DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT & MARKETINGCOURSE SYLLABUSMKT 345-01, 02 DIGITAL & SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETINGFALL 2020Sections 12693, 12694 MW 2:00-3:15 (Sec 01), 3:25-4:40 (Sec 02)ONLINE VIA ZOOM & OAKSProfessor:Dr. Jennifer B. BarhorstPhone: (843) 953-4810Email: barhorstj@cofc.eduOffice Hours:Zoom by appointment only (email to make anappointment)Required Text:Check OaksPrerequisites:ECON 200, ECON 201, MKTG 302COURSE DESCRIPTIONDue to technological advances, today’s marketing landscape is continuously evolving. It is alandscape that not only provides tremendous opportunities for today’s marketer, but it is also anenvironment fraught with risk. As such, today’s marketing manager must be equipped with theknowledge and tools to thrive in this environment.This course prepares students with a fundamental understanding of digital marketing channelsand strategy. It covers the principles of digital marketing including search engine optimization(SEO), conversion optimization, email marketing, social media marketing, mobile marketing,content strategy, paid and organic search advertising, social listening, and new and emergingmarketing media.Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: the primary strategies and channels of digital marketingThink strategically about the implications of changes to the digital marketing landscapeIdentify and implement best practice across multiple digital channelsUse analytics data to make informed assessments and action plansSCHOOL OF BUSINESS LEARNING GOALS1
DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT & MARKETING1. Communication skills: students will demonstrate the ability, via both written and spokenword, to effectively present, critique, and defend ideas in a cogent, persuasive manner.Assignments, classroom discussions and the group project support the achievement ofthis goal.2. Quantitative fluency: students will demonstrate competency in logical reasoning anddata analysis skills.Classroom discussions, completion of certifications and group projects support theachievement of this goal.3. Global and civic responsibility: students will be able to identify and define social,ethical, environmental and economic challenges at local, national and international levels.Students will also be able to integrate knowledge and skills in address these issues.A focus on the global political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legalaspects of digital marketing via class discussions and the group project support theachievement of this goal.4. Intellectual Innovation and Creativity: students will be able to demonstrate theirresourcefulness and originality in addressing extemporaneous problems.Class discussions, the group presentation and project provide ample opportunities forstudents to demonstrate these skills and to support the achievement this goal.5. Synthesis: students will demonstrate the ability to integrate knowledge from multipledisciplines incorporating learning from both classroom and non-classroom settings in thecompletion of complex and comprehensive tasks.Classroom discussions, completion of certifications and group projects support theachievement of this goal.LEARNING OUTCOMES1. Search Engine Optimization – understand the importance of SEO and organic and paidsearch strategies. Use SEO tactics covered in the course to create a strategy to optimizerankings.2. Online Advertising – understand the various methods of online display advertising.3. Content Marketing – understand the nature of search and the role of content marketingin achieving conversions. Create content designed to drive conversions.4. Web Analytics – Identify and use KPIs to make informed decisions and increaseconversion and/or engagement rates5. Email Marketing – Understand and best practices in marketing to drive conversion viaemail.6. Social Media – Utilize knowledge of social media tactics to design an effective socialmedia campaign.7. Ethics, laws and governance – understand the issues, ethical challenges and various dataprotection laws that will influence current and future decision making.2
DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT & MARKETINGTEACHING PHILOSOPHY AND CLASSROOM APPROACHHaving spent the majority of my career outside of academia, I believe in facilitating learningexperiences that will not only help you to learn the topics covered in class, but to actuallyperform on the job. The class is therefore comprised of several activities focused not only onreviewing and learning content, but also practical exercises that will build your skills andconfidence. We do this through five key activities: Textbook chapters and other assigned readings Lectures and discussions Exams Completion of certifications Group simulation that provides practical experienceThe best classes are fun, interesting, interactive and thought provoking. We therefore all have arole to play in ensure that these criteria are met. For my part, I will come to class prepared withlectures that are not only based on our topics for the week, but intertwined with interestingexamples and fun activities. For your part, I expect you to be prepared for class by completingassigned readings in advance of class and being ready to actively participate in class discussionsand activities.COURSE REQUIRMENTS AND EVALUATIONYour final grade is comprised of the following:Percent10%CertificationsWebsite group projectQuizzesExam 1Exam 2Speaker event/Guest Speaker attendanceSimulation – rounds 1-6Current Events Submission & DiscussionTotal10%12%25%25%3%10%5%100%1. CERTIFICATIONSHootsuite – Hootsuite Platform Social Media certifications (3.75%), SEMRushKeyword Research (1.25%), Hubspot Social Media Marketing (1.25%), & GoogleAnalytics IQ Certifications (3.75%) worth 10% of your final grade.2. WEBSITE GROUP PROJECTGroup project where you will create a brand of your group’s choice and design/build awebsite worth 10% of your final grade. Check Oaks for details.3
DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT & MARKETING3. QUIZZES & EXAMS12 quizzes worth 12% of your final grade. Two exams worth 50% of your final grade.Exams will include questions from the text and class lectures.4. SPEAKER EVENT/GUEST SPEAKER ATTENDANCERequired attendance at various speaker events/guest speakers via ZOOM worth 3% ofyour final grade. Check Oaks for dates/times.5. GROUP CURRENT EVENTS DISCUSSIONGroup current events submission/discussion worth 5% of the final grade. Check Oaks forinstructions.6. GROUP SIMULATION – SIX ROUNDSCompletion of digital marketing simulation worth 10% of your final grade that willenable you to practice SEO, keyword strategy, email strategy, and much more!WEEKLY READINGIn order to be prepared for weekly discussions, you should pay careful attention to the‘Assignment’ section of the schedule and ensure that you read the assigned chapters and articlesbefore class.GRADING SCALE100 - 94 (A); 93 – 90 (A-); 89 - 87 (B ); 86 - 83 (B); 82 – 80 (B-); 79 -77 (C ); 76 - 73 (C); 72 –70 (C-); 69 - 67 (D ); 66 - 63 (D); 60 – 62 (D-); else (F)CLASS POLICIES1. Attendance: Attendance for each class period is recommended. Classes will take place online viaZoom from 2:00-3:15 for section 01 and 3:25-4:40 for section 02. Classes will be acombination of recorded lectures and live Zoom sessions. Check dates on syllabus. Class sessions will be recorded via both voice and video recording. By attending andremaining in this class, the student consents to being recorded. Recorded classsessions are for instructional use only and may not be shared with anyone who is notenrolled in the class4
DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT & MARKETING2. Deadlines Failure to meet deadlines will result in a zero on exams/assignments/ groupprojects. Failure to complete an online quiz or exam by the deadline will result in a zero.3. GradesPlease note that I have a strict policy with regard to grades. I do not negotiate grades. Final grades are rounded up to the nearest .5 – so an 89.3 will be recorded as an89.5 and a B , whereas an 89.6 will be recorded as a 90 and A-. I do not provide extra credit at the end of the semester, so please do your very bestall throughout. I will not discuss grades over email, or after class. Make an appointment if youwould like to discuss a particular aspect of your grade.4. Lying, cheating, attempted cheating, and plagiarism are violations of our Honor Codethat, when suspected, are investigated. Each incident will be examined to determine thedegree of deception involved. Incidents where the instructor determines the student’s actions are related more tomisunderstanding and confusion will be handled by the instructor. The instructordesigns an intervention or assigns a grade reduction to help prevent the studentfrom repeating the error. The response is recorded on a form and signed both bythe instructor and the student. It is forwarded to the Office of the Dean of Studentsand placed in the student’s file. Cases of suspected academic dishonesty will be reported directly by the instructorand/or others having knowledge of the incident to the Dean of Students. A studentfound responsible by the Honor Board for academic dishonesty will receive aXXF in the course, indicating failure of the course due to academic dishonesty.This status indicator will appear on the student’s transcript for two years afterwhich the student may petition for the XX to be expunged. The F is permanent. Students can find the complete Honor Code and all related processes in theStudent Handbook at: handbook/.”5. Student Honor Code: Students are expected to abide by the Honor Code and the Student Handbook: AGuide to Civil and Honorable Conduct6. Disabilities: If you have a documented disability and are approved to receive accommodationsthrough SNAP Services, please contact me.THE PROFESSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE THIS SYLLABUS5
It covers the principles of digital marketing including search engine optimization (SEO), conversion optimization, email marketing, social media marketing, mobile marketing, content strategy, paid and organic search advertising, social listening, and new and emerging marketing media. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: 1.
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DEPOT NO-II, III & IV AS ON 26.02.2020. Sr.No Route No. Description of Routes Time Frequency Length in KM No. Of Buses 1 1A Maloya New Colony to Maloya New Colony via Dadu Majra village , DM Bridge, Dhanas Lake K/Lahora Bridge, PGI, 15 Mkt, 16 Mkt, 17/16, ISBT-17, 18 Mkt, 19 Mkt, 27 Mkt, 28 Mkt, CTU W/shop, R/Stn, R/Crossing, Kala Gram,
Marketing Elective Course Offerings by Career Tracks Brand & Marketing Management MKT 445: New Product Development and Branding MKT 440: Marketing Analysis and Strategy MKT 465: Global Marketing Management Advertising & Promotion MKT 405: Advertising and Promotion Management MKT 406: Practicum in Advertising a
Marketing 3 HOS 309 Destination & Attractions Marketing None 3 MKT 302 Public Relations None 3 MKT 401 Consumer Behaviour MKT201 Principles of Marketing 3 MKT 402 Integrated Marketing Communication None 3 MKT 403 Market Research None 3 MKT 404 Sales Man
412-553-AB Packaging Lapointe L Humanities 345-101-MQ Documenting Myths Si Stefano P, Mcguire M 345-101-MQ Introduction to Knowledge of Arctic Ecology 345-101-MQ Limits to Knowledge 345-101-MQ Planning Utopia Young T 345-101-MQ Quest for Knowledge Arès V 345-101-MQ Reel History McGuire M
Marketing . Communications . Media Strategy. MKT 4. Year 1 . Year 2 . MKT 4139 (Compulsory 30 credits) MKT 4060 . Strategic Brand Management Communications (Compulsory 30 credits) Exit Award: Postgraduate Certificate in Corporate and Marketing (60 credits) MKT 4147 Communication for Social ChangeAdvertising (Optional 15 credits) Exit Award .
NICE ED MSc F MKT 1 OPT 3659 Research Seminar (for Student Research Team ONLY) 30 - - NICE ED MSc F MKT 1 SEM 6222 Remedial in Mathematics: Foundation of Mathematics for Finance 15 - - - - NICE ED MSc F MKT 1 SEM 1059 Programming for finance with VBA and R 15 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 NICE ED MSc F MKT 1 CC 744 Python for Finance 15 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5
PLAN A – Major Concentration Courses 15 credits-----Students pursuing PLAN A must select a concentration in the major area and study the five specified courses. Digital Marketing-----MKT 3867 Social Media and Online Marketing 3 MKT 3868 Content Marketing 3 MKT 3869 Digital Consumer Insights 3 MKT 4777 Communications and Digital Media Strategy 3