LCA Of Nano Enabled Products. Nanopolytox - Åbo Akademi

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Workshop on life cycle evaluation andenergy use for different productionprocesses of nanomaterialsLCA of nano‐enabled products. Nanopolytoxand Ecotexnano case studiesDr. Vincent JamierLEITAT Technological Center16 April 2015 ‐ Turku, Finland

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LCA of nano‐enabled products. Nanopolytox and Ecotexnano case studiesThis presentation: Life Cycle Thinking in nanotechnologies 2 case studies:1.NANOPOLYTOX project2.ECOTEXNANO project5

WHY?Scarce studies havegeneratedfor theBroaddatarangeofinventoryandmost eof turingdeterminationstepAs emergingproducts,Absenceof Fate areandnanomaterialsintakemodelsinfornot y twostudies have derivedinventory data for the wholelife cycle and include theimpact of releasedLack ofhazard data zational. Environ SciinTechnolcontributionthe 2011,45(10):4570‐4578; Hischier et al. JfactordeterminationinventoryareNanopartRes 2015,17:68)neglected in mostLCA studiesLife Cycle Thinking for NanotechnologiesAdopted from The Royal Society & Royal Academy of Engineering 20046

Life Cycle Thinking for NanotechnologiesMAIN GAPS AND SHORTCOMINGS OF LCA ON NANOTECHNOLOGY Synthesis and production processes: wide variety in the production processes of nanomaterials and evolving fast The information is also often confidential and proprietary Different synthesis methods, different properties: CASE BY CASE Limited knowledge on Release of nanomaterials (especially during use phase and end‐of‐life phase). How to evaluate exposure from release data? EXPOSURE MODELLING Limited knowledge on the transformations and concentrations of nanomaterials in the environment. Environmental fate modelling of released nanomaterials: Need for adaptation of existing models (developedmainly for organic compounds) Uncertainty in toxicity: surface properties, functionalization, interaction with environmental media,7

NANOPOLYTOX projectFP7‐NMP‐ENV‐2009Project; Number: 247899; 2010‐2013Full Title: “Toxicological impact of nanomaterials derived from processing, weathering andrecycling from polymer nanocomposites used in various industrial applications” The main objective of NANOPOLYTOX is the monitoring of the life cycle of three families ofnanomaterials (carbon nanotubes, nanoclays and metal oxide nanoparticles) when embedded inselected polymeric hosts. The project included monitoring of the chemical and physical properties of the nanomaterialsand their toxicity from the synthesis, processing, aging, and recycling to their disposal, coveringtheir migration and/or release during their life cycle. The theoretical analysis of the data obtained during the project lead to the development ofpredictive models to assess the biological and environmental fate of the studied nanomaterials. The overall human health and environmental impact were assessed by LCΙA analysis, specificallydesigned for nanomaterials.8

Life Cycle Assessment Framework (ISO 14044)Standardized methodology: ISOs 14040 and 14044European Platform on LCA: sment9

LCA Approach in NanopolytoxProductionReleaseProduction of 1 kg ofnanocomposite30 g of sis10

Goal and scope definitionFour Selected nanomaterials to be studied in a comprehensive LCA: MWCNT‐PP nanocomposite; Zinc Oxide – Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) nanocomposites; Clay – EVA nanocomposites; Titanium Dioxide – PA nanocompositeExample of system studied: MWCNT‐PP nanocompositesSynthesis MWCNT.Fluidized bed chemicalvapor (Glonatech)PristineCNTNM released Extrusion(Leitat)NM released NanocompositepelletsInjection(Leitat)NM released NM released Final disposalNM released NanocompositescrapsNanocompositetest specimenCNT‐PPMechanical RecyclingMilling (Lurederra)Re‐injection (Lati)NM released USE(external)AgeingEnd of life11

Life Cycle Inventory (LCI)MWCNT ‐ eSynthesis process: fluidized bed chemical vapour deposition (CDV),Reference flow: 30 g of multi-wall carbon nanotubes 97-98% (MWCNTs)Technology: Semi-pilot unit.INPUTSElectricityCatalyst FeCatalyst suport Al2O3Furnace (heating and controllingtemperature)OUTPUTSHeatCatalyst loadingCarbon sootCNT synthesisMethod: Fluidized BedChemical Vapor DepositionEthyleneNitrogenEMISSIONS TOAIR:C4 ,EthyleneEthane,HydrogenMethane,Carbon MonoxidePropylene, Propane,n‐Butanen‐Hexane,NitrogenHeat releasedMWCNTNitric AcidMWCNT washingMethod: Washing with an acidsolutionLiquid wastesMWCNT released tothe environmentWaste treatment

Released NM in the Synthetic ProcessSynthesisNanocompositeProbable shwaterWaste treatmentWorst Case cinerationplant22.92%*Freshwater*Environ. Sci. Technol. 2008, 42, 4447; Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009, 43, 9216** ‘Guidance on information requirements and chemical safety assessment’.Part D: R16. ECHA

Estimated release of NMRelease of MWCNT during all life cycle of composites‐Production of 1 Kg nanocomposite (3% MWCNT in PP) [MWCNT synthesis nanocomposite synthesis]Probable ScenarioWorst Case ScenarioAir0.171 0.170 g1.907 0.861 gFreshwater0.078 0 g0.524 0.157 g‐1 year use of 1 kg nanocomposite (3% MWCNT in PP)FreshwaterProbable ScenarioWorst Case Scenario0.017 g0.068 g‐Waste treatment of 1 kg nanocomposite (3% MWCNT in PP)AirProbable ScenarioWorst Case Scenario0.005 g0.012 g

Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA)Life Cycle InventoryResources usedEmissionsWaste & Materials flowsLife Cycle Impact AssessmentReCiPe MethodNanomaterials releaseUSETox umanEffectFactorsCharacterizationfor selectedmidpoints andendpointcategories

Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA)ReCiPe methodNMNMMidpoint impact category nameAbbr.climate changeozone depletionterrestrial acidificationfreshwater eurotrophicationmarine eurotrophicationhuman toxicityPhotochemical oxidant formationparticulate matter formationterrestrial ecotoxicityfreshwater ecotoxicitymarine ecotoxicityiosnising radiationagricultural land occupationurban land occupationnatural land transformationwater depletionmineral resource depletionfosil fuel RDFDEndpoint impact category*HHEDRA * HH: Human Health Damage; ED: Ecosystems damage; RA: Resource Availability Damage : Quantitative connection has been established in ReCiPe 2008 for this link; –: No quantitative connectionhas been established for this link in ReCiPe 2008

Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA)From Rosenbaum et al., 2010

Environmental fate modellingUSEtox Fate model is basically designed for organic compounds and derives most distributionand biodistribution factors from few physico‐chemical endpoints. This is not possible withnanomaterials, so we modified the model using different distribution equations. Moreover,bioaccumulation and intake parameters cannot be derived from KOW and have to be introducedcase by caseTransport/EliminationmechanismUSEtox NM modelDry Deposition in AirVapor water/gas phasepartitionDeposition rate (Aerosol size,density)Wet Deposition in AirAerosol washout gaswashout (KH)100% Aerosol washoutGas absorption / volatilization KHEliminatedWater / sediment partitionKp KOWAggregation, Sedimentation rateRun off / leaching from soilsKp KOWFiltration: retention fractionDegradationDeg rateDeg rate metal leachingMetal leachingNot consideredMetal fraction release rate

Ecotoxicity and Human Toxicity Effect FactorsDerivation following the general USEtox methodologyFor example, for ecotoxicity:1.Collection of available toxicity data for MWCNTs in freshwater organisms and estimation of single species EC502.Derivation of HC50 following this formula :Log HC50 1/n species SUM (log EC50 for each tropic level)HC50 values 12.7 mg/L (best estimate); 4.9 mg/L (worst‐case)3.Derivation of Ecotoxiciy Effect Factor:EF (0.5/HC50)EF 39 m3/kg (best estimate) and 102 m3/kg (worst‐case)Main problems: (Eco)toxicity studies focused on most common nanomaterials. Tests done with the same compound but different material (size, shape, surface chemistry). Absence of clear SOP. Comparison between studies is difficult. Absence of dosimetry studies. Real exposure vs. supposed exposure.

MWCNT Characterisation factorsCharacterization Factor Fate Factor x Intake Factor x Effect FactorHuman health characterization factor[cases/kgemitted]:Emission to urban airEmission to cont. rural airEmission to cont. 7E-061,7E-063,4E-061,4E-071,4E-072,7E-07Worth -071,4E-072,7E-07[DALY/kgemitted]:Emission to urban airEmission to cont. rural airEmission to cont. 5E-066,5E-061,3E-055,3E-075,3E-071,0E-06Worth -075,3E-071,0E-06Ecotoxicological characterization factor[PDF·m3·day/kg]:Emission to urban airEmission to cont. rural airEmission to cont. freshwaterAverage1,8E 021,8E 024,5E 02Worth Case4,6E 024,6E 021,2E 03

Effect of released MWCNT(release x charac. factors)Human health effectMWCNT synthesisNanocomposite synthesisUseWaste ncernon-cancertotalProbable scenario Worst case 53E-07Ecotoxicological characterization factorProbable scenarioWorst case scenarioPDF·m3·day species·year PDF·m3·day species*yearMWCNT synthesis6,58E-022,39E-131,51E 003,25E-12Nanocomposite 031,65E-148,16E-021,76E-13Waste E-013,24E-132,18E 004,64E-12

LCIA (ReCiPe)MWCNT ‐ NanocompositeThe contribution over Human Toxicity and Ecotoxicity Freshwater is small in theprobable scenario but quite important in the Worst Case

LCIA (ReCiPe)MWCNT ‐ NanocompositeDamage on Human Health and Distribution of impacts at endpoint level (damage)incorporating the effect of released MWCNT in toxicity categories(Endpoint indicators. Worst case scenario)100 %90 %80 %70 %60 %50 %40 %30 %20 %10 %0%DALYspecies.yr Human healthEcosystemsResources1,0151%0,0028%Mechanical recycling CNT46%48%43%Composite CNT‐PP49%48%55%Synthesis CNT4%4%3%CNT releasedBut the contribution to the totalDamage on Human Health andDamage on the Ecosystems is loweven in the Worst Case ScenarioContribution of the different impact categories to the three damage levels(endpoint, worst case scenario)ContributiUnit categoryUnitsonClimate change Human HealthDALY84%Ozone depletionDALY0,01%DAMAGEHuman toxicityDALY3%ON HUMANPhotochemical oxidant formationDALY2%HEALTHParticulate matter formationDALY0,01%Ionising radiationDALY0,3%Climate change Ecosystemsspecies.yr97%Terrestrial acidificationspecies.yr0,2%Freshwater eutrophicationspecies.yr0,01%Terrestrial ecotoxicityspecies.yr0,1%DAMAGEONFreshwater ecotoxicityspecies.yr0,01%ECOSYSTEMS Marine ecotoxicityspecies.yr 0,00002%Agricultural land occupationspecies.yr1,0%Urban land occupationspecies.yr0,4%Natural land transformationspecies.yr1,2% 0,004%DAMAGE ON Metal depletionRESOURCES Fossil depletion 99,996%

Conclusions LCA approach for nanotechnology and nano‐products can provide useful information about themain environmental impacts and benefits of this emerging technology. At inventory stage, it should be kept in mind that experimental and lab scale processes can varyfrom industrial scale processes. When nano‐based products are assessed through life cycle assessment, it is important to includenanoparticles flows and the changes/modifications that these nanoparticles can have during theproduct life, since the impact that these nanoparticles can cause if they are released to theenvironment can be relevant in some stages. Potential impacts of released nanoparticles should be included in the impact assessment step.Prospective LCA approaches are needed and experimental data on characteristics and toxicity ofnanoparticles coming from research projects should be included in LCA methodologies. Adapted exposure and fate modelling are needed in order to have complete results on theenvironmental performance of nano‐products during all life cycle stages. Adapted Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for hazard, intake and bioaccumulation arenecessary to have good impact determination,

ECOTEXNANO projectLIFE12ENV/ES/000667; Start date: 01/10/2013 End date: 30/09/2016Full Title: “Innovative tool to improve risk assessment and promote the safe use of nanomaterialsin the textile finishing industry”‐ objectives:1. Provide the textile finishing industry a user‐friendly tool to improve the knowledge on riskassessment of nanomaterials and to promote the safe use along their life cycle.2. Identify and reduce the environmental, health and safety impacts carrying out acomprehensive Life Cycle.25

Work Programme26

LCA Scope 4 textile technical properties:Soil‐releaseUV protectionAntibacterialFlame retardant Pilots scale trials:PIACENZA (Italy)VINCOLOR (Spain)Soil‐releaseSoil‐releaseUV protectionFlame retardantAntibacterial27

LCA Scope Focused on finishing textile process:28

LCA ScopeLCA is being performed on:LCAconventional processesnano‐based processesEnvironmental erial*AntibacterialxUV protectionxSilverTiO2VINCOLORSoil releaseSoil releasexxC6 basedfluorochemicalC6 basedfluorochemicalFlame retardantxMontmorillonitenanoclay /Silica*Selection criteria based on both “commercially available” and “technically demonstrated on the selected textile applications”At this stage we have obtained preliminary results on the environmental performance of the conventional processesused for soil release applications in two fabrics from Vincolor (MIRAGE and DIVINE)29

LCA future results Identification of the significant impacts related to the process analyzed Evaluation of impacts in accordance with the objectives and scope of the study to drawconclusions and / or recommendations. Environmental impact contribution among different stages Environmental impacts compared to conventional process Specific results are translated into: Expected end date: March 201630

THANK YOU!Dr Vincent Jamier– vjamier@leitat.orgInternational Projects OfficeNanotechnology & Advanced Materials

Ecotoxicological characterization factor [PDF·m3·day/kg]: Emission to urban air Emission to cont. rural air Emission to cont. freshwater Average 1,8E 02 1,8E 02 4,5E 02 Worth Case 4,6E 02 4,6E 02 1,2E 03 Emission to urban air Emission to cont. rural air Emission to cont. freshwater cancer non-canc. total cancer non-canc. total cancer non-canc .

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