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Opportunitiesfor Queenslandbusinessesin Japan’shydrogenmarketTIQ international market reportOctober 2019

ContentsAbout Trade and Investment Queensland4Websites23Executive summary5Corporate summaries24Introduction6Asahi Kasel24Chiyoda Corporation24Hydrogen and its uses6Honda Motor Corp24Hitachi Zosen24Queensland Hydrogen Industry Strategy8Iwatani Corporation24JHyM (Hydrogen Mobility Japan)25Hydrogen in Australia9JXTG Group25Kawasaki Heavy Industries25Kobelco25Hydrogen in Queensland10Griffith University10Marubeni Corporation25Northern Oil P/L10Mitsubishi Hatachi Power Systems25Redlands hydrogen research facility10Nissan Motor Group26Hydrogen partnership with Japan10Obayashi26Global demand for hydrogen12Osaka Gas26Panasonic Corporation26Demand trends12Shimizu Corporation26Drivers of hydrogen demand12Takenaka Corporation27Models of hydrogen demand12The Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain (HESC)27Models of hydrogen supply and market size15Tokyo Gas27Japan: a hydrogen case study16Toshiba Corporation27Toyota Motor Corporation (Hydrogen Fuel Cell)27The case for Queensland17Geography17Renewable energy capacity18Emerging technologies18References19Appendix 1: Japan's hydrogen market20TIQ International Market Report 3

About Trade and Investment QueenslandTrade and Investment Queensland (TIQ) isthe Queensland Government’s dedicatedglobal business agency, helping Queenslandexporters take their products to overseasmarkets and promoting Queensland as theperfect place for investment.4 Opportunities for Queensland business in the Japanese hydrogen economyWith eight offices across the state and 16 officesaround the world, TIQ has one of the largestand most dynamic networks of any QueenslandGovernment agency.TIQ helps Queensland companies take advantageof export opportunities in markets around theworld, and works to attract the world’s bestinvestors and entrepreneurs to Queensland.

Executive summaryRecent surveys of global activity and economicmodelling suggest that Queensland has anunparalleled opportunity to establish a viable andsustainable export economy for ‘green hydrogen’.Green hydrogen is produced using renewable energyfrom a range of natural materials such as wateror biomass.The global market for hydrogen is projected to expandrapidly from an existing base of 150 billion in sales to atrillion dollar economy by 2050, due predominantly to thedrive to decarbonise industries such as transportation,electricity generation and chemicals. The bulk of thefuture hydrogen market will be for green hydrogenproduced by low-cost producers in regions with a highpenetration of renewable energy.Queensland already has a high penetration of renewableenergy within its network. The state’s solar energyproduction has significantly increased as a result ofsolar farm installations ( 10x), and will continue toincrease, with a pipeline of renewable energy projectsamounting to more than 15GW capacity.Queensland’s key export markets for green hydrogen arecountries with high population densities in the northernhemisphere, where low-carbon, low-emissions transportand energy are key challenges. Countries rapidlyconverting to a hydrogen economy include Japan, Chinaand Korea, with electric vehicles – cars, trucks andbuses – leading the way in consumer take-up. Hydrogenfor energy generation is likely to become viable in thesemarkets after 2030.Modelled projections for Australian penetration ofNorthern Asia markets for green hydrogen suggest that,by 2030, the value of exports will exceed 1.6 billionand employ more than 2,500 people. With prudentand measured policy decisions, Queensland is wellpositioned to be a key player in the Australian greenhydrogen export market to Japan, Korea, China and otherAsian nations. Japan is a market of particular interest,with Japanese industry committed to making Japan theworld’s first ‘hydrogen-based society’, and increasinggovernment support and incentives to achieve this goal.Japan and Queensland have also embarked on a numberof joint green-hydrogen projects.With attention to policy levers and to business growthinformed by quality research and development,Queensland has an exceptional opportunity to be aleader in the transition to hydrogen-powered economies.A green-hydrogen production sector can not only growthe domestic economy through lowered dependenceon fossil fuels, but also build long-term export marketsfor Queensland. Japan’s growing need for sustainableenergy, government support for green hydrogen,and demonstrated interest in collaborating withQueensland on hydrogen research present real businessopportunities for Queensland’s green-hydrogen sector.TIQ International Market Report 5

IntroductionQueensland is well positioned to rapidly scale up ahydrogen economy utilising existing infrastructureat key ports such as Gladstone, Brisbane andTownsville. The state’s abundant renewable energysources and technical and research capabilities alsomake it an ideal location for the development of agreen-hydrogen sector.Japan is a country with limited natural energy resources,and meets a significant proportion of its energy demandthrough imported sources of energy.The energy industry in Japan, regulated by the Ministryof Economy, Trade and Industry, has announced thatthe country is ready to move towards a ‘hydrogen-basedsociety’. Recent cabinet decisions and legislation haveembedded structural and financial incentives to ensureJapan becomes the first country in the world to realisethis goal. Japanese institutions and business have alsocollaborated with Queensland entities on a number ofgreen-hydrogen projects.Queensland is ideally placed to establish a viablegreen-hydrogen industry for both domestic andexport use. Japan represents a large potential marketfor Queensland’s green-energy companies, and is apotential purchaser for the state’s first major exportsin this sector.Hydrogen and its usesHydrogen is a flexible energy carrier withwide-ranging uses across all energy sectors.Lifecycle evaluations show that hydrogen has manybenefits as an energy carrier, including reduction ofcarbon emissions. Hydrogen is carbon-free, and canaid the transition from industries based on fossil fuelsto sustainable, lower-carbon industries using electricityfrom renewable energy technologies.Hydrogen is one of the world’s most abundant elementsand one of only a few potential near-zero-emissionenergy carriers, alongside electricity and advancedbiofuels. In nature, hydrogen is usually found combinedwith other elements to form molecules such as water(H2O), ammonia (NH3) and methane (CH4). Extractingor generating pure hydrogen (H2) requires energy.6 Opportunities for Queensland business in the Japanese hydrogen economyOnce in a pure form, hydrogen can be used as afuel (eg in fuel cells to produce power for vehiclesor households). Hydrogen is also a component(or ‘feedstock’) for many chemical reactions thatproduce consumer products, including in petrochemical,chemical and heavy industries. Figure 1 shows theprimary energy applications and industry sectors inwhich hydrogen plays a key role.1Hydrogen can be produced from many primaryand secondary energy sources, depending on localavailability, technical capability and energy inputs.These sources include biomass, water, and fossil fuelssuch as natural gas and coal. In each of these cases,energy input is required to produce hydrogen.Hydrogen production can range from household-scaleto large-scale regional or international facilities² asillustrated in Figure 2.In general, hydrogen-based technologies for largescale, megawatt electricity storage are best suitedto applications that allow hourly to seasonal storagetimes.³ However, hydrogen is not limited to networkor large-scale electricity storage applications, asdemonstrated by the many new products now usinghydrogen fuel cells, including forklifts, passenger cars,buses and trucks.Hydrogen has one of the highest energy-density valuesper unit mass, at 120–140MJ/kg. This value isapproximately three times that of natural gas or LNG.Because hydrogen contains no carbon, its only exhaustproduct when used in a fuel cell or burned in a heatengine is water or water vapour. This attribute is drivingglobal interest in hydrogen-based technologies. If purehydrogen can also be produced using renewable energy,hydrogen fuel will have exceptional potential to reducegreenhouse gas emissions as global population andenergy needs increase.In the first instance, high growth and new applications ofhydrogen are likely to be in the transport and electricityindustries, predominantly for low-emissions energyuses.4 Subsequent growth of a hydrogen economy inAustralia – for domestic or export uses – is likely to bein the ‘feedstock’ industries shown in Figure 1.In Queensland, production facilities for ‘renewablehydrogen’ are being developed taking into account arange of considerations, including the potential toexport to other nations that are planning to decarbonisetheir industries.

Figure 1: Primary applications of hydrogen as an energy carrier or feedstock for major processingFoodTransportSyntheticfuelsFigure 2: H ydrogen production technologies showing relative scales of current and future production.High tempelectrolysisEstablishedIndustrial processCoal gasification with CCSCentralSTCHNatural mNatural iquidsElectrolysis(grid)Biomass pathwaysEstimated plant capacity (kg/day)Up to lLong-termMicrobial biomassconversionSolar pathwaysBiomass pathways 500,000PECSolar pathwaysP&D subprogramR&D effortssuccessfullyconcludedTIQ International Market Report 7

Queensland Hydrogen Industry Strategy 2019–2024The Queensland Hydrogen Industry Strategy2019–2024 (the Hydrogen Strategy), releasedon 30 May 2019, sets out the QueenslandGovernment’s vision for being at the forefrontof renewable hydrogen production inAustralia by 2030.Five focus areas will support the growth ofQueensland’s hydrogen industry:ĉĉ supporting innovationĉĉ facilitating private-sector investmentĉĉ ensuring an effective policy frameworkĉĉ building community awareness and confidenceĉĉ facilitating skills development for a newtechnology.The Hydrogen Strategy identifies a key rolefor government in facilitating private-sectorinvestment to establish hydrogen projects inQueensland. Achieving greater efficiency inthe production, storage and transport ofrenewable hydrogen is the key challenge todeveloping the industry.8 Opportunities for Queensland business in the Japanese hydrogen economyTo support the Hydrogen Strategy, theQueensland Government has allocated 15 million over four years for a HydrogenIndustry Development Fund (HIDF). The HIDFwill provide finance in two funding streams:plant and equipment, and feasibility studies.In February 2018, the Queensland University ofTechnology signed an international cooperationagreement to develop joint-venture projects andfacilitate joint academic and scientific activitieswith the University of Tokyo’s Research Centerfor Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST).In May 2019, the Queensland Premier travelledto Japan and signed a renewed memorandumof understanding with Japan Oil, Gas and MetalsCorp, which included continued cooperation todevelop hydrogen.In June 2019, the Queensland Minister for StateDevelopment, Manufacturing, Infrastructureand Planning signed a Statement of Intent toCollaborate on the Hydrogen Industry with RCAST,and announced the appointment of RCAST’sProfessor Masakazu Sugiyama as Queensland’sHydrogen Envoy in Japan.

Hydrogen in AustraliaFive important reports on hydrogen as a componentof low-carbon technologies were released inAustralia and overseas in 2018:1. a national hydrogen roadmap for Australia1, outliningpathways to an economically sustainable hydrogenindustry, sponsored by CSIRO2. a report on opportunities for an Australian hydrogenexport economy, commissioned by the AustralianRenewable Energy Agency 43. a briefing paper to the COAG Energy Council onhydrogen for Australia’s future 54. a report by Morgan Stanley on global marketprojections for the hydrogen economy to 2050 25. a technology outlook by the International RenewableEnergy Agency (IRENA), an intergovernmentalorganisation that supports countries in their transitionto a sustainable energy future.6Along with an earlier technology roadmap developedby the International Energy Agency 3, these documentsprovide the national context for hydrogen projectscurrently underway in Queensland. They have also beenused to inform later sections of this report.The vision statement in the COAG briefing paper bestillustrates the potential significance of a hydrogeneconomy for Australia.5Our vision is a future in which hydrogen provideseconomic benefits to Australia through exportrevenue and new industries and jobs, supports thetransition to low emissions energy across electricity,heating, transport and industry, improves energysystem resilience and increases consumer choice.The same briefing paper also notes an export aspirationfor Australian hydrogen producers: ‘To capture thehydrogen export market and associated benefits in thedomestic economy.’Figure 3: The Sir Samuel Griffith Centre building at Griffith University, Nathan Qld.Image courtesy of Green Building Council, AustraliaTIQ International Market Report 9

Hydrogen in QueenslandQueensland is home to 173 operating or proposedrenewable energy projects. Combined, thesegenerate more than 22,500 megawatts annually.These are complemented by exciting new hydrogenenergy projects, demonstrating Queensland’scommitment to green, clean energy solutions(Figure 4).Griffith UniversityAustralia’s first large-scale (ie hundreds of kW)installation of hydrogen-based technologies usingrenewable energy was completed at Griffith Universityin 2013. The Sir Samuel Griffith Centre is a groundbreaking, multi-purpose 6,150m2 building powered bysolar panels, batteries and fuel cells.The centre is one of the few hydrogen production anduse facilities in Australia driven by renewable energy.Its building is designed to showcase accessibility andtransparency and to epitomise Griffith University’sidentity as one of Australia’s leading environmentaleducators (Figure 3). The centre’s design combines theworld’s first use of solar-hydrogen energy technologywith a spatial design that creates a fully self-sustainable,zero-carbon research and learning building.The building is fitted with over 1,000 solar photovoltaicpanels, covering the roof and window shades. On sunnydays, this generates more than enough electricity topower the whole building. Energy not used during theday is either stored for later use, or used to chill waterfor the air-conditioning system the next day.Solar energy produced by the photovoltaic system isstored in batteries and powers an electrolyser that splitswater to make hydrogen. The hydrogen is then stored ina stable form as metal hydrides. When there is no sun,the stored hydrogen can be used to generate electricityvia a fuel cell.Northern OilIn Gladstone, Northern Oil – a subsidiary of Southern Oil,based in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales – processeswaste feedstocks (eg tyres; green, agricultural andforestry waste; bio-solids) into bio-crudes that areultimately refined into drop-in fuels. More recently,Northern Oil has announced the trial of a hydrogenproduction process that utilises this bio-crude material.This hydrogen will then be exported to a fuel cell togenerate on-site power for the processing plant.10 Opportunities for Queensland business in the Japanese hydrogen economyRedlands hydrogen research facilityOn 15 March 2019, the state’s first ever delivery of greenhydrogen to Japan was announced by JXTG, Japan’slargest petroleum conglomerate. The hydrogen wasproduced at the Queensland University of Technology’s(QUT) solar photovoltaic facility, located at theQueensland Government’s Redlands Research Facility.QUT and their project partners are also embarking onhydrogen research for Australian conditions. The projectwill develop a scalable process to evaluate the viabilityof decentralised renewable energy systems to generatehydrogen from renewable resources. Using two solararray technologies and battery packs, hydrogen will beproduced using electrolysis technology. The resultinghydrogen will be used within the facility as well asexported. The facility will allow researchers and industryto optimise the production and use of renewablehydrogen with the aim of scaling up into megawattscale development.The Queensland Government has recently committeda significant financial contribution to the research intorenewable hydrogen production at the Redlands facility.Hydrogen partnership with JapanMore recently, a partnership between QueenslandUniversity of Technology, Griffith University, SwinburneUniversity of Technology, the University of Tokyo,Sumitomo Electric Industries and Energy DevelopmentsPty Ltd has been formed to use Queensland-producedsolar energy to extract hydrogen from treated nondrinking water, such as seawater.Solar power will be provided by a concentratedphotovoltaic (CPV) array supplemented by commerciallyavailable battery packs to extract hydrogen from treatedwater using electrolysis. Hydrogen will then be fedinto a fuel cell and the resultant power returned to thelocal grid. In this project, funded by ARENA and thepartnership, the pilot plant facility will be used to developoptimisation strategies for scale-up and pre-feasibilitystudies of hybrid renewable energy systems for theproduction of hydrogen.

Figure 4: Projects using a variety of renewable energy methods.1LegendState totalNo. of renewable energy plantsEnergy total (MW)17322,509.875312,834.71. Northern Oil AdvancedBiofuels Pilot PlantSynthetic fuels to beproduced using biomassand clean hydrogen262,318.5282,9613. Redlands HydrogenResearch FacilityA solar photovoltaic facility,located at the QueenslandGovernment's RedlandsResearch edIn progress2. Sir Samuel Griffith CentreIntegrated teaching and researchfacility housing electrolyser,storage and fuel cell technologyto provide balancing tophotovoltaic power systemSource: n-map/TIQ International Market Report 11

Global demand for hydrogenNorthern Asia (Korea, Japan and China), California andEurope. This demand could be a key early-stage driver of‘green’ hydrogen export markets for Australia, providedsuitably-scaled means of transportation are developed.Demand trendsFigure 6 gives an indication of the potential uptake ofhydrogen within the transport industry as well as inother sectors.4 In this figure, existing uses of hydrogenin transportation are identified and the development ofadditional market segments such as power generationand industry energy are also shown. The figure showsthat the transportation sector is an early adopter ofhydrogen as a carrier of energy and that, by 2025,many such types of transportation will be commerciallyviable and accepted in many societies.The ACIL Allen Consulting group report4 to ARENAprovides credible and detailed models, based onverified global data, on the emerging global marketfor hydrogen.In general, the trends are consistent with projectionsdeveloped by Morgan Stanley Research2, althoughprojections of industry growth by 2050 may divergedue to different modelling approaches.Nevertheless, all recent roadmaps and modelledprojections of the hydrogen market suggest that growthwill be substantial over the next 20 years as developingtechnologies evolve into commercial products anddependence on fossil fuels decreases.(Please note: Data provided below focuses on futuredemand for hydrogen for energy-related purposescompared with current usage, which is predominantlyfor non-energy purposes.4 For reference, current majoruses of non-energy hydrogen and sources of hydrogenare summarised in Figure 5.)Drivers of hydrogen demandA common theme in projections for hydrogen demandis the high potential for decarbonisation of specificindustries.The production, use or distribution of electricity isviewed as an early opportunity for rapid growth becauseproduction of electricity via renewable energy isestablished and also price-competitive in some sectors.Integration of renewable energy technologies into anetwork or a national grid is an acknowledged challengebut use of hydrogen to operate variable-capacityfuel cells now appears to be an option for end-users.Combined with appropriately scaled electricity storagetechnologies, entry into the power generation andtransport sectors may be rapid in some communities.Increasingly, the use of electrolysers generatinghydrogen at times when the renewable resourceexceeds demand is recognised as a strategy for gridstabilisation. The produced hydrogen can be sold orpotentially injected into the national gas grid.An additional advantage of hydrogen in energyapplications is a capacity to replace or reduce liquidhydrocarbons in transport applications. Hydrogenpowered fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) are likelyto become a major driver of demand for low-carbonhydrogen in densely populated regions such as12 Opportunities for Queensland business in the Japanese hydrogen economyThe rapid transformation of the passenger andheavy vehicle markets, including those of vehiclemanufacturers, suggests that the hydrogen economywill expand beyond existing fossil-fuel requirements.Major jurisdictions such as Europe, North Americaand Northern Asia have endorsed hybrid and fuel-cellvehicles and implemented legislation that will ultimatelylead to zero-emission requirements on new vehicles.These changes as well as recognition that hydrogen maybe used for other energy-intensive activities suggest thatthe market will increase.Hydrogen also has the capacity to drive turbines forpower generation. This is likely to be a major driver forsome markets in Asia into which Queensland producersmay supply hydrogen.The drive for lower emissions from the transport sectoris due not only to awareness of excessive pollution inmany jurisdictions but also because there are broaderimplications for longer-term global reduction ofgreenhouse gases.An indication of the notional emissions benefits fromimplementing hydrogen as a replacement for dieselfuel is outlined in the ACIL Allen report.4 For example,if one petajoule (PJ) of hydrogen produced byelectrolysis methods coupled to renewable energy(eg solar) was used to replace an equivalent amount ofdiesel fuel (eg 1PJ), then emissions reductions wouldbe equivalent to 69,337 tonnes of CO2.Models of hydrogen demandThe analysis by ACIL Allen builds on earlier internationalstudies to present a sober estimate of likely hydrogendemand based on economic, technical andsocial factors.In an extensive analysis, the scenarios developed byACIL Allen out to 2040 estimate import demand fromfour key countries with which Australia has establishedtrading practices and a modest share of the rest of the

depends on contract and spot prices for the commodityand this will also be the case for hydrogen.world market. These scenarios are provided in the tablebelow and indicate that a medium demand at 2030would be 1,025 PJ or 8.5 million tonnes of hydrogen.The Morgan Stanley report suggests that the potentialsize of the green hydrogen economy will meet US 2.5trillion in sales by 2050.2For comparison, Australia exported 60 million tonnesof liquefied natural gas (LNG) in 2017–18, while in2016–17 estimated exports of LNG from Gladstonewere 16 million tonnes. In the latter case, the bulk ofLNG exports went to China, with Korea and Japan alsomajor importers. The value of these exports clearlyWhile this value for market size depends on differentassumptions from those identified in the ACIL Allenreport, key factors that provide confidence in theemergence of a market include:Figure 5: Existing hydrogen demand and sources for key industry sectors.INDUSTRY SECTORKEY E OFGLOBAL H2 DEMANDHYDROGEN SOURCES4%65%RefiningHydrocrackingHydrotreatingIron and steelAnnealingBlanketing gasForming gasGeneral industrySemiconductorPropellant fuelGlass productionHydrogeneration of fatsCooling of generators18%48%30%25%10%Figure 6: Estimates of hydrogen opportunitied for specific industries/sectors.Natural GasOilCoalElectrolysisStart ofcommercialisationMass marketacceptability1ForkliftsMedium/large carsCity busesVansTransportationCoachesTrucksSmall carsTrams, railwaysSynfuel for freight shipsand aeroplanesMinibusesPassenger shipsMedium-low industry heatIndustry energyHigh-grade industry heatBuilding heatingand powerBlended hydrogen heatingPure hydrogen heatingIn renewables-constrained countriesPower generationIn other countriesToday202020252030203520402045Source: Hydrogen Council (2017), Hydrogen scaling up, a sustainable pathway for the global energy transitionTIQ International Market Report 13

le GW needed to be built in the periodMn tons hydrogenFigure 7: Projected 'green hydrogen' demand and estimated required supply of renewable energy.020152020203020402050Hydrogen demandGW neededTable 1: Projected global demand for hydrogen 496.11,149.7Republic of 123.5398.5841.8943.12,093.34,922.7Rest of the 83.29,860.8Source: ACL Allen AnalysisTable 2: Projected global demand for hydrogen ('000 1319,573Republic of ,989Rest of the oreTotalSource: ACL Allen Analysis14 Opportunities for Queensland business in the Japanese hydrogen economy

ĉĉ there currently exists a global market in hydrogen –Models of hydrogen supply and market sizepredominantly based on methane – whichgenerates sales of approximately 150 billionThe cost of hydrogen production for export depends onscale, capacity, transport charges and the sourceof hydrogen.ĉĉ this existing market is likely to generate sales ofgreen hydrogen to industries that are concernedabout their carbon footprint and energy efficiencyThe report by ACIL Allen4 presents a range of scenariosfor hydrogen production costs benchmarked against theestimated levelised cost of hydrogen (LCOH) developedby CSIRO for a range of technologies.ĉĉ price parity between green hydrogen and hydrogenfrom methane is projected to be achieved by 2030ĉĉ transition of the electricity sector to a greener andThese scenarios also include estimates of renewableenergy costs as well as projected reduction inproduction costs and improved capacity factors forhydrogen produced by electrolysis. These costs andestimated capacity to supply the global market bya number of potential suppliers, including Australia,Japan, China and Korea, are considered in the reportby ACIL Allen.4less energy-intensive model for energy provision anddistribution is well underway in many jurisdictionsĉĉ evidence is emerging that countries with a highershare of renewables in their energy mix offer goodconditions for production of hydrogen.Morgan Stanley 2 also estimates the renewable powerrequired to generate the production targets proposed bythe Hydrogen Council (see Figure 7). In this ambitiousscenario, which projects hydrogen to account for 18%of global energy demand by 2050 (or a ten-fold increasein demand), 4,400GW of renewable energy would berequired. For comparison, Australia generated 32GWof power through the national electricity market (NEM) –excluding Western Australia and the Northern Territory– and had an installed capacity of 47GW in 2017. 7These supply parameters are incorporated into a modelthat estimates Australia’s share of the global hydrogenmarket at 9% in 2025, reducing to 3.6% by 2050 asother suppliers enter an expanding market.Based on this modelling in the ACIL Allen report,potential exports of hydrogen from Australia are likely torange from 265,000 tonnes to 344,000 tonnes in 2025,up to 1 million tonnes in 2030 and up to 3 million tonnesin 2040.4Queensland is a major contributor to the NEM, with 182non-household power-production sites and a combinedestimated capacity of 28GW.7Figure 8: Projected 'green hydrogen' demand for export and impact on the Australian economy.Value LIMPACTIMPACT2025 118m 355m 473m2030 417m 1.256m 1.672m2040 1.068m 3.219m 4,287m2025191 597 7882030677 2,110 2,78720401,734 5,408 7,142TIQ International Market Report 15

Japan: a hydrogen case studyJapan is a country with limited natural energy resourcesthat meets a significant proportion of its energy demandthrough imported sources.The energy industry in Japan, which encompasseselectric power, gas and other energy resources, isregulated by the Ministry of Economy, Trade andIndustry (METI).The fourth Strategic Energy Plan for Japan 9 adoptedin April 2014 stated, ‘Since technological innovation hasprogressed, now is the time to conduct comprehensivedeliberation on a “hydrogen-based society”, which useshydrogen as an energy.’Subsequently, in June 2014, the Council for a Strategyfor Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, comprising experts fromindustrial, academic and government sectors, compiledthe Strategic Roadmap for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells.Progress in the d

The Queensland Hydrogen Industry Strategy 2019-2024 (the Hydrogen Strategy), released on 30 May 2019, sets out the Queensland Government's vision for being at the forefront of renewable hydrogen production in Australia by 2030. Five focus areas will support the growth of Queensland's hydrogen industry: ĉ supporting innovation

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