Welcome to Open Replicator/FLM Fundamentals.Copyright 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 EMC Corporation. AllRights Reserved. EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information issubject to change without notice.THE INFORMATION IN THIS PUBLICATION IS PROVIDED “AS IS.” EMC CORPORATION MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS ORWARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PUBLICATION, AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMSIMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.Use, copying, and distribution of any EMC software described in this publication requires an applicable software license.EMC2, EMC, Data Domain, RSA, EMC Centera, EMC ControlCenter, EMC LifeLine, EMC OnCourse, EMC Proven, EMC Snap, EMCSourceOne, EMC Storage Administrator, Acartus, Access Logix, AdvantEdge, AlphaStor, ApplicationXtender, ArchiveXtender,Atmos, Authentica, Authentic Problems, Automated Resource Manager, AutoStart, AutoSwap, AVALONidm, Avamar, Captiva,Catalog Solution, C-Clip, Celerra, Celerra Replicator, Centera, CenterStage, CentraStar, ClaimPack, ClaimsEditor, CLARiiON,ClientPak, Codebook Correlation Technology, Common Information Model, Configuration Intelligence, Configuresoft,Connectrix, CopyCross, CopyPoint, Dantz, DatabaseXtender, Direct Matrix Architecture, DiskXtender, DiskXtender 2000,Document Sciences, Documentum, elnput, E-Lab, EmailXaminer, EmailXtender, Enginuity, eRoom, Event Explorer, FarPoint,FirstPass, FLARE, FormWare, Geosynchrony, Global File Virtualization, Graphic Visualization, Greenplum, HighRoad, HomeBase,InfoMover, Infoscape, Infra, InputAccel, InputAccel Express, Invista, Ionix, ISIS, Max Retriever, MediaStor, MirrorView,Navisphere, NetWorker, nLayers, OnAlert, OpenScale, PixTools, Powerlink, PowerPath, PowerSnap, QuickScan, Rainfinity,RepliCare, RepliStor, ResourcePak, Retrospect, RSA, the RSA logo, SafeLine, SAN Advisor, SAN Copy, SAN Manager, Smarts,SnapImage, SnapSure, SnapView, SRDF, StorageScope, SupportMate, SymmAPI, SymmEnabler, Symmetrix, Symmetrix DMX,Symmetrix VMAX, TimeFinder, UltraFlex, UltraPoint, UltraScale, Unisphere, VMAX, Vblock, Viewlets, Virtual Matrix, VirtualMatrix Architecture, Virtual Provisioning, VisualSAN, VisualSRM, Voyence, VPLEX, VSAM-Assist, WebXtender, xPression,xPresso, YottaYotta, the EMC logo, and where information lives, are registered trademarks or trademarks of EMC Corporationin the United States and other countries.All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Published in the USA.Revision Date: July, 25 2013Revision Number: MR-1WP-EORS.5876.4.4Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals1
This course provides an introduction to the Open Replicator application. It also includes anoverview of Open Replicator architecture, features, functionality and how Open Replicator isused to perform a Federated Live Migration.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals2
Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to provide an overview of OpenReplicator. Also, the student will be able to identify Open Replicator management softwareofferings, and describe Open Replicator’s business benefits and considerations.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals3
This module covers an overview and the benefits of the Open Replicator application.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals4
EMC’s Symmetrix Open Replicator provides a method for copying device data from varioustypes of arrays within a Storage Area Network (SAN) to or from a Symmetrix DMX or VMAXarray. Symmetrix Open Replicator is a tool that can be used to migrate data from olderSymmetrix arrays, CLARiiON or VNX arrays, and certain third-party storage arrays to a DMX orVMAX.Data migrations can be very complex projects, and require careful planning. Failure to identifyand perform necessary steps can result in data unavailability or data loss.Open Replicator operations are controlled from a local host attached to the Symmetrix DMX orVMAX Family array. Data copying is accomplished as part of the storage system process anddoes not require host resources. The data can be copied online between the Symmetrix arrayand remote devices, allowing host applications, such as a database or file server, to remainoperational during the copy process.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals5
The Symmetrix Open Replicator command symrcopy provides a method for copying devicedata from various types of arrays within a Storage Area Network (SAN) infrastructure to or froma Symmetrix VMAX storage array. For example, Symmetrix Open Replicator is used to migratedata from older Symmetrix arrays, CLARiiON arrays, and certain third-party storage arrays to anew Symmetrix VMAX storage array.Data migrations are often complex operations and require careful planning and execution ofpredetermined procedures. Failure to identify and perform necessary steps, or work withinsupported configurations can result in data being unavailable or lost.For detailed interoperability information, refer to the E-Lab Interoperability Navigator(http://elab navigator.EMC.com).Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals6
Rather than using the terms “source” and “target,” which might be confusing in the OpenReplicator context, we use the terms “control” and “remote,” where the Control Device alwaysresides on the Symmetrix running Open Replicator.The Remote Device is passive and does not require any software.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals7
Open Replicator copy direction is defined by push and pull. A push sends data from the ControlSymmetrix to the remote storage array. A pull fetches data from the remote storage array tothe Control Symmetrix. An incremental copy is an option that only copies changed tracks sincethe last activate. This is only available during a push operation.Open Replicator does not depend on the device geometry of the Remote Device. There are norestrictions related to RAID types or striping. For example, a striped RAID 1 metavolume cantransfer data to a concatenated RAID 5 metavolume.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals8
Hot or cold refers to the state of the Control Device during an operation. A hot state means theControl Device is read/write online to the host while the copy operation is in progress. A coldstate means the Control Device is not ready to the host (offline) while the copy operation is inprogress.To ensure data integrity, the data on the remote array should not be changed during an OpenReplicator session.While the host running the Open Replicator commands does have visibility to the Symmetrixdevices, it does not see or control the Remote Devices.During a hot push or pull, the Control Device may be read/write enabled. During a cold push orpull, the Control Device is set to a “User Not Ready” state.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals9
Throttling allows users to limit SAN bandwidth usage by Open Replicator. If left unchecked,Open Replicator consumes the full bandwidth of the SAN. It performs very fast, which could bea problem if the SAN is being shared by hosts performing I/O to the local volumes on theControlling Array.Pace values range from zero (0) to nine (9). A pace of zero (0) means that the session is notthrottled at all. The default pace for an Open Replicator session is five (5).Ceiling values range from zero percent (0%) to one hundred percent (100%). A zero percent(0%) setting on the port indicates the port will not be used for Open Replicator. A one hundredpercent (100%) setting on the port allows Open Replicator full bandwidth usage, if necessary.The default ceiling value is None, which means that an Open Replicator session will beregulated by the Pace setting.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 10
When an Open Replicator session is created, the Symmetrix marks the tracks on the devicesparticipating in the session. These tracks are considered protected, which means that afteractivation, these tracks must be moved to or from the Control Device. Access to the tracks isonly permitted once the tracks have been moved.Activation is the step that marks the point-in-time when the data is secured. If backgroundcopy is enabled, data transfer will start immediately after activation. This is the default action. Ifbackground copy is not enabled, data transfer is undertaken only when the host on theSymmetrix tries to change the protected data.The recreate action is similar to a create action. However, only tracks that have changed sincethe last activation are protected. It is only permitted if the session was created as a differentialsession.The terminate action ends the Open Replicator session. The information about the session isdeleted, and the relationship between the Control and Remote Devices is terminated.The restore action initiates data flow from the Remote to the Control Device after a differentialhot push. Instead of pushing the changes since the last activation to the remote site, therestore action will overwrite the changes by pulling data from the Remote to the ControlDevice.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 11
Storage ports between control and remote Symmetrix arrays must be zoned. ControlSymmetrix fiber ports act like hosts to the Remote array.A SAN connection between the controlling Symmetrix and the Remote array must be createdfor Open Replicator data transfer to occur. The FA ports on the controlling Symmetrix appear tothe Remote array’s ports like host computers.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 12
During a hot pull or push, each FA that has access to the Control Devices must have access tothe corresponding Remote Devices. During data transfer, a track that has not yet beentransferred is referred to as a protected track. If there is a write to a protected track on thecontrol host, the FA is responsible for pulling or pushing the track from the Remote Devicebefore the write is allowed.The session will fail when any director cannot see the Remote Device.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 13
During a cold pull or push, each FA that has access to the Control Devices need not have accessto the corresponding Remote devices. As long as one FA from the Control Device can reach theRemote Devices, the cold push or pull will work.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 14
Masking is the process for storage arrays to make their volumes available to a host connectedto the fiber port. Masking procedures are vendor dependent, and can be performed usingvendor specific tools. Unlike the zoning process, EMC does not have a single tool that performsmasking for different vendor arrays. Masking must be performed on the Remote array toprovide device access to the Fibre Channel port of the Control array.For hot push or pull operations, all ports with access to the Control Devices must be able toaccess the Remote Devices.For cold push and pull, one or more ports with access to the Control Devices must be able toaccess the Remote Devices.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 15
Let’s take a moment to discuss the various deployment options for Open Replicator forSymmetrix.Open Replicator can push data volume out from a Symmetrix, either in a live mode or from astatic copy. For a live push, no local point-in-time copies of the volumes are required. TheSymmetrix creates logical point-in-time copies without having to allocate additional disk space,and I/O is permitted against the source volume during the transfer. For BCV mode push, up to16 remote copies of the local volume can be made, and those remote copies can beincrementally updated.In pull mode, the Symmetrix volume can again be in a live state during the copy process, whichmakes either restoring remotely vaulted volumes or migrating from other storage platformsvery fast and efficient. The local hosts and applications can begin to access the data as soon asthe session begins, even before all of the data has been copied over. Open Replicator can alsocopy to a static Symmetrix volume.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 16
EMC’s Open Replicator for Symmetrix has several features. It delivers key requirements forplatform-independent replication by being fast, simple and open.It addresses each challenge listed on the slide. These challenges are addressed at theappropriate service level to align with business requirements and offer improved datamigration and distribution, remote vaulting of data solutions, and dynamic management of atiered storage infrastructure.With Open Replicator for Symmetrix, it is possible to create point-in-time copies of localSymmetrix volumes and transfer them to or from any qualified storage array, in any place thatyou can extend your Storage Area Network (SAN) or Wide Area Network (WAN).When migrating data from older arrays to a newer Symmetrix, it is not necessary to wait for thedata to complete the copy before accessing it locally on the new array.Open Replicator cannot be used to perform intra-array data replication. It is designed formoving data between storage arrays.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 17
The chart on this slide shows comparisons between performance, availability and functionalityfor Open Replicator, SRDF, Host and Network based replication.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 18
This module covered an overview of Open Replicator as well as the terminology that will beused throughout this training course. Open Replicator replication considerations were alsopresented in this module.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 19
This module covers EMC’s Open Replicator deployment options.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 20
Open Replicator for Symmetrix allows you to push data from a static Symmetrix volume to aremote target. The source copy can either be a TimeFinder family BCV, or a source volume withno I/O being performed against it.The advantage of using the TimeFinder family is that it enables parallel access to yourproduction data. Using TimeFinder/Mirror or TimeFinder/Clone along with TimeFinder/CGallows you to create a consistent set of volumes, created at precisely the same point in time,without affecting production applications. Once Open Replicator for Symmetrix copies thesevolumes to the remote targets, you can incrementally update the BCVs using standardTimeFinder family commands, then send only the updates to the remote arrays.Up to 16 remote copies can be simultaneously made from each source volume.To extend the value of remote vaulting and distribution of data with Open Replicator forSymmetrix, you have the option to perform a “live” push. This means you don’t have to createa local copy of the production volumes, and that the production applications can keepaccessing the source volumes without interruption.The primary differences between Live and BCV modes are that in Live mode, you don’t need astatic source volume or second copy of the data, and you can only copy to a single targetlocation, while in BCV mode, up to 16 remote copies can be made at once from a single sourcevolume.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 21
One important use of this point-in-time volume pull capability is to migrate data from olderstorage platforms to the latest Symmetrix systems. In this example, you simply install theSymmetrix between the hosts and the storage being migrated off of it, point the applications tothe new Symmetrix, and start the migration process.You can use Open Replicator for Symmetrix to recover local volumes in the event of logical orphysical loss of data at the local site or, as in this example, for migration purposes. In Livemode, you can access the local Symmetrix volumes as soon as the copy session begins. TheSymmetrix will copy all data from the remote storage device in the background while servicingall host I/O requests in the foreground. If the host requires access to data that hasn’t alreadybeen copied, the Symmetrix will retrieve that portion of the volume to satisfy the request.Open Replicator includes a feature that protects against potential data loss due to a SAN failureor other connectivity problems during an active Open Replicator live pull session. The “donorupdate” feature enables arrays to propagate (update) writes to the local device back to theremote device (donor) as data is being pulled from the remote device. When enabled, donorupdate ensures consistent data between, and on, both the local and remote devices during thedata movement process. As a result, no new data written to the local device will be lost duringa SAN failure.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 22
Open Replicator Hot Pull permits host access of the Control Devices while data transfer is inprogress. After a hot pull session is activated, data on the Control Device is pulled from theRemote Device before a new read or write to the Control Device is permitted. An attempt toread or write data that has not already been transferred will cause a priority data move fromthe Remote to the Control Device before the write is allowed. This behavior is known as “Copyon First Access.” Several copy modes are permitted during a hot push. The default behavior isto start a background copy as soon as the session is activated.The nocopy option results in control data not being copied in the background. Data is onlymoved when a new read or write is directed against the Control Device.The donor update option permits new writes to the Control Device to be pushed to the RemoteDevice. This option results in the remote site containing the most current data. If the data pullis unexpectedly aborted because of a failure of network connectivity, there is no loss of thedata that was written to the Control Device between the times when the session was activatedand aborted.Federated Live Migration (FLM) combines the capabilities of Open Replicator Hot Pull,PowerPath, and host application redirection enabling non-disruptive data migration from olderSymmetrix DMX arrays running Enginuity 5671, 5773, or newer VMAX arrays running 5876Enginuity.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 23
Open Replicator Cold Pull operation is not permitted unless the Control Device is placed in a“User Not Ready” state. The background copy is enabled by default. The differential copy is nota viable option against a cold pull action.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 24
Open Replicator Hot Push permits host access of the Control Devices while data transfer is inprogress. After a hot push session is activated, data on the Control Device is moved to theRemote Device before a new write to the Control Device is permitted. An attempt to overwritedata that has not already been transferred causes a priority data move from the Control to theRemote Device before the write is allowed. This behavior is known as “Copy on First Write”because the data move is performed only the first time that the write is attempted. Subsequentwrites to the same location will not cause data to be transferred. Several copy modes arepermitted during a hot push.The default mode for hot push is background copy. Data transfer starts immediately aftersession activation.The nocopy option results in control data not being copied in the background. Data is onlymoved when a new write is directed at the Control Device.The precopy option starts the data copy as soon as the session is created. This results in fewertracks having to be moved when the session is activated at a later time.The differential option, enabled by default, causes a record of the changes since the last sessionactivation to be maintained on the control Symmetrix. Later, a differential push can be initiatedby recreating the session after the first data copy is complete.For differential push operations, a restore will cause the changed tracks to be restored from theRemote Device.Using the –consistent option creates a consistent point-in-time copy.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 25
The Open Replicator Cold Push operation is not permitted unless the Control Device is placed ina “User Not Ready” state. This ensures that the data on the Control Device does not changewhile Open Replicator is transferring data.The Open Replicator command symrcopy accepts a number of arguments, which governs thebehavior of the data transfer. By default, a background copy is enabled. This option causes adata transfer to commence immediately after a session is activated. The data transfer continuesuntil it is complete.A cold push is the only kind of data transfer that allows a single source to transmit data tomultiple targets.The first time data is transferred from the Control to the Remote Device, the copy is always afull copy. The use of the differential option permits incremental changes to be sent across onsubsequent cold pushes, as long as the initial session has not been terminated.For differential push operations, a restore causes the changed tracks to be restored from theRemote Device.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 26
Using Cold Push with TimeFinder Snap Virtual Devices is an alternative to hot pushes from anactive standard device. Hot Push requires that all paths with access to the Control Device haveaccess to the Remote Device.For a cold push, only one of the directors with access to the Control Device must have access tothe Remote Device, so the SAN configuration is simpler.With TimeFinder Snap, a write to the Source Device causes a copy of the original source data togo to a Save device, which resides inside the local array. This action is a “Copy-On-First-Write”and the additional time required to perform this write is called the Copy-On-Write penalty. Incontrast, during an Open Replicator hot push, the original data is copied to the Remote Devicebefore the Source Device can be altered. This is also a case of Copy-On-First-Write, but sincethe data must be moved to a remote array, the performance penalty can be higher.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 27
To run an Open Replicator Cold Push session with VDEVs using TimeFinder Snap and OpenReplicator, begin by creating a TimeFinder Snap session using the symsnap create command.Create an Open Replicator session using the symrcopy create command, and define the Snapdevice as the Control Device. This creates an open Replicator protected session on the VDEV.Next, activate the TimeFinder Snap session with the –not ready option. This causes the VDEVto be inaccessible to the host.If consistency is required, specify the -consistent option. Once you activate the Open Replicatorsession using the symrcopy active command, data begins copying from the Control to theRemote Device.When the session is complete, the Remote Device will contain a point-in-time copy of datafrom the time the snap session was activated. Once the Open Replicator session has finishedcopying all of the data, the sessions can be terminated or recreated and reactivated as manytimes as needed.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 28
Any of the devices listed on this slide can be Open Replicator Control Devices. The RAIDprotection of the volumes is unimportant. The product documentation lists restrictions thatmay be associated with specific types of devices. For instance, a TimeFinder/Snap VirtualDevice can only be used for cold pushes.Open Replicator operations may conflict with the use of other replication products such asTimeFinder/Clone, TimeFinder/Snap and SRDF. Since TimeFinder and SRDF cause devices to beinaccessible for reads or writes during certain operations, Open Replicator cannot functionwhen those operations are in use.To ensure data integrity, a Remote Device should not be accessed while it is participating in anOpen Replicator session. Since the control Symmetrix cannot ensure that the data on theRemote is not being changed while Open Replicator is transferring data, the user must take thisaction to ensure data integrity.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 29
The table in this slide summarizes the common guidelines associated with Open Replicatoroperations. A number of the default options have changed over the life of the product. Formore detail on each option, please refer to the Solutions Enabler Migration CLI Product Guide.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 30
There are two keys related to Open Replicator, the LM license and the DM license.The Open Replicator/LM license enables Hot Pull. This comes free of charge with theSymmetrix Migrator Package.The Open Replicator/DM license enables the other three Open Replicator actions, namely, ColdPush, Cold Pull and Hot Push.For additional detail regarding licensing, refer to the Solutions Enabler Installation Guide.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 31
This module covered Open Replicator operations and deployment options. Device guidelinesfor control and remote Open Replicator volumes were also discussed.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 32
This module covers an overview of Open Replicator and RecoverPoint within a Symmetrixenvironment.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 33
With Enginuity 5876 and higher, Symmetrix VMAX 40K and 20K now have the RecoverPointSplitter directly integrated into the arrays. This joins the RecoverPoint Splitter with the VMAX10K with Enginuity 5875.RecoverPoint Splitter integration is much simpler and more efficient than deploying host - orfabric-based splitters. With the RecoverPoint integration, the VMAX 40K and 20K arrays canreplicate to heterogeneous arrays.Additionally, all the RecoverPoint functionality, which includes continuous data protection(CDP), continuous remote replication (CRR), and concurrent local and remote (CLR) replication,are now available for the entire Symmetrix VMAX series.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 34
The Symmetrix splitter uses EMC Symmetrix Open Replicator to split writes to RecoverPoint.Open Replicator for Symmetrix VMAX provides a method for copying device data from varioustypes of arrays within a Storage Area Network (SAN), to or from a Symmetrix VMAX storagearray.One Open Replicator session is required for each LUN that is replicated by RecoverPoint.Splitting occurs at the Symmetrix FA port, therefore, RecoverPoint must be zoned to the sameFA ports as the replicated hosts.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 35
Open Replicator Hot Push was modified to support the RecoverPoint splitter functionality. TheSymmetrix splitter uses Open Replicator for Symmetrix in continuous push mode to split writesto the RecoverPoint Appliance. Also, it uses always push old mode when image access isenabled.Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. Do not copy - All Rights Reserved.Open Replicator / FLM Fundamentals 36
Open Replicator copies data in sessions across the SAN infrastructure. When RecoverPoint withSymmetrix splitter is deployed, the RecoverPoint appliances act as if they were the remotestorage array by presenting virtual target and virtual remote devices.A LUN must be tagged to be used with the Symmetrix splitter. If a LUN is attached to theSymmetrix splitter and not tagged as being used by RecoverPoint, warnings and errors willoccur, and the system will not work properly. Tagging can be done using Solutions Enabler, or atthe Symmwin level.Starting with Solutions Enabler 7.6, a non-concurrent SRDF/R1 device can be tagged forRecoverPoint, and a RecoverPoint tagged device is allowed to become an SRDF/R1 device. Onecan use the same source volume for both RDF (for disaster recovery) and RecoverPoint CDP(Continuous Data Protection) for local operational recovery.This feature applies to: Both static and dynamic SRDF devices All SRDF modes; synchronous, asynchr
EMC2, EMC, Data Domain, RSA, EMC Centera, EMC ControlCenter, EMC LifeLine, EMC OnCourse, EMC Proven, EMC Snap, EMC . Symmetrix Open Replicator is a tool that can be used to migrate data from older Symmetrix arrays, CLARiiON or VNX arrays, and certain third-party storage arrays to a DMX or
from the sides of the MakerBot Replicator 2X. 2 Removing the MakerBot Replicator 2X from the box 2a. Open the plastic covering and firmly grasp the frame of the MakerBot Replicator 2X. Be careful not to grip the rods or belts of the gantry system. Lift it out of the box and place it on a stable surface. 2b. Your MakerBot Replicator 2X is now fully
Apr 19, 2016 · TURN ABSTRACT MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS INTO CONCRETE EXPERIENCES. 17 K-12 Fundraising. 18 K-12 PRODUCT DESIGN. 19 K-12 PRODUCT DESIGN. 20 Promoting Good. 21 . MakerBot Replicator Mini MakerBot Replicator MakerBot Replicator Z18 MakerBot Replicator 2X
in multiagent systems, in which agents use reinforcement learning [7], can be modeled using a generalized form of coupled replicator equations. While replicator dynamics were introduced originally for evolutionary game theory [8], the relationship be-tween reinforcement learning and replicator equations has been developed only recently [9].
AVERTISSEMENT: La MakerBot Replicator 2 produit de très hautes températures et contient des pièces mobiles qui peuvent provoquer des blessures. Ne pénétrez jamais dans la MakerBot Replicator 2 lorsqu'elle est en train de fonctionner. Laissez toujours la MakerBot Replicator 2 refroidir avant de mettre les mains à l'intérieur.
The MakerBot Replicator Z18 will melt filament and squeeze it out onto the build plate in thin lines to build your object laye r by layer. With the huge build volume of the MakerBot Replicator Z18, this part of the process can take a long time. The method of 3D printing used by the MakerBot Replicator Z18 is called fused deposition model ing.
Always allow the MakerBot Replicator Smart Extruder to cool to 50 C before removing it or reaching inside the MakerBot Replicator Mini. Warning: The MakerBot Replicator Mini includes moving parts that can cause injury. Never reach inside the MakerBot Replicator Mini while it is in operation. Warning: There is a risk of shock. This product is .
The MakerBot Replicator Z18 is not user serviceable. Caution: Avoid leaving the MakerBot Replicator Z18 unattended during operation. If you must leave the MakerBot Replicator Z18 unattended during a print, exercise caution and follow these guidelines: Verify that the MakerBot Replicator Z18 has started the print and is operating normally.
API RP 581 is a well-established methodology for conducting RBI in the downstream industry and the 3rd edition of the standard has just been published in April 2016. This paper examines the new features of the 3rd edition particularly for internal and external thinning and corrosion under insulation and it also discusses a case study of application of this latest RBI methodology in France .