The NATO Support Procurement Agency (NSPA) Registration Process

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Selling to NATOThe NATO Support ProcurementAgency (NSPA) Registration ProcessRevised: November 10th, 2015 for Milipol ParisMary Lynn Landgraf, Senior International Trade SpecialistMicheal Zimmer, Research Assistant and InternNSPA Contacts, Piotr Piotrkowski & Marc Entringer1

Brief Overview of NSPABecause the U.S. is a NATO nation, U.S. companies are eligible to bidfor contracts with the NATO Support Agency. However, companies need toregister at the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) registration site.This is a basic “How To” register your company with NSPA for NATOprocurement. We will guide you through the steps to registration.2

NATO Procurement Processes: Summary Businesses interested in procuring contracts with NATO headquarters or operationaldivisions are advised to use various resources to increase the probability of gettingtheir company details into vendors’ databases. NATO has a number of different agencies that have their own acquisition processes,and the procurement of goods is generally based on the identification of a particularbudgetary line instead of the needs of particular agencies. In this regard, the mostprominent agencies are NSPA, NC3A, NCSA, NACMA and NAPMA, along withprocurement from NATO headquarters. NSPA is the most appropriate selfregistration site for many commodities and services, including textile and textilerelated products. NATO procurement offers great potential trade opportunities for U.S. companies insectors ranging from security and defense to maintenance and repair services. This presentation will highlight some of the points of contact for companiesinterested in doing business in the defense, aerospace, military, safety and securityareas primarily, as well as a handful of other sectors of indirect interest.3

NATO Procurement Processes: Resources NSPA buys a fair number of services and general items from officesupplies to marketing services. In addition to reviewing NSPA’slist of Systems and Equipment, you should review the LogisticsServices drop down menu located stics/Logistics.htm For an idea of what good and services you might have anopportunity to sell to the agency in the future you can find listingsof contracts that NSPA has awarded in the past several years ntent/AllProcurementContents.aspx?r 3 US suppliers that want to compete for NSPA contracts can register ult.aspx4

The Importance of NSPA RegistrationNSPA’s main task is to assist NATO nations byorganizing common procurement and the supply of spareparts and arranging maintenance and repair servicesnecessary for the support of various weapon systems in their inventories. Thisassistance is available whenever two or more nations operate the same system andhave made a conscious decision to use NSPA’s support facilities.As NATO’s premier logistics Agency, NSPA provides cooperative logisticsservices to its customers – the NATO nations and other NATO bodies –underpinned by three basic principles: consolidation, centralization andcompetition. Consolidation. NSPA consolidates identical or similar logistics requirements expressed by two or moreof its customers. The consolidation of requirements means larger quantities can be ordered, resulting inlower prices.Centralization. By placing their requirements with NSPA, customers have the added advantage ofaddressing a single entity rather than having to deal with a multitude of suppliers.Competition. NSPA’s international competitive bidding allows a widest market to be scoured to obtainthe best quality at the lowest prices.5

Step 1:This site will give you an overview of NSPABegin RegistrationProcess:NSPA Homepage(

Step 2:To register to do business with NSPA, go to eportal.aspx,click on “Supplier Registration,” and follow the directions7

Step 3:Registration ContinuedImportant Stipulations: It is mandatory to be registered as a supplier to do business with NSPA. Asa registered supplier, you will be contacted for new RFPs (request forproposal) if your registered capabilities match the requirements of the RFP.In addition, you will have access to several e-Procurement applications.When you have completed the registration process, NSPA will take thenecessary steps to obtain, if required, from the appropriate authority inyour firm’s host country, a certification that your firm is not ineligible toparticipate in procurement actions initiated by the national militaryservices of that country. Only after this certification has been received, canyour firm be entered into their Source File.8

What Happens After Registration? The company will be listed in NSPA’s ElectronicData Processing (EDP) system in a file called“non registered” until NSPA personnel eitherACCEPTs or REJECTs the company. In both cases, the company will receive an email. If accepted, the email will contain the Login-ID (the password is theone given during the previous registration)-if password does notwork, send an email to: The registered company will then have access to NSPAE-procurement and will be a potential source for RFQ processing.9

How to Ensure yourProduct(s) areProperly CodifiedNSPA Registration Continued10

Components of Codification IncludeNATO Stock Number (NSN) NATO Codification System(NCS) Stock Numbers How to retrieve or determine if your producthas a stock number Multiple Resources to find stock numbers:1.DLA Reference Guide WebFLIS 2 0 May15.pdf)2.NATO MCRL(

NATO Stock Number (NSN)NSN is the official label applied to an item of supplythat is repeatedly procured, stocked, stored, issuedand used throughout the federal supply system. NSN’s are an essential part of the military’s logisticssupply chain used in managing, moving, storing anddisposing of material. NSN is officially recognized by the U.S. government(DOD and federal agencies) NATO and many other governments around the world.– NSN’s Value: Reduces downtime- enables identification and location for quick ordering Accounts for existing inventory and identifies shelf life of an item of supply Centralizes item information on all items managed within US militaryservices and federal agencies Maximizes use of available spares: items that are interchangeable orsubstitutable Cross-servicing involving many military services from many nations 12

Requesting and Assigning an NSNRequest: Manufacturers and suppliers DO NOT have the authorityto request a NSN. Request usually happens when a requirement/need for that manufacturer’s/supplier’sitem has been identified by amilitary service.Who assigns NSN: Defense Logistics Agency Logistics Information Services (DLA Logistics InformationService). They assign all NSN’s for military, federal, civil agencies and foreign nations for US madeitems - original equipment manufacturer (OEM) which reside in their logistical supplysystems. Each assigned NSN is carefully reviewed, and cataloged. This information is stored andmaintained in the Federal Logistics Information System (FLIS), managed by DLALogistics Information Services for use in US and Foreign Governments logistical systems.13

The NATO Codification System (NCS) NCS is comprised of US National Stock Numbersand NATO Stock Numbers NATO codification is based on U.S. Federal Catalog System Currently there are more than 18 million NSNs NATO-wide Used by 62 nations around the world, including 28 NATO countries(to find a list of the 28 NATO participating countries please inks/ncs-country-codes.htm)A diagram of a 13-digit stock number14

National/NATO Stock Number:13-Digit CodeBreakdown13- Digit NSN consists of:4 Digit FSC/FSG: The commodity classification system used by the USand NATO 2 Digit FSG: Federal Supply Group 2-Digit FSC: Federal Supply Class9 Digit NIIN: National Item Identification Number 2-Digit NCB: National Codification Bureau, Country of Origin 7-Digit item number: Item Serial Number15

Additional Codification Resources The guide to NATO Codification System guide/e guide.htmThis booklet contains an explanation of the NATO Codification System (NCS) asused by NATO nations, Agencies and Sponsored nations worldwide. It is intended asa guide for users of the system, including procurement and managementorganizations that are requested or required to include codification as part of theirfunctions or obligations, and it also provides a useful reference for others with aninterest in the system.It has particular significance for manufacturers and contractors producing andsupplying Item of Supply -IoS- in accordance with national or multi-national NATOcontracts where use of the NATO Codification System is specified. The Group of National Directors of ain/links/contacts.htmThis website contains an alphabetized list of all NATO countries, including contactinformation for each country’s National Director of Codification.16

NMCRL - NATO Master Catalogue of Referencesfor LogisticsThe advantage of having access toNMCRL online is thatsuppliers/manufacturers are ableto upload item images they offerunder their part number.This is aPAID subscription ONLY. Forfurther information visit: NATO MCRL Catalogue’s annualsubscription fee starts at 800 Euros.17

The Following DLA Logistics Information ServiceShould Only Be Used 1. For general questions and data about U.S. NSNs, users can findinformation at: For inquiries at DLA Logistics Information Services contact: 1-877-661-77663. For companies who have recurring questions regarding non-US NSNs,please obtain a subscription to NATO MCRL. The NATO MCRL can bepurchased online at: If you are unable to find the information you need via theaf0rementioned resources, please contact: ncbus@dla.mil18

Resources and Point of ContactsPoint of Contact:Mr. Marc EntringerNATO Support Agency (NSPA)Procurement Division/Source File SectionTelephone (011)(352) 3063-6319Fax (011)(352) 3063-4319Email: int/eProcurement/default.aspx19

How to Codify yourProducts-Part IIDefense Logistics AgencyLogistics Information Service20

Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) LogisticsInformation ServiceThe DLA Logistics Information Service is dedicated to provide worldwide logistics supportthroughout the Department of Defense. Their goal is to provide customers with quality productswhen they need them, in the environment and conditions they require and at the best value.More importantly DLA Logistics Information Service serves as the National CodificationBureau(NCB) for the United States. As the U.S. National Codification Bureau (NCB), providescataloging services on all matters related to international codification. In its role as NCB, DLALogistics Information Service provides National Stock Number (NSN) assignments and itemdescriptions for items of supply that are manufactured in the United States. DLA LogisticsInformation Service is also the custodian for a number of cataloging tools used throughoutthe NATO Codification System (NCS), including the supply classification system and ItemIdentification Guides (IIGS). Further, DLA Logistics Information Service processes requestsby U.S. Military Services and Civil Agencies for assignment of NATO National Stock Numbersby the other NATO countries, and conducts training for delegations from countries interestedin joining the NCS.21

DLA Organizations and Other ServiceActivitiesDLA Strategic MaterialsDLA Troop Support Provides United States armedservices members with food,clothing, textiles, medicines,medical equipment, andconstruction supplies andequipment. Also supports UnitedStates humanitarian and disasterrelief efforts.Website Stores 28 commodities with a currentmarket value of over 1.4 billion at 15locations in the U.S. The stockpile ofmaterials is intended to decreasedependence upon foreign sources ofsupply during national emergency.Website– ls.aspx–

WebFLIS (Federal Logistics Information System)WebFLIS Offers Two Versions of Inquiry:1. Public Query No user id/password2.Restricted/Sign-On Common Access Card (CAC)enabled or user id/passwordSearch by:required for Selected Output NIIN, Item Name ,CAGE code forViews- All FLIScompany information ordata(including current andCAGE/NSN pick list, Part Number,Future Effective Dated data),Partial Part Number, CageMedical Keyword InquiryCode/Part number, CAGEcode/Partial Number Combination,or Company Name/Partial PartNumber Combination23

Option 2: DLA, WebFLIS is a free search and allows users toobtain basic information about NSNPlease visit:

DLA Logistics Information ContactFor NATO catalog inquiries in the United States pleasecontact:Ms. Carmen BaumanInternational Logistics Data ManagerU.S. National Codification Bureau, ChiefDLA Logistics Information Services74 Washington Avenue N.Battle Creek, MI 49017269-961-7752DSN informationservice.dla.mil25

Call When You Need Us!Piotr PiotrkowskiChief, Codification SupportNATO Procurement Support AgencyTelephone: 352 3063 6896E-mail: piotr.piotrkowski@nspa.nato.int26

Call When You Need Us!Mary Lynn LandgrafSenior International Trade SpecialistOffice of Textiles & ApparelU.S. Department of CommerceWashington, DC 20230Telephone: (202) 482-7909Fax: (202) 482-2331Email: Mary-Lynn.Landgraf@trade.gov27

NCS is comprised of US National Stock Numbers and NATO Stock Numbers NATO codification is based on U.S. Federal Catalog System Currently there are more than 18 million NSNs NATO-wide Used by 62 nations around the world, including 28 NATO countries (to find a list of the 28 NATO participating countries please follow)

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