending onPackageNY30 daysNYYYDepending onPackageYYYYNYNNNo. of Job ListingsUnlimitedTier SelectionCompany Registration / VerificationDuration per job postingPriority listingLogo listingsJob RefreshesJob Posting SupportYY365 daysYyYY5 creditsOnly 1 tierY30 daysNNNNNYNBrightMinds Premium PackageBrightMinds Premium Package aim to help employers create employer branding and reach out tograduates from all local institutions and selected overseas institutions. Employer branding outreach isdone through online job listings and banner listings on the BrightMinds portal, as well as offline campusactivities such as roadshows, sponsorships to student activity groups etc.Jobscentral Paid PackageJobscentral Paid Package aims to help employer reach out to not only the fresh graduates but also themass market. The postings are advertised on the Jobscentral portal.CareerBuilder (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 78 Shenton Way, #09-01, Singapore 079120
Jobscentral (BrightMinds) Free PackageJobscentral Free Package is only offered to employers who enquire through the BrightMinds portal inhonour of our school partners. The free package serves as a trial for new employers and SMEs to reachout to fresh graduates from local institutions and selected overseas institutions.Frequently Asked QuestionsHow do I enquire for a package or register for an account?For new employers who have not used Jobscentral or BrightMinds before, you may go to one of theschool portals under BrightMinds and you will see a registration form such as er). Fill in the necessary information and submit yourrequest, and our BrightMinds customer service team will get back to you in 5 working days.For current Jobscentral or BrightMinds employer, you may either fill in the form and enquire or call youraccount manager who will assist you.How do I start posting jobs?Once the job posting credits have been added to your account, you can log in with your email addressand password to start posting jobs.Are there costs involved?All account registration with Jobscentral is free. There is no cost or commitment involved should youtake up the Jobscentral Free Package. Fees will only apply should you take up a package to postpremium or paid jobs. An account manager will follow up with you to understand your recruitmentneeds so as to better customise a package for you.CareerBuilder (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 78 Shenton Way, #09-01, Singapore 079120
Employer RegistrationTo access the registration page, you will need to visit orclick on the “Employer” button from the desired campus portal. A BrightMinds customer servicerepresentative will get in touch with you within 5 working days.If you have an account with us (either Jobscentral or BrightMinds), you may log in with your email andpassword. Otherwise you will need to register for one.All account registration is free and no cost or commitment is required. Fees are applicable when youtake up the premium or paid posts.If you are an existing Jobscentral or BrightMinds client, click on the login button and sign in with yourlogin email and password. If you need to reset your password, you may call or email the BrightMindsteam.If you are registering for a free account, please fill in the fields in the form showed in the image below.Click on “Login” Button if youare an existing Jobscentral orBrightminds employerChoose “Free Basic Posting”in the dropdownCareerBuilder (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 78 Shenton Way, #09-01, Singapore 079120
Upon clicking on the Login button, you will be led to the following page for login.Sign in with your login emailand passwordFrequently Asked QuestionsWhy is Business Registration Number necessary?All businesses registered as employers must have already registered with the Accounting & CorporateRegulatory Authority in Singapore (ACRA) with a valid business registration number.What happens after my online registration?For all new registration, our customer service staff will contact you within 5 working days. An accountmanager will then get in touch with you to assist you in activating the account.CareerBuilder (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 78 Shenton Way, #09-01, Singapore 079120
Employer Module – DashboardRegardless of which module you log in to (Jobscentral or BrightMinds), you will be led to this page.You will be able to post jobs to the campus portal from either module. The only difference is the level ofpriority which the jobs are displayed. From the dashboard you will be able to locate the breakdown ofyour credits usage and posting status.Sign in with your login emailand passwordEmployer Module – Job PostingYou will be able to choose from the job posting credits that have been credited to your account. On theemployer module, there will not be any differences. The only difference is reflected on the priority levelof the job posting to the jobseekers.Paid and premium postings will have higher priority over the free basic postings.In the images below, we will show a step-by-step guide to help you navigate around the job postingmodule.CareerBuilder (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 78 Shenton Way, #09-01, Singapore 079120
Employer Job Posting ModuleChoose aproduct codeand click on“Create NewJob Posting”Product Type:Product TypeCostBrightMinds Premium PostingPayableJobscentral Paid PostingPayableJobscentral (BrightMinds) FreePostingFreeProduct Code NameBrightMinds Priority Jobs (ITE)(Unlimited)BrightMinds Priority Jobs(Polytechnic) (Unlimited)BrightMinds Priority Jobs(University) (Unlimited)Jobscentral Priority (DE) JobsJobscentral Top JobsJobscentral Basic JobsCareerBuilder (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 78 Shenton Way, #09-01, Singapore 079120
Once you have chosen your product code type and clicked on “Create New Job Posting”, you will be ledto the job posting page.Click on the abovebuttons to performan action:a. Post a jobb. View your jobadvertisementsc. ViewapplicationsFill in the fields marked with an asterisk (*). These are compulsory fields. You will not be able to proceedif any of the compulsory fields are not logged in.CareerBuilder (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 78 Shenton Way, #09-01, Singapore 079120
CareerBuilder (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 78 Shenton Way, #09-01, Singapore 079120
You can choose which of thepartnering school portals youwant to post to depending onyour target audience.The availability of schoolportals will only appear toemployers with Jobscentraljob posting credits.The job postings posted tothese school portals will bedisplayed at a lower priority onBrightMinds portals ascompared to job postings withthe BrightMinds credits.By clicking on “PreviewJob”, you will be able topreview the job descriptionthat is being displayed tothe jobseekers.CareerBuilder (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 78 Shenton Way, #09-01, Singapore 079120
You can choose to direct theapplications you are receivingto yourself or other emailaddressesThe hidden filter option is onlyavailable for employers whohave paid job postings(Jobscentral or BrightMinds).Employers can filterapplications based oncitizenship, country ofresidence, minimum educationlevel and minimum years ofworking experience.Employers will receive onlyapplications that have passedthese filters. Should there beno filter criteria set to the jobposting, all applications will beregarded as pass.CareerBuilder (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 78 Shenton Way, #09-01, Singapore 079120
You may fill in the job referencenumber (if any) and it will bereflected in the job advertisementfor the employers’ easy reference.Click on “Continue” and your job advertisement will be saved. The job description will be displayed onthe job portal in the next 15 minutes. Should there be any changes made to the job advertisement, itwill require 15 minutes for the system to reflect the changes.CareerBuilder (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 78 Shenton Way, #09-01, Singapore 079120
The saved job posting will be reflected in the image above.CareerBuilder (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 78 Shenton Way, #09-01, Singapore 079120
Employer Job Posting Module – View All Job AdvertisementsAll jobs that have been posted previously will be reflected in this pageDepending on the product code assigned,the jobs will appear on different site.Jobscentral job posting credits will appearon (i.e. Jobscentral BasicPosting, etc)BrightMinds job posting credits will appearon (i.e.BrightMinds Job Posting (ITE) (Unlimited)CareerBuilder (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 78 Shenton Way, #09-01, Singapore 079120
Employer Job Posting Module – View ApplicationsClick on theapplicant’s name toview his or herresume.You will be able to see the applicants who have applied for your jobs. Applicants who have passed thefilter (feature only available for paid postings) will appear on this page. User will not be able to accessdeleted applications.CareerBuilder (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 78 Shenton Way, #09-01, Singapore 079120
CareerBuilder (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 78 Shenton Way, #09-01, Singapore 079120 3 Types of Job Postings on Jobscentral and BrightMinds BrightMinds ( is a fresh graduate portal that is specially catered for graduates from local and selected overseas institutions, under the Careerbuilder umbrella. The
that provide you with additional support. Guide to Online Employer Self Service UINV - ESS Employer-RS Guide State of Nevada Page 6 Creating Your Initial . ESS Employer Logon (Online User Account) Background The first step in managing your online employer account is to create a new Employer Self Service
4 Employer-sponsored retirement plans include 401(k), SEP, SIMPLE, 403(b) and 457 plans, and others. Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans and Retirement Benefits Type Employer Plan Contact Info. Account No. Participant Beneficiary Value Employer-Sponsored Plans4 Employer-Sponsored Plans4 Emplo
5. Current Employer’s Name (if employer is a person) 6. Current Company Name (if employer is a company) How many hours per week will employee work for current employer? For the work permit to be shared with another employer .
The Featured Employer Program is limited to a maximum of 15 employers. The cost is 75 for the week. Job Location and Development will coordinate your entire Featured Employer week and create your Employer Profile for you, using text and the logo you provide. You will review and approve the
emergency room, or any nearby medical service provider or . hospital. If you are injured at work, notify your employer as soon as possible. Your employer will provide you with a claim form. When you notify your employer that you have had a work-related injury, your employer or insurer will
1.1 PURPOSE OF EMPLOYER'S GUIDE 1.1.1 The purpose of this guide is to assist employers in the operation of the PAYE withholding tax system and deals in detail on matters concerning the system as a whole. 1.1.2 The Employer's Guide is a guide only and provides ready assistance on the operation of the system. However, it in no way substitutes or
even if you don’t (didn’t) participate in the employer’s healthcare plan. You also will receive Form 1095-C if you were enrolled in a self-funded, employer-sponsored healthcare plan. Why did I get a Form 1095-C from my employer? You were, at any time, or still are a full-time employee and/or enrolled in your employer’s health insurance plan
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