SMALLBUSINESSCENTERThe Small Business Center is a provider of education,high-quality/low-cost training, and referrals developedto increase the success rate and number of viable smallbusinesses in Pender and New Hanover counties.The following FREE services are provided: Seminars: Targeted to prospective and existing smallbusiness owners Counseling: Confdential one-on-one business andtechnology counseling Resource Center: Access to the Resource Center isavailable by appointment and includes internetaccess, business planning, accounting software,marketing/website videos, and business booksRegister online at or call usat 910.362.7216MAY 2022WEBINAR: RECORD KEEPINGFOR YOUR ART BUSINESSYou have a website, online presence, andsocial media platforms. Are they workingtogether to promote your business or arethey working against each other? Howare they connected? Learn how onlinepromotions, websites, social media,and online campaigns work together toincrease brand awareness.Online 2 hours Free5/2/22M10a-12pWEBINAR: HOW TO LIVESTREAM FOR BUSINESSLive-streaming is a popular way to giveinformation, market your brand, andsell products. In this lively webinar wewill cover platforms such as Instagram,Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn.Expect to gain insight on additionallive-streaming services, apps, toolsand tips to help you rule the internetand stand out from your competition.Live-streaming creates customerloyalty and showcases your brand toyour customers. Many companies areembracing the idea of selling online andeven creating consistent shows to keepcustomers engaged.44This lively webinar will discuss: Various social media platform youcan use to live-stream Ideas for selling products andservices with tips for live-streaming Apps to manage your live-streamOnline 1 hour Free5/3/22Tu6-7pCREATING A NON-PROFIT,PART 3: THE NUTS AND BOLTSOF GRANT WRITINGIn this seminar we will focus on oneof the most asked about topics in thenonproft sector, “grant writing”: Where do we fnd grants for myorganization? What are the elements of a grantproposal? What are the keys to writing asuccessful grant? Why should we spend our timewhen other nonprofts are alsowriting grants?These are just a few of the questions youwill learn how to address in this session.Online 1.25 hours Free5/4/22Summer 2022 910.362.7000W6-7:15pLEGAL CONSIDERATIONS FORFRANCHISING YOUR BUSINESSOR BUYING A FRANCHISEThis class will provide you with a legaloverview of (1) considerations whenpurchasing a franchise (2) responsibilityof the franchisor (3) the key terms youwill want to pay attention to whendeciding whether to enter into a particularfranchise business agreement.Online 1 hour Free5/5/22Th2-3pRECORD KEEPING FOR YOURART BUSINESSLearn how to track revenues andexpenses, make informed projections,and gain a clearer understanding ofyour artistic business fnances. As an“Artrepreneur” you wear many hats: Thecreator, advisor, promoter, transporter,and so much more – record keepingcan be daunting; however, with a fewbasic accounting practices, you can havefull creative control while tracking yourfnances.Online 2 hours Free5/9/22M2-4pWe want to hear from you! Visit
SMALL BUSINESS CENTERWEBINAR: BUSINESS TAXESSENTIALSIn this seminar, we will cover basicrequirements to help North Carolinabusiness owners understand the lawsand obligations necessary to be atax compliant business. Participantslearn about fling and administrativerequirements, the basics of NC sales &use tax law, the basics of NC withholdingtax law, step-by-step directions forcompleting sales tax and withholdingreturns, and directions for fling andpaying online.Online 2 hours Free5/9/22M4-6pWEBINARS: HOW TO USEINSTAGRAM STORIESAND IGTVInstagram is a great way to market yourbusiness. But, have you used InstagramStories and Instagram TV before? Thesetwo features inside the platform can help toincrease engagement and gain followers.This lively webinar will show you: Various features of InstagramStories Understanding Tagging andGeolocation How to go live in Instagram How to create highlights Creating a series andpreviews for your fansOnline 1 hour Free5/10/22TuWEBINAR: WITHHOLDING 101This workshop will give participants abetter understanding of state withholdingtax requirements when hiring a newemployee. Participants will learn aboutthe basics of state withholding taxes, howto register for an account, and how tofll out a return in addition to discussingwhen withholding is required for certain1099 recipients.Online 1.5 hours Free5/11/22Th1-2:30pHOW TO MARKET FORNONPROFITSNonproft groups and organizations arebusinesses, but they operate diferentlyand therefore need their own marketingplan. This Workshop will help businessowners build a Custom Marketing Plan forsuccess that incorporates Social Media inyour top 5 marketing areas.Online 1 hour Free5/11/226-7pTh6-7pWEBINAR: HOW TOCOMPLETE FORM E-585This webinar will help qualifyingnonprofts better understand the properprocedure for requesting a sales anduse tax refund (reference G.S. 105164.14(b) for more information about thistax law). Participants will focus on theprocess for completing the Nonproft andGovernmental Entity Claim for Refund ofState and County Sales and Use Taxes.Online 1.5 hours Free5/12/22Th1-2:30pWEBINAR: ARTIST’S SOCIALMEDIA AND YOUR WEBSITEYou have a website/portfolio and youhave social media - are they connected?Do they work together or against eachother? The connections you makethrough social media can help boostyour website or portfolio! Learn about tomake the online portfolio and websiteconnection. Hint. hint. it is more than asoftware connection!Online 1.5 hours Free5/16/22Th2-4pWEBINAR: GETTING AWEBSITE STARTED FOR YOURSMALL BUSINESSYour most important sales tool isyour website. Buyers are vetting youbefore they talk to a salesperson. Infact, buyers go through 80% of theshopping process before contactingyou. Just like your sales staf, yourwebsite has to be spot on to createtrust and answer the questions they’reasking. Customers want to control theirbuying experience and the website iswhere they have that control. In thisseminar you will learn to plan out awebsite to bring you more business.We’ll discuss planning a site, fndinga target customer, appealing to thatcustomer, getting the client to buy,creating engagement, and tips andtricks that we use everyday that youmay not be aware of.Outline of the class: Why do you need a website? Where do you start when creating asite?Summer 2022 910.362.7000We want to hear from you! Visit
SMALL BUSINESS CENTER What is your highest return oninvestment? How do you appeal to your targetclient? What content needs to be created toappeal to your target? How do you appeal to Google? Ways to create engagement on yoursite.Online 1 hour Free5/18/22W2-3pWEBINAR: LEGALCONSIDERATIONS FORBUSINESS STARTUPSIn this seminar business owners will learnthe following: What is required to legally start abusiness LLC, S and C Corp, non-profts vssole proprietor Franchising from the franchisee andfranchisor perspective Operating Agreements and why theyare important Overview of trademarks andcopyright law.Online 1 hour Free5/24/22Tu2-3pWEBINAR: GETTING STARTEDWITH GOOGLE ANALYTICSLearn how to set up and integrate GoogleAnalytics with your website(s). Learn what KPIs you need to look forand how to understand them Learn how to set up Goals in GoogleAnalytics Understand where you receive themost ROI on your diferent onlinemarketing activitiesOnline 1 hour Free5/25/22W2-3pWEBINAR: LEGALCONSIDERATIONS FORFRANCHISING ANDCOPYWRITINGThis class will provide you with a legaloverview of (1) considerations whenpurchasing franchise (2) responsibility of46MEET CFCC’S SMALLBUSINESS DIRECTORJerry Coleman, Director of CFCC’s SmallBusiness Center, has decades of experience inbusiness and consulting, having owned his ownconsumer products manufacturing company inWilmington, NC. Jerry is committed to helpingother small business owners succeed. “Starting,managing and growing a small business can be adaunting task. At CFCC’s Small Business Center,we help entrepreneurs plan and navigate thestartup process; getting of to a good, solid start isessential. We really do become a partner and arealways available to act as coach and cheerleaderfor our clients. We will work with them as long as necessary to keep them goingand help them achieve their goals and be successful in the long run.”Jerry earned a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Business Administration from EastCarolina University, and Master of Business Administration at UNCW. He earnedhis certifcate in Project Management from UNCW and has secured multiplepatents. In 2016, Jerry was awarded the US Small Business Administration’sCollaboration and Partnership award for his eforts to support the SBA and itsresource partners in developing opportunities for small businesses in the State ofNorth Carolina.the franchisor (3) the key terms you willwant to pay attention to when decidingwhether to enter into a particularfranchise business agreement.Online 1 hour Free5/31/22Tu2-3pJUNE 2022WEBINAR: MAKE YOURWEBSITE SEARCH ENGINEFRIENDLY WITH GOOGLESEARCHWEBINAR: ONLINE SELLERThis webinar will assist online sellersthat are “engaged in business” in NorthCarolina. Areas of discussion withinthe webinar will include: sellers with aphysical presence in N.C., remote salesto N.C., marketplace facilitators andmarketplace sellers as well as applyingfor a N.C. Sales and Use Tax Account ID,if necessary.Online 1.5 hours Free6/2/22Th11a-12:30p Learn how to set up Google SearchConsole for your website Generate and submit a sitemap toGoogle so they know how to indexyour website on search results. Find what search terms people aresearching for to fnd your business. Clean up errors and issues with yourwebsite based on feedback fromGSC Link Google Search Console toGoogle Analytics for better reporting.Online 2 hours Free6/1/22Summer 2022 910.362.7000W2-3pWe want to hear from you! Visit
SMALL BUSINESS CENTERWEBINAR: SALES AND USETAX WORKSHOPThis workshop will help business ownersbetter understand their sales and use taxobligations including covering sales anduse tax basics, registering for an account,and learning about the most commontypes of sales and use taxes collected. Inaddition, participants will receive handson help preparing sales and use taxreturns.Sales and use tax law changes regardingcapital improvements and repair,maintenance, and installation services willnot be addressed in any depth during thisworkshop.Online 2 hours Free6/7/22Th6-8pWEBINAR: IMPROVE YOURWEBSITE SPEED ANDINTEGRATE TRACKINGSCRIPTS WITH GOOGLE TAGMANAGERUnderstand how important Google TagManager is and what role it plays withyour website and tracking scripts. Learn how to set up and integrateGoogle Tag Manager Learn about Tags, Triggers andVariables Learn how to test yourimplementation for Google TagManager Learn how to set up Google AnalyticsGoals easily in Google Tag ManagerOnline 1 hour Free6/8/22W2-3pWEBINAR EN ESPAÑOL!TALLER DE IMPUESTOSSOBRE VENTAS Y USOAdemás, ofrecemos anualmente más de80 seminarios gratuitos sobre muchostemas comerciales variados dirigidos aempresarios potenciales o existentes.Nuestro sitio web, permite ver y registrarse para todosnuestros próximos seminarios . Tambiénhay enlaces a muchos temas comercialesútiles y otros recursos para pequeñasempresas.6/9/22JuevesThis workshop will give participants abetter understanding of state withholdingtax requirements when hiring a newemployee. Participants will learn aboutthe basics of state withholding taxes, howto register for an account, and how tofll out a return in addition to discussingwhen withholding is required for certain1099 recipients.Online 1.5 hours FreeEl Small Business Center de CFCC ofreceasesoramiento gratuito y confdencial alas personas que están explorando laoportunidad de abrir su propio negocio.También proporcionamos asesoramientoy asesoramiento a las pequeñasempresas existentes que lo soliciten.En linea 2 horas GratisWEBINAR: WITHHOLDING 1014-6p6/14/22Tu2-4pWEBINAR: SPLIT TESTEVERYTHING WITH GOOGLEOPTIMIZE TO FIND THE BESTRESULTSBusiness owners will learn how to set upGoogle Optimize and link to your website.In addition you will learn how to createexperiments with Google Optimize to splittest changes to your website.Understanding the Google Optimizeeditor so you can point and click to makechanges to your website.Understand the results from experimentsso you know what changes to yourwebsite need to become permanentbefore guessing.Online 1 hour Free6/15/22W2-3pWEBINAR: ACCESS TOCAPITAL FOR YOUR SMALLBUSINESSLet’s face it, small business owners stillhave a difcult time raising capital. Forstart-ups it is almost impossible, especiallyfrom traditional lending sources. Thisevent will bring together traditionaland non-traditional lending sources forbusiness owners to meet and discusshow they can meet their capital needs.Join us (representatives The SBA, SCOREand the SBC) to explore capital accessoptions for small businesses. We willanswer these frequently asked questions:What can I use the money for? What if Ihave questionable credit? What are theloan application requirements? Learnabout the many capital funding optionsincluding (equity crowdfunding) that areavailable to small businesses in our area.Summer 2022 910.362.7000We want to hear from you! Visit
SMALL BUSINESS CENTERThe panelists will also discuss traditional,alternative, and entrepreneur forms ofcapital as well as options for women andminority owned businesses.Online 1.5 hours Free6/16/22Th1-3pprocedure for requesting a sales anduse tax refund (reference G.S. 105164.14(b) for more information about thistax law). Participants will focus on theprocess for completing the Nonproft andGovernmental Entity Claim for Refund ofState and County Sales and Use Taxes.WEBINAR: BUSINESS TAXESSENTIALSOnline 1 hour FreeIn this seminar, we will cover basicrequirements to help North Carolinabusiness owners understand the lawsand obligations necessary to be atax compliant business. Participantslearn about fling and administrativerequirements, the basics of NC sales &use tax law, the basics of NC withholdingtax law, step-by-step directions forcompleting sales tax and withholdingreturns, and directions for fling andpaying online.WEBINAR: ARTIST BUSINESSMODEL CANVASOnline 1.5 hours Free6/21/22Tu11a-1pWEBINAR: GROWING YOUREMAIL LIST WITH CONSTANTCONTACTIn this workshop you’ll leave with ideasand strategies to capture new contacts,grow your list and take action to helpmove your business forward. Having aninterested and qualifed list of contactsthat you can stay top of mind with isvital to every business. Continuing togrow that list is just as important. In thisworkshop we will show you 30 easy waysto grow your contact list today! We willcover: Why someone should join yourcontact list and what’s in it for them How to ask people to join your list“face-to-face” How to use social media to growyour list How to grow your list on yourwebsite or blog—and 26 more ways!Online 1 hour Free6/22/22W6/23/22Th3-4pI am sure you have heard of the BusinessModel Canvas. Do you know there isa BMC specifcally designed to helpArtists develop a value proposition andstructure a business model? The seminarwill introduce you to the BMC specifcallydesigned for artists. Whether you are anAuthor, Painter, Photographer, or sellingyour crafts at shows – the Artist BMC is avaluable tool to help you build a businessmodel and develop a value proposition.Online 2 hours Free6/24/22F10a-12pWEBINAR: WORKING WITHNCDORThis seminar will help business ownersbetter understand how to communicateand interact with the NCDOR. Participantswill learn about their rights as a taxpayer,how to locate available resources, andhow to handle audit and collectionsituations.Online 2 hours Free6/30/22Th6-8pJULY 2022WEBINAR: YOUR ARTWORK,YOUR BRAND: LEARN HOWTO BRAND YOURSELF AS ANARTISTAs an artist, do you struggle to build yourbrand? Building a brand is challenging formany businesses: learn how to developbrand guidelines, identify your brand tothe consumer, and the importance ofconsistent branding. Build a foundation topromote you, as an artist, to expand yourcustomer base and to build a presenceacross various platforms.Online 2 hours Free7/1/22F10a-12pWEBINAR: BUSINESSRESILIENCYThere are multiple threats includingsevere weather events that requirebusiness owners to be able to respondand recover quickly, linking long-termbusiness sustainability to businessresilience planning. In this seminar,business owners will learn what businessresilience is and how to incorporatebusiness resilience into their long-termplanning eforts to address the likelihoodof business disruptions from a varietyof threats. Here are the top ten threatsbusinesses face:1. Cyber Attacks2. Data Breach ( Loss or Theft ofConfdential Information)3. Unplanned IT and Telecom Outages3-4pWEBINAR: HOW TOCOMPLETE FORM E-585This webinar will help qualifyingnonprofts better understand the proper48Summer 2022 910.362.7000We want to hear from you! Visit
SMALL BUSINESS CENTER4. Acts of Terrorism5. Security Incident (Vandalism, Theft,Fraud, Protest, etc.)6. Interruption of Utility Supply7. Supply Chain Disruption ( up anddown stream)8. Adverse Weather9. Health & Safety Incident10. FireOnline 1.5 hours Free7/6/22W1-3pWEBINAR: BUILDING ANONLINE PORTFOLIO FORYOUR ART WORK, PART 1Building an online portfolio can beintimidating: Where do I begin? Whichonline platform should I use? What is aURL and which one should I purchase?Will an online portfolio help me sell myartwork? These are just a few questions,of many you may have. This webinar isdesigned to help you build a foundationfor your online portfolio while discussingkey components that will increase youronline success and return on investment.Topics discussed in Part 1: URLs, basicsof an online portfolio, and tips on howto present your work. Towards theend of the webinar, there will be a livedemonstration on how to begin buildingyour online portfolio on a Wix.complatform.Online 2 hours Free7/8/22F10a-12pWEBINAR: BUILDING ANONLINE PORTFOLIO FORYOUR ART WORK, PART 2Building an online portfolio can beintimidating: Where do I begin? Whichonline platform should I use? What is aURL and which one should I purchase?Will an online portfolio help me sell myartwork? These are just a few questions,of many, you may have. This webinar isdesigned to help you build a foundationfor your online portfolio while discussingkey components that will increase youronline success and return on investment.Topics discussed in Part 2: Search EngineOptimization (SEO), Google Analytics, andhow to incorporate social media with youronline portfolio. Towards the end of thewebinar, there will be a live demonstrationon how to begin building your onlineportfolio on a platform.Online 2 hours Free7/15/22F10a-12pSEMINARIO WEB:RETENCIÓN 101Este taller brindará a los participantesuna mejor comprensión de los requisitosestatales de retención de impuestosal contratar a un nuevo empleado. Losparticipantes aprenderán sobre losconceptos básicos de la retención deimpuestos estatales, cómo registrarsepara una cuenta y cómo completar unadeclaración, además de discutir cuándose requiere la retención para ciertosdestinatarios del 1099.En linea 2 horas Gratis7/20/22Miercoleswith ourFREE Seminars2-4pWEBINAR: EMAIL MARKETING:GROWING YOUR LIST WITHCONSTANT CONTACTThe inbox remains the most directmethod for marking online and statisticallyoutperforms every other medium by alandslide! This session is a fresh overviewof what email marketing is, and thebest practices on how to grow an emaildatabase to drive more business.Business owners will gain a betterunderstanding of: How and where to grow your email list What methods create the mostsubscribers for your list What types of emails to send to get thebest results What Content Marketing is and how tobest leverage it to grow your list Expanding your reach for every emailyou send Understanding how connected email& social media are how to workthem together Tips and Secrets to get your emailsopened, engaged, and successful. Live Q&AOnline 1 hour Free7/21/22Summer 2022 910.362.7000ThCFCC.EDU/SBCSBC CLIENTS SAY IT BEST.“Every seminar I’ve participatedin—seven or eight now, was taughtby very expert and competentprofessionals who inspired mewith new ideas and resources forgetting our non-proft started.”1-2pWe want to hear from you! Visit
SMALL BUSINESS CENTERWEBINAR: MARKETING ANDPROMOTIONS FOR YOURARTS BUSINESSWEBINAR: HOW TOCOMPLETE FORM E-585You have a website, online presence, andsocial media platforms. Are they workingtogether to promote your business or arethey working against each other? Howare they connected? Learn how onlinepromotions, websites, social media,and online campaigns work together toincrease brand awareness.This webinar will help qualifyingnonprofts better understand the properprocedure for requesting a sales anduse tax refund (reference G.S. 105164.14(b) for more information about thistax law). Participants will focus on theprocess for completing the Nonproft andGovernmental Entity Claim for Refund ofState and County Sales and Use Taxes.Online 2 hours FreeOnline 1.5 hours Free7/22/22F10a-12pWEBINAR: RECORD KEEPINGFOR YOUR ARTS BUSINESSLearn how to track revenues andexpenses, make informed projections,and gain a clearer understanding ofyour artistic business fnances. As an“Artrepreneur” you wear many hats: Thecreator, advisor, promoter, transporter,and so much more – record keepingcan be daunting; however, with a fewbasic accounting practices, you can havefull creative control while tracking yourfnances.Online 2 hours Free7/29/22F10a-12pAUGUST 2022WEBINAR EN ESPAÑOL!TALLER DE IMPUESTOSSOBRE VENTAS Y USOEl Small Business Center de CFCC ofreceasesoramiento gratuito y confdencial alas personas que están explorando laoportunidad de abrir su propio negocio.También proporcionamos asesoramientoy asesoramiento a las pequeñasempresas existentes que lo soliciten.Además, ofrecemos anualmente más de80 seminarios gratuitos sobre muchostemas comerciales variados dirigidos aempresarios potenciales o existentes.Nuestro sitio web, permite ver y registrarse para todosnuestros próximos seminarios. También hayenlaces a muchos temas comerciales útilesy otros recursos para pequeñas empresas.8/3/2250Martes6-7:30pWEBINAR: WITHHOLDING 101This workshop will give participants abetter understanding of state withholdingtax requirements when hiring a newemployee. Participants will learn aboutthe basics of state withholding taxes, howto register for an account, and how tofll out a return in addition to discussingwhen withholding is required for certain1099 recipients.Online 1.5 hours Free8/4/22Th2-4pWEBINAR: SOCIAL MEDIAAND YOUR ART WEBSITEYou have a website/portfolio and youhave social media - are they connected?Do they work together or against eachother? The connections you makethrough social media can help boostyour website or portfolio! Learn how tomake the online portfolio and websiteconnection. Hint. hint. it is more than asoftware connection!Online 2 hours Free8/5/22F10a-12pWEBINAR: BUSINESS TAXESSENTIALSIn this seminar, we will cover basicrequirements to help North Carolinabusiness owners understand the lawsand obligations necessary to be atax compliant business. ParticipantsEn linea 2 horas Gratis8/2/22F4-6pSummer 2022 910.362.7000learn about fling and administrativerequirements, the basics of NC sales &use tax law, the basics of NC withholdingtax law, step-by-step directions forcompleting sales tax and withholdingreturns, and directions for fling andpaying online.Online 1.5 hours Free8/9/22Tu4-6pWEBINAR: HOW TO GET YOURSTORY TOLD IN THE MEDIASocial media has helped to level theplaying feld of getting your story outin the public spotlight. However, that’sonly if it goes viral. Earned media, whichis coverage by local broadcast andprint media, continues to be a valuable,quicker, and in some instances, a moreefective way to get your news to thepublic. Scott Saxton, a 25-year veteranof news media, will share how to getyour story told in local media. By theend of this interactive workshop, youwill have a news release ready to bringyour business positive, earned, mediaattention and tips on how to conductyourself during an interview.Online 2 hours Free8/10/22W6-8pWEBINAR: SALES AND USETAX WORKSHOPThis workshop will help business ownersbetter understand their sales and use taxobligations including covering sales anduse tax basics, registering for an account,and learning about the most commontypes of sales and use taxes collected. Inaddition, participants will receive hands-onhelp preparing sales and use tax returns.Sales and use tax law changes regardingcapital improvements and repair,maintenance, and installation services willnot be addressed in any depth during thisworkshop.Online 2 hours Free8/11/22Th4-6pClasses may be added and are subject to change.Check here for up-to-date course oferings!We want to hear from you! Visit
Summer 2022 910.362.7000We want to hear from you! Visit
EVERYTHING WITH GOOGLE OPTIMIZE TO FIND THE BEST RESULTS . Business owners will learn how to set up Google Optimize and link to your website. In addition you will learn how to create experiments with Google Optimize to split test changes to your website. Understanding the Google Optimize editor so you can point and click to make
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- including ANCs and Indian Tribes), women-owned small business (WOB), HUBZone small business (HUB), service-disabled veteran-owned small business (SDVOB) and veteran-owned small business (VOB) concerns (hereafter referred to the six small business cate