Organic Gardening:H O W T O G E T S TA R T E DZone 7 Planting Chart7a7bPLANTING ZONEStart by confirming the proper planting zone foryour garden.Find Your Planting ZonePLANTING CHART VS GARDEN GUIDESThe Kellogg Garden Zone Planting Charts will guide youin when to sow, plant, and harvest individual vegetablesby hardiness zone. Along with your planting chart, wehave included resource links to help you grow bountifulgardens.ORGANIC GARDENING GUIDESMONTHLY ORGANIC GARDEN GUIDEBY ZONECO N TA I N E R G A R D E N I N G G U I D ECOMPANION PLANTING GUIDEFALL AND WINTER GARDENING GUIDEThe Kellogg Garden Organic Gardening Guidesinclude detailed information and resources on how,why, and what to do in your gardens as well as adviceon planting, growing, and harvesting individual plantsthroughout the year.www.kellogggarden.comGARDEN HARVESTING GUIDEMONTHLY ORGANIG FLOWERGARDENING GUIDE1/10
7aOrganic Gardening:Zone 7 Planting Chart - Companion FlowersZONE 7PlantSeedsBeans (ScarletRunner Pole)Direct SowBorageCalendulaDirect SowCatnipDirect irect SowDirect SowDECAvg. First FrostSep. 30 - Oct. 30Avg. Last FrostMar. 30 - Apr. 30Ideal Days toSproutDays toMaturityMatureHeightPlantType80 F2-3”4-6”6”6-12 hrsFull Sun7-14 days70-11572-108”Annual5-15 days55 days3’Annual70 F1/4-1/2”12”18-24”Full Sun /Lt ShadeTransplant70 FPress seedsurface2-3 seedsper pot5-10’8-12 hrsFull Sun20-30 days730 days6-10’PerennialTransplant60 F1/4”6”6-12”Full Sun /Lt Shade10-15 days45-60 days18-24”Annual70-80 F1/4”2-3 seedsper inch18-20”8-12 hrsFull Sun14-40 days75 days12-36”Perennial3-4”6-12 hrsFull Sun7-10 days60-70 days4-8”Annual4-6”8-10”4-12 hrsFull Sun10-15 days105 days2-4’Perennial24”Full Sun5-10 days49 days1-7’Perennial6-8”8-12 hrsFull Sun5-14 days85-100 days18”Perennial45-80 FDirect SowConeflowerCosmosJANPlantDirect SowButterfly BushCloverPlantsSow Seeds7b1/4-1/2”2”Transplant60-90 F1/4-1/2”Transplant60 -78 FNOTESwww.kellogggarden.comRESOURCESEVERYTHING TO KNOW ABOUTPLANTS FOR ATTRACTING HONEYAPHIDSBEES TO YOUR GARDENALL ABOUT ALYSSUM: GARDENINGCOMPANION PLANTING TOTIPS & TRICKSATTRACT POLLINATORSPERMACULTURE GARDEN7 FLOWERS YOU CAN EAT2/10
7aOrganic Gardening:Zone 7 Planting Chart - Companion FlowersZONE 7PlantSeedsPlantsMarigoldsDirect SowTransplantJANSow 7bAvg. First FrostSep. 30 - Oct. 30Avg. Last FrostMar. 30 - Apr. 30Ideal Days toSproutDays toMaturityMatureHeightPlantType65 F1/4”ScatterThinly8-18”6-12 hrsFull Sun5-10 days50-80 days6-18”Annual12-24”6-12 hrsFull Sun14-21 days1 year2-4’PerennialMilkweedDirect SowTransplant65-70 F1/4-1/2”ThinlyScatterNasturtiumDirect SowTransplant70 F1/2-1”3”12”6-12 hrsFull Sun10-12 days55-70 days6”-3’VinesAnnualQuinoaDirect Sow65-75 F1/8”2 seedsper 12-18”12-18”Full Sun3-4 days90-120days4’PerennialSweet PeaDirect Sow55-65 F1”1-2”6”8-12 hrsFull Sun10-21 days75-90 days1-3’Annual16-20”8-12 hrsFull Sun10-21 days60 days14-16”Perennial12”6-12 hrsFull Sun14-21 days120 days6”-3’Perennial9-12”8-12 hrsFull Sun4-6 days60-70 days3-4’AnnualVeronicaYarrowZinniaDirect SowDirect SowDirect SowTransplant68-74 FTransplant68 FTransplant80-85 catterThinly1/4”ScatterThinlyRESOURCESLANDSCAPE GARDEN DESIGNS FORBORAGE: USES, BENEFITS &A POTAGER GARDENCOMPANION PLANTINGCALENDULA FLOWER: COMPANIONHOW TO GROW ECHINACEAPLANTSCONEFLOWERSGROWING NASTURTIUM: TIPS &HOW TO CARE FOR & GROWTRICKSMARIGOLD3/10
7aOrganic Gardening:Zone 7 Planting Chart - Native FlowersZONE 7PlantSeedsAnemonePlantsJANSow nsplantAstilbe7bDECAvg. First FrostSep. 30 - Oct. 30Avg. Last FrostIdeal Days toSproutDays toMaturityMatureHeightPlantType59 F2”3”6”3-4 hrsPart Sun80-120 days90 days6”-4’Perennial18-24”PartialShade20-25 days35 days1-4’PerennialTransplant65-75 FSurfaceScatterthinlyMar. 30 - Apr. 30Baby’s BreathDirect SowTransplant70 F1/4”Scatterseeds18”8-12 hrsFull Sun7-10 days50-60 days12-18”AnnualBee BalmDirect SowTransplant45 F1/4-1/2”Scatterseeds12”8-12 hrsFull Sun14-28 days110-120days4’PerennialBlack-Eyed SusanDirect SowTransplant60 FSurfaceScatter18-30”Full Sun/Lt. Shade5-21 days120 days18”-4’Perennial55-75 F1/2”3-4 seedsper pot24-30”PartialShadeup to365 days2-4 years3’Perennial70 FPress seedsurface2-3 seedsper pot5-10’8-12 hrsFull Sun20-30 days730 days6-10’Perennial14-28”Full Sun/Lt. Shade22-30120-180days1-2’Perennial10-15 days105 days2-4’PerennialTransplantBleeding HeartTransplantButterfly BushColumbineDirect SowConeflowerCosmosDirect SowCrocusGaillardia ( IndianBlanket)HostaDirect SowTransplant68-72 F1/4”2-4”Transplant60-90 F1/4-1/2”4-6”18-24”4-12 hrsFull SunTransplant60 F1/4”ScatterSeeds12-18”8-12 hrsFull Sun5-7 days60 days18-60”AnnualTransplant35-45 F1-2”2-3”2-3”Full Sun/Lt. Shade33-37 days4 years fromseed4-5”PerennialTransplant50-65 F1/8”Scatterseeds14-16”6-12 hrsFull Sun14-21 days50-65 days1-3’Annual75 FSowlightlyScatterthinly12-36”Shade10-20 days35-50 WER VARIETIESTHE IMPORTANCE OF NATIVEPLANTSHOW TO START YOUR NATIVEwww.kellogggarden.comLANDSCAPE DESIGNGROWING QUEEN ANNE’S LACEWHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO PLANTFALL FLOWERS TO PLANT FORAZALEASPOLLINATORS4/10
7aOrganic Gardening:Zone 7 Planting Chart - Native FlowersZONE 7PlantSeedsPlantsLupineDirect SowTransplantJANSow ECAvg. First FrostSep. 30 - Oct. 30Avg. Last FrostMar. 30 - Apr. 30Ideal Days toSproutDays toMaturityMatureHeightPlantType55-75 F1/8”2”12-18”Full Sun/Lt. Shade14-28 days365 days1-4’Perennial7-30 days90 days6”-3’Annual55-70 FSurface2-3”8-12”6-12 hrsFull SunTransplant70 FPress seedsurfaceScatterSeeds12-36”8-12 hrsFull Sun15-21 days120 days18”-5’PerennialShasta DaisyTransplant65-80 F1/8”6-8”24-36”6-12 hrsFull Sun21-28 days70 days12-36”PerennialStrawflowerTransplant60 F1/16”ScatterThinly14-18”Full Sun/Part Sun14-21120 days2-3’Annual12-24”8-12 hrsFull Sun6-10 days80-120 days6-10’ Annual6”8-12 hrsFull Sun10-21 days75-90 days1-3’Annual6-8”6-12 hrsFull Sun90-120 days4’PerennialBulb105 days12”PerennialPoppyDirect SowSalviaDirect SowSunflowerSweet PeaDirect SowTransplant55-60 F55-65 FDirect SowTransplantTuberose70 F 1/2”1”2-4”6”1-2”6-8”10-12 daysTulipsTransplant60-68 F 3-4”4-6”4-6”6-12 hrsFull SunVerbenaTransplant65-75 FSurfaceScatterSeeds10-12”Full Sun/Lt. Shade20-30 days90 days12”AnnualTransplant65-70 F1/8”ScatterThinly12-18”Full Sun/Lt. Shade10-14 days60-70 days4-6”Self-SowAnnualTransplant68 FSurfaceScatterThinly12”6-12 hrs FullSun14-21 days120 days6”-3’PerennialViolaYarrowDirect SowNOTESRESOURCESHOW TO START A WILDFLOWERGARDENPLANTING A HONEY BEE’SFLOWER GARDEN3 TIPS FOR PRUNINGCREATING A POLLINATOR GARDENHOW TO PLANT, GROW, AND CAREFOR DAISY FLOWERSwww.kellogggarden.comPERENNIALS5 TIPS FOR GROWING ANDHARVESTING SUNFLOWERSEEDS5/10
7aOrganic Gardening:Zone 7 Planting Chart - Cut FlowersZONE 7PlantSeedsBaby’s BreathDirect SowPlantsJANSow ECAvg. First FrostSep. 30 - Oct. 30Avg. Last FrostMar. 30 - Apr. 30Ideal Days toSprout70 F1/4”Sprinkle18”8-12 hrsFull Sun12”8-12 hrsFull SunDays toMaturityMatureHeightPlantType7-10 days50-60 days12-18”Annual14-28 days110-120days4’PerennialBee BalmDirect SowTransplant45 F1/4-1/2”scatterseedsBlack-Eyed SusanDirect SowTransplant60 FSurfaceScatter18-30”Full Sun/Lt. Shade5-21 days120 days18”-4’PerennialTransplant60 F1/4”12”12-24”8-12 hrsFull Sun7-14 days100 days3-10’PerennialTransplant65-70 F1/8”8 seedsper 6-24”6-24”Full Sun /Lt Shade15-20 daysSpg - SumBloom2’-3’Biennial1/8”2-3 seedsper 12”12”Full Sun/Lt. Shade14-21 days135 days24”Perennial6-12”8-12 hrsFull Sun7-14 days93 days32-48”Annual14-28”Full Sun/Lt. Shade22-30 days120-180days1-2’Perennial10-15 days105 days2-4’PerennialCannasCanterbury BellsCarnationsDirect SowDirect SowDirect SowConeflowerCosmosDaffodils60-75 FTransplantCelosiaColumbineTransplantDirect Sow60 FTransplant68-72 F1/8”1/4”4”2-4”Transplant60-90 F1/8”4-6”18-24”4-12 hrsFull SunTransplant60 F1/4”12-18”24”Full Sun5-10 days49 Days1-7’PerennialTransplant55 F2-4”4-6”4-6”8-12 hrsFull Sun1-2 weeksafter mRESOURCESHOW TO START A FLOWER GARDENTHE BEST WAY TO PLANTFOR CENTERPIECESAMARYLLIS BULBSBEST WAY TO PLANT FLOWERSCOMPANION PLANTS FORFROM POTSROSESBULBS TO PLANT IN FALLFALL MUMS6/10
7aOrganic Gardening:Zone 7 Planting Chart - Cut FlowersZONE 7PlantSeedsDahliasPlantsJANSow ransplantDECAvg. First FrostSep. 30 - Oct. 30Avg. Last FrostMar. 30 - Apr. 30Ideal Days toSproutDays toMaturityMatureHeightPlantType60 F 1/2”4”12-18”8-12 hrsFull Sun7-12 days90 days16”Annual10-16 days115 daysup to 6’AnnualDelphiniumsTransplant65-85 F1/8”6-8”24-36”Full Sun/Lt. ShadeGladiolusTransplant65-75 F1/2”4”4-6”8-12 hrsFull Sun10-14 days80 days2-6’PerennialTransplant70-78 F1/8-1/4”Thinlyscatter6-8”8-12 hrsFull Sun5-14 days85-100 days18”PerennialTransplant60 FSurfacescatterseeds3-4’Partial Sun14 days186 days6-15’Perennial18”8-12 hrsFull Sun11-21 days58 days3-4’Perennial30-36”8-12 hrsFull Sun14-21 days105 days8”-6’Perennial18”8-12 hrsFull Sun4-6 days105 days12-24”Perennial6-10 days80-120 days6-10’ AnnualGomphrenaDirect SowHydrangeaPhloxDirect SowTransplant74 FTransplantRoses45 TransplantShasta Daisies80-85 F1/8”1/4”1/4”2”2”6”SunflowersDirect SowTransplant55-60 F1/2”6”12-24”8-12 hrsFull SunYarrowDirect SowTransplant68 FSurfaceThinlyScatter12”6-12 hrsFull Sun14-21 days143 days6”-3’PerennialZinniaDirect SowTransplant80-85 F1/4”ThinlyScatter9-12”8-12 hrsFull Sun4-6 days60-70 OURCES10 TIPS FOR FLOWER GARDENPLANTING & GROWINGDESIGNSRANUNCULUSROCK MULCH VS. WOOD MULCHHOW TO START A ROSEFOR FLOWER BEDSGARDEN AT HOMEGARDENER’S GUIDE TO PLANTINGGROWING TIPS FOR COMMONTULIPSZINNIA VARIETIES7/10
Plant TrackerMONTHS SOWINGPLANT1234567891011121314H HARVESTINGP PLANTING1516171819202122232425262728293031
Garden CalendarPRUNINGFEEDINGWATERINGSundayMon d a yTuesdayMONTHWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday
Organic Gardening:Kellogg Garden Products:Kellogg Garden Products, family-owned and operated since its establishment in 1925by our founder, H. Clay Kellogg, now spans four generations. The company continuesitssuccess as a steadfast business, guided by Mr. Kellogg’s original core values:innovation,loyalty, experience, commitment, and generosity.ORGANICSOILThese values have led our company to seek the highest level of organic rigor in all itsbranded products.In 2012, Kellogg Garden Products committed to strictly follow the USDA’s NationalOrganic Program (NOP) guidelines for manufacturing all Kellogg Garden Organicsand G&B Organics branded soils and fertilizers.Every ingredient and every process used to produce our branded products hasbeenverified 100% compliant as organic, all the way back to the source, meeting allfederal guidelines.ORGANICLIQUIDFERTILIZERAll our branded products are approvedby the California Department of FoodandAgriculture’sstringentOrganicInput Materials (OIM) program, as wellas theOrganic Materials Review Institute(OMRI)— the leading independent reviewagency accredited by the USDA NOP.Kelloggismanufacturerstillthe first and onlyORGANICGRANULARFERTILIZERto have all our brandedorganic soils and fertilizers OIM approvedand OMRI Listed, making Kellogg thefirst to offer Proven Organic soils and**G&B Organics Only Available in the Western United Statesfertilizers that build life in the soil. Since1925, we continue to strive to be theleading organic source helping peoplegrow beautiful and healthy gardens –organically.WWW.KELLOGGGARDEN.COM
The Kellogg Garden Organic Gardening Guides include detailed information and resources on how, why, and what to do in your gardens as well as advice on planting, growing, and harvesting individual plants throughout the year. Start by confirming the proper planting zone for . your garden. Organic Gardening: Zone 7 Planting Chart. 7a 7b
TIGO Orange Deutschland Telekom O2 . Ecuador Telefonica Zone 5 Zone 2 Elfenbeinküste Orange Zone 5 Zone 2 El Salvador Digicel Telefonica Zone 3 Zone 2 Zone EU Zone EU Zone EU Zone EU Zone 4 Zone 2 Zone 4 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 2 Zone 5 Zone 2 Zone 5 Zone 2 Zone 5 Zone 2 . Taiwan Star Tansa
INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIC GARDENING WHAT IS ORGANIC GARDENING Organic gardening is a process that promotes and enhances biodiversity, natural biological cycles and soil biological actives that restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony. Organic gardening basic tenets are feeding the soil though decaying organic matter and utilizing
The Kellogg Garden Zone Planting Charts will guide you . in when to sow, plant, and harvest individual vegetables by hardiness zone. Along with your planting chart, we have included resource links to help you grow bountiful gardens. The Kellogg Garden Organic Gardening Guides include detailed information and resources on how,
El Salvador Zone B Tigo El Salvador Zone B Claro El Salvador Zone B Digicel El Salvador Zone C Movistar Estonia Zone A Tele2 Estonia Zone A Elisa Estonia Zone A Telia Faroe Islands Zone A Hey Faroe Islands Zone B Faroese Telecom Fiji / Nauru Zone B Vodafone Fiji / Nauru Zone B Digicel Fin
plants. Tuck a plant or two in a basket and place it on a shelf. Dwarf and slow growing plant varieties, vertical gardening and square foot gardening methods can add to your eye appeal as well as your table. Flowers, fruits and herbs can be Gardening for Small Spaces Article and photos by Terri Simon, Master Gardener cont’d on pg. 6
94 GardeninG Gardening resources. Gardening Resources Scouting Literature Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Bird Study, Insect Study, Nature, Plant Science, and Soil and Water Conservation merit badge pamphlets Books Bartholomew, Mel. All New Square Foot Gardening. Cool Springs P
Straw Bale gardening is more economical, easier on your back, and is great for people with mobility issues. After over 40 years of gardening in four states, Wanda has experimented with many forms of gardening including Ruth Stout’s raised beds, keyhole gardening, and the French Intensive Gardening Method. She has tried many
penyembuhan tulang yang optimal. 2.1.1 Anatomi dan Histologi Tulang Komponen seluler tulang terdiri dari sel prekusor osteogenik ( sel mesenkim ), sel sel osteoblas, sel osteoklas, sel osteosit serta elemen hematopoetik lainnya dalam sumsum tulang. Sel prekursor osteogenik terdapat pada permukaan tulang yang tidak mengalami proses resorpsi, dan membentuk lapisan bagian dalam dari periosteum .