Home of the CLHMS TMLUXURY MARKET REPORTMAY 2022www.LuxuryHomeMarketing.com
THIS IS YOURLUXURY MARKET REPORT MAP OF LUXURY RESIDENTIAL MARKETSWelcome to the Luxury Market Report, your guide to luxury real estate market data and trendsfor North America. Produced monthly by The Institute for Luxury Home Marketing, this reportprovides an in-depth look at the top residential markets across the United States and Canada. Within theindividual markets, you will find established luxury benchmark prices and detailed survey of luxury active andsold properties designed to showcase current market status and recent trends. The national report illustratesa compilation of the top North American markets to review overall standards and trends.Copyright 2022 Institute for Luxury Home Marketing www.luxuryhomemarketing.com 214.485.3000The Luxury Market Report is a monthly analysis provided by The Institute for Luxury Home Marketing.Luxury benchmark prices are determined by The Institute. This active and sold data has been provided by REAL Marketing,who has compiled the data through various sources, including local MLS boards, local tax records and Realtor.com. Data isdeemed reliable to the best of our knowledge, but is not guaranteed.
– LUXURY REPORT EXPLAINED –The Institute for Luxury Home Marketing has analyzed a number of metrics — including salesprices, sales volumes, number of sales, sales-price-to-list-price ratios, days on market andprice-per-square-foot – to provide you a comprehensive North American Luxury Market report.Additionally, we have further examined all of the individual luxury markets to provide both anoverview and an in-depth analysis - including, where data is sufficient, a breakdown by luxurysingle-family homes and luxury attached homes.It is our intention to include additional luxury markets on a continual basis. If your market isnot featured, please contact us so we can implement the necessary qualification process. Morein-depth reports on the luxury communities in your market are available as well.Looking through this report, you will notice three distinct market statuses, Buyer's Market,Seller's Market, and Balanced Market. A Buyer's Market indicates that buyers have greatercontrol over the price point. This market type is demonstrated by a substantial number ofhomes on the market and few sales, suggesting demand for residential properties is slow forthat market and/or price point.By contrast, a Seller's Market gives sellers greater control over the price point. Typically, thismeans there are few homes on the market and a generous demand, causing competition betweenbuyers who ultimately drive sales prices higher.A Balanced Market indicates that neither the buyers nor the sellers control the price point atwhich that property will sell and that there is neither a glut nor a lack of inventory. Typically,this type of market sees a stabilization of both the list and sold price, the length of time theproperty is on the market as well as the expectancy amongst homeowners in their respectivecommunities – so long as their home is priced in accordance with the current market value.REPORT GLOSSARYREMAINING INVENTORY: The total number of homes available at the close of a month.DAYS ON MARKET: Measures the number of days a home is available on the market before apurchase offer is accepted.LUXURY BENCHMARK PRICE: The price point that marks the transition from traditional homesto luxury homes.NEW LISTINGS: The number of homes that entered the market during the current month.PRICE PER SQUARE FOOT: Measures the dollar amount of the home's price for an individualsquare foot.SALES RATIO: Sales Ratio defines market speed and determines whether the market currentlyfavors buyers or sellers. Buyer's Market up to 14%; Balanced Market 15 to 20%; Seller'sMarket 21% plus. If 100%, sales from previous month exceed current inventory.SP/LP RATIO: The Sales Price/List Price Ratio compares the value of the sold price to the valueof the list price.
“One trend this analysis of the global market forreal estate demonstrates is that the affluent are onthe move again, and North America will probablybe one of the largest beneficiaries. The strengthand stability of the luxury markets in Canada andthe U.S. over the last two years, not to mentioninvestment opportunities in the growth of newreal estate markets and luxury developments, willdrive the incentive from international buyers.”
NORTH AMERICAN LUXURY REVIEWThe Global Demand for Luxury Real EstateThe ebbs and flows of the luxury real estate market continue to be fascinating while still providingsome unexpected twists and turns. At the beginning of 2022, experts had predicted a more traditionalyear, but reality tells a different story.Much like actors, the players in the luxury real estate market need to have the ability to adapt tomeet new expectations, as well as the demands of the audience – but equally, they must recognizethat longevity and ongoing success commands a hefty price tag.That success has now gone global – if not viral! While the ownership of luxury properties throughoutthe world has always been part of the affluent's portfolio, prior to the pandemic, the pace of decisionmaking and purchasing was so much slower, with the level of inventory far exceeding the demand.From London to Miami, Los Angeles to Sydney, the increasing demand for luxury propertiescontinues to be at unexpected levels while inventory availability decreases and prices increase –further compounded as more countries open up and return to some semblance of normalcy, withthe return of the international buyer.Looking back over the last two years, it has been interesting to watch how the global demand hasdeveloped and determined the impacts on the world's luxury real estate market as we move intothe rest of 2022.While it cannot be declared that the U.S. and Canada were the trendsetters in the meteoric increasein purchasing luxury properties over the last two years, the comparative statistics indicate thatNorth America recorded the fastest growth of demand during the first year of the pandemic. Also,
demand has not only not abated, but it consistently increased, and even in April 2022, we saw ahigher volume of sales compared to 2021.At the start of the pandemic in 2020, the demand for luxury real estate took much longer to appearin other parts of the world. In Asia and Australasia, most countries initially handled the onset ofthe pandemic effectively, so there was little need to rush out of the city or change their current abode.Whereas in Europe, whole cities and countries were in lockdown, so the process of buying 'escape'properties was slowed by the initial difficulty of not being able to travel.South America saw an equally slow start in the purchase of luxury properties, as the pandemic tookmuch longer to take hold – waiting for the cooler months of the summer in many of these subequator countries.Despite the slower start outside North America, after reviewing the overall global trend during thelast two years, we can see that several factors were key determinants in the growth of demandfor luxury properties in 2021. Rising global wealth, increasing numbers of affluent individuals,investment return opportunities, and the growing importance of intrinsic value that a luxuryproperty offers have all been instrumental.We can see this global change more emphatically by looking at the numbers provided by Wealth- Xfor individuals with a net worth of over 5 million through a comparison of growth from 2020 tothe end of 2021.In 2020, their global wealth grew by 2.1%, from 61 trillion to 62 trillion, but in 2021 it explodedwith a 20.4% increase of 12.8 trillion, equaling a growth of wealth to over 75 trillion.However, it is more likely that the population growth of these individuals with a net worth of over 5 million could be the most important factor in the dramatic decrease in inventory levels. In 2020,we saw a 2.2% growth in the number of individuals with wealth of over 5 million in net value, butin 2021 that number grew by an outstanding 19.8%.
This total increase has resulted in the introduction of over 660,000 new individuals into the highnet-worth bracket, which, combined with the existing affluent looking to both diversify and addnew properties to their portfolio, provides a true insight into why the demand for luxury propertiesskyrocketed during 2021 and into 2022.While this growth of wealth and the individuals with this wealth undoubtedly created one of themost significant impacts on the demand for luxury real estate, what is truly fascinating is some ofthe unexpected diversification of where the wealthy are buying and why.Since reopening its borders, Australia has seen a marked interest in Sydney and Melbourne's luxuryreal estate markets, and despite their tight foreign ownership rules, demand has been extremelyhigh. In the past, distance and remoteness were a hindrance, but in today's world, these factorsare now considered a benefit. Throw in additional tax incentives for relocating a business, and theelite start to look at the viability of moving here.Looking to India, we see predictions for a continuation of a strong luxury real estate market.Already Delhi, Mumbai, and Goa have seen the ultra-rich invest heavily in high-end property. Thewidely traveled affluent are leading the charge as they have experienced living in more luxuriousaccommodations and are ready to spend their wealth on luxury real estate to upgrade their lifestylein a city of their choice. While the affluent are attracted to Mumbai due to it being the commercialcapital, especially for investment with well-established luxury property developers, areas such asLutyens' Zone, Vasant Vihar, and South Delhi remain hot real estate destinations in Delhi.Dubai has seen a resurgence in its market in the last six months. Despite all the negative pressabout Russian Oligarchs using it as a hiding place, Dubai recorded its best quarter since 2010, withtop investors coming from the UK, France, and Italy. Europeans have dominated investment, butincreasing numbers of individuals from Canada, India, and Pakistan are taking significant interestas visa reforms and economic stability have proven to be successful draws.
The great exodus from London in 2021 saw British locals moving out to the countryside and foreigninvestors either returning home or choosing to invest closer to home. However, the first quarter of2022 marked a significant return of both types of affluent property buyers. One of the unexpectedtwists is the increased demand for properties at the very high end of the market, driven by verywealthy buyers from the U.S. and citizens of Hong Kong concerned about the long-term impacts oftheir city's transition to Chinese rule.Moving away from the big city lights to the coastal and mountain retreats, such as Monaco inFrance, St. Moritz in Switzerland, and other similar locales that have always attracted the megawealthy, inventory levels for some of the most expensive properties in the world have not only beendepleted but have seen unimaginable price increases. Innovative developers may ease the burdenslightly in Monaco with the building of an eco-development reclaiming land from the sea andluxury development in the heart of Larvotto, offering 56 apartments with wrap-around balconiesand five villas, each with a rooftop terrace, private pool, and all having Mediterranean views.As global demand for luxury homes continues to increase, the opportunity for developers andbuilders holds a world of opportunity, innovation, and, of course, financial gain.In North America, cities were high on the list for the wealthy, especially Washington D.C., New York,Los Angeles, Miami, and Honolulu, with individuals desiring a return to downtown lifestyles. Andmore than 10% of luxury searches were conducted by foreign buyers, according to data collectedfor Mansion Global by Realtor.com.One trend this analysis of the global market for real estate demonstrates is that the affluent are onthe move again, and North America will probably be one of the largest beneficiaries. The strengthand stability of the luxury markets in Canada and the U.S. over the last two years, not to mentioninvestment opportunities in the growth of new real estate markets and luxury developments, willdrive the incentive from international buyers.
– 13 - MONTH MARKET TRENDS –FOR THE LUXURY NORTH AMERICAN MARKETSingle-Family HomesAttached HomesSingle-Family List PriceAttached List PriceAll data is based off median values. Median prices represent properties priced above respective city benchmark prices.20DAYS ON RAPR 443 529 547 423 530 420 412 523 535 415 396 400 499 501 523 397 482 392 521 481 376 300 388 495 400 376 500 511 600 200 100 0SALES PRICE VS. LIST PRICEAPR 384PRICE PER SQUARE FOOT0APRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDECJANFEBMARAPR 2,100,000 1,900,000 1,700,000 1,500,000 1,300,000 1,100,000 900,000 700,000 500,000APRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDECJANFEBMARAPR
– LUXURY MONTHLY MARKET REVIEW –A Review of Key Market Differences Year over YearApril 2021 April 2022SINGLE-FAMILY HOMESApril 2021April 2022April 2021April 2022Median List Price 1,699,000 1,795,972Total Inventory29,45828,919Median Sale Price 1,385,000 1,335,075New Listings12,92215,623100.00%100.83%Total Sold18,56821,67563.03%74.95%127 384 4433,6733,133Median SP/LP RatioTotal Sales RatioMedian Price per Sq. Ft.Median Days on MarketAverage Home SizeMedian prices represent properties priced above respective city benchmark prices. 2,7013,107New ListingsTotal Sold 511.92%Med. Sale PriceDays on MarketSales Ratio49,925 SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES MARKET SUMMARY APRIL 2022 Official Market Type: Seller's Market with a 74.95% Sales Ratio.1 Homes are selling for an average of 100.83% of list price. The median luxury threshold2 price is 950,000, and the median luxury home sales priceis 1,335,075. Markets with the Highest Median Sales Price: Aspen ( 9,975,000), Vail ( 5,772,500),Telluride ( 5,350,029), and Los Angeles Beach Cities ( 4,000,000). Markets with the Highest Sales Ratio: Waterloo Region (258%), East Bay (211%), Seattle(206%) and Hamilton Country (175%).Sales Ratio defines market speed and market type: Buyer's 15.5%; Balanced 15.5 to 20.5%; Seller's 20.5% plus. If 100%, sales from1previous month exceeds current inventory. 2The luxury threshold price is set by The Institute for Luxury Home Marketing.
– LUXURY MONTHLY MARKET REVIEW –A Review of Key Market Differences Year over YearApril 2021 April 2022ATTACHED HOMESApril 2021Median List PriceMedian Sale PriceMedian SP/LP RatioTotal Sales RatioMedian Price per Sq. Ft.April 2022 1,037,500 1,068,000 865,000 884,500100.00%100.00%47.53%64.95% 511 529April 2021April 202212,27310,186New Listings4,5935,285Total Sold5,8336,6161581,9481,779Total InventoryMedian Days on MarketAverage Home SizeMedian prices represent properties priced above respective city benchmark prices. 692 New Listings783Total Sold 19,500 Med. Sale Price 7 17.42%Days on MarketSales RatioATTACHED HOMES MARKET SUMMARY APRIL 20 22 Official Market Type: Seller's Market with a 64.95% Sales Ratio.1 Attached homes are selling for an average of 100.00% of list price. The median luxury threshold2 price is 700,000, and the median attached luxury saleprice is 884,500. Markets with the Highest Median Sales Price: Aspen ( 3,125,000), Vail ( 2,650,000),San Francisco ( 2,300,000), and Greater Boston ( 2,075,000). Markets with the Highest Sales Ratio: Silicon Valley (360%), Howard County (300%),Central Coast (283%) and Waterloo Region (263%).Sales Ratio defines market speed and market type: Buyer's 15.5%; Balanced 15.5 to 20.5%; Seller's 20.5% plus. If 100%, sales from1previous month exceeds current inventory. 2The luxury threshold price is set by The Institute for Luxury Home Marketing.
– LUXURY MONTHLY MARKET REVIEW –SINGLE-FAMILY HOMESState Market NameMedianList PriceMedianSold PriceInventoryNewListingsSoldDays onMarketMarketStatusABCalgary 1,149,900 980,00050336834214Seller'sAZChandler and Gilbert 1,149,500 945,000886412619Seller'sAZFlagstaff 1,594,859 1,225,00046281937Seller'sAZMesa 880,680 839,90060379713Seller'sAZParadise Valley 6,799,000 3,625,00091314117Seller'sAZPhoenix 925,000 800,00031421351317Seller'sAZScottsdale 2,495,000 1,600,00032319429519Seller'sAZTucson 792,938 650,0004342003465Seller'sBCMid Vancouver Island 1,600,000 1,410,0001471097310Seller'sBCOkanagan Valley 1,848,900 1,592,00060835014922Seller'sBCVancouver 4,480,000 3,350,00011734991719Buyer'sBCVictoria 2,599,500 1,925,5008793627Seller'sCACentral Coast 3,474,500 2,287,500126671048Seller'sCAEast Bay 2,148,800 2,075,0003553117487Seller'sCAGreater Palm Springs 2,375,000 1,765,00020111515820Seller'sCALake Tahoe 2,797,000 1,715,0008848517Seller'sCALos Angeles Beach Cities 6,697,500 4,000,0002189310311Seller'sCALos Angeles City 5,995,000 3,500,00051421422012Seller'sCALos Angeles The Valley 2,499,000 2,070,00028917927710Seller'sCAMarin County 3,561,500 3,050,0005623968Seller'sCANapa County 3,995,000 2,000,00098263525Seller'sCAOrange County 2,800,000 2,200,0006853835857Seller'sCAPlacer County 1,225,000 1,109,00022981977Seller'sCASacramento 949,995 875,0005042042857Seller'sCASan Diego 2,399,000 1,875,0005783745686Seller'sCASan Francisco 4,435,000 3,500,00099217311Seller'sCASan Luis Obispo County 1,925,000 1,440,00011447900Seller'sCASanta Barbara 6,372,500 3,525,0008247668Seller'sCASilicon Valley 4,350,000 3,302,0003092255117Seller'sCASonoma County 2,395,000 1,750,000193326323Seller'sCAVentura County 2,489,000 1,650,00017110215312Seller'sCOAspen 15,075,000 9,975,0005081588Seller'sCOBoulder 2,315,000 1,555,0001066614128Seller'sCOColorado Springs 995,000 884,9502211431824Seller'sMedian prices represent properties priced above respective city benchmark prices. Prices shown for Canadian cites are shown in Canadian Dollars.
– LUXURY MONTHLY MARKET REVIEW –SINGLE-FAMILY HOMESState Market NameMedianList PriceMedianSold PriceInventoryNewListingsSoldDays onMarketMarketStatusCODenver 1,795,000 1,418,0002862094434Seller'sCODouglas County 1,699,999 1,228,0001531121814Seller'sCODurango 2,072,500 1,136,50046172256Seller'sCOSummit County 3,495,000 2,475,000291073Seller'sCOTelluride 9,600,000 5,350,0293744150Buyer'sCOVail 6,232,500 5,772,5004491015Seller'sCTCentral Connecticut 720,350 611,195266871345Seller'sCTCoastal Connecticut 2,300,000 1,700,00040916517823Seller'sDCWashington D.C. 4,995,000 2,700,0004716276Seller'sDESussex County Coastal 1,397,250 1,257,50011439408Seller'sFLBoca Raton/Delray Beach 3,500,000 1,958,000227105997Seller'sFLCoastal Pinellas County 2,500,000 1,700,00061323210Seller'sFLGreater Fort Lauderdale 1,796,944 1,179,50062430840612Seller'sFLJacksonville Beaches 1,424,900 1,200,00016510513314Seller'sFLLee County 1,440,000 1,275,0003511802039Seller'sFLMarco Island 2,799,000 2,650,0007930357Seller'sFLMiami 2,390,000 1,467,50059322315417Seller'sFLNaples 5,149,500 3,820,00019676798Seller'sFLOrlando 1,375,000 1,155,0003551572317Seller'sFLPalm Beach Towns 4,700,000 2,700,000151614126Seller'sFLSarasota & Beaches 3,165,000 2,125,00019990885Seller'sFLSouth Pinellas County 2,300,000 1,357,65011064965Seller'sFLSouth Walton 2,995,000 2,312,50019987867Seller'sFLTampa 900,000 703,5004112464604Seller'sFLWeston 1,380,000 990,00038275013Seller'sGAAtlanta 1,675,000 1,200,0004262123064Seller'sGADuluth 1,850,000 1,280,000117114Seller'sHIIsland of Hawaii 2,224,500 1,987,50076214016Seller'sHIKauai 3,650,000 1,995,00037131910Seller'sHIMaui 3,275,000 2,402,50097253876Seller'sHIOahu 3,210,000 2,500,000151506414Seller'sIDAda County 849,900 753,7004142814004Seller'sIDNorthern Idaho 1,798,000 1,400,0002091006956Seller'sILChicago 1,595,000 1,265,0005242634007Seller'sMedian prices represent properties priced above respective city benchmark prices. Prices shown for Canadian cites are shown in Canadian Dollars.
– LUXURY MONTHLY MARKET REVIEW –SINGLE-FAMILY HOMESState Market NameMedianList PriceMedianSold PriceInventoryNewListingsSoldDays onMarketMarketStatusILDuPage County 1,206,200 902,000230871666Seller'sILLake County 1,199,950 900,000222891758Seller'sILWill County 749,000 625,000135561257Seller'sINHamilton County 997,475 800,00060331053Seller'sKSJohnson County 816,960 783,049200761402Seller'sMACape Cod 2,800,000 2,162,50083313619Seller'sMAGreater Boston 3,799,000 2,675,000107534013Seller'sMASouth Shore 1,980,000 1,580,00034192718Seller'sMDAnne Arundel County 996,500 890,000124531235Seller'sMDFrederick County 851,310 887,5003414325Seller'sMDHoward County 1,189,990 1,023,0005733605Seller'sMDMontgomery County 1,944,334 1,569,000128821566Seller'sMDTalbot County 1,960,000 2,010,0002918149Seller'sMDWorcester County 1,100,000 857,9503515827Seller'sMILivingston County 749,900 674,0005721229Seller'sMIMonroe County 627,450 537,50010349Seller'sMIOakland County 787,787 641,1945372672927Seller'sMIWashtenaw County 1,170,000 730,0008834675Seller'sMIWayne County 777,000 620,000128651097Seller'sMNOlmsted County 812,450 787,50054202414Seller'sMNTwin Cities 1,249,000 1,052,5004461882367Seller'sMOKansas City 679,000 653,0006872464152Seller'sMOSt. Louis 895,000 703,7507146927Seller'sNCAsheville 1,087,500 860,00014452736Seller'sNCCharlotte 1,299,000 932,0532921563703Seller'sNCLake Norman 1,200,000 965,00010757794Seller'sNCRaleigh-Durham 1,109,500 942,5001841122781Seller'sNJOcean County 925,000 875,00029312414514Seller'sNVLake Tahoe 3,750,000 2,850,00063161343BalancedNVLas Vegas 1,895,000 1,400,00044321119310Seller'sNVReno 2,347,500 1,525,00060302852Seller'sNYBrooklyn 1,800,000 1,635,0002164625143Buyer'sNYStaten Island 1,294,000 1,041,000134513434Seller'sOHCincinnati 814,269 714,90016239692Seller'sMedian prices represent properties priced above respective city benchmark prices. Prices shown for Canadian cites are shown in Canadian Dollars.
– LUXURY MONTHLY MARKET REVIEW –SINGLE-FAMILY HOMESState Market NameMedianList PriceMedianSold PriceInventoryNewListingsSoldDays onMarketMarketStatusONGTA - Durham 1,688,500 1,600,0001882121896Seller'sONGTA - York 2,299,000 2,000,8005014652578Seller'sONMississauga 3,324,500 2,475,0009277527Seller'sONOakville 2,399,000 2,250,00091112807Seller'sONToronto 3,965,000 3,300,0003242701947Seller'sONWaterloo Region 1,399,900 1,312,500691181787Seller'sORPortland 1,575,000 950,000279156974Seller'sSCHilton Head 1,950,000 1,637,500146627614Seller'sTNGreater Chattanooga 998,900 820,00012165532Seller'sTNNashville 2,196,500 1,380,0502161282943Seller'sTXAustin 1,200,000 998,7503933024855Seller'sTXCollin County 824,950 726,0004103296485Seller'sTXDallas 1,549,000 1,100,0002031422205Seller'sTXDenton County 791,000 751,0003032424195Seller'sTXEl Paso 649,000 609,00089343810Seller'sTXFort Worth 925,000 761,5654112504325Seller'sTXGreater Tyler 755,000 627,50072543612Seller'sTXHouston 979,900 875,0008874024387Seller'sTXLubbock 775,000 605,00063352766Seller'sTXSan Angelo 708,140 589,00044161158Seller'sTXSan Antonio 925,000 750,00026313017316Seller'sTXThe Woodlands & Spring 925,000 742,500135911485Seller'sUTPark City 3,875,000 3,500,00073283011Seller'sUTSalt Lake City 1,199,500 950,0002051342056Seller'sVAArlington & Alexandria 2,049,500 1,767,5005227496Seller'sVACharlottesville 1,399,900 1,080,0009332435Seller'sVAFairfax County 2,300,000 1,502,0642401351915Seller'sVAMcLean & Vienna 3,100,000 1,750,00011149615Seller'sVARichmond 797,000 800,000168611666Seller'sWAGreater Seattle 1,980,000 1,744,2005554729065Seller'sWASeattle 1,895,000 1,626,000109852255Seller'sWASpokane 1,255,000 989,5006439385Seller'sMedian prices represent properties priced above respective city benchmark prices. Prices shown for Canadian cites are shown in Canadian Dollars.
– LUXURY MONTHLY MARKET REVIEW –ATTACHED HOMESState Market NameMedianList PriceMedianSold PriceInventoryNewListingsSoldDays onMarketMarketStatusABCalgary 809,500 715,000136613827Seller'sAZChandler and adise Valley-------AZPhoenix-------AZScottsdale 875,000 830,0001137410722Seller'sAZTucson-------BCMid Vancouver Island 839,000 817,50043443214Seller'sBCOkanagan Valley-------BCVancouver 1,998,000 1,750,00085042819111Seller'sBCVictoria 998,750 955,250104110827Seller'sCACentral Coast 1,087,000 1,222,5001210348Seller'sCAEast Bay 1,099,000 1,150,000105852517Seller'sCAGreater Palm Springs-------CALake Tahoe 1,350,000 997,5002111128Seller'sCALos Angeles Beach Cities 2,122,000 1,648,0009251949Seller'sCALos Angeles City 1,800,000 1,464,25027011815012Seller'sCALos Angeles The Valley 793,500 820,00070451078Seller'sCAMarin County 1,099,000 1,192,5001571813Seller'sCANapa County-------CAOrange County 1,150,000 1,100,0002431953296Seller'sCAPlacer County-------CASacramento-------CASan Diego 1,425,000 1,000,0001851342966Seller'sCASan Francisco 2,750,000 2,300,000122346212Seller'sCASan Luis Obispo County-------CASanta Barbara 1,595,000 1,735,00087910Seller'sCASilicon Valley 1,698,000 1,630,00057532057Seller'sCASonoma County 850,000 683,250112624Seller'sCAVentura County 750,000 743,50059356212Seller'sCOAspen 5,847,500 3,125,000141546Seller'sCOBoulder 1,025,000 850,00024152833Seller'sCOColorado Springs-------Markets with dashes do not have a significant luxury market for this report. Median prices represent properties priced above respective city benchmark prices. Prices shownfor Canadian cites are shown in Canadian Dollars.
– LUXURY MONTHLY MARKET REVIEW –ATTACHED HOMESState Market NameMedianList PriceMedianSold PriceInventoryNewListingsSoldDays onMarketMarketStatusCODenver 1,049,000 797,50010937845Seller'sCODouglas County 608,995 580,00064159Seller'sCODurango 692,500 915,000631237Seller'sCOSummit County 1,100,000 1,637,0008865Seller'sCOTelluride-------COVail 3,675,000 2,650,000554179Seller'sCTCentral Connecticut-------CTCoastal Connecticut 1,530,000 709,500152724017Seller'sDCWashington D.C. 2,100,000 1,661,250139521157Seller'sDESussex County Coastal 937,000 782,500137136Seller'sFLBoca Raton/Delray Beach 1,395,000 857,500121751069Seller'sFLCoastal Pinellas County 1,385,150 1,260,5005347445Seller'sFLGreater Fort Lauderdale 890,000 775,00052618921922Seller'sFLJacksonville Beaches 1,095,000 975,0001181713Seller'sFLLee County 822,500 848,000146971173Seller'sFLMarco Island 1,697,000 1,322,5002416124Seller'sFLMiami 1,560,000 1,300,00095024225857Seller'sFLNaples 2,325,000 1,962,50010654885Seller'sFLOrlando 615,998 539,50010048754Seller'sFLPalm Beach Towns 1,995,000 1,500,000119628012Seller'sFLSarasota & Beaches 2,159,000 1,497,5009141624Seller'sFLSouth Pinellas County 1,278,220 922,00010575615Seller'sFLSouth Walton 1,662,800 1,260,00012733476Seller'sFLTampa 922,495 695,000583867FLWeston-------GAAtlanta 797,600 619,9002961331976Seller'sGADuluth-------HIIsland of Hawaii 2,237,500 1,400,00026133512Seller'sHIKauai 1,662,500 1,277,5002881612Seller'sHIMaui 2,199,000 1,650,00059305559Seller'sHIOahu 1,250,000 900,00033110215312Seller'sIDAda County 686,400 606,5003732375Seller'sIDNorthern Idaho-------ILChicago 1,272,500 933,50050617927010Seller'sSeller'sMarkets with dashes do not have a significant luxury market for this report. Median prices represent properties priced above respective city benchmark prices. Prices shownfor Canadian cites are shown in Canadian Dollars.
– LUXURY MONTHLY MARKET REVIEW –ATTACHED HOMESState Market NameMedianList PriceMedianSold PriceInventoryNewListingsSoldDays onMarketMarketStatusILDuPage County 784,400 607,250145147Seller'sILLake County-------ILWill County-------INHamilton County-------KSJohnson County 614,750 644,6476420262Seller'sMACape Cod 849,000 849,000213720Seller'sMAGreater Boston 2,499,500 2,075,0002921238320Seller'sMASouth Shore 1,188,995 869,00072840Seller'sMDAnne Arundel County 579,900 549,7904727605Seller'sMDFrederick County-------MDHoward County 580,553 580,0001014305Seller'sMDMontgomery County 749,999 755,00067611036Seller'sMDTalbot County-------MDWorcester County 769,000 630,0003118439Seller'sMILivingston County-------MIMonroe County-------MIOakland County 698,250 634,3556028227Seller'sMIWashtenaw County 625,000 600,00037181716Seller'sMIWayne County 660,000 536,8507022137BalancedMNOlmsted County-------MNTwin Cities-------MOKansas City-------MOSt. Louis-------NCAsheville 895,000 941,0832781355Seller'sNCCharlotte 768,000 645,00010658776Seller'sNCLake Norman 548,457 n County 969,000 650,00019102124Seller'sNVLake Tahoe 1,485,000 1,250,0001610845Seller'sNVLas Vegas-------NVReno-------NYBrooklyn 1,450,617 1,267,5004181157264BalancedNYStaten Island 654,950 588,88860292320Seller'sOHCincinnati 715,000-2370-Buyer'sMarkets with dashes do not have a significant luxury market for this report. Median prices represent properties priced above respective city benchmark prices. Prices shownfor Canadian cites are shown in Canadian Dollars.
– LUXURY MONTHLY MARKET REVIEW –ATTACHED HOMESState Market NameMedianList PriceMedianSold PriceInventoryNewListingsSoldDays onMarketMarketStatusONGTA - Durham 819,900 850,0002644627Seller'sONGTA - York 799,400 780,0002002221539Seller'sONMississauga 950,000 950,0001271581307Seller'sONOakville 1,299,000 1,222,5005373427Seller'sONToronto 1,349,995-4722930-Buyer'sONWaterloo Region 820,000 815,00048671267Seller'sORPortland-------SCHilton Head 1,097,500 1,058,5002617165Seller'sTNGreater Chattanooga-------TNNashville 849,900 600,0004029753Seller'sTXAustin 1,200,000 748,00067471035Seller'sTXCollin County-------TXDallas 945,000 685,0006836637Seller'sTXDenton County-------TXEl Paso-------TXFort Worth-------TXGreater Tyler-------TXHouston 650,000 605,000113605916Seller'sTXLubbock-------TXSan Angelo-------TXSan Antonio 573,566 548,2501
The Luxury Market Report is a monthly analysis provided by The Institute for Luxury Home Marketing. Luxury benchmark prices are determined by The Institute. This active and sold data has been provided by REAL Marketing, who has compiled the data through various sources, including local MLS boards, local tax records and Realtor.com. Data is
THE NEWS LEADER IN LUXURY MARKETING. PAGE 3 CONTENTS EDITOR’S NOTE: Focused marketing continues to . Luxury Daily is the world’s leading luxury marketing and retail publication. The Napean-owned franchise comprises Luxury Daily, LuxuryDaily.com, the Luxury Daily newsletter, Luxury FirstLook, Luxury . A big thank-you to industry experts .
This document contains an update on the luxury goods market, in particular: - Insight to the performance of the market for the first three quarters of 2021, with expectations for the last quarter - Estimates for how the luxury market will evolve beyond 2021, with related macro-trends emerging - Bain's recommendations for how luxury players can steer the next phase of growth
Feb 19, 2022 · Miami-Dade County Daily Covid-19 Hospital Report Category 02/05/2022 02/06/2022 02/07/2022 02/08/2022 02/09/2022 02/10/2022 02/11/2022 02/12/2022 02/13/2022 02/14/2022 02/15/2022 02/16/2022 02/17/2022 02/18/2022 Beds Acute Care Beds Beds that may be converted to Acute Care Beds IC
Monday, April 4, 2022 1 Corinthians 4 Tuesday, April 5, 2022 1 Corinthians 5 Wednesday, April 6, 2022 1 Corinthians 6 Thursday, April 7, 2022 1 Corinthians 7 Friday, April 8, 2022 1 Corinthians 8 Memory Verses: Matthew 5: 29-30 Monday, April 11, 2022 1 Corinthians 9 Tuesday, April 12, 2022 1 Corinthians 10 We
of ultra-luxury residences and luxury hotels are likely to have synergistic effects and solidify the country's status as a luxury destination. Moreover, the 2025 World Exposition, as well as the planned development of the country's first integrated resort (IR) in Osaka could be another boost for the ultra-luxury segment. TOKYO'S ULTRA-LUXURY
luxury hospitality and personal luxury goods, which together account for 80% of the total market. The indus-try surpassed 1 trillion in retail sales value in 2015 and delivered healthy growth of 5% year over year (at constant exchange rates), driven primarily by luxury cars (8%), luxury hospitality (7%) and fi ne arts (6%).
luxury goods and is expected to be the top personal luxury goods market in 2019. With a brand value of almost 47.2 billion dollars in 2019, Louis Vuitton was the most valuable luxury brand in the world. The overall revenue of the LVMH Group for the upcoming financial year was around 46.83 billion euros. Post-pandemic luxury market
as advanced engineering mathematics and applied numerical methods. The greatest beneÞt to the reader will probably be derived through study of the programs relat-' 2003 by CRC Press LLC. ing mainly to physics and engineering applications. Furthermore, we believe that several of the MATLAB functions are useful as general utilities. Typical examples include routines for spline interpolation .