MNREGovernment of IndiaMinistry of New and Renewable Energy
Road Map for Solar Power by 2022MNRE1,00,000 MWTill year 202220,000 MWSolar Park20,000 MW20,000 MW40,000 MWUnemployedGraduateStates/Private/OthersSolar Rooftop
MNRE Solar systems installed on rooftops of residential,commercial, institutional & industrial buildings :premises.Electricity generated could be-fed into the grid at regulated feed-in tariffs or-used for self consumption with net-meteringapproach
MNRE Savings in transmission and distribution lossesLow gestation timeNo requirement of additional landImprovement of tail-end grid voltages andreduction in system congestion with higher selfconsumption of solar electricityLocal employment generationReduction of power bill by supplying surpluselectricity to local electricity supplierBattery elimination makes easy installation andreduced cost of system
MNREIn India market potential for rooftop SPV is 124 GW.GW352210124050100150Technical Potential200250Economic Potential300350Market Potential400
MethodologyIdentification/Categorization Identification ofMinistries,departments &facilities Categorization ofstructures for roofspace mappingRoof space GISmapping Sample size Roof spacemappingPotentialestimation Deriving averageusable roof area Determiningrooftop solarpotentialAssumptions:a) 40% of the identified roof space is usable for rooftop solar installation – shading, nonuniform north-facing tilt of roof, etc.; b) Roof has sufficient structural load-bearingcapacity to support solar system; c) Sufficient capacity is available at distributiontransformer level; d) Estimates based on roof-space image mapping from Google Earth.
MinistryMWPotentialMinistry of Agriculture12Ministry of Chemicals andFertilizers401Ministry of Civil Aviation620MinistryMinistry of Food ProcessingIndustries22Ministry of Health and FamilyWelfare45271Ministry of Coal53Ministry of Heavy Industriesand Public EnterprisesMinistry of Commerce andIndustry2Ministry of Housing andUrban Poverty AlleviationMinistry of Consumer Affairs,Food and Public Distribution2314Ministry of Culture2Ministry of Defence281MWPotential2Ministry of Human ResourceDevelopment497Ministry of Micro, Small andMedium Enterprises4
MinistryMW PotentialMinistry of Petroleum andNatural Gas1009Ministry of Railways1369Ministry of Road Transportand Highways0.4Ministry of Shipping51Ministry of Steel224Ministry of Textiles5TOTALMinistry of Tourism67196.4 MWMinistry of Youth Affairsand Sports6
Present Status in India360.81 MW of Solar Rooftop Projects sanctionedby MNRE and 54.187 MW commissionedSectorMNREInstalled by Installed by Total installedSECI (MW) States (MW)(MW)CommercialGovernmentHospitalInstitutional .2532.072.195.1318.346Religious 327.640.29854.187
MNRE 13 States have come out with Solar Policy supporting gridconnected rooftop systems : Andhra Pradesh Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Haryana,Karnataka, Kerala, Manipur, Punjab, Rajasthan, UttarPradesh, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand and West Bengal. SERCs of 19 States/UTs have notified regulations for netmetering/feed-in-tariff mechanism :- Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Haryana, Karnataka,Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand and West Bengal,Andaman & Nicobar, Chandigarh, Dadra & Nagar Haveli,Daman & Diu, Lakshadweep, Pondicherry, Goa, UP,Rajasthan and Odisha. Remaining States are requested being pursued to comeout with their policies/regulations.
Following remaining States should notifyregulations and policy for grid connectedrooftop systems:Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, HimachalPradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Gujarat,Jharkhand, Telangana, Assam, MadhyaPradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur,Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Punjab,Sikkim, Tripura
Department of Financial Services has advised all PublicSector Banks to provide loans for grid connectedrooftop solar systems as home loan/ homeimprovement loan. So far, nine PSBs namely Bank of India, SyndicateBank, State Bank of India, Dena Bank , Central Bank ofIndia, Punjab National Bank, Allahabad Bank, IndianBank and Indian Overseas Bank have given instructionsto their branches. However, it is yet to be made effective at field level asno branches of these banks are providing such loans. Department of Financial Services may issue appropriateinstructions to make it more effective.
Reserve Bank of India on April 2014 has includedrenewable energy projects under Priority SectorLending for which bank loans up to a limit ofRs. 15 crore to borrowers will be available forrenewable energy projects including gridconnected solar rooftop and ground mountedsystems. For individual households, the loan limit is Rs. 10lakh per borrower. This is yet to be mad effective at field level.
The following benefits are available in commercial& industrial categories: Custom Duty Concessions Excise Duty Exemptions Accelerated Depreciation Fiscal and other concessions from StateGovernments15% CFA is available for residential, institutionaland social sectors
(1). Available Capacity at DistributionTransformerFor Connecting Renewable EnergySystem for Net Metering by theDistribution Licensee shall not be lessthan 20% (Twenty percent) of the ratedcapacity of respective distributiontransformer.(3) Interconnectivity, Standards andSafetyshall be governed by the CentralElectricity Authority (Measures relatingto Safety and Electric Supply),Regulations, 2010, as amended fromtime to time. (2). Procedure for Application andRegistration (by DISCOMs)(i) Feasibility Analysisfee of Rs. 500/-, within 30 daysii) RegistrationConsumer To apply in 30 days withcharges 1000 to 15000iii) Connection AgreementTo be executed within 30 days from thedate of registration between DISCOM andConsumer,(4) Metering Arrangement and StandardsCost of the Net Meter, which is capableof recording both import and export ofelectricity to be borne by the consumer.Meters shall be Meter Readinginstrument (MRI) compliant or AMR(Automatic Meter Reading) or AMI(Advanced Metering Infrastructure)compliant for recording meter readings.
(5) Procedure of billing & accounting(a) Non Time of Day Tariff Consumers:surplus units injected by theconsumer shall be carried forward tothe next billing period as energycredit and shown as energy exportedby the consumer for adjustmentagainst the energy consumed insubsequent billing periods within thesettlement period.(6) Tariff at the end of financial yearfor surplus energyThe Consumer shall be paid for netenergy credits which remainunadjusted at the end of the financialyear at the rate of Average PowerPurchase Cost (APPC)(b) Time of Day Tariff Consumers The electricity consumption in any time block(e.g., peak hours, off-peak hours, etc.) shallbe first compensated with the electricitygeneration in the similar time blocks in thesame billing cycle. If the consumer is injecting energy in thepeak hours or in a time block whenDistribution Licensee is having more demandthan the available energy, DistributionLicensee with the approval of the Commissionmay propose incentives to such consumers (7) Theft and Tempering of Meter(s)As per Electricity Act 2003(8) Dispute Resolution : by DERC(9)Violation of guidelines : Penalty asdecided by DERC(10) Powers to amend : DERC
Andhra Pradesh Solar Power Policy, 2015Implementation of projects on gross and or net meter basisConsumer(s) are free to choose either net or gross meter optionApplicable tariff will be determined by APERC every yearAPERC tariff for FY 2013-14 is Rs 5.25 per unit for 25 yearsMetering facility will be extended for all Eligible Developers via onlinemode to DISCOMApprovals/clearances shall be disposed by the respective Discom within14 days from the date of applicationThe projects of capacity upto 1000 KWp at a single location will bepermittedThe DISCOMs will deduct energy from the consumed energy andbalances (either excess or lower) can be billed on net metering basis.No Distribution losses and charges will be collected from theGroup/Society/ individuals by the DISCOMs.Eligible Developers are allowed to avail the relevant subsidies andincentives from MNRE under JNNSM schemeModalities for implementing the rooftop policy including metering,billing, settlement, payment(s) and technical aspect will be issued byAPEPDCL
Existing Policies in Different States MNREHaryana Electricity Regulatory Commission (HERC) Regulations for the GridConnected Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic System dated on 24th Nov, 2014:Implementation of projects on net meter basisApplication processing fee Rs. 1000/- under net metering arrangementPermission shall normally be granted within 15 days from the date of submissionof the applicationMaximum installed capacity shall not exceed 1MWp for a single eligibleconsumerCumulative capacity of rooftop solar systems shall not exceed 15% of the peakcapacity of the distribution transformer.Interconnection of the Renewable Energy System as per CEA (Technical Standardsfor connectivity of the Distributed Generation Resources)Meters shall adhere to the standards as specified in CEA (Installation andOperation of meters) Regulations, 2010 as amended from time to time.Electricity generated from a rooftop solar system shall be cumulatively capped at90% of the electricity consumption by the consumer and settlement by the samefinancial yearNo carry forward to the next financial year.Licensee eligible for Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) under Net-meteringpolicySubsidy, if any, for Rooftop Solar Grid Interactive System based on Net Meteringshall be in accordance with the prevailing policy of the Central/State Governmentor any other government agencies.
Grid-connected SPV RooftopsystemsMNRE
MNREArizonaCaliforniaHawaii Non Residential - Credited to customer'snext bill at retail rate; excess reconciledannually at avoided-cost rate Residential - Credited to customer's nextbill at retail rate; excess reconciled annually inApril at average annual market price minusprice adjustment.Credited to customer's next bill at retail rate(Option of roll over credit indefinitely orsettlement @ 12-month average spot marketprice)Credited to customer's next bill at retail rate;granted to utility at end of 12- month billingcycle
ItalyMechanism does not result in direct payments and isbased on the balance of the energy fed in andconsumed - Credit is unlimited in terms of time.FranceCommercial settlement for a defined level of excessinjection - limit is worked out according to formulasthat take into account the installed peak capacityreached after a number of working hours for differenttypes of installations and locationsVirginia, Settlement Period: At the end of 12-month period,customer has the option of carrying forward eligibleUSAexcess NEG to the next net metering 12-month periodor Selling to utility. Credit to be carried forward to subsequent netmetering period can not exceed amount of energypurchased during the previous annual period.
Data received from Govt. BuildingsAverage Tariff844 nos.Rs. 9.37 per kWhThe maximum tariff paid by buildingRs 15.78 Per KWhThe minimum tariff paid by buildingRs 1.34 per KWhThe potential estimated for rooftop installation1450.51 MWNo. of Institutes paying above Rs. 7.0/- per Kwh394 nos. (46.7%)No. of Institutes paying above Rs. 8.0/- per Kwh226 nos. (26.8%)No. of Institutes paying above Rs. 9.0/- per Kwh134 nos. (15.9%)No. of Institutes paying above Rs. 10.0/- per kwh89 nos. (10.5%)No. of Institutes paying above Rs. 11.0/- per Kwh51 nos. (6.0%)
Tariff range paid by institutes No. of Institutes in that rangeNo. of Institutes in that -1111-1212-1313-14Range of per unit Electricity Tariff (in Rs.)14
Grid-connected SPV RooftopsystemsMNRERevenueModes ofFundingFinancingOptionsProjectOwnershipRooftop Solar PV SystemThird PartyOwnedSelf-Owned100% EquityDebt & Equity100% EquityDebt & EquitySelfBankGovt. financingSelfBankGovt. financingRevenueNetmeteringGrossmetering Revenue NetmeteringGrossmetering Solar PPASolarLeasingNet/Grossmetering Solar PPASolar LeasingNet/Grossmetering
Grid-connected SPV RooftopsystemsMNREBankSystemOwnerConsumption PaymentGeneration RevenueSubsidyInstallerUtility
MNREBankSystemOwnerSubsidyConsumption PaymentInstallerUtility
MNRESubsidyRoofOwnerUtilityThird PartyRepaymentLoanBank
MNRERoofOwnerConsumption PaymentThird PartyRepaymentLoanBankUtilitySubsidy
MNRELocation of PV POWER STATIONCOUNTRYCapacity (MWp)Constellation energy- Toys R UsFlanders, NJUSA7.52 MW (SingleRoof)5.38 MWBoeing 787 assembly building SouthCarolinaUSA2.6 MWSouthern California Edison, Fontana,CAUSA2.0 MWAntwerp BelgiumBelgium40 MW (In Campus)Bay Resort DLR Group -MandalayConvention Center, Las Vegas NVUSA6.4 MWRadha Soami Satsang Beas, AmritsarIndia
Simplification of process for invitingApplicationsFast Track approvals for feasibility,connectivity and installation of metersNot to treat rooftop as their competitor but tocome forward to become facilitators.DISCOMs to take lead in implementation ofrooftop schemeCan set annual targets for themselves andwork with MNRE and SECI
DISCOMs to form a dedicated Cell / team forcoordinating with various entities (both internal andexternal agencies).As the number of plants increase, there may berequirement of frequent coordination with differententities, consumers etc.DISCOMs to earmark at least 10% of IPDS and DeendayalUppadhayay Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) scheme fundsfor rooftopConsumers awareness about benefits of installations ofrooftop systems
Creating a consumer Helpline for resolvingcustomer’s queries related to grid connectivityA telephone helpline will be quite useful to theconsumers, as they can call and resolve there queriesreadilyPutting a list of permissible meters with costs andvendors on their websitePutting a list of distribution transformer capacitiesalong with permissible solar PV capacities on theirwebsiteUpdating the respective billing mechanisms
States to bring out policies which have notannounced so far. (Bihar, Delhi, Gujarat, Jammu & Kashmir,Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam,Sikkim, Nagaland, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Andaman & Nicobar,Chandigarh, Daman & Diu, Puducherry, Lakshadweep, Dadra & Nagar Haveli,Goa). Issue Governments orders to ask Urban Local Bodiesto make solar rooftop mandatory in building byelaws.Provide rebate on property tax.Ensure capacity building of concerned State Officialsincluding DISCOMs.To simplify procedure for installation of solar rooftopsystems preferably through single window clearancemechanism.
Ensure publicity, marketing, capacity buildingand awareness for solar rooftop systems.Conduct survey for assessment of rooftoppotential in the State, District wise.Interact with banks to ensure low costfinancing for solar rooftop systems.
This scheme is to motivate CPSUs to procure equipment fromdomestic manufacturers. Target Capacity: 1000 MW of solar PV power projects. Necessary Condition to avail VGF: Solar PV Power Projects by Central Public Sector Undertakings(CPSUs) and Government of India Organizations under variousCentral/ State Schemes/ self-use/ 3rd party sale/ merchant sale. Domestic Content Requirement: VGF of Rs. 1 Cr/MW with Cells, Modules and Inverters ofindigenous source;ORVGF of Rs. 0.5 Cr/MW if only Modules and Inverters are ofindigenous source.
PPA to be signed between the CPSU and theconcerned State Discom. Duration of the Scheme: 2015-16 to 2017-18. Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) to manageVGF. VGF will be released in two tranches as follows: 50% on successful commissioning of the plant; Balance 50% after one year of successfuloperation of the Plant.
Total requirement of funds of Rs. 1000 Cr. will be as perthe details given below:Year2015-162016-172017-182018-19TotalAmount (Rs.Cr.)1503003502001000
S.NoName of OrganisationCapacityAllotted (MW)1All Ministries/Department ofGOI83*2NTPC Ltd2503Indian Railways2004KVIC5NEEPCO6National Seeds Corpor.7BHEL Hyderabad& Trichi8SECI1010025480Total752*All Ministries/Departments have been allocated 1 MW Solar Power Project. Proposalsfrom Ministry of Agriculture, Mines and Silk Board Mysore have been received.
Sl.No Name of OrganisationCapacity1.Visakhapatnam PortTrust, Visakhapatnam15 MW2.Cochin Shipyard Ltd.,KochiHPCL, Bangalore1060 KW3.348 KW
Some Installations of Grid ConnectedRooftop Systems in India
MNREs incentive – 15%ModelModelModelModelModel1:2:3:4:5:Self financing of balance costInstallation through RESCO ModeInstallation through leasing modelInstallation through concessional loansSelf financing of complete cost withoutMNRE incentive
ModuleIndia MakeAggregate PlantCapacity404 kWpRooftop ect CostRs. 2.86 CrCFA through SECIRs. 86 Lakh
ModuleIndia MakePlant Capacity115 kWp/85 kWpRooftop OwnerDMRCProject SiteAnand Vihar/Pragati MaidanCityDelhi
ModuleIndia MakePlant Capacity130 kWpRooftop Owner ISBT Kashmere GateCityDelhiStateDelhiProject CostRs. 114.3 LakhsCFA throughSECIRs. 30.3 Lakhs
ModuleIndia MakePlant Capacity360 kWpRooftop Owner Super Auto ForgePvt., Ltd.,CityChennaiStateTamilnaduProject CostRs. 3.06 CrCFA throughSECIRs. 92 lacs
ModuleIndia MakePlant Capacity100 kWpRooftop Owner Rockwell IndustriesCityHyderabadStateAndhra PradeshProject CostRs. 0.74 CrCFA throughSECIRs. 22.2 lacs
ModuleIndia MakePlant Capacity300 kWpRooftop Owner IIT MadrasCityChennaiStateTamilnaduProject CostRs. 2.49 CrCFA throughSECIRs. 75 lacs
ModuleIndia MakePlant Capacity500 kWpRooftop Owner Medanta HospitalCityGurgaonStateHaryanaProject CostRs. 4.15 CrCFA throughSECIRs. 1.24 Cr
ModuleIndia MakePlant Capacity100 kWpRooftop OwnerNIASCityBengaluruStateKarnatakaProject CostRs. 83 lacsCFA through SECIRs. 25 lacs
MNRE 7.52MW plantinstalled by Larsen& Toubroconstruction inPunjab L&T installed morethan 30,000 PVpanels on therooftop Power from theplant being fed tothe local gridthrough a PPAsigned with thestate distributioncompany * Claims L&T
MNREThank You
Government of India Ministry of New and Renewable Energy MNRE . 1,00,000 MW Till year 2022 20,000 MW 20,000 MW 40,000 MW 20,000 MW Solar Park Unemployed Graduate States/Private/ . Ministry MW Potential Ministry of Agriculture 12 Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers Ministry of Health and Family 401
Council For Scientific And Industrial Research - CSIR, India Government of India, India Indian Council of Medical Research, India Indian Department of Atomic Energy, India Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology of India, India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of India, India Ministry of Science and Technology of India, India
Ministries/Departments of the Government of India, namely, Department of Space, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Ministry of Coal, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Ministry of Earth
ME – Ministry of Economics MES – Ministry of Education and Science MEPRD – Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development MF – Ministry of Finance MH – Ministry of Health MI – Ministry of the Interior MJ – Ministry of Justice MRDLG – Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government MT – Ministry of Transport
Ministry of Justice 35 Fiji Corrections Service 37 Ministry of Communications 40 Ministry of Civil Service 43 . Ministry of Health and Medical Services 60 Ministry of Housing and Community Development 64 Ministry of Women, Children and Poverty Alleviation 68 Ministry of Youth and Sports 73 Tertiary Scholarships and Loans Schemes 77 Ministry .
4 CONTENTS Introduction to the Outreach Ministry Guides Series 6 Introduction to the Men's Ministry Volunteer Handbook 8 Section 1 Men's Ministry Foundations Chapter 1 Why Men's Ministry 12 Chapter 2 Ways The Bible Speaks To Men's Ministry 17 Chapter 3 9 Foundations Of An Effective Men's Ministry 21 Section 2 The Anatomy Of An Effective Men's Ministry
Government of India Ministry of Mines ShastriBhawan, New Delhi-110001. No.17/1/2013-Met.IV Dated: 26th May 2014 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR PREPARATION OF A DPR Ministry of Mines, Government of India invites proposals from qualified and experienced consulting firms for the preparation of a Detailed Project Report (DPR) on setting up an .
Government of India Ministry of Home Affairs (Public Section) kirk North Block, New Delhi - 01. Dated 5th August, 2021 The Chief Secretaries/ Administrators of All State Governments / UT Administrations, Secretaries of all Ministries/Departments of Government of India. Subject: Strict compliance of the provisions of Flag Code of India, 2002 and
The API Standard 2000 5th Edition takes into account Tank Volume, Liquid Flow, and Temperature Change. It was written as a basis for the pressure control of hydrocarbons, and considered industrial tanks as well. It is this 5th Edition that is probably in widest use today. In 2009, this was updated to the API Standard 2000 6th Edition.