Dynamic Currency Conversion - MerchantConnect

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Dynamic Currency ConversionQuick Reference GuideVerifone Omni & Vx SeriesRetail/Restaurant Application

IntroductionDynamic Currency Conversion Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) allows foreign MasterCard and Visacardholders in the U.S. to have their purchases instantly converted at checkoutinto their local currency. The U.S. dollar amount, conversion rate, and localcurrency amount are all shown on the receipt.Foreign Currencies SupportedDynamic Currency Conversion currently supports foreign-issued Visa andMasterCard credit cards issued in the following currencies:Currency TypeAustralian DollarCurrency CodeAUDSymbol Canadian DollarEuroJapanese YenBritish PoundCADEURJPYGBP Special Processing Requirements SummaryCardholders must be informed that the DCC transaction is optional and that theyhave a choice of having the transaction processed in their home currency or inU.S. dollars. Cardholder must sign and confirm acceptance of currencyconversion by checking the "I accept" box above the signature line on themerchant copy of the receipt. If Cardholder declines the currency conversionrefer to section “Re-Authorization in U.S. Dollars”A DCC purchase does not require anything special at the start of a transaction.The cardholder’s card is swiped just as always.Transaction Flows And ReportsIncluded is a summary of the differences that you need to be aware of whenrunning DCC transactions, including receipts, special processing requirementsand unique reports.

Quick Reference GuideDynamic Currency ConversionRestaurant Sale Swipe customer card or press [SALE] Input account # and press [ENTER](for manual sale only) Choose [CREDIT], if promptedFor manual sale only:Input expiration date (MMYY) and press[ENTER]Card present? [YES/NO]IF YES, imprint card and press [ENTER]IF NO, transaction will be processed asa Phone Order in U.S. dollars Input last 4 digits of account # and press[ENTER] (for swipe sale only) Input invoice # and press [ENTER], ifprompted Input customer # and press [ENTER], ifprompted (purchase card only) Input Server ID and press [ENTER], ifprompted Input amount and press [ENTER] Input tax amount and press [ENTER], ifprompted (purchase/business card only)For manual sale only:Input V-code and press [ENTER], ifpromptedIf V-code not entered, Code present?[NO/XREAD]Input address and press [ENTER]Input zip code and press [ENTER] The receipt will print showing the conversioncurrency, rate, and dollar amounts in US andforeign amounts.Print customer copy – [YES/NO] Customer writes in tip in foreign currency Server adjusts tip using foreign currency tipamountNOTE: If the customer refuses the conversionafter the sale is complete, the clerk will needto void the transaction and resubmit the Sale.ABC MERCHANT123 INTERNATIONAL WAYMIAMI, FL 33133TERMINAL ID:MERCHANT 5557SALEBATCH: 000117DATE: FEB 23, 08SRV: 1*EXP: 12/11INV:000001TIME: 10:19AUTH:012345AVS RESPONSE: 2TRANSACTION CURRENCYCONVERSION RATEBASE (USD)BASE (AUD)(AUD)01.332386 10.0013.32TIP (AUD)TOTAL (AUD)I have been offered the choice of currenciesfor payment including the merchant’s localcurrency. My decision to accept the currencyconversion on this transaction is final.I have chosen not to use the VISA currencyconversion method and I will have norecource against VISA concerning the.currency conversion or its disclosure.Currencty Conversion is conducted by themerchant and is not associated with orendorsed by VISA.Cardholder expressly agrees to theTransaction Receipt information by themarking the “Check Box” below.[] I ---------------------------------------MERCHANT COPY

Re-Authorize in U.S. DollarsIf a customer refuses the conversion tocardholder currency the transaction mustbe voided and run as a U.S. dollarreauthorization transaction. Scroll down and select [VOID] Input password and press [ENTER] Choose [CREDIT], if promptedTo void the last transactionPress [YES]Confirm the account # and amount andpress [YES]Press [NO] if the information displayedis incorrectTo void any transaction in the batchPress [NO]Select invoice # to retrieve by the invoice #Key in the invoice # and press [ENTER]Select account # to retrieve by theaccount #Enter the last 4 digits of the account #and press [ENTER] Confirm VoidPress [YES] to voidPress [NO] to cancelPress [NEXT] to scroll Terminal dials out for approval and printsmerchant receiptPrint customer copy – [YES/NO] Terminal Prompts “Resubmit in USD?”[YES/NO]IF YES:Terminal dials out for re-authorization inU.S. dollars and prints merchant receiptPrint customer copy – [YES/NO]Restaurant Tip AdjustWhen entering tip amounts, clerks must enterthe amount in foreign currency (i.e. GBP)written on the tip line of the receipt. The terminalwill automatically convert the tip into U.S.dollars prior to settlement. Restaurant reportswill re ect total and tip amounts in both U.S.dollars and foreign currency amount, makingit easy to pay servers what is owed.(Refer to Omni Restaurant QRG for step bystep Tip Adjust instructions.)Retail/Restaurant RefundWhen performing any refund transactions,clerks will be prompted to tell the terminalwhether the original transaction was a DCCtransaction. If it was a DCC transaction,the cardholder must present the clerk withthe original receipt. The clerk will then beprompted to enter the conversion rate as itappears on the receipt and the total amountin U.S. dollars. If the cardholder does nothave the receipt, the transaction must be runas a regular return and the amount will notbe converted – the receipt will reflect U.S.dollars only. Scroll down and select [REFUND] Input password and press [ENTER] Swipe card or manually key card # Choose [CREDIT/DEBIT] , if prompted Input last 4 digits of account # and press[ENTER], if prompted Input expiration date (MMYY) and press[ENTER], if prompted Imprint card and press [ENTER],if prompted Terminal prompts DCC REFUND?DCC RefundPress [YES]Select the transaction currency as printedon the receiptEnter the conversion rate as printed onthe receipt and press [ENTER] (Thedecimal will not show on screen)Key in the exponent digits as indicatedon the receipt and press [ENTER]Input invoice # and press [ENTER],if promptedInput customer # and press [ENTER],if prompted (purchase card only)Input clerk/server ID and press [ENTER],if promptedKey in U.S. currency amount and press[ENTER]Input tax amount in Merchant Currencyand press [ENTER], if prompted(purchase/business card only)Terminal dials out for approval and printsmerchant receiptPrint customer copy – [YES/NO]

DCC ReportsConversion Rate ReportThe DCC Rate Report prints the conversionrates for all accepted currencies. The expirationdate/time is provided at the top of the report. Press [REPORTS] Scroll down to select [DCC RATE REPORT]Retail/Restaurant Summary ReportThe DCC Summary Report provides summarytotals of all DCC transactions and reportsUSD and the foreign currency amount. Press [REPORTS] Scroll down to select [TOTAL DCC SALES]Terminal prints report Terminal dials out to Elavon host and printscurrent day’s conversion rates The rates are good through 6:00 AMEASTERN the following day.09/08/0511:09:22DCC Transactions by CurrencyABC MERCHANT19 HOCKEY STREETATLANTA, GA 3032811:47:33DCC Rate LookupRates are valid until 09/08/2005 22:05AUDCADEURJPYGBPTTypeGBP VISalesRefundsSalesRefundsMC9/08/05CurrencyCurr CardConversion 0200.000.0046.920.00Total:Merchant Currency chant Currency Equiv2 46.9283.00114.000.002288.000.00 End of Currency Report2402.0021.00

VeriFone Omni & Vx SeriesRetail/Restaurant Detail Reports(Retail)(Restaurant)ABC MERCHANT19 HOCKEY STREETATLANTA, GA 303289/08/05ABC MERCHANT19 HOCKEY STREETATLANTA, GA 3032811:21:009/09/05DETAIL REPORTTT SaleAcct #Inv 525806666666662000003DETAIL 000007JPY2.00VI4525806666666662000006707 54000001GBP3.54 *13.31120.00MC5101085555555554000002GBP4.42 *13.8111.00MC5101085555555554000003GBP0.35 *0.7711.00VI4525806666666662000004JPY0.09 *125.0012.00MC5284005555555551000005JPY0.17 *249.0012.00MC5101085555555554000006GBP0.35 *1.33229.00Grand TotalsSale Total:Rfnd Total:Total:0 Unadjusted TipsTT ServerAcct #Inv 21.351.092.172.35Grand TotalsSale Total:Tip Total:Rfnd Total:Total:6606 46.00tal:8.920.0054.920

Sale TransactionsWhen a credit card transaction is sent for authorization, the network willautomatically determine if it is a DCC-qualified card. If it is, then a DCC receipt willprint (refer to the receipt) and the transaction will prompt the clerk to confirm withthe cardholder that the cardholder agrees to have the currency converted from U.S.dollars to the currency associated with the card’s origin. Cardholder must sign andconfirm acceptance of currency conversion by checking the "I accept" box above thesignature line on the merchant copy of the receipt. If Cardholder declines thecurrency conversion refer to section “Re-Authorization in U.S. Dollars”Retail Sale Swipe customer card or press [SALE] Input account # and press [ENTER](for manual sale only)If NO:Press [NO]Terminal dials out for– re-authorization inU.S. dollarsPrint customer copy – [YES/NO] Choose [CREDIT], if promptedFor manual sale only: Input expiration date (MMYY) and press[ENTER]Card present? [YES/NO]IF YES, imprint card and press [ENTER]IF NO, transaction will be processed as aPhone Order in U.S. dollars Input last 4 digits of account # and press[ENTER] (for swipe sale only) Input invoice # and press [ENTER], ifprompted Input customer # and press [ENTER], ifprompted (purchase card only) Input clerk ID and press [ENTER], ifprompted Input amount and press [ENTER] Input tax amount and press [ENTER] , ifprompted (purchase/business card only)For manual sale only:Input V-code press [ENTER], if promptedIf V-code not entered, Code present?[NO/XREAD]Input address and press [ENTER]Input zip code and press [ENTER] The receipt will print showing theconversion currency, rate, and dollaramounts in US and foreign amounts. Terminal prompts “Accept DCC?”If YES:Press [YES]Print customer copy – [YES/NO]ABC MERCHANT19 HOCKEY STREETATLANTA, GA 30328TERMINAL ID. :MERCHANT #:VISATBL: 1 SRV: 1 TILL: 1*************5554SALERECORD: 4DATE: Sep 18, 10I N V:357159TIME: 13:31AUTH : N29935TRANSACTION CURRENCYCONVERSION RATECONVERSION FEE(EUR).731073.25%MERCHANT TOTAL (USD)TRANS TOTAL (EUR) 10.00 7.31VI EURO STANDARDI have been offered the choice of currenciesfor payment including the merchant’s localcurrency. My decision to accept the currencyconversion on this transaction is final.I h a v e c h o s e n n o t t o u s e t h e V I S A c u r r e n c. yconversion method and I will have norecource against VISA concerning thecurrency conversion or its disclosure.Currencty Conversion is conducted by themerchant and is not associated with orendorsed by VISA.Cardholder expressly agrees to theTransaction Receipt information by themarking the “Check Box” below.[] I accept.XMERCHANT COPY

M ercha n tConn ec tThe Online Window To Your PaymentProcessing AccountMerchantConnect is your one-stop destination for onlinecustomer service. It contains everything you need to manageyour electronic payment activity:My AccountManage your account online. View statements, view orupdate your profile, request new products and track equipmentshipments.My ReportsProvides you with timely and secure accounting informationsuch as deposit summaries, transaction activity, chargeback andretrieval status and more.SupportFind resource information about transaction processing, industrymandates, product support and practical tips to help improveyour bottom line.Getting Started Is:Fast, Easy, Secure And Free!Go to www.MerchantConnect.comDCC-QRG-1063-US Rev 1210 2010 Elavon Inc

Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) allows foreign MasterCard and Visa cardholders in the U.S. to have their purchases instantly converted at checkout into their local currency. The U.S. dollar amount, conversion rate, and local currency amount are all shown on the receipt. Foreign Currencies Supported Dynamic Currency Conversion currently .

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