HDPE drainageJanuary 2011
SystemSystem overviewoverviewTheAkathermAkathermHDPEHDPE drainagedrainage an4040 yearsyears inhasbeenareasofofapplicationapplicationwherewhere thethe drainagedrainageareassystemhashasto tomeethighstandardssystemmeethighstandardsofof durabilityreliability. aremetmet bybycombiningcombining thethestandardsexcellentmaterialmaterial propertiesproperties ofof HDPEHDPEexcellentwith homogeneous welded joints.with homogeneous welded joints.The range covers an extensive packageThe range covers an extensive packageof pipes and fittings in the diametersof pipes and fittings in the diameters40-315mm.40-315 mm.Their high impact resistance andTheirimpact resistancewidewidehightemperaturerangeand maketemperaturerangemakeAkathermMarley Akatherm HDPE pipe systemHDPEpipe suitablesystem extremelyextremelyfor drainingsuitablewasteforwaterdrainingwaste constructionswater in utilitiesin utilitieslikeconstructionslike schoolshospitals,hotels,hospitals, hotels,as wellasschoolsas wellas residential chnicaltechnicaladvice,advice includingincludingForjointingtechniquestechniques andand installationinstallationjointingadvice, pleaseplease contactcontact ourour 1622272445.852695.support11
ableofofcontentscontentsMaterial propertiesSystem overviewSystem overview . 1PropertiesMaterial properties . 3Standards and qualityStandards and quality . 5Product rangeGeneral information . 6Pipes. 8Reducers. 9Bends . 12Elbows. 15Branches. 16Aerators Akavent. 24End caps. 25Electrofusion joints Akafusion . 26Expansion sockets. 27Plug-in joints. 28Screw couplers . 30Contraction sleeves. 31Flanged joints . 3233Wall-lavatory . 3437Control boxes Akafusion. 3838Butt-welding machines . 39Jointing methodsUnit Test methodValueDensityat 23 Cg/cm3ISO 11830.954ElasticitymodulusN/mm2ISO 527850N/mm2 DIN 54852-Z41000Bending creepmodulusTensile strengthat 23 CN/mm2ISO 52722Elongationat break%ISO R 527300Linear expansioncoefficientmm/mKDIN 537520.13 - 0.19IndentationhardnessN/mm2ISO 203936 - 46Ignitiontemperature C- 350ThermalconductivityW/m . KDIN 526120.37 - 0.43ISO 86861Shore hardnessCrystallitemelting range COperationaltemperature range C--40 - 100Melt Flow RateMFR 190/5g/10 minISO 11330.43125 - 13140Electrofusion. 4141Butt-welding. 4245Plug-in joint . 4645Expansion joint . 4646Flange joint. 4746Contraction sleeve . 47InstallationAnchor point bracket. 4847Anchor point bracket with expansion socket. 4847Guide bracket. 4847Bracket distance . 4948Terms and conditionsDurapipe UK terms and conditions of sale. 522233
ties PEBenefitsImpact-resistant and toughUnbreakable at temperatures StandardsqualityAkatherm specialist drainage systems are developed and producedaccording to the certified quality system ISO 9001:2000. All our productsare complying with EN 1519, ISO 8770 and other relevant standards. Thesystem has obtained numerous national approvals.Standards and approvalsCountryElasticSuitable for underground pipes through adjustment tolocal ground movementThermal resistantCertificate of tured in compliance withNEN 7018BS EN 1519-1: 2000NEN 7008BSI Kitemark Licence application in progressApplication possible between -40ºC and 100ºCAkatherm International and ISO 9001Akatherm International’s quality management system is according to ISO9001:2000 and is certified by LloydsRegister Quality Assurance.The quality system comprises the completework process at Akatherm. Not only thedevelopment and production is recordedbut also the marketing and delivery ofplastic pipe systems.ISO 9001BelgiumThe NetherlandsNBN1519NENEN7018Smooth internal wallLow blockage risk due to low deposit/residue effectsNEN 7008GermanyBelgiumWear resistantDIN ENNBNEN 15191519Lower costs due to relatively long lifeDIN 19537Weather-resistant / UV resistantApplication in open air unrestricted through colouringDenmarkGermanyNKBENProductDIN1519with carbon blackPoor heat conductivityNo condensation during short periods of coolingRulesNo. 8DIN 19537SwedenDenmarkEnvironmental management ISO 14001Akatherm has integrated the ISO14001:2004 environmental managementsystem into her quality management.The ISO 14001 environmental management system is a standard which controlsand improves Akatherm’s overall environmental performance.The system structurally focuses theattention to the environment during everyday operation. Two of the most importantstarting points are to make permanentenvironmental improvements and conformity with all rules and regulations.ISO 140001NKB ProductRules No. 8Non-toxicEnvironmentally 2Non-conductiveRules No. 8AustriaItalyHighly suitable for weldingÖNORM1519UNI ENEN1519Easy installation using butt-welding and electrofusiontechniquesAustraliaAustriaHomogeneous welded jointsEnd load resistant and leak proofPrefabricationReduces on-site installation timesMP52 SPEC.005ÖNORMEN 1519AustraliaMP52 SPEC. 005LightweightLight in weight44Cost-saving in transport and handling55
mpered pipeTesting the systemHandling and storageThe AkathermMarley AkathermHDPEpipe is tempered.pipe accordingis producedHDPE pipeis tempered.This pipe is Thisproducedtoaccordingto thestandardsEN 1519andhasISOundergone8770 but hasundergoneathe standardsEN 1519and ISO8770 buta heattreatmentheatafterresultextrusion.result isless cooledshrinkagewhencooledafter treatmentextrusion. Theis less Theshrinkagewhendownfromhighdownfrom temperature.high operationalThisgives lessstressinonjointsoperationalThis temperature.gives less stresson jointsresultinga longerresultinginpipea longerlife for the pipe system.life for thesystem.The system should be inspected for any possible leaks in accordance withBS EN 12056. Air should be pumped into the system through a branch ofa tee piece until a pressure equal to 38mm water gauge is achieved. Theinlet valve should then be closed and the system should maintain thepressure for a minimum of three minutes.FittingsShrinkage according to EN 1519 (3%)For all chemicalchemcial resistanceresistance enquiriesenquiries pleaseplease contactcontact ourour technicaltechnical supportsupportteam on 0162201543 852695.272445.Maximum shrinkage tempered Akatherm pipe (1%)AbbreviationsAbbreviationPipe length after productionLinear expansionThe MarleyAkathermHDPE materialhas a expansionlinear expansioncoefficientofAkathermHDPE materialhas a linearcoefficientof 0.130.13-0.19mm/mK.We calculatewithan expansion0.2 permmmeterper meter0.19 mm/mK.We calculatewith anexpansionof 0.2ofmmpipefor every C temperaturedifference.The Thetotaltotallengthvariationcancanbepipefor every C s follows:calculatedas follows:AAGArt. Nr.Dd1, d2 .DNek1,k2 .Ll1,l2 .qsSDRCross section area flowArticle groupArticle numberExternal dimension fitting partExternal dimension fitting/pipeNominal sizeWall thicknessMaximum length for shortening fittingsTotal length fittingLengths of part of fittingPacking quantityPipe class according to ISO-S (SDR-1)/2Ratio diameter/wallthickness geStorage of loose pipes1 metre maxPipeslateral restraintsThe highHDPE providesprotectionhigh impactimpact strengthstrengthofofAkathermMarley care shouldtakenat allbestagesof athandling,transprotectionagainstbut becareshouldtakenall stagesofportationstorage. and storage.handling, andtransportationPipe must be transported by a suitable vehicle and properly loaded andunloaded, e.g. wherever possible moved by hand or mechanical liftingequipment. ItItmustmustnotnotdraggedacrossthe ground.The storagebe bedraggedacrossthe ground.The storageshouldshouldflat,levelfreefromstonessharp stones.be flat, belevelandfreeandfromsharp Bundled packs of pipe should be stored on clear, level ground with thebattens supported from the outside by timber or concrete blocks. Forsafety, bundled packs should not be stacked more than three high.Smaller pipes may be nested inside larger pipes. Side bracing should beprovided to prevent stack collapse.Similar precautions should be taken with fittings and these should bekept packaged until required for use.Storage of bundlessupport battenslength change in mmtotal length of pipelinear expansion coefficienttemperature difference in C3 m maximumground level66Health and safety at work act and COSHH regulationsAttention is drawn to the requirement in the UK of this act and to the1988 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations.Durapipecannot &acceptresponsibilityfor accidentsarisingtheMarleyPlumbingDrainagecannot acceptresponsibilityfor fromaccidentsarisingmisusebecauseof its productsbecause oforbadinstallationormisuse fromof its theproductsof bad ion.no detrimentaldetrimental healthhealth impact.impact. ItIt isisrecommended,recommended,Handling of HDPE has nohowever, that HDPE is not ingested or dust inhaled.HDPE is notHDPEdustis generatednot itant.WhereWhereHDPEdustis generabyof machiningpipe pipeof fittings,powderparticlesof HDPEdusttedcuttingby cuttingof machiningof fittings,powderparticlesof HDPEmayeye irritationby abrasion.dust causemay causeeye irritationby abrasion.ElectrofusionAll AkathermMarley Akathermproductscan usingbe weldedusingthis jointingproducts canbe weldedthis jointingmethod.Fittingsmethod.Fittings canbe toshortenedby up to(indicatedthe k-dimension(indicatedcan be shortenedby upthe k-dimensionin the catalogue),incatalogue),still allowingbutt-weldingon machine.a standard buttstill theallowingbutt-weldingon a standardbutt-weldingwelding machine.Tools need to be protected against moisture.When welding HDPE, molten material is formed, which can cause burnsto skin. Appropriated PPE should be worn.Length changes can be accommodated by the expansion socket whichcan take up the expansion and contraction of a 5 meter length of pipefor temperatures between -20 C and 70 C.Butt welding and k-dimensionToolsPhysical contact10 x 0,2 x 80 160 mmThe MarleyAkathermbe weldedby electrofusionAkathermproductsproductscan be canweldedby electrofusionunless unlessstatedstateddifferentlyin the producttable.Thispreferredis the preferredofdifferentlyin the producttable. Thisis themethodmethodof on-siteon-sitejointing.jointing.support beamsPersonal Protective Equipment (PPE)1 m spacingExample:Pipe 10 meters with a maximum temperature of 60 C and a minimumtemperature of -20 C. This results in an expansion of:Δl 1 metreBundlesΔl L x λ x ΔtΔlLλΔtpipe lengthsThe fittings and electrofusion couplers need to be stored at a dry place.To prevent oxidation and contamination it is recommended to leave thefittings in their original packaging as long as possible.Behaviour in FireHDPE is a flammable material. It has, however, been installed throughoutEurope for over 35 years and presents no greater risk of fire propogationthan similar plastic based systems when installed in accordance with localDurapipeUnicollarfirecollarsare suitableforareusewithregulations. MarleyPlumbing& pAkathermto 200mm)and(uptheseshould beinstalledin accorforuse withMarleyHDPEto 200mm)andthese shouldbedance withthe instructionsinstalledin accordancewithprovided.the instructions provided.LengthsPipe lengths stored individually should be stacked in a pyramid not morethat one metre high, with the bottom layer fully restrained by wedges.Where possible,pipesshouldbe laidon timberbatpossible, thethebottombottomlayerlayerof ofpipesshouldbe laidon timbertensat one-metrecentres.On Onsite,site,pipesmaybe belaidlaidoutoutindividuallyinbattensat appropriate,protectivebarriersshouldbe placedwith withadein e gsignslamps).77
HDPE drainageHDPEdrainageHDPEdrainagePipe temperedProduct HDPErangePipe length 5mPipetemperedPipe length 5 mHDPEd1Art. 250200315250200315250315210 04 00Art.Productcode1005Nr.0056 00S 10 0405 00S 10 0607 00S 10 5606 00S 10 0911 00S 10 0712 00S 10 0916 00S 10 11S 10 12 0020 00S 10 16S 10 2520 003125 00S 10 2031 00S 10 25S 10 31 00A cm cross sectional area of flow.A cm2 cross sectional area of flow.seA geProduct rangeReducer /75125/90125/110160/110160/125Art. Nr.ProductcodeS 16 05 04S 16 56 04S 16 56 05S 16 06 04S 16 06 05S 16 06 56S 16 07 04S 16 07 05S 16 07 56S 16 07 06S 16 09 04S 16 09 05S 16 09 56S 16 09 06S 16 09 07S 16 11 04S 16 11 05S 16 11 56S 16 11 06S 16 11 07S 16 11 09S 16 12 05S 16 12 56S 16 12 06S 16 12 07S 16 12 09S 16 12 11S 16 16 11S 16 16 088899
ducer eccentric 0/200315/200315/250*type A**type BProductcodeArt. Nr.S 14 16 11S 14 16 12S 14 20 11S 14 20 12S 14 20 16S 14 25 20S 14 31 20S 14 31 555160160235190250k12020757575859575Reducer Art. Nr.S 15 05 04S 15 56 04S 15 56 05S 15 06 04S 15 06 05S 15 06 56S 15 07 04S 15 07 05S 15 07 56S 15 07 06S 15 09 04S 15 09 05S 15 09 56S 15 09 06S 15 09 07S 15 11 04S 15 11 05S 15 11 56S 15 11 06S 15 11 07S 15 11 09S 15 12 05S 15 12 56S 15 12 06S 15 12 07S 15 12 09S 15 12 11S 15 16 11S 15 16 12S 15 20 16S 15 25 16S 15 25 20S 15 31 20S 15 31 53030407080butt-weld only1111
nd 90 HDPEd1160200250315*Art. Nr.Productcode111691SS 11 20 91S 11 25 91S 11 31 91****Bend 15 5butt-weld only*Bend 90 with long sideHDPEd1405056637590110125*1212ProductcodeArt. Nr.S 11 04 92S 11 05 92S 11 56 92S 11 06 92S 11 07 92S 11 09 92S 11 11 92S 11 12 92********Art. Nr.ProductcodeS 18 11 15S 18 12 15S 18 16 15S 18 20 15S 18 25 15S 18 31 545100125135175fabricatedBend 30 250315*Art. Nr.ProductcodeS 18 11 30S 18 12 30S 18 16 30S 18 20 30S 18 25 30S 18 31 085100115125135fabricatedelectrofusable at one side1313
HDPEdrainageHDPEHDPEdrainagedrainageHDPE drainageBend 88,5 HDPEd1200250315Art. Nr.ProductcodeS 11 20 88S 11 25 88S 11 31 88ElbowElbow88.5 88.5 HDPEHDPEl1rk1d1 d129035036020026530010010010040 4050 5056 5663 6375 7590 90110 110125 125160 160ProductcodeArt.Art.Nr. Nr.l112S04128804 88128805 8812S05128856 8812S5612S06128806 8812S07128807 8812S09128809 8812S11128811 8812S12128812 8812S16128816 88l155 5560 6065 6570 7075 7580 8095 95100 100120 120ElbowElbow45 45 40 4050 5056 5663 6375 7590 90110 110125 125160 160200 200250 250315 315*14252020202020252525HDPEHDPEd1 d114k1 k1252020202020252525Art.Art.Nr. Nr.Productcode12S04124504 4512S05124505 4512S56124556 4512S06124506 4512S07124507 4512S09124509 4512S11124511 4512S12124512 4512S16124516 4512S20124520 4512S25124525 45 *124531 45 *12S31l1**l140 4045 4545 4550 5050 5055 5560 6065 6569 69173 173182 182195 195k1 available*availableend 2008,end 2008,versionversionin S12,5in S12,515 1515
HDPE drainageY-branch 45 d1/d2HDPEdrainageHDPEdrainageY-branch 45 Elbow 45 with long sideHDPEd17590110ProductcodeArt. Nr.S 12 07 46S 12 09 46S 12 11 46l1l2k1k2145150155505560120120120252525Elbows 45 with long side are applied for making the transition from stack to building drain acc. to EN 12056 (see drawing).1 stack2 building drainY-branch 45 110/110125/50ProductcodeArt. Nr.S 30 04 04S 30 05 04S 30 05 05S 30 56 04S 30 56 05S 30 56 56S 30 06 04S 30 06 05S 30 06 56S 30 06 06S 30 07 04S 30 07 05S 30 07 56S 30 07 06S 30 07 07S 30 09 04S 30 09 05S 30 09 56S 30 09 06S 30 09 07S 30 09 09S 30 11 04S 30 11 05S 30 11 56S 30 11 06S 30 11 07S 30 11 09S 30 11 11S 30 12 57065509595908575655575-- continued over --1616Y-branchY-branch45 45 Art. Nr.Ll1/l2125/5630 12 30 12 07300200125/5656coded1/dd12/d2 ProductArt.Art.Nr.Nr.L Ll200125/90301209300125/63061/ll21/l2125/11012 1211300300200200125/56125/56 S 30 3056 56125/7507125/12512 12300300200200125/63125/63 S 30 3006 06125/9009160/501605375250125/75 S 30 30125/7507 07 *125/11012 1211300300200200160/5616 1256375250125/90 S 30 30125/9009 09 *125/12512300300200200160/631606375250125/110S 30 30125/11012 1211 11 *300300200200160/5005160/751607375250125/125S 30 30125/12512 12300300200200160/5656 12 *160/9016 1609375375250250160/50 S 30 30160/5005 05 * *160/6306160/11016 1611375375250250160/56 S 30 30160/5656 56 * *160/7507160/12516 1612375375250250160/63 S 30 30160/6306 06 * *160/9009160/16016 16375375250250160/75 S 30 30160/7507 07160/11011200/752007540360160/90 S 30 30160/9009 09 **160/12516 1612375375250250200/9020 1609540375360250160/110S 30 30160/11011 11 **160/16016375250200/11011160/125S 30 30160/12516 1612 12 **375375250250200/752007540360200/1252012160/160S 30 30160/16016 16375375250250200/9009 16 **540360200/16016200/75 S 30 30200/7507 07 ** **200/11020 2011540540360360200/200700540430360200/90200/90 S 30 3009 09 ** **200/12520 2012540360250/7525 2007* **660540440200/11011 11 **200/110S 30 30200/1602016540360360250/9025 2009* **660440200/125200/125S 30 3012 12 **540540360360200/20020700430250/1102511* **660440200/160S 30 30200/16020 2016 16 **540540360360250/7507250/1252512* **660440200/200200/200S 30 3020 20700700430430250/9009 20 **250/16025 2516660660440440250/75250/75 S 30 3007 07 * *250/11011250/20025 2520660660440440250/90250/90 S 30 3009 09 * *250/12512250/25025 25900600250/110250/110S 30 3011 11 * 25S 30 3012 12 * *250/20025 2520660660440440315/9031 2509840560250/160250/160S 30 3016 16 * 200S 30 3025 2520660660440440315/7507 20 * *840560315/1253112840560250/250250/250S 30 3025 25900900600600315/9009 25 * *315/16016315/75315/75 S 30 3007 07 * *315/11031 3111840840560560315/20031 3120840840560560315/90315/90 S 30 3009 09 * *315/12512315/25025315/110315/110S 30 3011 11 * *315/16031 3116840840560560315/31531 31950610315/125315/125S 30 3012 12 * *315/20020840840560560315/160315/160 30 3016 16 * *315/25031 3125840840560560*315/315fabricated315/200315/20020 20 * *84084056056030 3031 31950610315/250315/25030 3031 3125 25 * *840840560560** fabricatedwillbe replaced at the end of 2008 by injection moulded version in S12,5*315/315fabricated315/31530 3031 31 31 * *950950610610l3100l3100100l3 inageHDPE drainage1105045k1 HDPEk2drainagek3HDPEdrainage60451055040951105045k1 k1k2 k2k3 k3353030604510525252511050 5045 4550110409520202060 6045 451053530301051201156550 5040 4095 952525251201156535 3530 3030 302020201201156525 2525 2525 251201156520 2020 2020 201101055512012011511565 6550120401154512011565 6510120201154012011565 651101055510152512011565 655012040115459516017511010555 551011020105408015016550 5040 4045 451015256514015010 1020 2040 40951601755513014010 1015 1525 2580150165358516011595 951601751756514015016016023080 801501501651655513014017020523565 65140150150358514011516019522555 5513013014014016023015018521535 3585 2012013013018018016016025023526030590 9050 0140140130130205205170170170170280280** fabricatedbereplaced at the end of 2008 by injection moulded version in S12,5* *willfabricatedfabricated** **fabricatedfabricatedwill bewillreplacedbe replacedat theat endthe endof 2008of 2008by injectionby injectionmouldedmouldedversionversionin S12,5in S12,517171717 17
HDPE drainageHDPEdrainageHDPEdrainageHDPE drainageBranch 88.5 Branch 88.5 5250/160250/200250/250315/110315/125Art. Nr.Productcode2004 04SS 20 05 04S 20 05 05S 20 56 05S 20 56 56S 20 06 04S 20 06 05S 20 06 56S 20 06 06S 20 07 04S 20 07 05S 20 07 56S 20 07 06S 20 07 07S 20 09 04S 20 09 05S 20 09 56S 20 09 06S 20 09 07S 20 09 09S 20 11 04S 20 11 05S 20 11 56S 20 11 06S 20 11 07S 20 11 09S 20 11 11S 20 12 05S 20 12 56S 20 12 06S 20 12 07S 20 12 09S 20 12 11S 20 12 12S 20 16 05S 20 16 56S 20 16 06S 20 16 07S 20 16 09S 20 16 11S 20 16 12S 20 16 16S 20 20 07S 20 20 09S 20 20 11S 20 20 12S 20 20 16S 20 20 20S 20 25 11S 20 25 12S 20 25 16S 20 25 20S 20 25 25S 20 31 11S 20 31 165Branch 88.5 Clean out branch 45 d1/d2Art. 315/250*315/315fabricated20 31 16ProductcodeArt.2031Nr.20S 20 31 1625S 20 31 3120S 20 31 25S 20 31 12014595120709570HDPEClean out branch 45 0/110160/110125/110160/110Art. Nr.33 07 00ProductcodeArt.3309Nr.00SSSSS07 0033 1109 0033 1211 0033 1633 12 0033 16 52545Clean out branches 45 can be applied in horizontal and vertical pipes.Clean out branches 45 can be applied in horizontal and vertical pipes.-- continued over --1818191919
ean out branch 90 110160/110200/110250/110315/110ProductcodeArt. Nr.23 04 0023 05 0023 56 0023 06 0023 07 0023 09 0023 11 0023 12 0023 16 0023 20 0023 25 0023 31 2520206090110170455565605570658013590110170Ball Branches - General dimensionsHDPEDouble ball branch 88.5 HDPEfabricated - 90 d1/d2Branch 88.5 swept entryHDPEd1/d2110/1102020Art. Nr.ProductcodeS 25 11 0/90110/110125/75125/110125/125Art. Nr.Productcode24 11 1424 11 1524 11 1624 11 1724 11 1924 11 0124 12 1724 12 0124 12 0202020302040402121
HDPE drainage 6 HDPE drainage 7 Product rangeProduct range Product range 6 HDPE Drainage Tempered pipe The Akatherm HDPE pipe is tempered. This pipe is produced according to the standards EN 1519 and ISO 8770 but has undergone a heat treatment after extrusion. The result is less shrinkage when cooled down from high operational temperature.
HDPE HDPE y Since 2002 HDPE r ge ter System HDPE or Cold ter y & tion HDPE or ble Duct HDPE or Sea ter e HDPE or Gas tion et ps Manholes. NIC Products HDPE LimeStone Ready Mix Dry Mortar . "NIC HDPE" drainage & sewage pipes are produced as per international standard EN 1519, DIN 19535 & DIN 19537. It can be used inside building for .
Why HDPE Application The superiority of HDPE is the thickness against traditional PVS pipes, especially for drainage applications. PT Abel Grup Indonesia presents you . PVC Drainage HDPE low pressure HDPE-DWP Corrugated with sock filter Size DN100-DN500 uPVC Orange/Brown 1.4 20-45 Rubber Joint 20-30 4m SNI No No DN100-DN1200 HDPE Black 0.95
Billericay Dental Supply Co. Ltd Birds (Derby) Ltd Blackpool Pleasure Beach (Holdings) Ltd Bloom and Wild Ltd BOC Ltd Boohoo.Com UK Ltd Booker Group Ltd Borax Europe Ltd Borden International Holdings Ltd Bowman Ingredients Ltd BP International Ltd Brake Bros Ltd Brand Addition Ltd Brand-Rex Ltd Brenntag UK Ltd Bridport Ltd Brightstar 20:20 UK Ltd
Geberit HDPE is highly resistant to chemicals due to its structure. For details of the full chemical resistance list, please refer to Geberit HDPE Drainage Catalogue. IS GEBERIT HDPE RECYCLABLE? Geberit HDPE is very durable due to its chemical resistance. Its resistance to ageing is much more than 100 years. Although Geberit HDPE is not
HDPE flanges, and standard metal couplings with internal stiffeners are recommended. The most common method is to use an HDPE MJ (mechanical joint) adapter to connect the HDPE pipe end in a DI MJ bell using the bolt and gland. DIPS sized HDPE pipe may be inserted directly into an MJ bell with a restraint ring and insert stiffener for the HDPE pipe.
HDPE Fusion Weld Waste & Drainage The Brymec HDPE commercial waste and drainage system is a lightweight and highly efficient pipework system for soil & waste and rainwater drainage. Brymec HDPE is manufactured from high density polyethylene, which has numerous advantages over other materials. The range is available in sizes from 32mm up to 315mm
6 Geberit Drainage Price List 2021 Geberit Drainage Price List 2021 7 Geberit HDPE segment bend Geberit HDPE 15 segment bends Article no. dØ mm PU1 pcs. PU2 pcs. PU3 pcs. PU4 pcs. Price 370.015.16.1 200 1 72.24 371.015.16.1 250 1 36 99.27 372.015.16.1 315 1 20 117.36 GEBERIT HDPE Bends / Branch Fittings Geberit HDPE 30 segment bends .
At the Animal Nutrition Group (ANU), a student can conduct research for a thesis with a workload of 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33 (Minor thesis), 36 or 39 ECTS (Major thesis). The aim of this thesis research is to train the students’ academic skills by means of an in-depth, scientific study on a subject of interest. With completion of the thesis, you have demonstrated that you can conduct a .