GIRL AND FAMILYEVENTSACTIVITIESFall/winter 2019Check out our newfeaturel Life""The Game of Girto make this astandout year!Events forindividual girls,troops or families.
2019 GIRL SCOUT SLEEPOVERSHARE THE WARMTH DROP-OFF LOCATIONFRIENDS AND FAMILY ENCOURAGEDDATE:NOVEMBER 8, 2019MORE ACTIVITIESTHAN EVER!SLEEP UNDER:7PM - MIDNIGHT - 50STEM AND OTHERBONUS EXPERIENCES!SLEEP OVER:7PM - 7AM - 60WHAT’S INCLUDED: Admission Patch Movie (on Diamond Vision)& Popcorn Dinner (Pizza & Drink) Field Activities Self-Guided Tour Swag eEVENT TICKETS:Sleep UnderFamily/Friends (and/or)Girl Scouts x 50.00TotalSleep OverUnderFamily/Friends (and/or)Girl Scouts x 60.00Total*Tour locations are subject to change without notice. No refunds. Not redeemable at box office, must pre-purchase tickets. Please followGSNETX Safety Wise procedures during this event. Individual girls may register and must be accompanied by adult chaperone.For questions or to RSVP, please contact:ERIN HOLLOWELL 817-892-4660 ehollowell-c@dallascowboys.netHALLE STILL 817-892-4134 hstill-c@dallascowboys.netRSVP: October 25, 2019 at 12:00pm
About this bookOur EVENTS ACTIVITES, a bi-annual publication, highlights programs that your Girl Scoutcan attend on her own, with a Girl Scout friend, her troop or even with her wholefamily!Fall/Winter event registration is open now at Please reach out to us at Game of Girl Life. 4Family Fun Events. 6The STEM Spot. 7Plug & Play Meeting Tools. 8Gold Award Spotlight: Ayron Walker. 10Fall/Winter Programming.11Girl Scouts in Action.20Man Enough to Be a Girl Scout: Eric "Elf" Foster .22This Year in Girl Scouts Planner .23Did you know?Girl Scout program grade levels are identified by color.Check out the keys below to find the right programs for yourGirl Scout throughout this book.: STEM Focused Event: Outdoor Focused Event: Entrepreneurship Focused Event: Life Skills Focused Event: Signature Event: Patch ProgramDaisies - K & 1st GradeBrownies - 2nd & 3rd GradeIcon Key:: Family Friendly EventAll orVolunteerJuniors - 4th & 5th GradeCadettes - 6th, 7th & 8th GradeSeniors - 9th & 10th GradeAmbassadors - 11th & 12th GradeAdult3
The Game ofG I RL L I FEStart Anywhere:gThe path to a great year in Girl Scouts is not linear! Thereis so much you can do through Girl Scouting - how doyou decide what to pick and choose? Use this pathwayas a guide to ensure you are getting all the elements of asuccessful foundation!iGo on an Adventure!rllifeHike! Camp! Zip-Line! Kayak! Get outside to experiencethe thrills of nature.Attend a GSNETX Signature Event:These grand events engage, excite, and empower GirlScouts. Keep an eye out for events marked with the“signature” icon ( ), and plan to attend at least one thisyearFund your Fun:Fall product sales and the Girl Scout Cookie Program notonly help you learn business skills, but also help coverthe cost of the Girl Scout year. Parents — be her cookiechampion and support her sale this year.Timeless Traditions:Participate in the traditional elements of Girl Scouting.This could be wearing your uniform, reciting the promiseand law at the start of each meeting, singing songs orending each meeting with a friendship circle.Earn badges & journeys:Badges & journeys are the best way to explore new topicsand learn new skills! Try earning at least four badges orone journey this year.Give Back:Be sure to reinforce Girl Scout values of being friendly &helpful, and making the world a better place by engagingin at least one community service or take action projectthis year.Engage in all 4 Pillars of our Program:Be well-rounded by engaging in at least one activity fromeach of the 4 Girl Scout Program Pillars.STEM: Visit our STEM Center of Excellence! Weekendworkshops for individuals, troops, or families areavilable. Need help delivering STEM badges in your troopmeetings? Check out Jumpstart: your digital STEM badgeworkshop assistant.Entrepreneurship: Prepare for cookie season byattending one of our “5 Skills in Action” workshops!Outdoor Leadership: Explore our beautiful campproperties for the weekend or the day. With a variety ofsleeping accommodations, activities, and programs –there is something for everyone!Life Skills: Our hashtag free patch series encourages youto learn more about yourself and your community.Troop LeadersBe on the lookout this fall for more infoabout our Best Troop Year Ever incentive!5
Family Fun, All Year LongHere at Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas we like to share the fun.Check out all the Family Friendly Events we have in store for 2019!Visit for more details and to registerDateTitlePGLDateTitlePGLMultiGirl Scout Grand PrixPine Car RacesALL9/28/19Backpacking 101J C S A VMultiSunday FundayALL9/29/19Beauty and the BeastALLMultiHe and Me at STEM CenterALL10/25-27/19New to Girl ScoutsShe and Me at STEM CenterALL8/8/19SAFE: Mental HealthWorkshopsC S A V11/1-3/19Investigation Sleepover at thePerot MuseumD B J C9/8/19Tackle Hunger BanquetALL11/1-3/19He and Me at Camp Rocky PointALL9/13-15/19She and Me at STEM CenterALL11/8-9/19Launch PartyALL11/22-24/19He and Me at Bette PerotALL9/20-22/19Robotics and MeALL12/8/19Little Women: The MusicalALL9/28/19Space Science WorkshopD B J12/12-15/19Family Camp at Bette PerotALL9/15/19:signature eventsAT&T Stadium SleepoverALLAttention: All dates and activities are subject to change without notice.Plus.Girl Scout Families also receive special rates for Girl Scout events and activities at:Allen Civic BalletAny Day CPRAT&T Performing ArtsCenterAvant Chamber BalletChamberlain PerformingArtsDallas MavericksDallas Rattlers LacrosseDallas RoughnecksUltimate FrisbeeDallas StarsDallas SymphonyOrchestraNew Girl Scout Journeys andbadges are on the way!6Dallas ZooDARTFrisco RoughRidersLISDOLAMedieval TimesMesquite ChampionshipRodeoPerot Museum of Natureand SciencePlano Metropolitan BalletPlano SymphonyOrchestraRipley’s Believe It or Not!Texas RangersTrinity River ForestAdventure ParkTuzer BalletWe are always addingnew events and newpartners!We’re always evaluating—and enhancing—our girls'experiences and how they grow as Girl Scouts. This year,we added 42 new Journeys and badges for Girl Scoutsof all age levels in science, technology, engineering, andmath (STEM); the outdoors; and life skills!
TheSTEMFun for the whole family!The Activity:Cup StackProgrammingThe Objective:With materialsfound at home,learn the basics ofprogramming bygetting a “robot”to stack cups in aspecific pattern.The Facts: An algorithm is alist of steps that youcan follow to finisha task. A recipe isan example of analgorithm; it tellsyou how to cook adish by followingstep-by-stepinstructions. A program is analgorithm that hasbeen coded intosomething thatcan be run by amachine. Computerprogrammers codealgorithms to createprograms that areused for technology A bug is part ofa program thatdoes not workcorrectly. Whenprogrammers findand fix issues intheir algorithm orprogram, they aredoing somethingcalled debugging. Programmers usedifferent symbols orlanguages to code.For this project, youshould code all yourmoves using onlythe five arrows inthe symbol key.What You'll Need: Adult supervisionA family member to playthe role of "Robot" Paper Pens/PencilsPaper or plastic cups (about 10)Symbol key (below)Cup stacking patterns (below)Let's Get Started!step 1Gather some paper, a pen or pencil,and cups. Then choose a cup stackingpattern.step 2Review the symbol key and use thesymbols to write your own algorithm.This algorithm will provide your "robot"with step-by-step instructions on howto stack the cups in the pattern.step 3Ask yourself some questions to help getyou started. How many cups will youneed? What symbols will you use first?Are any cups upside down? How willyou write the algorithm to flip a cup?step 4Symbol Key:Try the algorithm. Does it work? If not,don't worry! Programmers often findproblems or bugs when testing theirprograms. It's important to check yourwork and debug your program to makesure it works correctly.step 5Once you have decided that thealgorithm is ready to be tested, finda family member or friend to beyour “robot”. Have the “robot” use thealgorithm to stack the cups.step 6Keep the fun going by writing analgorithm for another cup stackingpattern. Find another family memberto friend to be the “robot”!Sample Cup Stacking Patterns:7
Plug and Playmeeting ToolsThe Volunteer Toolkit: Your Digital Troop AssistantThe Volunteer Toolkit (VTK) is a digital planning tool that helps you make the most out of your year.With VTK you can Go to, View and edit your troop my gs and check it out!-Also available for mobile Schedule troop meetings and access troop meeting plans. Track your girl’s attendance and achievements. Email parents/caregivers with a single click. Manage your troop finances.What’s NEW in VTK? Added Badges and Journeys for Daisy to Ambassador and Multi-level troops. Badge images are now active buttons that point to the required steps for each achievement. Badge tracks have been added across levels- with convenient downloadables to use with your troop. Individually registered girls/Juliettes and their parents have full acccess to badges, journeys and more.Want to learn more about The Volunteer Tool Kit? Visit to access training videos and more!Programs on Demand:Meetings in BoxPrograms on Demand are pre-made activity guides and programkits that include everything you need to lead a successfulmeeting. Each kit will create fun, educational and memorableactivities. The best part? These great resources are available atNO COST! robots4STEM (Daisy – Senior)Wild Adventures (Daisy - Junior)Girl Scout Herstory (Brownie, Junior)Free Being Me (Brownie - Ambassador)Ban Bossy (Brownie- Ambassador)CodeCampKidz (Cadette, Senior, Ambassador)Go Girl Scout Green (All)Female Leaders (All)Flag Ceremonies (All)Strong Girls (All)For a full listing, and to reserve visit U M P S TA R TBYSTEM BADGES AT YOUR FINGERTIPSJumpstart is your easy to use, on-the-go digitalassistant, helping volunteers like you deliverempowering, enjoyable, STEM programming to girls.Create a Jumpstart account at use the invite code: GSNETXRobot19.Help your girls earn the Robotics, Cybersecurity andSpace Science Badges!Would you like to have your own robotics kit? Reservethe FREE VEX IQ Mia Kit (yours to keep). Once you haveyour confirmation email, pick your VEX IQ Miakits up from any GSNETX shop.While supplies last.More STEM badgescoming soon!8
Petal PowersDaisies will earn their petals as they learn the Girl Scout Law,parents and leaders will see how to run a lover & RosieJanuaryFebruaryMariGloria & GerriMarchAprilViMayMultiple locations anddates are available!JoAnn Fogg on the1st Sunday of the monthSouthern Sector on the2nd Sunday of the monthEast Texas on the3rd Sunday of the month*Open to individuals& troopsNEW PATCH PROGRAMS ON THE WAY!Thanks to generous donations, we are excited to offer these exciting free patch programs. Thesepatch programs will encourage your girls to explore everything from STEM to community service andthe #WomenVoteGS - year-long patch program!There are more than 30 patch programs to choose from! Patch programs are easy tocomplete with your troop or at home with your family.Visit to learn more about all of our free patches and patches that may bepurchased at your local GSNETX shop.All patch program designs and requirements are subject to change.9
GsLIGirl Scout Leadership InstituteGoldAwardSpotlightAyronWalkerConfidence inThe Skin You're InAhealthy selfimage is vital tothe development ofconfidence in youngminds. Ayron Walkerfrom Troop 9436 madethis issue the focus ofher Gold Award projectby authoring the novel,The Skin You’re In,addressing colorism –the idea that lighter skinis revered over darkerskin. Recognizing thatyouth aren’t alwaysequipped with the realworld support to nurturea positive self-image,she created diversecharacters relatableto those experiencingprejudice.Ayron saysshe hopes the charactersin her book will providereaders with a feelingthey’re not just readinga book, but going on ajourney with a friend.The Skin You’re In isavailable free online AyronGraduated from VillageTech Schools in 2018. 10Learn more about theGirl Scout Gold Award priceless opportunity forHigh School Girl Scouts!Career Exploration Job Shadowing College PrepThe Girl Scout Leadership Institute (GSLI) is an initiative to empower and equip high schoolgirls to pursue higher education and introduce them to a variety of career opportunities. GSLIgives girls, grades 9-12, the chance to visit local corporations and universities, job shadow,gain access to female role models and empower girls to positively impacttheir communities now and in the future.For information, contact Gerri Gordon, or 972-349-2436GSNETXCLUBSfor Older Girls(6-12 grade)ASTRONONOMY CLUBB.I.G. - BACKPACKING INTEREST GROUPCLUB CEOFILM CLUBG.I.R.L. MEDIA TEAMG.I.R.L. RETAIL & DESIGN TEAMHONOR GUARDOUTDOOR ADVENTUREINTREST GROUP (OAIG)STREAM TEAMTEJAS RIDERSTRAVEL CLUBOn her own, with a friend or her whole troopLook for interest meeting dates at the world and learnabout yourself in the process!Girl Scout destinations are the ultimateadventure for individual girls ages 11 and older.There are amazing opportunities for everygirl’s interest. Pack your bags for life-changingexperiences and make new friends alongthe way.Get more information and check out all theavailable Girl Scout destinations at gsnetx.orgQuestions?Email destinations@gsnetx.orgCOOKIE BOX CREATIONSAre you a Cadette, Senior, orAmbassador Interested in workingwith architects and engineers,to build free standing cookie boxstructures at the Galleria Dallas?Apply at the link below or contactGerri Gordon at
EVENTS ACTIVITIES FALL & WINTER 2019Find out more about each of these events on our web page: are always adding new events and collaborating with new partners!AugustKickoff: Rising Stars8th grade Cadettes Senior AmbassadorDate & Time: August 3, 2019, 8:30 AM - 4 PMLocation: Parker UniversityFee: YesAn exciting, action-packed day full of hands-on activities for olderGirl Scouts!Skills for Living Badge WorkshopBrownieDate & Time: August 6, 2019, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PMLocation: CoppellFee: YesBrownies develop life skills as they explore a grocery store, make healthysnacks and manage money. Additional opportunities may be available check the website for the latest event information.Skills for Living Badge WorkshopJuniorDate & Time: August 7, 2019, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PMLocation: CoppellFee: YesJuniors develop life skills as they explore a grocery store, make asimple meal and become a savvy shopper. Additional opportunitiesand locations may be available - check the website for the latest eventinformation.Grand Prix Pine Car Races: Pre-Race WorkshopsAllDate & Time: Multi - See for detailsLocation: Multi - See for detailsFee: YesGear up for the grand prix by attending one of our pre-race workshops!Girls will design, test, re-design, and build their cars for the big race day!Journey DayAll AdultDate & Time: Multi - See for detailsLocation: STEM CenterFee: YesComplete your Journey at the STEM Center of Excellence! We’ll offermultiple journey options in computer coding, engineering, and citizenscience.Wilderness and Remote First AidAmerican Red Cross Certification Course14 AdultDate & Time: August 16-18, 2019, 6:00 PMLocation: Camp GambillFee: YesThis program is designed to teach individuals how to deal withemergency situations by using first aid skills in a delayed-helpenvironment.Cardboard Boat Regatta CampCadette Senior Ambassador AdultDate & Time: August 16-18, 2019, 6:00 PMLocation: STEM CenterFee: YesA camp CLASSIC! Stay the weekend with us to engineer your very owncardboard paddleboat on Saturday and a Cardboard Regatta Race onSunday!Camp’s a BreezeAll AdultDate & Time: Multi - See for detailsLocation: STEM CenterFee: YesBook your trip, pack your toothbrush and a spare change of clothes; let usplan everything else! Lodging, meals, 4 hours of STEM, archery, low ropes,and S'More STEM are included. From check-in to check-out, we makecamping a breeze!Babysitter Badge Workshop - CPR/AED certificationCadetteDate & Time: August 17, 2019, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PMLocation: JoAnn Fogg Service CenterFee: YesGain the skills that will help you become the best babysitter you can be.Fine DesignAllDate & Time: August 17, 2019, 9:00 AM - 9:00 PMLocation: STEM CenterFee: YesChoose from a menu of badge, journey, and activity options throughoutthe day related to art and design.Sunday FundayCadette Senior Ambassador AdultDate & Time: August 18, 2019, 12:00 PM - 5:00 PMLocation: STEM CenterFee: YesGrab the family, pack a picnic, and join us for a day of fun at the STEMCenter to include swimming, outdoor soundscape, trails, butterflygarden, energy in motion zone, and more! Archery, slingshots, and ageappropriate ropes courses can be added for an additional fee.Attention: All programs are subject to change without notice. The website will provide details onactivity fees and locations. Costs for awards earned are not included in the cost of the program.Check for more info.11
Experience the Challenge: An Introduction to BackpackingCadette Senior AmbassadorDate & Time: August 24-25, 2019, 9:00 AMLocation: Camp Bette PerotFee: YesCome discover the essentals to backpacking during an adventure packedweekend! This is part 3 of a 4 part program.Water Fun WeekendBrownieDate & Time: September 6-8, 2019, 6:00 PMLocation: Camp GambillFee: YesCome join us at Camp Gambill for a fun-filled weekend as we dive into theBrownie WOW Journey.Playing the PastJuniorDate & Time: August 24, 2019, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PMLocation: Farmers Branch Historic ParkFee: YesCome have some old fashion fun with Farmers Branch Historic Park andsee how girls in the past lived, worked and played.Cadette Archery & Saddle Up ComboCadetteDate & Time: September 6-8, 2019, 6:00 PMLocation: Camp Bette PerotFee: YesGet ready to challenge yourself as you enjoy time at the barn earning theGSNETX Cadette Saddle Up Badge and aim for a bull’s-eye on the archeryrange!Babysitter Badge Workshop - CPR/AED certificationCadetteDate & Time: August 24, 2019, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PMLocation: Denton Service CenterFee: YesGain the skills that will help you become the best babysitter you can be.Creature FeatureAllDate & Time: August 24, 2019, 9:00 AM - 9:00 PMLocation: STEM CenterFee: YesChoose from a menu of badge, journey, and activity options throughoutthe day related to animals and the outdoors.Daisy Fun with MomDaisyDate & Time: September 6-8, 2019, 6:00 PMLocation: Camp Bette PerotFee: YesCome discover camp life at Camp Bette Perot with your mom!Space Science DayDaisy Brownie JuniorDate & Time: September 7, 2019, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PMLocation: Discovery Science PlaceFee: YesJoin Discovery Science Place and venture through the Solar System andbeyond!He and MeAll AdultDate & Time: August 30-September 1, 2019, 6:00 PMLocation: STEM CenterFee: YesWe love the men who proudly support their Girl Scouts! Grab your favoriteadult male (dad, grandpa, uncle, etc.) in your life and join us for thisweekend experience to create lasting memories. Pack your toothbrush,your clothes, and your bedroll. We take care of the rest!Space Science Badge WorkshopBrownie JuniorDate & Time: September 7, 2019, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AMor 12:00 PM - 2:00 PMLocation: Sci-Tech Discovery CenterFee: YesInvestigate the complexities of the sky with this stellar workshop.SeptemberTackle Hunger BanquetAllDate & Time: September 8, 2019, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PMLocation: PlanoFee: YesWe are partnering with Souper Bowl of Caring to host an eye-openingevent where girls can learn about our neighbors who face everydaystruggles.Grand Prix Pine Car RacesAllDate & Time: Multi - See pg. 19 for details!Location: Multi - See pg. 19 for details!Fee: YesDesign, build, and race your very own model car with your Girl Scoutsisters!Camp’s a BreezeAll AdultDate & Time: Multi - See for detailsLocation: STEM CenterFee: YesBook your trip, pack your toothbrush and a spare change of clothes; let usplan everything else! Lodging, meals, 4 hours of STEM, archery, low ropes,and S'more STEM are included. From check-in to check-out, we makecamping a breeze!12She and MeAll AdultDate & Time: September 13-15, 2019, 6:00 PMLocation: STEM CenterFee: YesGirl Scouts and their favorite adult woman (mom, grandma, aunt, etc.) areinvited to join us for this weekend experience to create lasting memories.Pack your toothbrush, your clothes, and your bedroll. We take care of therest!
Senior Paddling and Hatchet Throwing WeekendSeniorDate & Time: September 13-15, 2019, 6:00 PMLocation: Camp Rocky PointFee: YesCome discover Lake Texoma as you earn the Senior Paddling Badge andtry your hand at hatchet throwing during this exciting weekend.Program Aide Training WorkshopCadetteDate & Time: September 21, 2019, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PMLocation: The STEM CenterFee: YesStep 2 of 3 to earn your Program Aide Award. Step 1 is earning your leaderin action award. Find out how in your Cadette book!She’s a NaturalAllDate & Time: September 14, 2019, 9:00 AM - 9:00 PMLocation: STEM CenterFee: YesChoose from a menu of badge, journey, and activity options throughoutthe day related to natural skills and the great outdoors.GSLI: Networking and EtiquetteSenior AmbassadorDate & Time: September 21, 2019, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PMLocation: EricssonFee: YesLearn the skills of networking and how to connect with womenprofessionals to explore career opportunities, key interview techniques,how to dress for success and showcase your skills. Eat lunch with anetiquette specialist who will teach dining dos and dont's.Launch PartyAll AdultDate & Time: September 15, 2019, 12:00 PM - 4:00 PMLocation: Frontiers of Flight MuseumFee: YesBring out the family and a friend to launch the new Girl Scout year, andnew badges with this space science themed program!Outdoor STEMAll AdultDate & Time: September 15, 2019, 9:00 AM - 9:00 PMLocation: STEM CenterFee: YesChoose from a menu of badge, journey, and activity options throughoutthe day that intertwine nature, outdoor adventure, and STEM.Robotics and MeAll AdultDate & Time: September 20-22, 2019, 6:00 PMLocation: STEM CenterFee: YesCalling all Girl Scout Robotics Teams! This weekend retreat is a specialtime for you to practice your robotics skills and tap into our experts. Meals,lodging, and all program included.Junior Camping AdventureJuniorDate & Time: September 20-22, 2019, 6:00 PMLocation: Camp GambillFee: YesEnjoy the weekend as you relax at camp while going kayaking, tryingarchery, playing a game of sand volleyball, and spending time around thecampfire eating ewwy-gooey s’mores!Wonderful Water Outdoor LeadershipBrownie JuniorDate & Time: September 20-22, 2019, 6:00 PMLocation: Camp Bette PerotFee: YesDiscover the wonders of water as you fish at Alligator Pond, and the sights,sounds, and smells of nature while on a hike to Katy’s Bog.: Family Friendly Event : STEM Focused Event : Life Skills Focused Event Hiking and Outdoor Adventurer WorkshopBrownieDate & Time: September 21, 2019, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AMLocation: LLELA (Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area)Fee: YesCome explore nature and take hike with fellow Brownies at LLELA!Archery Badge WorkshopCadetteDate & Time: September 21, 2019, 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM or 12:00 PM - 2:00 PMLocation: Texas Archery AcademyFee: YesLearn all about archery at this exciting workshop!Codeword: InnovationAllDate & Time: September 21, 2019, 9:00 AM - 9:00 PMLocation: STEM CenterFee: YesChoose from a menu of badge, journey, and activity options throughoutthe day related to innovation and coding.Journey DayAll AdultDate & Time: September 22, 2019, 9:00 AM - 6:00 PMLocation: STEM CenterFee: YesComplete your Journey at the STEM Center of Excellence! We’ll offermultiple journey options in computer coding, engineering, and citizenscience for all grade levels.Sunday FundayCadette Senior Ambassador AdultDate & Time: September 22, 2019, 12:00 PM - 5:00 PMLocation: STEM CenterFee: YesGrab the family, pack a picnic, and join us for a day of fun at the STEMCenter to include swimming, outdoor soundscape, trails, butterflygarden, energy in motion zone, and more! Archery, slingshots, and ageappropriate ropes courses can be added for an additional fee.: Outdoor Focused Event : Signature Event : Entrepreneurship Focused Event: Patch Program13
Traditional Troop CampingAll AdultDate & Time: September 27-29, 2019, 6:00 PMLocation: STEM CenterFee: YesEnjoy cooking outside and creating your own adventures? Camp withus at the STEM Center for a more traditional approach to troop camping.You’ll be able to book activities and workshops for an additional fee, but nocatering service is available.Lake FunCadette Senior AmbassadorDate & Time: September 27-29, 2019, 6:00 PMLocation: Camp Rocky PointFee: YesEnjoy a relaxing weekend on Lake Texoma kayaking and paddleboarding,aiming for a bull’s-eye on the archery range, and spending time aroundthe campfire making s’mores.Backpacking 101Junior Cadette Senior Ambassador AdultDate & Time: September 28, 2019, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PMLocation: JoAnn Fogg Service CenterFee: YesJoin the GSNETX Backpacking Interest Group (B.I.G.) for a fun day learningall the essentials of backpacking!Space Science WorkshopCadette Senior AmbassadorDate & Time: September 28, 2019, 9:30 AM - 11:30 AMLocation: Center for Earth and Space ScienceFee: YesVisit the planetarium and earn your Space Science badgeArchery Badge WorkshopCadetteDate & Time: September 28, 2019, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PMLocation: Denia Recreation Center - DentonFee: YesLearn all about archery at this exciting workshop!Science SleuthsAllDate & Time: Multi - See for detailsLocation: STEM CenterFee: YesChoose from a menu of badge, journey, and activity options throughoutthe day that bring out your inner scientist.Beauty and the BeastAll AdultDate & Time: September 29, 2019, 1:30 PM - 4:30 PMLocation: Dallas Children’s TheaterFee: YesBe our guest for this tale as old as time! Post-show workshop available.Horseback RidingJuniorDate & Time: September 29, 2019, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PMLocation: Hopper Ranch, AubreyFee: YesGet ready to ride! Come learn what it takes to be a good horseback rider.14OctoberGrand Prix Pine Car RacesAllDate & Time: Multi - See pg. 19 for details!Location: Multi - See pg. 19 for details!Fee: YesDesign, build, and race your very own model car with your Girl Scoutsisters!Petal Power: Lupe the LupineDaisyDate & Time: Multi - See for detailsLocation: Multi - See for detailsFee: YesGear up for a great year with Petal Power! Daisies will earn a petal as theylearn about Lupe's story and what it means to be honest and fair.Camp’s a BreezeAll AdultDate & Time: Multi - See for detailsLocation: STEM CenterFee: YesBook your trip, pack your toothbrush and a spare change of clothes; let usplan everything else! Lodging, meals, 4 hours of STEM, archery, low ropes,and S'more STEM are included. From check-in to check-out, we makecamping a breeze!School’s Out, STEM’s OnAllDate & Time: Multi - See for detailsLocation: STEM CenterFee: YesSchool holidays are STEM Days at the STEM Center. Pack a sack lunch anddrop her off at the STEM Center for a day of badge earning and outdoorfun.Journey DayAll AdultDate & Time: Multi - See for detailsLocation: STEM CenterFee: YesComplete your Journey at the STEM Center of Excellence! We’ll offermultiple journey options in computer coding, engineering, and citizenscience for girls of all ages.Citizenship Badge WorkshopBrownie JuniorDate & Time: October 3, 2019, 5:30 PM-7:30 PMLocation: Farmers Branch Historic ParkFee: YesFarmers Branch Historical Park is ready to celebrate what makes ourneighbors and community special.Grand Prix Pine Car Races: Prep WeekendAll AdultDate & Time: October 4-6, 2019, 6:00 PMLocation: STEM CenterFee: YesLet us take you from Grand Prix car kit to the finish line in this one-of-akind weekend! You'll create lasting memories as you design and buildyour car from start to finish with your favorite adult and our experts. You'llbe set for the Grand Prix race Sund
Here at Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas we like to share the fun. Check out all the Family Friendly Events we have in store for 2019! Family Fun, All Year Long :signature events We're always evaluating—and enhancing—our girls' experiences and how they grow as Girl Scouts. This year, we added 42 new Journeys and badges for Girl Scouts
and 3 Grades 3rd Graders Bridge to Girl Scout Juniors Girl Scout Juniors th4th thand 5 Grades 5 Graders Bridge to Girl Scout Cadettes Girl Scout Cadettes th th6 , 7th and 8 Grades 8th Graders Bridge to Girl Scout Seniors Girl Scout Seniors th 9 and 10 th Grades 10 Graders Bridge to Girl Scout Ambassadors Girl Scout Ambassadors th11 and 12th Grades 12th Graders Bridge to Adult Girl Scouting
Girl Scouts Great Plains Council Girl Scouts of Central Kansas, Inc. Girl Scouts of the Kaw Valley Council Girl Scouts of the Mid-Continent Council Girl Scouts of the Midland Empire Girl Scouts of the Ozark Area Council Girl Scouts of the USA Girl Scouts of the Wichita Area Council Girl Scouts Red Lands C
The Young-Girl as Phenomenon 23 2. The Young-Girl as Technique of the Self 48 3. The Young-Girl as Social Relation 62 4. The Young-Girl as Commodity 74 5. The Young-Girl as Living Currency 88 6. The Young-Girl as Compact Political Apparatus 97 7. The Young-Girl as War Machine 105 8. The Young-Girl Against Communism 114 9.
Girl Scout Juliettes is a girl-led, family driven Girl Scout experience. As a parent/guardian of a Juliette, you and your Girl Scout will be partners, shaping and sharing in the fun of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Parent/guardians will: Register her as Girl Scout. Go to and click on
Girl Scouting is based on the Girl Scout Mission and the Girl Scout Promise and Law. These components form the foundation for the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. The Girl Scout Mission Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, conf
The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting is an essential piece to the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. In the guide, girls are able to connect with the activities chosen, and grow to understand Girl Scouting all over the world. The guide contains the Girl Scout Daisy Handbook, a Daisy Awards Log, fun activities for girls, and petal and leaf .
Girl Scouts and Girl Guides in 150 countries across the globe celebrate World Thinking Day each February 22. Activities include learning about how girls around the world live and thinking of ways to improve the lives of Girl Scouts near and far. Girl Scouts was founded on March 12, 1912—and it’s Girl Scout tradition to celebrate all week long!
1) DNA is made up of proteins that are synthesized in the cell. 2) Protein is composed of DNA that is stored in the cell. 3) DNA controls the production of protein in the cell. 4) The cell is composed only of DNA and protein. 14) The diagram below represents a portion of an organic molecule. This molecule controls cellular activity by directing the