Using Selection Assessments

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USING SELECTION ASSESSMENTSTALENT MANAGEMENTMarch 2021Company Proprietary and Confidential Information

MODULE CONTENTThis material is part of RNDC University. RNDC-U provides aTalent Managementstructured and blended learning experience for RNDC Associates.Our learning programs are based on a progressive training conceptanchored to the RNDC Leadership Competency Models. Thislearning curriculum is for new supervisors, managers, and middlemanagement roles.Our Talent PhilosophyAbout HR 101 2021 Republic National Distributing CompanyVersion 2Using Selection AssessmentsAll rights reserved. This material or any portion thereof may not bereproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the expresswritten permission of the copyright holder except for the use of briefquotations in a business review.www.rndc-usa.comCompany Proprietary and Confidential Information2

RNDC TALENT PHILOSOPHYOur Talent Philosophy drives the RNDC Associate Success Roadmap which provides guidance on how to successfullymanage your career and workplace experience. We encourage our Associates to perform at their personal best so theycan achieve an enriching and progressive career at RNDC.We believe every Associate is a rolemodel of our Core Values andLeadership Competencies whichdefine how we behave as theSuccessful job performance andAssociates are rewarded for takingleadership potential provide clearaccountability to continually growthat our Associates strive for careerdistinction for our financialand learn. Conversely, a leader’ssuccess. As a result, the differentiationinvestment on an Associate’s careerproven ability to build a bench ofthat RNDC provides is a rewarding anddevelopment and totalstrong talent drives our success asengaging career experience for ourcompensation.the Distributor of Choice.Associates.beverage alcohol industry leader.Our talent philosophy is transparent soWe are providing you this specialized learning experience to ensure you performat “your personal best”. Understanding our human capital practices willenable you to build a strong and sustainable bench of talented and engaged Associates.Company Proprietary and Confidential Information3

ABOUT HR 101Human Resource disciplines are an integral component of our business model and the Associate Success Roadmap.Human Resource disciplines include Talent Management (recruitment, selection, onboarding, training, professional careerdevelopment, succession planning and talent reviews, performance management); Culture and Corporate SocialResponsibility; Inclusion and Diversity; Employment and Labor Law; Labor Relations; Communications; Total Rewards(benefits, compensation, and recognition) and HR Technology & Business Intelligence. As a highly professionalorganization, we all have an accountability to ensure these business disciplines are executed with excellence.This learning curriculum is titled HR 101 which explains important human resources practices at Republic NationalDistributing Company (RNDC). These people-related practices, also referred to as human capital practices, includeprocesses, policies, tools, and legal requirements on why and how we manage and lead our teams. Our Associates andteams are our most valuable asset at RNDC. Every supervisor and manager has a professional accountability to understandthese practices and role model the required leadership behaviors and Company standards to ensure we provide the bestworkplace experience and culture that engages and supports the overall well-being of our Associates.Company Proprietary and Confidential Information4

Company Proprietary and Confidential InformationSELECTION ASSESSMENTSEXPERTS AT OUR CRAFT5

PRE-EMPLOYMENT ASSESSMENTSIn 2010, RNDCselected CriteriaCorporation’sHireSelect productfor essments canhelp ensurealignment betweenthe applicant andthe aptitudeneeded to performwell and remainengaged in theposition for whichthey appliedRNDC evaluatedeach assessment toensure that theassessmentmeasured jobrelatedcompetencies andabilitiesAs a HiringManager, theassessment resultsyou receive oneach candidategive you anotherpoint ofcomparison, as youwork to identify andhire the person whois best qualified forthe positionEvery qualified candidate selected should be asked to completethe pre-employment assessments. If they don’t take the assessments, theyare disqualified as a qualified candidate.Company Proprietary and Confidential Information6

PERSONALITY ASSESSMENTDescriptionThe Employee Personality Profile (EPP) is a general personalityinventory that measures twelve personality traits that providevaluable insights into a person's work styles and how they are likelyto interact with co-workers, management and customers. It can beused for any position, and contains job-specific benchmarks thatallow administrators to compare an individual's scores againstcomposite profiles to determine likely job fit.The EPP contains 140 items, takes about 10 minutes to complete,and measures the following traits: Achievement, Assertiveness,Competitiveness, Conscientiousness, Cooperativeness, Extroversion,Managerial, Motivation, Openness, Patience, Self-Confidence, andStress Tolerance.Validity and reliability details: Web ResourceCompany Proprietary and Confidential Information7

COGNITIVE APTITUDE ASSESSMENTDescriptionThe GAME is a mobile-first, game-based assessment ofcognitive aptitude, which is one of the best predictors ofjob success. The assessment evaluates many of the criticalfactors that contribute to on-the-job performance: criticalthinking, problem solving ability, attention to detail, and theability to learn and apply new information. Through 3 shortmini-games, the GAME makes it easy to evaluatecandidates up front in the hiring process by providing aquick and enjoyable candidate experience.The GAME takes about 5-6 minutes to complete.Validity and reliability details: Web ResourceCompany Proprietary and Confidential Information8

COGNITIVE APTITUDE ASSESSMENTTest DescriptionThe CCATSM is a pre-employment aptitude test thatmeasures an individual's aptitude, or ability to solveproblems, digest and apply information, learn new skills,and think critically. Individuals with high aptitude are morelikely to be quick learners and high performers than areindividuals with low aptitude. The CCAT consists of 50 items;very few people finish all 50 items in the 15 minute time limit.The CCAT is one of the most popular employment aptitudeassessments in the United States, having been administeredmore than 5 million times.Validity and reliability details: Web ResourceCompany Proprietary and Confidential Information9

SALES APTITUDE ASSESSMENTPredict Sales Success with a Sales Aptitude TestThe Sales Achievement Predictor (SalesAP) is a sales aptitude testthat measures personality traits that are critical to success in salesand sales-related fields such as customer service, salesmanagement, marketing, and public relations. It assesses traits thatare not apparent in an interview or resume, such as inhibitions aboutcold calling, reluctance to ask for a sale, and poor motivation tofollow through once on the job. Validated against actual salesperformance, the SalesAP helps companies select, place, and trainsalespeople. The test contains 140 items and is written at a sixthgrade reading level. Validity scales identify applicants whoexaggerate strengths or minimize weaknesses — and automaticallyadjusts the scores of those applicants.Validity and reliability details: Web ResourceCompany Proprietary and Confidential Information10

BASIC COMPUTER SKILLS ASSESSMENTDescriptionThe Computer Literacy and Internet Knowledge Test (CLIK) is anassessment of basic computer skills. It measures a person'sproficiency with using Internet browsers and common desktopapplications such as email and word processing programs. It is a 10minute test consisting of two 3-minute task-oriented simulations,followed by ten multiple choice questions. Since it is designed as atest of the kind of basic computer literacy that is required in manywork environments, it can be used for any position which requiresbasic computer skills, such as receptionists, customer servicerepresentatives, medical billers, data entry clerks, administrativeassistants, and more.Validity and reliability details: Web ResourceCompany Proprietary and Confidential Information11

MICROSOFT OFFICE TOOLS ASSESSMENTMicrosoft WordMicrosoft ExcelMicrosoft PowerPointThe Word test measures proficiency with aThe Excel test measuresThe PowerPoint test measureswide range of functionalities in Word 2013proficiency with a wide rangeproficiency with a wide range ofor 2016. The test is 10 minutes and containsof functionalities in Excel 2013functionalities in PowerPoint 201320 questions. It assesses an individual’sor 2016. The test is 10 minutesor 2016. The test is 10 minutesability to successfully complete basicand contains 20 questions. Itand contains 20 questions. Ittasks within Word across a wide range ofassesses an individual’s abilityassesses an individual’s abilitypositions requiring regular computer successfully complete basicto successfully completeSome of these include creating atasks within Excel across a widebasic tasks that are necessarydocument, using mail merge, formattingrange of positions requiringto a wide range of positionstext, working with margins, and editing,regular computer use and datarequiring regular PowerPointformatting, and copying text.entry. Some of the tasks includeuse. Some of the tasks includeTimed Test: 10 minutescreating and saving workbooks,working with images and textediting and formatting, workingboxes, creating presentations,with formulas and functions,formatting slides, and printing.and manipulating charts.Timed Test: 10 minutesCompany Proprietary and Confidential InformationTimed Test: 10 minutes12

TEST BATTERIES BY POSITIONAssessment Test Batteries The Test Batteries are defined orGAMESales APCLIKMS gerGAMEEPPCLIKMS ExcelGAMEEPPCLIKEPPCCATCLIKMS Office ToolsExecutiveCCATEPPCCATEPPCCATEPPthe position level – IndividualContributor, Manager, Executive– and the area of focus – Sales,Operations, or Administration. In total, each set of assessmentsgenerally takes less than 45minutes in total to completeCompany Proprietary and Confidential Information13

KEY LEARNINGS FOR YOUAs a New ManagerAs a HR ProfessionalRNDC provides many resources to select themost qualified talent. Using the pre-employmentassessments is an insightful tool to finding the rightperson for the job.The HR Team can support line Management andHiring Managers by training them on how tointerpret and best utilize the pre-employmentassessments.The most effective way to understand theAssessments is to review each report prior to thestructured interview. Identify areas to askadditional questions.Assessments are not discretionary. They arerequired for each candidate. All assessments arevalid and reliable tools.You are a leader of teams and accountable tohire the most qualified people for your team.Understanding our selection process is important.You are a Talent Champion. Understanding ourselection process is important. Our goal is to bean Equal Opportunity Employer ensuring we havean inclusive and diverse workforce.Company Proprietary and Confidential Information14

YOUR ROLE AS A RNDC LEADERThe foundation of our success is grounded in the core values of family, service, accountability, honesty, and professionalism.We are an industry leader known for exceptional professional development and career advancement that delivers excellencein long-term sustainable business results and job satisfaction. We offer a vibrant culture for professionals who desire a workexperience that makes them feel accomplished, challenged and engaged. Simply stated, relationships and belonging matterat RNDC. Our Associates genuinely care about the people and communities they serve. Every day, our Associates are inspiredto challenge themselves and achieve the fulfillment that comes from making valuable contributions to a successful andthriving organization.Every RNDC Leader has accountability to understand our human capital practices and role model the required leadershipbehaviors and Company standards to ensure we provide the best workplace experience and culture that engages and growsour Associates. We appreciate your leadership and commitment to our standards of excellence and vision at RNDC.Our vision is to be the national distributor of choice of beverage alcohol producers who value the three tier system,building branded products and profitability for all parties involved, and serving the needs of our associates, suppliers,customers and community.Company Proprietary and Confidential Information15

The CCATSM is a pre-employment aptitude test that measures an individual's aptitude, or ability to solve problems, digest and apply information, learn new skills, and think critically. Individuals with high aptitude are more likely to be quick learners and high performers than are individuals with low aptitude. The CCAT consists of 50 items;

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