Your Gas And Electricity Bill - Citizens Advice

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Your Energy Company1 Electric AvenueGastown GA5 account number1234 5678 1234 5678Mr Sample123 Sample StreetAnytownAT1 B23Date of bill: 10 April 2016Your gas and electricity bill – actual readingsThis bill covers the period 01 March 2016 – 01 April 2016Last account balance 00 (in debit)Next stepsCost of electricity (inc VAT) 64.63Cost of gas (inc VAT) 97.09Your next monthly Direct Debitpayment of 161.72 will be on01 May 2016Your new account balance 161.72 in debitYou do not have to do anything.Your tariffStandard TariffEnergy usage is on page 2Your energy use this year and last yearThese graphs compare the amountof energy you used this period tothe amount of energy you used inthe same period last year.237 kWh206 kWhYour averageelectricity usagein kWh per dayThis year958 kWhLast year912 kWhYour averagegas usagein kWh per dayThis yearLast yearCould you pay less?Your personal electricity projection is 768.36 per year. This is based on youractual consumption for your tariff and thecurrent price.Your personal gas projection is 1165.08 per year. This is based onyour actual consumption for your tariffand the current price.Our cheapest similar tariffYou are already on our cheapestsimilar tariff, but we will tell you ifthis changesOur cheapest similar tariffYou are already on our cheapestsimilar tariff, but we will tell you ifthis changesOur cheapest overall tariffName: Online Fix September 2017You could save 112.50Our cheapest overall tariffName: Online Fix September 2017You could save 232.00Please note that switching tariffs may involvechanging to materially different terms andconditions. Call us our visit our websitefor details. Remember – it might be worththinking about switching your tariff or supplier.For more information on switching your tariffsee overleaf.Please note that switching tariffs may involvechanging to materially different terms andconditions. Call us our visit our websitefor details. Remember – it might be worththinking about switching your tariff or supplier.For more information on switching your tariffsee overleaf.

Your energy charges this periodElectricityMeter number 0246358612Previous readingLatest readingGasMeter number 231416582324705 Actual24942 ActualkWh used over 30 days237At 3.86 p per kWh this costs 32.84Previous readingLatest readingVAT at 5%Total cost ofelectricity used 3.23 64.637911 Actual8869 ActualUnits used over 30 days(100s cubic feet)Converted to kWhAt 4.18 p per kWh this costs 28.56What is a kWh?30.09958 52.20 52.20VAT at 5% 4.85Total cost ofgas usedEnergy is charged in kilowatthours (kWh). A kWh is1 kilowatt of power used in1 hour.What does a kilowatthour power?40W 97.0940 watt light bulb for 25 hoursMeter Point Reference number97536201452About your tariffHere’s information about your tariff to help you to compare it withothers available.ElectricityGasTariff name:Standard ElectricityTariff name:Standard GasPayment method:Direct DebitPayment method:Direct DebitTariff end date:No end dateTariff end date:No end dateCancellation fee:There is no cancellation feeCancellation fee:There is no cancellation feeYour actual usage in the last12 months:2844 kWhYour actual usage in the last12 months11496 kWhAbout your tariffcomparison rateTariff Comparison Rate (TCR)18.30 p per KWhThis is the TCR for your tariff. Youcan use your TCR only as a guide tocompare the price of electricity andgas tariffs.The TCR is not an actual price andis based on the consumption of atypical use of electricity (3,3000 kWh/year) and gas (13,500 kWh/year).The actual prices will depend on yourpersonal consumption.Call us on 0800 000 0000 or visit ourwebsite details on your tariff and on thecalculation of the TCR.

Calculating your gas chargeTo work out your gas consumption we convert the number of units used into kilowatt hours.gas on2.8339.61.022640Predicted costIf you use energy at the same rate over the next 12 monthswe estimate your energy will cost:Electricity 768.36Gas 1165.08Total 3.6 gas usedexpressed in kWhFor clear, impartial consumer advice,you can call Citizens’ Advice on0845 404 0506 or If you wish to complain,call our customer service team on0800 000 0000.If your complaint is not resolved after eightweeks you can take your complaint to theEnergy Ombudsman.Contact them on 0845 055 0760 78222345

1. Account number/customer referenceThis number is unique to youraccount and will usually benear the top of your bill. Itidentifies you to your supplierand you will often be askedfor it when you speak tothem, so it will speed thingsup if you have it handy.2. Estimated or actualreadingYour energy supplier will saywhether your bill is basedon estimated readings oractual readings (taken by youor a meter reader from thecompany). For more accuratebills you should send inregular meter readingsyourself. Energy companiesare installing ‘smart meters’in all homes by 2020 – thesenew meters communicatedirectly with the energycompany telling them exactlyhow much energy you areusing, so there will be nomore estimated receive your bill yourenergy company will tell youon your bill how much youneed to pay and when youneed to pay by.5. Your tariffThis is the name or the tariff,or energy plan, that you aresigned up to. If you want toshop around for a better dealyou will need to know thename of your tariff in orderto compare it with others.For more information onswitching energy suppliergo to the Energy MadeClear website at more or less energyand to help you decide ifyou need to consider yourenergy consumption.8. Paying lessYou could pay less byswitching tariffs orsupplier. Find out more onhow to switch at www.energymadeclear.com9. Meter serial numberThis is the unique numberthat is printed on the frontof each of your meters. Ifyou contact your energycompany with a problem theymight need this number, soYour energy bill explained3. Period of time coveredby the billThe gas/electricity that youused between these dates iswhat you are being chargedfor in this bill.6. Bill summaryThis is a summary of whatyou are being charged on thisbill, details of any discountsyou might be entitled to andthe amount of VAT you arepaying. VAT on energy iscurrently 5%.4. What you have to doThis example bill is for anaccount that is paid byDirect Debit, so payment isautomatically taken from thecustomer’s bank accountevery month. If you pay when7. Usage comparisonThis shows you how muchenergy you have used in thisbilling period compared tohow much you used in thesame period last year. Youcan use this to see if you areit is useful to take note of itbefore you call. If you cannotfind your serial number yourenergy company should beable to direct you to it.10. Previous/latest readingThe previous reading is themeter reading that yourlast bill was based on. Thelatest reading is the mostrecent meter reading. Yourbill is based on the amountof energy you have usedbetween your previous readingand your latest reading.

11. Units used(electricity and gas)Electricity is measured by yourmeter in units called kilowatthours (also written as kWh).This shows how many units,or kilowatt hours, you haveused in this billing period.Gas is measured in units ofcubic meters or cubic feet,depending on how old yourmeter is. Energy companiesuse an equation, similar to theone circled, to convert theseunits into kilowatt hours towork out how much to chargeyou. Details of how this isworked out is on page 3.12. Standing chargeThis is a set daily chargethat covers the costs ofmaintaining your supply.Some energy companiesdon’t have a standing charge– instead they may coverthese costs by charging ahigher rate for a set amount ofunits, then a lower rate for allthe units you use after that.13. Consumption chargeThis is the amount you havebeen charged for the actualgas or electricity you have beenusing. This shows how muchyou are being charged foreach unit of gas or electricity.14. Meter Point Reference(or MPR) number (gas)MPR numbers are unique 10digit numbers that relate tothe meter at your property.They are used to identify asupply point (such as yourhome) and companies usethem as a reference whenrepairing meters etc. Whenyou switch supplier you maybe asked for this number.15. Comparing your usageOn your bill your energycompany will tell you howmuch energy you have usedin the last 12 months.16. TCRYour tariff comparison rate isa guide to help you comparethe price of your tariffs.17. Calculating yourgas chargeImperial meterThis converts meterscubed, which is a metricmeasurement, into animperial measurement.Calorific valueCalorific Value is a measure ofhow much energy is releasedwhen gas is burnt.Volume correctionCorrects the meter readingto reflect a more accurateconsumption.18. Predicted costThis is an estimate of howmuch your energy will costbased on the rate you’veused to date.19. Citizens’ Advice andthe Energy OmbudsmanCitizens’ Advice is anindependent consumerbody that can offer impartialadvice and help in dealingwith your energy company. Ifyou complain to your energycompany but the problemis not resolved within eightweeks you can then take it tothe free Energy Ombudsmanservice.20. MPANThis stands for MeteringPoint Administration Number.The number is inside a seriesof 7 small boxes with acapital S in front, as shownhere. MPANs are used toidentify an electricity supplypoint (such as your home)and companies use them asa reference when repairingmeters etc. When you switchsupplier you may be askedfor this number.

Date of bill: 10 April 2016 Your gas and electricity bill - actual readings This bill covers the period 01 March 2016 - 01 April 2016 Your energy use this year and last year Your average electricity usage in kWh per day 237 kWh This year Last year 206 kWh Your personal electricity projection is 768.36 per year. This is based on your

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