Candidate Handbookfor State Credentialingfor theNational Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination(NCMHCE)3 Terrace Way Greensboro,NC 27403-3660Tel: 336-482-2856 Fax: www.cce-global.orgThe Center for Credentialing & Education, Inc. (CCE) values diversity.There are no barriers to credentialing on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, or national origin.revised 11-20181
TABLE OF CONTENTSTAKING THE rityExamination RestrictionsMisconductCopyrighted Examination QuestionsBeginning the ExaminationInstructionsExamination ScreenAbout NBCCIndependent Testing AgencyNondiscrimination Policy EligibilityRequirements ExaminationAdministrationHolidaysREGISTERING FOR AN EXAMINATION.4Registration Form ExpirationExamination ReregistrationFees and Refund PolicyTesting Center LocationsSpecial Arrangements for Candidates With DisabilitiesExamination Appointment ChangesMissed Appointments and CancellationsInclement Weather, Power Failure,or EmergencyPass/Fail Score DeterminationScores Cancelled by NBCC, CCE, or Pearson VUEIf You Pass the ExaminationIf You Do Not Pass the ExaminationAppealing Examination ResultsFailing to Report for an ExaminationConfidentialityScore VerificationSELECTED REFERENCES.13EXAMINATION CONTENT.5–6Sample Clinical SimulationPreparing for the ExaminationFOR MORE INFORMATIONAll questions and requests for information about state licensure requirements should be directed to the statecredentialing board to which you are applying. (Refer to insert for state-specific information.)All questions and requests for information about theNBCC examination program should be directed toAll questions and requests for information aboutexamination scheduling should be directed toCenter for Credentialing & EducationPearson VUE3 Terrace WayGreensboro, NC 274035601 Green Valley Dr.Bloomington, MN 55437Voice: 336-482-2856Fax: 336-482-2852Website: www.cce-global.orgVoice: 866-904-4432Website: www.pearsonvue.comCopyright (C) 2015. National Board for Certified Counselors, Inc. (NBCC). All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form orby any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy or recording, or stored in any information and retrieval system, without permission in writing from NBCC.2
INTRODUCTIONELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTSThis handbook provides information about theexamination and registration process for the NationalClinical Mental Health Counseling Examination(NCMHCE). It outlines the design and content of theexamination and guides candidates through theexamination process, from registration through testtaking. For your convenience, this handbook can bedownloaded from check with your state board for specificinformation about licensure application procedures andany additional requirements. If you have previouslyachieved a passing score on an NBCC examination,contact your state board to determine if you are examexempt. You may be required to apply to your stateboard prior to sitting for the NCMHCE. Candidates maynot schedule an examination with Pearson VUE until theyhave registered with CCE.ABOUT NBCCEXAMINATION ADMINISTRATIONThe National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) isinternationally recognized as a leading provider ofcounselor credentialing examinations. All 50 states,Guam, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbiaadminister NBCC examinations as part of theircounselor credentialing requirements. Based on itsreputation for excellence in the examination field,NBCC has provided consultation services forexamination and credential development to many otherorganizations in the United States and abroad,including NBCC’s affiliate the Center for Credentialing &Education (CCE). NBCC has contracted with CCE tooversee the examination process.The examination is delivered by computer at more than250 Pearson VUE testing centers located throughout theUnited States. Generally, there are no applicationdeadlines and a candidate may submit a registrationform and fee at any time. Testing is normally during thefirst two full weeks of each month. The examination isadministered by appointment only on dates authorizedby CCE, Monday through Saturday beginning at 8 amwith the last appointment at 5:30 pm. Please contactPearson VUE for particular locations and details.Available dates will be indicated when scheduling yourexamination. Candidates are scheduled on a first-come,first-served basis. Therefore, candidates are advised tosubmit registration material approximately 60 days priorto the desired exam period.INDEPENDENT TESTING AGENCYCCE has contracted with Pearson VUE to assist in theadministration and scoring of the NCMHCE. PearsonVUE is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, withregional offices in Australia, China, Dubai, India, Japan,the United Kingdom, and the United States.HOLIDAYSExaminations are not offered on the following holidays: New Year’s DayNONDISCRIMINATION POLICY Memorial Day Independence Day (July 4)NBCC, CCE, and Pearson VUE do not discriminateagainst candidates on the basis of gender, race, creed,age, sexual orientation, or national origin. Labor Day Thanksgiving Day and the following Friday Christmas Eve Day (Limited hours) Christmas Day3
REGISTERING FOR AN EXAMINATIONSCHEDULING AN EXAMINATIONExaminees have the option to register online or via apaper registration form. Online registration is thepreferred method, as it requires a shorter processingtime.After you have completed the registration process andare approved to schedule your examination, you willreceive an email from Pearson VUE with your candidateID number. There are two ways to schedule anappointment for the examination:To begin the online registration process, go to and choose the“ProCounselor” tab. Candidates cannot schedule anexamination appointment with Pearson VUE until CCEhas processed their registration. Pearson will sendemail notification to registered candidates withexamination scheduling procedures.1.Online scheduling is the preferred method. To usethis service: Retrieve your candidate ID number from theemail. Go to and select“Create Account.”To instead request a paper registration form,email Be aware that a paperregistration will require an extended processing time. Follow the simple, step-by-step instructionsto select your examination program andregister for an examination.REGISTRATION EXPIRATIONOrA candidate who fails to test within six months afterregistering with CCE forfeits the registration and all feespaid to take the examination.2.EXAMINATION REREGISTRATIONIf you are unsuccessful in your examination attempt,you may reregister by following the same registrationprocess; however, you will not be able to retest untilyou have completed a three month waiting period. Theactual retest date will depend on the monthly testingschedule and site availability. A separate fee is requiredeach time you register for the exam.Telephone: Call Pearson VUE at 866-904-4432to schedule an examination appointment. This tollfree number is answered from 7 am to 7 pm.Central time Monday through Friday. You mayexperience extended hold times.When scheduling an examination, be prepared toconfirm a location and a preferred date and time fortesting, and to provide your client candidate ID number.Pearson VUE uses this number only for identification inmaintaining your record. When you contact PearsonVUE to schedule an examination appointment, you willbe notified of the time to report to the testing center.Please make a note of it, because you will not receiveadditional communications confirming your scheduledappointment.FEES AND REFUND POLICYCandidates must submit the appropriate fee to register.Online payment must be made by credit card (VISA,MasterCard or American Express). Paper registrationforms must include a cashier’s check or money orderpayable to NBCC. (Personal checks are not accepted.)Examination fees are not refundable or transferable andexpire if the registration process is not completed withinone year.TESTING CENTER LOCATIONSPearson VUE testing centers have been selected toprovide accessibility to most candidates in all statesand major metropolitan areas. A current listing ofPearson VUE testing centers, including addresses anddriving directions, is available at Pearson VUE’s website( Specific address informationwill also be provided when a candidate schedules anexamination appointment.4
MISSED APPOINTMENTS AND CANCELLATIONSSPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR CANDIDATES WITHDISABILITIESA candidate forfeits the examination registration and allfees paid to take the examination when he or she:CCE and Pearson VUE comply with the Americans withDisabilities Act and strive to ensure that no individualwith a disability is deprived of the opportunity to take anexamination solely by reason of that disability. Withsupporting documentation, CCE and Pearson VUE willprovide reasonable accommodations for candidates withpermanent or temporary disabilities or for whom Englishis a second language. Please note that accommodationsmust be pre-approved by your state board and/or CCE.Visit for state-specificinformation on special accommodations. Intends to reschedule an examination but fails tocontact Pearson VUE at least 24 hours before theexamination appointment. Arrives more than 15 minutes late for anexamination. Fails to report for an examination appointment forany reason.A separate registration and examination fee arerequired to reregister for the examination.Candidates testing with approved specialaccommodations must schedule their examination viaPearson VUE’s toll-free number (800-466-0450) andinform Pearson VUE of the need for specialaccommodations. Please note, in order for anaccommodation to be approved, the candidate mustsubmit supporting documentation Supportingdocumentation must be submitted on letterhead; datedwithin five years of the request; include the candidate’sfull name, date of birth, diagnosis, and recommendedaccommodation(s); and be signed by a licensed,qualified professional.INCLEMENT WEATHER, POWER FAILURE, OREMERGENCYCandidates should call in emergencies that occur theday of testing and qualification for a retest will beconsidered on a case-by-base basisIn the event of inclement weather or unforeseenemergencies on the day of an examination, PearsonVUE will determine whether circumstances warrant thecancellation and subsequent rescheduling of anexamination. The examination will usually berescheduled if the testing center personnel are unableto open the facility. If power to a testing center istemporarily interrupted during an administration, yourexamination will restart where you left off and you maycontinue the examination.Candidates should not schedule the exam withoutconfirmation of the approved special accommodations.Candidates who schedule their examination date prior toconfirmation of the approved special accommodationswill forfeit the scheduled exam and the exam date will berescheduled.Every attempt is made to administer the examinationas scheduled; however, should an examination becancelled at a testing center, all scheduled candidateswill receive notification by e-mail or telephoneregarding rescheduling or reregistration procedures.You may appeal a power outage only if you are notreturned to where you left off prior to the power outage.EXAMINATION APPOINTMENT CHANGESYou may reschedule an examination appointment bycalling Pearson VUE at 866-904-4432. There is a 50 feeto reschedule within seven days of your originalappointment. You cannot reschedule less than 24 hoursprior to your appointment.5
EXAMINATION CONTENTEXAMINATION FORMATThe simulations on the NCMHCE are designed to samplea broad area of competencies, not the recall of isolatedfacts. Therefore, the simulations assess clinical problemsolving abilities including conducting empiricallysupported and professionally indicated assessments andformation of symptom-based DSM diagnoses andclinically aligned treatment plans.The examinationconsists of 10 clinical mental health counseling cases.Each case is divided into five to 10 sections classified aseither Information Gathering (IG) or Decision Making(DM). One of the 10 simulations is included for field-testpurposes; it is not scored and only used to generate itemstatistics for future simulations.A clinical mental health counselor is required to makeimportant clinical decisions regarding the well-being ofclients. Therefore, a clinical simulation examinationmore realistically assesses knowledge of suchdecision-making.The NCMHCE is a clinical simulation examination. Eachsimulation consists of three components: a scenario,Information Gathering (IG) sections, and DecisionMaking (DM) sections. The scenario provides thesetting and introductory client information (e.g., age,gender, presenting problem[s]).In Information Gathering (IG) sections, you areexpected to gather all relevant information fordiagnosis and treatment of your client. This mightinclude family background, status of physical health,previous experience in counseling, etc. Be sure to readall options before submitting any selections. To make aselection, click the circle next to a response and thenclick the corresponding “submit” button to obtainfeedback. You should select all options that areappropriate. If you select more or fewer options thanare appropriate, this will adversely impact yourInformation Gathering score.The examination covers the following areas:Assessment and DiagnosisExample assessment and diagnosis work behaviorsinclude the following: Integrate client assessment and observational data. Identify precipitating problems or symptoms. Identify individual and/or relationship functioning. Identify relevant family issues.Decision Making (DM) sections provide opportunitiesfor making clinical judgments or decisions. IG and DMsections may be formatted in one of two ways:Counseling and PsychotherapyExample counseling and psychotherapy work behaviorsinclude the following: Inform client about ethical standards and practice. Clarify counselor/client roles. Implement individual counseling in relation to aplan of treatment. Evaluate referral information.Example administration, consultation and supervisionwork behaviors include the following:Maintain case notes, records, and/or files. Determine if services meet clients’ needs. Conduct professional communication. Assist clients with obtaining services.Single Best Option—There may be more thanone acceptable option, but one option isgenerally regarded as most acceptable.2.Multiple Options—Several options areconsidered appropriate. These sections addressdecisions in which a combination of actions isrequired.In the Decision Making section described as“Single Best Option,” the instructions are to“CHOOSE ONLY ONE” option. You should not assumethat your response is incorrect if you are directed tomake another selection. The simulation examinationformat sometimes uses this direction. The “MultipleOptions” type of Decision Making section will haveinstructions to “SELECT AS MANY AS INDICATED.”When making a selection, click the circle next to aresponse and then click the corresponding “submit”button to obtain feedback. If you fail to click the circleand submit button, you will not receive information todetermine whether to proceed to the next section.Administration, Consultation, andSupervision 1.The procedure for taking the NCMHCE is different fromthat of multiple-choice examinations. Each simulation isidentified by a number and the client’s name, and eachsection by a letter.6
SAMPLE CLINICAL SIMULATIONThe following is an example of an IG and DM section as it might appear in a problem on the NCMHCE. Remember that inan actual problem, there will be five to 10 sections and four to 14 selections per section (depending on the nature of thesection). The responses in the shaded right-hand column are uncovered here. In the actual examination, you will not beable to see the response unless you select and submit the corresponding option.Simulation 1- Ms. Wagner: You are a clinical mental health counselor in a small group private practice. Ms. Wagner is a37-year-old female who has scheduled an appointment with you. She states, “My primary care physician said youprobably could help me.” For the past three months, Ms. Wagner has been feeling stressed, had problems sleeping, andhas not been able to focus on her work.Section A-Ms. WagnerDuring the first session, which of the following would be most important to assess in order to formulate a DSMdiagnosis? (SELECT AS MANY as you consider indicated in this section.)A-1. Mental statusA-1.Unremarkable **A-2.StressorsA-2.Single parent of a 10-year-old girl, elementaryteacher at a new school, and father had a heartattack 3 months ago**A-3. Previous counselingA-3.None**A-4. Recreation activitiesA-4.Not relevant at this time**A-5. Family history of mental illnessA-5.None**Seven to nine more choices would appear here on a complete simulation.7
Section D-Ms. WagnerBased on the information obtained about Ms. Wagner, what is the DSM diagnosis?(CHOOSE ONLY ONE unless you are directed to “Make another selection n this section.”)D-1. Generalized anxiety disorderD-1.Not indicated.Make another selection in this section.**D-2. Major depressive disorder,single episodeD-2.Not indicated.Make another selection in this section.**D-3 Adjustment disorder withdepressed moodD-3.Indicated.**D-4. Persistent depressive disorderD-4.Not indicated.Make another selection in this section.**This section might have one to two more alternatives on a complete simulation.PREPARING FOR THE EXAMINATIONTAKING THE EXAMINATIONYour primary objective in preparing for the examinationis to pass. Other objectives such as learning newmaterial and reviewing old material are critical to thisobjective. Begin by developing your strategy for success.Your examination will be delivered by computer at aPearson VUE testing center. You do not needadvanced computer experience or typing skills to takethe examination. (You will be required to select answerchoices and in some instance scroll to the end of thecurrent page using a mouse.) On the day of yourexamination appointment, please plan to arrive at thetesting center early. Prior to testing at the Pearson VUEtesting center you are are required to read the PearsonVUE Candidate Agreement. You will be required to signthis agreement before you are allowed into the testingcenter. The document outlines what test takers shoulddo if they need help with the examination and otherpolicies. A sample of the agreement is found in theappendix of this handbook.A good study strategy includes preparation. To prepare,determine first what you need to learn, choose yourstudy materials, and select a quiet, comfortable placethat allows you to focus. Before you begin, check tomake sure you have everything you need. Try to avoidinterruptions.Developing a study plan will allow you to learn the mostas you study. Include setting goals in your study plan.Review what you have studied as often as possible. Themore you review, the more you will retain.For your convenience, signs indicating Pearson VUEtesting center check-in will be posted at the testingcenter.A candidate who arrives more than 15 minutes afterthe scheduled testing time will not be admitted andwill forfeit their registration fee.8
IDENTIFICATIONEXAMINATION RESTRICTIONS Writing materials will be provided during check-in.To gain admission to the testing center, you mustpresent two forms of identification,one with a photograph. The name on your registrationand on your photo ID must be identical. Both forms ofidentification must be current and include your currentname and signature. You will be required to sign aroster for verification of identity. You must return all writing materials to theproctor at the completion of testing, or you willnot receive a score report. No documents ornotes of any kind may be removed from theexamination room. No questions concerning the content of the exammay be asked during the examination.Acceptable forms of photo identification include acurrent driver’s license, a current state identificationcard, a current passport or a current militaryidentification card. Employment ID cards, student IDcards, and any type of temporary identification are notacceptable as the primary form of identification. You may take a break when you choose, but youwill not be given additional time to test. Eating, drinking, or smoking is not permitted inthe testing center.MISCONDUCTYou must have proper identification to gain admissionto the testing center. Failure to provide appropriateidentification at the time of the examination isconsidered a missed appointment, and a refund of yourexamination fee will not be granted.Individuals who engage in any of the following conductmay be dismissed from the examination and forfeittheir scores and fees:SECURITY Creating a disturbance or being abusive orotherwise uncooperative.NBCC, CCE, and Pearson VUE maintain the highestdegree of administration and security standards. Thetesting center is continuously monitored by audio andvideo surveillance equipment for security purposes. Displaying and/or using electroniccommunications equipment such as pagers, cellphones, or PDAs. Giving or receiving help or being suspected ofdoing so.The following security procedures apply during theexamination: No cameras, notes, tape recorders, personaldigital assistants (PDAs), pagers or cell phonesare allowed in the testing room. No calculators are permitted. No guests, visitors, or family members areallowed in the testing room or reception areas. No personal items, valuables, or weapons shouldbe brought to the testing center. A locker isprovided for storing keys, wallets, and cellphones. Pearson VUE is not responsible for itemsleft in the reception areas. Attempting to record examination questions ormake notes. Attempting to take the examination for someoneelse. Being observed with notes, books, or other aids.COPYRIGHTED EXAMINATION QUESTIONSAll examination questions are the copyrighted propertyof NBCC. It is forbidden under federal copyright law tocopy, reproduce, record, distribute, display, or sharethese examination questions by any means, in whole orin part. Those who do so may be subject to severe civiland criminal penalties.SCREENINGPrior to entering the testing center Pearson VUE testadministrators security screen you to make sure you donot have notes or cameras. You may be asked to: roll up your sleeves. pull up pant legs to show that no notes are tapedto the legs. turn out your pockets. pull back your hair to examine ears for earphonesor microphones. scan palms on a scanner.9
BEGINNING THE EXAMINATIONIn sections where a candidate is instructed to“SELECT AS MANY,” the candidate should select all ofthe options believed appropriate or necessary. Click thecorresponding “Submit” button, read the feedback foreach of the submitted options, then click “Next” at thebottom right of the screen to continue to the nextsection. A dialog box will appear requesting that thecandidate confirm he or she wishes to continue to thenext section and warning that returning to this sectionto make additional submissions will not be possible.Selecting “Yes” takes the candidate to the next sectionof the client simulation.After your identification has been confirmed, you will bedirected to a testing carrel. The system will monitor youvia video throughout your examination session.Following the examination instructions, you will beginthe timed examination. When you begin the exam, thefirst page displayed is the nondisclosure agreement(NDA). Candidates must agree to the terms of theagreement to proceed with the exam.Please read carefully and click “Yes” if you agree to theterms of the NCMHCE. You will have five minutes toagree to the NDA, or the examination will terminate.In sections where a candidate is instructed to“CHOOSE ONLY ONE unless directed to make anotherselection,” the candidate should carefully review eachoption and then choose the best option following theprocedure described above. A dialog box will thenappear presenting the results for the choice. The resultwill either request that the candidate select anotherresponse or move to the next section or simulation.INSTRUCTIONSAfter you agree to the terms of the NDA, you will clickthe “Next” button and arrive at the tutorial for theexamination. You have 10 minutes to review how tonavigate and respond to the examination items. Whenyou finish the tutorial, you may begin the exam. Youwill have three hours to complete this examination.FOLLOWING THE EXAMINATIONEXAMINATION SCREENAfter completing the examination, candidates are askedto complete a short evaluation of their examinationexperience. Then, candidates are instructed to report tothe examination proctor to receive their unofficial scorereport. Your score report will indicate “pass” or “fail.”Two windows appear on the screen, the simulation andoptions windows. A scroll bar is available whennecessary to view all text in either window. Thescenario window displays the current simulation onthe left side of your screen. Scenarios are briefparagraphs that provide preliminary information abouta client. The options window on the right side of yourscreen displays the current IG or DM section, which iscomposed of an item and four to 14 selections(options). Each options window will also provide thecandidate with specific instructions about whether to“CHOOSE ONLY ONE” response in the section or to“SELECT AS MANY” responses as appropriate togather information about the client.The unofficial score report will include your name,examination identification number, and a report of yourscore and how you performed on Information Gatheringand Decision Making sections of the test.After verifying that you have abided by testing policiesand procedures during the administration of your exam,CCE will report your official scores to your licensingorganization. Passing the examination does notguarantee licensure. NBCC, CCE, and Pearson VUEreserve the right to withdraw or void official scores if itis found a candidate engaged in misconduct, wrongfullysat for the examination, or violated the regulations ofthe respective organizations. Scores are reported inwritten form only and not over the telephone, by emailor fax.The case progress review screen is located in the topright-hand part of the screen. Selecting this box opensa window to review previous sections and feedbackprovided for previously selected options.After a candidate selects and submits an option, he orshe cannot reconsider and “unselect” it, since theinformation from that option has been revealed.10
SCORES CANCELLED BY NBCC, CCE, OR PEARSONVUEPASS/FAIL SCORE DETERMINATIONExamination scores are only determined by anindividual’s performance on the exam. Neitherindividual scores nor passing scores are compared orinfluenced by the performance of other test takers.Test scores will not be modified based on work history,quality of clinical work, or other personal orprofessional variables (e.g., taking the test multipletimes, belonging to honor societies, or holding otherprofessional credentials).NBCC, CCE, and Pearson VUE are responsible for thevalidity and integrity of the scores they report. NBCC,CCE, and Pearson VUE reserve the right to void orwithhold examination results if, upon investigation,violation of regulations is discovered.IF YOU PASS THE EXAMINATIONThe passing score for the version of the examinationyou were administered was established prior toadministration of the examination. The IG and DMpassing scores for each form of the NCMHCE were setby subject matter experts. The exact passing scoremay vary from one form of the examination to anotherdepending on the scored simulations included. Theexamination committee follows predeterminedguidelines when selecting the simulations for eachexamination form.Your official scores will be forwarded to your statelicensure board within 30 days of the end of the testingcycle. Candidates who pass the examination shouldfollow their state board requirements for licensure.In order to assist candidates to evaluate theirperformance on the examination, score reports displayan examinee’s total scores for bothIG and DM sections. Examinees must obtain a passingscore on both the IG and DM areas of the examination.APPEALING EXAMINATION RESULTSIF YOU DO NOT PASS THE EXAMINATIONCandidates may take the examination once every threemonths. You can reregister by submitting a newexamination registration with the appropriate fee.Examinees may appeal exam score results. To beconsidered, appeals must follow the guidelines below.Administration AppealsThe total score for Information Gathering and DecisionMaking represent the sum correct points for IG and DMfor all nine scored simulations on your examination. Aspreviously discussed in this handbook, thisexamination includes one unscored (field-test)simulation used to generate item statistics.Candidates may base their appeal on: Proctoring errors (e.g., proctor failed to checkcandidates in properly, improper materials in thetesting area). Site conditions (e.g., distractions, lightingfailures). Computer failure (e.g., error messages, screenfailures).In order to submit an administration-based appeal, thecandidate must immediately report the issue to thetesting center staff and file an incident report while onsite. Before considering the appeal, CCE must be ableto confirm the issue filed in t
Candidate Handbook for State Credentialing for the National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination (NCMHCE) The Center for Credentialing & Education, Inc. (CCE) values diversity. There are no barriers to credentialing on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, or national origin. 3 Terrace Way Greensboro, NC 27403-3660
Candidate Handbook for State Credentialing for the National Counselor Examination (NCE) The Center for Credentialing & Education, Inc. (CCE) values diversity. There are no barriers to credentialing on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, or
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