CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5 Reviewer's Guide

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Contents1 Introducing CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5. 22 Customer profiles . 4Graphics professionals . 4Graphics non-professionals . 43 What’s included?. 64 Top new and enhanced features . 10Connect to your content. 10Get going quickly. 12Create with confidence . 13Use color with certainty . 17Output with ease . 205 Multimedia publishing and file compression. 22Corel Website Creator X5. 22Corel VideoStudio Pro X3. 23SWiSH Max3. 25WinZip 14.5 Pro. 276 Summary of new and enhanced features . 30

1Created by Genaro Antonio González Ramírez

Introducing CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5 combines thetrusted illustration and design power ofCorelDRAW Graphics Suite with exciting newoutput possibilities. Its intuitive and content-richenvironment fits seamlessly into your workflow tohelp you express your creative ideas compellingly.You can get started immediately, learn as you go,and design with confidence for any medium.Create with confidenceConnect to your contentA collection of new and enhanced drawing toolsincludes a B-Spline tool, scalable arrowheads,enhanced Connector and Dimension tools, andthe new Segment Dimension tool. In addition,the Mesh Fill tool has been significantly improvedto help you design multi-colored filled objectswith more fluid color transitions.With an abundance of new content chosen toinspire you and provide a springboard for yourown designs, CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5makes sure you can easily connect to yourcontent. The new Corel CONNECT is afull-screen browser that synchronizes with bothCorelDRAW and Corel PHOTO-PAINT toprovide quick access to content on a computer,network, disc, or select online sources. Inaddition, industry-leading support for more than100 commonly used file formats ensures that youcan collaborate and exchange files with clientsand colleagues.Get going quicklyIt’s never been easier to get started withCorelDRAW Premium Suite X5, regardless of yourexperience level. The stunning new guidebookwill inspire you to do more than you thoughtpossible. It provides techniques and tips for usersof all skill levels and provides a uniqueopportunity to learn from professional designerswho use the suite in such industries as fashionand jewelry design, book illustration, vehiclewrapping, and product packaging.What’s more, Corel PowerTRACE X5 lets youcreate high-quality vector images from bitmapsand produces the best trace results yet. Inaddition, more than 2 hours of video tutorials areincluded to help you learn how to get more outof the suite.Reviewer’s Guide [ 2 ]CorelDRAW has an undeniable 20-year legacy indesign innovation and has long been trusted byprofessional and aspiring designers alike. WithCorelDRAW Premium Suite X5, the introductionof significant new and enhanced features helpyou create with confidence.Use color with certaintyThis version of the suite represents a completechange in approach to color management,assuring you accurate color representationregardless of your level of expertise. Whetheryou’re importing a client’s mock-up, workingwith previous designs, or sending a project to aprint shop or manufacturing facility, you can becertain that your colors are true.Output with easeWith its industry-leading file format compatibility,CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5 provides theflexibility today’s designers need for outputtingtheir work. The same design may be needed forweb banners, printed ads or brochures, andT-shirts, billboards, or digital signs.Corel Website Creator X5 includes dozens oftemplates and SiteStyles that make it easy foryou create a web presence that stands out.With Corel VideoStudio Pro X3, you can createprofessional-quality video productions, and youcan easily incorporate your CorelDRAW designsin any video clip. In addition, the inclusion ofSWiSH Max3 helps you create web graphics andanimations easier than ever.

2Created by(Aleksey Oglushevich)

Customer profilesGraphics professionalsGraphics non-professionalsGraphics professionals in advertising andprinting industries spend much of their timecreating and editing graphics, working with text,and retouching photos. With time-saving featuressuch as interactive layout tables, live textformatting, and independent page layers,CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5 providesinnovative design tools that optimize theirworkflow. This comprehensive collection nowincludes tools for video editing and DVDproduction, Flash animation authoring, websitedesign, and file compression.For entrepreneurs and small to medium-sizebusinesses interested in creating marketingmaterials in-house, CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5provides powerful text and page-layout tools thatensure professional-looking results. Self-taught ingraphic design, these occasional users canconfidently turn to CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5to modify existing designs, to retouch photos,and to create ads, flyers, and other marketingcollateral.Other graphics professionals focus primarily onsign making, screen printing, and engraving.These users frequently repurpose and combinesuch content as graphic designs, scanned logos,clipart images, and fonts. With powerful imageediting capabilities, specialized fonts, tracingsoftware that turns bitmaps into editable vectorgraphics, and high-quality content,CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5 gives them acomprehensive, versatile, and affordable solution.Creative professionals focus primarily ongraphic design for print and for the Web. Inaddition to its intuitive page-layout and designtools, CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5 deliversmarket-leading compatibility with commonlyused file formats. The suite also provides severalfeatures developed specifically for creating Webgraphics, such as the new Pixels view, support forhex color values, and more.Reviewer’s Guide [ 4 ]Business users in medium-size to largeenterprises value the ability to work with morethan 100 file formats as well as createprofessional, graphically rich projects — fromsales presentations to Web graphics.Hobbyists use graphic design softwareoccasionally to create projects — such asnewsletters, calendars, banners, and photolayouts — for personal or community use. Withan extensive collection of learning tools,CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5 makes it easy tocreate impressive results without professionaltraining.

3Created by(Po-Hua Lin)

What’s included?CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 CorelDRAW X5: This intuitive vectorillustration and page-layout application meetsthe demands of today’s busy graphicsprofessionals and graphics non-professionals. Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5: This professionalimage-editing application lets you quickly andeasily retouch and enhance photos. Corel PowerTRACE X5: This utility lets youquickly and accurately convert bitmaps intoeditable vector graphics. Corel CAPTURE X5: This one-click screencapture utility lets you capture images fromyour computer screen. Corel CONNECT : This full-screen browserlets you peruse the suite’s digital content andsearch your computer, local network, or selectonline sources to quickly find the perfectcomplement for a design. Fully integrated, it isalso available as a docker in both CorelDRAWand Corel PHOTO-PAINT.Corel Website Creator X5 Corel Website Creator X5: This newapplication offers the fastest and easiest way tobuild, manage, and promote websites.Corel VideoStudio Pro X3 Corel VideoStudio Pro X3: This end-to-endvideo production package gives you the power,speed, and creativity to produce professionalquality video. Corel DVD MovieFactory 7 SE: Thisall-in-one software solution lets you create andburn professional-quality DVD, AVCHD , andBlu-ray discs from photos, video, andhigh-definition (HD) video. This application isavailable as a separate downloadable updatewhen you first launch VideoStudio Pro X3.Alternatively, you can manually check theReviewer’s Guide [ 6 ]Corel Guide for updates at any time from withinVideoStudio Pro X3.SWiSH Max3 SWiSH Max3: This complete Flash animationauthoring application lets you create stunninganimations that include text, images, graphics,video, and sound.WinZip 14.5 Pro WinZip 14.5 Pro: The world’s most popularzip utility for file compression, encryption,sharing, and data backup.Supporting applications Barcode wizard: The Barcode wizard lets yougenerate bar codes in a wide range of industrystandard formats. Duplexing wizard: The Duplexing wizardhelps you optimize your work for printing twosided documents. Bitstream Font Navigator : The BitstreamFont Navigator is an award-winning fontmanager for the Windows operating system.It lets you manage, find, install, and previewfonts. PhotoZoom Pro: This plug-in lets you enlargedigital images and export them fromCorel PHOTO-PAINT X5. DV-to-DVD Wizard: The DV-to-DVD Wizardlets you capture video from a DV camcorder,add a theme template to it, and then burn itdirectly to DVD.Content New! More than 2,000 vehicle templates, halfof which are new New! More than 350 professionally designedtemplates for CorelDRAW X5

More than 1,000 additional OpenType fonts,including 75 Windows Glyph List 4 (WGL4)fonts A collection of more than 10,000 high-qualityclipart and digital imagesMinimum system requirements Microsoft Windows 7, Windows Vista , orWindows XP, with latest service packs installed(32-bit or 64-bit editions) More than 350 multimedia effects, including avariety of dynamic animated effects fromNewBlue FX Intel Pentium 4, AMD Athlon 64 or AMDOpteron (Intel Core Duo 1.83 GHz, AMDDual-Core 2.0 GHz or higher required for videoediting) Dozens of web templates and styles 1 GB RAM (2 GB or higher recommended) 30 video templates from RevoStock 128 MB VGA VRAM or higher (256 MB orhigher recommended) Documentation New! A completely redesigned, visually richGuidebook introduces the CorelDRAW andCorel PHOTO-PAINT workspaces. TheGuidebook is printed in full color and alsoincludes tips and techniques for users of all skilllevels, in-depth tutorials, and insights fromvarious industry experts 4.5 GB hard disk space to install all applications(9 GB needed to install extra content) 32-bit ODBC drivers for external databaseconnectivity (for website creation) 1024 768 or better monitor resolution(768 1024 on a Tablet PC) DVD drive Quick-reference card Recordable DVD drive required to create DVDs Help files Recordable Blu-ray drive required to createBlu-ray discsTraining New! More than 2 hours of CorelDRAW andCorel PHOTO-PAINT training videos on DVD Windows-compatible sound card Mouse or tablet Internet connection for online features andproduct registration Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or higherReviewer’s Guide [ 7 ]

4Created by Michal Milkowski

Top new and enhanced featuresCorelDRAW Premium Suite X5 is trustedillustration and design software. Its intuitive andcontent-rich environment fits seamlessly into yourworkflow to help you express your creative ideascompellingly. You can get started immediately,learn as you go, and design with confidence forany medium.Connect to your contentContent is central to any project. Whether it’s theperfect font, clipart, photo, a previous project, ora client’s mock-up, CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5helps you quickly access content so that you canfocus on your design.New! Corel CONNECT : This full-screenbrowser lets you peruse the suite’s digital contentand search your computer, local network, anexternal storage device, or select online sources toquickly find the perfect complement for a design.You can browse content by category or search forcontent by using a keyword. This handy utility isalso available as a docker within both CorelDRAWand Corel PHOTO-PAINT.What’s more, you can keep a collection ofcontent in the tray, which is synchronizedbetween the browser and the dockers. Thisprovides quick access so that you can experimentwith concepts for a project.Corel CONNECT is available as a docker in CorelDRAW and Corel PHOTO-PAINT, as well as a separate application.Reviewer’s Guide [ 10 ]

Give it a tryUsing Corel CONNECT 1 From the Start menu, choose Programs CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 CorelCONNECT.2 Insert the CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5disc in a DVD drive.Keep the DVD in the drive, you will need it forsubsequent procedures.3 Browse to the Clipart folder.4 Drag an assortment of images to the tray.5 Select an image and click the Open in CorelPHOTO-PAINTNew & Enhanced! Content: A wealth ofcontent is included to inspire you and provide aspringboard for your own designs. With an arrayof clipart images, photos, photo objects, bitmapand full-color vector fills, artistic media presets,brushes, spraylists, customizable templates, andfonts, you have boundless creative options.The staggering collection of content makesCorelDRAW Premium Suite X5 an exceptionalvalue. Among the notable highlights are morethan 2,000 vehicle templates, more than 350professionally designed templates, and more than10,000 high-quality clipart and digital images.button.A wealth of outstanding new content is included with CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5.Reviewer’s Guide [ 11 ]

Enhanced! File format compatibility: Withsupport for more than 100 file formats, includingJPEG, PNG, TIFF, RIF, CGM, AutoCAD DXF , PLT,Visio , DOC, DOCX, RTF, and more, you canconfidently exchange files with customers andcolleagues. With DOC and DOCX, text from alllanguages and formatting are better supported.The TIFF filter provides greater compatibility witha variety of standard file compression methodsand multipage files. In addition, importedCorel Painter (RIF) files now retain embeddedcolor profiles.Enhanced! Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)support: The EPS filter has been enhanced tosupport files created with PostScript 3. Duringexport, the color integrity of objects that use theRGB color space are now preserved. You’ll alsofind that EPS files will export and print withbrighter and more vivid colors.Enhanced! Adobe product support:CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 provides enhancedsupport for the latest Adobe Illustrator ,Adobe Photoshop , and Adobe Acrobat products. You can import and export PSD filesusing the Adobe Photoshop file format, andCorelDRAW X5 preserves the appearance ofadjustment layers and Masks palette effects. WithCorel PHOTO-PAINT X5, editable vibrance,grayscale, and camera filter lenses of importedand exported PSD files are preserved. You can also import and export files using theAdobe Illustrator file format, with support formultiple artboards, preservation of gradienttransparency, blob brush strokes, and a newPreflight section.In addition, you can import and export PDF files,with support for Acrobat 9, heightened securityencryption, and Bates Numbering — includingheaders and footers. When you export a PDFusing the Acrobat 9 file format, you can embedcolor profiles and define page size by object.Reviewer’s Guide [ 12 ]Get going quicklyWhether you’re a new user or an old hand,CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5 makes it easy toget started. The suite provides many learningaids, including an inspiring guidebook andcreative video tutorials that will propel you onyour way to creating stunning designs.New! Guidebook: The visually rich guidebookwill inspire you to do more than you thoughtpossible. It introduces each application’sworkspace, and includes tips and techniques forusers of all skill levels. With the popular Insightsfrom the Experts, you can learn from graphicdesign professionals who use the suite regularlyin such industries as jewelry design, bookillustration, vehicle wrapping, and productpackaging.New & Enhanced! Video tutorials: Videotutorials provide a fast and fun way to learn howto get the most out of the suite. CorelDRAWPremium Suite X5 provides a new utility forwatching the videos. You can also install thetutorials to your hard drive, which lets you accessthe tutorials without using the DVD.New & Enhanced! Create a NewDocument/Image dialog boxes: CorelDRAWX5 introduces a Create a New Document dialogbox, which provides a selection of presets forpage size, document resolution, preview mode,color mode, and color profiles. For new users, theDescription area clarifies the function of theavailable controls and settings.With Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5, the Create a NewImage dialog box has been updated to match itsCorelDRAW counterpart. It also provides colorinformation, such as color mode and colorprofile.Enhanced! Corel PowerTRACE X5:Graphics professionals are often faced with thechallenge of reusing poor-quality bitmap imagesfor business cards, brochures, signs, or otherpromotional items. You can now convert bitmapsinto editable vector graphics and achievesmoother curves and more accurate results. This

version of Corel PowerTRACE produces the besttrace results yet.Corel PowerTRACE X5 provides greatlyimproved trace results.Create with confidenceWith a 20-year legacy in design innovation,CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5 has long beentrusted by professional and aspiring designers.The suite provides significant new and enhancedfeatures to help you create with confidence.New & Enhanced! Drawing tools: Acollection of new and enhanced drawing toolsincludes a B-Spline tool, an Object Coordinatesdocker, scalable arrowheads, enhancedConnector and Dimension tools, and the newSegment Dimension tool. The B-Spline tool letsyou create smooth curves with fewer nodes thancurves drawn by using freehand paths. Formaximum precision, the Object Coordinatesdocker lets you specify both the size of a newobject and its location on the page.Give it a tryUsing Corel PowerTRACE 1 In CorelDRAW X5, click File Open.2 On the DVD, browse to the Press Materials Reviewer’s Guide Sample Files folder anddouble-click the filename leaf - to trace.cdr.3 In the toolbox, click the Pickclick the leaf graphic.tool and then4 Click Bitmaps Outline Trace Logo.5 Explore the various settings in the dialog box,particularly the Smoothing and Cornersmoothness sliders.Note the smooth curves in the resultant trace.New! VSTA integration: For increasedautomation flexibility, you can now useMicrosoft Visual Studio Tools for Applicationsto create macros and add-ins.New! Macro Manager docker: This newdocker makes it easier than ever to record,organize, view, and play macros.Enhanced! Tooltips: For new users, theformatting of tooltips has been enhanced toimprove readability and provide more informationabout each tool’s purpose.New drawing tools provide additionalflexibility and precision.Enhanced! Mesh Fill tool: The vastlyimproved Mesh Fill tool lets you design multicolored filled objects with more fluid colortransitions. With the new Smooth Mesh Coloroption on the property bar, you can achieve colortransitions that retain color richness. The propertybar now contains an eyedropper and a colorpicker that make it easier to select or sample colorfor the mesh. In addition, any colors added to themesh nodes now blend seamlessly with the restof the object. The number of nodes per meshobject has also been greatly reduced to make theobjects easier to manipulate. And, with the newTransparency Per Node option, you can nowreveal objects behind individual nodes or patchesin a mesh.Reviewer’s Guide [ 13 ]

Artwork by Ariel Garaza DiazBased on photography by Rikk FlohrImproved interpolation and new node transparency extend the possibilities of the Mesh Fill tool.Give it a tryUsing the Mesh Fill tool1 In CorelDRAW X5, click File Open.2 On the DVD, browse to the Press Materials Reviewer’s Guide Sample Files folder anddouble-click the filename mesh.cdr.3 In the toolbox, click the Mesh Filltool.4 On the drawing page, click the bottomrectangle to reveal the 3 3 mesh grid.5 Click one of the nodes on the mesh grid andmove the Transparency slider on the propertybar to the right.6 Repeat step 5 for several other nodes on themesh grid until you have revealed most of theimage behind the mesh fill.Reviewer’s Guide [ 14 ]New & Enhanced! Curve tools: Whendrawing with the curve tools, you can show orhide the bounding box. This lets you drawcontinuously without accidentally selecting thebounding box of a previously created object. Inaddition, you can specify the amount of spacebetween joined curves. You also have multipleoptions for the type of join, including extendingthe curves to an intersection point, defining aradius to add between the segments, or defininga chamfer to add between the segments.Enhanced! Color Palette Manager docker:The enhanced Color Palette Manager dockerincludes new PANTONE profiles such as thePANTONE Goe system and the Fashion Homepalette. The Color Palette Manager makes it easierto create, organize, and show or hide bothdefault and custom color palettes. You can createWeb-specific RGB palettes or print-specific CMYKpalettes. For optimal color consistency, you canalso add third-party color palettes when workingwith multiple applications.

Give it a tryWorking with pixels1 In CorelDRAW X5, click File New.2 In the New Document dialog box, chooseWeb from the Preset destination list boxand click OK.3 On the toolbar, choose 1600% from the Zoomlevels list box.4 Click View and ensure that Snap to Pixels isnot enabled.A check mark beside the Snap to Pixelscommand indicates that it is enabled.5 Draw an object.6 Click View Snap to Pixels.7 Draw another object.As you move around the grid, notice how youare presented with snap points, such as pixeledge, pixel corner, and pixel center.The enhanced Color Palette Manager docker lets youcreate and organize custom palettes.New! Pixels view: The new Pixels view lets youcreate drawings in actual pixel units, providing amore accurate representation of how a designwill appear on the Web. Accessible from the Viewmenu, the Pixels view mode helps you alignobjects more accurately. In addition, CorelDRAWnow lets you snap objects, nodes, and guidelinesto pixels.Enhanced! Round corners: You can nowcreate chamfered, scalloped, or round cornersfrom the Rectangle property bar. When youstretch a rectangle, rounded corners arepreserved without distortion, and the originalradius of a corner is maintained during scaling. Inaddition, corners are now expressed in units oftrue radii, which makes them easier to work with.You can stretch rectangles with scalloped, chamfered, andround corners without distorting the corners.The new Pixels view lets you create objects with precision.Reviewer’s Guide [ 15 ]

Give it a tryWorking with round corners1 In CorelDRAW X5, click File New, and thenclick OK in the New Document dialog box.tool and2 In the toolbox, click the Rectangledrag on the drawing page to create arectangle.3 On the property bar, click the Round CornerbuttonTogetherand enable the Edit Cornersbutton.4 Type 0.5 in one of the boxes in the Cornerradius area and press Enter.Enhanced! Objects docker: The improvedObjects docker in Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 helpsyou achieve greater workflow efficiency byenabling hierarchical organization of designelements and by making commonly used featuresmore accessible. You can now use nestedgrouping when organizing a complex image,which facilitates round-tripping between multipleapplications.Thumbnails of objects and masks have beenimproved and are easily adjusted at any time. Thereorganized docker also better exposes many ofthe most commonly used operations. You cannow lock objects, which prevents them frombeing accidentally selected, edited, or moved.button5 Click the Relative corner scalingand then drag one of the corner handles toresize the rectangle.The corner radius is preserved.6 In the toolbox, click the Shapetool.7 Drag any node on the rectangle to adjust theradius of the corners.Press Ctrl and drag to adjust a single corner.New! Photo effects: You can experiment withexciting new photo effects included withCorel PHOTO-PAINT X5 for modifying yourphotos. The Vibrance effect is great for balancingcolor saturation. It adds richness to colors withlow saturation while maintaining colors with highsaturation. The Grayscale effect is ideal forremoving the saturation of an object, layer, orregion of a photo. It also lets you choose thecolors used in the grayscale conversion. ThePhoto Filter effect lets you simulate the result ofhaving a camera lens filter installed when apicture was taken.Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 includes exciting new photo effects.Reviewer’s Guide [ 16 ]The vastly improved Objects docker enablesbetter organization of design elements.

finger gestures. Support for taskbar thumbnailslets you switch between open documents quickly.Give it a tryUsing the Objects docker1 In Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5, click File Open.2 On the DVD, browse to the Press Materials Reviewer’s Guide Sample Files folder anddouble-click the filename objects docker.cpt.3 Click Window Dockers Objects.A check mark beside Objects indicates that thedocker is already opened.4 In the Objects docker, click both of the Grouparrow buttonsto expand each group.5 Click object 4, press Shift and select objects5, 6, and 7, and then click the New Groupbutton.6 Click Group 1, and press the Lockbutton.7 Use the Zoom slider to adjust the size of thethumbnails in the docker.8 Click the Thumbnail Extents Modebutton, which switches the thumbnail modefrom Full to Relative to the Canvas.New! Convert to Grayscale dialog box:Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 provides greater controlwhen converting images to grayscale by lettingyou choose the range of colors used in theconversion. This eliminates results that appearwashed out because of predominant blues orreds in the original photo. The new dialog boxprovides a preview window, which lets you adjustthe colors to create a more realistic conversion.CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5 supports Windows Touch.Use color with certaintyCorelDRAW Premium Suite X5 makes it easierthan ever to achieve accurate color representationevery step of the way. Whether you’re importinga client’s mock-up, working with previousdesigns, or sending a project to a print shop ormanufacturing facility, you can be certain thatyour colors are true.New! Document/Image palettes: With bothCorelDRAW X5 and Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5, acustom color palette is automatically created onthe fly for each design project. The palette issaved with the file, which gives you quick accessto this project’s colors in the future.New! Brushes and nibs: You can choose froma variety of new brushes and nibs that areincluded with Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5.New! Lock Toolbars option: Toolbars arenow locked in position by default so that you donot accidentally move them while selecting a tool.You can still choose to unlock them at any timeand reposition them on the screen.New! Windows Touch support: The suitelooks right at home on Windows 7 — you cannavigate each application workspace by usingA custom color palette is created on the fly for each project.Reviewer’s Guide [ 17 ]

Give it a tryGive it a tryWorking with the new Image paletteExploring the default color managementsettings1 In Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5, click File Open.2 Browse to the Press Materials Reviewer’sGuide Sample Files folder, double-click thefilename butterfly.jpg, and then press Enter.3 Drag the graphic onto the Image palette.4 In the Add Colors From Bitmap dialog box,click OK.The palette automatically populates with colorsfrom the graphic.5 In the Image palette, click the Eyedroppertool, and then click a color from the graphic.The color that you have sampled is added tothe palette.New! Default Color Management Settingsdialog box: For CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5,the color management engine has beencompletely redesigned. The new Default ColorManagement Settings dialog box lets you setdefault color profiles, policies, and renderingintents for each application. This new approachhelps you easily achieve accurate colorrepresentation while also providing greatercontrol for more advanced users.1 In CorelDRAW X5, click Tools ColorManagement Default Settings.2 In the Default Color ManagementSettings dialog box, note the Descriptionsection.As you point to each control, new informationabout that control is provided.New! Document Color Settings dialogbox: With the introduction of the DocumentColor Settings dialog box, you can adjust colorsettings that apply only to the current document.These document-specific settings override thedefault application settings while you are workingon that file.Give it a tryExploring the document

Reviewer's Guide [ 2 ] Introducing CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5 CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5 combines the trusted illustration and design power of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite with exciting new output possibilities. Its intuitive and content-rich environment fits seamlessly into your workflow to help you express your creative ideas compellingly.

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