Degrees In THEOLOGY - North-West University

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Degrees inTHEOLOGYIt all starts here

Information in this publication is subject to change and has been compiled as ageneral introduction and orientation only. The North-West University does not acceptINDEXany responsibility for errors and omissions regarding this information. The officialyear-book of the Faculty of Theology of the North-West University should always beconsulted when a programme is selected for a specific field of study. The relevantyearbook may be obtained from the Admissions Office of the NWU upon request, ordownloaded from the NWU website ( @ NWU: FACULTY OF THEOLOGY 3METHODS OF DELIVERY AND STUDY CENTRES 5Open Distance Learning 5Open Learning Centres 5Language Medium 5Open Learning Centre’s: 6PROGRAMMES 7BTh PROGRAMMES 7Admission Criteria 7Duration7Cost 7BTh in Biblical Studies 8BTh in Church Planting 8BTh in Chrurch Ministry 8BTh in Theological Foundations 11BTh12HONS BA IN THEOLOGY 13Admission Criteria ation 14CALL CENTRE AND CUSTOMER CARE 14

THEOLOGY @ NWU:FACULTY OF THEOLOGYBTH PROGRAMMESThe NWU Potchefstroom Campus, Faculty of Theology’s Unit forOpen Distance Learning creates the opportunity for theologicaleducation for all. If you are a theological student or wish tobecome a missionary or youth worker or pastor in any of thereformed, evangelical or related traditions, or if you are alreadypractising as a religion professional and want to further yourtheological education, the Faculty of Theology’s Unit for OpenDistance Learning offers a variety of academic theologicalprogrammes without you having to relocate to a NWU Campus.Admission CriteriaThe requirement for all BTh qualifications isa Senior Certificate that complies with theminimum statutory matriculation requirementsfor admission to a bachelor’s degree and anAPS score of 24 or higher.DurationThe minimum study period for this qualificationis three years of study. The maximum period issix years. In extraordinary cases, students canapply for an extension of the study period.This is a unique and creative way, in which you yourself determinethe place, time and tempo of your learning; you can givenew momentum to your career through professional training.Electronic as well as telephonic support is available, with personalcontact facilitation at the open learning centres.Availability at Study CentresThe BTh Programmes are available at allCollaboration Institutions, Open DistanceLearning Centres.This is unique because It allows you to study full-time while you work. It gives you the opportunity for vocationally directedtraining that speeds up your career. You can determine your own tempo of learning on thebasis of your circumstances. It is affordable. You will receive study support.CostRegistration Fee:R 1 360First Payment on tuition:R 7 270Total cost per year:R 28 745Registration fee and the first payment on tuitionmust be made by 28 February.Note: The above figures represent an approxiamateamount and is based on 2014 fees. Should yourequire a quote, email phone 018 299 2667/8/93


The Faculty of Theology’s Unit for Open Distance Learning offers these Theology qualifications through three methods:Open Distance LearningStudents who due to circumstances cannot enrol at one of theNWU campuses for a contact programme, can enrol for Theologystudies through the Unit for Open Distance Learning.The qualification programme is completed on a correspondencebasis with direct contact between the lecturer and the studentthrough the NWU’s eFundi platform. Study material is availableelectronically and/or in hard copy for registered students.Examinations are written at NWU examination centres nationwide.Open Learning CentresStudents who are not enrolled as contact students at one of theNWU campuses, but who would like to attend contact classes, cansign up for studies at any of the NWU’s Open Distance LearningCentres. Contact classes and the evaluation of assignments arehandled by NWU-appointed staff at the Open Distance LearningCentres. Study material is available electronically and/or in hardcopy for registered students.5All examinations are conducted at the centre itself, with the staffat the Potchefstroom Campus setting all examination papers andassessing all answer sheets, thus ensuring that all students haveachieved the same outcomes after having received the samequality education.Language MediumTelematic studies as well as studies at Open Distance LearningCentres are available in both Afrikaans and English.

Open Learning CentresAt the time of printing, the following open learning centres havebeen functional, with quite a number in the process of becomingoperational:LocationKalk Bay, South AfricaCape Town, South AfricaJohannesburg, South AfricaKing Williamstown, SouthAfricaMuizenberg, South AfricaRandburg, South AfricaKwaMahlanga, South AfricaLondon, United KingdomNairobi, Kenya6Kampala, UgandaAkwa, NigeriaMozambique (SADC)InstitutionBible Institute of SAChurch Ministries Institute (CT)Church Ministries Institute (Gauteng)Dumisani Theological Institute and BibleSchoolGeorge Whitefield CollegeJohn Wycliffe Theological CollegeMukhanyo Bible CollegeGreenwich School of TheologyNairobi College of Intercultural Studiesand TheologyReformed Theological CollegeTrinity College of NigeriaHefsiba Christian Training CentreJohannesburg, South AfricaPolokwane, South AfricaKempton Park, South AfricaCenturion, South AfricaWitrivier, South AfricaIrene, South AfricaCullinan, South AfricaParow, South AfricaAuckland Park Theological SeminaryTaberna Dei AcademyKaleideo CongregationAFM of South AfricaAfrica School of MissionsFull Gospel Church of God CollegeBerea Bible SchoolCape Town Bible Collage IN BIBLICAL STUDIESBTH IN CHURCH PLANTINGBTH IN CHURCH MINISTRYBTH IN THEOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONSBTHHONS BA IN THEOLOGY

1.BTh in Biblical StudiesThis programme provides a basic introduction andFIRST SEMESTERYear level 1Year level 2Year level 3Greek Language CompetenceDogmatics: From the Doctrine ofScripture to the Doctrine of SinDogmatics: Modern Theologians andtheir Value for Practical MinistryBiblical Hebrew Linguistic SkillsFundamentals of HomileticsTheory of Intercultural Communicationof the GospelIntroduction to the New Testament:Revelation History and GeneralCanonicsThe Relationship between Mission andTheologyGeneral Canonics, Pauline EpistlesIntroduction to the Old Testament1: Origin and StructureIntroduction to Exegesis of the NewTestament and its Socio-historicalContextInterpretation of the Writings(Ketubim)Church History: The ReformationIntroduction to Interpretation of theOld Testament and the PentateuchPhilosophy: Reality and Knowledgeoverview of Christian Theology and Counselling,focusing on Biblical Studies (Old Testament andNew Testament). Successful completion of thisprogramme provides articulation possibilities toHons BA in Theology.Introduction to TheologyIntroduction to Academic LiteracySECOND SEMESTERYear level 1Year level 2Year level 3Academic LiteracyDogmatics: Christology to EschatologyDogmatics: Calvin’s InstitutesFundamentals of Church andDogma HistoryMission as an Africa InitiativeIntroduction to TheologicalHermeneuticsThe Synoptic GospelsActs, the General Epistles, Hebrewsand the Pauline EpistlesThe Reformation and Modern Churchand Dogma HistoryNarrative Texts: The Early ProphetsProphetic LiteratureKey Themes of Revelation History, theJohannine BooksBiblical CounsellingPhilosophy: History of PhilosophyOld Testament: Special Themes; theOld Testament and Practical MinistryTotal credits: 4128

2.This programme provides a basic introduction toand overview of Christian Theology and Ministrywith a particular focus on Missiology andPractical Theology. Successful completion of thisprogramme provides articulation possibilities toHONS BA in Theology.FIRST SEMESTERYear level 1Year level 2Year level 3Greek Language CompetenceDogmatics: From the Doctrine ofScripture to the Doctrine of SinEarly Christian and MediaevalChurchesBiblical Hebrew Linguistic SkillsFundamentals of HomileticsMissionary ApologeticsIntroduction to the New Testament:Revelation History and General CanonicsThe Relationship between Mission andTheologyPastoral Cases in CounsellingIntroduction to the Old Testament 1:Origin and StructureIntroduction to Exegesis of the NewTestament and its Socio-historicalContextReality and KnowledgeChurch History: The ReformationIntroduction to Interpretation of theOld Testament and the PentateuchIntroduction to TheologySetswana: Introductory Grammar andLanguage SkillsYear level 1Year level 2Year level 3Academic LiteracyDogmatics: Christology to EschatologyDogmatics: Calvin’s InstitutesFundamentals of Church and DogmaHistoryMission as an African InitiativeIntroduction to TheologicalHermeneuticsThe Synoptic GospelsSetswana: Grammar and LanguageskillsThe Reformation and ModernChurch and Dogma HistoryNarrative Texts: The Early ProphetsActs, the General Epistles, Hebrewsand the Pauline EpistlesProphetic LiteratureBiblical CounsellingPhilosophy: History of PhilosophyIntercultural Communication ofthe GospelSECOND SEMESTERFundamentals of EthicsTotal Credits: 4209

3.BTh in Church MinistryThe programme provides a basic introductionand overview of Christian Theology and Ministry,FIRST SEMESTERYear level 1Year level 2Year level 3Greek Language CompetenceDogmatics: From the Doctrine ofScripture to the Doctrine of SinEarly Christian and MediaevalChurchesBiblical Hebrew Linguistic SkillsFundamentals of HomileticsIntercultural Communication of theGospelIntroduction to the New Testament:Revelation History and General CanonicsThe Relationship between Mission andTheologyPastoral Cases in CounsellingIntroduction to the Old Testament 1:Origin and StructureIntroduction to Exegesis of the NewTestament and its Socio-historicalContextReality and KnowledgeChurch History: The ReformationIntroduction to Interpretation of theOld Testament and the PentateuchBiblical Fundamentals ofCatecheticsfocused on Practical Theology. Successfulcompletion of this programme providesarticulation possibilities to Hons BA in Theology.Introduction to TheologySECOND SEMESTERYear level 1Year level 2Year level 3Introduction to Academic LiteracyDogmatics: Christology to EschatologyDogmatics: Calvin’s InstitutesFundamentals of Church and DogmaProphetic LiteratureIntroduction to TheologicalHermeneuticsThe Synoptic GospelsActs, the General Epistles, Hebrews andthe Pauline EpistlesThe Reformation and ModernChurch and Dogma HistoryNarrative Texts: The Early ProphetsHistory and PhilosophyElements of LiturgicsHistoryBible CounsellingPastoral Treatment of Stress,Trauma and Inner HealingFundamentals of EthicsTotal credits: 40410

4.BTh in TheologicalFoundationsYear level 1Year level 2Year level 3Greek Language CompetenceDogmatics: From the Doctrine ofScripture to the Doctrine of SinDogmatics: Modern Theologiansand their Value for Practical MinistryThe programme provides an introduction andBiblical Hebrew Linguistic SkillsHuman RightsContemporary Ethical Themesoverview of Christian Theology and Ministry,Introduction to the New Testament:Revelation History and General CanonicsThe Relationship between Missionand TheologySouth African Church HistoryIntroduction to the Old Testament 1:Origin and StructureIntroduction to Exegesis of the NewTestament and its Socio-historicalContextIntroduction to Interpretation of theOld Testament and the PentateuchChurch History: The ReformationEarly Christian and MediaevalChurchesReality and Knowledgefocusing on Systematic Theology, Ethics andChurch and Dogma History. Successful completionof this programme provides articulationFIRST SEMESTERpossibilities to HONS BA in Theology.Introduction to TheologySECOND SEMESTERYear level 1Year level 2Year level 3Introduction to Academic LiteracyDogmatics: Christology toEschatologyDogmatics: Calvin’s InstitutesFundamentals of Church and DogmaHistoryThe Reformation and ModernChurch and Dogma HistoryIntroduction to TheologicalHermeneuticsThe Synoptic GospelsActs, The General Epistles, Hebrewsand the Pauline EpistlesChurch History: The ReformationNarrative Texts: The Early ProphetsHistory and PhilosophyProphetic LiteratureBiblical CounsellingMission as an African InitiativeIntroduction to Theology HermeneuticsTotal Credits: 41211

BTh5.This programme is only available to studentswho complete their studies at an Open DistanceFIRST SEMESTERYear level 1Year level 2Year level 3Greek Language CompetenceSelect any 5 of these: Dogmatics: From the Doctrine ofScripture to the Doctrine of Sin Human Rights Greek Grammar II and Semantics Scriptural Fundamentals ofHomiletics Catechetics: Creative Bible Instruction The Relationship between Mission andTheology Introduction to Exegesis of the NewTestament and its Socio-historicalContext Introduction to Interpretation of theOld Testament and the Pentateuch Development of Pastoral Skills Biblical Hebrew Grammar IIISelect any 3 of these: Greek Translation and Analysisof Texts Dogmatics: Modern Theologiansand their Value for PracticalMinistry Contemporary Ethical Themes Missionary Apologetics General Canonics, Pauline Epistles Interpretation of the Writings(Ketubim) Pastoral Cases in Counselling Biblical Hebrew LanguageStructure and Textual StudyBiblical Hebrew Linguistic SkillsLearning Centre of the NWU. The programmeprovides a basic introduction and overview of theChristian Theology and articulation possibilities tothe Hons BA in Theology.Introduction to Academic LiteracyIntroduction to the New Testament:Revelation History and GeneralCanonicsIntroduction to the Old Testament 1:Origin and StructureChurch History: The ReformationSECOND SEMESTERYear level 1Year level 2Year level 3Introduction to Academic LiteracyHistory and PhilosophyDogmatics: Modern Theologians andtheir Value for Practical MinistryFundamentals of Church and DogmaHistorySelect any 3 of these: Dogmatics: Christology toEschatology Greek Composition Mission as an African Initiative Acts, the General Epistles, Hebrews andthe Pauline Epistles Prophetic Literature Biblical Hebrew Grammar IV andConceptual Language SystemIntroduction to TheologicalHermeneuticsThe Synoptic GospelsNarrative Texts: The Early ProphetsBiblical CounsellingIntroduction to TheologicalHermeneuticsTotal Credits: 41212Church History: The ReformationProphetic LiteratureMission as an African Initiative

HONS BA in THEOLOGYAdmission CriteriaAdmission requirement for this programme is a BTh degreewith an average of at least 60%. Students who havecompleted a B degree that includes sufficient theologicalsubjects can apply for B status in Theology, which gives thestudent access to the programme Hons BA in Theology.DurationThe minimum duration for fulltime study is one year, and themaximum duration is two years. The minimum duration forpart-time study is two years, and the maximum duration isthree years.Availability at Open Distance Learning CentresThe programme Hons BA in Theology is available at all OpenDistance Learning Centres.CostRegistration Fee:First Payment on tuition:Total cost per year:R 1 360R 7 270R 32 045First semesterSecond semesterCompulsory modulesCompulsory modulesInterpretation and Study of the Old Testament,with Special Attention to the Revelation History(Theology) of the Old TestamentIntroduction to New TestamentExegesisDogmatics: Fundamentals of Dogmatics,Doctrine of Scripture to the Doctrine of Sin,Christology and EschatologyMini-dissertationResearch MethodologyElectives (Select any 2 modules)Electives (Select one of thefollowing modules)Dogmatics: Christology to EschatologyDogmatics: Calvin’s InstitutesGeneral and Specific CounsellingLiturgical PracticeHuman RightsPerspectives on MissiologyGeneral Church and Dogma HistoryTotal Credits: Min: 136, Max: 144CurriculumThe Hons BA is an advanced degree in ChristianTheology, which builds on a first degree in Theology /Biblical Studies or an equivalent qualification. Successfulcompletion of the programme provides articulationpossibilities to an MA in Theology.Note: The above figures represent an approxiamateamount and is based on 2014 fees. Should you requirea quote, email or phone 018299 2667/8/913

APPLICATIONApplications close in November of the previousyear. Application forms are available at the variousinstitutions with which the NWU has a cooperationagreement, at all Open Distance Learning Centres, atany of the NWU campuses and also on the NWU’swebsite.REGISTRATIONStudents whose applications were successful, registerannually for the duration of the study through theUnit for Open Distance Learning. The process involvespayment of the prescribed registration fee, andcompleting the registration forms, with the necessarysignatures. The registration form must be submitted atthe registration section of the Unit for Open DistanceLearning, or at the registration office of a Open DistanceLearning Centre. A proof of registration will be issued tothe student by the Unit for Open Distance Learning.CALL CENTRE ANDCUSTOMER CAREOpen Distance Learning UnitTel: 018 285 5900Fax: 018 299 4885E-mail: click on Open Distance Learning link.



Johannesburg, South Africa Auckland Park Theological Seminary Polokwane, South Africa Taberna Dei Academy Kempton Park, South Africa Kaleideo Congregation Centurion, South Africa AFM of South Africa Witrivier, South Africa Africa School of Missions Irene, South Africa Full Gospel Church of God College Cullinan, South Africa Berea Bible School

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