Careers EducationQuality Framework
The Careers Education Quality Framework completes work begun in 1996 with a meeting jointly convened bythe CEAV and the Dusseldorp Skills Forum (DSF), of key careers education representatives from across Australia.Following this, two reports were produced. These reports, Career Education and Guidance for the Next Millennium(co-produced with the DSF) and Linking Career Education and School Workplace Learning Pathways (produced withassistance from the Enterprise and Career Education Foundation Limited ECEF (formerly known as ASTF) and theDSF, provided overviews of the context and delivery of careers education and vocational learning in Australiansecondary schools.The CEAV proposed the development of a careers education benchmarking tool to analyse current practice andto inform planning for the future. The CEAV and ECEF commenced the project with the input of a Steering Group,which consisted of representatives from the Victorian Department of Education, Employment and Training, theVictorian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VECCI); and the Career Information and Services, YouthBureau of the Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs, as well as the feedback provided by variouscareers educators and individuals in the industry sector.The Australian Quality Council (AQC) supports and encourages organisations to use the Australian BusinessExcellence Framework as a basis for improvement. The Careers Education Quality Framework draws on theAustralian Business Excellence Framework. The AQC makes no warranties or undertakings with respect to theuse of this Careers Education Quality Framework.Prepared by Jan Willettfor the Enterprise & Career Education Foundation& the Career Education Association of Victoria Commonwealth of Australia, November 1999This work is Commonwealth copyright. It may be reproduced in whole or in part for study or training purposes,subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgment of the source and no commercial usage or sale. Reproduction forthe purposes other than those indicated above requires the written permission of the Department of Education,Training and Youth Affairs. Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and copyright should be addressedto the Assistant Secretary, Industry Policy Branch, Vocational Education and Training Division, Department ofEducation, Training and Youth Affairs, GPO Box 9880, CANBERRA CITY, ACT, 2601.The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Commonwealth Department of Education,Training and Youth Affairs.This product was funded by the Commonwealth Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs.ISBN 0 9586407 3 4Careers Education Quality Framework
CEQF Inners f/a.qxd5/11/011:04 PMPage 1IntroductionThis document is designed to help people who areinvolved in delivering Careers Education in Australiansecondary schools. It describes the elements that areinvolved in a quality Careers Education program andgives schools and their communities an opportunityto plan ways of bringing about ongoing improvementin Careers Education.The Careers Education Quality Framework hasbeen developed with input from industry, educationsystems in all States and Territories in Australia andthe Australian Quality Council.The Careers Education Quality Framework reflectsthe National Goals for Schooling in the 21st Centuryendorsed by all Australian State, Territory andCommonwealth Ministers of Education in 1999,and in particular, Goal 1.5:When students leave school, they should haveemployment skills and an understanding of thework environment, careers options and pathwaysas a foundation for, and positive attitudes towards,vocational education and training, further education,employment and life-long learning.Careers Education Quality Framework1
CEQF Inners f/a.qxd5/11/011:04 PMPage 2Why use the Careers Education Quality Framework?The Careers Education Quality Framework is a ‘guide for those who guide’. It providesteachers, careers specialists, school leaders and school communities with a practicaltool for self-assessing Careers Education and developing action plans for improvement.The Careers Education Quality Framework (the Framework) is not intended as a meansof assessing an individual. Rather, it is designed as a way of improving Careers Educationin the whole school.Using the Framework can also demonstrate to the community that a quality approachis being adopted by the school.Who could use theCareers Education Quality Framework?The Framework is based on the belief, which has been found to work in practice, that allof these categories need to be addressed to achieve quality in an organisation or program.The categories work together in an integrated way and there is some overlap. The firstsix categories work together to produce good outcomes in the final category, ‘Results’.Each of these categories is divided into elements. These in turn have statements ofevidence that further describe the element.The evidence is not designed to be a set of tasks that need to be done but indicatorsthat the element is being applied.The elements and the evidence are not hierarchical – they all need to be addressedto achieve improved outcomes.The Scoring SystemThe Framework is a development tool for a school’s Careers Education program.It is most effectively used when stakeholders work through it together and jointlyproduce an Action Plan for the coming twelve months. This group could includeparents, school staff and members of the community.The Framework can be used by two or more schools who wish to assist each other’sCareers Education development through a voluntary, joint development exercise.(See Page 16 for hints on how to do this)The Framework has been compiled following a process of national consultationand is designed to be used in all education systems in Australia.The nature of theCareers Education Quality Framework?The Framework is derived from the 1999 Australian Business Excellence Framework,which is used by the Australian Quality Council to bring about improvement inmanagement systems in all kinds of programs and organisations. There are sevencategories in the Framework. 2Leadership and InnovationStrategy and Planning ProcessesData, Information and AnalysisPeopleCustomer and Market FocusProcesses, Products and ServicesResultsCareers Education Quality FrameworkThe most effective (and interesting) way of compiling a profile of the overall programof Careers Education is to use the scoring system.After reading each element and all of its evidence, you assign a score to the elementand then the total score for each category.The Framework has a four point scoring system.4 pointsAll items of evidence are met, positive results are consistentlydemonstrated and there is constant work to gain improvementin this element.3 pointsMany of the items of evidence are met and there are positiveresults from applying this element.2 pointsOnly some items of evidence are being met and results in relationto this element are patchy.1 pointNo item of evidence is met. This element is not being addressedbut there is an awareness that it should be.The important thing in scoring is the evidence, that is, the results in practice. Simply havinga statement of purpose would not necessarily lead to improvement in the quality of CareersEducation, but if that purpose can be readily described by students, parents and the rest ofthe school, then there is evidence that the statement of purpose is having some effect.Careers Education Quality Framework3
CEQF Inners f/a.qxd5/11/011:04 PMPage 2Why use the Careers Education Quality Framework?The Careers Education Quality Framework is a ‘guide for those who guide’. It providesteachers, careers specialists, school leaders and school communities with a practicaltool for self-assessing Careers Education and developing action plans for improvement.The Careers Education Quality Framework (the Framework) is not intended as a meansof assessing an individual. Rather, it is designed as a way of improving Careers Educationin the whole school.Using the Framework can also demonstrate to the community that a quality approachis being adopted by the school.Who could use theCareers Education Quality Framework?The Framework is based on the belief, which has been found to work in practice, that allof these categories need to be addressed to achieve quality in an organisation or program.The categories work together in an integrated way and there is some overlap. The firstsix categories work together to produce good outcomes in the final category, ‘Results’.Each of these categories is divided into elements. These in turn have statements ofevidence that further describe the element.The evidence is not designed to be a set of tasks that need to be done but indicatorsthat the element is being applied.The elements and the evidence are not hierarchical – they all need to be addressedto achieve improved outcomes.The Scoring SystemThe Framework is a development tool for a school’s Careers Education program.It is most effectively used when stakeholders work through it together and jointlyproduce an Action Plan for the coming twelve months. This group could includeparents, school staff and members of the community.The Framework can be used by two or more schools who wish to assist each other’sCareers Education development through a voluntary, joint development exercise.(See Page 16 for hints on how to do this)The Framework has been compiled following a process of national consultationand is designed to be used in all education systems in Australia.The nature of theCareers Education Quality Framework?The Framework is derived from the 1999 Australian Business Excellence Framework,which is used by the Australian Quality Council to bring about improvement inmanagement systems in all kinds of programs and organisations. There are sevencategories in the Framework. 2Leadership and InnovationStrategy and Planning ProcessesData, Information and AnalysisPeopleCustomer and Market FocusProcesses, Products and ServicesResultsCareers Education Quality FrameworkThe most effective (and interesting) way of compiling a profile of the overall programof Careers Education is to use the scoring system.After reading each element and all of its evidence, you assign a score to the elementand then the total score for each category.The Framework has a four point scoring system.4 pointsAll items of evidence are met, positive results are consistentlydemonstrated and there is constant work to gain improvementin this element.3 pointsMany of the items of evidence are met and there are positiveresults from applying this element.2 pointsOnly some items of evidence are being met and results in relationto this element are patchy.1 pointNo item of evidence is met. This element is not being addressedbut there is an awareness that it should be.The important thing in scoring is the evidence, that is, the results in practice. Simply havinga statement of purpose would not necessarily lead to improvement in the quality of CareersEducation, but if that purpose can be readily described by students, parents and the rest ofthe school, then there is evidence that the statement of purpose is having some effect.Careers Education Quality Framework3
CEQF Inners f/a.qxd5/11/011:04 PMPage 4Acting on the ResultsThe purpose of using the Framework is to plan for improvement. A key aspect of this processis the Action Plan (sample on Page 15). The purpose of the Action Plan is to nominate whichspecific innovations and improvements could be achieved in the coming twelve monthsIf your school already has a planning process in place, the Careers Education Action Planshould be linked to, but not lost in, the wider plan.‘The Framework reflects these principles and assists you to move from principles to plans andaction through seven categories. The seven categories form a basis from which people in theorganisation can ask questions and gain a deeper understanding about their whole leadershipand management system. The Framework challenges leaders to communicate a vision for thefuture and to provide the linkages and support needed for long-term successful organisationaloutcomes. The Framework promotes a systems approach by exploring how the organisationworks to achieve its goals, and leaves the specifics of addressing each facet of managementup to the people within the organisation.’ (Australian Quality Council, 1999)The Framework should become part of an ongoing planning, review and improvementcycle for Careers Education.Underlying Quality PrinciplesIt will help your scoring if you understand the background to the Framework.So, follow these steps: Principles underpinning the Australian Quality Council Framework: 4Effective leaders provide direction and create a supportive environmentEffective organisations are plan driven rather than event drivenOrganisations benefit from decisions and actions that are based on facts and dataAll systems and processes exhibit variability, which impacts on predictability and costsAll people work in a system; improvement happens when people also work on the systemThe most important resource of any organisation is people – especially their creativityand knowledgeContinual improvement relies on continuous learningQuality is determined by the customerIn order to improve the output, improve the processImpact on the community and the environment are key influencers of future sustainabilityCareers Education Quality Framework Identify the person or group who will be using the FrameworkStart with Category One, Leadership and InnovationRead each Element and its EvidenceTick each item of Evidence that you are meetingScore your school’s achievement against each whole ElementAdd up your score for ‘Leadership and Innovation’Repeat the process for the next six categoriesTurn to the ‘Framework Summary’ on page 14 and write in thescores for each categoryImplementing Improvements:Decide which category / categories should be the focus in the ‘Action Plan’ Complete the Action Plan Link the Action Plan to the wider school plan. Use the Careers Education Quality Framework and the Action Plan aspart of the overall, ongoing planning and review process. Careers Education Quality Framework5
CEQF Inners f/a.qxd5/11/011:04 PMPage 4Acting on the ResultsThe purpose of using the Framework is to plan for improvement. A key aspect of this processis the Action Plan (sample on Page 15). The purpose of the Action Plan is to nominate whichspecific innovations and improvements could be achieved in the coming twelve monthsIf your school already has a planning process in place, the Careers Education Action Planshould be linked to, but not lost in, the wider plan.‘The Framework reflects these principles and assists you to move from principles to plans andaction through seven categories. The seven categories form a basis from which people in theorganisation can ask questions and gain a deeper understanding about their whole leadershipand management system. The Framework challenges leaders to communicate a vision for thefuture and to provide the linkages and support needed for long-term successful organisationaloutcomes. The Framework promotes a systems approach by exploring how the organisationworks to achieve its goals, and leaves the specifics of addressing each facet of managementup to the people within the organisation.’ (Australian Quality Council, 1999)The Framework should become part of an ongoing planning, review and improvementcycle for Careers Education.Underlying Quality PrinciplesIt will help your scoring if you understand the background to the Framework.So, follow these steps: Principles underpinning the Australian Quality Council Framework: 4Effective leaders provide direction and create a supportive environmentEffective organisations are plan driven rather than event drivenOrganisations benefit from decisions and actions that are based on facts and dataAll systems and processes exhibit variability, which impacts on predictability and costsAll people work in a system; improvement happens when people also work on the systemThe most important resource of any organisation is people – especially their creativityand knowledgeContinual improvement relies on continuous learningQuality is determined by the customerIn order to improve the output, improve the processImpact on the community and the environment are key influencers of future sustainabilityCareers Education Quality Framework Identify the person or group who will be using the FrameworkStart with Category One, Leadership and InnovationRead each Element and its EvidenceTick each item of Evidence that you are meetingScore your school’s achievement against each whole ElementAdd up your score for ‘Leadership and Innovation’Repeat the process for the next six categoriesTurn to the ‘Framework Summary’ on page 14 and write in thescores for each categoryImplementing Improvements:Decide which category / categories should be the focus in the ‘Action Plan’ Complete the Action Plan Link the Action Plan to the wider school plan. Use the Careers Education Quality Framework and the Action Plan aspart of the overall, ongoing planning and review process. Careers Education Quality Framework5
CEQF Inners f/a.qxd5/11/011:04 PMPage 6GlossaryCareers EducationRefers to planned programs of career guidance learning experiences delivered throughthe school system. In this document, it includes the provision of careers curriculum,careers information, careers guidance and linkages with the world of work.Leadership and InnovationThis category explores how leadership, through management practice and behaviouris linked to the underlying principles. It addresses how effective leadership creates aninnovative climate.Note that the elements and evidence are not in a hierarchy – numbers are for reference only.Careers personnelRefers to people who deliver Careers Education in the school. This can includecareers specialists as well as subject teachers who deliver careers and vocationallearning outcomes.Local employersThose employers who are associated with that school community, not necessarilygeographically local.ELEMENTL1The direction andpurpose of CareersEducation iswidely understoodSCORE EVIDENCEL1.1L1.2L1.3ParentsFor brevity, this term is used but is inclusive of caregivers and guardians.L1.4Performance MeasureA measure of success (ie performance). A Performance Indicator for an eveningcollege may be absenteeism. A Performance Measure may be the number ofunexplained absences per evening per class.L2School executiveAlso called school administration in some States. Includes principal and otherkey school leaders.Careers Educationis positioned asan important,relevant andintegral partof the schoolcommunityL2.2L2.3L2.4StakeholdersMembers of the school and its community that have a ‘stake’ in the outcomesof Careers Education – students, parents, community, industry, whole school staff.L2.1L2.5L3Careers Educationhas explicitsupport of theschool includingexecutive, lmanagementfacilitatesflexibility,diversity andinnovationL4.1L4.2L4.3L4.4A written statement of purpose and set of principlesis supported and signed by school executiveThe stated values and purpose guides actions anddirection of Careers EducationLocal employers speak of Careers Education asan investment in young people, the communityand the economyParents, teachers and students can and do describethe purpose of Careers EducationCareers personnel market the program in varietyof media eg. staff meetings, parent meetings,local employer groups, annual reports, web siteChange of school executive does not reducesignificance of Careers EducationA group/committee provides support & directionto Careers EducationCareers personnel work with other relevant staffin developing overall school curriculum offeringsCareers Education is linked to the school’s strategicdecision making processCareers personnel and school leaders publiclyexpress support for the programSchool marketing includes careers program informationDedicated staffing arrangements are in placeCareers program on agenda of executive meetings,school council as requiredA percentage of the school budget is specificallyallocated to the careers programsCareers personnel are supported throughprofessional developmentTimetabling is developed in consultationwith careers program personnelSchool management acknowledges and workswith the diversity of the school populationCareers plan is part of overall school planNew opportunities in Careers Education aresought, analysed and actionedTOTAL SCORE4 points – All items of evidence are met, positive results are consistently demonstrated & there is consistent work to gain improvement in this element.3 points – Many of the items of evidence are met & there are positive results from applying this element.2 points – Only some items of evidence are being met & results in relation to this element are patchy.1 point – No item of evidence is met. This element is not being addressed but there is an awareness that it should be.6Careers Education Quality FrameworkCareers Education Quality Framework7
CEQF Inners f/a.qxd5/11/011:04 PMPage 6GlossaryCareers EducationRefers to planned programs of career guidance learning experiences delivered throughthe school system. In this document, it includes the provision of careers curriculum,careers information, careers guidance and linkages with the world of work.Leadership and InnovationThis category explores how leadership, through management practice and behaviouris linked to the underlying principles. It addresses how effective leadership creates aninnovative climate.Note that the elements and evidence are not in a hierarchy – numbers are for reference only.Careers personnelRefers to people who deliver Careers Education in the school. This can includecareers specialists as well as subject teachers who deliver careers and vocationallearning outcomes.Local employersThose employers who are associated with that school community, not necessarilygeographically local.ELEMENTL1The direction andpurpose of CareersEducation iswidely understoodSCORE EVIDENCEL1.1L1.2L1.3ParentsFor brevity, this term is used but is inclusive of caregivers and guardians.L1.4Performance MeasureA measure of success (ie performance). A Performance Indicator for an eveningcollege may be absenteeism. A Performance Measure may be the number ofunexplained absences per evening per class.L2School executiveAlso called school administration in some States. Includes principal and otherkey school leaders.Careers Educationis positioned asan important,relevant andintegral partof the schoolcommunityL2.2L2.3L2.4StakeholdersMembers of the school and its community that have a ‘stake’ in the outcomesof Careers Education – students, parents, community, industry, whole school staff.L2.1L2.5L3Careers Educationhas explicitsupport of theschool includingexecutive, lmanagementfacilitatesflexibility,diversity andinnovationL4.1L4.2L4.3L4.4A written statement of purpose and set of principlesis supported and signed by school executiveThe stated values and purpose guides actions anddirection of Careers EducationLocal employers speak of Careers Education asan investment in young people, the communityand the economyParents, teachers and students can and do describethe purpose of Careers EducationCareers personnel market the program in varietyof media eg. staff meetings, parent meetings,local employer groups, annual reports, web siteChange of school executive does not reducesignificance of Careers EducationA group/committee provides support & directionto Careers EducationCareers personnel work with other relevant staffin developing overall school curriculum offeringsCareers Education is linked to the school’s strategicdecision making processCareers personnel and school leaders publiclyexpress support for the programSchool marketing includes careers program informationDedicated staffing arrangements are in placeCareers program on agenda of executive meetings,school council as requiredA percentage of the school budget is specificallyallocated to the careers programsCareers personnel are supported throughprofessional developmentTimetabling is developed in consultationwith careers program personnelSchool management acknowledges and workswith the diversity of the school populationCareers plan is part of overall school planNew opportunities in Careers Education aresought, analysed and actionedTOTAL SCORE4 points – All items of evidence are met, positive results are consistently demonstrated & there is consistent work to gain improvement in this element.3 points – Many of the items of evidence are met & there are positive results from applying this element.2 points – Only some items of evidence are being met & results in relation to this element are patchy.1 point – No item of evidence is met. This element is not being addressed but there is an awareness that it should be.6Careers Education Quality FrameworkCareers Education Quality Framework7
CEQF Inners f/a.qxd5/11/011:04 PMPage 8Strategy and Planning ProcessesData, Information and KnowledgeThis category explores the way the program develops its strategies and plans and howit communicates and deploys them. It includes understanding the wider environment,the planning process and resources and assets.ELEMENTS1SCORE EVIDENCEA comprehensivewritten plan isfollowed and isin line with theschool directionS1.1Strategic plan for Careers Education sets out objectives,student outcomes, strategies and resources required,indicators of successS1.2 Key aspects of Careers Education are linked so thatstudents do not encounter gaps or duplicationS1.3 Students work through a sequential, developmentalprocessS1.4 Careers Education plan is aligned to school planThis category examines how the program obtains and uses data, information andknowledge to support decision making at all levels of the enterprise. It includes: collection and interpretation of data and information integration and use of information for decision making creation and management of knowledgeELEMENTD1Careersinformation isaccurate, current,relevant, andaccessibleSCORE EVIDENCED1.1D1.2D1.3D1.4D1.5S2S3Stakeholdersare partnersin the planningprocess and seekimprovementsin the processS2.1The place ofCareers Educationin the context ofeducation andemployment ispursued andenhancedS3.1Planning sessions set at time convenient tostakeholder participationS2.2 There are formal reviews about the effectivenessof plans and measuresS2.3 Additional planning expertise is called upon as neededS2.4 Comparisons with other plans are madeS3.2S3.3S3.4.S3.5S4Time andresourcesof the programare usedstrategicallyS4.1S4.2S4.3S4.4S4.5S4.6There are formal links with the wider school curriculumInformation on full range of opportunities is madeavailable to students, parents, staffThere are formal links with industry and otheragencies that work in the employment arenaPolicies and plans of the program are reviewedin the light of changes in education and theemployment marketCareers personnel seek out changes and up to dateinformation and act upon these changesUse of time is planned on daily, weekly and annual basisTime is built to allow for good practice eg. individualguidance, forging links with businessNumber of students being reached through CareersEducation is specifiedTime is used proactively to bring about changeand improvementCareers personnel are accessible to provide assistanceand advice to students, parents and teachersBudgets are reviewed annually by careersgroup/taskforce to ensure appropriate level of supportD1.6D2Careers knowledgeprocesses arerigorous and activeD2.1D2.2D2.3D3Information anddata analysis isused to guidedecisions andplanning aboutCareers EducationD3.1D3.2D3.3D3.4D4Careers Educationis accurately andthoroughlydocumentedD4.1D4.2D4.3D4.4A range of reliable media is accessed togather careers informationInformation continues to be accessibleif there is a change of personnelInformation can be accessed by studentswith range of skillsInformation is checked for currency andaccuracy before being disseminateInformation is updated according to a scheduleSystem of gathering and providing informationis reviewed frequently for possible improvementsA range of people add to the knowledge baseeg. ex students, parents, employers, subject teachersBreadth of knowledge considered eg. economictrends, job futuresThere is a process for disseminating careersknowledge to others in the schoolStudent information such as results and destinationsare analysedFeedback from other stakeholders such as parentand employer satisfaction surveys are reviewedChanges in educational requirements and the labourmarket are analysed for implicationsThere is exchange of relevant data and informationbetween careers personnel and other school staffProcedures and legal requirements documentedso they can be followed by othersStudent information is stored with regardto confidentiality and efficiencyDatabase and other electronic methods areused as appropriateStudents are encouraged to develop comprehensiveportfolios using various mediaTOTAL SCORETOTAL SCORE4 points – All items of evidence are met, positive results are consistently demonstrated & there is consistent work to gain improvement in this element.3 points – Many of the items of evidence are met & there are positive results from applying this element.2 points – Only some items of evidence are being met & results in relation to this element are patchy.1 point – No item of evidence is met. This element is not being addressed but there is an awareness that it should be.8Careers Education Quality Framework4 points – All items of evidence are met, positive results are consistently demonstrated & there is cons
The Careers Education Quality Framework is a 'guide for those who guide'. It provides teachers, careers specialists, school leaders and school communities with a practical tool for self-assessing Careers Education and developing action plans for improvement. The Careers Education Quality Framework (the Framework) is not intended as a means
Careers & Enterprise Company: Guide for new Careers Leaders in schools. Essential information, helpful resources and practical tools to help newly appointed Careers Leaders get started in the role. National Careers Service. The National Careers Service provides information, advice and guidance to help people make decisions on learning, training and work opportunities. The service .
The concept of careers and career-related learning in the primary school phase typically provokes a cautious reaction. Terms such as 'careers learning', 'careers education' or 'careers lessons' are often conflated with careers guidance which is often understood to be focused on careers choice. Many parents and teachers have concerns
HEE Clinical Academic Careers Framework _ 4 Clinical Academic Careers Framework 12. Diagram 1 below depicts the framework which pulls together in one place the approach to clinical academic careers across all professions. The NIHR Integrated Academic Training (IAT) programme for medics and dentists is the responsibility of the DH, whilst HEE is
careers that relate to the environmental goal defined on their worksheet. Students can search for related careers by keyword, subject area, or cluster. (If they need help identifying careers that fit their assigned goal, they can find the example careers in the program and look in the Related Careers section for inspiration.)
information or ask the careers advisor a careers related question or enquiry. The careers advisor will arrange to attend visits to employers, Further and higher Education institutions, training providers and related Careers Conferences and workshops to support LMI knowledge and keep up-to
this regard, FIDIC has reached an agreement with the Confederation of International Contractors’ Associations (CICA), to develop a new contract model based on the FIDIC White Book, which CICA will recommend to its members when engaging Consulting Engineering firms. This strategic s
to its Member Associations accord with the Professional Standards for Australian Career Development Practitioners. In conjunction with its Member Associations, CICA monitors the industry and when necessary revises the Professional Standards to ensure that they remain current, relevant and reflect international best practice.
Description Logic RWTH Aachen Germany 4. Introduction to DL I A Description Logic - mainly characterised by a set of constructors that allow to build complex concepts and roles from atomic ones, concepts correspond to classes / are interpreted as sets of objects, roles correspond to relations / are interpreted as binary relations on objects, Example: Happy Father in the DL ALC Manu (9has-child .