ESSENTIALPLANComprehensive car and home insurance withunique driving rewards and safety featuresDISCOV E RY I N SU RE 2 0 2 1
HOMEDISC O V E RY IN SUR EEssential PlanCLASSICPLANThe Essential Plan gives you comprehensive vehicleand home insurance. The Vitality Drive programmerewards you for driving well and provides state-ofthe-art safety features.Our unique service features speed up the claimsVEHICLECOVERprocess, keep you informed throughout and enableyou to actively manage your plan.HOMECOVER Getup to 25%fuel cash back every month for driving wellSERVICEFEATURES Impact alertgets you immediate emergency assistance if wedetect a severe impact to your car, even if we can’tget hold of you. NoDRIVINGWELLexcessif an accident is caused by an insured third party Get up to 10% off Uber tripsany time of the daySAFETYFEATURESVITALITYDRIVEHOW TOEARN01E SSE N T I A L P LA N 2 0 2 1
DISC O V E RY IN SUR EHOMEVehicle URESNO E XCESS I N THE E V E N T OFR E T A I L VA L U E B O O S T E R *An accident being caused by aninsured third partyChoose to get your car’s retailvalue plus 15% backG E T O P T I O NA L VEHICL E WARRANT Y CO VERE XCESS FLE X I B I LI TYCAR HIRE OR UBER*Comprehensive, market-leading mechanical breakdown and electricalfailure cover for 36 critical components of your vehicle:Choose your own excess to meetyour specific needsGet optional car hire cover, orchoose Uber services instead,while your vehicle is being repaired Peace of mind ensured by unlimited vehicle part cover and a flat excessE M E R G E NC Y R O A D S I D EA S S I S T A NC E Unique Vitality Drive car servicing discounts to reward you for driving well.DRIVINGWELL Embedded wear-and-tear cover for insured components One simple product with a personalised premium to reflect your own riskWRIT E -OF F A CCE LE R A TOR *Choose to write off your carat a lower damage levelIncluding Direction Assist andTrip MonitorSAFETYFEATURESVITALITYDRIVE*Optional benefitHOW TOEARN02E SSE N T I A L P LA N 2 0 2 1
DISC O V E RY IN SUR EHOMEHome coverEXCESS FLE X I B I LI TYESSENTIALPLANChoose your own excess to meet your specific needsHOME A S S I S TEmergency plumbing, electrical and locksmith servicesVEHICLECOVERHOME PR OTE CTOREmergency security and alternative accommodationNO-AVER A G E G UA R A N TE EHOMECOVERComplete an inventory assessment and know thatyour home contents are assessed and insured correctlyONLINE V A ULTSERVICEFEATURESStore important documents, proof of ownership andvaluation certificates online E ST IMAT E D M A X I M UM LOS SManage your portable possessions cover and premiumDRIVINGWELLMY JE WE LLE R *Choose to repair or replace your specified jewellery atyour preferred providerSAFETYFEATURESVITALITYDRIVE*Optional benefitHOW TOEARN03E SSE N T I A L P LA N 2 0 2 1
DISC O V E RY IN SUR EHOMEUnique service featuresESSENTIALPLANVEHICLEA UT O CLA I M SCLA I M S VI E WFAST TRACK CLAIMSL E G A L S UPPO RT BENEFITXPRES S REPAIRSSubmit your geyser,vehicle glass, cellphoneand electronic equipmentclaims to our automatedclaims agent online or onyour smartphone to haveyour claims approvedwithin minutesView the progress ofyour claims onlinewith real-time updatesWe process your specifiedlost or stolen cellphoneclaims within 48 hoursGet easy and affordable online ortelephonic access to an array oftop-quality legal support servicesSubmit your car’s minordamage claim online or onyour smartphone and we’llrepair it within five workingdays of starting the repair.If not, the next month’spremium for the damagedcar is SAFETYFEATURESVITALITYDRIVEHOW TOEARN04E SSE N T I A L P LA N 2 0 2 1
DISC O V E RY IN SUR EHOMERewards for driving wellESSENTIALPLANVitality Drive is Discovery Insure’s unique driver behaviour programme that rewards you for driving wellVEHICLECOVERFUEL CA S H B A CKGet up to 25% of your BP and Shell fueland Gautrain spend back every monthfor driving well.HOMECOVERSERVICEFEATURESInsure Funder AccountDouble the value of your fuel cash back bypaying it into your Insure Funder Account.Use your Insure Funder Account to:DRIVINGWELL Build up funds to cover your vehicle excessin the event of a claimFund any car or car hire claim excess Fund up to 100% of your tyre spendat Tiger Wheel & Tyre.SAFETYFEATURESVITALITYDRIVEHOW TOEARN05E SSE N T I A L P LA N 2 0 2 1
DISC O V E RY IN SUR EHOMEOther rewardsfor driving wellVIT ALIT Y A CTI V E R E WA R D SGet rewarded for meeting your weekly Active Rewards drive goalsESSENTIALPLANVI T A L I T Y D R I VE S T AT US - BAS ED REWARD SG U A RANT EED 0 % RENEWAL INCREAS EVEHICLECOVERIf you are on Diamond status, you get a 0% renewalincrease on your comprehensive car insurance premiumHOMED I S C O UNT ED CHIL D CAR S EAT SDrive well to reach your personalised, weekly drive goaland close your drive ring.COVERUp to 50% discount on a wide range of child car seats fromToys R Us and Born Fabulous every yearSERVICEFEATUREST I G E R WHEEL & T YRE D IS CO UNT SUp to 20% off tyre purchases at Tiger Wheel & TyreWhen you achieve your drive goal, you will earn a playon the Vitality Active Rewards gameboard, where youwill be able to flip a tile to reveal between 150 and 750Discovery Miles. You can spend your Miles on coffees,smoothies, meals and entertainment or save them forhigher value rewards like shopping, travel and holidayvouchers.DRIVINGD I S C O UNT ED CAR MAINT ENANCEWELLUp to 20% discount on your car service and maintenancecosts at BoschSAFETYFEATURESU B E R D IS CO UNTEarn even more Discovery Miles by reachingyour additional, monthly drive goal whichwe allocate to you.Up to 10% off Uber trips and up to 25% off other drive-me-homeservices, any time of the dayVITALITYDRIVEHOW TOEARN06E SSE N T I A L P LA N 2 0 2 1
DISC O V E RY IN SUR EHOMESafety EATURESDRIVINGWELLSAFETYIMPAC T A LE R TVE H I C L E P A NI C B U T T O NF I ND M Y VE H ICL ESWEAT HER WARNING SGet immediate emergencyassistance if we detect asevere impact to your car,even if we can’t get holdof youGet immediate emergencyassistance on your phoneFind your vehiclesin real timeGet warnings of imminentbad weatherFEATURESVITALITYDRIVEHOW TOEARN07E SSE N T I A L P LA N 2 0 2 1
DISC O V E RY IN SUR EHOMEHow to get started on Vitality DriveGet up to 25% back on your fuel and Gautrain spend with Vitality Drive limited to R400 a month.Follow these simple steps to start earning fuel cash back:ESSENTIALPLANVEHICLECOVERINS TA LL YOURVITA L I TY D R I V E S ENS O RInstall your Vitality Drive Sensor at your nearest TigerWheel & Tyre and download the Discovery Insure appto start measuring your driving behaviour.HOMECOVERSERVICELIN K YOURVIT A L I TY D R I V E C A R DLink your Vitality Drive and Gautrain swift cards on theDiscovery app or I PE YOURVITA L I TY D R I V E C A R DSwipe your Vitality Drive card when you fill up at aparticipating BP or Shell service station. You will alsoearn cash back on your Gautrain VEHOW TOEARN08E SSE N T I A L P LA N 2 0 2 1
DISC O V E RY IN SUR EHOMEHow to earn and maximise your fuel cash backESSENTIALPLANYOUR MON THLY FUE L CA S H B A CKIS CALCUL A TE D A S FOLLOWS :G E T T O T H E H I G H E S T C A S H B A C K P E R C E NT A G EAdd at least R250 000 ofVEHICLEY O U R F U E L C A S H BACK PERCENT AG ECOVERhome insurance (householdCash back %contents, buildings or both)Tiger Wheel & Tyre Annual MultiPoint checkCompleted and passedTake your car to TigerIncompleteHOMEWheel & Tyre and pass theCOVERAnnual MultiPoint checkCar insuranceonlyThe lower ofCar and homeinsurance12.5% 25%Fuel spendCar insuranceonlyCar and homeinsurance5%10%SERVICEFEATURESM A X I M I S E Y O U R VI T A L I T Y D R I VE P O I NT SDRIVINGYou can earn up to 1 600Vitality Drive pointsVitality Drive points neededBlue0 to 299Bronze300 to 599status based on your VitalitySilver600 to 999Drive points. As you earnGold1 000 to 1 600DiamondEarn a monthly average of 1 000 or more Vitality Drive pointsand remain claim free for 12 consecutive months.Vitality Drive points everymonthYou will earn a Vitality Drivemore points, you will progressthrough the statuses:FUF EUEL LCACASHSHB ABCKA CKWELLVitality Drive statusSAFETYFEATURESVITALITYDRIVEEARN FUELREWARDS09E SSE N T I A L P LA N 2 0 2 1
DISC O V E RY IN SUR EHOMEHow to earn up to 1 600Vitality Drive points every monthESSENTIALPLANYou can earn Vitality Drive points for driving well, improving your driver behaviour, knowledge and awareness, and by making sure your vehiclesare safe to drive.VEHICLECOVERMA XIM I S I N G YOUR D R I V I N G PR OF I L E B Y D R I VI NG W E L L E VE R Y D A YHOME25 Drive points are allocated to youat the start of each dayMaintain your daily Drive pointsbalance by driving well everyday byYour daily Drive points will bank towards your monthly Driving Profile,up to 750 points a monthAccelerating smoothlyUP TOBraking smoothlyCornering smoothlyDriving within the speed limitNot using your cellphone25 Drive pointsallocated per dayDriving behaviourover 30 days750COVERSERVICEFEATURESVitality Drive PointsDRIVINGDRIVINGB E HA V I OURUp to 1 100 pointsK NOWLE DG E A N DA WA R E N E S SUp to 350 pointsDriving ProfileUp to 750 pointsDistance pointsUp to 100 pointsNight-time driving pointsUp to 150 pointsClaim-free yearsUp to 100 pointsOnline driver assessmentDriving coursesEyeGymWELLSAFETYFEATURES50 points150 pointsUp to 150 pointsVITALITYVE H I CLE S A FE TYUp to 150 pointsPassing the Tiger Wheel & Tyre AnnualMultiPoint checkService history up to date100 pointsDRIVE50 pointsEARN FUELREWARDS10E SSE N T I A L P LA N 2 0 2 1
DISC O V E RY IN SUR EThis brochure isa summary ofthe benefits offered by Discovery forcar and home insurance. Speak toyour financial adviser about the fullrange of Discovery Insure products,or visit Insure Ltd is a licenced non-life insurer and an authorised financial services provider. Registration number 2009/011882/06. Product rules, terms and conditions apply. Full product details including limitationscan be found on our website, or you can call 0860 751 751.RCK 87756IN 08/04/2022 V1
Car insurance only Car and home insurance Car insurance only Car and home insurance 12.5% 25% 5% 10% YOUR FUEL CASH BACK PERCENTAGE GET TO THE HIGHEST CASH BACK PERCENTAGE Add at least R250 000 of home insurance (household contents, buildings or both) Take your car to Tiger Wheel & Tyre and pass the Annual MultiPoint check
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