Example Of A Website That Is Credible - EasyBib

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Citinga website article- MLAWebsiteEvaluationGuideCite it at easybib.comExample of a Website that is credibleWebsite: A collection of online informational pages on the world wide webthat typically covers related topicsTop of the articleStructure: Last, First M. “Website article.” Website. Publisher, Date published.Web. Date accessed. URL .Author: This author is a*Note:URL is optional.your teacherjournalistand hasConsultverifiablecredentialsWebsiteWebsite articleCurrency: This article provides apublishing date and it is currentBottom of articleWithin the articleArticle footer –AuthorCitations & Links: News articles don’t usuallyDate electronically published:have or require citations, but a good source7/15/10provideslinks for further reading on thesubjectOften contains website publisher informationWebsite publisherData accessed: Depends on the dayWhen did you access the source? Web sources may change and must be considered uniquePublisher: This site provides apublisher, who upon investigation,was found to take responsibilitySatalkar, Bhakti. “Water Aerobics." Buzzle.com.Buzzle.com,Julyfor theircontent and 15to becredibleArticle FooterCitation:2010. Web. 16 July 2010.AUTOMATICALLY CITE YOUR SOURCES FOR FREE AT WWW.EASYBIB.COM

Citinga website article- MLAWebsiteEvaluationGuideCite it at easybib.comExample of a Website that is credibleWebsite: A collection of online informational pages on the world wide webthat typically covers related topicsTop of the articleStructure: Last, First M. “Website article.” Website. Publisher, Date published.Web. Date accessed. URL .*Note: URL is optional. Consult your teacherCitations & Links: A goodsource providescitations forWebsiteits information as well as linksfor further reading on thesubjectWebsite articleWithin the articleBottom of articleAuthorDate electronically published:7/15/10ArticleAuthor: This author is ajournalist and has verifiablefooter– Often contains website publisher informationcredentialsWebsite publisherCurrency: This article provides apublishing date and it is currentPublisher: This site provides aData accessed:Depends on the daypublisher,who upon investigation,Whendid toyouaccessthe source? Web sources may change and must be considered uniquewasfoundtakeresponsibilityfor their content and to becredibleArticle FooterCitation:Satalkar, Bhakti. “Water Aerobics." Buzzle.com. Buzzle.com, 15 July2010. Web. 16 July 2010.AUTOMATICALLY CITE YOUR SOURCES FOR FREE AT WWW.EASYBIB.COM

Citinga website article- MLAWebsiteEvaluationGuideCite it at easybib.comExample of a Website that is credibleWebsite: A collection of online informational pages on the world wide webthat typically covers related topicsTop of the articleStructure: Last, First M. “Website article.” Website. Publisher, Date published.Web. Date accessed. URL .*Note: URL is optional. Consult your teacherWebsiteWebsite articleCurrency: This article provides apublishing date and it is currentAuthor: This author is ajournalist and has verifiablecredentialsWithin the articleBottom of articleAuthorCitations & Links: News articles don’t usuallyhave or require citations, but a good sourceprovideslinks for further readingon theDate electronicallypublished:subject7/15/10Article footer –Often contains website publisher informationWebsite publisherPublisher: This site provides apublisher, who upon investigation,When did you access the source? Web sources may change andbe toconsidereduniquewasmustfoundtake responsibilityfor their content and to beArticle FootercredibleData accessed: Depends on the dayCitation:Satalkar, Bhakti. “Water Aerobics." Buzzle.com. Buzzle.com, 15 July2010. Web. 16 July 2010.AUTOMATICALLY CITE YOUR SOURCES FOR FREE AT WWW.EASYBIB.COM

Citinga website article- MLAWebsiteEvaluationGuideCite it at easybib.comWebsite: A collection of online informational pages on the world wide webExampleof relateda Websitethat may be crediblethat typically coverstopicsTop of the articleStructure: Last, First M. “Website article.” Website. Publisher, Date published.Web. Date accessed. URL .*Note: URL is optional. Consult your teacherCurrency: This article provides apublishing date and it is currentWebsiteWebsite articleAuthor: This authors for thissite vary greatly in theirjournalistic experience andcredentials, therefore it isdifficult to know whether thiscontent should be trusted.Within the articleBottom of articleAuthorCitations & Links: News articles don’tusually have or require citations, butshould at least providelinks forelectronicallypublished:further reading on the subjectDate7/15/10Article footer –Often contains website publisher informationWebsite publisherData accessed: Depends on the dayPublisher: This site provides apublisher,who uniqueupon investigation,When did you access the source? Web sources may change and mustbe consideredwas found to be credible, butdoesn’t necessarily takeresponsibility for the contentArticleFooter Bhakti. “Water Aerobics." Buzzle.com. Buzzle.com, 15 JulyCitation:Satalkar,2010. Web. 16 July 2010.AUTOMATICALLY CITE YOUR SOURCES FOR FREE AT WWW.EASYBIB.COM

Citinga website article- MLAWebsiteEvaluationGuideCite it at easybib.comWebsite: A collection of online informational pages on the world wide webExampleof relateda Websitethat may be crediblethat typically coverstopicsTop of the articleStructure: Last, First M. “Website article.” Website. Publisher, Date published.Web. Date accessed. URL .*Note: URL is optional. Consult your teacherWebsiteAuthor: The authors on this siterange in journalistic experienceand credentials, and therefore itWebsite articleis difficult to decide if theinformation they present shouldbe trusted.Currency: This article provides apublishing date and it is currentBottom of articleWithin the articleArticle footer –AuthorCitations & Links: News articles don’t usuallyhaveor electronicallyrequire citations, butshould at leastDatepublished:providelinksforfurtherreadingon the7/15/10subjectOften contains website publisher informationWebsitepublisherPublisher:Thissite provides apublisher, who upon investigation,was found to be credible butdoesn’t necessarily takeData accessed: Depends on the dayresponsibilityforuniquethe content theyWhen did you access the source? Web sources may change and mustbe consideredpublish.Article FooterCitation:Satalkar, Bhakti. “Water Aerobics." Buzzle.com. Buzzle.com, 15 July2010. Web. 16 July 2010.AUTOMATICALLY CITE YOUR SOURCES FOR FREE AT WWW.EASYBIB.COM

Citinga website article- MLAWebsiteEvaluationGuideCite it at easybib.comWebsite: A collection of online informational pages on the world wide webExampleof relateda Websitethat may be crediblethat typically coverstopicsTop of the articleStructure: Last, First M. “Website article.” Website. Publisher, Date published.Web. Date accessed. URL .*Note: URL is optional. Consult your teacherAuthor: The authors of thereviews for thisWebsitesite vary greatlyin their journalistic experienceand credentials, therefore it isdifficult to decide whether theinformation provided should beWebsite articletrusted.Within the articleCurrency: Each individual reviewprovides a publishing date.Bottom of articleAuthorCitations & Links: News articles don’t usuallyDate electronically published:have or require citations, but should at least7/15/10givelinks to related topics.Article footer –Often contains website publisher informationWebsite publisherPublisher: This site provides apublisher, who upon investigation,Datawasaccessed:on the dayfound to beDependscredible, butWhen doesn’tdid you accessthesource?Websources may change and must be considered uniquenecessarily takeresponsibility for the content theyprovide.Citation:Satalkar, Bhakti. “Water Aerobics."ArticleBuzzle.com.Footer Buzzle.com, 15 July2010. Web. 16 July 2010.AUTOMATICALLY CITE YOUR SOURCES FOR FREE AT WWW.EASYBIB.COM

Citinga website article- MLAWebsiteEvaluationGuideCite it at easybib.comExample of a Website that is not credibleWebsite: A collection of online informational pages on the world wide webthat typically covers related topicsTop of the article/Within the articleStructure: Last, First M. “Website article.” Website. Publisher, Date published.Web. Date accessed. URL .Citations & Links:Thearticlesonteacherthis*Note: URL is optional.Consultyoursite do not cite theirinformation.Following the relatedarticle links leads toWebsitequestionable. This isa site that publishesmassive amounts ofarticles based onwhat willdirect theWebsitearticlemost amount of websearches to theirpage in order todrive up their adrevenue, as opposedto publishing articlesbecause they want toprovide good andreliable information.Bottom of articleAuthor: The authors on this site are only identifiedAuthorby a first name initial and last name. Therefore itis impossible to search for them and discern theircredibility/expertise/level of knowledge on thetopic on which they are writing.Currency: This articleprovides a publishing dateand it is current, but notDate electronicallypublished:all articleson this site are7/15/10up to date.ArticlefooterArticleFooter–Often contains website publisher informationWebsite publisherPublisher: This site provides auponWhen did you access the source? Web sources may change and must be publisher,considered whouniqueinvestigation, was found to beof questionable credibility anddoes not take responsibilityCitation: Satalkar, Bhakti. “Water Aerobics." Buzzle.com.15 isJulyfor Buzzle.com,the content thatpublished.2010. Web. 16 July 2010.Data accessed: Depends on the dayAUTOMATICALLY CITE YOUR SOURCES FOR FREE AT WWW.EASYBIB.COM

Citinga website article- MLAWebsiteEvaluationGuideCite it at easybib.comExample of a Website that is not credibleWebsite: A collection of online informational pages on the world wide webthat typically covers related topicsTop of the articleStructure: Last, First M. “Website article.” Website. Publisher, Date published.Web. Date accessed. URL .Author: The authors on this siteare not given, and therefore itis impossibleto discern*Note:URL is optional.Consulttheiryour teachercredentials and authority tospeak on any given subject.WebsiteCurrency: This article does notprovide a publication date,therefore Websiteit is impossibleto tellarticlewhether the information itprovides is out of date.Citations & Links: The articles onthis site do not cite theirinformation. Following the relatedarticle links leads to questionableBottom of articlecontent, and reveals one of the maincriticisms of eHow.com. This is a siteAuthorthat publishes massive amounts ofarticles based on what will direct themost amount of web searches totheir page in order to drive up theirDate electronicallypublished:ad revenue, as opposed to7/15/10publishing articles because theywant to provide good and reliableArticle footer – Often contains website publisher informationinformation.Within the articleWebsite publisherPublisher: This site provides a publisher, who uponData accessed: Depends on theinvestigation,daywas found to have questionableWhen did you access the source? Web sources may change and must be considered uniqueArticle FooterCitation:credibility and who does not take responsibility for thecontent they provide.Satalkar, Bhakti. “Water Aerobics." Buzzle.com. Buzzle.com, 15 July2010. Web. 16 July 2010.AUTOMATICALLY CITE YOUR SOURCES FOR FREE AT WWW.EASYBIB.COM

Citinga website article- MLAWebsiteEvaluationGuideCite it at easybib.comExample of a Website that is not credibleWebsite: A collection of online informational pages on the world wide webthat typically covers related topicsTop of the articleStructure: Last, First M. “Website article.” Website. Publisher, Date published.Web. Date accessed. URL .*Note:URL on thisare not given, and therefore itis impossible to discern theircredentials and authority tospeak on any givensubject.WebsiteWebsite articleCurrency: This article does notprovide a publication date,therefore it is impossible to tellwhether the information itprovides is out of date.Within the articleBottom of articleAuthorCitations & Links: The articles onthis site do not cite theirinformation.Following thepublished:relatedDateelectronicallyarticle links leads to questionable7/15/10content.Article footer –Often contains website publisher informationWebsite publisherData accessed: Depends on the Publisher:dayThis site provides a publisher, who uponWhen did you access the source? Web sourcesmay change ave questionablecredibility and who does not take responsibility for thecontent they provide.Article Satalkar,FooterCitation:Bhakti. “Water Aerobics." Buzzle.com. Buzzle.com, 15 July2010. Web. 16 July 2010.AUTOMATICALLY CITE YOUR SOURCES FOR FREE AT WWW.EASYBIB.COM

Citinga website article- MLAWebsiteEvaluationGuideCite it at easybib.comA Special Note on WikipediaWebsite: A collection of online informational pages on the world wide webthat typically covers related topicsWikipedia is a good source of general reference information that usually has data that is on parwith other encyclopedias. However, when one is writing a research paper it is never favorable to: Last,First PrimaryM. ed.citeStructuregeneral referencesources.and specificsourcesare alwaysthe bestsourcesofinformation. Wikipedia, ingeneralWeb. Date accessed. URL .information. Wikipedia can also be useful for starting research if you investigate the sources theyare citing to obtain more specific knowledge.*Note: URL is optional. Consult your teacherTop of the articleWebsiteAuthor: The authors on this siteare all users, and therefore it isimpossible to discern theircredentials and authority toWebsitearticlespeakon any givensubject.This is the main reason whyWikipedia.org should not becited. While many of the articleson the site have citations andcurrent dates, the fact that theinformation is scholarly innature and yet lacks credibleauthors is unacceptable.Within the articleBottom of articleArticle footer –AuthorCitations & Links: This sourceprovides citations for theinformation published as well aslinks to related content. However,Dateelectronicallypublished:this isnot necessarily trueof all7/15/10articles on this site. Its better touse the citations to help you findcredible sourcesOften contains website publisher informationWebsite publisherCurrency:article providesa publishingDataThisaccessed:Dependson the dayPublisher: This site provides a publisher,date andit didis current,butthenotall articlesonWhenyou accesssource?Web sourcesmay change andmustbe investigation,considered uniquewhouponwas found to bethis site are up to date.credible but does not take responsibilityfor the content that is published.Article FooterCitation:Satalkar, Bhakti. “Water Aerobics." Buzzle.com. Buzzle.com, 15 July2010. Web. 16 July 2010.AUTOMATICALLY CITE YOUR SOURCES FOR FREE AT WWW.EASYBIB.COM

Citinga website article- MLAWebsiteEvaluationGuideCite it at easybib.comCriteria for Evaluating WebsitesWebsite: A collection of online informational pages on the world wide webthat typically covers related topicsMain CriteriaDescriptions/DetailsPossible AnswersStructure: Last,First M.“Websitearticle.” Website. Publisher,Date published.AuthorWhois providingtheinformation?User generated,journalist,What do Web.you te accessed. URL .credentials, are they an expert?NA, Scholars in researchCan you find out more and contact them? *Note: URL is optional. Consult your teacherSearch for author or publisher in search engine.Has the author written several publication on thetopic?WebsitePublisher/AffiliationIs there a sponsor or affiliation?Who is linking to the page?Do they take responsibility for the content?Credible publisher, yes butdoesn't take responsibility, NA,questionable publisherquestionable responsibility, YesarticlebutWebsitenot credible,yes but notnecessarily credibleBias/Balance/PurposeIs the language free of emotion?Does the organization or author indicate therewill be bias?Is the website to inform or spread an agenda?Are there ads? Are they trying to make money?Why did they write the article?Sometimes, Sometimes rightist, Sometimes - leftist,corporate sponsorship, seemsbalanced, NA, generates contentto sell ad spaceCitations &LinksBottomCopy and paste a sentence into Google to see iftext can be found elsewhereofthearticleAre there links to related sites and organized?AuthorCitations/Bibliography provided?AccuracyIs the Data verifiable and accurate?CompleteIs the source comprehensive?CurrencyArticleDesign &QualityDataCitations, citations and links,links, no, NA, maybeGood, unknown, varies, NADate electronically published:Good, unknown, varies, NA7/15/10When –wasthecontainssource websitelast updated?footerOftenpublisher informationDoes the source even have a date?Is the overall web design easy to use?Is it presented in a professional manner?Does it seemlike currentdesign?accessed:Dependson thedayYes - Up to date, Yes - Varies,no, NA, unknownWebsite publisherGood, NA, Bad, old site, averageWhen did you access the source? Web sources may change and must be considered uniqueReproducedWas it reproduced? If so, from where? Type aNo, NA, Yes with permission, yessentence in Google to verifywithout permission, sometimesIf it was reproduced, was it done so withwith permission, sometimesCitation:Satalkar, Copyright/disclaimerBhakti. “Water Aerobics."Buzzle.com.Buzzle.com,15 Julypermission?included?withoutpermission2010. Web. 16 July 2010.CredibleBased on previous criteria, decide whether thesource is credible overallYes, No, NA, MaybeAUTOMATICALLY CITE YOUR SOURCES FOR FREE AT WWW.EASYBIB.COM

Website Website article Bottom of article Author Date electronically published: 7/15/10 Article footer - Often contains website publisher information Website publisher Website Evaluation Guide Example of a Website that is credible Author: This author is a journalist and has verifiable credentials Currency: This article provides a

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