GCE Subject Level Conditions And Requirements For Modern .

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GCE Subject LevelConditions andRequirements for ModernForeign LanguagesApril 2017Ofqual/17/6207(Previous version: Ofqual/16/5937)

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Modern Foreign LanguagesContentsIntroduction . 2About this document . 2Requirements set out in this document . 3Application of and revisions to this document . 4Summary of requirements. 5Subject Level Conditions . 6GCE Subject Level Conditions for Modern Foreign Languages . 7Assessment objectives . 13Assessment objectives – GCE Qualifications in Modern Foreign Languages . 14Assessment requirements . 16Assessment requirements – GCE Qualifications in Modern Foreign Languages . 17Appendix 1: Subject content (published by Department for Education) . 21Appendix 2: Revisions to this documentIntroduction Ofqual 20171

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Modern Foreign LanguagesIntroductionAbout this documentThis document (highlighted in the figure below) is part of a suite of documents whichsets out the regulatory requirements for awarding organisations offering reformed Alevels and AS qualifications.General Conditions of RecognitionFor all awarding organisations and all qualificationsGCE Qualification Level ConditionsFor all reformed A levels and AS qualificationsGCE Subject Level Conditions and RequirementsFor reformed A levels and AS qualifications in Modern ForeignLanguagesGCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements(Other subjects)We have developed all our requirements for GCE qualifications with the intention thatAS and A level qualifications should fulfil the purposes set out in the table below:A levels define and assess achievement of theknowledge, skills and understanding whichwill be needed by students planning toprogress to undergraduate study at a UKhigher education establishment, particularly(although not only) in the same subject area;AS qualifications set out a robust and internationallycomparable post-16 academic course ofIntroduction Ofqual 2017provide evidence of students’achievements in a robust andinternationally comparablepost-16 course of study that isa subset of A level content;enable students to broadenthe range of subjects theystudy.2

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Modern Foreign Languagesstudy to develop that knowledge, skills andunderstanding; permit UK universities to accurately identifythe level of attainment of students; provide a basis for school and collegeaccountability measures at age 18; and provide a benchmark of academic ability foremployers.Requirements set out in this documentThis document sets out the GCE Subject Level Conditions for Modern ForeignLanguages. A 'Modern Foreign Language' is defined in Condition GCE(ModernForeign Languages)6.1.It also sets out our requirements in relation to: assessment objectives – awarding organisations must comply with theserequirements under Condition GCE(Modern Foreign Languages)1.2; and assessments (including non-examination assessments) – awardingorganisations must comply with these requirements under ConditionGCE(Modern Foreign Languages)2.3.Appendix 1 reproduces the subject content requirements for Modern ForeignLanguages, as published by the Department for Education. Awarding organisationsmust comply with these requirements under Condition GCE(Modern ForeignLanguages)1.1.With respect to all GCE qualifications in Modern Foreign Languages, awardingorganisations must also comply with: 1our General Conditions of Recognition,1 which apply to all awardingorganisations and general-conditions-of-recognitionIntroduction Ofqual 20173

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Modern Foreign Languages our GCE Qualification Level Conditions and Requirements;2 and all relevant Regulatory Documents.3Application of and revisions to this documentThe Conditions and requirements in this document were originally published in July2015. We have subsequently revised those Conditions and requirements (seeAppendix 2 for details), most recently in April 2017.The April 2017 version of this document replaces all previous Conditions andrequirements for GCE A levels awarded on or after 1 April 2018, and all standaloneGCE AS qualifications awarded on or after 1 April 2017, in the following subjects: French; German; and Spanish.The Conditions and requirements in this document come into effect at 5.01pm onFriday 21 April 2017 for: All GCE A levels awarded on or after 1 April 2018, and all standalone GCE ASqualifications awarded on or after 1 April 2017, in the following subjects: French; German; and Spanish; all other GCE A level Qualifications in a Modern Foreign Language awarded onor after 1 April 2019; and all other standalone GCE AS qualifications in a Modern Foreign Languageawarded on or after 1 April tionsand roduction Ofqual 20174

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Modern Foreign LanguagesSummary of requirementsSubject Level ConditionsGCE(Modern Foreign Languages)1 Compliance with content requirementsGCE(Modern Foreign Languages)2 AssessmentGCE(Modern Foreign Languages)3 Non-examination assessmentGCE(Modern Foreign Languages)4 Access to dictionariesGCE(Modern Foreign Languages)5 TitlingGCE(Modern Foreign Languages)6 Interpretation and definitionsAssessment objectivesAssessment objectives – GCE Qualifications in Modern Foreign LanguagesAssessment requirementsAssessment requirements – GCE Qualifications in Modern Foreign LanguagesAppendix 1 – Subject content (published by Department for Education)GCE AS and A level Subject Content for Modern Foreign LanguagesIntroduction Ofqual 20175

Subject Level Conditions6

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Modern Foreign LanguagesGCE Subject Level Conditions for Modern ForeignLanguagesCondition GCE(ModernForeign Languages)1Compliance with content requirementsGCE(Modern ForeignLanguages)1.1In respect of each GCE Qualification in a Modern ForeignLanguage which it makes available, or proposes to makeavailable, an awarding organisation must –(a) comply with the requirements relating to thatqualification set out in the document published by theSecretary of State entitled ‘Modern foreign languagesGCE AS and A level subject content’,4 documentreference DFE-00694-2014,(b) have regard to any recommendations or guidelinesrelating to that qualification set out in that document,and(c) interpret that document in accordance with anyrequirements, and having regard to any guidance,which may be published by Ofqual and revised fromtime to time.GCE(Modern ForeignLanguages)1.24In respect of each GCE Qualification in a Modern ForeignLanguage which it makes available, or proposes to makeavailable, an awarding organisation must comply with anyrequirements, and have regard to any guidance, relatingto the objectives to be met by any assessment for thatqualification which may be published by Ofqual andrevised from time to -a-level-modern-foreign-languagesSubject Level Conditions for Modern Foreign Languages Ofqual 20177

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Modern Foreign LanguagesCondition GCE(ModernForeign Languages)2AssessmentGCE(Modern ForeignLanguages)2.1In respect of each GCE Qualification in a ModernForeign Language which an awarding organisationmakes available, or proposes to make available,Condition GCE4.1 does not apply.GCE(Modern ForeignLanguages)2.2In respect of the total marks available for a GCEQualification in a Modern Foreign Language which itmakes available, an awarding organisation mustensure that –(a) 70 per cent of those marks are made availablethrough Assessments by Examination, and(b) 30 per cent of those marks are made availablethrough assessments that are not Assessments byExamination.GCE(Modern ForeignLanguages)2.3An awarding organisation must ensure that in respectof each assessment for a GCE Qualification in aModern Foreign Language which it makes available itcomplies with any requirements, and has regard toany guidance, which may be published by Ofqual andrevised from time to time.Subject Level Conditions for Modern Foreign Languages Ofqual 20178

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Modern Foreign LanguagesCondition GCE(Modern Non-examination assessmentForeign Languages)3GCE(Modern ForeignLanguages)3.1In respect of each assessment for a GCE Qualification in aModern Foreign Language that it makes available which isnot an Assessment by Examination an awardingorganisation must –(a) ensure that each Learner completes any suchassessment within a period of up to five weeks in themonths of April and May in any single year, and(b) take all reasonable steps to minimise the predictabilityof each such assessment.GCE(Modern ForeignLanguages)3.2In respect of each assessment for a GCE Qualification in aModern Foreign Language that it makes available which isnot an Assessment by Examination an awardingorganisation must ensure that –(a) the evidence generated by each Learner in theassessment is marked by the awarding organisationand/or a person connected to it, and(b) the awarding organisation is provided with a completeand unedited recording of the evidence generated bya Learner in the assessment by the Centre whichdelivered the assessment.Subject Level Conditions for Modern Foreign Languages Ofqual 20179

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Modern Foreign LanguagesCondition GCE(Modern Access to dictionariesForeign Languages)4GCE(Modern ForeignLanguages)4.1An awarding organisation must take reasonable steps toensure that no Learner has access to a dictionary –(a) when taking any assessment for a GCE Qualificationin a Modern Foreign Language which it makesavailable, or(b) during any period of formal preparation time prior tosuch an assessment.GCE(Modern ForeignLanguages)4.2For the purposes of this Condition, ‘formal preparationtime’ is a period of time immediately prior to theassessment, or a task within an assessment, during whichthe Learner is provided with previously unseen informationrelating to the assessment or task and is allowed toprepare for the assessment or task under conditions(including conditions as to supervision) which have beenspecified by the awarding organisation.Subject Level Conditions for Modern Foreign Languages Ofqual 201710

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Modern Foreign LanguagesCondition GCE(Modern TitlingForeign Languages)5GCE(Modern ForeignLanguages)5.1An awarding organisation must ensure that, for thepurposes of compliance with Condition E2.1(d), the title onthe Register of each GCE Qualification in Chinese which itmakes available indicates the content of that qualificationin the following manner, as appropriate –(a) Chinese (spoken Mandarin), or(b) Chinese (spoken Cantonese).Subject Level Conditions for Modern Foreign Languages Ofqual 201711

Condition GCE(Modern Interpretation and definitionsForeign Languages)6GCE(Modern ForeignLanguages)6.1In these Conditions the following words shall have themeaning given to them below (and cognate expressionsshould be construed accordingly) –Modern Foreign LanguageA language, apart from English –(a) which is in everyday spoken use, and(b) with respect to which an awarding organisation is not required to comply with–(i) the GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for AncientLanguages (Classical Greek, Latin), or(ii) the GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Modern ForeignLanguages (listening, reading, writing).12

Assessment objectives13

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Modern Foreign LanguagesAssessment objectives – GCE Qualifications inModern Foreign LanguagesCondition GCE(Modern Foreign Languages)1.2 allows us to specify requirementsrelating to the objectives to be met by any assessment for GCE Qualifications inModern Foreign Languages.The assessment objectives set out below constitute requirements for the purposes ofCondition GCE(Modern Foreign Languages)1.2. Awarding organisations mustcomply with the requirements, as relevant, in relation to each GCE AS and A levelqualification in a Modern Foreign Language they make available.AO1ObjectiveWeighting Weighting(A level)(AS)Understand and respond:20%20%30%30% AO2in speech to spoken language includingface-to-face interaction;in writing to spoken language drawn from avariety of sources.Understand and respond: in speech to written language drawn froma variety of sources;in writing to written language drawn from avariety of sources.AO3Manipulate the language accurately, inspoken and written forms, using a range oflexis and structure.30%30%AO4(AS)Show knowledge and understanding of, andrespond critically to, different aspects of theculture and society of countries/communitieswhere the language is spoken.n/a20%AO4(A level)Show knowledge and understanding of, andrespond critically and analytically to, differentaspects of the culture and society ofcountries/communities where the language isspoken.20%n/a14Assessment objectives Ofqual 201714

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Modern Foreign LanguagesAcross assessment objectives AO1 and AO2, no more than 10 per cent of the totalmarks for the qualification may be used for responses in English, includingtranslation into English.15Assessment objectives Ofqual 201715

Assessment requirements16

Assessment requirements – GCE Qualifications inModern Foreign LanguagesCondition GCE(Modern Foreign Languages)2.3 allows us to specify requirementsand guidance in relation to assessments for GCE Qualifications in Modern ForeignLanguages.Condition GCE(Modern Foreign Languages)2.2(b) further states that an awardingorganisation must ensure that of the total marks available for a GCE Qualification in aModern Foreign Language, 30 per cent of those marks shall be made availablethrough assessments which are not Assessments by Examination.We set out our requirements for the purposes of Condition GCE(Modern ForeignLanguages)2.3 below.Unless otherwise specified, all of the requirements below apply to both A level andAS qualifications in a Modern Foreign Language which an awarding organisationmakes available or proposes to make available.Grammatical contentThe subject content for GCE Qualifications in Modern Foreign Languages is set outin the document published by the Secretary of State entitled ‘Modern foreignlanguages GCE AS and A level subject content’,5 document reference DFE-006942014 (the ‘Content Document’).The Annex to the Content Document sets out grammatical content for GCEQualifications in French, German or Spanish. The Content Document goes on tostate that lists of grammatical content for other languages:must be developed by awarding organisations and included as appendicesto relevant specifications, to represent a level of challenge and breadththat is comparable to the requirements for French, German and SpanishIn respect of each GCE Qualification in a Modern Foreign Language (other thanFrench, German or Spanish) which it makes available, or proposes to makeavailable, an awarding organisation must – 5set out in the specification for the qualification the knowledge andunderstanding of grammar that will be expected of Learners (the ‘GrammarRequirements’), -level-modern-foreign-languages17Assessment requirements Ofqual 201717

demonstrate to Ofqual’s satisfaction in its assessment strategy that it has takenall reasonable steps to ensure that, as far as possible, the Level of Demand ofthe Grammar Requirements is comparable to that of the grammar requirementsspecified in the Content Document for GCE Qualifications in French, Germanand Spanish.Vocabulary listsWhere an awarding organisation publishes any information about the words and/orforms of words which Learners will be expected to use and understand (a ‘vocabularylist’) for a GCE Qualification in a Modern Foreign Language which it makes available,or proposes to make available, it must ensure that – any assessment for that qualification is not restricted to use of words and/orforms of words on the vocabulary list in such a way as to render theassessment predictable, and the vocabulary list is set out in the specification for the qualification.Access to textsAn awarding organisation must take all reasonable steps to ensure that no Learnerhas access to any text, or any part of a text, which is listed for study in thespecification when taking any assessment for a GCE Qualification in a ModernForeign Language, except where that text or part of a text has been provided asStimulus Materials in respect of that assessment by the awarding organisation.Non-Examination Assessment (A level)The requirements in this section apply to each GCE A level qualification in a ModernForeign Language which an awarding organisation makes available, or proposes tomake available.An awarding organisation must ensure that each assessment which is not anAssessment by Examination is designed and set –(a)to comprise the following tasks –(i)a presentation in the target language, with a duration of no more than 2minutes, by each Learner on an independent research project whichhas been selected by the Learner and which meets the requirements inparagraph 14 of the Content Document,(ii)the provision of oral responses in the target language by each Learnerto questions regarding the Learner’s independent research projectwhich are set and asked by the person delivering the assessment, and18Assessment requirements Ofqual 201718

(iii)(b)a discussion in the target language concerning one theme set by theawarding organisation in line with the requirements in paragraph 7 ofthe Content Document, andon the basis that the total period of time spent by each Learner in taking thatassessment shall be between 21 and 23 minutes, which must include a singleperiod of 5 minutes formal preparation time (as defined in ConditionGCE(Modern Foreign Languages)4.2) for the Learner to prepare for thediscussion outlined at (iii) above.An awarding organisation must ensure that no more than 20 per cent of the totalmarks available in respect of an assessment which is not an Assessment byExamination is made available in respect of the presentation outlined at (i) above.Non-Examination Assessment (AS)The requirements in this section apply to each GCE AS qualification in a ModernForeign Language which an awarding organisation makes available, or proposes tomake available.An awarding organisation must ensure that each assessment which is not anAssessment by Examination is designed and set –(a)(b)(c)to comprise two discussions in the target language on two different themes fromthe areas of interest specified in paragraph 7 of the Content Document,on the basis that the total period of time spent by each Learner in taking thatassessment shall be between 12 and 15 minutes, andsuch that all tasks are set by the awarding organisation.An awarding organisation must take all reasonable steps to ensure that each Learnershall have 15 minutes formal preparation time (as defined in Condition GCE(ModernForeign Languages)4.2).Delivery of Non-Examination AssessmentsAny assessment for a GCE Qualification in a Modern Foreign Language which is notan Assessment by Examination may be delivered –(a)by the awarding organisation or a person connected to the awardingorganisation,(b)by a Centre, or(c)through a combination of (a) and (b).In its assessment strategy the awarding organisation must demonstrate that –19Assessment requirements Ofqual 201719

(a)it has taken all reasonable steps to identify the risk of any Adverse Effect whichmay result from the way the assessment is delivered, and(b)where such a risk is identified, it has taken all reasonable steps to prevent thatAdverse Effect or, where it cannot be prevented, to mitigate that Adverse Effect.In respect of each GCE Qualification in a Modern Foreign Language, an awardingorganisation must take all reasonable steps to ensure that each Learner takes theassessments which are not Assessments by Examination only once prior to beingissued with a result for that qualification.20Assessment requirements Ofqual 201720

Appendix 1: Subject content(published by Department forEducation)21

Modern foreignlanguagesGCE AS and A level subject contentDecember 2015

ContentsThe content for modern languages AS and A level3Introduction3Context3Aims and objectives3Subject content4Annex: grammatical content, appropriate to French, German and Spanish7French: AS level7French: A level9German: AS level10German: A level12Spanish: AS level12Spanish: A level152

The content for modern languages AS and A levelIntroduction1.AS and A level subject content sets out the knowledge, understanding and skillscommon to all AS and A level specifications in modern languages.Context2.The study of a modern language is understood to be an interdisciplinary subjectoffering the same cognitive and academic advantages as other disciplines within thehumanities. In addition to high level practical language skills, the content of AS and A levelin modern languages provides depth of knowledge, understanding and interculturalcompetence and fosters a range of transferable skills such as communication skills, criticalthinking, autonomy, resourcefulness, creativity, and linguistic, cultural and cognitiveflexibility; all of which are of value to the individual, to wider society, to higher educationand to employers. The content for AS and A level in a modern language has beendesigned to be of relevance to students of all disciplines, whether they intend to progressto further study in the subject or not. It will provide a robust foundation for those wishing tostudy a modern language to degree level or equivalent.Aims and objectives3.AS and A level specifications in a modern language must enable students to: enhance their linguistic skills and promote and develop their capacity for criticalthinking on the basis of their knowledge and understanding of the language, cultureand society of the country or countries where the language is spokendevelop control of the language system to convey meaning, using spoken andwritten skills, including an extended range of vocabulary, for both practical andintellectual purposes as increasingly confident, accurate and independent users ofthe languagedevelop their ability to interact effectively with users of the language in speech andin writing, including through online mediadevelop language learning skills and strategies, including communication strategiesto sustain communication and build fluency and confidenceengage critically with intellectually stimulating texts, films and other materials in theoriginal language, developing an appreciation of sophisticated and creative uses ofthe language and understanding them within their cultural and social contextdevelop knowledge about matters central to the society and culture, past andpresent, of the country or countries where the language is spoken3

4.mediate between cultures and between speakers of the language and speakers ofEnglishfoster their ability to learn other languagesequip themselves with transferable skills such as autonomy, resourcefulness,creativity, critical thinking, and linguistic, cultural and cognitive flexibility that willenable them to proceed to further study or to employmentIn addition, the A level specifications must also enable students to: develop their capacity for critical and analytical thinking through the language ofstudydevelop as independent researchers through the language of studySubject content5.AS and A level specifications in modern languages must build on the knowledge,understanding and skills specified in the GCSE subject content.6.The content for AS and A level is conceived as an integrated study with a focus onlanguage and culture and society.7.AS and A level specifications must require students to: develop knowledge and understanding, through the language of study, of themesrelating to the society and culture, past and present, of the country or countrieswhere the language is spoken. Students must study one theme at AS and twothemes at A level, from each of the following areas of interest (i.e. 2 themes at AS;4 themes at A level):(i) social issues and trends(ii) political and/or intellectual and/or artistic cultureWith regard to area of interest (ii): at both AS and A level, students must use authentic spoken and written sourcesfrom a variety of different contexts and genres, including online media, asstimulus material for the study of the themes and, concurrently, for languagedevelopment8.AS and A level specifications must require students to develop their languageknowledge, understanding and skills through: using language spontaneously to initiate communication; ask and answerquestions; express thoughts and feelings; present viewpoints; develop arguments;4

persuade; and analyse and evaluate in speech and writing, including interactionwith speakers of the languageapplying knowledge of pronunciation, morphology and syntax, vocabulary and idiomto communicate accurately and coherently, using a range of expression – includingthe list of grammar at annex A for French, German and Spanish. For otherlanguages, all specifications must include appendices setting out requirements forgrammar which represent a level of challenge and breadth comparable to therequirements for French, German and Spanish.using language learning skills and strategies, including communication strategiessuch as adjusting the message, circumlocution, self-correction and repair strategieslistening and responding to spoken passages including some extended passagesfrom a range of different contexts and sources, adapted as necessary, coveringdifferent registers and types, including authentic communication involving one ormore speakersreading and responding to a variety of texts including some extended texts writtenfor different purposes and audiences drawn from a range of authentic sources,including contemporary, historical and literary, fiction and non-fiction texts, adaptedas necessaryunderstanding the main points, gist and detail from spoken and written materialinferring meaning from complex spoken and written material, including factual andabstract contentassimilating and using information from spoken and written sources, includingmaterial from online mediasummarising information from spoken and written sources, reporting key points andsubject matter in speech and writingtranslating an unseen passage or passages from the language of study into Englishat AS and A leveltranslating unseen sentences or short texts at AS, and an unseen passage orpassages at A level, from English into the language of study9.At AS, specifications must also require students to study one work, either a literarywork or a film. They must: know, understand and be able to respond critically in writing, in the language ofstudy, to the work, taken from the prescribed list provided in the specification.10.At AS, knowledge and understanding of the work must include a critical response toaspects such as the structure of the plot, characterisation, and use of imagery or otherstylistic features, as appropriate to the work studied.11.At A level, specifications must require students to study two works, either a literarywork and a film, or two literary works They must:5

appreciate, analyse and be able to respond critically in writing, in the language ofstudy, to the works, taken from the prescribed list provided in the specification.12.At A level, students must develop a more detailed understanding of the works,showing a critical appreciation of the concepts and issues covered, and a critical andanalytical response to features such as the form and the technique of presentation, asappropriate to the work studied (e.g. the effect of narrative voice in a prose text or camerawork in a film).13.The works prescribed in the specification must be appropriate authentic sources. 14.the list of literary works must include a range from at least two of the followinggenres: novels, series of short stories, plays, selections of poems, life writing (suchas autobiography, biography, letters and journals)the list of films must include feature length films and can include selections of shortfilms organised by theme or directorstudents are required to study two discrete works at A level i.e. students cannot beassessed on a film adapted from a literary work as well as on the original literarywork itselfIn addition, A level specifications in a modern language must require students to: develop research skills in the language of study, demonstrating the ability to initiateand conduct individual research on a subject of personal interest, relating to thecountry or countries where the language is spokenidentify a key question or subject of interest and

Languages, as published by the Department for Education. Awarding organisations must comply with these requirements under Condition GCE(Modern Foreign . GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Modern Foreign Languages Introduction Ofqual 2017 5 Summary of requirements Subject Level Conditions GCE(Modern Foreign Languages)1

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